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[Music] [Music] that's what [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on one more time [Music] this was [Music] [Music] lord you are so good and your mercy is [Music] are so forever and your message is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] so good [Music] provided [Music] [Music] somebody celebrate my god tonight [Music] celebrity [Music] [Music] everybody come from my goddamn everybody that's from my god everybody talk about my god everybody wait for my god come on come on come on i [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he woke me up this morning [Music] somebody make a joyful noise [Music] oh [Music] who are you [Music] [Music] see [Music] somebody come on dance from my god come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] higher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey hey foreign oh somebody make a choice [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] my god [Music] [Music] is come on [Music] [Music] screen [Music] [Music] my god [Music] you shut my feet [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh you were [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh uh [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i wanted to live [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] god [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] can i see this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] father we worship you can we lift our hands in worship to the king of glory tonight go ahead and exalt him father we bless you we exalt your holy name child of god leave those hands shut your eyes and begin to worship the lord the bible says that the lord seeks for those who are worshiping truth and in spirit for we've come unto mount zion the city of the living god in an innumerable company of angels we worship you jesus can you go ahead and love the lord tonight worship him go ahead and offer to him the fruit of your lips we bless your name we give you praise lift up your voices in worship tonight eternity the most holy one righteous gracious faithful in all your ways we worship you we worship we thank you for the blood of jesus oh we give you praise in our carnival oh glorious god [Music] go ahead [Music] oh [Music] believed [Music] and we worship you god we worship you [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh help [Music] [Music] can you leave those hands and worship him tonight can you raise your worship to him tonight this is a moment between you and the father we bow before you king of glory our king our redeemer you are all that we are and all that we ever want to be we're worshiping the beauty of your holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you're a loving father [Music] we love you hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh hello [Applause] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hello [Music] yes uh um [Music] oh oh [Music] wow uh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the glory of the lord is upon us foreign [Music] [Music] and i will not be silent i [Music] as long as i'm breathing [Music] is [Music] as long as i'm ready together can we sing yes oh [Music] oh is [Music] always [Music] as long as i'm breathing [Music] he go ahead [Music] can your worship rise to him tonight it's not a moment to be silent for when he died on the cross that wasn't silent he paid a price for you and me that was [Music] the water god go ahead [Music] [Music] you father we worship you oh god we worship you please [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] god hallelujah [Music] god [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is foreign [Music] you were [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] of heaven and earth [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] everyone lift up your hands as we worship you one more time [Music] of heaven and here you are the god of heaven [Music] you are the god of heaven and the earth [Music] lift up your hands and worship him in your own words whichever way you know how to fart away honor you thank you for making all things well thank you for these moments when heaven and earth collide as your purpose is brought into manifestation here on the earth have your way lord let your name be glorified like never before cause your glory to circle the earth like the water covers the sea every family every life every home where men and women are connecting from around the world let your angels invade let your presence invade the revelation of jesus be made known to every man everyone have your way today like never before leave no stone unturned turn around every situation by the end of this let us glow not just internally even externally our faces like moses will be shining with the radiance of your glory people will know that these ones have been with god people will know these ones have had an encounter with god we give you praise we give you glory and thanksgiving in jesus mighty name can i hear somebody shout he began [Applause] you are the god of heaven and the earth please come and join us here [Music] you are [Music] hallelujah hallelujah good evening everyone and good evening from around the world all of you that are joining from your home and wherever you may be connecting i'm specially glad and thrilled to be here tonight at the beginning sessions of the camp meeting week this whole week is the passion week is that week when our lord was arrested and then the whole trial program all the way to his crucifixion but the week ended with his resurrection because there is no story god rise that can end with a bad ending can i hear a big amen i know there is a short distance here but if there is somebody around you can give a chalk knuckle just give him dog you're welcome glad to see you i'm pastor ben of course you know glory glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah i don't mind introducing these two books right away everybody should get them and begin to read them if you don't have them already order them they're around in all our camping grounds everywhere and then if you're from around what go to the internet go to google and google them the first is faster than prayer the atomic power of god this whole week we have declared it a week of fasting but go as far as your strength can carry you you can be breaking in the evening if you ask me to recommend uh you can just go the whole week on water but uh you can be breaking in the evening you know every evening especially after the sessions but if you want to break before the sessions that's beautiful and the second book is fasting by derek prince the key to releasing god's power in your life there is no other key that i know for bringing people into the supernatural realm and giving them encounter like fasting prayer does that worship does that but none of them is as powerful as when you deny yourself acts chapter 13 there's a second material i'm going to be introducing books to you all through the week but this one is domino city song book it just came out hot from the oven and uh i'm told that it's easy hundred is 809 am i correct 200 500 okay it's still all of them are cheap 500 all most of the materials will be presented to you but there will be a heavy duty book the encounter book towards the ending i'm not sure if that one will go for 500. i think he has a little volume you know so get this and some of you some of these songs a lot of great songs are going to be coming out uh when you're coming for any session where you at your home get it i learned that it's online you can go there and click and pay and get a copy of it and you'll be able to join us in some of these songs i'm also asking them to project as many songs as possible glory be to the name of the lord we have a week that is loaded some of my friends have arrived like opposing dobby from south africa they will be joining us on tomorrow's session dr cord for us he'll be joining us from tomorrow's session i know about four different ministers will be joining us from tomorrow's session it's going to get very hot this week and i love it here in abuja because you are not sharing with anybody every other person has to be watching you on tv but from thursday when we step into the deep abuja will have a whole week you know others can announce that sharing glory glory glory glory first uh acts chapter 13 verse one and we can begin something from there you know check all your mics be sure they are working one of the keys to the whole week is team ministry corporate ministry i don't know if you were able to see us yesterday for muyo i had about four of my friends with us plus barista and we're coming from there you know and the whole of the week will be like that there will be in individuals speaking in every session there will always be a speaker that will speak but then most of the