Day 3 Keynotes | SLS20

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[Music] thank you for being such a witness for all of us Phil thanks for being here tonight tonight we're gonna dive into divine intimacy what it is and how we can live it out every day of our lives our next speaker our first speaker was one of the original founders of Catholic Underground he is a priest from the Franciscan friars of the renewal based in the Bronx New York he is the founder of Corazon Peru an organization dedicated to forming youth por favor ayudame a darle 11 vanina el padre Agostino torres sls Bente pallavicino [Music] brothers and sisters how's everyone feeling is is my mic on III cuz I didn't hear you guys how's everyone feeling okay guys do me a favor to my favorite let's once again thank Phillip Rivers who was testifying to the faith right here at SLS 2020 let's give it up that make sure he hears that [Applause] super super stoked that he was here I'm totally a football fan and and but but but when somebody witnesses to the faith it does something but my brothers and sisters all of us are called to do this where we are at I live and work out of Paterson New Jersey and when I was getting transferred from the Bronx I told the kids in the Bronx hey I'm getting transferred to Paterson and they were like you know it's dangerous out there from the Bronx I heard things about Patterson Patterson is a great place and very interesting but so they're at the friary there was a knock at the door we open up the door and it was you know usually people come by sometimes people come and they bring us food or aren't you or whatever it is and so I open up the door and there's all these little kids there about like how long between 10:00 and 12:00 and they just look up at me and they say no can we get the beads excuse me the beads yeah we want the beads the beads I'm like okay you mean rosary yeah rosary Rosi rosary right and so there it was definitely an echo going on and and I said okay let me see what I so we have a room has all this evangelization stuff and so I went in there and I thought you know what I could give them a rosary but but let me start with something a little bit more basic we had these cards that just said the name Jesus and so I brought those cards out come back out open the door and I said I don't have rosaries today for you guys but I got something else what does this say and I showed them the card and they looked at it and they said Jesus and I said what's this say Jesus come on let me hear it again geez I kid you not they started swaying and on beep they were saying Jesus and I said we need not be afraid because of Jesus anytime you need something you just say Jesus and like no it was like you know we do not need television at all or anything else that's what other where else they invented and and like and I broke off in a and and I said I said you ever feel sometimes in your room you feel like this evil presence there was this kid in the corner like you just say the name Jesus and then one of the kids broke off is hey can you say a prayer for me I said yeah what's going on and he said my friend got shot and killed what a 13 year old kid just wrong place wrong time like yeah we can pray but what happened he tells me the story and they were actually these kids were going door-to-door asking for donations to help for the burial costs and I get all the information this is like this is what CFR's we roll up our sleeves when we get into this and then I was trying to get the story and and then there was like another development all of a sudden one of the kids pulls the card out of my hand I'm like what's going on and I looked across the street and there was um how should we say in illicit exchange of goods happening across the way you know what I mean if you don't know what I mean don't worry about it all right and so this little kid he took the card and he yelled out hey y'all better stop that Jesus gee so my brothers and sisters if in a couple minutes some some Street kids can learn how to pray in the name of Jesus imagine imagine what can happen here tonight made for mission SLS 2020 made for what what but what is the mission my brothers and sisters the mission is nothing less than the salvation of souls the mission is nothing less than the establishment of a civilization of love of a culture of life the mission is nothing less than the renewal of the church in these times that has been hardened by cynicism and scandal it's closed through the Caprice of consumerism our mission is to bring the light no pressure really like I don't even like make my bed every day you want me to do all this look at the person right next to you say just stop baking your bed okay okay oh yeah there's a different people that like I do I need to do that but but in order for this mission to come about we gotta pray look at your neighbor and say neighbor we gotta pray so now I want to teach you guys a word the word is odelay very good very good so Mexicans and a Mexican it's one of those words it's kind of like in Brooklyn they got forget about it it's like it means a lot of things depending on the inflection opinion in the context or I lay it could mean a lot it can mean like hello oh right or it can mean like something else like what's