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no sacrifice no shedding of lord around us not shedding of blood around us [Music] oh thank him for he will perfect what he has started in our life thank you for the perfection lift up your voice and take it lift up your voice and thank him thank him the way you prayed just thank him the way you pray father we give you praise we all know you will bless your holy name thank you king of king and the prince of peace thank you for shutting up the thoughts of the angel of death none shall die amongst us we give you praise we thank you we'll meet our families will meet our beloved ones the way we left them even better in the name of jesus christ our father all the facilitators all the cece members we thank you all for their life nothing shall by enemies hurt them in the name of jesus christ we thank him for the peace of eastern region thank you for the peace of the south east and southwest nothing nothing shall divide us in the name of jesus christ father take all the praise take all the order in the name of jesus just go ahead lift up your hands wherever you are and bless his name just go ahead and talk to him this morning [Music] you can lift up your hands and honor him father thank you thank you thank you thank you for what you are doing already thank you for changing us thank you king of glory can you lift up your hands as a sign of surrender to him just go ahead and thank him you can wave your hands to him thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] me can you sing it to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] you lift up your hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] song in my oh and i bless your name [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah can you wave your ass and sing it one more time raise your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lift up thank you jesus thank you for saving me thank you for rescuing me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah and that's why we were [Music] i [Music] i can you worship me from the depths of your heart [Applause] [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all over this place [Music] oh i want to be [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Applause] give him all the glory we were supposed to we were sir elsa went on that is on there [Music] can you hear your voices this morning give me more worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] coming on jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not your testimony this morning [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] go ahead and talk to yahweh [Music] calling my commandant keeper my ocean divine myosimeria tata [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in your cardigan go ahead and talk to him tell him it is you i've come to seek this you this is you lord [Applause] i've come for encounter with you go ahead and talk to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my directions [Music] all over this place [Music] welcome holy ghost just the holy ghost welcome [Music] spirit of the sovereign lord come and make your praise and snow reveal [Music] come and make your presence known for [Music] let the weight of your blood [Music] let the truth of your kingdom [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] come on just lift up your hands wherever you are [Music] let the weight of your [Music] thank you holy ghost for your invention thank you spirits of the living god for your lives go ahead and pray on the church wherever you are [Applause] [Music] let the weight of your glove before to you go ahead and bring the spirit [Music] [Applause] on [Music] [Music] hey all the glory of the lord all the unknowns [Music] all the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] we win [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] four [Applause] [Music] lift up your hands lift up your hands wherever you are let the fire of the spirit fall upon all everyone lift up your hand let the fire of the holy spirit ignite your soul tell the lord i'm here for this morning i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready for your fire i'm ready to hear from you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you father we give you praise and honor we bless your name in jesus precious name wonderful father we thank you we welcome you have your way again thank you for yesterday thank you for yesterday night thank you for miracles not just in this place but all over the world thank you for the testimonies of what you are doing thank you for the cross of jesus christ thank you for the sacrifice the prize that was paid for our redemption we are grateful and we thank you our heavenly father have your way again this morning we give you all the glory in jesus precious name amen can somebody register his name this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] this morning is going to be from glory to glory how many of you felt the power of god yesterday night can we do something for the lord jesus hallelujah amen i want to especially welcome my bishop bishop hussein jones you're welcome sir god bless you for coming and without taking much time let's welcome god's missionary to the nations a discipler go servant doctor cut awesome come on give dr court a southern nigeria shout out wow wow praise the lord let's uh just begin with the word of prayer lord jesus we thank you for joining us this morning we thank you for filling us with your holy spirit our counselor our comforter we thank you for pouring out the power of the holy spirit on us so that we can be your witnesses we can be your representatives to the world lord god i pray that you will do greater things in us and through us than we could ever ask or imagine and i pray in your holy name lord jesus amen okay you may be seated now i want to do i want to start with uh experiment this morning so i'd like everyone to close your eyes and then if you are a christian raise your hand with your eyes closed we're nice and high nice and high so i can see it okay now keep your eyes closed and if you are a disciple keep your hand in the air and if you don't consider yourself a disciple of jesus lower your hand wow praise the lord you can open your hands look around everybody views themselves as disciples of jesus that is fantastic okay you can put your hands down the very first sermon that i ever spoke was called are you a christian or a disciple and it was thirty four years ago and i asked the group that same question that day and uh every hand in the room went up when i said are you a a christian and then when i said now keep your hand up if you're a disciple all the hands went down except two maybe three because they had a misunderstanding of what is a christian and what is a disciple but you have been taught well you understand that christian really should just be another word for disciple and in dominion city that's been explained and that's been you know taught so that people understand it but that's not the case in the rest of the world in the rest of the world people kind of think that you become a christian and then someday later in the future maybe when you mature and you've gone to church enough and you've taken enough classes then you become a disciple but that's not what the bible teaches at all is it i want to show you um acts chapter 14 verse 21. you see something interesting here once it comes up everybody awake where are the people who do that there we go thank you very much so this is interesting right it says that they preached the gospel in that city and they taught many oh and they taught many okay um give me a different version sometimes king james doesn't translate the word i'm looking for correctly um there we go so it says they preached the gospel in that city and they won a large number of what yeah and then they return to lystra iconium antioch uh if we held a crusade in the center of enugu and uh we won a large number of people to christ in in most of the church world we would not call them disciples the next day but that's what we see here and that's the biblical understanding of discipleship it's if i'm following jesus i'm his disciple if i'm not following jesus i'm not his disciple it's really that that simple put up john chapter 6 verse 66. i know this is kind of a bad verse because it's 666 but we got to look at it it says um from this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him so do you think that they're still going to be called as disciples when they're no longer following him no because jesus is going this way and they're walking behind him and then he tells them well now you have to eat my flesh and you have to drink my blood if you want to have any fellowship with me and they said whoa that's the difficult teaching i can't handle that and they turned around and they walked away from jesus and they would no longer be considered his disciples yesterday morning dr hussein told us that when you become a christian you become a disciple praise the lord ah welcome welcome nice to see you this morning welcome sister and that is that is true if you actually surrender your life to the lordship of jesus christ you are born again you are a disciple you are a follower of christ but i want to show you something that sometimes we miss and it actually will make the job of making disciples easier for you okay um is it okay if i bring people up randy nice to see you brother is it okay if i bring people up on stage like with covid protocols and everything all right um so i would like this row of gentlemen right here one two three four five six seven eight nine yeah would you guys all come up here for me and i need you to just line up right across here so just make a straight line and face the audience okay somebody over here okay nice and straight excellent excellent okay now imagine that this is a continuum where on this side we've got the most evil person that has ever existed in the history of the world sorry and on this side we've got the most godly christ like uh a person who has you know reached the fullness of the stature of christ he's just filled with jesus walking around on the world doing miracles and sharing the gospel and all that right and in between here we've got all different various stages of people right now how many of you see yourself here okay good how many of you see yourself here wow excellent you've reached the fullness of the stature of christ good for you you know most of us are somewhere in the middle right if we're honest now if this gentleman and let's say so we've got nine one two three four five six okay so this guy right here he is salvation he is when you get born again right so over here you're evil and you're wicked and you're far from god but if you're moving in this direction you're moving toward god right you're moving toward christ's likeness you get to the center you get born again you don't stop growing that's you know sanctifi sanctification begins you start moving more toward christ father toward christ so you're moving in this direction okay now what if this guy who's almost as evil as you can be what if he's turned and he starts walking this way is he moving toward god or away from him toward him right excellent now okay you can take your spot now what about this guy what if this man turns and starts walking this way is he walking away from god yeah and that's what we see in this verse this is a disciple who was close to christ jesus said in the last days many will turn away many will fall away right all right so you can have your seat so the point that i want to make here is that if a person is moving toward god they might be considered a disciple and what that does for us is it opens up the field of potential disciples you don't have to only disciple people after they're saved does that make sense you can disciple them from here praise the lord paul the apostle paul he was called saul of tarsus right and he was killing christians he was destroying the church he was he was over in this neighborhood and then jesus got a hold of him of course he jumped to here and then he got you know sanctified and he grew and he went and spent time with the lord and he became ultimately paul was very close to this place right he he represented jesus to the world well does that make sense praise the lord thank you brothers give them a hand and sometimes sometimes this teaching can be a little controversial but i want you to think about something right so when matthew was in his tax collector's chair was he born again no and then jesus walked by and jesus looked at him and jesus said follow me what was matthew's job title five minutes before jesus showed up tax collector jesus walks by says two words follow me matthew gets up and gets in line behind jesus and his other disciples what's his job title now disciple just praise the lord is is matthew is he saved yet has he heard a single sermon of jesus no he hasn't he hasn't actually come to the place of being born again yet right but jesus is like i'm going to disciple you these people in john 6 jesus was discipling them and they chose to leave so it's a voluntary relationship with your master jesus is our right master apprentice we talked about the apprenticeship program of christ yesterday and and i want you to think about when any of the 12 disciples got saved i like to ask people when do you think peter got saved and they usually say well it was either when he said you are the christ the son of the living god and then people will say no no no it couldn't have been then because later he denied him and then oh yeah it was probably when he went and wept in the garden after jesus looked at him and then people say no no no because he went back to fishing and then they say it must have been when jesus restored him at the sea of galilee right and said feed my sheep and the point is we don't know and the bible doesn't tell us because it's not important what is important is when jesus first met peter peter was not born again and at some point along the journey he got saved jesus started with a rough fisherman and transformed him into a fissure of men amen and that's what we can do with people if somebody is willing to take the next step toward christ toward god toward the bible toward prayer toward christ like this help them take that step right when do you think thomas got saved most people think that thomas didn't get saved until after the resurrection but he was a disciple of jesus he had that title for three years and then of course there's judas we don't like to think about him but judas was a disciple for three years never got saved but he had the title he had the job he was doing the thing he was baptizing people look at look at john chapter uh john chapter four verse one says jesus learned the pharisees that heard he was baptizing and gaining more disciples than john but verse two it wasn't actually jesus who baptized but it was his disciples remember we said this is an apprenticeship program and if you're going to be a disciple maker you are going to have to be comfortable baptizing people and so jesus is preaching on the shore and he's when people responded to the message he's sending them into the river to be baptized he's got his disciples in the river baptizing people or the lake and judas was probably one of those people and if you got baptized by judas you're you know still saved i think anyway the point that i'm making is simply that you disciple people from their point of interest in the disciple making movement not from their point of conversion only of course if they get saved you disciple them but if they just have an interest you disciple them anyway praise the lord that opens up the field of potential disciples beyond anything that you would imagine if you start to look for people they might not be convinced about christ they might not be convinced about the gospel today but they're willing to to move toward the lord you know disciple them anyway praise the lord now i want to look at something because uh bring up john chapter seven believe it's around verse 21. okay move down 22 23 the place where where he says not everyone who says to me okay not everyone who says to me lord lord wedge of the kingdom of heaven but only what verse is that i thought it was it's right in here oh i'm sorry i said john it's matthew