Simplest BEGINNER Quilt Makes You Feel Like A GENIUS! "Hugs and Kisses" Pattern

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to be making a pattern from the quilt factory called hugs and kisses now it's called hugs and kisses because it's got two different blocks we've got the hugs and the kisses but we're only going to make one block this is the block that makes up the whole quilt and it's kind of half of each of the hugs and kisses blocks and when we make the blocks and start laying them out both the hugs and the kisses will show up in the quilt now i've made a lot of quilts in my lifetime probably several thousand but when i looked at the cover of this i did not know that it's all made with one block it's made with this simple block here which is called a half square triangle so just by turning this different directions we're going to get the whole quilt now if you're a beginning quilter or you've never made a quilt and you want to make your first quilt i would highly recommend this because the process is simple but the result is just stunning so this is a fab five pattern and that means we need five fabrics one yard each so these are the ones i've selected here and we are going to use four of them in the patchwork and then one is going to be for the border now i'm going to use christmas prints for my quilt because i'm trying to get my holiday sewing done early but you can really use any color to make this quilt the only thing you want to remember is you want to use two light prints and two dark prints so that your patchwork blocks will look good then for your border it can be light or dark it doesn't matter just something that matches with the other prints now before i cut the fabric i always iron it nice and flat i have kind of a fancy heavy duty rowenta iron here but any iron will work you just want your fabric wrinkle free nice and flat so that when you cut everything will be very accurate now i can't give you all the cutting sizes because it's not my pattern but i've made a lot of deb brogan's patterns before and her instructions are very clear and easy to follow now if this is your first quilt you just need a few simple tools to get it cut out you're going to need a rotary cutter so this has got a really sharp blade on it there it's kind of like a pizza cutter you need some sort of straight edge this is a clear plastic ruler and then you need a cutting mat to put on your table so you don't cut into your table now this is a 24 by 36 inch one they do come in different sizes and all these tools are readily available at any craft store or you can find them online now anytime we're cutting patchwork we want it to be nice and straight because then when we sew it together it'll be much more accurate so i like to use a counterbalance i like to use a five pound weight here on the end of my ruler to help keep it from moving now if you don't have a dumbbell that's okay anything with a little weight set it on your ruler and that will keep anything from sliding [Music] everything is cut now and the first step is to take the light prints and we're going to draw a line on the back side from corner to corner along the diagonal here so i'm going to use my plastic ruler again and i'm going to use a pencil and i'm just going to draw a light line all the way down there so i'm going to do that on the back of all the light squares there once you've got lines drawn on the back of all of the lights you're going to want to pair up one of your lights with one of the darks and the other light with the other dark and you're going to want to keep them together doesn't really matter which light goes with which dark but keep them all together now let's head over to the sewing machine we're going to use the same method for all of the blocks here we're going to take one dark block and one light block and we're going to put them right sides together match up all the edges and now we're going to stitch a quarter inch away from that drawn line now my presser foot happens to be a quarter inch wide so i can put the edge of my presser foot right on that line there and stitch down one side and then i can simply turn it around and stitch down the other side so i'm going to go ahead and do that with all of the blocks the next step is to cut right along that drawn line so i'm going to put my plastic ruler right along the line and cut and now what we have is two blocks each one is a half square triangle so we're going to take these to the ironing board and i like to put the light fabric down on the board and then peel this open and what's going to happen is my seam allowances now here they're pointing towards the dark fabric and that's good you always want those seam allowances pointing towards the dark and i use a dry iron and then a little steam and then all we have to do is trim off these little extra bits here these are called dog ears and i'm just going to take some scissors cut that little extra bit off so i'm going to go ahead and do that same procedure with all of my blocks and that's all we need to do once you have all those done we're ready to lay out our block so i've grabbed eight of the green and eight of the red and i'm actually going to lay these out right at the sewing machine because that's the easiest way to keep them in order and not get them mixed up so here's what we're going to do we've got a red in the middle that makes kind of a line there so that's one quarter then we're going to make a mirror image of that in this far corner here and you can follow the pattern it will show you how to lay these out but it's pretty easy now the green squares kind of the opposite we're going to get a green line going here and then again a mirror image of that over here now to stitch these together i'm going to take them in pairs and i'm going to sew the seam here so i'm going to take this first piece put it right sides together on this piece and i'm going to stitch down this edge so i'm not going to turn it i'm going to just carefully take it over to the sewing machine here line up the edges stitch together with a quarter inch seam allowance and leave it there on the machine now i'm going to get the next pair here again i'm going to flip that over so they're right sides together and i'm going to put this one down here they're exactly the same size so it's real easy to stitch them together again leave it there grab the next pair and the last pair here now i'm going to slide these ones over just a little bit so they don't get bumped while i'm sewing now i'm just going to open this up and the next piece is going to fit right here so if i just carry this over put it right sides together now i can stitch these together now along here we're going to be matching that seam right there it's pretty easy because this seam allowance is going down and the back seam allowance is going up so they're going in opposite directions so you can kind of pinch it and you can feel or you can peel open and see that those match up line up the other edge and just stitch down here and again leave it on the sewing machine now we'll open up the next pair here get our next piece again don't turn it or anything just slide it right over right sides together and stitch down now i'm going to grab the last one right sides together here and then all we have to do is do the same procedure with the very last row here open up add the piece stitch it on now all the blocks are hanging together with those threads in the middle and we want to finger press the seam allowances