up you want to fight or ally you know depends on the context but did you know that the root of that word orally is to pray literally when the Mexicans are saying that they're saying hey let's pray about it so like so we should be saying this word all the time 1st Thessalonians 5:16 prey on ceasing Lea we need to order live right hey you don't know what to do with your life lolly you give up vocational issues orally yeah things are going bad you you kind of get behind in your studies this prayer belongs to us this is ours and why we gotta pray because my brothers and sisters it's like it's like you know you know I don't know how many conferences you guys have been to I don't know how many retreats you've gone on but I do know one thing man sometimes we come out of these places like on fire and then it's not too long before it fizzles out and the voices of the world subtly soothe us away from that which is most important so I been feeling in prayer and on my heart that I just need to challenge everyone here to have a radical and deep prayer life decide today first day of 2020 I am gonna pray like as nobody's business we got a tray it's the only way that we will be able to really accomplish the mission I am whose mission is this we need to come and on our knees pray in Luke chapter 9 verse 51 I love it it says and when it was the when the time of his ascension was drawing near it says in Luke Jesus set his face firmly on Jerusalem kind of like you know they set your face firm you know people were saying that Jesus why you got to go to Jerusalem you know they're just gonna like that man let's forget those people man we could we could take this time we go to Antioch huh Carthage wrong big stuff here and Jesus was like I am going to Jerusalem because I have a baptism to be baptized with and oh how I burn until it is fulfilled this is what we need to fire up a prayer life that quite honestly right it starts out good but then it fizzles away look at your neighbor and say neighbor set your face on Jerusalem we have a mission let's go a couple people were sharing some words with me and and you know it's it's so beautiful we could talk about prayer for years it's such a deep thing and I was reading a book on Franciscan mysticism I'm gonna just in the first chapter that you know and and it said something so profound so true and so countercultural it said that in every school of mysticism that there exists there's one principle that is the same the requirement of the annihilation of the self so that God can dwell in the mystic and I was reading this like 1926 oh it all right was like this anymore and you know I'm like I've read that and I understand that but I'm so broken and and to kind of like you know you read about the Saints sometimes and like they're kind of crazy I mean like Maximilian Kolbe like the is my man he's my boy but like you know the brother said oh my only sorrow and getting into heaven is that I will not have any suffering to offer anymore - I like what man I can't wait to go to heaven like bag is like there in heaven there are many mansions it says right man you guys are all invited to my house we're gonna have a big old Pechanga with tacos in the spice of it come to the wedding banquet at my mansion I say sometimes the saints I'm just like I like I feel I can't my brothers and sisters on this first day of 2020 his first day of this decade I invite you to have a 20/20 vision I was praying with a scripture and like you know kind of like you know sometimes people like to a scripture throughout the year and my scripture was John 20/20 it was when the apostles were in the upper room they were scared they didn't know what to do they're like you know and then Jesus appeared and they were even more frightened he thought he was a ghost and John twenty-twenty says and then he showed them his hands and his side and he said peace be with you and then it says and they were filled with joy now if I have gaping holes in my hands and you start getting excited like that's a little weird but the lesson is that when you see things even your own brokenness even your own inadequacy through the wounds of Christ he takes away that anxiety and that fear and he puts in its place joy look at the person right next to you and say this world did not give me my joy it cannot take it away this joy is a fruit of prayer but what is prayer okay you can say that too [Applause] just briefly so many people ask but what is prayer like how do you pray well maybe you've heard of an acronym acts adoration confession Thanksgiving and supplication and it's basically what it is tonight we're gonna do adoration something reserved only for God confession I love Mark chapter 10 the story of Bartimaeus the blind man right yelled out Jesus son of David have mercy on me a sinner the named Bartimaeus means son of the unclean that's what his name means and he was the one that just stood up and said Jesus have mercy on me a sinner and he was given his sight that's the 20/20 that's the John 20/20 vision I'm talking about Thanksgiving of course we need to give thanks to God for this supplication the most common prayer especially during exam week but maybe we can learn a little bit more if we if we if we read this into the Greek adoration in Greek is latria