other ones will be cooperative ministry and so you will be expecting the corporate anointing to be flowing from here glory glory glory glory there is something big i need to show you tonight as part of the opening sessions i wanted to be here yesterday but we couldn't do your event overflowed into the night there were in the church that was at antioch certain profess teachers barnabas simeon that was called niger lucious of siren manin which had been brought up about five major ministry gifts were in this particular church so you see team ministry not just paul the last person mentioned they saw that's paul the apostle he wasn't even an apostle at this time he was just a teacher the bible said in verse 2 as the minister to the lord and fasting no no put up that trust okay let's start with the king james as the minister to the lord i'm fasted the holy ghost said separate from me paul and barnabas for the work where until i've called them once you start ministering to the lord and then you combine fasting you scale up the degree of the move of god the holy spirit will have to move ministry to the lord alone can activate the move of god prayer alone can activate it but when are they combined with fasting you are in for the deep that word ministry to the lord i want you to understand what it means what it means give me that other translation it means worship one day as they were worshiping god and they were also fasting as they waited for guidance the holy ghost spoke when you talk about encounter because this year years coming in is encounter competing encounters take is the what makes a difference between one christian and another the other one has theoretical christianity he can talk you know theories and can talk the other man has experience you can not compare theories may talk to the one who has the personal experience one has the goods the other has the talk this year's committing is designed to give every man an encounter with god nobody can see him and be listen nobody can experience him and be reset [Music] nobody and the bible said as we behold him we are changed onto the same image nothing changes a man like an encounter with god talk to us about it what what what what one encounter one deep experience have you had with god that you say that has helped to shape your christian life what why is encounter so important yes sir encounters are so important they are too powerful because just like you said you've said it over and over to us it's encounters that make a christian progress in his work with god and there are different kinds of encounters divine encounters that someone can can have and you notice that some christians after many years are still in one level meanwhile christianity takes you from glory to glory from level to level some people just stay in the same place they are not making progress their life is not progressing they are not changing god's highest goal god's highest desire god's highest dream for every one of you for every christian is romans chapter 8 verse 29 put it up let them see [Music] you bought a car you got a new house those are toys god does that he blesses his children but those are the jarrah the toys that's not the main thing the real deal is romans 8 29 and read it possibly for whom he did for know he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren god wants every one of us to grow and become exactly like jesus so that the only difference is that he's the first to arrive he's the firstborn he's our eldest brother but people won't be able to tell the difference you know it happened to his apostles the first group is that they were ignorant men they were not educated but the pharisees took knowledge of them that these men have been with jesus you can't hang around god and not be and not be changed you can't that they have been with jesus then in acts in in in in current you know in ephesus ephesus paul had a group of disability started with 12 and then the thing grew and exploded and they taught them and gave them word encounter and they had holy spirit encounter then the bible said the christians the the believers the disciples were first called christians in ephesus they did not call themselves the unbeliever said these people are christ-like these people are like jesus that's the level of transformation that happened in their life over a short period of time god's greatest goal is for every one of us to be transformed to the image of christ to be conformed to the image of christ so that he will just be the first born among many brethren you can imagine if all these thousands of people here now listening to me are all like jesus manifesting their sonship operating at his capacity you know what will happen to this city you can imagine if all of you watching from around the world come to that place that is one of the goal of this community that's one of the goals [Music] you talk about as we behold him i've heard you talk about it what happens you know when you come to or come in contact just like you say yes there is nobody that will ever have experience with god would i would ever ever be the same he said what will keep you to continue to grow in life is experience you can be taught you can be preached too but when you have an experience you don't need anybody to properly anymore to want to serve god it's it's it's a it's it's a it's an automated machine you run by yourself nobody can stop you they say those that know their god god those that know their god and that is that there is those that know their god shall be if you don't you can't be he said he wants us to be like in his image by having a knowledge of him by understanding that you were meant to be like him you see that revelation of knowing that you are the same as god the same spirit that made jesus is the same spirit that you were wired to be like the same power that held the sun and the moon is the same power that you were created with he said when you become in his image you'll be you say those that know their god shall be and do exploit and and that's what pastor is talking about the aspect of an encounter we're not doing all this for you feel good it's for you to become just and we're going to take you there start in this night not tomorrow night but just before i i i turn on that aerodynamic engine i want to you know also i want us to yes yes you know you know an aircraft can roll on the road just and if he is not careful he will just join the traffic join the cars in the truck but the guy is not meant for the road is meant for the skies you are going to take off to where you belong can i hear a name is annie go hanging around with chicken jumping around looking for food you know fighting with them over maybe the farmer threw some corn out the eagle is fighting with no no the ego is not meant for the ground it's meant for the sky when you see a christian function at that low level like a natural man like an ordinary man out there you know that there is something wrong he needs discovery for recovery there's something he doesn't understand yet [Music] what at least five different types of encounters you can have for example one of them is the encounter with the cross encounter with the cross let me take a few minutes and discuss this then we can get into some you know encounter with the cross the first time jesus you have an encounter with jesus it comes to you through his work at calvary because the encounter with the cross is the encounter with the love with the mercy and with the grace of god it's encountering god's forgiveness god as a savior god as a redeemer god as a merciful gracious and loving father it is that encounter that leads you to salvation it is that revelation that also sustains your salvation [Music] if all you know about god is like one big man up there with a big stick looking for somebody to punish or to judge you don't really know him god is a father by nature and he loves you and that love is what cost him what made him to come here in the flesh that love is what made him to take your sins your problems your sicknesses your oppressions your curses your failures and carried them to calvary where he nailed it there where he died he did not just nail your sin he died and gave his life in exchange for your life the reason the enemy can't trap me [Music] the reason satan can catch me is because somebody else has died my death somebody else has suffered on my behalf he cannot get me to pay the price twice somebody has paid the price that i should pay the debt that i am owing somebody out of his love and kindness have paid my debts so if you come to me mr devil and you want me to pray twice you are not going to fool me because i know my rights if my father takes me to a restaurant and pay for food no waitress there can collect money again for me for the same food is somebody hearing what i'm saying stop paying for what jesus had paid for you are being cheated