I FEEL UNSAFE: Solo Female Van Life (Story 3)

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hello again where did we leave off oh yeah i was enjoying a restful night at my campsite with free hookups in no man's land we are for sure in the middle of nowhere for sure you ready the next day i got back on the road i have a lot of ground to cover to make it to north carolina and need it to keep it moving at this point texas had a swallowed me hole i'm still in what the locals call the midwest of texas northwest texas to be exact it's rough tough and not somewhere you want to be for long as i told you last time i know firsthand how dangerous this section of drive can be so i decided for my next stop i'd find a harvest host rather than boondock for those of you who don't know harvest host is an online membership where local businesses offer overnight parking for patroning their store sounds harmless right well little did i know what i was driving into okay so we've arrived not typically where i like to park we're just behind this business here they have a little grassy spot we're kind of in the middle of this downtown small town ish it's kind of big um but we're at a harvest host and it's right across the street from a laundromat it was right down the street from a planet fitness and groceries so i thought this is the spot to just park for the night unwind get some laundry done support a small business and then tomorrow we're going to have a trek we i want to get all the way to east texas uh past dallas so and hopefully we can land at a beautiful winery there also a harvest host uh texas it gets a lot harder to boondock and really beautiful landscapes um so i decided to go the harvest host route and support small business and it's it's just nice so it'll be a nice little change of pace so rio and i are gonna go walk around town a little bit and see if we can find this laundromat so i literally just took rio outside to go walk around the block to check out the laundromat and i'm already getting cat called it's so frustrating especially now the way i'm traveling it's just like [Music] makes me feel uneasy i just hate cities urban areas and i now oh ria brielle come on you gotta pass a little oh nope oh i just had to walk around the block the other way to prevent the guy who was cat calling me from continuing to follow me and i didn't want him to know where the bus was and that i was living in it because i'm just behind this business you know like it's nice to be on private property but i mean at the end of the day like this isn't like yeah it's still just me out here um and then that pack of like the small little dogs that wanted to chase after rio so had to go back around the block luckily the guy wasn't there anymore i'm excited to get out of here tomorrow morning let me pause right there what is not shown is my small mental breakdown i was so angry that some man had the audacity to follow me and infringe upon my boundaries i was angry that as a solo woman i don't have the same right to safety as when i traveled with a man i cried out of pure frustration i looked around the area to find other camping the only other options had sketchy reviews by fellow nomads all i wanted to do would get was get the hell out of there but i knew the best thing was to draw as little attention to me as possible and just lay low so i set my coordinates to a close friend so they knew where i was locked myself in and tried to block out the noise coming from the bar i was parked behind i was stressed angry but more prepared to protect myself than ever intuition is by far the best weapon you can have when being a solo female nomad it sucks to not feel super safe and secure where you're parked but that's the reality of bus life and god forbid anything happens i'm confident in my ability to react to things but i think really i just need to hunker down cut my losses and then get out of here first thing in the morning and hopefully some find somewhere much more beautiful and relaxing you know it's always good to listen to your intuition and it just sucks when it's been like the alarm has been wrong i'm like maybe this isn't such a great spot um but i looked around there's really nothing else the crime is pretty high in this area so i'm just gonna deal with it um we're gonna make the most of it again i made chicken nuggets so life is good and i'll see you guys in the morning good morning team we made it through the night just fine uh rio was great she did her job there was a few times in the middle of the night where she started growling and just making me aware of stuff going on outside she was awesome but without incident we were totally fine i'm up early i'm just trying to get a head start in the day we're gonna stop at a tire shop on our way to a winery in tyler texas um just because my front tire is really bad and i don't want to wait for something bad to happen i'm just gonna get out ahead of it replace it and then hopefully the next harvest host will be much more peaceful relaxed rio can have a good time just romping around in the winery uh so yeah let's go back home on the road this is where i feel safest the world becomes mine and my mind begins to flow it's almost a form of meditation therapy even for me i stopped to get my new tire which made me feel more confident about the journey ahead i even had a dream it popped so i wasn't taking any chances [Music] with every mile that morning i felt more at ease it's crazy the contrast i can experience in one day living in the bus waking up in a dark sketchy place to driving through the peaceful countryside it feels good knowing i'm closer to where i need to be we made it to this adorable little winery rio has this whole yard to run around in by herself i think i'm the only one here so i'm gonna go get a glass of wine eat something and just you guys it just got dark out but look how cute this winery is look all the vines are lit up how cute looks like a little galaxy out there right out the front door [Music] good morning guys i woke up at this winery still all to myself it's a little bit of a tough morning but i'm sure as a lot of you know who any of you who are going through a change or a loss or just a new season in life um i'm there with you so the rain seemed to give me permission to feel blue today my spirit needed to grieve it's so easy to identify with being strong empowered but not to identify with being heartbroken or feeling broken or sad denying the wounds denies a very important piece of the journey and to deny it will only create more suffering down the line as trevor hall beautifully said you can't rush your healing darkness has its teachings so today i allow myself to grieve and i honor the pain in my journey for i'm stronger and wiser for having gone through it so be it here we are you go crazy hey come here [Laughter] laughs look at you girl [Laughter] it's the closest thing you've had to a bath in a long time real look at this so we made it to louisiana i've learned that if i don't give myself the time to be often times i'll have wounds that go unresolved and i don't want those wounds to become traumas in my future or lessons unlearned it can be uncomfortable like even now like in creating space and emotions are coming up and i don't even really know why but it's so important to let it out let it flow this is the work and it feels so good afterwards if you can sit in this space long enough to where your spirit can truly breathe and you can evolve or you can receive the messages the lessons from whatever you're going through i love you guys i hope you take space for yourself you deserve healing too we'll chat soon you
Views: 554,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D8zXXWz6V3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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