in agustin he made a distinction between latria and do Leah do Leah's acknowledging venerating what God has done in a person and in the case of our Blessed Mother on her feast day it's hyper Dhulia but latria is reserved only for god it's the adoration given to God there they're not the same by they're different by degree not by level so it's a whole other thing that we give to God in adoration and it orders us it's like a need in us to offer adoration to God and when we do it's like we can breathe better confession Eleison we say it in the mass many times but a lay son has a connotation of asking as a people for forgiveness did you know and we need to we need to say this our sin affects the body of Christ and if we are setting our face on Jerusalem we need to also get serious about rooting out sin from our lives know we're sinners it's a process you know but at the same time like are we really putting our mind to rooting out some cycles of sin the Lord is giving us the grace to do so and they some Thanksgiving elq arrastia the Holy Mass where we renew our covenant and we give thanks to God for saving us is also reading Luke chapter 17 the story of the the ten lepers and how the lepers they all went but only one came back and in Luke 17 17 Jesus asks weren't all ten healed worked all ten cleansed and that word in Greek is cathodic so where we get the English word catharsis I remember Christopher Nolan the famous director saying everyone wants catharsis but only one came back and for this he was saved as Jesus says my brothers and sisters don't just come here for a catharsis come here because the Lord is calling you to more and the Lord is sending you forth to be this mission and in the name of Jesus you're gonna hold that card up and you're gonna say Jesus Jesus in your supplication prayer intercede for one another the greek word for this is Dacey's and it means that we're asking God for what we need pray and know that God will do the work in you pray and no look at the person right next to you and tell them orale god bless you guys our next speaker is a living example of the transformation Jesus can have on our hearts after playing volleyball at the University of nevada-reno she joined the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity she shares Christ with everyone she meets in person and through her podcast abiding together please welcome sister Miriam James [Applause] I'm gonna have you stand up for me can you stand up we're Catholic we can do this all right stand up for me and it's very interesting when we see how God encounters us because God is going to encounter us tonight amen and I love speaking in this law because I am NOT the best that there is the best is yet to come yes so I tonight all I am is like a forerunner I'm like John the Baptist but with less facial hair okay so I want to ask you two questions tonight and that's all I'm really gonna do and I love what father agostina was talking about that this is the first day of the year and we are going to dive in deeply with prayer so the first question I want to ask you tonight as you stand here and I know that you have a lot of things in your heart and in your mind and the Lord is coming for you and how often Jesus comes to the people that he loves and he asks them this he says what do you want me to do for you what do you want me to do for you and I think it's easy for us to kind of say Lord do you just do whatever you want but he's not asking you guys he's asking you what do you want me to do for you so if I'm just gonna ask everybody take a deep breath okay all the way in and all the way out and you could just close your eyes if you want to just for a second my dear brothers and sisters tonight what do you want the Lord to do for you and I beg you to be very honest right now what do you want him to do for you and what would you like him to do for the person standing to your right in to your left and I would you just pray for that person quietly in your heart what would you like the Lord to do for them and Jesus I pray that you would be here among us tonight that you would open our hearts prepare our hearts to encounter you for you love us and there is no place in our heart you do not wish to go I pray that you would open us deeply to your mercy to your love to your beauty and to your kindness and I pray that you would reveal the depths of your love for each one of us then we make this prayer through Christ our Lord amen in the name of the Father and the son of the Holy Spirit amen you may have a seat I was reading Hebrews lately and a third of the hebrews writes that in the hebrews 12:2 he says with our eyes fixed on jesus the perfecter of our faith we see that what that for the joy that lay before him he endured the cross he lists disregarding the shame and he seated at the right hand of God the Father I think it's so interesting when we talk about shame and we talk about joy and do we not know those realities so deeply well we know that I'm intrinsically within us because what we're talking about and what I want to present to you tonight in the form of another question for you is we're gonna talk about joy and shame and isolation and communion and what were made for and who Jesus Christ comes when he comes on the altar tonight he's gonna