the devil is a liar he's a deceiver once he knows that you don't know he will rob you he said the thief come about to steal but to kill and to destroy he will rob you he will steal so much he will destroy as much as you can until you find out i took a group of uh friends of mine ministers of the gospel especially for the family of intercessors for africa to go and eat yesterday when is he let me remember one you know resort in uyo and that's not a cheap place to take a lot of people to but of course we're eating my friend who is there my son in the lord you know who is you know a politician was you know just there with us he wasn't eating i was trying to get him to eat no he really but halfway in the middle he whispers into my ear everything has been paid for and more if there are more people let them come and eat he said even if you have another double the crowd that came here we have made provision let them come and eat can you imagine after that the waitress will now say pastor you have to pay [Music] if you are my shoe will you pay because if i pay i just wasted that young man's effort he's trying to do something for me he's trying to honor me he's trying to you know be a good guest he lives in that city he's trying to take care of my guests [Music] and then after that i'll go and pay again [Music] don't you understand somebody up there loves you you sinned yes you deserve to be punished yes he did not sin so he shouldn't suffer any punishment but for your sake he was made sin and took the punishment that the sinner deserves so that you might be made the righteousness of god what he did is called substitution take what i am while i take what you wear let me suffer this so you go to prison on your behalf go to hell on your behalf die your death for you suffer the consequences of your sin so that you can be justified and that what technical word in court justified me to be declared not guilty [Music] to be declared righteous that's why there are two kinds of righteousness there is one i work for i did the deeds of righteousness so i earned it but there is a gift of righteousness you don't understand that but you understand it in natural areas of life they say car you work for you earn money you spend your energy your time your talent and finally they paid you that money you use it to buy this car it's your car you paid for it you work hard to achieve this there is a house you work for years of savings and work and you got enough money finally you bought a land and now you build this house what is this other one that is a gift dog is something less mine because you bought it for me if i buy this book is mine if you pastor ben buy it for me and give it to me is mine is that degrees of possession this one is 50 years because pastor ben bought it and the other one is 100 years no sir the bible said we are heirs of god and join air do you know what airship is your father has written a will he has died and then they are sharing property jesus by his death and resurrection made us join us equal rights to everything his heavenly father has of course he didn't just make it to us like a group of slaves he made us his brothers he made us sons no slaves not servants souls we are children of god and we're heirs of god and joy as with christ when we start talking about encounter with god for the unbeliever it can be strange for you we should not be because my children [Music] no i was just coming back from you today you know i've not been there in years everybody wants to see pastor oh you know and i disappointed a lot of people because i'm in a committed move i couldn't do a lot of this talking and all that a lot of people want private they are giving me gifts i say you send it to this person they are bringing it and yet i couldn't see them i think that's how it is with my kids okay you are in accounting with the moment i landed we just opened the seahawk [Music] and one of them just came back from school ah that one that's what family does that's what being airs that's what being sons mean this almighty that is the almighty the mighty the the generous the the fearful the omnipotent minister is my dad you are not clapping yet [Music] not evil moses you know old testament old testament gave god servants that's the best he could do that's why he wanted something better yeah we have servants in your companies in your house who work for you and in your house you know that's not the same as children it's not the same old testament gave god servants and so in old testament you can see god there is a cutting when you go to this temple you stay in outer court the highest you can do is you know coming where they make the animal sacrifice that's how far the whole israel can go you stop there if you cross because that's invading another man's privacy privacy is for him and his family privacy is for him and his wife and children so most of them when you come to where you're a stranger the highest they do for you is the sitting room they always put a city room that's where they stop visiting they call you visitor stop being a visitor to the house of god stop being a visitor to jesus and to the kingdom you are losing a lot [Music] look at it romans chapter 8 verse 17. let's start from 16 16 and 17 possibly read you know the spirit is separate witness with our spirit that we are the children of god and if children then heirs heirs of god and joined us with christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified come to this suffering with him naturally maybe getting involved in evangelism maybe whatever the price is not a big deal because his family issue one is also my natural family we also suffer with my parents we fight we make sure we protect family legacy they don't beg me for that they don't need to pay me for that but what drives all this is that we are his children and because we're his children where his ass where his hairs and join air with christ you know there is cold air there is joint air you know the difference is you share 50 50. so if if daddy left 100 million in account you and i are cool we just shared 50 50. you have because we had only two kids here so if we are three yeah he left 150 we share 50 50. and everybody goes yeah that's cool joint airship is hundred hundred you have access to 100 of it i have access to 100 of it you have access to 100 of it you know what it means if this other land was on my own side and um you know maybe and there is a situation where you need it you have access [Music] apart from those kind of things that have been shared to you because in christianity we have two type of position we have certain positions that are unique to us our gifts our calling our purpose that are unique when it comes to that i'm different from you your talents are different from mine but we now have what else the other thing called commonwealth of israel things that belong to all of us [Music] and what makes me sad is that sometimes when somebody that knows is right because he knows he's an heir he's a joint joint is you and i are joined signatories you can withdraw i can withdraw and what we are dealing with is inexhaustible world the scripture calls it the unsatiable riches of christ i heard a song i don't know if i can remember but so some lady was singing if my papa be done gote or something you know i can't remember something like that if we give you opportunity now to be done go tensor some of you will deny the family where you come but the man that owns it all owns the whole you know is your father i say he's your father this week oh don't come with that slavery mentality you know we are going to minister to people and all kinds of things are going to happen here whether it's healing come with some ship mentality there are two different things don't come with that begley mentality one of my daughters said i've been begging god she had a child first a girl second a girl told a girl she was really worried this fourth ones he said i've been begging god to give me one just one he's a pastor i don't know it doesn't look like it will help me to beg him i said we don't beg is our inheritance you want a baby boy as a inheritance i said there's even another thing you need to know you may not know that you are joining signature with jesus since you don't know i'm going to use my own right as a joint signatory and signed that thing for you from the heavenly account and by this time next year i declared it you are going to have a baby boy and the the baby was born they named him david after me and the next time when i saw her husband they were giving me i said my friend have you ever learned what i was trying to teach you we are joined signatory you could have signed that thing further in the name of jesus [Music] i don't want to stand up here too because there is fire inside my bone this evening [Music] that he might be the firstborn and jesus is not like some family first born