yeah yeah matthew 7 21. that's better okay there just getting the right book kurt okay in the whole world if you if you were to do a a pie graph of the population of the world it could be roughly divided into thirds about one-third of the world has never even heard of jesus yet today about a third of the world has heard of jesus and they have rejected him they they you know the people uh the other religions that have heard of jesus but they've decided not to follow him or just people who've heard the gospel and not responded and then you've got about a third of the world these are rough numbers but about a third of the world claims to be christians they claim that they follow christ but here jesus says not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven now i used to read that verse and i used to think that that was talking about the lost people you know the the two-thirds of the world who don't claim to follow him except there's a problem with that because do the muslims call jesus lord no do the hindus call jesus lord do the atheists call jesus lord no so if jesus says not everyone who calls me lord lord is he referring to christians yeah so he's literally saying not every christian is going to go to heaven go to the next verse he says on that day he's talking about the day of his return many will say to me lord lord right they're going to use the right words they're going to have the right title for him they're going to look the part like a judas i followed you right i was in church right i was doing the things but he says not everyone or many will say to me on that day lord lord didn't we prophesy in your name in your name drive out demons and in your name perform any miracles and he verse he says i'll tell them plainly i never knew you away from me you evil-doers do those people go to heaven do they go to heaven no so jesus is saying literally many christians many people who claim to follow me and call me lord lord are going to come to me on the last day and i'm going to tell them get away from me i never knew you even though they're going to list off all the things that they that they did you know for him or for his name or they did in the name of religion and to me that is a verse that that is very concerning but on the other hand it's a great opportunity for us because that means that most of the world still needs to be discipled so if you're a person who's looking for opportunity you've got a great opportunity because maybe 75 80 percent of the world still needs to be discipled amen that's a huge opportunity almost every person you see on the street in your neighborhood and your family still needs to be discipled praise the lord now what i want to talk about today is what is a disciple because scripturally there's no such thing as a christian who's not a disciple and you guys all raised your hands that you are both christians and disciples that's awesome and if you think about this you can't name one single christian from the bible who's not a disciple can you is there anyone in the bible you'd say well they're a christian but they're not a disciple of course not so jesus gives us some very difficult uh teaching on discipleship let's look at luke chapter 14 starting at verse 26. and these are difficult verses people don't like these verses i've had people tell me when they read these verses they say well you know i just can't be a disciple then because i can't live up to jesus requirements for disciples so i guess i'll just be a christian but the problem is you can't it's not an option the new testament doesn't give you the option to just be a christian who's not a disciple jesus said the christians who don't obey my father are going to hell amen wow so this is critical that we understand these verses because these are the the most difficult teaching that jesus gave on discipleship and these are requirements for discipleship they're not optional so he starts out and he says if anyone comes to me and does not hate father mother wife children brothers and sisters yes even their own life this person cannot be my disciple amen now how many of you are looking forward to hating your wife and your husband and your mother and father and your children yeah not a hand excellent now i want to i want to explain to you that when a jewish person heard the word hate they didn't have the same understanding that you and i have if somebody in nigeria hates you what does that mean does that mean that they they don't care if you die right if somebody really hates you they don't care if you die and in fact they'd probably participate in ending your life if they could get away with it right and they don't care if you go to hell if they really hate you right but that's not how the jews understood hate these are these are the children of abraham these are the children of isaac these are the children of abraham isaac jacob right when god spoke about jacob and esau what did he say jacob i loved and he saw i it but did god hate esau to the point that he wanted to destroy him and send him to hell no he just loved jacob more than he loved esau didn't he and maybe a better example which wife did jacob love more did he love rachel moore or leah moore rachel and it was very obvious to everyone wasn't it he didn't try to hide it but he didn't hate leah the way we understand hate he had six children with leah he was buried next to leah he just loved rachel a lot more than he loved leah right but god himself looked at that relationship and god said when it says when god saw that leah was hated he opened her womb right so but it wasn't hate that we we understand it it was just different levels of love so when the jewish people hear a verse like this they don't think god wants us to you know hate these people to the point of death and you know that kind of a level of hate it just means you have to love me jesus much much more than you love all the other relationships in your life sometimes people say well it should be praise the lord praise the lord yeah it doesn't mean don't love them it just means love them significantly less sometimes people say well it should be god first family second job third you know relation neighborhood fourth whatever but i don't think that's right i think that it's supposed to be god first god second god third god fourth god fifth and somewhere down here 10 12 family and job and whatever amen praise the lord and so when they heard this as jews right these are hebrews they they hear this and they know the torah they know the old testament stories they know that god said jacob i love esau i hate it so they understand that it's a it's degrees of love it's not hate the way we understand it in our culture today praise the lord now let's look at verse 27. hello thank you very much and jesus said whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple and notice the word the word cannot the use of that word is exclusive it is not an option it's not possible for you to be my disciple unless this is true of you and it's also not possible to be a christian who's not a disciple so we have to make sure these things are true of us and we have to make sure they're true of the people that we're discipling the people we're leading to christ so whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple what what does it mean to carry your cross sometimes people say oh my neighbor has a dog and it barks all night long it keeps me away it gets my cross to bear are all my wife she doesn't know how to cook that's my cross to bear you think that's what the jewish people thought when they heard jesus say this who were who were the occupying forces at the time of christ they were the who the romans and how did the romans execute people who resisted them on a what on a cross and they would do it publicly they would do it right along the road so you could see all these people hanging there nailed the crosses these anybody who dared to resist the roman emperor or the roman power so when jesus uses the word cross these people probably immediately have their mind go to roman executions that they've seen along the roads do they do uh did they do capital punishment here in nigeria and and if they if they kill someone in nigeria for a crime how do they kill them firing squad ah okay so if jesus was speaking to nigerians he might say whoever does not embrace their own firing squad cannot be my disciple wow praise the lord right maybe not depends on how much you want to cling to your life in our country we we have some states have the death penalty some do not if they do they usually do a lethal injection they inject you with something put you to sleep and then something else to stop your heart but if you're in those prisons if you're in a prison that has the death penalty they put you in a place called death row and if you're staying in death row you're you're one of the prisoners who's scheduled to be executed and you're in your little cell on death row when they take you out of your cell and they bring you to the place to be executed every time there's a cross hallway where you can't see around the corner the guards who are leading you call out a phrase does anybody know that phrase they say dead man walking now why do you think they say that dead man walking are they just trying to embarrass the man that they're about to execute or do you think they're warning people of the danger of this man who has nothing to lose praise the lord do you see where this is going jesus is telling us unless you and i embrace our own execution we cannot be his disciple right but if we embrace our execution then we are very dangerous to the devil because we've got nothing to lose amen praise the lord i had some uh i had some brothers come and visit me in uh in my hotel yesterday because in the evenings i'm i'm going over to a different conference and i'm speaking there and uh so some gentlemen from that conference came into my room and i asked them right away i said okay where are you guys at with covid like is it okay if i touch you or do you want me to wear a mask or what's the deal and and uh and they said no no we're okay brother i said yes so am i i said all you can do is threaten me with heaven right give me covet and i die i go to heaven it's better for me paul said that it's better that i depart and be with christ but i'll stay as long as the lord allows it amen praise god so ask yourself am i willing to love jesus more than i love all the other relationships in my life and am i actually willing to go through life denying myself denying my flesh denying my desires my worldly interests and taking up my cross which is literally embracing your own execution so that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain and you're very dangerous to the devil amen praise god now jesus when jesus teaches he gives uh examples you know he he'll give you a truth and then he'll tell a story or he'll give you an illustration to drive home that truth so let's go to verse 28. he says suppose one of you wants to build a tower see this is his illustration he's trying to drive home this point hey if you want to be my disciple you got to sit down first and consider are you actually willing to go through this to take it all the way because he just got done telling you you have to love him more than all your other relationships you cannot love your wife more than him you can't love your son or daughter or your mother or father more than him if you do your relationship is out of balance he says suppose one of you wants to build a tower don't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it and then 29 because if you lay the foundation and you're not able to finish everyone who sees it will ridicule you saying this person began to build but wasn't able to finish how many of you know people who have began the journey with christ they started to lay that foundation and then once they realized what they were in for they quit show me your hands somebody who's walked away from following christ because they they weren't able or willing to put in what's necessary to really give their lives over you know sometimes sometimes in evangelism we don't we don't tell people the whole picture sometimes we tell them if you give your life to jesus from now on you'll be happy healthy wealthy and wise and then people say oh where do i sign up but we don't tell them the day is coming when anyone who kills you will think they're doing a service to god we don't tell them all men will hate you because of me but he who stands for him to the end will be saved we leave that stuff out and then after they sign after they pray the prayer then we say okay now let me tell you the whole thing that's wrong that's bait and switch we're not we're not giving them the information they need so they can count the cost praise the lord now jesus moves into another illustration here and i want you to pay close attention to this illustration because jesus is saying something that is extremely critical in the area of discipleship he says suppose a king is about to go to war against another king won't he first sit down and consider whether he is able with his ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand so you see this is a war this is a battle if you've got a small force and someone's coming against you with a large force you have got to determine can i win if i'm not gideon with my 300 men i might not be able to win and if i can't win what do i do so verse 32 if he's not able if he doesn't think that he can win he sends a delegation while the other is still a long way off and he will ask for terms of peace so you see how he's asking for terms of peace like hey sir i want to be at peace with you because i don't want to die i don't want my forces to be annihilated and then jesus says in the same way now in what same way those two things are tied to each other in in this teaching in the same way those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples amen wow so he says in the same way which means that that king the king with the weaker force that king surrendered to the stronger king didn't he because he gave up everything he had jesus said in the same way so just like how that weaker king had to surrender to the stronger king if you're going to be my disciple now catch this you've got to surrender to me who's the stronger king in this scenario jesus right jesus said when he preached his first sermon his first little gospel presentation he said the kingdom of god is near it's coming it's imminent and it's more imminent today his second coming is more imminent than ever if you have not surrendered to the stronger king who is coming against us against the world he's coming back if people have not surrendered to him they are going to lose to him for all eternity the safest thing we can do is to surrender to him amen does that make sense this is kind of like the gospel in a way you you we are all born kings of our own little kingdoms and we want to run our own lives and we want to make our own decisions and we want to you know have everything go our way but jesus is saying that if you want to be my disciple that's not that's not okay that's not acceptable you have to give up everything you have like how the weaker king had to surrender to the stronger king praise the lord amen so then if you are a disciple what part of your life do you control do you control any of it no because you've surrendered to the stronger king if you were if you were in a war situation a real-life war situation and you surrendered to the stronger forces you become a prisoner of war do prisoners of war have any rights who decides when the prisoner of war eats the one who has is their captor right who decides when they sleep who decides when they work who decides what they do where they go it is their captor because they have surrendered themselves to the control of the stronger king the the captor and we surrender ourselves to jesus thankfully our captor loves us praise the lord our captor gives us power to represent him praise the lord so don't don't be depressed i hope you're not depressed you are this is the freest thing in the world you give your every every detail every aspect of your lives over to the lordship of christ and then he takes it from there and you simply submit and follow his leading through life it's the it's the most beautiful way to live now i have short time