so we're going to take the top row and press them all to the right so this one is already kind of facing to the right so i'm going to kind of pull it open and then just draw my finger or my fingernail right down that seam same thing with this whole top row it's all going to go to the right now the second row we want all going to the left the reason we are alternating the directions is because this will help us when we stitch our rows together it will make it so that the seam allowance will the seam allowances will nest so let me show you what i mean this row here they're going that way the bottom row they're going under so they're going to kind of nest here they're going in different directions and that's going to make it really easy to get these seams lined up we want these seams lined up we don't want to stitch it and have it way off like that hopefully we will get them exactly lined up but this will make it a lot easier to get them if not perfect at least really really close all right it's all finger pressed and we're ready to stitch our first seam here so i'm going to put them right sides together turn it here match up this top end and i don't pin it i just sew a couple of stitches here and that will hold it in place then i'm going to put these bottom two corners together and just pull it a little and most of these seams are going to line up just perfectly and what i'm doing is stitching down here with a quarter inch seam and i can kind of you can see the seam allowances going in different directions and you can also press it and you can feel that they're lined up so this method here where i'm not pinning it or anything we call it hope and so we sew and we hope they're lined up and i'll get down to the bottom here and we'll see how close we got now i hope they're all perfect this one is just about perfect see everything is lined up there this one's just about perfect that one's just about perfect now i don't always have them perfect this would just happen to be a really good example if it's not perfect you can take a few stitches out and adjust it or you can just say you know what it's good enough for me and i'm going to stick with it so i'm going to finish these other two seams here all right so let's see how close we were all right right here is one these are not perfectly lined up but you know what that's not going to bother me at all and i like to be relaxed and have fun when i saw this and not go for absolute perfection when the whole quilt is done it's really not going to show that that's not perfectly lined up and i'd much much prefer to have a good time making the blocks and not worry about slight imperfections now this is all we have to make this is the whole block i just have to make 16 of these and then we can lay out the quilt now we're ready to lay out the whole quilt and then we can see that secondary pattern come out we'll see the hugs and we'll see the kisses so all we're doing is just turning the blocks in two different directions let's get a little more room here there now we can see the two different blocks we've got this block we've got this block and so if you take one out you can see that this makes part of that block part of this block part of that block so that's all intertwined there but the whole effect is just really really fun now to stitch all the blocks together into a quilt top we're just going to do it row at a time so this is the bottom row here i'm just going to sew these seams and i'll do that with each row and then i will sew the rows together with one long seam now sometimes the seam allowances will be nesting going in opposite directions but sometimes they will all be going in the same direction let's check this one right here so these ones happen to be nesting that's fine you can match up those intersections there when you come to sewing this long seam these ones are all going the same direction so they're all going down and that's okay you just match up your intersections and stitch it up i've got all of the patchwork done here now to finish this quilt up the steps are going to be the same for this quilt or any quilt that you might make i'm going to add a border then i'm going to get a backing and some batting sandwich everything together and then do some quilting you can quilt in the ditch which is right in these seams here you can free motion quilt which is where you move the quilter on and do abstract designs you can load it onto a big quilting machine like i've got here and then the edges need to be finished with the binding so those steps are the same no matter what quilt you make and instead of trying to squeeze all that into this video i'm going to do another video explaining all those steps in detail and that'll be coming out in just a couple of days but for now i'm going to go ahead and get this one finished up like we normally do in our videos so you can see what it looks like i've got the borders on i've got the quilt on the machine now we need to pick out a thread color any of these will work we could go with red we could go with green so if we go with the green it's going to show fairly prominently in those light areas gold that's going to blend nicely there it's going to blend on the red and on the green the red i think it will show up a little too much it's going to show up too much for me in here i like the thread color to recede so i'm going to go with the gold for the quilting pattern i get to use a christmas one this one has holly leaves and holly berries but it's fairly simple not to ornate and it's a nice overall even pattern that's going to look really good on the quilt [Applause] so here's the quilt all finished now we can clearly see the two different blocks we've got this red one we've got the green one it's just a nice balanced quilt it's 64 by 64 inches square and again it's the fab 5 style pattern so it took five fabrics four one yard pieces for the patchwork and then that last yard went on the border here of course the binding and backing those have to be added and i love to do something on the back a nice beautiful print that will stand alone and look good with the binding now remember our next video will give you complete detailed steps on how to finish your quilt with your borders binding and backing thanks for watching our tutorial today on how to make the hugs and kisses quilt we hope you enjoyed it now we're gonna have a big giveaway this is a great big quilt you may have seen this tutorial we filmed this it's called almost a lone star and it's got a big big star in the middle and then parts of stars around the edges and it's 92 by 92 inches that will fit on a queen or even a king-sized bed it's got a very happy cheerful flowery print on the back it was all made with strips now it's very easy to enter the giveaways all you have to do is find the link right below the video it's right below the video and it says giveaway and you put in your email address and your name and we can send this to the winner anywhere in the world so good luck now if you like our tutorials and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that would really help us out happy quilting [Music] here
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 559,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, beginner, beginer, starter, easy, fast, simple, make, half, square, triangle, triangles, how to, learn, to, fab, fab 5, instruction
Id: rcHS8n15Mpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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