Day 1 | Java 101: Starting with Basic Data Types | Java Programming Essentials Bootcamp (3 Days)

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foreign [Music] hello people are there or not guys please uh spam in the chat box please tell me that are you there or not good evening good evening yes good evening hi so guys am I audible clearly guys am I audible clearly good evening hello everyone how are you all please tell me in the chat box that are you accepted for the uh as we are starting with the Java programming essential bootcamp and our trainer will be uh ayush sir clear enough thank you thank you so I'm Anam from let's upgrade and uh hello thank you so guys uh let me share my screen I mean and I will tell you like how to mark your attendance as you will get the so I am also good guys you will be getting certificate on the end of this boot camp that is on day three uh the certificate is valid and from nsdc let's upgrade an itm I'm also good so waitress share my screen first guys I hope my screen is visible guys give me thumbs up in the chat box that is my screen visible hi rummies guys yes yes yes thank you thank you so uh yeah so guys we are in the description box here we all can see one link you have to click on it and first of all you have to enroll yourself you have to enroll in the Java programming essential bootcamp to mark your attendance and get your certificate so here main role yeah so I have enrolled myself now here I can see the mark attendance option you all can see the market returns option this schedule part so you have to click on this toggle you have to recommend this session like you can recommend it to your friends family whoever is doing coding whoever wants to uh do coding and all like please do share it and how much you like it how much uh you feel this session you can give the date according to yourself I will give 10 on 10 and we also have paid programs and course like we have Java DLC and footstep web development program if you are interested if any you can click on it and if you if you have any Improvement for us you are free to give I will give you nothing for now and then you have to submit your attendance like after submitting the assignment like after submitting the assignment you have to reload the page so here you can see the progress bar it will get increased as you mark your attendance day by day and submit the assignment I hope I am audible yeah so like this you have to submit your attendance and you have you can see the progress bar it will increase if you have 50 above the progress bar you will get uh General the certificate on the end of this boot camp after 7 30 pm and we'll be doing project along with the sir and uh if you have any doubt anything you want to learn you can ask for your you all are free also we have Java DSA program which is for five thousand uh 5900 only you can see this go to this link and see our website you can we have uh What uh we take three mock interviews and uh it's for three months the we get we give place we try to give placements within 120 180 days and uh also we have amazing trainers there we the badge will start from 30 June and also we do to have newly launched b-tech program the campus is in cargo it's an offline course it's it's for four years and uh the the campus is amazing it's Shady full like uh gaming oh manual you will uh please go through these so yeah if you refer him you will get 80 000 on Maca MacBook Air M1 now it's uh if you uh it's up to you if you are lucky enough you will get it like if you recommend it refer it sorry yeah so guys all for all this was from my side and you have to submit an assignment on day two and day three you will be getting your assignment from Sir site on day two and day three there is no assignment for day one as we learn Basics and uh for uh for uh remember guys for generating your certificate you must be having 50 and above the progress bar so let me introduce you to you all to the sir hello sir hello hello hello everyone yeah I hope I'm audible right okay yeah so am I audible now hello yeah so guys please give the confirmation in the chat box that is hello good evening good evening to all my audible just confirm in the chat box please guys do share this uh boot camp let them let your friends know about let's upgrade we give free certificate and uh it's a live free free bootcamp please do like share and please subscribe our Channel till then enjoy with the sir and have an amazing time I will leave now okay so you're audible so I'm leaving sir thank you bye-bye okay bye bye now thanks okay so hello everyone how are you all I hope you are doing well right so just confirm again in the chat box if I'm Audible and visible as well just confirm in the chat box once hello okay that's great so how you all doing and okay so can you just give us a simple intro like which you are a fresher or you're in college or out of the college just just confirm in the chat box you can write in the chat box okay so let's have this simple one to one session right just for the five minutes okay so you already saw this I'll save my screen okay okay so I'll tell you what we are going to do uh today okay so it's a simple three days boot camp okay I will be learning a lot okay okay so RNs in second year second completed gets passed out okay that's okay okay that's great that's great okay so okay just give me a second okay so this is simple 3DS boot camp right you know and we'll be learning uh basics of java okay I was obviously we are going to make a simple project okay based on this simple uh TSA you can say right okay cool cool so I'll see my screen just confirm in the chat box when