Day In The Life Of Tokidoki Traveller

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[Music] [Music] good morning everybody welcome to tokyo creative play i'm your host emma and today uh we're at my house this is a day in my life welcome yeah today is a really chill day it's a wednesday so it's the one day of the week that i get to sleep in in the area that i live in i have to take the trash out five days a week at just before 8 00 am so i usually get up at about 7 45 uh but yes so i'm about to go to the gym i go to the gym about three times a week usually i either go to the gym or i stream in the morning or i have like one one day off a week where i don't do any of that today i'm gonna be going to the gym just doing a little bit of some some let's go to the gym here we go [Music] i'm back i'm out of breath it's pretty warm today actually it's pretty pretty sweaty okay workout done i got uh some groceries for lunch because i'll also be feeding uh sarah and alex because they're gonna be here soon helping the film today so now i'm gonna get ready uh i gotta shower and moisturize and then yeah put on my face and real people clothes in like 20 minutes because they're going to be here soon i'm not going to show you showering but i'm going to show you the shower let's go welcome this is the metal room where i have my washing machine and toilet and in here out is the shower room just drying my stool his name is kevin usually kevin sits there and then i sit on kevin so yes this is my bathroom it's a wet room so i just use the shower and there's so all the drains in the floor it's also nice because there's a little window here it also airs out the room really nicely interesting thing is when you turn on this light the hot water turns on so if i want to do the dishes i need to have this light turned on in order for the hot water to work but yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna take a shower hello it is fresh-faced emma unfortunately my skin is like super bad lately i haven't had skin this bad in ages it's like my entire body is just struggling and i think it's to do with the changing weather and the humidity but i've moisturized done all my skincare routine and now i'm just gonna put some makeup on before uh sarah and alex get here also i have naturally wavy hair so i'm just letting it air dry uh to try and get some definition in there yes makeup time i actually use the bb cream from muji and i found out about it in the tc video we did and we reviewed it and uh it stuck on me i really like it there's a guy with a leaf blower outside but now i'm going to be using uh i have a palette called picante by caroti and uh probably just going to put gold on my eyelids which actually has a really good um makeup and skincare that's pretty much the vibe almost done hey guys it's me and sarah and we're gonna be following him around today so let's go see what she's up to we're gonna ring her doorbell what do you want it's my first time uh at your house yeah congratulations thank you you'll be fine alex is a little bit shorter so uh but if you're a bit taller like me you just gotta duck your head a little bit when you go through the doors because otherwise you're gonna smack your head welcome to the hobbit house and it's called trio star it loves humidity and i know how much you love plants welcome to my kitchen it looks really clean it's almost clean there's some stuff in the sink how was your morning it was good i i kept it kind of chill this morning i went to the gym got groceries and i'm going to cook lunch that's basically it yeah very chill so yeah but yeah so i've been really into making sandwiches lately also i'm sorry for the audio there is a it's gardening day and there's just a lot of leaf blowing going on outside so we're making sandwiches i got some focaccia here it is and i'm going to cut them in half and i also got some beef and i'm going to be cooking that with uh like show you medium sugar and i also have some lettuce i like putting lingonberry jam on mine i also made some pickled onions oh i remember you teaching me how to do that and then i've got some cucumber as well so that'll basically be it i think i got this chopping board from shiori as a moving present yeah i use it all the time what time do you wake up this morning i think i woke up at seven well that's pretty early naturally i woke up but i was like i don't want to get up so i stayed in bed until like 8 30 i just lay there like cool and then i got up and yeah went to the gym i did a little bit of washing up too just like got the house a little bit cleaner so that i don't look like i live nastily your house is really nice thank you alex so nice to meet you alex you wish for grape i like grape i like grape i just got the water on the ground down though i can do magpie [Applause] oh wow do they have bad guys here are they aussies there are magpies here but they're called ornaga and they have blue tails and they're cute as hell and they live in this area and i'm a bird watcher now literally i make breakfast and i look out over the trees and they're always like yeah yeah and they're like dude and they like chat to each other and they fly around and i'm like you're so cool do you cook a lot at home