left but i want to share with you what was a disciple so what we just talked about are the the cost of discipleship right surrender give up everything you have to the lordship of christ every detail of your life so that means that even your i'm gonna say a word here that you might not like but even your money it's not your money right if you're a prisoner of war and you've surrendered yourself to the stronger king and you've given up everything you have even if you tithe to your local church or your local ministry that other 90 percent is still subject to your king isn't it if he says give it away give it away i had a day in my life when i had very little money and the holy spirit came to me and said give it away and literally give it away to the last dollar you know i was living as a missionary i had zero money in savings i had one account and it had 75 u.s dollars in it and the holy spirit told me to give that away and so i gave away i didn't tell my wife but i gave away all of it and i got down to zero my bank account had zero at the time i was i was working a job in sales preparing myself for ministry and in less than 30 minutes my phone rang i picked up the phone and it was one of the companies that i represented in sales and it was the owner of the company and he said kurt i've got four jobs i need you to do in chicago in minneapolis around where you live and those four jobs netted me more than four thousand dollars praise god so giving up everything you have is is very safe if you're in the hands of god amen praise the lord and i i wasn't really going to talk about money this morning but just the other day just what day is it today saturday nine days ago i i prayed extra i was asking the lord about the future of this ministry and and you know i just need you to resource i said lord i need you to resource me to do the things that you've called me to do and then i got home two hours after i finished that prayer my phone rings it's one of our donors and the donor said kurt i've been doing a bible study on rich people and i'm scared because they're rich people and they said man the bible has some strong things to say about rich people they said you know we we think that we want to give away uh most of our money so what do you need wow and you know what else they said they said you know we found an investment that we didn't know we had that was worth more than a million dollars and we want to give it away praise the lord so they just were what boxes do you need us to check you know we'll we'll pay for that we'll pay for that we'll pay for that praise god yeah so if you give up everything you have you you lay it all out there for the lord don't cling on to anything for yourself it's the safest place you can be praise the lord amen now i don't know how many of you are taking notes oh excellent okay i'm going to give you i'm going to give you the five characteristics of a disciple in the days of jesus there were about a thousand rabbis who were walking around in israel who had their little groups of disciples who followed them around it was a very common thing everyone understood it everyone understood the rules how many of you understand the game of football show me your hands if you understand football you could go outside right now and you could play football and you'd play by the rules okay most of you right and how many of you went to football school to learn the rules of football i see your hand but i'm going to guess you already knew the rules before you went to football school right because their culture teaches it to you because football's just part of the culture am i right and so the kids play it everybody knows how to play football it's part of your culture in jesus day discipleship was part of their culture and everybody knew the rules so when matthew was sitting at his tax collector's booth and jesus walked by and said follow me when matthew stood up matthew knew exactly what he was agreeing to praise the lord he knew the rules most of us today don't know the rules we've lost track of what the rules were but if we read the writings not just the biblical writings but the writings of the other rabbis of jesus day we can see clearly see the five characteristics of a disciple in the days of jesus and this is important because jesus told us to go make what yeah he did not say go make christian church members he did not say go make passive spectators he said go make disciples so we have to understand what a disciple meant what jesus meant when he used that word amen how many of you were here yesterday okay and so yesterday we talked about luke chapter 5 1-11 the the miraculous catch of fish right and jesus told peter let down your nets for a catch peter didn't want to he said oh lord you know i'm not sure is it up there okay so i've toiled all night taken nothing nevertheless at thy word i will let down the net so peter is not doing this because he wants to he's doing it because his rabbi told him to so the first characteristic of a disciple is unquestioning obedience write that down obedience without question or hesitation peter catches himself in this verse and he realizes i need to let down the net not because i want to or because i think i'm going to catch any fish but simply because my rabbi told me to and if i want to remain his disciple i must do what he tells me to do amen and the same is true of disciples today if we're going to be disciples we have to obey him no matter what he tells us to do and the second characteristic is that you would memorize the teaching of your rabbi let's look at john 15 verse 7. jesus says if you remain in me and my what my words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it would be done for you now he's talking to his disciples and in the days of jesus it was actually illegal to write down your rabbi's teaching it was against the law of the rabbis to write down your rabbi's teaching you know why that is it makes perfect sense if you think about it do i have do i have the commands of christ in this book yes or no what if i have the commands of christ in my book but not in my mind can i obey them in my daily life no they have to be in your mind what if peter wrote down all the commands of christ but he didn't commit any of them to memory and then he got caught in a rainstorm in the middle of the sea of galilee and his notebook turned into mush what happened to his rabbi's teaching it's gone right it's ruined he lost it it's not in his mind so that second characteristic you have to memorize all of the teaching of your rabbi without writing any of it down those are the people he's talking to in this verse so sometimes church people have come to me christians have come to me and they've said well i don't think jesus is telling the truth because jesus jesus said i can ask whatever i wish and it would be done for me and i've asked for stuff and he hasn't done it how many of you have felt that way sometimes you ask jesus for things you wonder if he's listening and i i respond to them now and i say well maybe he wasn't talking to you and people say what i say yeah because he was talking to people who had memorized all of his teaching are you one of those people have you memorized all of his teaching they say well no okay go memorize all of his teachings start putting it into practice in your life and then start asking him for things and see what he does for you amen praise the lord i have four minutes the um next characteristic of a disciple is that you would imitate the actions of your rabbi if your rabbi was doing something your rabbi was supposed to empower you equip you train you to do the same thing because it's an apprenticeship program right jesus is training his followers to be just like him so in matthew 14 look at look at uh peter walking on the water jesus walking on the water first so jesus sends his disciples across the lake you all know the story and he stays on the mountain and he dismisses the crowd and then he stays up there and he prays and then in the middle of the night he goes to walk to his disciples he goes to walk across the lake and uh jesus said to them take courage it's high don't be afraid and then what does peter say peter says lord verse 28 lord if it's you do you see that word if if it's you peter is not convinced that it's him he says okay that is something i've never seen before says they were afraid right wouldn't you be afraid if you were out in the middle of the night on a lake and it's windy and suddenly somebody comes walking on the water i mean i would be freaking out i've never seen that before so peter actually comes up with a little test because peter knows the rules of discipleship rule number three is you t you you equip me to do what you do so he says okay if it's you because i'm not sure it's you maybe it's a deceiving spirit who's pretending to be you who wants to destroy us he says lord if it's you then tell me to come to you on the water in other words equip me to do what you do praise the lord i think i heard pastor norbert say people are going to walk on water amen brother good to see you and so you know the story peter jumps out of the boat and he starts walking on the water now i don't know this for sure but i kind of think that once peter got to a place where he could no longer reach the boat and he could no longer reach jesus he took his eyes off jesus and he looked at his circumstances and boom he goes down into his circumstances amen now this is this is critical for discipleship if we keep our eyes on jesus we can imitate jesus amen yeah if you are confronted with a person who has an evil spirit don't look at the evil spirit look at jesus right if you're confronted with a sick person don't look at the sick person look at jesus praise the lord if you're confronted with a dead person don't look at the dead person look at jesus because jesus as long as you keep your focus on him he will equip you to do everything that he did praise the lord give the lord a hand i have 30 seconds left there's two more characteristics of a disciple characteristic number four is that you would agree with your rabbi's interpretation of the old testament so go read matthew chapter 5 and look at how jesus interprets the old testament to his disciples he says to them you have heard that it was said thus and such but i tell you this and he lays down his interpretation of the old testament you and i have got to agree with him if he's going to be our rabbi amen and then number number five the last characteristic of a disciple is that you would constantly gather more disciples to your rabbi constantly gather more disciples to your rabbi so i have an assignment for you read john chapter one this is the very beginning of jesus ministry when he very first meets some of his disciples now i want you to look at how many disciples jesus accumulates in john chapter one and then ask yourself where they came from did jesus personally call all five or did they come to him through other means amen praise the lord that's all the time i have for this morning god bless you [Music] hallelujah let's give our offerings as the music minister saying father we thank you for the offerings today and will bless it in jesus name amen you are my strength and my reward i'm lost without [Music] my life [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] without your [Music] is you a holy ghost [Music] you are holy holy [Music] we declare you our songs lord you're [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] without [Music] you have ideology to sing [Music] [Applause] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] go ahead [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] to god [Music] [Music] [Music] nations [Music] amen amen amen amen amen amen amen give the lord praise [Applause] [Music] bring me this worship book and i have just five minutes to attend to book matters if i mention something that is not here that is the last do you have the worship book that was released newly can i get them here fast that there is a book on reviver they saw it happen can i get it here first okay i'm going to bypass that and move on to something else you know um open up that let me see what exactly you have there when people come for conferences it's very important that you live with the materials get the messages for example yesterday morning or was it yesterday afternoon i gave the secret for divine protection in the last days the title of that tape is the seal of the living god make sure you have it and listen to it because it happened in the minister session where yet is for everybody is for everybody spread listen all the way to that scripture to that speaker spread it all the way to the other place i don't know why it must be on the stage spread it on the floor how can you be dropping one one when people are going to come in in numbers to get it can i get some more hand to help these guys see how the other one is spreading books like a confused man can somebody has carried a man out of here oh yeah hey hey leave that man oh you are doing the same thing come on come on leave people like you god can't do much with you share your treats it gives you a ministry you will wreck it with carelessness what are you doing arrange that thing in small small groups people have to walk and they're going to be marching on books what is that man doing go to your seat jesus gave us the spirit of a sound mind he's not functioning in many people it's not an oppression in many people so when they need their dickens they say look for people with three qualities character integrity wisdom a lot of people don't have it if they had it they will say look and those of you are ministers watch people nothing is here send them away from church ministry activities keep them in the outer courts manual level some of you think these are these things are a joke but when you see such things it tells you a lot about people's life you can see this one he's going to disorganize the one people have organized no leave him leave him leave him let's see if he will put himself in order okay okay you guys need to now vanish 5 500 naira you get the hottest songs from the oval and you know some of them you probably have had them but watch for sunday night when the variety night come but anyway 500 you get one copy you you that came to spread people come and get your own face like pastors you teach people giving but they don't give collect your own face those of you in the worship all the ministers come and collect first you've seen me as a worshiper you heard that if you're a disciple you follow in the footsteps of the person you're learning from go and get your own first and don't block the road don't block the road don't collect move over there don't block the roads clear the road let people pass and don't go back from the same way you came go back from the other side hey where you go go find from the other side hey that lady that i see blocking the road what are you doing [Music] in every environment where you want people to become like the leader you must be giving them books and training training and resources training and resources everything you you know that helped you make it available to them that's how it works you can see nobody is going to be giving you change so you drop it you collect [Music] so [Music] you ran along as lord my friends that are watching i'm sure they will put it up in different sites so that you can buy there you can click and download it i don't know whether it's already there or not there is a new book i released is on encounter i don't know i have not seen it yet so i don't know whether it's in lagos they want to [Music] you run alone the man putting his hand in his pocket where is your own book hey get your own book or you have you have already [Music] [Music] they saw it happen where is that material please bring it for me i only see five copies here anybody that wants to lead a revival that is a need to get a copy of that book if you have it please bring it for me the atomic power of god bring it for me [Music] yeah let's watch us remove all this money you ran along [Music] spread it separately [Music] the atomic power of god anybody that wants to carry special anointing of their life need to get that small book [Music] and all the books 500. they saw it happen what happened you don't have that book anymore you see how some