come among us body blood soul and divinity he's United himself to us he's with us forever he's never leaving us and he's here tonight for you in the garden we know the story very well of Adam and Eve and their love for God and their order for God and we know that somehow is Satan is he does in our own life he comes in there between and he proposes lies and he suggests things to them and we know the story very well they buy into that and they turn away from God in their lives shudder and shame enters and they are naked and they were unashamed but now they're ashamed and they hide and I love the visual imagery of this story because in Genesis it says that the father comes god that comes and he comes to them and the breezy time of the day and it makes you wonder is that the time they used to walk together and he comes to them and they are nowhere to be found and he asks them one question which is the question I would also like to ask you tonight not just what do you want the Lord to do for you but it's the question that the God comes and he asks them and I think we have to be very very careful about assigning a tone of voice to God because he knows what's happened and they're nowhere to be found and just like in our lives when we are nowhere to be found God comes in pursuit of us and he comes to them and he asks them this he says where are you where are you and that's not a logistical question and it is easy yes it's easy for us to be logistically in a place you're here tonight we're in Phoenix Arizona we're here tonight and it could be very easy to wait to be logistically here and to be mentally and emotionally a million miles away yes so the question really is not are you logistically here and really ultimately not it's are you mentally here but my my really my care my concern for you tonight is where are you here and the Lord comes to me very often and he comes to me is like my bride where are you and sometimes I don't know I'm like I think I'm at chick-fil-a I'm not really quite sure where I am you know I I don't know I I would like to be there right now maybe we go there later but you know I don't know and sometimes quite frankly I know where I am and I'd rather not admit that and we see as Adam and Eve experienced the you and I experience very deeply the entrance of shame this wound in our life that we spend most of our lives trying to medicate against and we tried to protect ourselves against and if you're a father Jacques Phillipe fan okay let's rock Philippe I love this particular all of his works are great but his book interior freedom he has this very profound quote that I want to offer you tonight he says this we all we are all born with a deep wound experienced as a lack of being we seek to compensate by constructing a self very different from our real self this artificial self requires large amounts of energy to maintain it being fragile it needs protecting and woe woe to anyone who contradicts it threatens it questions it or inhibits its expansion when the gospel says we must die to ourselves it means this artificial ego this constructed self must die so that the real self given to us by God can you merge everybody who comes into the world were ordered toward joy and this is why the the letter to the Hebrews it says that for the joy set before him we're order to enjoy did you know for the first two years of your life which psychologists say are the attachment years of your life where that bonds between your mother especially in your mother and father and and the intimate people in your family is secured that your whole life how first two years of your life is ordered toward the regulation and the expansion of joy it says that everyone that comes into the world comes into the world looking for someone looking for them and that desire never ends and maybe you've had an experience here where you came with some friends and you got lost because there's like 10,000 of us here and all of a sudden your friends come and they're looking for the K we were looking for you and you're like oh why like we want to hang out you're like oh really that's awesome like I wanna hang out you too you know like what somebody wants to be with me we want to be with people we want to be the sparkle of somebody's eye we want to be the person that people pursue and who want to be seen and known and loves and you see that so clearly in children if you ever watch little children about that age when they learn how to walk and they their toddling on and I don't know if you've ever been to the airport where you people watch I spend so much time at airports I watch people watch people it's a totally creepy saying I totally admit that I know but I do it okay but it's very beautiful because you see a lot of so you see a lot of airports there's like this it's just interesting place anyway but you see a lot of times children running around in these things their large areas so little kids run around and it's very interesting watching the parents watching the kids because one inevitably a two or three I will just take off running and then they'll get to a certain place and they realize the mom and dad haven't followed them around and they turn back around they look for mom and dad and you can see them looking for mom and dad and as they see