yes i love cooking at home my fave i i mainly cook at home nice and i tell myself if i'm ever like oh emma i don't want to go i want to get ubereats i'm like take the money that you would spend on ubereats and buy whatever you want and cook at home and usually you know that'll include more vegetables and i know exactly what's going into it so and it's a really luxurious meal because like if you spend like 20 dollars on ubereats it's like you can get wagyu beef and make like a nice meal for 20 bucks here do you usually cook um japanese or western or asian probably weston or if i cook japanese there'll be like a western touch to it there's some japanese things like i always use a lot of seasonings that have uh soy sauce sugar and mid-in so the flavors are kind of japanese but the dish isn't fully japanese i always get so nervous of cutting it wrong oh you can smell it smells so good pakasha so for this we're just going to toast it in the grill beautiful seasoning smells really good so i'm going to turn you down i could also make a dressing really fast so we're going to do honey mustard sauce nice that's a great sound for honey and then we need apple cider vinegar with cider and then some black pepper i love how much styrace you have yeah it's still not enough uh and then i like to add a little bit of yogurt oh and this one's um yes this is uh yogurt oh that's so cute a little sunray or something something i take and i do like this i'm gonna cut the cucumber real fast come on right here texture baby texture all right go for the side keeping it oh yeah and i take my other bread and i put jam on it then we got the the sweet the savory the salty oh is this the one from ikea yes i love lingerie because i don't i don't i wouldn't do like strawberry or anything but the lamb berry's got that kind of tartness to it assemble anyway basically this is a sandwich that looks so good i take a bite yeah that's a damn good sandwich ten out of ten would make again and i do i make it all the time alex your sandwich thank you for the princess cool how would you rate emma's cooking well i was fine 11 out of 10. i'm so happy i actually told emma hey do you mind if i buy mcdonald's you're like can i bring my mcd i don't want you eating mcdonald's when you can have a different kind of burger this is way better 10 times better thank you what you doing cake time dessert we have coconut brownie and cinnamon crumb cake welcome to my musical microwave by the way get excited this thing plays guitar so [Music] [Applause] hell yeah okay let's do 20 seconds they're gonna be really hot and when it's done it plays a lovely note here we go [Music] love it hot cakes i think because there were three of them maybe they're not too hot okay ah sarah you get the cinnamon crumb cake it is less hot than i thought it would be actually see when you're ready i have coconut brownie mmm yum hello welcome to my balcony we're going to be making some umeshu which is really straightforward uh when you go to the store especially in this season you can just go and get usually near the front they have different kinds of plums you can get so these ones are unripe which is good for umeshu if you get ripe ones they're good for umeboshi but yeah so today i'm going to be doing umeshu and it's really easy i just take the unripe plums you take a toothpick and you take out the stem like that was quick i didn't yeah it like takes two seconds like that so we start out with one layer of um i've already washed these by the way so we just take out stalks wow you're really quick have you done this before oh yeah i do it every year but it's not very difficult so actually it's more expensive to make your own but i find yeah but i find the flavors better because you can buy umeshi really cheap do like a layer of plums and then we put in some sugar it's really nice to have the windows open and have like all the trees and the brightness it's just super super nice [Applause] go babies this is the party cupboard see you at the tc christmas party okay well now that we've done that i think we should go to shibuya what do you have in mind there's a place i want to take you guys uh it's it's called miyashita park and it opened like last year i think it's really cool i'd like shibuya it looks so so cool now i feel like it used to be kind of grungy and now there's like a lot of department stores and it's it's it's grungy but it's also like oh hell yeah i don't know but yeah let's go shimmy out let's go let's go hello welcome we are in shibuya now and right behind me as well the famous should be a crossing where people cross the road a whole bunch welcome chimi's got a lot cooler these days no i don't know if you can see there's like should be a scramble square up there which it looks super cool and there's like a rooftop you can go up to like sometimes you can see little people up there and then there's parkour and then we're going to be going to miyashita park as well there's so many places to check out um i also just found out that uh aki also came here and so did shizuka in their day in the life so uh as you can tell shibuya is a pretty poppin place at the moment but yeah we're just gonna be doing a little bit of shopping and maybe just have a beverage