First Impressions of Van Life (we broke down in the middle of nowhere)

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- Hi, we're Stephen and Jess, and little Hunter. And over the summer we worked hard, turning a cargo van into a tiny house on wheels. Meet "Cooper" the van. And just last week, we hit the road for a full lap around Australia. We cannot believe it. We've left! (Stephen cheering) With hopefully, not too many issues. - I think we've run out of fuel. - No, way. We've run out of fuel! - Just wait, one more time. Let's see if it does it. - It makes me feel like I'm gonna cry about it, I don't know why. (laughs) - [Stephen] Oh, what's up? - [Jessica] I think this van life thing is gonna take some time to adjust to. - This video is brought to you by the ultra-light LG Gram laptop. - Good morning everyone, and welcome to day two of van life. Today, we are hitting the road, and heading more north up to Coral Bay. (mellow guitar music) (Hunter gasping) So, we thought we'd show you guys a rough idea of where we want to go. 'Cause we started here in Perth, yes we're using our fancy Australian map, and still have yet to put it up. We're still discussing and debating where this should go. But anyway we started in Perth, and we're currently all the way up the coast here, near Carmarthen. And what our goal is, is over the next week or so, making our way up to the top. Because at the moment it is winter here in Australia, it is super cold, so we kinda wanna start hanging out all up here. So, it's time to hit Ningaloo Reef. And clearly van life has gone to an amazing start. Yes, this is a sink full of dishes, and... (water trickling) Yes, we don't have any more water. We realized when we filled it up, we clearly filled it up wrong, because there's only a tiny bit of water. And now we're left with all these dishes. - I think we need to go find some water. ♪ Is there anyone still here ♪ ♪ Who feels just a little like me ♪ ♪ And it's midnight in Houston ♪ ♪ But my watch says 10:43 ♪ ♪ And I'm trying my best ♪ ♪ To believe in the best left in me ♪ So I think we're still adjusting to realizing that we still have a house with us, because belly was grumbling. We all were wanting some lunch. - And then I remembered, Steve, I can just cook lunch on the side of the road. - [Stephen] What are we having? - I'm thinking sausage sizzle. What do you think, Hunter? Sausage sizzle? She's already got a mouth full of banana. - [Stephen] Thinking sausage? - Hunter, sausage sizzle? We got these sausages, what do you think? And bread! Sounds good! Okay. (laughs) Okay. Oh, you just want banana, don't ya? Yes please, mum. (Stephen laughing) (light instrumental music) (oil sizzling) Okay, I think we need to remember to park straight. Stay. - So probably our number one question we get asked with our particular build, is where are you guys gonna go to the toilet? And thankfully we did this in Australia, 'cause there are toilets everywhere! So along the road, there are plenty of toilet spots. And even when we get into major towns, gas stations, there's toilets just about everywhere. (chuckles) What has mum made you? Sausage and nani? Thanks, bubs! - [Jessica] Cheers, Hunter! - Cheers! - Cheers, fam. - Beep, thanks for cooking. We approve, mum. (wind rushing) We just crossed the Tropic of Capricorn. ♪ Laid to rest ♪ ♪ 'Neath bloody moon ♪ ♪ Inhale the smoke ♪ ♪ Kick off your shoes ♪ ♪ Rest assured that she's been followed through ♪ ♪ You know your worth ♪ ♪ Now what to do ♪ (mellow guitar music) - So we've just arrived in Coral Bay, and it is so busy, I cannot believe. We got like, the last spot left at the two caravan parks that are here. Absolutely packed. I think it's because at the moment everyone has the same idea, and they're traveling around in a caravan. And Coral Bay is a pretty epic spot. But we've stopped, the sun is setting, and I've just cooked up, look at this Steve. - [Stephen] Oh, let's have a look. - It is a, Hunter are you excited? It is a veggie... Soup. Wait for this. Look at this. - Oh mate, that looks so good! - My first soup in the van. Okay, the sunset looked too good, so we've decided to carry everything across the road, and eat the soup on the beach for sunset. Hunter, do you want some soup? Are you ready for soup? Are you ready for exploring? So, not sure about the soup. Yeah, there's birds over there, Hunter. Can you see all the birds? Do you want some soup? Yeah, you gonna show them what you did? So, madam decided that she did not want to wear her bib. Which turned into her, I know. She kicked sand all in her