their parents their faces light up and they take off running with their arms out and what happens the parent bends down and like come on babies and the child just jumps right into their arms you see their face lit up and that is our desire that is what we're towards what we call that communion this joy that we have where Jesus Christ comes to bring us all the parts of us into himself and to bring us into communion to bring us into joy and this is why we ate for it we ate for a joy that will never end and in the workshop yesterday we were talking about how every fairy tale and you know this too every fairy tale and the Western world as with what and they lived it's a Christian worldview did you know that where we ate for a love that never ends we ache for it but you and I know very well that we have experiences that are quite different than that and there's a wonderful book out called by a psychologist named dr. Kurt Thompson when his book is called the soul of shame and he talks about this the garden and the place where shame emerges like we just talked about where God is in pursuit of his people like he's in pursuit of you tonight where he's drawing near to you tonight where he knows your story and where he's not afraid and from that place in the garden and where shame is born out of brokenness and sin dr. Kurt Thompson says this he says it's here in the garden this is where the primal vocation of shame from which precedes all that we call sin emerges and this is a staggeringly beautiful statement he says all sin all idolatry all coping strategies in which I indulge in our ways for me to satiate my hunger for relationship my longing to be known and to be loved and my desire to be desired that this desire that we have within us it doesn't go away and if it's not pursued in an orderly way we'll just pursue in some other way because we eat what we're made for communion and we can call him any things but the desire to love and to be loved forever and to be in joy forever is an eternal desire and we all know the parts of our heart where we ache for that and yet we shy away from it at the same time because we're all infected with this wound this lack of being this area of shame in our life we're instead of turning toward communion we isolate and sometimes us because of things we've done in Isis because of things that have been done to us the mist is inherent lack if you've been in the presence of somebody that you feel is better than you yet but this is an inherent sense of shame it's a neurobiological experience it happens before you can call shame it's a lack of being or it's feeling imperfect or its feeling fatally flawed it's something that you intuitively know that as it rises up within you what you do actually psychologically before you can usually even catch yourself you go inside of yourself and you hide it's when you're sitting at the dinner table with people and you're thinking of something you want to say and you think it's kind of clever and kind of funny and then you're like I'm I'm gonna say that because they think I'm stupid it's the look on your fourth-grade teachers face as you stood before your class reading your essay for the first time and you stumble through it maybe there's a tone of voice of your mom after you made a mistake and she's like why'd you do that how could you be so stupid and we take these things in to us and then we go through life and people ask us how we're doing kind of like what follow Mike Schmidt says we're fine and yet God desires something so much more deeply He desires to encounter us and to bring us into union with him and you see this very clearly this reality of shame and what shame does versus the area of communion and what God does to bring us into communion can I just say that you say that very clearly in the rise of Skywalker okay can I just tell you that right now because there's a great scene in that movie where whatever kylo Ren is it's the the symbolism is so great there's a reason why that franchise is popular is because of speaking of something within as kylo Ren is dressed in all black and his MS mask has red cracks in it like blood coming out and he and Ray have a force bond that they can appear before one another outside of time and space and once again kylo Ren is an in pursuit of ready to turn her to the dark side and Ray has her own shame because she doesn't know is she's wearing all white very interesting her she's wearing all ypur her shame is Herod it's hidden inside and what happens as kylo Ren finds her and he appears before her and he starts to harass her saying when attorney to the dark side and she gets right in his face and she said I can see through the cracks in your mask you are haunted by what you did to your father and he fires right back at her and he says oh I know who your parents are doesn't make you so angry that you don't know who they are and you can't find them and as he puts his finger in her wound you see her get so angry she is about to go to war with him and he gets in their faces don't make me kill you I will kind find you I will give you my hand and I will turn you to the dark side the next time I see you and she's like we'll see about that and he reaches out he grabs a necklace on her neck of snatches it and who disappears