Day in the Life | Van Life with a Toddler

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- [Stephen] This video is brought to you by Squarespace. (placid music) Hi, we're Stephen and Jess and little Hunter. (laughs) The face, the face. And last summer, we worked hard converting our sprinter van into our new tiny home on wheels. So, after packing up our home, moving in full time for a lap around Australia. - We've left. - Woo hoo. - [Stephen] There were a couple of major highs and some lows. - I think we've run out of fuel. - No way. - [Stephen] As we adjust to full-time van life. (alarm ringing) (Hunter cooing) - Good morning, everybody, it's 6:00 a.m. (Hunter babbling) Hunter-- - She was annoyed at us already (laughs). - We have a pretty cool spot we want to go to, and we're just trying to convince ourselves that we need to get out of bed. (upbeat music) (vehicle droning) - [Jess] So I've Stephen to go get us coffee, and he's in his jammies that he says are embarrassing. For Christmas I bought him van jammies, and whenever he goes into the bathrooms, hides what he's wearing. - It's about context, we're in one of the biggest mine sites in WA. (dinging) There are just tradies everywhere. I don't think the tradies would appreciate my jammies. - [Jess] They would appreciate them, they might even come up and ask where you got them from. (Stephen laughs) - All right, all right, I'll go get two coffees. - Sorry, but the camera angles that you get with Stephen are definitely not the ones that you're going to get with me, but I thought I'd explain to you guys why we've woken up so early. So the last time he saw us was when we'd run out of fuel and we were just outside of Tom Price, and we spent the night in Tom Price. And the reason we've come all the way out here is that there's this spot that we've always wanted to go to, it's called Hamersley Gorge, it looks so beautiful. So beautiful in fact that I have a feeling that a lot of people go there, so I thought, hey, what about we beat the rush, wake up early, and hopefully have the place all to ourself. We have been to Karijini National Park before, but we've yet to go to this amazing gorge. (door slides open) Can't believe you went in there with-- (Jess laughs) - [Jess] No, it's my joke, I was going to say, can't believe you went in there with those jammies on. - I kid you not. - [Jess] How embarrassing. - I walked up to the coffee machine to a tradie in a high vest shit, took one look down, long look down. (laughing) - [Jess] (indistinct) - I was like, oh, here we go. (upbeat music) - Okay, so, after a few minute drive, maybe more turned into an hour and a half bumpy drive, but we've arrived, we're in Karijini National Park, still in our PJ's, which I definitely think is the perk of living in a van, you can just jump out of bed and start driving. But we're going to go get changed, and we're going to go on a little hike. All right, we got the girl her breakfast, ready to go for our hike. (gentle music) - [Stephen] That is a multitasking mom right there. (gentle music continues) (water rushing) (Jess gasps) - I see it with. (Stephen chuckles) - [Stephen] With the height. - With the height. ♪ Here's a whisper of the silence ♪ ♪ I can hear ♪ - We finally made it, we've wanted to come here for so long. So this is the Spa Pool at Hamersley Gorge, and look at this little secluded waterfall pool. (water rushing) - So, because we got up so early, forgot to have my morning shower. I think that's a pretty good spot. (water bubbling) (gentle piano music) it's so refreshing in here. Wow, so cool. Best way to start the morning. (water rushing) (whooping) - Okay, so I don't do well with cold water but I couldn't miss out on this. Are we ready? Oh, my goodness. (squealing) It's freezing. (squealing) Okay, it's way colder than what Stephen said, but... I'm in. (screaming softly) (giggling) (camera shutter clicks) I can't believe we have this place to ourselves at the start of the day. Wow, I think I'm either used to it or my body is just numb now. After a while, you kinda get used to the temperature, it kind of takes your breath away, but, I cannot believe we have this place to ourselves. This is amazing. (Stephen whooping) - Oh, my gosh, I like never, ever, ever do cold swims, but that was amazing. It has taken my breath away, Steve. Oh my goodness, what a way to start the day, Steve. - [Stephen] It's so good. - Hunter's (indistinct) we are crazy people. - This girls just coming along for