meal, but ate mums soup. Yeah, there's birds. And Hunter, where's the moon? Where's the moon? Yeah up there, there's the moon! And where's the birds? Where's all the birds? - [Stephen] (whispers) That way. That way. - That's the moon. And where's the birds? - [Stephen] (whispers) Over there. Over there. - [Jessica] (laughs) Where's the birds? - [Stephen] (whispers) Over there! Over there, I'm trying to help you! - [Jessica] Hunter, where's the birds? - While Jess goes and gives Hunter a bit of a bath, I've been trying to find a brand new Netflix show to watch. I feel like there's just nothing good out at the moment. We're watching Loki, but that comes out once a week. So if you guys have any suggestions for us for a new show to watch, because we have plenty of time on our hands, please do let us know in the comments below. (mellow guitar music) ♪ Time flies ♪ ♪ But where does it go? ♪ ♪ By your side ♪ ♪ I don't need to know ♪ Morning, guys. It's the next day, and we've just had the most epic morning. (soft piano music) One of the reasons we love our home state of Western Australia, is the incredible marine life that hangs out towards the top. A few years back, we had the awe inspiring time swimming with whale sharks. And even this past year we took it to the next level, by coming within a few feet of a humpback whale. There was one more we had to tick off, and that was swimming out in the ocean with manta rays. So we packed up "Cooper" in the morning, and we headed out on crystal clear waters, on the Ningaloo Reef. (soft piano music) If you're wondering how we do this with a toddler who can't swim yet, we kind of tag team across two groups. I jump in, have a snorkel, while Jess sits with Hunter, and then we swap. Honestly, with all these boat trips, Hunter just sleeps for most of it. It was so incredible, swimming with these giants of the sea. One appeared, then two. And that day, we swam with five manta rays. A truly unforgettable morning. (soft piano music) - We're on our way out of Coral Bay, and we've found there's only one fuel station. Currently at the fuel station. Yep, there is no building at all. It is just a pump, and a place to pay. While Stephen is fueling up, I'm sneakily gonna have the first bite of our jam donut. When we said we were coming to Coral Bay, a bunch of you told us to go to the Coral Bay Bakery, and I can see why. It is so busy, I feel like it is the... The hottest place, here in Coral Bay. But... They're famous for their jam donuts. Mm, it's good! Right, I need some jam. Mm! (Hunter rattling) Whoa, that is good. (Jessica chuckles) - Is it good? - Mm hmm. Try. - Yum! By the way- - It's so good! - 60 liters, a hundred bucks. - Whoa! - Still don't know how much fuel this takes, because I maxed out my. (laughs) My card authorization. - That's a lot, though. A lot of people said, please make sure you fill up before you get to Coral Bay. And I saw these messages once we got here. - Yum. - And I know how good is it? So I definitely recommend if you're coming to Coral Bay, fill up before you get here, because as you can see, the fuel station is, well this is the only one. No building, and expensive. But by the way, this morning. The manta rays, absolutely amazing! We were swimming with like, five giant manta rays. Stephen and I just took turns, while Hunter slept. But yeah, today we are heading off to a spot called Balara. It's an hour away, and it's like a station stay. And then they have animals and stuff, so I think it's gonna be a good little spot to stay with Hunter. And I'm hoping. (Hunter shouting) Hunter wants us to leave. I'm hoping that you can do fires there. And I told Stephen this time, if he's going to be cutting wood, he needs to wear shoes. Because yeah, you guys all told him off in the last video. ♪ Still stuck in this house ♪ ♪ With a mind full of doubts ♪ ♪ Tired of staring out the window ♪ ♪ Eating too much ♪ ♪ Drinking too much ♪ ♪ Tired of watching the grass grow ♪ ♪ Channel two ♪ ♪ Channel three ♪ ♪ Back to channel two ♪ ♪ I watched everything in my queue ♪ ♪ So put me on a train ♪ ♪ I don't care where it's going ♪ ♪ Fly me on a plane ♪ ♪ Maybe out to Wyoming ♪ We haven't shown them my makeshift fly net, yet. - [Stephen] Ah, show 'em! - Okay, this is my genius thing I made. Even used a hot glue gun, and everything. So, this is my fly net. And then at the top I put some Velcro, so it just sticks on. So, you just stick her on. And then, where the hot glue gun came in handy, is I hot glued magnets to it. So then, the magnets make it stick to the sides of the van. Come on