people are putting the book and the title upside down hey stop that man let him go to his seat yes go to your six if you want to carry a special anointing you need to get that book that's the book that sparked the healing revival that small book that small book [Music] yeah tommy power of god why are the songs look upside down why they turned upside down [Music] just one minute those of you in the choir you have not got the sample come and get it [Music] so give me a copy of the atomic power of god [Music] if you don't have this book [Music] get up and come and get it when they say if you want to hide anything from africans hide it in a book not here in dominion not here [Music] [Music] we've created a studio in abuja a music studio so for next committee every committee you release a new album for us so that people can be having it because having it in book and also having it on tape um [Applause] so we should bring personal a studio for them down here in the east they don't need to travel all the way to just you know it's too much treasure in this house [Music] you don't have money borrow it when it comes to books when you're in a conference always live with the materials get the tips get the books and realize that sometimes it's only a small segment that they upload for you so they have a site where you can log in you register and you can have all of the whole committee because when this end you should go and have your own committee those who attended they know who should listen follow lagos and abuja those who are telling that you should follow a nougat and lego those who attend their legos should follow because we are not repeating things okay you can clear the order clear these books anybody is not able to [Music] let's let's worship [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys leave [Music] everybody lift up your hands [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] hallelujah okay let's review three things first uh about discipleship there is a number of things here but we don't have much time you know this is so important that we can't just let it just pass meanwhile join me and tell dr called a big god bless you thank you and of course dr hussein for last night on the cross god bless you and bless you [Applause] the cross has two sides one side has to do with the sufferings of christ for us the other side has to do with our identification with our suffering our suffering on his behalf and for others to be like him and to do what he called what he has called us to do we also have to embrace our cross he talked about it on the cost of discipleship this morning luke chapter 14 you know because we don't have time from verse 26 put it up one more time at least let's read two verses out of it if anyone would come after me and hate naughty's father a mother wife and children brethren sisters and even his own life the word there is he cannot be my desire he cannot but but the next verse said whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me the word again is cannot and then adverse 33 so likewise whosoever he be that for second not all that he had cannot be my disciple cannot again if you want to be like jesus if you want to do the mighty works of jesus if you want that level of anointing and capacity to be on your life if you want to have the quality of life that he has this is what it will cost somebody said put all this cost in summary it means it will cost you everything but what it will give you in return cannot be bought with money the rewards are far beyond the cost i heard doctor cut explaining to us like this part of hate your father hate your mother it's your wife what he was saying that what it means is that your love for jesus and the relationship you have must be up there no human relationship will be able to challenge that you can't compromise that because of your boss or your wife or your husband of course what he said is even in the bible luke chapter 10 verse 37 that explanation also came from the scripture and he came from the same jesus you said it and he was talking about discipleship he said whosoever loves father mother more than me put it on find the verse he's 37 is what 10 37 10 37 yes put it up matthew 10 37 hear that look you see now that what yeah luke use hates but you can see what he means for the jews he that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me you come in look at what he did for us on the cross we saw it last night and then you are putting human beings so my my father said i cannot answer the call of god so what my father also said that i'm here when it comes to such issue and my father said i can't go to church so what you're not the first now my mom said ah i can show what you love father mother more than me you're not worthy of me he delivered a daughter or son more than me a daughter mother me he's not worthy of me verse 38. he that taketh not his cross you see that and followed me is not worthy whatever what is this cross the price there is a cost there is a price paid impressive and that price could even be the ultimate price yes the ultimate price just like jesus paid it yes there are people who are living and ministering in very difficult areas i don't want to give some examples like northern nigeria different parts of the world where believing in jesus will cost you your life so what is the price that people like us that are living in this part of the country where you have liberty to serve god what is the big thing that you cannot pay sometimes to give god money you are complaining you have to count the cost of being a follower and a disciple of christ and embrace that including the willingness to lay down your life for his cause actually actually the highest reward are for christian matters there are different types of crown and those who live as living matters they did not physically die but they lived like they were dead they lived like dead men so they could go to anywhere god needed them to go they're not afraid of anything i i i heard what you said when a man embraces that he becomes a dangerous man to the kingdom of darkness there is nothing that can stop him again the cause of discipleship is sacrificed and what exactly are we sacrificing everything everything on the altar then what you gain everything he did it i love what he said yesterday there is nothing jesus has taught us to do that he didn't do he murdered everything he did it and what was the word there for god has highly exalted him and giving him a name above every name and persecution is coming as we are heading with speed towards the coming of the lord jesus we need to prepare the whole church for that those of you in the west those in europe and those in america just join them they use their vote to make it fast i don't want to say anything this milk and and chocolate christianity that we have taught many will not be able to handle what is coming convenient christianity is only discipleship that can handle what is coming yes sir the entire church must be strong like the early church because the end time church will face what the early church faced okay i'm trying to get to so the cross has two sides so most of the time maybe like night of glory we preach only the first part the benefits of his suffering now we are telling you the other side you have to be participant because that's true how the rest of the world will be reached hey hey hey hey let me let me let me let me say something doctor who said there is something the lord showed me the first time i taught it somewhere it shook some ministers it was in the minister come he shook a group of them up because they were saying i've never heard anybody say this i i told them that there are still gaps in the sufferings of christ that jesus work is complete for man's redemption but yet the bible said there are still some missing gaps in the sufferings of god you want me to show you what it is colossians chapter 1 verse 24 that gap is left for us to feel yes yes sir so there is what is called the finished work of christ and there is what is called the unfinished work of christ hello this is paul the apostle writing now who now rejoice in my sufferings for you this paul's suffering not jesus suffering in my sufferings for you which fills up that which is behind of the afflictions of christ in my flesh for his body's sake now jesus suffered but there are some things that need to be finished and paul said i'm willing to fill up that gap so what a cabbage but let me show you what it is yes because i don't want to leave anybody in confusion tomorrow you go and say it is finished it's not finished no it's finished [Laughter] okay let's do another translation yes niv now i rejoice in what i am suffering for you i fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to christ's suffering or affliction for the sake of his body which is the church jesus has paid the price for our redemption and it is finished but there is an unfinished work of christ do you know what it is paying the price to get the gospel to the people that need it one man paid the price to provide the cure he has provided a vaccine that can cure all men on earth and to get that provision it cost him his life but now the next day the people are still dying in their millions even when there is a cure so now they left this part for us to pay whatever price so far whatever it takes to now get that kill to the people that need hello hello because the availability of the cure does not mean automatic cure for the sick medicine in the shop doesn't heal anybody until he's administered our job now is to take it go and educate the people hey you don't need to die that's the good news you don't need to die anymore somebody put his life down to provide a cure and then when they understand you are administered that is the unfinished work of christ when jesus finished his part the father told him sit down so that the church can stand up we have a position of sitting at the right hand of god that one is our position of authority but nobody can see it yet in terms of responsibility until when is over we have a position of rest as the list of principalities and powers we rule them from a position of rest position of authority a position of victory he says sit down at my right hand till 10 something i make your enemies your footstool that's what he's delaying he's coming on and he said how will you make the enemy sisu i will send a rod of your strength out of zion he has done his part this is not the responsibility of zion the church so now the lord now showed me just like paul is filling up some of it paul did not fill it up for nigeria he didn't feel it of africa he didn't fill it up he feeled it for asia minor and rome everybody has to look at his environment whatever price financial whatever price my time whatever price my life whatever price whatever it costs me to take this message and get it to the people the dying world i will pay it so in philippians chapter 3 verse 9 and 10. put it up put it up let them see there's something called the fellowship of his suffering let's start from past ten the example talking again that i might know him the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his suffering this thing must cost you something and jesus said you cannot if you want to just sit in church sitting christianity and being joined and not willing to sacrifice for others to be rich you cannot is the word be my disciple jesus embraces cross for us we must embrace our own cross to reach others it will cost us something we are not trying to die to pay for sin that is not what it is our own cost is the price we need to pay to get the message to the lost our own price is any price we have to pay for believing in him for following him when it comes to money money is the least so never forget that there are two sides to the cross there is his cross and then your cross you must carry he said you must carry your cross and follow me so sometimes there are persecutions there are sufferings there are challenges if we want to talk about what it took us to get here in this ministry what we went through the persecution i would disown but later they own me back but you have to pay that price then because they wanted me to be a medical doctor when i pulled up for now one and then i wanted me to now be in the oil company and you know when your father has all these good dreams you can make money come and help the family you go and say you are doing ministry and where is this uncompleted building with some group of a few young people it will cost you everything first but it will give you things things that no that means can give you no money can buy for you the reward outweighs the price you want to say something about this before i go to the five characteristics of disciples because that's the main discussion today yes thank you dr david um so much has been said already by your emphasis and dr carson but we we really need to read the gospel with a clear understanding jesus preached the cross before he went to the cross and he preached the cross for us as well as himself yes as well as himself yes we need to understand that he was talking about the process of following him what it will cost to follow him and that's why it's important to understand that just following the crowd is different from being a disciple a disciple is the one who have determined to pay whatever price it will take to become like jesus and work his part to pay whatever price it will take to be like his master i'm following his footsteps walk the same path yes sir that's the disciple yes sir and the cross simply signifies there is going to be a hard process there will be a hard process it's going to be denying yourself to disown yourself is the step to enter into fellowship with jesus christ if you have not disowned yourself i mean disowning yourself simply means to count yourself as nothing without jesus nothing of your own it also means sometimes it means to lay down your ambition tell some of you now god is talking to you this committee things he wants to do with you go and list those things that will be the obstacle yeah the plan you have for yourself uh the relationships uh you know my career ah no no no you have to put jesus under his kingdom first before any other consideration if he was thinking about his career as a carpenter or furniture person he wouldn't have died for you if he was thinking about his personal safety he wouldn't have laid down his life if he was thinking about being christianity it is those that let go of their life that find it you know what jesus taught yes those that lose them put it put it up john chapter 12. those that lose their life are the ones that find it it's like showing and reaping when it comes to money you have to let go and throw that into the work of god or whatever you are sacrificing it for later it's a cast your bread on many waters that's why you see people check most of the things that the world fights they fight the things that involve sacrifice like giving when you want to fast now some of the people that love you like family members they will get agitated but that those are the things that make people great yes look at consecration self-denial the road that leads to the top are the road of high resistance that's where there is a price the road that leads to destruction is the road of least resistance it's a broad way do whatever you like exactly exactly go ahead son just just just one you know like pastor david said we give up everything we have and all of our resources and what we gain is everything he has and all of his resources there's no comparison all authority in heaven on earth has been given to him therefore go make disciples oh and by the way i'll be with you in all my authority in all all the resources of heaven and on earth are available to us if and after we give up everything we have praise the lord that's how it works okay look at this he that loves his life shall lose it that's john 12 25 he that hates his life in this world shall keep it to eternal life can you imagine if i wanted to save being a medical doctor i wanted to save being an oil company and an uncle there who would have paved the way for me in an npc i studied industrial chemistry my dad's vision my dad natural father mission is so we can get this oil money in nigeria can you imagine pastor david in some office with fires maybe part of the