cheating the younger ones of the inheritance no no no a million times he was the one that put his life on the line for us put the scripture up in romans 8 he that spared not his son but gave him up for us how shall he not now with him freely give us all things is it healing that you want my friend is the deliverance that you want maybe it's a baby that you want read it for them that's romans chapter 8 verse 32 he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things freely give us how many things all things freely give us how many things if you can kill your son for me is it now promotion that is hard don't you understand that no no no love is greater than this then the man should lay down his life for his friends jesus said i don't call you servants anymore i call you friends because all i have heard from my father have made them known to you instead of treating those like less than him everything the father made available to him made it available to us look at it read it let them see john 15 verse 15 henceforth i call you not servants because that's the problem of the old testament god had all israel where he servant but he didn't have children and he was looking for family that's why he made a new covenant and some of you want to treat him like the old covenant and then that will not satisfy the heart of god okay if you have needs you have drivers you have all kinds of servants you have staff working for you in your company does that replace your crime for a child eh [Music] you don't even need to marry to understand that yes go ahead sir you know something just occurred to me abraham had servers about 400 over 400 trained servants but when he encountered god he said oh lord what will you give me see i am going childless you can even show it today in genesis 15 god appeared to him the man has been blessed with money wealth god has given him everything the bible said god bless abraham in every dimension only missing is a child [Music] and then the lord appeared to him genesis chapter 15. go ahead and listen to it and abraham said lord god why what will thou give me sin i go childless and the steward of my house is this eliezer of damascus these aliens are from damascus will end up inheriting everything and this guy has served him faithfully is a faithful but go ahead verse 3 and abram said behold to me thou has given no seed and lo one bone in my house is my heir this guy's body my house is going to inherit everything but it wasn't my child he's born he's born here he's going to inherit everything [Music] and see what the lord said to him this is the situation god was in the old testament he had a group of slaves he pulled out from egypt and made them his own servants let my people go that day my serve me service was the purpose for that deliverance today the purpose for your redemption is sonship relationship christianity is not a religion it's not just a call to command is relationship god's hard yearning for family how many of you want to meet that need for god if you will meet relationship need for god you will meet every meet in your life that's what the scripture means when he said delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart do you know what desires mean not needs he will go beyond it as i'm giving you desires [Music] i don't want to talk about me you can ask our brothers who are in u.s and and uk when i take part sarah for shopping anything if she looks just am i i just sit in one place be watching the whole shop is if i see her look at any dress it's already in me of course she's a very conservative and so she would not be begging me you know this is too much axe call any of them one time one of my sons flew in with a card he's a pastor i came in here just to bless you and i have hundred thousand u.s dollars inside this car burn it i say you don't tempt me with good things because i know what to do with it he said go ahead i saw you follow me i carry a processor i'm taking you somewhere are we going to eat i say you get you will eat she thought he was just eating and we enter shops we enter shop in the morning you know there when you are inside you will know when it's dark the lights are bright by the time we came out it was 10 p.m in the evening shops shops and they keep connecting from one to the other and when we have finished we had four boxes i said what about the card he said the card has not even cracked i thought we were born like half he said you don't understand all these things you are buying like 20 dollars this and that i'm talking about hundred thousand u.s i said this boy is crazy you should thank god i can't carry a car on my head and entire aircraft he wanted to bless me so but me i'm not i don't need many things of course what happens is sometimes this is my clothes that's what person said i don't i wear one shoe where where after i would disappear i'll be looking for he said you left it in your last program they are the ones that hid it because i'm i don't need much to operate but you see love when you love somebody all the money will they make for what now if your wife your children cannot enjoy what or god waiting all this money for what for what for what when you finish they put it to your grave so that they can follow you too [Music] there is no they don't use this your type of colon in heaven like i'll show you the seven types of buffoon they use there that is not just one they sell it so if you want to use better buy them now use them now this is your type of fashion they don't wear it in heaven look at all these things you're wearing it's not allowed in heaven we dress like angels white remnants like jesus that's what they wear there so if you want to wear clothes wear them here they want to marry now here they don't marry their [Music] if somebody still hearing me [Music] they want to easier enjoy it here [Music] my friend brother will be wondering which one is here don't worry it's a form of african barbecue you know [Music] i like canadian oh steak let's not go there let's get spiritual because man we are in the spirit let's leave this food business [Laughter] god won't see delight yourself in the lord and he will give you not just your needs you will meet needs and leave knees and start looking at desires i don't know about that but that's what is going on with me that's what is happening i i'm thinking about something i'm still you know i've not even in some cases i have not even prayed about it next time somebody brings it if i tell you you will be it shocks me sometimes i wonder how how who told him god wants to give me to your needs but he wants to also grant you your desires because he loves you [Music] i don't know if we'll go beyond this but personally the hardest part for me because of religious background where i came from was to believe that god loved me all my life i was trying to please him doing everything just to end his approval you know especially when you have some challenging times with your early father you use that [Music] to look at your the heavenly father [Music] if you had a father that was hard and mean not mean they mean well for us but sometimes you know men trying to raise their children especially their boys so when i got born again ah you know i didn't believe any good thing when i gave my life to christ early i was 12 years old on easter break this particular this special week they sent us home when the boarding school a center's home and i got home you know i was the only one born again in my house and there were persecutions my family didn't like it you know there were problems everywhere they wanted to stop me so i declared a small fast just morning to living for three days easter break and all that i was praying about is the salvation of my family my younger ones nobody was saved my dad my mom and my mom particularly was going to one white garment church and they wanted to go and i will go and it was part of rebellion you know and all kinds of things they didn't you know turn i was in this first on the third day i was taken out from there and it was an angel that escorted me out to come and meet somebody and they took me and it was jesus that's the first time i was meeting the lord it has appeared to me three times over this you know because of my christian life but that time was the one that changed everything because i was still a new christian when i returned to school after that break revival broke out in my school because i had my two friends when i shared with them what happened and amazingly that's the only message i could preach in those days we started commotion and you know where junior students are they flogged me senior students they were they were prepared who got jealous because the whole the junior students started following me was like magnets and what was it not even some of these senior encounters you discover your purpose you are called to be a person no just the love of