and chill out so let's go all right the first place that we have come to is called standard products and it's by the same company it's daiso but they've made things a bit more expensive and it's very like minimalist and kind of like aesthetic and austrade so it's cheaper than muji i feel like they're kind of basically trying to if you do like a muji style or emoji rip off so i want to go in because i only own one small plate and one small dish so i want to get maybe two you know for when people come over give them matching set you know that's the vibe let's go let's go it's so nice this is such a nice one because i need to get a new pot for the plant alex just got me but i think this is too small sadly [Music] i'm going to get plates i want this one i don't know if i want one or two get two get two okay one for you one for me introducing me now you can get your own stainless steel meat with a capacity of 300 meat ml stands for meat leaders everybody everybody should own at least one meat what about this fantastic i'm good thank you so much thank you so much excellent fantastic [Music] there's a shop right next to the tapioca place and they got like really cute bags and stuff so medicine bag can put your name on it and like how many days time that's so cute oh emergency food oh little hotel slippers they all look like this okay we've come to miashda park which is a really big complex in shibuya now but on top is this kind of garden there's like a volleyball beach area there's a rock climbing wall but it's an area that you can bring your own food and drinks and just go and chill be outside it's just an area that you can come and enjoy the breeze and the city views so this drink is actually really good it's a honey lemonade tapioca and usually it's kind of difficult to get caffeine-free and dairy-free options when it comes to tapioca so it's really good to be able to have it with lemonade but it's great just going to sit here enjoy the views and the breeze also i have to head home because i'm running late to stream sorry everybody on twitch but i'll be there very soon so i'm just going to finish my lemonade and then head off okay now i'm gonna head home and uh do twitch streams so uh yeah saying goodbye to shibuya and i'll see you guys back at my place also goodbye sarah and alex bye what's nice hanging out with you hi everybody i got home i'm very tired and i'm just sitting up for the stream i've decided to do a hot tub stream tonight so we've got all set up i've got my green screen here and i'm gonna set up one more light because the lighting is off as you can see i have five minutes before i have to start but you can see the cut from the green screen is not good on the hot tub that i've chosen so i'm gonna choose a different hot tub and also set up another light to see if i can balance it but yeah this is what it looks like for now we've started streaming people are saying hello and uh yeah and i'll just do my best i need to go to bed okay we're good to go it's still not the best uh hot tub but hey okay so we're gonna do a transition and then we'll be okay here we go sorry you guys are getting a bad view here we go hello everybody yeah i do i the the twitch money from all my hot tub streams was so good that i've now been able to afford another hot tub would you guys be okay saying hello to the wonderful people over on the tokyo creative youtube channel hello hi hello everybody thank you thank you for saying hello wonderful excellent we love the energy i'm unfortunately doxing myself by revealing just how massive my hot tub and garden is okay camera's going off uh camera i'll see you after the stream goodbye dad came straight from work to watch baseball game with son oh we have we gotta allow very sexy from the wonderful peach monkey thank you okay guys right now it is 9 30 p.m and i'm gonna stop filming i'm very tired so i'm going to wash my face get ready for bed and maybe go to bed really early uh i'm so tired so uh yeah i i usually stream for a little bit longer but today and the past few days have been a bit intense so just gonna take a bit of time to relax maybe just zonk out and watch some youtube but yeah thank you so much for following me around today i really appreciate it the stuff that i do every day looks different so sometimes i spend the whole day editing and sometimes i take it more chill than today or you know it's it's all over the place we do like shoots so uh yeah every day is very different so this was just one example of one of the days in my life but yeah and hopefully the video isn't too long thank you so much for watching uh please leave a comment down below hit like and subscribe and uh yeah see you next time on the next took a creative video goodbye guys good night bye anyway i'm gonna make lunch the lunch is grapes dig in guys that's it me like great for me i'm crying what is she doing she's eating before us yeah we're the guests i know right oh my god i'm not used to so hungry come back wink [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 105,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japanese culture, Tokyo
Id: XoLab6lLdV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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