day 8 of finding true love

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what's up everyone it's a beautiful day Beautiful Dawn what better time to find love than right now what what better what better time to find here on Chewie we have a big up Arrow as you can see this is all real time oh no I've got a good feeling about this day guys we're nearing the double digits of days of finding love it's a little concerning no love yet hey we have to go to the chat records Devin the 6'5 Mormon in my dreams let's go get ice cream and yell at people passing by oh yeah this was a twitch chat uh recommendation are you ticklish only one spot are you circumcised who's asking my twitch chat tell them it depends on the day are you circumcised is the real question no quite the opposite actually some may call it an extension pack a DLC if you will I call it a tapeworm yeah oh God is this a good idea oh God no this is wormy mermaid be careful what you wish for Kenny dude not search tapeworm Google Images you'll thank me later good idea you oh my God I really went crazy with this tapewear and stuff last time what got into me great idea you me are tapeworms we take them to Taco Bell we share a taco our worms share a taco all is right with the world share a taco as in one taco as in only half a taco this will never work um for baby dinner baby peas baby tacos guys what's going on am I going crazy what the hell guys date idea you ah me Taco Bell parking lot we ask for raw meat and Eden next date we pull out our teeth worms trade them with each other and swallow them we leave and never see each other again but whenever our stomach hurts we'll think of each other I know that there's a cute little parasite from the other inside us come on please like me yes thank you uh the world would be a better place with more Cinnabons so true I quote too much from Talladega Nights whatever that is what huh huh oh Kenny has an idea a good one tell me more Kenny yeah let's spit up what someone's coming right to the chase in our birthday suits I don't have I don't own a suit where can I buy that almost had a stroke trying to read that just wait until you try to read this yeah date idea you me Cheesecake Factory after dark we order only the most calorie dense disgustingly heavy food and eat until we are so bloated we can barely move then we make a we take a whole cheesecake with us to the parking lot and dance with her in our underwear until we've dropped her so many times she's caked in dirt and rocks then we bring her home and eat her then see where the Knight takes as bonus you can pop my back pimples this could end in true love buddy true love buddy all right a history of ideas I saw the Cheesecake Factory after dark we ordered heavy heavy food Nate until we were too warm to move then we took all the cheesecakes to the park and danced in the blue gear until we hit it so many times that we were covered in dirt and rocks now take it home and let's eat it then we'll see where the night takes us bonus it can make acne come back this can destroy the true love of a friend oh my God this is awesome wow he loves me oh that's right we're loves listen I know you said you'd love my tapeworm as unconditionally as you will love me but deep down I'm a little nervous that you will start to love my tapeworm more than you love me I'll fall into this deep miserable cycle of Perpetual jealousy that I will never be as good enough with help my trusty worm one of you will have to perish you really know the way to a man's heart through his stomach a history of ideas see our moral compass that we've matched with for the entirety of the series it it would be Kenny hands down he's six two he's active he has a degree so you know Robert yeah they need to lock me up yes I do I got the physical cops yes yes [Music] oh my God here let's send him a memo happy party celebration music let's go come on no what ooh birthday oh wow this is awesome oh happy birthday Basha and the bear song so let's see what they have to sing what what power this is 36 minutes Robert's gonna love it why would you make this your oh you're psychotic date idea you me a small town in South America no electricity or phone signal to machetes first we get married then only one leaves alive [ __ ] Bumble everyone is all about Mortal Combat on here this is the I have a bone to pick with stuff like this it's like you you if you make your first picture with so many people in it which what are you who was supposed who are you well oh look at the puppy I'll go go buy a puppy puppy dog a tickle tickle tickle give me your talk now now where's my money well wearing it I'll keep it in buck with you I've got no idea what that means but if those are names and I want to name the tape when I give you Masha oh okay oh I feel like all girls want nowadays is to travel to a small town in South America with no electricity or phone saying no with two machetes only to get married and then kill each other what happened to the good old days of traveling to a small town in the midwest only to discover there's been a murder in the town square and the whole town thinks we did it and in the process of proving them wrong we fall in love and stay in the town forever only for you to admit to the murder on your deathbed 60 years later if you need help blink twice it's okay thank you it's okay I'm okay it's okay I don't need help I'm okay I'm good I'm okay I am me that is I'm fine I am fine fine fine fine I'm just okay thank you thank you I'm fine fine bye yes I'm hungry [Laughter] hey there I'm hungry that's the stuff thank you thank you thank you thank you hey there I'm hungry oh stop telling me look outside my front door you're freaking me out stop guys you're freaking me out stop stop why do you know my birthday guys boost me on famous birthdays postmate Place post that's what we learned today guys um what do we learn today we learned that there's a lot of love out there and um sometimes when you're looking the least you get the most amazing [Music] my decisions [Music]
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 61,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tinder fails, funniest tinder convos, funny online dating conversations, funny online dating messages, funny tinder compilation, funny bumble compilation, funny hinge compilation, worst hinge messages, worst bumble messages, worst tinder messages, dev lemons tinder, dev lemons bumble, dev lemons twitch, true love, chivalry isnt dead
Id: 7MLqbBqDOjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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