jesus what is shared with me [Music] what he told me in that experience five simple things very simple [Music] that was what changed it all that's how i we pioneered and i was still young in the faith maybe about a year there about we started the first fellowship in that school and that fellowship i pastored it as a junior student all the way to my final year of course by the time i got to second to the final year the i became the chapel prophet for the evangelical all evangelicals and we had a chapel in our school and i became the chapel prophet and then we started holding sunday services and we had a priest an anglican priest that would come once in a while he came two three times and stopped coming he said you have what it takes i have listened to you i wish my son is like you and that's how i became priests i became chapel prophet and i was also leading a fellowship so sunday morning we are holding services and then the catholics will hold their own services their currently priests will come and then after a while there was a problem in school it got to the principal half of the catholic could not go for their mouth they're on our side because in a controversial people are getting healed this is second discussion this is a little a genius people are getting healed people are dropping glasses people are dropping their inhalers for asthma people are dropping and you know my father was sick there was challenges at home but i became the richest student on campus when parents are bringing their kids they will say send for that little boy david i will come he said my son this my son came back he had stopped wearing glasses and i was asking him what happened he said you are the one that prayed for him he said please we are begging you whatever it is keep it all don't let anybody take it for you don't allow them to corrupt you as you get up these are parents and these parents are not saved but they are talking to me they say my son that used to smoke he used to be honest has so changed he's such a and i'm asking him he says you [Music] he said whatever it is keep it and then they will bring money and give me buy me complete provision so sometimes and i end up 24 provisions money from everywhere different people amazingly amazingly till i left that school there was not one case where i had parents come to harass me i don't know why it didn't happen because some parents still don't like it when they're kids like my own parents but everyone that came they will only say the only thing we are warning you about is make sure as you are doing this that you are reading your book so even the principle the principle that case got to the principle that the catholics half of them are coming to our own side what you know they wanted it stopped when the principal called me i said sir we are not inviting them we don't do anything people are going to where they are getting something that is happening can't you see that the crime rate that a lot of your headaches in this school has gone down can't you see that is now these senior students that are giving you headaches up he said it's true i said you see he said what are you doing today i said we teach the morals i didn't say and then you know that's why they are coming so he stood by me and granted me a form of protection he said from now i heard that people are disturbing you senior is there anybody that tries it come here i will ross and he sent to people out of school because of me yes so after some people thought i was his relative i was enjoying some kind of immunity but you know we did a lot of praying oh god help us you know and god had to the vice principal's wife fell sick and the son has gotten booked saved and he talked to the dad and they invited me to their house and i told god heal this woman you know what it would mean for the fellowship before this prophet shot down this fellowship and the woman was healed that was how staff fellowship started [Music] and there are times i was invited to come and speak in in that staff and i will be shaking and then i'll get there exactly what the scripture said start happening don't worry about what you're going to say for it will not be you speaking but it will be the spirit of your father speaking through your mouth [Music] i have been there since that age 12 till now i've been in this journey it gets sweeter it gets better because when you have an encounter it goes beyond stories that people are telling you this thing you'll be reading will not come alive do you know there are only five things jesus told me that it looks like there was something else i was supposed to show you this it looks like i can't get i can't get to it let me just let's just do this love of god because this way a lot of people have problems a lot of people are hooked up there so that is what is hindering their faith faith walks by love if you don't have the revelation that somebody loves you that's why you are suspicious you are fearful you can't trust when they're making you promises you don't know whether they will keep it when you know that somebody loves you and that man is sincere do you know five words i don't know if i can tell you all of them but i will just and when the lord finished he showed me this thing in the scripture i'm telling you [Music] he said because i live you shall leave also put it up let him say he said you have seen me you know now for yourself that i'm alive he said i died i was buried but i rose again from the dead don't go like somebody who is representing a dead person realize that i'm alive and i will be with you because the last thing they were talking to me is about the school about starting ministry yet a little while the world see me no more but you see me because i live you shall live also everybody write the word alive on your book i'll tell you and that's the only thing i was preaching in those days this thing and then i was studying my bible scripture you know helped us and i without grew in the knowledge of scripture and and you know years i've gone i've not talked about it i used to talk about it in the beginning days of dominion i've not talked about it [Music] i used to talk about it a lot when the release was starting because it was ncf then campus fellowship [Music] write word alive a l i v e five things hey this is what cured my rejection cured my insecurities cured my dejection cured my sin consciousness cured my guilt consciousness because i didn't have faith i didn't believe that god could listen to me i didn't believe in anything i didn't believe that any good thing can happen with me and let me also say this you know i'm now saying it now years have passed i can say now i can't talk about it in those days i would just be crying because these things the effect they had on me stay with me for years you see first of all is that this man jesus when you look into his eyes there's fire there it's like getting into this bright light but now the difference is not this type of light it's like light brighter than but then he has capacity sometimes to lower that light and allow you to look at his face if you look at it you don't see so you see the rest of his body but when you look up here you can't see it's too if it does it will even blind your eyes but there is something he does and he can even do it to the point that he can look woman not fully human now he can't go back to how he used to be when he was here his countenance you know i fell and was like a dead person there and he touched me spoke and what he said kind of infused life into me and i got up and i was shaking and i was thinking about all my sins all the bad things i've done and all of course everybody i've done was before me and i was expecting him to start telling me about them [Music] how bad things were and all that that's when he started explaining to me what the cross meant why he went there that it was an exchange that he went to take our place and he said everything i'm telling you is the same for all my children and the reason i'm talking to you is because they don't know go and help them he talked to me about my school and talked to me about young people and he said if you will leave to share my heart with the young people he said i'm giving you a tongue that no young man will listen to you and not think twice and be normal that's when this youth ministry this issue we young people started 12 years he said no young man he said even if they walk away don't worry they will come back because when they go they can't sleep he said there are preachers i have a lot of preachers but very few that really know how to reveal me because they don't know me i had issues with rejection you know my dad my dad can say strong words that are negative he doesn't mean evil he's trying to raise his son but when he talks he'll die and you go back to school those words have haunted you like witches that's when he's angry [Music] i don't want