HOW TO BUILD YOUR FIRST SMALL SHIP (SV) | Spanj's Build Academy | Empyrion Galactic Survival

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hello and welcome back to Imperial Galactic survival my name is spanger and welcome to this spam years build academy video and today we are going to take a look at how to build a basic SV and in this episode we're gonna build this thing in front of us which is well actually anything but at the basic history but it is a starter sv and i just want to give you guys that are new to the game a bit more information about how to build an SV and what's really required okay so the first thing you want to do is head on into a new creative game okay or resume what if you've already got one which is good have a new single-player creative and then you probably want to choose something in space it's just gonna be a little bit easier to build go ahead and just start that straightaway so I would say that even if you are only into your first survival game and you're still getting used to the game it's worth coming out of that and jumping into creative mode so get a feel for the blocks and building before you attempt to build something in survival mode so here we are in creative mode and you'll start on a little platform bit like this and there's a rapier in front of you and you've a nice little view of earth we're just gonna ignore that although it will say that the creative library in this space station here is pretty useful than new builders if you want to check it out oh and you can fly through things like I am right now if you just hit the G button that turns on and off god mode anyway let's fly out into space a little bit over here finally clear area to work from and then we're just going to hit up the H menu and this is going to give us all the items in the game and we can just spawn them into our inventory so with small vessels the first block you're going to need is obviously a small vessel starter Wow I say obviously but new players that's not really obvious first thing you might do is come on to this little button here and if you if you click on the blocks icon with that highlighted the starter block isn't even there you actually need to click on this all types and then the startup locks appear so yeah for new players just clicking on that might get a little bit confused where do I start cockpit maybe that you just have to go back to blocks on the oil filter grab a small vessel starter and then we can start building our first ship so the first items are the most essential items of a small vessel a cockpit somewhere to sit a generator a fuel tank and a number of thrusters new to the game as well recently added is the small generators and smaller fuel tanks which are a lot cheaper but obviously generate a lot less about them now there's a lot more devices here and options that you can throw into your small vessel but I'm just going to cover the basics and then we're going to go through actually building in order to get a small vessel to work just in the most basic form possible like I said you just need a cockpit generator fuel tank and a thruster in every direction so you'll need to rotate the blocks in order to do this bit you can check out the controls and how to do that but in every direction that the ship is required to move and there we go just doing my flashlight on this we can actually see now that that ship now will technically work I could put some fuel in it let me just grab some inside hit the peeper and open the control panel fill all the fuel tank press while it power are on and she will now fly around and work and move in all directions but you know as you can see she's a bit limited in every other way really she's not gonna move very fast she's not maneuver very fast and she hasn't really got any equipment whatsoever to make her of any use so but if you're wondering why your SP is not moving or perhaps wondering what it takes to actually get one to move that's the bare essentials that's the absolute minimum now let's think about actually building one for real now before we start we have a number of things to consider we need to think about what role this ship is going to have what function so is it us is it gonna be warp-capable dooba doesn't need to take passengers or you play multiplayer is it gonna need to carry cargo is it a scout that sort of thing what role or function does this ship mean now we're if the purpose of this video we're talking about the first basic starter sv that you're gonna be using in the game so very limited resources so keeping a cost down to try and make it cost minimal but when you're building and your games you might be thinking okay well I want all the weapons as I want all the thrusters it's going to be super-powerful which is fine which is great but obviously you just need to consider before you start building all the items that you're going to fit in there in order to figure out what sort of layout shape it's gonna be what size it's gonna be if you're also playing with the CPU system and switched on and this is the system where it limits the number of devices and thrusters that you can have depending on what CPU tier the vessel is at so you've got tiers 1 3 or 4 and they all have a maximum limit basically the higher that's here the more expensive it becomes so if you are playing with that on you also need to consider what tier you want this ship to be the last thing is thruster placement thrusters and where they're place now have a much more important role in how the ship behaves in terms of pitch or roll we're gonna go into that living a lot more detail later with a statistics panel but for now let's grab the devices we need for the purpose of this video and we're making a starter SB so it's gonna need to be very cheap we're gonna keep it within tier 1 CPU and the roll is just going to be single-player ok so you've got our small vessel startup block I'm gonna grab a cockpit and have generator 2 fuel tanks in this case a number of small thrusters I'm just going to grab a bunch because I don't know how many I'm going to use at this point and we're just gonna grab a few basics like an o2 station and a couple of o2 tanks come on landing gears we're gonna need those plus spotlight our melaka constructor and some cargo boxes we're gonna need an ammo box some extensions some cargo boxes that's gonna be about it Amelia Wi-Fi on a detector will the detective maybe and we're gonna give up our ship guns so over on the tools tab here I'm gonna get a couple of guts and that's gonna be it let's see if we can get all of that into a tier 1 CPU ship alright let's go ahead and place our small vessel start block we're now going to need some actual blocks so I'm gonna build this out of a combination of two materials steel