Worship Wednesday | Holy Holy Holy

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[Music] okay all you patient ones [Music] because it's almost 10 o'clock you know that this is not pre-recorded this is live and in person [Music] and people just left my house and were having work done and i just arrived back from somewhere where was i tennessee [Music] so nice to see you hi everybody good morning marianne and joy fabi fabi anybody on with me this morning from costa rica i will be in san jose costa rica on let me think i fly there from texas on monday so tuesday night i'll be in san jose wednesday i'll be back here [Music] life is very interesting right now we are everywhere all at the same time glad you're here and we are now in let's see monday tuesday wednesday we are now in the second day of the days of all got a nice email from some of you that this is your fellowship this is your congregation this is your church which makes me even more [Music] it makes me even more concerned about what we bring to you let me see brett just brought up my email i got a nice email from my office where is it i'm looking i'm looking of course when i want it i can't find it why is that uh no no no no no no unreal un real so i wanted to just give a shout out to some of you and i may i may see your names come across the screen here but it's a bishop wednesday these are the days of all these are the days yes these are the days of elijah i heard somebody say that these are the days of self-examination [Music] we celebrated uh rosh hashanah or the day of the sounding of trumpets with our friends at jacob's tent in tennessee [Music] we had an awesome time there were more shofars there than i think i've seen assembled in one place and they did it with excellence i brought my friend don heist who travels with me and sounds the shofar as we go [Music] sometimes well especially during feasts and he spent a day with their shofar players and it showed it's amazing what a little bit of [Music] let's try [Music] this right [Music] swell around [Music] we cry [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] so lord we approach you today and we examine our hearts we declare holy is the lord there's none like you none like you in all the earth holy caddos santos i sell yours [Music] cloudsets [Music] we cry holy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] make [Music] in my own time foreign [Music] [Music] make me [Music] make me our house [Music] [Music] my lord we pray today for the peace of jerusalem lord for all those those living stones that you have said you are my treasured possession i've inscribed you on the palm of my hand lord is the jewish community during these days of awe considers their ways who is the lord when they wonder if their name has been inscribed in the book of life lord we pray today all of my friends on this on this broadcast lord we say lord open the eyes open the ears open the hearts lord that jerusalem will again declare in the name of the lord and lord today as we open up our hearts and examine our lives we know lord that because yeshua is lord of our lives that we have been made the righteousness of god in christ jesus in messiah yeshua and lord we're grateful today we're grateful today by reason of the blood of the covenant lord may you be for us a bright a bright light today to light our way for our feet [Music] us a house of prayers [Music] make me [Music] make me [Music] [Music] without any guilt or condemnation you said if we confess our sin you are faithful and just and you forgive us our sin purify us from all unrighteousness today thank you lord yeah i know some of you needed to hear that we need to hear this today that wherever we get whatever we do that you are our altar or the fire that burns thank you lord today for the blood of the covenant that sets us apart that makes us a covenant for you so lord we lay our lives down on the altar today for day and night night day make us a house of prayer a house of praise that the words of our medals and meditations of our heart would be holy and pleasing acceptable to you today [Music] [Music] [Music] yes lord come and take every throne [Music] make me [Music] make me [Music] foreign [Music] here we are lord for your pleasure [Music] [Music] boy [Music] i will never [Music] [Music] us today a house of prayer for all the nations and we cry out lord for jerusalem we cry out for the house of israel we cry out for the house of judah today lord as we as we approach it today lord we say may the fire of your altar burn in the hearts of our jewish people today as many go to the synagogue and consider their ways lord as you did thousands of years ago lord open up the eyes to see yeshua hamashiach who i don't lie that jesus the messiah he is lord hallelujah open up the ears lord i pray that you would put words of truth in the mouths of the rabbis as the synagogues and the temples fill up with people today who wonder what is in the book what is written in the book for their lives this year as they say to table happy new year and may your name be inscribed for a year of good we desire [Music] that lives would be inscribed in the land's book of life for eternal life not just for a year of good in the natural but for an eternity of good hallelujah thank you [Music] mm-hmm [Music] my [Music] blessed is [Music] now [Music] bishop [Music] who comes [Music] back [Music] who comes in [Music] and lord today we pray that again will be heard in the cities the streets of jerusalem not only the voice of the bridegroom and the bride but the voices of the people declaring