corruption stealing and god or whatever who knows if i would have gone to jail itself who knows where i will even be whether i will be alive what is all your company going to offer me now but then it looks like i drew away my whole life my whole ambition the bible said therefore god has highly exalted him and giving him a name above every name if you want to carry unusual spiritual authority if you want to carry on common grace on your life if you want to carry uncommon anointing on your life it will require sacrifice as a matter of fact the kingdom has two type of goods three things that what is called common grace they are those things jesus died for where demonstrations about their hair yesterday healing salvation forgiveness of sin but then the kingdom has what is called on common grace those things require price and if you want to have a list of some of them look at what jesus got after he paid his own price then you will know what we will get so when he writes to the churches in the book of revelation he never offered any freedom to him that overcome it this is what will happen he will sit with me on the throne ruling just like i overcame and i stand with my father nothing free the free things are the benefits of his suffering but the uncommon grace the uncommon blessings are the reward for your own suffering that's why when it comes to giving you see some people that are struggling you see some people teaching against it on the internet let me warn you everything in life that will lead you upward requires a price yes everything even in natural life sometimes is the cost of discipline but a reward always outweighs the did i price we left everything yes and followed you yes and then he turned back and said anyone who has left land and properties and and and families and followed me we gained a hundred fold in this life please put up that's what i'm gonna talk about eternal life and persecution that comes but in other words whatever you give up for jesus he has more for you now look at look at start from verse 28. peter began to say lord we have left all and followed thee on all ever say all right so that's the requirement of discipleship he said we have done it what would be the result verse 28 29 and jesus answered and said verily i say unto you there is no man and you will not be the first is no man that has left houses some people you know people are trying to buy property some people are carrying their property and sowing it yes fork to advance the kingdom you think they are fools they have left brethren sisters father mother wife car i don't care career children lands some are trying to buy land some people are donating their land you think there are fools for my sake and the gospels this is what is called the fellowship of his suffering what are you going to do for jesus for laying down his life for you what are you going to do to help advance his kingdom the message in abuja is the team of committee rebuilding the tabernacle of david the message in enugu is the cross the message in lagos is the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit now since he says there is no man that has left children land whatever for my sake and the gospel bastard but he shall receive a hundred fold now in this life now i don't mind some preachers i tell you it must be tomorrow morning it's not like that when i give the only the only land i had the only property i have in this whole wide world is this person nobody was building it was in a bowing state trying to build a church when they finished their fundraising they didn't get any significant a building we were donating ten thousand fifty thousand is that what you do buildings with like when you sit here you're enjoying all this is it ten thousand that did it there are people who pay the price so i i was crying to the lord i gave i one other people were making by about 1 million and 1 million to them for me was like maybe 10 million 100 million self if you see how things were and then all i had in all my account was 800 000. so i redeemed that and i was believing god and i had a trip you know to one of the african countries all the honorarium they gave me when i came back i carried a son i was trying to make sure i pay off that one million immediately i gave myself 30 days then i got some extra money and i paid it so but i i thought i had done something and i was crying i'm about to go back to lagos it doesn't have even what to lay foundation with i wish i could do something and then the lord said you can i say lord but you can see i've closed my account i've done it many times many i've given away the last guy i had i was striking i had two i gave one i can call names pastor ben drove it all the way to the north because somebody another brother of mine that's i'm talking about a minister it's not my brother but i bet we're not from the same tribe but i thought i said look at the risk he's taking he's here facing order and i'm here with taka let's let the car send it to him i would believe god for another and then actually use him drive my wife's small car with her finally we also gave up gave up do you think kai is my headache now i think i care about such things you shall have a hundred fold in this time this jesus does not like brethren sisters mothers children and lands so in other words that time he asks you to sacrifice it it's not that god is against possession but when you do sacrifice you are delivered from the control of possession if you are going to move into dominion over the material things you need to be freed from his hold on the human heart mammal has a strong hold on people this discussion started because i was a rich man young man you remember the young man and he told himself all that you have give it away and come and follow me now you would think what is it is it that jesus hates position the guy of course went away that is exactly what is stopping him from entering into discipleship sir he thought he had the money he was the money that had him and i can tell you by experience the first time a pilot in this country a pilot that's the first time i entered an airplane i went to preach somewhere in lagos and i was in this city enugu i've never entered a plane in my life never of course we used night bus to get to lagos and when i finished preaching there was a pilot that i met as a result of that and all of that so he gives me tickets to fly back to enugu he wasn't flying this route but he got me a ticket with one of his friends that flies this road and that's the first time i was entering and now gives me a millionaire i had in all my life i've never seen a mirror when they brought the money they finally brought the money that day they brought it the money got to where we stayed in the evening i did not sleep everything that moved through that night i had the movement and i woke up i thought some people were coming to take the money i told them take this money out of this house go downstairs put it in the in the booth of the car so that i can sleep they took it down put it in the booth it wasn't look i told them to come bring it back you know if you have not had money you think that's how i didn't know the type of power money had they brought it kept it in my room i could not sleep if wind blows couldn't move i'll jump up so i said lord he said you see now i'm going to remove you from this your level of poverty and struggling i'm going to move you up but you have to conquer this issue first right money is still it means so much to you it's almost like your life that's why you're always praying for it all your prayer requests every year when you're entertaining money oh god money give me this give me this he said you have to conquer i said how does a person conquer that you are going to practice giving your all amen and you can imagine at that time this so-called or wasn't much yet to give it was like you want to kill me but finally i did it i thought it was then the car then then and i broke into another world nothing instantly nobody tell you immediately you know right right yeah sometimes god does miracles too very fast but it's not the miraculous issue he is watching that you have died yes the mystery about sacrifice is that the first thing he accomplishes is that he changes you first he kills greed he kills that old nature he kills that man has attached why are people why what about corruption don't you know that any of them that greed and corruption has lost control over will go and bring back that money and use it to build hospitals build schools kingdom like create jobs why and some of them will die abandoned in foreign companies shop a foreign account some of them their family will never be able to recover the money yet they will see that and they are going to hell the thing giving is taught in the bible just because god wants your resources he owns all the resources there is something that must give way in you first when it has not given way are you elevated you have an idol you just have worshipping position you can have cars cars cars garage outside everywhere you only drive one or two what are those things doing there the man has an eye too he has an eye too he's an idol worshiper your wife maybe there's one for doing children's room okay a guy invited me he's a believer he came to show me his i think about that something cars he's an idol worshiper now when i say cars i'm not talking about small castle i'm talking about and he will be telling me this one so so million whatever this one is in dollars we brought it you know rolls royce and other i pitied him because a very poor man he meets jesus jesus is going to empty that garage before he can have what is called real life yes sir but then if he can cooperate and empty it and all the things that are holding him he will get them back but by then he's a free man god was not trying to turn that rich man to a poor man he's trying to free him so he can become his disciple and then he can have a hundredfold did you guys discuss encounter the opening night the different encounters yes did you discuss pernell where jacob wrestled with god yeah not exactly okay let's do that mention at least the four basically there are five major encounters because these people need to know you you need to have as a christian yes number one yes everybody listen now if we're taking example from the just go ahead and mention that we don't have time we're about to close number one maria maria is the place where god will take that which you love most that's where god talked to abraham to give up his son which abraham has believed everybody knows that abraham was asked to go to mount maria to sacrifice isaac if you have not had that encounter there is a place you have no cross in your christian life where god is going to ask you for your isaac i mean you are all that thing that you love he will give it to you first though you'll be praying and fasting for he will give it to you then he's going to now demand for it it is not that because god wants to kill your isaac is because he wants to give you israel that promise of being a father of many nations you will die and it will remain a promise until you can offer your isaac many ministers are trapped many of god's children they have not crushed that test the money test the possession test a person dobby was the one that flew that's the first time we met another friend of mine recommended him and he flew into nigeria against the message he brought to our church passing the money test without that message we probably would still be in one uncompleted or maybe finally end up building one church and be happy and that would have been the dominion i told him i said every year come and preach that message to me you don't have to preach it because i know what he did for me even people that are down there money is he holding them if you see how hard it is to let go of ten thousand how hard it is to let go hundred thousand some just touch one million if you see how hard so you want to die with one million amount tomorrow there is an encounter you need to have with god that must touch your possession it must touch possession that thing that your heart love that thing that god gave you that thing that you work so hard finally you have it or you're on the altar if you want to move to the next level if you want to be the father of nations rehab came to this city this is a new this is where i was pastoring yes sir and he will bring books he will bring clothes he is giving to ministers free i went to the ministers conference i saw how pastors are packing cattle some books and the lord said to me don't touch it people sacrificed each crusade he does cost one million dollars today's naira is 470 millionaires one crusade go and close the account of your church and carry all the money and go and give to her broncos evangelistic association to help them take the crusade to another city he has many cities in africa to cover that is don't come up to him after collecting the blessing he has preached he has ministered you you come again to collect free things they are giving pastors suits you want to go and collect suit from america he said don't do that that's what has kept africa backwards i went and closed the account i did it two times when i did you know i remember one time one or two of my deacons resigned or heard he said you are crazy but it's because i have practiced it at a personal level went through the pain died the dead later i started seeing the rewards he came here i was living in a flat three bedroom apartment and the front was a store so two room really the other room is a store that's where domino city you know we the power of that house was our office and that's why we do discipleship one room was my room and we don't have bed on it it was a matlab on the floor i married my wife who was working in cbn and she left cb and came and joined me we were sleeping on that floor we gave birth to our first daughter shalom inside our room on the floor no no bed no standing bed in that whole house i had pastor ben and some others living in the other room we can't afford office we can't afford anything we have to and here do you know how i got here [Applause] [Music] i had to go to mount moriah and every time isaac put it on down first time i gave ishmael i thought god would be happy zeno isaac what was that isaac the boot message is white is the color if you know how i believe how many years of faith to finally get this car it's not even people this flat boot white method is 200 e if you know those flats it's only in india you'll see five swatch car i don't know if they still exist in nigeria that's what would have kept me so i went and vowed it but after buying it i couldn't release it i held it you know making vows and redeeming vows are two different things it's like giving your life to jesus and now living for jesus some will give him their life with their mouth and be and hold their life and be living their own life [Music] so jesus knows that he doesn't have it this man is just doing what he likes on that day he will tell him i never knew you he just gave me false vow marriage file and you're jumping around sleeping with people so i kept it why did i keep it my wife was pregnant this first pregnancy in case labor starts in the middle of the night so let's just keep this car after she has delivered will not go and give it to god and i went to service one day somebody was exhausted on some the thing was hitting me in the heart what's that cast doing and that's what the holy ghost asked me what's history doing in your house i said you know he's the only cat there is no second if if labor starts in the night what am i going to do he said is that what you're worrying about he said you see what i'm telling you this thing still has a hold on you we have to pass this level so i can launch you into something that so another service came sunday this is pastor this is me pastor i'm getting ready to go to church and i i was going carrying my bible to go and enter the car i saw processor following me with the purpose of the vehicle and whatever i had the key in my hand to drive but she carried the paper i said what are you doing with those documents he said because you are dropping that car when you get to church i say don't you understand are you not the one i'm considering he said stop considering me this vow you made it what is history doing here i