Steve, this is pretty smart. - [Stephen] Very smart. - And I got a fly spray, a fly net. - [Stephen] There you go, boom. - Fly net! Because we've just arrived at a cattle station, and there's definitely flies around. Show them what's in front of us. Staying right on a farm. What do you see? What's over there? Yeah, there's sheep. Hi, sheep! - [Stephen] Hey, guys. Just passing through. So a lot of you guys were actually asking what we do for showers when we're on the road, seeing as we don't have one in our van. Well, we only book campsites that actually have showers. And some of them are just standing cubicles. And you guys said we have to worried about spiders in the bathroom. You done in there, mate? (laughs) Other one's are pretty unique, like this one. So here at the station, they actually have a donkey shower. And it's run completely by fire, so we need to make sure that it's nice and warm, so that we have a nice toasty shower. (upbeat instrumental music) (water trickling) (upbeat instrumental music) So it's just a bucket amongst some gum trees, warmed up by the fire. - I think we have found the resident kangaroo. I feel like at every place we've stayed at so far, they've all had resident kangaroos. Hey, buddy! Hi! (laughs) Hunter look, it's a kangaroo! (Hunter giggling) (Stephen laughing) (Hunter giggling) (mellow guitar music) - [Stephen] The sun has just set, and I just went to walk around the camp, and it has such a cool atmosphere. There's little camp kitchens all around, people just doing communal BBQ's, just listening out for the animals all around. The stars are starting to just twinkle a bit, and the full moon is out. This is probably my favorite spot we have stayed at, I wish we could stay longer. This is the only night we could get in, and then they're just fully booked up for the rest of the month, but just thankful we could be here. This is so cool, just in front of the cattle. (laughs) I'm shocked. This is why we're doing this. It's for nights like this. ♪ I think we may be ♪ ♪ On the wrong side of Pasadena ♪ ♪ And the grass ain't no shade greener ♪ ♪ It's just a little detour ♪ ♪ From the place we set off for ♪ ♪ When we left the church last Easter ♪ ♪ Singing hallelujah, preacher ♪ ♪ I know just what I won't do ♪ Come on! (Hunter babbling) (laughs) Good girl. - We thought, seeing as this place has such a cute camp kitchen, we should come out and cook breakfast outside today. Made up some scrambled eggs. I think Hunter approves, what do you think? Oh, yeah? (Hunter laughing) Okay. So Steve and I just realized, we've been on the road now for almost a week. And we're talking about our feelings towards it, and how it's been so far, and one thing that has been so special. It makes me feel like I'm gonna cry about it, I don't know why. - Aw, Jess! Aw, what's up? (Stephen laughing) - I don't know why! (laughs) I'm so lame! (laughs) - [Stephen] Aw, Jess! Do you need a hug? (laughs) - No, it's happy tears! 'Cause it's been so nice seeing Hunter just like, loving it so much. Like, we'll get to a place. Like, the other day we got to a place, opened up the door. And she got so excited to explore, she ran straight up to a sprinkler, just started playing. (laughs) She's telling. It's like she knows I'm upset. You're just seeing how much Hunter has been loving it. We've just been playing outside together. All like, the one-on-one time that she's been able to have with you this week, now that you've finished building the van. (Hunter babbling) Just being able to like, share with her, like, sunrises, sunsets on the beach. (laughs) - [Stephen] She's telling you all her favorite things. - It's just been so special, and I just feel super grateful. Hey! (Hunter babbling) Do you just know mama got upset? You wanna go explore outside! Of course you can, ready? Let's do it. It's the first time really wearing shoes, because I just thought the ground is so rocky. Usually I prefer her just going barefoot, but here, not so much. Go to dad! Let's do it. She is so close to walking, she still doesn't feel confident. She has to hold on to one finger. - [Stephen] One finger's better than two. Hunter! Do you guys know our wine grows on trees in Australia? So what makes this spot extra cool, where we parked up "Cooper" for the night, is that this used to be a sheep farm. A hundred years ago. They've now swapped to cattle but it's so cool, because the old wool shed from a hundred years ago, is still here today. - [Jessica] This is where they do the burgers. - [Stephen] Ah, yeah? - On a Friday night, they do burger night. And I have