to you [Music] blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord lord that jerusalem today would lift up her voice and say blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord that even though they did not know the hour of their visitation two thousand years ago thousands received jesus as the king is the messiah and lord again we wait for that day we pray for that day when jerusalem says [Music] is [Music] who comes [Music] who comes in [Music] we say come on [Music] yes lord you who inhabit the praises of your people [Music] i pray lord that your presence will invade each and every life all those who are here with me right now on [Music] this worship wednesday lord as they say to you blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord lord i pray that you would indeed inhabit these praises our praises lord that you would stir and change the atmosphere around all the lives the things that my friends are challenged with today and being some even chased and harried lord i pray [Music] that your peace you are lord of the sabbath and these are sabbath days these are special days of rest and worship and considering our ways and lord i pray that each and every heart will turn towards you each and every heart that has invested the time to join me here on worship wednesday pray that the lord will bless you and keep you the lord will make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and whatever you are being challenged with today that as you lay it down at the feet of our king he causes you to rise up on the wings of an eagle that he causes you to rise above the situation and like that new song that he gave us says the battle is his but the victory is yours today so i pray during these days of awe as we all consider our ways and we turn our hearts again each and every day to him yes even those who are called by his name he says if you confess your sin you don't have to stay there and wonder you don't have to be condemned moment by moment just open up your mouth and say lord forgive me i blew it i missed it confess it to him and he says he's faithful and just and he forgives us our sins and puts us right back in that place there's a place for you today at the table don't walk around wondering about where it is or if you've blown it too bad we all miss the mark [Music] too often even to be mentioned but there's his grace there's his grace to overcome his grace to overcome the sin that so easily entangles and so the apostle paul said so because that grace is there let's run our race to finish strong and so i say of you today you're an overcomer and you don't need to stay in that place of oh man yuck open up your mouth confess it he forgives and he sets your feet on that rock that rock of salvation [Music] so as we started today lord make us a house of prayer let's make it a point especially during these days of all that when he brings people to our mind that we pray for them when we see situations that are out of line instead of complaining about them lift up a sound of prayer intercession that he would make for us a house of prayer for all nations out of us we have authority he's given us keys to overcome to unlock heaven to lock down hell as my friend ushering traitor likes to say quite often matthew chapter 16 it's right there for you said i give you the keys of the kingdom so that whether whatever you bind on earth whatever you tie up whatever you imprison on the earth it will be locked down imprisoned in heaven whatever you loose loose sounds of praise loose sounds of freedom loose sounds of joy they're released in heaven and we have that power we have those keys we have that authority so speak over those things that are out of alignment sing over those things that are barren i think that was a word that the lord spoke to us in costa rica when i was there just a couple weeks ago and as i told you earlier i'll be there again tuesday night if you are there in san jose [Music] i hope the information is on my website and you can well now i'm not sure it may just be for pastors okay forget that last thing this we're doing a meeting for hundreds of pastors there in costa rica i believe for a breakthrough into a new era for costa rica and later on and this fall will be in dominican republic a republic of dominicana just for one night we'll be in brazil just for one night we'll be in puerto rico just for one night we're doing a lot of travel just one night uh yeah i know there's a song one more night i guess that's what we've been singing from our hearts so the lord is giving us one more night in all of these nations just one night all the way to brazil one night of worship there but it will be with the president so president bolsonaro is coming for a night of stand with israel and and i've been given the privilege of leading the worship for that pray for us will you as you are praying in these days of awe would you lift up a prayer for us here at wilbur ministries things are breaking out um the lord is providing amazing provision for messianic jewish children in the nation of zimbabwe just this last week tens of thousands of dollars have come in we need about half a million so we're a little ways from our goal but we're about 20 percent there already of drilling fresh water wells for messianic jewish children in the ancient african jewish tribe called the lemba in zimbabwe the the african jews of ethiopia have had lots of attention over the last several decades but our jewish lemba friends many of which tens of thousands are turning their hearts to yeshua as messiah but their children at their