say i said that in case he said don't worry i have settled with god it will not be in the middle of the night [Applause] and true i of course we went there that's where we dropped that car so the death now completed and i'm now trekking again in enugu i i don't know some people get it fast ah one week god gave them a miracle no my own wasn't like that and i can tell you many times maybe the thing that needed to be killed in me god needed to be sure that he was really dead but god never does all these fast fast things for me i watch him do fast miracles for people he doesn't do fast for me it takes he takes i'm telling you this one time i asked him what did i do to you look at my friends how you are blessing them and promoting them what is wrong with my own case he said when a building will go up very high sky creeper you take time to build the foundation i've checked some of those friends i used to compare now i can't see them i don't want to say anything about it i don't want to say anything yes sir there is another encounter penelope what is spinel is where god wants to remove your self-sufficiency self-dependence um your natural wisdom thinking that you're wise you're wiser than god you can make your way uh the way you want it you know how to get around things and removing god from ladies and gentlemen be writing the first one is mount moria the other place is pennel penel mount moria was abraham that's where you learn the lessons of giving pennel is jacob abraham's grandson had an encounter with god but if you notice he was that one that deceived his father collected the blessing beat his elder brother and escaped because his son wanted him dead so now he ran away for many years served his father-in-law to get a wife he was cheated you see the thing he's coming back seven years he served give me my wife they gave him the one with i he said but why did you do this to me and i mentioned that that night wedding night was kind of drunk or tipsy you know kind of dark in the night was the right time for handing over the bride where he wasn't able to verify and by the time he was finished sleeping with again he woke up he was now the wrong girl he said you have to keep her because you have already it's okay but i still love rachel i need i want to marry it's another seven years you see why your man miss another wild man is breaking penel is about where god changes your character transforms that wild nature that thing that makes you cheat that is not makes you don't have integrity and make your character like christ that your dependence on your own natural wisdom or your own strength god will break you there so he ends up burning 20 years serving this man that is cheating him all the time and when god finally helped him out and he came out there he's blessed financially but it's not over yet as he was now coming back he saw his brother hired 400 men to come and wipe him out and assassinate him and he he thought all these twenty years went off to remove this anger and bitterness in his household he didn't the guy was not coming to kill him it was that time he knew the only person that can get me out of this is god some of you have doubled into 419 you've looted you've cheated people all kinds of things it's jacob's nature jacob jacob that name means swindler 419 boy yeah yeah boy yahoo boy yes that's what the name means and he's here who plus yahoo plus yes yes because he dealt with his brother death with his father too that's correct but when he met labor labour was a senior in sydney wyoming so he danced with him but it was divine arrangement to break the man test some of your medicine what you are doing to others now it was a penal he rested with god god appeared to him that an angel of the lord are he for because we're telling danger don't leave me if you leave me i'm finished this man will kill me you have to bless me you have to save me you have to get out of this situation so in that experience you know i said what is your name is sayo jacob he said you see that's part of the problem your name needs to be changed from jacob to israel you need to become a prince of power with god so you see personal transformation is the other encounter that many of us need and for many people is another aspect of the cross that god uses to produce that change is pain it will take you through some painful things some of you will stop sleeping around until you get hiv or something some will stop certain things maybe you lose your marriage lose everything pain sometimes humiliation if you will not change even when god was through breaking him and untouched his hips he said you are changed but there has to be a reminder so you don't try you're going to be like walking like this for the rest of your life you know that's why there are some people yeah you can't heal it even if you bring them to miracles it's a mark of the cross it's a mark of the cross when the evil the temptation comes the thing reminds me yeah yeah you can't go back to jacob you are now israel this is a part track that took abraham's mount but see how he's walking and he serves the almighty god as a healer that is a covenant keeper but god said this one you will remember for the rest of your life the day you wrestle with god there's some mark of the cross that stands for life you remember jesus where they appear is life for eternity what about the monster's rules yes no we get so many firsts okay get so many firsts yes yes the gestamine is where god deals well with our self-will our will and the flesh by the way to get out of the way of god to do the will of god walk in obedience that's why christ first even paid the price you know before he went to the cross because without dealing with the will that resistance that stubbornness that rebellious nature yes you can't do the will of god you can't and at gethsemane is where he went through that and all this happens in prayer all of these things break me mowed me and there he finally surrendered the wheel not my will but your will be done there are many of us that know god's plan for your life your god do it now god told me to give this give it now and the will stubbornness rebellion many of us you are so stubborn if any leader leading you is in trouble because you are not a sheep you are good how does god deal with that it will bring you to gethsemane it's easy there are different encounters you have to understand all encounter the goal is to make you like jesus but there are different things god is dealing with some is immorality sean it is this issue of money our add hands some is stubbornness the will self-will you do what you want to do nobody can tell you what to do you're talking about being a disciple how can you become a disciple a disciple follows disciple obeys instructions so gethsemane get so many you'll get so many that's where some of us need to go you remember the spirit of the living god fall afresh on me [Music] break me [Music] spirit of [Music] what we will like modern christians feel me i use me but they don't know that to use you you have to be broken you have to be molded you have to be molded you have to be molded into his image that's where god subdues the flesh that's why we die that's where we die yes sir and after that the cross is not a big challenge anymore break me [Music] one more time spirit of the living god [Music] foreign [Music] on the prize of obedience the prize of submitting to the will of god no matter what the cost you see the front of the cross the path we preached yesterday is what makes babies he just received the benefits of his suffering the word makes sense and the matured in christ is the other side of the cross that's why those who teach only grace grace we never produce much of believers because all they're telling them is what jesus did for them they are not teaching their responsibility romans chapter 8 you need to show it to them he said we are the spirit of god bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of god we are the children of god show it to them verse 16 romans 8 16 the spirit of god bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god them 17 but if we are his children then we are heirs and heirs of god and join us with christ everything that belongs to jesus belongs to us but look at the condition there if any time you see an if in the bible stop oh don't go and claim the thing because it won't work meet the condition then whatever is promised there will be yours if you are willing and obedient you eat the good of the land don't just go out here i'll eat the good of the land because that's how a lot of people preach especially in the east here it's called scriptural rescurity you are doing reckless you are being a reckless preacher not giving people the truth anytime you see that word if if you diligently hack into the voice of the lord your god it means there are conditions to meet then you can have what is promised if children then we are heirs and join us with christ that means everything he has we have but there is a condition if so be that we suffer with him that something will happen that we may also be glorified together you balance these two sides you build a very strong set of crystals you build a strong army that the enemy cannot defeat so you are not the type of christian when you meet a little challenge on the way you quit you know wait for what if i tell you what we went through to get here [Music] quick it doesn't exist in an additional persecution come no read books on martials read read the fox book of matters read all the books read and see what christians went through in russia under the iron code read what they went through in china read what is going on in the middle east so when you finish reading you just see that you are not even in the let's talk about the last one which is uh damascus's room this is paul yes his encounter yes that's where god deals with our self-righteousness zeal without revelation and understanding where he takes that which we think we know and that we can do for him without understanding knowing him personally having that personal encounter with him takes it away and reveals let me get to the point of it what god deals with at damascus roots is pride see the other time we're talking about money money is the easier one to overcome yes pride is harder to conquer is especially spiritual pride religious pride it is this thing that made paul a persecutor of the believers of the saints because there are two sects among the jewish major sex among the jewish religion you have the sadducees you have the pharisees the sadducees are the liberals they don't believe all the bible they are some teachings of the bible their minors like resurrection and some things so there are some things they believe but they left some things out so it can allow them kind of little liberty to do something but the pharisees are the strictest sects these are the ones that take the torah they obey everything do you know that paul said that i was a hebrew of hebrews concerning the righteousness of the law that he was blameless he was a pharisee so jesus and this bunch of christians he didn't understand he was one that took authority for the high priest to go after christians everywhere killing them putting something into prison he was one standing there when they killed steven do you know what was driving all this spiritual pride there are many of you like that look at social media look at the media that is a blessing to win the world to christ what you go there is to attack pastors attack ministers attack churches and be criticizing up and down hey others are winning shows you are taking them away do you know what that we do to you on the last day jesus said anyone that makes one of these that believe in me to stumble it is better for him that he was not born it's better than a god a bull rock stone hanged on his neck and he drowned in the sea do you know what makes people persecutors do you know what many people fault finders criticism pride yes yes sir yes yes every soul of thousands you will meet your water law the dead god will knock you off your beast you came here for an encounter i wanted to see what encounters look like he met jesus on his damascus where he was going to arrest some believers and put him in jail when he encountered the lord first of all he was blinded by the light of his glory knocked off from his high horse and finally was taken into the city and he was an ordinary person that is not even a pharisee that is not you know this guy is a rabbi he was trained in the school of of a camellia one of the wisest rabbis of that time he was a lawyer he had a lot of things going for him he had to go he's this guy that baptized him laid hands on him to be filled with the holy spirit cornelius not even one of the twelve not even one of the apostles so not even a pastor just a disciple you can imagine a cardinal in a catholic church to come and kneel down and not even a pastor not just one pers laying hands on him and whatever do you know the level of breaking it takes to produce that level of humility when he came around the apostles you remember the other time he was rebooking peter yes openly yes we stood him openly later after he went through a few more things the other time he said among the apostles i'm the least but the first time he said among them even those ones in jerusalem they added nothing to me so i went to jerusalem even all those big men there they added nothing you went to a whole conference and learned nothing so this is what god did apart from knocking him down he had to do something else to keep that man because knowledge puffs off for god to trust with certain level of knowledge certain level of anointing and you are still humble there are certain i count extra work he will do in you let me tell you what he did paul said he would take me into visions of the lord into the third heaven and i will hear mysteries and you know when he comes down with all this knowledge he realizes peter the pope is an illiterate how can i listen to that guy so you know what paul said to keep me from being exalted above measure a messenger of satan was given to me to perfect me vlogging lest i should be exalted above measure look at it lest i should be exalted above nature through the abundance of revelation there was giving me a tone in the flesh what is this stone a messenger a demon was given permission by god just anytime he tries to break him down again some people think he's a form of sickness but whatever it is refuse to be cured some people think i have an understanding that involves certain type of persecution that goes with humiliation let me give you an example sir do you remember paul in anthems alone in the in this city where lystra where he was preaching and there was an important man in the front crippled i have read that scripture number the poor didn't add the name of jesus he was preaching he saw that the man had faith to be healed he turned to him and said sir get up on your feet and the man has been crippled from bed he has never walked before the guy got up and started walking so the people in this city said the gods have come down to us in the human flesh guess what where the devil was targeting that temptation that same pride that old but paul passed it that day he said let's call paul jupiter and his friend uranus let's bring a big cow and offer two cows offer sacrifice to two of them these men are no no my men you see these are the temptation i will come when god starts using you because the other encounter after this it has to do with spiritual power but those that god is going to move up to such level carry unusual anointing give them trust them with wealth trust them with political power trust them with wisdom beyond they have to be broken first and there is no better place for this message of encounter to come like in the eastern nigeria where pride looks like every child is born with it in their dna stubbornness barista go to prophetic conference last year end of the year into this year when he drove three hours through traffic going through is my state that the program held when he finally got to the place i went to welcome he said pastor david what i was asking my wives were coming how can god produce a human being like you out of this place i say it's bulala breaking if i tell you the journey on the way finish there is nothing left you're saying without you