a feeling they might cook them out there on that big grill, 'cause you can see that the fire's still going from last night. What a cool place to hang out. Definitely think we need to come back here on a Friday night. So we've quite the drive ahead of us today, and we should be hitting the road, but there is something very important that we need to wait 10 more minutes for. - [Stephen] Oh! Jessie has the goods! - Open it up, let's see 'em. - What's this? Ah, yum! So, this place is known for their... Ah! (Jessica laughing) Home made scones. Do you know what? Scones I feel like, are not a appreciated enough. You have them like once when you go to your grandmas, and then you just never have them. But we're in the middle of the Outback, and this is what they're famous for, this is what you order. Mm! - [Jessica] Are they good? (laughs) Now we can hit the road. - Especially 'cause these are the first ones, straight out of the oven. ♪ I know you're moving on ♪ ♪ Up to the east side ♪ ♪ Where your heart can come alive ♪ ♪ And I will stay on the sidelines ♪ ♪ For now ♪ (mellow guitar music) - It's in here somewhere. - So we've been driving for about three hours now, and we're all pretty hungry, so we kinda just stopped in the middle of nowhere. And Jess is currently in the boot, getting that one item which... - I see it! - You need to think whether we should have brought it, or not. Like, is it gonna last the whole road trip? - Okay, look. I may have packed a whole air fryer. Best time to use it! - So we're actually running a little bit on fumes, up in here. There's really not much food in here, I think we definitely need to do a top up of groceries. Also, we still haven't really solved our water issue. We have run out of drinkable water, so we're living off ginger beer 'till we get to Tom Price this evening. I can't complain, though. - I know you're making fun of me now, Steve. But when it comes to your birthday, and I'm able to bake you a freshly made cake in my air fryer, you'll be very impressed, okay? - [Stephen] I just love. Is this the first time that air fryer's being used, in this- - I'm sure there's other caravanners, that have a Kmart $49 air fryer, right? - [Stephen] It's still got the! It's still got the! - I haven't yet used it. - [Stephen] Have you ever used an air fryer? - No. - [Stephen] Do you know how to? - No. (Stephen laughing) Do we have reception? - [Stephen] Let me see. - All right. Okay, I'll just write, "How long to cook". (Hunter shouting) (laughs) "Veggie nuggies in air fryer". I'm trying to read it. (air fryer beeping) Oh, here we go. So 200 degrees, 15 minutes. I don't see a go sign. Oh there, on. On no, turn it off. Ah, it's on! Don't know how to turn it off. - [Stephen] Just chuck 'em in. - But are you meant to open it up when it's on? Ah, there we go. So I guess I'm only having them, seeing as I am the one that brought the air fryer, and you were against it. - Hey, I'm not saying no to chicken nuggies, out here in the middle of the Outback. (laughs) - Okay, now it's time to put it on. (both laughing) I can't see anything! Oh, this needs to be put on properly. Okay, let's do this again. Who's idea was it to cook outside? - We can't be known as the van lifers, that have an air fryer! (laughs) - Yes we can, 15 minutes, 200 degrees. (Hunter laughing) Hunter, it's cooking! Okay, let's see if there was success. Are you ready? (gasps) Oh my gosh, they're like really cooked! Whoa, look at that! - You haven't used one before! - Oh my gosh, that's so cool! - [Stephen] Did we just hack the system? - That's quicker than at home. Steve. - [Stephen] We hacked the system. - It was a good idea to pack it, right? - [Stephen] Yeah, I'm with you on that. - Oh my gosh. I'm shocked. (Stephen laughing) Are you actually shocked? - [Stephen] I'm shocked, I've never used one before. - That's so good. (laughs) Look at that! - Hunter. - That's like, cooked! No oil. - The funny thing is, everyone has this realization a year ago in 2020, when everybody brought air fryers. - I think that's why they were all available. And I was like, we need to get one. - 49 bucks from Kmart! (Stephen crunching) - [Jessica] (laughs) Whoa. - It's so crispy! What do you think? It's good, huh? (mellow guitar music) I think we've run out of fuel. - No way. - It's not going. - No! - I think we're gonna have to- - Steve! - How far? 1.7 kilometers, no! - Oh my gosh, I need to document this. (laughs) I cannot believe it! Oh my gosh, okay, so we've been really, really low on fuel. I just like, grabbed the phone to tell you guys what happened. We've