to say some of those words but i remember one where he told me the day i hear that you are dead i'll just order pan wine with my friends i will drink yes i was living with my grandmother in the village and we go we climb fences and jump into people's company to block mango odara i don't know what is called in english is this uh sharing we block it you know this ripe fruit we have children going to school and we had a group we throw stones through stick and sometimes we hit it it will fall inside the compound would climb the fence and go and collect it and all of that so one day we were caught of course we climbed the fence and escaped but the man had seen him and when my dad came back they came to report to him when he finished flogging the vlogging i can handle the words not just men's code but there are some that are very deadly that he says and so the lord explained to me what why he came and what he did on the cross it was an exchange substitution he said it was my place i took your place there that judgment that you deserved you truly deserved because of all your sins and the same applies to all mankind i took that punishment for you because i love you and what shocks me the way he says that you look into his eyes because god did something after he got me up after i fell and he got me up he did something and allowed me to the two times i looked him i can't explain it first of all his eyes looks through you sees everything inside you and passes i don't know whether it's gamma rays that come out of his eye i don't know what it is and then it's as if you are naked including your thought everything all your life but then there is something else there there is you see something like somebody i don't know what is someone that is trying to cry but you see love liquid love there is a way a man can be loved with a woman and the way you look at her it's not only hard i will see people around looking at you we know that this man is engrossed is is raptured by this lady there's something about the looks of jesus there is something about his eyes it was when i i was made to look in and i realized [Music] this is not the same thing i see at home that frowning face that face of anger that i want to yes i feel of what i feel i feel whatever but what i see here is different what i see is the arms of love and that's the first thing he explained to me he said when i tell you that you are life in me it means you are accepted he showed me they are all in the scripture the bible says you are accepted in the beloved [Music] you may have suffered rejection from people from your heart relationship from men from even your parents from people where you walk you might have certain unique personalities that make people you know they don't like you or whatever there is somebody up there who owns the whole universe who and he loves you and he loves you beyond what words can tell l means you are loved [Music] and one thing he kept telling me i don't need to convince you of my love for you because i've proven it by putting my life down for you let that sink into you and when the lord speaks his words are not like human words so his words bones into you i don't explain as if somebody was doing surgery inside my soul i'm removing jokes without another with me with words those words are not ordinary his words are quick and powerful and there is a way they grab you from inside he said let this be burnt upon your spirit upon your soul never forget when the enemy attacks your mind and tell you you are nothing you are useless when it comes with condemnation remember [Music] the cross is my voice speaking to you about how much i love you i laid my life down for you and i remember when he asked me will you give me yours you don't understand i told him everything even if nothing else take my whole life i had ambition to be a you know to be rich you know young people where i've come from that's the only thing you want to compensate with go make a lot of money and i had an unclean only you know nnpc who was trying to pave the way for me so all that dream and all of those things still outside i now told me for now be inspired my life when you read the bible and i did it for years he said when you read the bible for example you start with the gospel stand there like you are one of my disciples travel with me watch what i do anything i do you can do it i said lord you don't know who you are talking to how can i i can't he said you can because now i am in you and i came inside you to be continue what i started when i was here in the flesh he said i am in you you don't understand a one-year-old born-again christian the scripture came to my school the school hall to do a movie and to you know the movie was about hell and heaven and to preach and that's how i came out in front of the whole school to give my life to christ and it's just about a year i have not had years to grow and you're telling me you can do it he said just study just make me your inspiration make me your model and realize that i did this thing as an example for you everything i do you can do always put yourself in my shoe and when you're facing each other actually so what we like what would jesus do if he's in this situation do it and you will get the same result that i will get and i will back you i will be with you i will never leave you i will never fail you those words bold in my soul i kept thinking is there not something i should do at least to merit all this maybe to become holier or give me some years so that i can now know the bible very well or grow it has nothing to do with what you do it has to do with what i have done [Music] i'm the one that justified you and the one that made you worthy and the one that made you qualified made you qualified [Music] look at this scripture ephesians 1 6 reading for them to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he has made us acceptable in the beloved he has made us accepted who is telling you that you are nobody you know you know at the end of it all [Music] i came out of it i realized that the most important person the only person that mattered likes me [Music] that's what on that small bad boy growing you know first year i had gone to join one group in school i'm telling you you know a few of us are where you know most of them are senior students to go and check out how to smoke and all of that and you know you buy the signals beer and some other things they smoke and they give you protection in school and i wanted to belong to that and i joined and that's how i i took my first [Music] god did not let me go too far i don't know what he would become [Music] and so when i i was out of that another day he said we are giving you only two weeks that's how far you last he will come back they didn't know because nobody can truly know him nobody can experience him and still be a footballer for the enemy to play around no no no no i didn't have money our family went through a lot during that period but inside me i was a different person i felt like i was on top of the world because of these things [Music] and the lord said will you study the scripture don't study because you want to know too much theology or too much not study to discover me for they are there to be a witness of me i said what is this he said every book there is talking about me but start with the new testament and as you read watch as you discover me what you find in me is what is in you i say what i said i can't preach like this they would think i'm arrogant how can i tell people that he said that is the same for all my children you can imagine these are the kind of simple messages i used to pray it got the whole school set on fire children that are bound with rejection people that are stammerized that can't speak and because it is affecting their personality people that had short lived one legislation they get this extra shoe and you know some of these deformities you think is just physical it affects the man's song high in cycle and and they will believe this and they will break down you see them giving their life to christ rushing to the other the kids before we knew it and that then you see let those same legs start growing out and the lord was doing this in secondary school to show the little children that is real before we knew fire caught the whole school [Music] and then we say v v v he said you are valued [Music] do you know i didn't plan to share this i had a different thing look at my notes here i told you there is something aerodynamic tomorrow evening we're going to get into that because it's about the holy spirit i wanted to start with the holy spirit tonight but now we are on jesus and this is the one that changed me this is the one by school to his very foundation he said you are valued that's when the lord explained to me you if you've been in dominion for many good days you helped me use this statement that's where i got it