i'm completely nothing there's no that's why there is nothing around me that is nothing i'm attached to nothing if i tell you i was i was stripped of everything he said i don't understand how you can be this humble or this and that i don't even want to acknowledge that but i said a lot of breaking that's what it takes there are things god wants to do with young men and women here people that are here there's a message even this committee it's an army that god wants to unleash [Music] but every one of them must be at the mark of the cross paul said let no one trouble me for ibm my body the marks of jesus christ you can't see stripes on my back it wasn't only jesus that would flock he said three times i was beaten 40 times minus one you can see the effect on my back you can see how many times i was in a shipwreck how many times is this messenger of satan causing all this problem that's it where he told somebody to where they almost offered sacrifice system but he went and told them where are they men like you and stop them a group of jewish sailors came there stoned him and he died explain it to me the same place you were exalted that people thought you were god the same place you were persecuted until you are dead and the same people who saw you become a god saw you become a man that's what this demon was doing to me and god had had the back of that demon god gave him permission why so that this guy after all this will make heaven i know a minister everybody everybody that is who and who with healing or not has laid hands on him but what is troubling he can't go because it is his jacobs because i knew him before he got there the level of pride when he destroys other men of god behind their back i started giving him gap he can't come around you it's always somebody that is talking about he doesn't have anything positive i had to clear from this man until when his cross came when you now come around him he's so different you want to talk about somebody's he tells you no no no leave him you don't know god's dealings with people leave him all one time i was in his i said is this the same man he's so different he said he was in the hospital god changed his life he's told me he said if i had died i would have gone to hell after being a bishop spiritual pride let me show you what happened to paul philippians chapter 3. i profited more than others in the jewish religion go up yeah yeah okay go up go up a little forward six let's start number six of course even five circumcised the eighth day of the stock of israel of the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of hebrews as touching the law and pharisees letting you know his own concerning seal persecuting the church as touching righteousness which is of the lord blameless there are people who keep the 10 commandments but it doesn't mean they're all right some keep it and they have a bigger problem pride some keep it they have all that is like that rich man you can't give the money has him concerning the lord blameless then and you know this is part of the pride when you are upright you have no you don't do anything wrong you don't steal you can't you don't want to hear about the other person verse 7 but what things were gained to me those i count lost for christ you see what the change that happened to this man verse 8 yet doubtless i count all things but lost for the excellency of the knowledge of jesus christ my lord for whom i suffered the loss of all things and do count them but don't that i might win christ to become the great apostle god stripped the man of everything all those is pride all those religious achievements and whatever and not only that i was stripped of it i count them like but drunk is excretable that's the value i ascribe to these things what is my degree all this my you know some people are professor you have three degrees that's why god can use you that's why you can't use it knowledge puffs off it gets into the head [Music] that's why there nothing can be on your life i suffered the loss of all things and now i value them as donk as excretor that i might win christ the excellency of the knowledge of christ surpasses all of that verse 9 and that i might be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of christ the righteousness which is of god to get born here to get paul here that's what they encounter some of you need by your spiritual pride that your arrogance that you are religious that you are judgmental attitude that you are holier than thou we're talking about the other side of the cross that moves men from childhood to manhood in christ this man is a completely different man you know the poor was our life when jesus was here he said i once knew jesus in the flesh i didn't have any respect for him or does he say he was one of those who thought jesus was whatever if you want i'll show you to you second corinthians chapter five he said i knew christ in the first it was about nine i i don't know him like that anymore i know no man after the flesh i don't judge people anymore you start from verse 15 let them see second corinthians chapter five okay okay okay verse 16 wherefore henceforth we know no man after the flesh yeah though we had known christ after the flesh you see he was there when man was out here he didn't follow him how could a pharisee like him i'm sure he was one of those who had the conspiracy to get him killed yet now henceforth we know him that way no more and he now said if any man verse 17 being christ is a new creation all things have passed away behold all things have become new see what believers are doing on social media destroying the course of christ is coming these last days is coming the only sad thing is that many of them will fall prey to the great falling away fall away with the enemy and be destroyed there you have the upper room encounter the mount sinai encounter where you encounter fire from heaven counter the power of the holy spirit and for elijah it was river jordan because when elijah went up the mountain fell for the apostles it was when jesus went up ten days after that mantle fell on them it was at the upper room but you can't get to pentacles carrying all these jokes what you end up with is polluted anointing the flesh is still alive greed is at work pride is at work immorality is at work so i need to close with this you better listen to what we're going to share in the other side to complete the thing because this committee messages is divided so that you follow it and get it completed you can have the anointing upon and be corrupt you can have it and be bound by immorality like samson you can have it and be corrupted by mammal like bala you can even have it and be involved in witchcraft balance 2 got into sorcery saul you can have it and be demon oppressed like song it is that anointing within that keeps us pure because that one he has to do with your relationship with jesus and that's one thing i'm anointed i have tremendous anointing on my life but i can tell you one thing the real treasure i have is when committing is over there are nothing upon lift it doesn't stay but there is an anointing that abides it's inside me what sustains it is abiding in the vine my relationship with jesus the time i spend with him feeding on his word not coming to preach the anointing of pawn is for ministry and when ministries of elipse put up that scripture let them see it in the tabernacle the temple of moses there is this fire on top of that tabernacle that shoots into heaven that's the anointing of pawn but if you go through the gates go through the veil and get to the holiest of holies inside of the messy seat you see she came on fire sitting know that that's the anointing within listing ladies and gentlemen that one upon is power you saw it walking yesterday but the one within is no power is a person is the comforter is the holy spirit it's jesus living in me that's where the secret of my christian life is it is this one waiting that will take me to heaven this one upon you can have it and be corrupt and look at what he said many who said to me we did mighty works in your name we prophesied in your name and that day i'll tell them i never knew you because all that i hear now in pentecostal is anointing anointing and we don't know anything about it because the first thing is anointing on your life on your christian life that makes you a real christian that anointing within is what produces the fruit of the holy spirit that produces godly virtue godly character humility gentleness temperance the one upon pro this is the gifts of the holy spirit healings miracles all of that prophecy so these people that are told on that day i never knew you they only carried power on them ignore the life that you sustain it they have power no cannon look at that don't you upon look at how he looks that tabernacle is a symbol of a believer you are now the temple of the holy spirit the spirit of god dwells in you i need to end with this illustration can somebody get me two pastors come bring two bottles of water fast and come and i thought person bring me a glass i wish i can draw it for you is there any anywhere i can draw something please come first come first i asked for two guys and a glass of water just come okay there is a glass here a third person will hold the glass yeah yeah okay dr hussein wants to hold it okay no no let him say that you guys come on come on hold it and that's enough watch this trinity can i get something to draw something so i'll show you on the board what i'm about to do and then there are three elements that come together in producing a genuine christian that is powerful in god the first is this circle bottom and this second is holy spirit then in between is a plus there is a second circle this one is you is human spirit this one is god this one is you here now is a vessel a container and this container is human body so here we have this bottle one holy spirit we have another spirit here which is you the human spirit but now we have this container is a body we're about to bring two of them here so what you're going to do here is to bring god i wish they can even draw it for people bring god in here and bring man in here and the truth is that if you know that the first to enter this vessel when we want to talk about our experience as believer is man is man that entered first because you've been living in your body but now god wants to change you into god's superman he wants to change you into another person so now he is going to implant himself in you so that is your body of vessel is a container carrying god on the earth not just caring man before it was your house is your car is your container and it was only you but now god wants to be on the edge and function through man exactly the way he functioned through jesus and doctor cut he tried all through the old testament he could not open it open you open before you pour it right through the old testament since adam felt he could not get god to enter into man try pouring god inside man that's all god could do with old testament this is anointing upon rub this water on this this guy charges and he gives prophecy and god uses him and when he finishes the thing leaves the container is dry again there is nothing inside the container this is old testament ministry nothing inside not a single person in the old testament had the holy spirit inside him including moses including all of them that you know all they had is this that's why sometimes and the spirit of god came mighty upon something what about the last time he came mightily upon him because the anointing upon comes and lifts next time again you need to i want to start another healing service this night is going to come on me again for it when committing ends now few days passes he will lift so how do i survive i'm not meant to live by that power i'm meant to live by the power within so i said lord why didn't you put the water inside moses why didn't you put the water inside joshua what about somewhere these are nice guys what about david he said because when adam sinned the human spirit was corrupted he had satan's nature not just that we seen the nature of sin gotten he had nature of sin he said the vessel itself is polluted okay paul this is this is how we are poor po po this is how we are this is mr james the vessel the body polluted the water inside the human spirit poisonous can imagine what is inside here is from the gutter it's from the toilet that's how you wear before you came to christ that's why when you try to do some good work it's not enough to save you because you are still evil your nature is evil and all your good works are like filthy comments the real issue is that god has to change the man's nature change him from inside he needs to become a new creation made after the image of god again just like other words so the holy spirit could not come inside me until christ comes and redeems me and recreates me and so jesus gives his life on the cross uses his blood to wash me clean but he did more than that he took this old nature out put a new spirit within me put a new nature in me the nature of god put it in the same old container the container remains the body still remain but now inside me a brand new person and now he has a brand new man here made in god's image and i said now the holy spirit can come here come feel feel yeah wait this is the new creation the new creation is not just man in the flesh it is god in the flesh is a good man is christ again reborn in another man's body so that jesus can be in africa be in america be in canada be in asia be everywhere addison where he was here in the flesh he was limited to one place but the bible said the reason he ascended is that he might feel all things so that he can feel all things that's what efficient chapter four he that ascended is the one that first descended but the reason he ascended fire above all heavens is so he can feel all things that's why he what he means it is it is a speeding for you that i go if i don't go all you have is experience him outside a little rope hold this and people don't know what what that just that one upon it's like static electricity like induced magnetism you have a metal the metal is not a magnet but you just rub it on a magnet when you finish rubbing it you use it and it's magnetic in things but that magnetic power lasts for a while after a while it dissipates that's anointing upon that's how this old testament things it doesn't make you a christian that you had anointed upon does not mean you are godly as a matter of fact anointing upon can command an unbeliever maybe i should even say all those people that was using otis when there were no believers they were not born again for you to know how serious it is anointing upon came upon an animal called donkey and god used it and last night i released it on the handkerchief paul releases on handkerchief and he came on handkerchiefs and they take it to sick people and they were here so he's handkerchief now born again so that you have that thing on you doesn't make you what god is looking for is the inner life whether you are walking in the street walking in the holy spirit whether you are unlike abolish holy mercy i don't have the time lift up your hand pray in the spirit for one minute it's something the lord is trying to get me to take you somewhere but i'm trying to resist going oh lord the one that will get me to heaven is the one with him is that one that makes me like christ is that one is for transformation that's the one that changes me to christ's image and that inner working of the holy spirit when the holy spirit sees that i'm not yielding he will arrange painful circumstances to break the flesh break the wheel to help me to yield without it instead of growing i'm becoming more like christ i'm not growing i'm just stagnant [Music] something had that one upon induced magnetism was sleeping around with her lots until the native listeners caught up with him look at shaw went and consulted a witch offender an anointed man until the felicia has caught up with him because people who do that they wonder after all these things anonymity can still come on me yes he can because he can come an unbeliever i was praying for a woman and i don't touch women this lady was having she has had problems with birth miscarriages and all that and i needed to drive out something i just needed a lady to torture