and plastic or carbon composite as it's now known first of all when you've got your starter block here I like to remove all the blocks around this core the tether core is the one in the middle it looks a little different than the rest holding shift I can right-click a block as long as I've got a block in my hand selected on a tool bar you can see number one is highlighted that means that if I left click I will place a block if I hold shift and right click it will remove the block that my cursor is currently pointing at now with all the blocks removed try and remember which way was forward which is this end here we're gonna point at the core and we're gonna press the N key we're gonna click on symmetry plane and we're gonna click Y Z and then click on the core we're just gonna click again just to move this greeting field right into the center of the core this is our symmetry plane and this allows us to very much quicken the build process especially if we're building a symmetrical ship obviously if you're building an asymmetrical ship then it's not very much helpful you but for the purpose of this video I'm going to turn it on and why is he is left to right we can also select XE which is up and down and X Y which is another pair another right to left but at a different angle anyway there we go so why is he nice green field we hit escape to close that and we can move back wrong again so we know the front of the ship is that direction there we're just gonna put blocks there so there that it's so that I don't forget that once you consider the things that we spoke about earlier you can go ahead and place some of the largest components and if you're building with warp-capable you probably want to start with the warp core a cockpit and the really largest sort of thrusters that you're gonna have and that's going to help you gauge the size of the ship and how many blocks you wanna use I'm gonna go ahead and put down my favorite cockpit at the moment which is this one which is quite a big cockpit and especially quite big for a starter SV as well it's going to be a little bit of a challenge to get everything in and keep it nice and compact and good looking and stuff for anybody that's new to the game getting things good looking is is not you don't need to worry about that just yet really it can become a bit later anyway let's go ahead and place down the absolute essentials that you need I'm going to be a little bit rebellious with this and I have the fuel tank sticking out the side of there I have a shape in mind I'm going to try and go to that shape so we've got our fuel tanks we've got our generator let's put some o2 tanks as well because we really need some oxygen in order to fuel our substation if we go back into our inventory we've got a few more things that we can put on the interior do not need to have direct access now that's another thing to consider you don't need anything to have direct access you can access it all through the control panel if I go ahead and put my armor Locker down here now normally in order to access an armor Locker you have to go up to it and press f you can then swap your arm around or in as you need to but if you don't have direct access to your Malacca you can use the P menu the control panel just by pressing P go to devices locate your armor Locker and press access and you can access it that way it's a little bit more convoluted so most builders generally favor direct access or things like that and that's something if you want you're going to need to also factor into your build design direct access to those devices such as armor lockers Oh two stations containers fridges constructors all can be used with direct access or access through the control panel but me personally I like to leave that part to the end so that I have my overall shape laid out and it's not going to get in the way of that and I can try and figure out from where in the armor I could maybe place those devices it doesn't always work sometimes it does bite me in the ass but anyway let's place down this is our ammo container so this again doesn't need direct access because that you can access it directly through the control panel and it has another shortcut as well but we're going to give ourselves a little bit of ammo capacity that will allow us to have some Gatling guns now I'm going to use steel for the next bit because this is going to be part of our outer armor and it's got to look a bit weird when you're watching someone build like this when you don't know what they're building things will look odd but I'm gonna put my GATS in at this point here she's a good-looking bird already isn't she anyway let's talk about thrusters next so thruster placement is like I said at the beginning of the video it's recently changed so with eleven point five the version that we have now the version this video is recorded in the rest of placement is now much more important in terms of where on the craft the thrusters are actually positioned but as before you could have them also or clustered in a single area and the turning pitch in your of the craft would be more dictated by the RCS is of the craft rather than the thrusters and where they are now it's a case that the more spread-out the thrusters the better performance you get from them the these thrusters will not only contribute thrust in that direction whatever direction they're facing in but also talk in terms of pitch your and rod so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to position these thrusters where I think I want them and then I'm gonna remove a bunch of blocks just gonna place a bunch of blocks in order to place the thrusters basically so so there's my down thrusters there I think I'm gonna want my forward thrusters these are a little less important I'll admit they're in there my reverse ones however want to be quite far forward and I'm also going to put down thrust there as well a directional thrust as well through a three direction with just on this point at the front of the ship here and we're gonna add another left thrust at this end as well sorry left right thrust and we want to add another lifting thrust downward facing over here as well so basically we have two to four thrusters in all directions because this is going to be a somewhat larger than normal starship I think that will do nicely and we now have a basic shape and it's now a case of finishing that shape in the most efficient way possible to keep the costs down now before we continue any further we do want to just double check especially if you're building with CPU switched on as I am that our CPU allocation does not exceed how much we actually have available so as you can see we are allocated we have allocated 3000 we have a maximum of 6000 and rest here on CPU now if we