from he said [Music] if you have two products and you can pay peanuts for one and you pay so much for the other which he said for example if it's a pair of shoes one cost you a couple of cobbles we used to have coins then you know it's not like now and it's real money when you buy things like students you can you can get along with it they cost you on you and then this one cost you a million which of those shoes will you place more value i said of course the one that cost millions i said because and then he said if somebody wants to borrow things anyhow which one you got given the cheap one he said to me now i'm trying to help you see this in monetary value but the truth is the greatest price that could ever be paid for any commodity was built for you so the greatest value that the almighty god could place on anything has been placed on you i broke down i cried i cried i cried out of the vision cried out of it i kept crying for three days any time i'm a little alone i remember this i started crying people wonder what is going wrong with me i lost appetite for food for a while i was in this thing i could not believe even when i came back i wrote all the things i couldn't believe it's me it's me he said the greatest prize that could be please put it up you are not purchased with savor and gold the peter was one right but with the precious blood of jesus [Music] your salvation that's why in those days you hear me say you're looking for anybody to convict for being a christian find me guilt that area is the area of no compromise for me if it means whatever no problem i don't have you know there's no whatever about this find me guilt [Music] reading passable first peter chapter 1 verse 18. for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers yes vast native but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot it was life that was used to purchase me not just life of any animal or any other person god's life [Music] passover this is what the lord told me he shook me even when i got back to school i would tell them about this tell them how valued they are tell them about christ i'll keep this part for a while until i got bored because i said if i tell them they would think you're crazy he said the same value the father places on me is what he places on you i said no lord i cannot accept that one you are the one that is righteous you are perfect you are the son of god he said boy you are now a son of god like me i said oh he said the father loves you exactly the way he loves me he said if i am like you and didn't know the love of my father i would even be angry that he sacrificed me for you i would think he loves you more than me because i'm the one he gave up in order to have you [Music] did you hear what i just said he said i knew the love of my father so going to the cross was only a problem for my brothers if i didn't if i was in your state i would think like slaves that were sold away in exchange for something that he just gave up on me to have this boy [Music] please put it up let them see it i think the scriptures will also help them because when i started checking the bible and saw that these things were in the bible i was shocked i thought i i at least i know i don't read the bible so much but i thought at least i had an idea what was inside [Music] i didn't think this kind of things will be found in the bible that god loves me the same way he loved jesus put it up there are many scriptures on that that they will know that you love them just like you love me [Music] any like for example the one in john 17 anyone you find really let them see there are a number of scripture statements he made like that let me put back my holy spirit bomb it will be tomorrow look at john 17 23 read it for them to see this is jesus talking and guess what he's having this discussion with the father he's praying for us and look at what he said i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the word may know that god has sent me and has loved them as that has loved me the special place i have with my father with you but i'm not i know that that is the truth that the father loves you you don't know what this does to a young man that the father loves you exactly the way he loves me and then he keeps making one statement everyone he finishes he will make one statement he said this is the same for all my children they don't know that's why the enemy is taking advantage of them and asking you now to go and help them to know [Music] because i live you shall live also because of my life you are alive in me is years after i came across that book by canada god in him if you go through the bible and look at all the in him scripture in him in whom we have redemption through his blood in whom that in all the things that belong to us in christ [Music] and then of course the last is the e which is the engagement and this engagement where he said that i was thinking about marriage or engagement like that he said no it's a responsibility he said just like the father sent me so sent are you that's the john 20 20. now you know that the father loves you like he loves me he values you like he values me that's why he bought you with my value he bought you with my life you were purchased with my life not with saving gold my life is your inspiration i'm your model you are to follow in my footsteps and you are accepted just like i'm accepted now the assignment the father gave me is your assignment my mission is your mission don't wait to have a calling you are already engaged as my father has sent me so send are you read it let them say then send jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so sent are you so i explained to the lord that i'm still a child i'm still a teenager and that i have time that i when i finish i'll go to university when i graduate i will not do his work he said no he said the work has already started that you don't need any special time to start now you're a teenager start reaching teenagers when you go to university start reaching university start reaching people of your class and people of your influence and from there you grow into all the other things i was thinking okay when i finish i will graduate so i can now go around the world and preach and tell everybody he said no no no out of the mouth of babes and suckling i have ordained strength because of the enemy and the adventure that they might steal it and stop it he said remember what i told jeremiah say not i'm a child whatever i s wherever i send you you go to whoever i send you you go and whatever i tell you you speak fear not their faces for i will be with you to deliver thee he said when it comes to me manifesting myself through you it has nothing to do with whether you are a graduate or not or whether you are big or small it has nothing to do with it [Music] just yield yourself [Music] your say yes i cried so much because i was a very shy person you don't know i've gone through a lot of transformation you know even all these years even those have met me you can't find me where people are either i can't i don't eat account i might the one to provide the food i will escape very very shy but then i realized that i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation for everyone that believed especially when he made known to me that your job is to represent me before men while my job is to represent you before my father you'll be bored to talk about me i will introduce you to all the heavenly angels and before my father when you pray i will make sure that you get the attention and the answer to whatever when you pray in my name [Music] that's why i have been engaged since that time i have been on the go since that time i have been on the go since 12. [Music] nobody discovers jesus and keeps it to himself if you keep it it's because you have not discovered i'm accepted in the beloved just like he is accepted he is my inspiration he is my mother i don't need to worry about it all i have to do is looking unto jesus follow in his footsteps when i make a mistake i check what he did i use it to correct myself [Music] i am loved just like his love i'm valued [Music] you know what god said concerning you he said he that tortured to touch the apple of his eyes talking about marriage he said it's the same way when a man is joined to a woman he becomes one flesh he said we are flesh of his flesh bone of his bones jesus looks after us better than the way you look after your own body [Music] and now he has engaged me in his mission the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost ladies and gentlemen you might be watching from around the world from whatever nation you are watching i bring you the heart of your father the heart of jesus tonight this is the truth it's actually the true condition of things it is life that is beating us up and down the enemy blinds us to this reality so we think that god doesn't care we