the ride. (Hunter giggles) (Stephen laughs) - Next time I promise when a bit older, we'll take you for a dip, okay? It's a bit cold for you. (gentle music) - You wanna try? ♪ There's a great big world to see ♪ Mm. We just set up for a little breakfast after that hike and looking out over the gorge, it is such a beautiful spot. (upbeat music) - So, I think we've definitely learnt our lesson, to fuel up at every station that we come across. To give you guys an idea, from our campground to our next spot in Port Hedland, about 500 kilometers and this place is the only spot to fuel up - This one just woke up from a little nap. (Hunter cooing) (Jess giggling) Should we go and explore the town? The town that just consists of a petrol station? (Jess giggles) (Hunter coos) We've been pulled over 'cause some gigantic thing is coming down the road. (truck engine droning) Just come out the back, Hunter's just having what? (both giggle) Some light reading while you wait. It must be big if we actually got pulled over. (truck engine droning) That's it. (Hunter coos) Yeah? Looks pretty exciting to me. So we've been driving all day and our goal was to hit the coast, and we just hit it, we've arrived in Port Hedland, but we didn't know where we wanted to stop tonight so we haven't booked anything, and at the moment in WA, it is crazy, like everything is always sold out. So, Steve, we've just rocked up at a random caravan park. Hello you cheeky monkey. Yeah, say hi. - Hi fans. - Just woke up from her nap. - Just rocked up at caravan park. hoping that there's a spot, got here. Hmm, It's looking pretty busy but Stephen is going to go in and check. - [Stephen] It's risky. - Just go check. - There's two caravan parks here we can try, but we've gone to the one closer to the water first. Now, hello Mrs. Madam, how was your sleep? Was it really good? That's good. (door sliding shut) I'm guessing nothing cause you were so fast. What the? Where are we gonna stay? - Yeah, hmm... We shall work it out. - We're a little lucky right now, we called up the second place and they had one spot available for one night and we we're like, "Please, can we have that?" (Hunter babbling) I'm now cooking us some dinner. Hey, bobos. Cooking us up, oh, using my air fryer again, Steve, it's coming in handy. - [Stephen] It's coming in handy. You guys are gonna have to send us your favorite air fryer recipes, 'cause I know you all got one in 2020, we need to know all we can cook in here. - So at the end of the day, I'm always in charge of cooking dinner and then Steven has some time playing with little Hunter. - [Stephen] Where's the sun? Where's the sun? (Hunter babbling) There's the sun, good girl. - [Jess] I'm scared I've burnt these, Steve, I guessed the time and thing for the veggies. - And? - Oh no, no, no, they're more of like, you know, a char-grilled situation. (Stephen laughs) - [Jess] No, it looks good. - [Stephen] It looks good? - [Jess] I just roasted my first veggies. And a lot of you guys ask us what Hunter eats, so today we're having veggie sausages, with some roasted veggies, and then Hunter just has what we're having, just in the little Hunter style. One, two, three, whee. (guitar music) Good morning everyone, it is the next day, and seeing as Stephen did all the driving yesterday, I am taking the hotseat, I am doing all the driving today. But, we're on the coast, so we've decided today we are going to be having a beach day, it is so much warmer up here. We've just been chasing the sun and finally we have found it, it is so exciting. So we've decided to head up to a spot called 80 Mile Beach. It's a very popular beach here and have a little afternoon dip. - We just quickly wanted to say a massive thank you to our longtime friends and partners over at Squarespace for the continued support of our channel and our little journey around Australia. So if you are new around here, Squarespace is the amazing all-in-one platform where you can easily put together a website or blog. So if you're like us and take way too many photographs and it's just stuck in your phone and you want to share it out there with your friends and family, Squarespace make it so easy to put together your own little travel blog. Plus if you get a little bit stuck, they have 24/7 customer support, and of course, access to all their award winning website designs. So if you are interested, make sure you check out the link in the description below where you can get 10% off, plus a free trial. Now