continue building out a steel this thing's going to be too heavy for the thrusters we've given it so for the rest of the build probably going to use plastic and steel is going to be reserved just to go around the center part or any important components like in front of this fuel tank that way if anything was to shoot us the fuel tank is protected by the most armour you could tell the difference if you like if you grab a multi-tool from the item menu that's under tools open it up to anything and it looks at the one that you can then see the hit points of each block so you can see the hit points of this steel block of 50 and the hit points of this plastic or carbon composite is 20 but at the same time Steele is eight kilograms compared to three kilograms you're gonna be playing weight of William switched on weight can have a massive impact so anyway now that we've got our blocks and stuff in place we're gonna try and complete this build and then we're going to go through the final placement of the last devices ie the armored Locker go to station mobile constructor all while trying to keep it under that 6000 CPU I mean we're halfway through that so hopefully you'll be ok and so once you've placed all the blocks and you've got the shape that you want you're reasonably happy with the design and overall look of the ship this is when you can start testing it now at this point most of the weight of the ship is kind of distributed there are a few tools in order to help you while you're building to figure out where the distribution of weight is again we can hit n go to debug and show the center of the mass and you want the two yellow and blue spheres to be pretty close together in the center of the ship this should be a reason to be balanced craft as a result before we go ahead and put the final sort of decoration texture and things like that on the ship we really need to give it a test so I put some fuel in it now we're gonna jump in a little fly around now if you like me you've got a ship here with no RCS is in there then you're probably gonna find it turns and rolls a little bit sluggishly but it is able to move in all directions I don't mind we're also only using small thrusters here we can also check our statistic panel in the control panel and we can see the sort of a thrust achievement we're going to get the degrees per second in your hitch and roll and a lot of useful information here to try and gauge sort of where we have power and what sort of adjustments mean we may want to make to the thrusters but ultimately you know numbers for me especially and it really mean much I need to fly it and see what it feels like so fly around in space make sure it moves or in all directions you're reasonably happy with the responsiveness to say the roll and this is pretty slow but think it's okay for what it is we're going to take it down now into the planet's atmosphere and subjected to one G's gravity and flying around down there as well see what the result is so we can see we've got a max speed in this craft of 40 meters a second which isn't amazing you know it could be worse this is a star recipe leave it on ah yeah so we're achieving 50 at the moment because we're heading towards the ground but as we level out the speed will drop off down to about 40 used okie to make sure we are at Absolute level which we are and we're achieving 40 meters a second now what I've done in this craft because it's slightly bigger than what it needs to be size is this base and sides are great these thrusters so that's some of them anyway these front ones not so much certainly the ones or the ones in the back war can be upgraded to mediums they have the space behind them or the extra block just make sure that when you're testing the craft here that you're just happy with the general feel of the flight and if you're not you might want to readjust where those thrusters are you might require a little remodeling if you're happy with the ship's performance then just do a number of final checks before you start painting and decorating hit up the control panel double check those CPU statistics in a creative session if you go over your allocated CPU you will not notice the ship will still perform CPU is disabled by default in creative sessions if you are over and you're seeing an efficiency level of say between 80 and 100 percent take it into a survival game with CPU enabled and give it a whirl there to see what the impact really is also just make sure and the devices that if you scroll to the top of the list there's nothing there that says missing it will be in yellow if it is and you'll probably won't be able to fly it there is anything missing but just double check also this is a good opportunity to hear that water group bun and group all your devices into nice and groups ready for any signal logic you want to do and that's it pretty much aside from decorating which you can see a little bit more on in my video about how to use the color and texture tool that is it that is your s be your first small vessel built once you have finished your ship just make sure that you press alt o while looking at your ship and this will enable you to save the ship as a blueprint so just go save as give it a name and then just click Save that will save it now when you go back into your survival game hit up f2 and you should be able to search for your ship that you've just created now once you've got the resources we can see here that I'm gonna need oh good ol 500 carbon substrate to bring this thing in and 228 copper once we got those in our factory we'll be able to spawn it into our single-player game a survival game and there we go that's how you build a basic recipe and this one I've elected here is anything but basic hopefully you guys have got the information now to go ahead and build something much more appropriate to what this video should have been anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed and just remembered just for ago if you've got any questions queries about building go ahead to join my discord link down below and join in the discussion in the builders channels there's loads of guys in there great community of people that can help you out with any questions you might have about building in a theory on anyway once again thanks very much for watching hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll see you next time until then take care bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Spanj
Views: 75,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spanj, gaming, gameplay, lets play, empyrion, tutorial, build, how to, guide, walkthrough, hover, vessel, HV, academy, survival, creative
Id: oYOS5f4pWJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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