think that god doesn't love and because of that our faith is crippled and dwarfed and then we find it hard reaching out to him we find it hard getting what we need in our lives we find our life feel we struggle because we don't know [Music] if you're a young man and a young woman watching me from anywhere the lord said to me there's no young man that would discover this truth and his life his heart will not be set a place there is a transforming power of love before we start talking about the power of god anointing and all the other things let's talk about love there is a transforming power of god's grace is a merited favor is undeserved it's not because you are righteous it's not because you qualify yourself it's not because you meditated it's not because you end it it's because of god's love god's compassion god's grace that is released towards you in christ because jesus took your place canceled your debts paid for your sin wipe them now god can accept you and receive you and shower his kindness upon you like never before you may be one of those who have been caught up in these struggles you want to end god's love you cannot end it you want to end his favor you can earn it it is yours because of jesus you've been sick you've been trying to see if god can show you can i heal you no you don't have to beg jesus protested for you jesus purchases everybody lift up your hands tell the lord you know what it did for me is that i fell in love with the lord with everything in my being there was no reservation [Music] i poured my head i cried out so much i said lord i'm so sorry i didn't know he said stop apologizing you are accepted you are cleansed you are redeemed if you have not given your life to christ this is the moment when you do it you cannot say no to such love you cannot say no to such depth of acceptance you cannot say no tell him i give you my heart my all my everything take all of me cleanse me from every unrighteousness and use me for your glory i am all yours lord have my heart have my life i place it in your hand you are the best person to have it you give your life for me i give you my all take it all change me into your likeness and use me to reveal yourself to my generation that's when i started praying like that there was no reservation anymore nothing left anymore i i threw it all down at the altar [Music] then ask the lord to give you a revelation a personal revelation of him a personal revelation of his love for you a personal revelation something has hindered us more than the absence of that truth [Music] oh jesus i am [Music] [Music] i shall [Music] no wonder [Music] [Music] my [Music] today be down forever my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my my heart my soul [Music] my soul [Music] [Music] is [Music] belongs to you [Music] if there are people here who want to come to the altar you are allowed to come and you want to enter into a deeper dimension of walk with the lord you want to come come or you want to give your life to jesus when you come just kneel down something will happen too [Music] boxes it all belongs to me [Music] allow it to be oh [Music] i say oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] my [Music] my life is [Music] [Music] oh the lord says you tell everybody here this night every form of reproach in your life is being rolled away and every sin and everything that has touched you is being wiped away every reproach those things you remember you are ashamed of those things other people remember about you you feel deeply embarrassed god is rolling it away for your life permanently god is going to turn you to a specimen of his kindness and of his love people want an example of somebody that god loved they will come and say look at that one i wish i could enjoy the amount of favor that god is showering on her that is how your story will be from this night lord stamp this revelation in the heart a mind and soul of every man and woman here tonight and those that have listened to us from around the world stump it [Music] and then bring about the transformational effect of the weight of these truths bring healing to the inward man fix the broken parts of every man's life remove the unbelief the guilt the sense of worthiness that has plagued many of your children those things that have crippled their faith that are not able to function in the joy of the lord [Music] bless every one of them with that peace the person all understanding that blessed assurance that sense of security that comes from the knowledge of your love destroy permanently the voice of accusation from the enemy who is the accuser of the brethren the voice of condemnation the voice of accusation and then cause the faith of your children to come alive again cause a fresh hunger for you to erupt in their soul let the past be rolled away like a dark clouds let the blood of jesus erase it and wipe it away then a new beginning starts for everyone the garments that have been deathed by sin be removed and the fresh garments of righteousness be placed on your people [Music] we thank you for opening heaven in this place anyone that came into this service deceiving sick tormented afflicted with pain in their body i revoke it to live now in the name of jesus the son of god satan your hold has been broken you know you have lost the battle now i rebook you with all your atonements to leave every one of these ones from the crown of their head to the source of their feet let them be made whole the ones that are hurting inside let it be made whole emotional the ones that have pains in their spirit in their heart let them be set free from that thank you lord because whom the son of god has set free is free indeed and whom jesus has justified no one can condemn and whom god has blessed no one can cause i declare you blessed i declare you justified i declare you free in the name of jesus go on with joy go home with liberty go home with a spring in your faith the son of god [Music] find a song that fits this moment whom the son of god has set free is free indeed no devil can hold you again no devil can torment you again the one that you so harass you have authority over him you know that's the last thing jesus said to me he said because you are now engaged with my mission my authority is now with you you have the right to use my name you have the right to use my name [Music] you have the right to sign signatures on my behalf and heaven will back it up and he reminds me again this is true the same principle is true for all my children the enemy has cheated us long enough enough is enough enough is enough this is the discovery the discovery for recovery this week all of the things that belong to you will be unlocked nobody can hold you down again not sickness not disease hey there is a lady that came here you have sickle cell and you have had fear that you won't live long i just have an announcement for you your destiny has been changed today go back to the doctors and verify yourself jesus said i should tell you because i live you shall live also uh uh oh uh is listen everybody you know christian or not bring them here for tomorrow evening it's going to get extremely hot in here praying people that are sick bringing people that are dying god wants to put new life in them everybody find some seed somewhere you know father will bless whatever offering people keep from around the world no matter where you are find the information on the screen and join us to give we're not through with that so go you're going to go back to it you know i am bring that offering to the front [Music] [Music] all my enemies child of is [Music] oh is hallelujah wow wow you know i told you i told you and he's only got a daughter go deeper more powerful more glorious as we proceed forward hallelujah so tomorrow morning we'll be here for the different other breakout sessions the encounter uh is happening at uh usa that is uh zone five dominion city boosted the hall and then of course uh over here dli will be holding praise the lord so you should be in one of these at least yeah and of course those who are coming for post encounter is right here in the hall so tomorrow uh i think if you have an encounter because of the distance just go there don't even come here you pray there you do everything there and while those who are here who all start here by 8 a.m hallelujah were you blessed tonight lift your hands up once one more time and appreciate the lord give him times give him glory so much has happened encounters have started some people are already having encounters and it's going to get better hallelujah amen amen you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 5,419
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Id: GEelDzNwlJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 29sec (10109 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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