run out of fuel! - How have we run out of fuel, it said- - We're two minutes, we're 1.7 kilometers away from the petrol station. - [Stephen] Where's the Shell, I see it on here! - And we've run out of fuel. What do we do? I've never run out of fuel before. - Let's see if I can start it up. - No way! - Let's turn The Wiggles down. - Oh my gosh. - Wait. - It's not even starting, Steve. Reserve fuel level. Steve. - Okay. - Oh my god, what do you do? Thank god we have. We're 1.7 kilometers away, and we've run out of fuel! - Wait, one more time. Let's see if it does it. - Don't ruin it. No don't do it! - Right, I'll switch it off. So, what. - Now what? - Now what? - Shall we call the fuel station, or- - Yeah, let's give them a call. (phone ringing) - [Jack] Jack speaking. - Hi mate, is this the Shell Station at Paraburdoo? - [Jack] Yeah, this is Shell called Paraburdoo. - (laughs) Ah, yes. Sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it. We've actually, we're not sure what to do. We've just broken down, run out of fuel. Well not broken down, run out of fuel, and we're 1.7 kilometers away from you guys. What would be the best way to sort this out? Do we walk over and get like, a jerry can? Or, is there? We're just not sure in this situation. - [Jack] Yeah, we do jerry cans. - [Jessica] Why don't you just bring the pram, and then you can carry it back in the pram. - Yeah, wicked. I'll do that. - Okay. - All right mate, all right, cool. I'll see you in about 20 minutes, thanks so much. Do you mind putting one of those aside for me? - [Jessica] Okay, bye! - See you in 40 minutes. (Jessica laughing) It could be worse. - [Jessica] Yeah, it could be way worse! - Can't believe it. - I think we need to keep this jerry can, and keep it filled up in the back. - (laughs) Yeah, that's a really good idea. - Yeah. (laughs) - Right, 40 minutes. (door slamming) - [Jessica] Look, there's dad. Bye! - Bye! Alrighty. It's quarter past 3. I just couldn't believe. (laughs) I'm still in shock! I think we were like, filled up half way, and then we saw a fuel station. And I think in my head, I... (engine revving) Oh, wanna give me? Maybe I'll see if I can hitch a ride. I think in my head, I was like, okay. It's like, 150 kilometers to the next spot, and obviously we blew through that 150 like, so quickly. Note to self, we're not pushing it next time. Hey, mate. - Hey. - I think I called you about the diesel problem. (laughs) - So Stephen is now, in the middle of the day, it's so hot now. Walking all the way to the petrol station, and he's brought the pram. And then he's going to be pushing, I guess a jerry can back, full of fuel, for the car. Fuel sorted. Got my baby in the pram. You guys are just gonna have to let me know below, this isn't weird walking through a little country town with a pram. And there's no baby, there's just a big old red jerry can. (upbeat orchestral music) - [Jessica] A pram with a jerry can. (laughs) And a man going for a lovely stroll along the road, with his jerry can and his pram. (Jessica laughing) Told you pram was a good idea! I'm also- (Stephen grunting) (diesel trickling) - 20 liters is a lot, when you see it coming up like this. Alrighty, lesson learned. Always have some spare diesel on you, and top up at every fuel station that you can see. We just wanted to say a massive thank you to LG for partnering up with us on this video, for their brand new LG Gram laptop, the world's lightest laptop. This has been amazing to have on the road, because living in such a small space, just having something that is easy. I can just chuck on the bed, I can do some work in our living room, move it all around. It's been fantastic for editing vlogs, watching Netflix, as well as looking up how to use an air fryer. So if you are interested in picking one up, I'll leave all the details in the description. Thanks so much for watching our video guys, and we will see you next time. Bye!
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 255,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying the nest, van life, living in a van, tiny home, travel series, van life couple, camper van, first impressions, travel couple, sprinter van, sprinter van conversion, van life corona, travel, couple vlog, vlog, van life vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, travel duo, travel vlogger, living in a van full time, sprinter van camper, van life australia, nightmare van life, no fuel van life
Id: Ec5x0zvY83c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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