and they leave one another both in their own shame both in intent to destroy one another and when they see each other face to face the next time that's the very thing they set out to do and without spoiling it for you all right one of them wins that battle of destruction and then realizes that they made the wrong choice so what happens what is the thing that actually moves them both most deeply and in a sense in their own way saves them both but if surprising an undeserved act of mercy mercy we're communion is brought into the places of isolation because dr. Kurt Thompson in that book he later on say that the only healing my dear friends the only healing the only healing for you and me tonight from our isolation from our shame from the places that we all have in our heart where we feel less than where we feel imperfect where we know the story we know the dialogue that goes on within us that we would never tell anybody that we really think the only healing from that is not another degree it's not losing 10 pounds it's not more followers on Instagram it's not pretending that nothing is wrong the only antidote to isolation is communion and this is exactly where Christ comes to meet us then you see it over and over and ever again and the Gospels that is kindness for us is tender mercy for us where he takes people that are broken and isolated and he comes into deep communion with him there's a there's a wonderful Abbess her name is mother Mary Francis and she's that Poor Clare she's a poor Claire Abbess for many many years and she talks about this she talks about this reality of community and being understood and she says this she says we all I love this we all want to be understood and we do we all of us want to just we just want something to get us and it's frustrating people don't get us we all eat and we all want to be held in those places especially the places of our deep shame to be seen in those places and held in those places and she says this we all long to be understood and by Jesus we are completely understood all the time far better than we can even understand ourselves this should be a tremendous consolation to us the things that affect us the things that can hurt us the things that can be difficult for us the things that seem very small to other people and that we could not even explain to ourselves perfectly are perfectly understood by Jesus the things that mean especially much to me as the person that he has made are perfectly understood by him the interior struggles that I have that perhaps no one else can understand are perfectly understood by him I mean it's no coincidence I think that we gathered this this time and his holy season as a church that we gather in a place of deep poverty where many people would be ashamed to dwell in this tiny stable this tiny cave is tiny manger where the king of kings and the Lord of lords is born where for the joy set before him he takes on a human life disregarding the shame he lists of the shame he takes on what other people say he takes on our shame he takes on yours he takes on our sin he takes on our brokenness and he is not ashamed of you he is not ashamed of you and one of the immense healing remedies of shame is a sacrament of reconciliation it's very beautiful in the Catechism it talks about how the sacrum is called the Sacrament of Penance it's called the sacrament of confession is the sacrament of conversion as a sacrament of forgiveness and it's a sacrament of reconciliation and you know that etymology of reconciliation is the word reconciliation its ability when you think about it's a very beautiful thing because tion tion is an action right Andry means again Cohen is with Co and Cohen with Julia and Latin the heart of the word is eyelash so the literal meaning of reconciliation is to come together eyelash to eyelash again and that's what the Lord does and he comes into your life and it comes into my life and it comes into these these deep areas of poverty at the manger and he becomes little because he's not afraid of our littleness and I have a wonderful spiritual director that I often talk about many times a night you know we were talking a few weeks ago and he said I want you to spend the rest of Advent and the rest of Christmas at the manger and he said you just sit there you sit there and you bring to the Lord your poverty you bring to the Lord your shame you bring to Lord all the areas of your life that are scattered and disintegrative the things you don't want to admit he said just sit there with him and every time the emotion comes to run away or to hide or to pretend or to put on something else that's false like father Jacques Talib is talking about you say just sit right there you just sit right there and isn't that I think it's terrifying as it can be isn't that what we want so I fire to ask you like where you are in your life tonight where are you and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what position you hold in a diocese or what you have but what matters is the heart you know I have a really wonderful friend and you know we talk about these areas that are very very sacred and very in it's it's never wise to throw your pearls before anybody people that know you that love you that love the way God loves people that are on the