let's head back to the journey. (upbeat music) (indistinct) - So, beach mode has officially kicked in, we've just arrived at 80 Mile Beach and it is so beautiful. You can not tell where the beach ends and where it starts, it's just one big strip of white sand covered in shells, and the water is crystal blue and calm. I think we've come on such a beautiful day, and Hunter is definitely in her element. - [Stephen] Yeah, sand is a bit hard to walk on. (Hunter babbling) Yeah, you're doing it. Go baby, yo hoo. (Hunter babbles) Yeah. One day, you're going to be walking by yourself and I'm going to be chasing you. Oh, do we see some birds? Oh, a little bit cold, you can hang on, and here comes the waves. Ooh. Oh, plunk, up you go, plunk. Yes, I know, it's a bit cold. Look at those little feet. Shall we walk to the wave? Foot, yeah, foot, yeah. Good girl. Oh, its pretty cold. Yeah, there's another wave, here it comes. It's okay, we take the one step at a time, all right. (water splashing) Alrighty, mission to get ice cream is a success, Cornetto for me, Magnum for Jess, and, I went and did another secret mission. Went and spoke to the caravan park here, found out they had a last minute cancellation, which means, we can actually spend the night tonight right here. Jess is going to be so excited because we kinda didn't have any plans for today, and that means we can just extend our beach day and enjoy. Alrighty, now to quickly get these to Jess before they melt. Oh, ice creams. - Yes, they had 'em. - [Stephen] Magnum for you, Cornetto for me, and guess what? - What? - [Stephen] They had one last spot left at the camp site so we can spend the night here. - Really? - [Stephen] Yeah. - Oh, my gosh, yay, what do you think, Hunter? Oh, she's more excited about this. Do you still want ice cream? (Hunter babbling) - [Stephen] Can't have a beach day without ice cream. - [Jess] What do you think? (lighthearted music) (Stephen and Jess laugh) - [Stephen] It's a face mush. You can finishing it off. Yum. - [Jess] Don't forget to say beach day. (Stephen laughs) - [Stephen] You're gonna become a fan of beach days. She knows how to get that last bit. (Stephen and Jess laugh) Oh, Santa, I think we need to go give you a wash. Oh. (Hunter babbling) - Excuse, excuse, excuse, excuse me, this is all mine, this is. Mm. Nope. (Stephen laughs) The face, the face. (laughing) I want to eat it. (Hunter coos) I think (laughs) Don't, lick you lip. (Hunter babbling) (Jess laughs) You're a monster, like you mom. Hmm. (Stephen and Jess laugh) You're terrible. - I was just saying to Stephen, it feels so surreal finally using these chairs and umbrella. I'd always dreamed about taking Hunter to the beach, just on a whim, and here we are. We've stayed here basically all day, the sun is about to set, and little Hunter has just loved it. (Stephen laughing) Especially the ice creams. - [Stephen] Especially the ice cream. (guitar music) ♪ There's a great big world to see ♪ ♪ it's waiting here for you and me ♪ ♪ Let's go, adventure's round the bend ♪ ♪ Nothing like we've seen before ♪ ♪ Let's get outside and go explore ♪ ♪ Cause home is here with you my friend ♪ ♪ Keep travelin' on, and on, and on, and on, and on ♪ ♪ Keep travelin' on, and on, and on, and on, and on ♪ ♪ A world out there to see ♪ ♪ Waits for you and me ♪ ♪ Keep travelin' on, and on, and on, and on, and on ♪ - [Stephen] So, perks of where we parked for the night is that it's literally just over the dunes. - I love this place even more because they have a laundry, and did you hear? They're playing live music right now. - [Stephen] We should go check it out. - Yes, so cool. (country music playing) - But, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, We have a very fun van life vlog coming your way very soon. If you are new around here, hit subscribe, and we'll see you guys next time, bye.
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 167,622
Rating: 4.9736323 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, van life, morning routine, routine, vanlife, van, living in a van, life in a van, van life australia, get ready with me, grwm, my morning routine, full time travel, morning, van conversion, van dwelling, travel with kids, travel, van home, tiny home, van life diaries, camper van, tiny house on wheels, tiny house, van life baby, van life family, van life toddler, australia van life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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