Day in my Life in Japan

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because I'm in Tokyo today with cam and my friend Mora and we are going to be Sailor Bear musical I'm so freaking excited me may want yesterday and she told us that Tuxedo Mask is very good looking so looking forward to the Hat I brought my glasses hopefully we have good seats we're not quite sure where our seats are located but it's going to start pretty soon and we're going to try and get some merch right now so fingers crossed there's still some left let's go Chuck [Music] what are you wearing care I'm wearing myself ton of glasses but I don't this is so cool they kind of work like those 3d YouTube boxes yeah it's like really cool I got a computer screen like a peer is in front for you and then they're gonna put the subtitles on it I kind of wish I got one now right I want to play with dad so drool they cost a thousand yen so if you need subtitles in English and I also have them in Chinese yeah in 4000 and you can read these glasses and like a computer screen will appear here with some titles I brought you it's good one I wish I could [Music] it's intermission time we're lining up to get some merch the line isn't too bad there's only a few people out here so we may be able to get something so far it's really good guys I guess half of the show is done so there's another half to go but yeah it's really awesome I like their singing yeah thanks and the actors are really pretty yeah this is the done gun roba one that I went to I don't remember them singing I don't think they sang too much so this is a little different I really like it yeah yeah they have the real autism you to look at sure yeah oh are they cute now getting one of those for my friend I don't know if I want anything and then they're two of the clear plastic at first I thought that was a costume nose like yes yes I think it's just the count for the show there was police pensively sure yeah I know I was thinking that these are cheap actually you can get pictures of the what do you call them actresses yeah I saw this game they have like all the Sailor Moon gotcha over here so we're gonna go check those out we're gonna pursue it are these all Salem and Otto they have cats too yes the stained glass hey these are new yeah those are pretty nice we gotcha Ponte so Salomon one's milky pop you want Clea charm which is really adorable there's you got I know right like I buy them and they just kind of like oh sweet Street Fighter oh this room is I can't find the Godzilla gotcha pon anywhere damn it happen either yeah I think I'll be okay the charms are nice they honor yeah lucky they are most tempting oh they have stickers that's what I want the most puppies pretty one but they all I pretty anywhere all pretty I like it when it like that's the case that they're all awesome so I can really find everything today that's like me every time yeah what would you get what'd you get oh nice just a star nice actually look at a nice quality okay so there's this one here or this one I think they're the same I'm not sure oh I think it's time oh no I don't know need my stickers and I'll do the top one ones too okay it's time to go back in so we will open these later on [Music] but so funny the moon looks like awesomely epic tonight is it actually a full moon I think it is that's too funny here Tuxedo Mask was my favorite she was pretty hot getting us all nice view hahaha and Sailor Uranus was pretty awesome really definitely she was so great at singing she had an amazing voice I think there's the business I use a bridge yeah she was so amazing okay we're getting two should be enough reason shopping I'm having two should be an ages and more wants to go to each demo so that's how we're gonna go so they got looks the Sailor Moon good I'll show you everything they always have the cutest stuff I really like that store and if you like my comic book one makeup yeah okay I guess I'm gonna follow Kim Kim's great with directions as well where we go and spins and we're gonna check out their clothes cuz I don't really get a chance to shop in Tokyo very often anymore oh I'm of the Pikachu ones those are great for Halloween yeah Hillary looks like my jacket [Music] I really want a pink one he'll expose the might of mine [Music] what mr. funky Yankees a pink one what does that say so we look cute on you actually oh I like that wig like the color of it oh that's really cute [Music] jackets so depressing I wish that there were four of him [Music] [Music] what is this I like this this is a bag this is a purse he's beautiful my life oh I like that I know oh I like that yeah okay oh these are cute I have so many bags though I really like these you can put a photo in here like whatever you wanted eight baby mature girl there's a Pikachu guys I've never caught one in the wild before oh my god you got it Kim I'm on all right let's do this guys I really really really want ya nice work I have a bunch of great balls still we want this Pikachu no stop jobbing what I got oh Jesus Christ he's being a jerk oh come on [Music] okay this is the one I think I got him I think I got him Oh somebody set off a whole bunch of horses yes yes yes we've arrived in Syria [Music] time to find some food [Music] eet's demo let's see what cute stuff they have right now the eyelashes are really pretty honest I use the lipsticks yes oh there's lips so nice is what I'm totally getting at least one of those I like the lashes they're so cute look they have pink on them oh these they're only $5 yeah why are they so much cheaper than everything else I got the Luna P yeah this is a tablet cases for like medicine so yeah like you can put medicine in game or just