journey themselves they they can bear this story and they can walk with you and we all need people like that because those are the people that help us through the love of God to bring us out of isolation to communion and I have a very very good friend who's like that and many years ago we were talking about something that was very much this reality of an area of deep poverty in me and very honest with my story you know like I'm a recovering addict I've just all kind of something happening in my life and I I'm on the journey to this very day and thank God I hope it never ends and it took a great step revealing this this area of my life to this person because it was a closely guarded area that I didn't want to talk about to anybody and I was sharing with my friend and I was assuring with my friend I just opened my heart to them and my friend is so so wonderful my friend received me and I listened to what I was saying and they mirrored back to me what I said but then what they did is they opened up a whole nother level because they saw a whole levels of that poverty that I did not want to admit to myself and that moment was like this knife went into my soul and as much as I knew that my friend was speaking the truth to me out of immense deep love I could feel myself getting defensive because as soon as what happens we get defensive and I was getting defensive I was like I I know that I know that about myself I think that's what I just said I know that about myself and I said it's so tremendously humbling for me because there's nothing else I can do than sit at the foot of the cross and s Jesus to come and sit with me and heal me I know that about myself I know that and my friend is so good my friend is so good and they said to me Oh sister Miriam do you not do you not sit with me and the similar places in my own life when I reveal those things to you do you not and your kindness you come sit right there with me I said of course I do I love you like you could tell me anything there's nothing you could tell me that would cause me to turn me I love you of course I would sit with you wherever in your story you wanted to go and help you bring that to the Lord and my friends are something to me that forever changed my life they said then will you not let me do the same for you will you not let me do the same for you so we're in your life tonight right now my dear friends very honestly do you need the Lord to come sit with you in these places just sit with you right there where he wants to take on that shame because he wants to leave you into the joy of communion where he is not afraid and you know the most famous thing that mr. Rogers Fred Rogers ever said it was not about his red sweater the most famous thing he ever said was this anything that is human is mentionable and whatever is mentionable becomes manageable so what in the sacrament of confession I have over 300 priests hearing confessions tonight I'm wearing of Jesus Christ come up this middle aisle and he is going to dwell among us and he's going to gaze upon you and as his presence heals your soul he would love to hear from you so what needs to be mentioned tonight where do you need your isolation brought into communion by the one who so deeply loves you last thing I would be murderer remiss tonight I think if I did not speak about the most beautiful woman ever made Mary the mother of God and today yes and today on her feast day of all times this very day this woman who is so beautiful who so captivating ly beautiful and Pope Francis and his homily today he spoke about how Jesus comes in her womb and how she forms his humanity and to this day human flesh is in heaven because God was born of a woman where day after day month after month he was formed in her womb and how her heart was broken open and tenderness for him and how tender she is toward you and I and I she loves you and she's a mama who doesn't run away and she's a mama who desires to bring you up to her heart to her warm sacred tender heart and let you rest there her tenderness is conversion Airy she loves you so what needs to be mentioned tonight at home and where are you because the Lord is not afraid he's not afraid and in your life and my life he comes to sit beside us and bring us to himself because he makes all things new and he wants to bring her into communion with his very self tonight so let's pray shall we so lord I just ask that for each one of us that our hearts would be open for you and lord I pray that just for each one of us tonight what's the one thing I'm always about the one thing so what's the one thing tonight that we need to mention to you the Lord is not afraid my dear friends and wherever you find yourself he desires to draw near to you and we're just gonna worship tonight and I'm just gonna ask you just to remain very still and the banners of the gonna sing over us I just want to invite you to allow Jesus to bring to that area of your life to the fore and give you the courage to mention that and allow him to speak to you there in his kindness
Channel: FOCUS Catholic
Views: 17,820
Rating: 4.8957348 out of 5
Id: 8C_BGh0KSNg
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Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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