schools have no clean water and so we have set aside a fund and we are determined to provide clean water for the children of the messianic jewish limba in zimbabwe and we we have drilling rig we have trucks we are purchasing solar panels we're doing everything this the solar panels are the power to power the pump to pull the water out of the earth and sometimes we have to go hundreds of feet down to get the water it's very dry very arid [Music] but these wells are going to bring life life life to the body as their faith brings rivers of living water to the rest of their families and the tribe of the lemba jews in zimbabwe yes you can be a part of that some of you have already been sending in your offerings for africa we have plans to be there in november some of you are asking can i go um the answer is yes we're looking to bring a good size [Music] group with us the nation is locked down right now we are praying that it's going to be opened up by november and uh yes you have to have your vaccinations i know it's a big deal for some um i got mine because in order to go with this message of salvation to the nations i have to be vaccinated vaccinated vaccinized vaccinated not that i wanted to but i didn't want to get all the other vaccinations i need it either but if that's what it takes in order to carry the message then let it be so whatever i know the word of the lord for me in the very last chapter of the book of mark that i can drink any deadly poison and it won't harm me um the apostle paul on that remote island got bit by a very poisonous snake and the natives were waiting for him to die just in a couple of minutes he shook the snake off and he continued to just preach the gospel and that's how i look at all of these you got to get a shot for this and you got to get a shot for that and it's malaria and it's it's uh whatever the list is long and i just i just say stick me if that's what it takes for me to be able to go into the nations and give them the good news that there is a king who loves him and be able to demonstrate his goodness praise god so [Music] if you click on the description here on the page yes you can donate to these african jewish messianic jewish limba children we're going to bring them whatever they need for about 15 to 20 000 per school we can change their lives we will feed every child for a year with a healthy stable meal drill a well so they'll have fresh clean water um bibles the solar panels pay the workers that work the rig and build wells fifteen to twenty 000 per school we know of 17 schools we now have in our account the money to provide for let me think now uh more than four schools which means there's at least 13 more that we want to provide for and we are determined to do this by the way the muslim population around them are determined to win them over to islam by providing them these messianic jewish children with clean water and food and so we are preempting that that doctrine that false salvation with the true salvation of yeshua jesus the messiah so praise the lord [Music] well thank you friends for joining me today i pray that this was a blessing to you i want to say thank you to our partners i know some of you have not only been sewing with us monthly and uh joel who is in charge of our partners and gemma asked me to say hello to several of you in particular and i didn't write your names down and i will do it next week but some of you have been sending significant offerings to help us drill these wells for the messianic jewish limba an amazing that during these these days when the rest of the lemba tribe are wondering if their names are written in the book of life that we can provide for their children clean water from the king of all kings who says out of your bellies will fro flow rivers of living water and they'll be a testimony to their moms and dads aunts and uncles and the rest of the tribe that yeshua jesus is lord he is the jewish messiah hallelujah so the new book is available the new the not so new cd but i think this month we are also releasing i believe we are one new song a month from our newest cd that you haven't heard yet called shouts of joy um and we are releasing oh yeah this month um yes these are some of our favorite songs from the past but we've re-recorded them re-sang them reproduced them and now we're re-releasing them all that greed on this uh new era new release of the presence and power of heaven so praise the lord thank you so much [Music] is [Music] my shallow shall [Music] shine shine have a great feast [Music] may your name be inscribed in the lamb's book of life and may you know the one who is the lamb who takes away our sins [Music] next week yom kippur by the way if you are anywhere near burleson texas i will be preaching three times this sunday morning at open door church [Music] i'm going to be preaching on the blood of atonement i think i'll also be singing a little bit burlson texas open door church 9 11 and 1. then monday i'll be on um i will be on the joni show on uh daystar then i'm running to the airport to fly out to costa rica for one more night give me one more night one more night to say to costa rica jesus loves you one more night one more night in costa rica one more night oh well god bless you thanks for joining me today we'll see you for shabbat in your home on friday night at 6 00 pm love you very much have a great feast see you next week
Channel: Paul Wilbur Ministries
Views: 2,756
Rating: 4.9849057 out of 5
Id: hIvY3tM3-5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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