her stomach and look i couldn't find off there was one unbelievable lady there i told her to come i don't think i passed through a donkey can pass through paper it can pass through a piece of cloth it can pass through and if you want to demonstrate it somebody that is not born again here i will use his hand and minister to a sick person and the person will be healed that's why judas was healing to see personal devil now we mean what he wants a teeth he doesn't make you a christian it doesn't mean you are spiritual what makes me spiritual is that i have a walk with jesus not just a walk i walk in righteousness i walk in integrity i work in humility god has dealt with me my inward life when this is over i leave it there it's not mine it has nothing to do with god's work he finished i come back it's that inner work that carries me okay let me see if i will do this for you i'll do this for you let me see if i will do it dr cox jesus said that inner life that inner power inner power he said when a man is filled with the spirit out of his belly shall flow reverse he didn't say a river there are many rivers and they can help you know when you start stagnating let me give you some examples one of them is the river of love the love of god is shadow brought in our heart the anointing within touches their hearts the anointing without fear the the temple the outer court hey how do i explain the uh dark you remember dedication of moses to dedication of solomon's temple when they said the guru revealed the temple that the priest could not stand to minister the shekinah normally sits in the holy of holies or the message but at this time the priest couldn't enter the temple the priests don't go to the holy of holies it's only the high priest that go there the normal place that the priest goes no priest could enter why you grow the field everywhere so that's what happens to me when i you read it many times in the new testament paul being full of the spirit man is under anointing the highest level in this thing called anointing is when down one within and one without meat it doesn't meet in many because all the god learn worship is the key to the anointing prayer is the key to the anointing they will do prayer do fasting do worship the bible said as the trumpeters and the singers we as one to make oneself put it up now second chronicles chapter 5 verse 13 as the trumpeters and the singers we as one to make one sound to be heard in worshiping and praising the lord at that moment the glory of god filled it if you go to chapter seven it was after they offered sacrifices solomon and solomon has finished praying the fire of god fell and consumed the sacrifices and the glory of the lord filled the temple the same thing happened prayer can get you there worship can get you there worship brings the cloud of glory prayer bring the fire of god i want you to watch oh oh lord whether it's crowd or fire the other anointing of paul because when he fell on the order of elijah did he stay there after he lived there is an explosion that happens when the one within and one without meets what people think here is that they will go and take worship take prayer and pray to get fire good but it's a problem verse 11 of the second chronicles chapter 5 said all the priests that ministered that they were sanctified so it's not just the prayer and the worship all that combined with an inner life of consecration when consecration now meets with prayer and fasting when consecration now meets with worship there is explosion what goes off is an atomic bomb in the rebel spirit when character godliness now mixed with supernatural power an explosion of course you see some people come to church you have to worship for 30 minutes to get them in the spirit no i come already in the spirit because the life is right inside and if anything try to touch me i don't allow i have to get rid of it fast i i repent like this i repen i repent with speech i don't let anything touch my inner life i don't let also let anything come cinema caballer relationship with the holy spirit because the anointing within is no power is a person just like i have a wife in my house you have to talk to him you have to fellowship you have to spend time with him you have to feed on his word if not you stop abiding in the vine you will dry up as a branch my fellowship my work with the lord that anointing which can also require living rights there are things you do that grieve the holy spirit by which you are sealed unto the devil he's a person even my human spirit that is here i have to watch the things that pollute it like bitterness like malice like unforgiveness all kinds of things i can reach i have to watch it [Music] then finally the vessel that carries it all has to be clean that's what he's saying first corinthians 6 19. put it up let them see what know you know that your body is the temple of the holy ghost not just temple of power he's a person which is in you is the anointing within his person living god living inside man which you have of god you are not your own verse 20 for you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are you don't just do holiness of the heart no bitterness no forgiveness no strife no you know whatever any form of hypocrisy you also have to keep the body clean because god now lives in your body go up where he said he that is joined to a hell out becomes one flesh with her go to verse 16. yeah what no you know that he that is joined to a harlot that sex sex sex does becomes one body for the two he says shall be one flesh but look at verse 17. but he that is joined to the lord becomes one spirit so do you see what the lord did come and point to them your spirits and god's spirit got into a fusion and that fusion caused an explosion inside you the first thing that came out of it is what is called the new creation it caused an eruption there is a river that erupted out of your belly the first thing is supplies is divine life divine nature it flows and it begins to affect even your mother body and that's what keeps you healthy all this healing healing healing is not god's best god's best is divine health and divine health does not come from our own sight it's not a product of the anointing upon it doesn't come from pastoral take it it doesn't come from healing service divine health flows forward in from a life of fellowship with the lord and life there is a river that flows out from you the first thing is supply is like jesus a rivers another fountain that flows there is love for the love of god is shed abroad so when somebody has done something he said i can't love him no no realize that he don't need feeling you don't need there is a capacity inside i wish i have that another one is joy i don't mind telling you most night i sing till morning i wake up 4am to go and we i'm singing sometimes i find that i'm singing songs because once you are clean the holy spirit is the ultimate musician joy and he expresses himself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and nothing that flows from there is peace that percent all understanding we're talking an anointing within that you a real christian what makes a genetic christian not all the ah peace the peace of god the person that's why i said they died come and look at my face there will be a smile there when you live in the will of god you live in peace you live in inner serenity nothing disturbs you great peace have death and love thy lord nothing can offend them not when i have issues with somebody i live there that's where it is so so that i rebuke somebody now i feel correct they said they see me they are still i can't even remember that's where i ended another thing that flows for me is the spirit of faith this is not gift of faith gift of faith comes from the unknown upon that one one's from miracles and healing and after he lived you're not always in that one the spirit of faith is constant one of the ways you know that you have started going off is that instead of that spirit of faith what you have inside is fear something has gone wrong with your inner life you're not afraid when you enter you're afraid of your back you're afraid of your shadow you're afraid of the night you're afraid no no no something is wrong my dear god has not given us the spirit of fear there is a spirit of fear but he has given up the spirit of boldness of power and of a sound mind oh i don't need to tell you one of the things that flows from it is revelation it is not the one upon that teaches me when i do my devotion when i study god's word is the one with him he promises that the holy spirit will teach you and guide you into all truth and that's the one that protects you from deception you're in a place they preach one thing that is not biblical and they finish that will tell you leave throw that thing into the trash can it's not the word but there are a lot of times they're saying something even though your head is not getting they say witness within you this is truth this this is the word of god i might not have fully understood them mentally but this is the word just like the way the holy spirit bears witness with your spirit are you a child of god oh another thing that flows within is counsel divine direction it is not a notional pawn if god has to wait to when there is something on you you are finished this is where as many as i led you can imagine in abuja i was planning for abuja coming in to continue to sunday and i was having my devotion i woke up three and three times and i was fellowshipping with the lord first thing shut down that community i said lord uh he said shut it down i said okay i will get my friends will travel but we'll leave it he said don't you know what shutdown is you've given shut it down don't be in any and your heart is divided there are things i want to do and you are thinking about no i'm true if you want anything to continue it's you and your people that would do that one divine direction if i tell you what he has saved me from do you know how we bought this place we got up early in the morning i'm doing devotion early in the morning i do it between three four eight then i finish then the family comes to meet me yes when i finish my personal devotion sometimes like today i've done devotion there are people i send messages around 3 30 4 a.m okay as position long gone she will tell you when i started communicating there are many people more than 11 people when i sleep i did my devotion 3 a.m to around 5 and i went to sleep for additional one hour two hours and that's what i do at home i finish my devotion many times when they now wake up they come and meet me outside the house where i sit there is a place where i study man they come and meet me there for us to pray and they'll find me and i finish my own that's what i was doing that money and the lord said go to there's something i want to show you i said lord ah i don't have any reason to be in any way it's a good thing i said okay tell me why you are sending me he said when you land in the airport ask me re report to me that you have arrived and i will tell you what it is he said because i told abraham take isaac onto the mountain that i will show thee until you are in the vicinity don't ask for that clearance if you are here asking for extra clearance forget about it when god wants to take you to a street in lagos or in in us investing you go to us he said tell me the house where i'm going to say no if you land in the airport and say lord i'm here he will not tell you okay it's atlanta you're going you get the awareness you say this street sometimes he gives you the details but many times he doesn't give all that sorry talking so i'm going to he said what are you going there to do i said i'm asked to go to intelligence divine intelligence he said what exactly are we doing i said the person you are asking is asking questions so i've trained her follow me as i follow christ so me too i'm a follower don't disturb me you can come with me it's not compulsory i'm the one told to go he said i'm coming i called personally i said we are entering we say ah the p is everything all right i say everything is all right then we landed the moment i came down my feet touched the ground and said uh-huh i've reported i'm now in energy where exactly he said as you are driving out be looking i will show you something so i told that there is something god wants you shall be looking on this side i'll be looking on this side i don't know what it is as we we just drove up ah this thing for sale it's a driving tell them you are buying so i told person because they were already moving fast in the front he asked me where are we going i said i i will tell you later so they were moving fast they had already passed me i drove in and then they had to turn and come in i said oh yeah get lawyers go and negotiate we are buying here you say i said don't worry about them don't worry about anything and so at that moment i said lord we don't have any money he said don't worry about it is it divine direction divine direction if i tell you how many things and you don't get it from a nintendo porn you can have anointing upon and go into deception there are many many stars but if you have a walk with god it will protect you from deception [Applause] oh lord oh we're done this is where i'll have to stop god bless you guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if i depend only on this one for which we do minister i'll lose my christian life when the priest finish his ministry they remove that upper garment hang it in the holy place they don't wear it and go out you have to remove that mountain but there is an inner garment it's a white remnant that a priest with you remember the priest first has that inner garment it's a white remnant you see angels they wear it but the high priest has the upper garments those ones you have to remove the garments of ministry but your white remnant which is your righteousness of the sense you see let me tell you the bible says the kingdom of god is no meat and drinking but righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost that is not an original pawn that is the inner life of a christian you know one of the rivers that flow is comfort like when we go through difficult times your mother and father abandons you things get very rough then there is a dimension of the holy spirit you are going to discover one person that will stay with you through the journey through chicken thing and the bible said we have now learned to comfort others by the comfort which you have received of the lord people that have gone through trials shakings sometimes things collapse around you one man does not because when jesus sent him he sent him to come and abide with us forever we'll talk about it another time be in the holy ghost congress conference this year there are mind-boggling things it's happening in all weather the last week of may the last week of me powder your hands and talk to the lord renew relationship with the holy spirit we ignore him we despise him we pollute the body you chase your body you abuse the temple you defy god's temple tell him to forgive you ask him to clench you with his blood second corinthians chapter seven verse one he said when we have had all these things what are we supposed to do he said we must perfect we must cleanse ourself from the filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit there are things that pollute the body the other things that pollute the heart this human spirit cleanse yourself of the fitness of the body and of the spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god in the fear of god and you know one of those rivers that flew from within his power might that god will strengthen you with might by his spirit in the world man not the one for me the one that strengthens me and give me the the engine the dynamics and i need to run this race talk to him everyone talk to him let my life before [Music] foreign [Music] spirits [Music] she i adore [Music] i let my life before [Music] [Music] [Music] i lay my life [Music] yeah seven anointings the lord
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 4,388
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: sqN8SKczEN0
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Length: 238min 58sec (14338 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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