candies yeah you can't use a minute oh yeah set for so I don't need that one free which one I have good that one something some mornings ever use oh it's so cute Korea this one's ours this is wrong Bing good yeah you guys look at these watches is that not the best thing ever oh my god oh there's a Scottish Fold if it looks like Marr I would get it we came free sushi but there's like a big line inside but I think we're gonna wait because we don't really have a choice does there anything you really want sushi so Oh Knights rip the end toast cool thing yeah I'm not sure if I'm crazy alright but I am awake yeah what do they have here I want you know [Music] look at they've got all these different types of e90 that's man I have severe pasta now yeah [Music] french fries soo-dong upon my dear ooh deep fried eggplant hell yeah the core is my master not just over oh my god delicious when we this might be my new favorite just got grated ginger on top Wow [Music] yeah I can eat like time Omar come on you can do it oh that's not good I can't it we don't want that to happen look at my orders for you girl finish sushi way way too much I don't want to look at it was very delicious on XYZ she was really nice when a surprise women bomb I'm just gonna walk out cool we're just gonna walk around now ready when it goes anything else want to by myself are you sure to be crossing yeah this is the one guy that you go mix that you did it you're a lot amazing this is actually not too busy usually when this available thank you we are back at the hotel I can figure things out time for tea I really wanted to oh you guys need to see what more about me she brought me probably every product that exists in America pretty excited and she you guys everything there's some really nice stuff in here look at this treasure box sweet potato cereal holy crap yes this tea smells amazing is Boston tea like a type of black tea um this was I got that in Ireland and were like you go what Boston that's so funny there's like cherries and papaya and which beetroot reminds me nothing of Boston which is why I thought it was like so strange it must be a thing like maybe it's just like a traditional tea from Boston that you've never heard of pumpkin spice tea yes watermelon lime zinger two different kinds of sleepytime tea sleepytime extra when you really want to go sleep and mint everything is so good peach tea some vegan mac and cheese I had this one before and it's so good really really good and this one I've never tried before so I'm excited for that a maple-flavored oat bar and vegan chocolate and this soap is made by her friend and it's so good it's like the best smell I've ever smelled ever it doesn't say what essential oils are in it but it smells so good I wish I could explain this melody but it's really hard just smells like awesome look at this treasure mountain Oh check out the view from the hotel what far 130 yes in the main town that's awesome so this is Shinagawa Shinagawa stations just across from us and this is Shinagawa prince hotel how much did it cost per night on Expedia 150 150 a night that is really decent for the location and the rooms really nice too two beds really nice looking washroom so here no closet yeah the location is so nice and the hotel itself is really nice like it doesn't smell bad lets a hotel smell bad this one's great what just look just like us office worth it I think yeah so cool okay let's see what Sailor Moon sticker is we've bought I've actually never purchased them like this before I have bought some at Nakano Broadway where you can see which ones you're buying and you can choose I really hope they have some with Luna and Artemis that's really all I care about ah Venus we all know I don't like Venus um oh this one's really cute with all of them and you cut that I really like that one oh it's just 2 per pack okay are these cars or stickers I think they're cards oh I hope there were stickers but they're trading cards really like this one sting oh that's cute yes yeah no oh I like that I love these too so okay let's see oh oh I got two of the yukata one so if you want to trade that one nice that's funny I thought that would be in another Venus yeah hey goddamnit okay alright alright okay let's hope we get something new Oh Sailor man wha oh this is a nice set that's good okay glad you got those chigusa I'm Serena okay okay are you oh really okay thank you then oh these are new uh-huh oh you got a shiny really sorry about all those times you kept giving you the Sailor Jupiter all would you try five times Oh God then Oh these are new too dude another shiny ah you're having the best luck oh it sounds really cute like that one last one so further they're all different than the ones I got oh nice come on taxi to ask oh no but other new ones okay that's really cute Oh get a really good luck one two three four eight eight cards two shinies and they're all different yeah so there's 32 cards all together and eight of them are rare so I'm assuming that's the shiny ones that are rare sweet a pretty good all right we're gonna get ready for bed now thanks for watching guys and I'll see you can see bye [Music] mmm
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 549,441
Rating: 4.8393784 out of 5
Keywords: Sharla, Japan, Sharmander, Japanese, Tokyo, day in my life japan, day in my life, living in japan, day in my life tokyo, sailor moon musical, sailor moon, gacha, gachapon, shibuya, vegan japan, vegan tokyo, vegan sushi, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, シャーラ, japanese food, a day in my life, life in japan
Id: wzPYSU6Q1Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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