it's visible right okay so I'll just say my screen okay and yeah so see you already uh know about the the sport cam what we're going to do and just make sure how we have to mark the tendons right I'll tell you this thing again you already saw that okay that's great uh okay so first here first to complete that's that's very nice okay uh okay so bond rate if you're here can you please show the screen okay I have so the screen just please allow me to share the screen in the Stream Okay so okay okay great great yeah okay so just confirm in the chat box right once my screen is useful okay apart from the video [Music] except okay yeah see remember to mark your attendance right I will tell you that thing again right don't worry although we have already saw that path okay so we'll be directly jumping on the today's topic right and I'll tell you all the path in between okay don't worry so you have to be at least that progress bar should be at least 50 percentage right including your attendance uh yeah I actually see I have to save my screen um I have to get the access first time okay just give me a second guys just give me a second yeah so you already uh know about this right this boot camp I will tell you how we have to okay Mark that attendance you already saw that make sure you are progress bar is 50 to get the certificate okay and you're saving this food campus reference as well you have to first enroll okay to get the certificate right otherwise you'll not be able to mark the condense right that's what this thing works uh my screen is not okay that's now children it's here so I hope you already got this point I'll tell you again afterwards boot camp and this particular topics right what we're going to see today friends we can get the value kinds from there right when you can share this programs as well this progress bar should be at least 50 to get those bucket right that's the is my screen visible you can see this whiteboard can you please confirm in the chat box can you guys please confirm attention Okay yeah okay we'll be starting okay soon so I hope you are able to see the screen right I hope you are able to see the screen and so this is the first day this is the basics of java okay so I'll I'll be telling you how what is this Java the history of java okay so there are few points we are going to see right foreign okay so in this three days whatever we're going to learn just asked it out as much you can right don't afraid to ask the house or any questions okay make sure you're freely asking questions so yes we're going to see the history of java and obviously the basics or you can say the syntax how the star program works and afterwards you are going to see the complete installation because there is in particular in Java the installation part is a bit different other than other languages okay so that's not hard you're going to see in a very simple way okay so installation obviously will include the jdk which you can easily use this jdk have the static into your system run Java programs even you can build the web apps right if you are using any ID for this Java okay that's also going to work and at the same time you're going to use via school okay so those who already know what is this vs code anyone knows about this Facebook just just comment in the chat box you guys know about the vs code any idea about the vs code or jdk anyone in the chat box just write in the chat box if you know about the jdk or vs code right so we are going to use this particular terms right so the Decay is just for running the Java programs okay we are going to see what is this and one more thing is in here afterwards we are going to see about the variables okay so this much topic I'm writing I'm going to do the same okay every day because this is important what we are going to see that's we have to at least get a overview right in the starting so this much topic we are going to cover variables and other types okay and simple you can see obviously the first program which is kind of special right foreign it is a text editor so this is quite easy user friendly that's why I'm using this vs code you can use any editor right you can use any ID for that so either you can use vs code you can use I this Eclipse you can use intelligent it's up to you right it's simply what you're going to use IntelliJ also you can use but it's not user friendly for the beginners right it's not user friendly for the beginners that's why we're sticking to a vs code that's the reason okay is not uh just for the beginners we are starting in the Java we uh it's easy to use vs code right so you can use IntelliJ as well that's nothing different okay every step is going to be same we are going to create that program from the scratch tone query right even if you're using IntelliJ there will not be any problem okay so this much topic we're going to cover today right the variables and the basics so let's start with the History part uh anyone knows about the history of the Java when it was introduced at on which here or like who was the founder any anything about the Java anyone knows can I see in the chat box triplet also can be used for the Java obviously we have some online compilers as well okay so this topic actually see we are going to see all those things so we have this online compilers as well which you can use okay frequently you can use this if you are simply working with the DSA but when you are going to work and create the apps using Java or you can compiler will not work okay so okay so uh no idea about the Java anyone exactly exactly so we'll see that thing in depth okay it's not only the developing kit for running the Java programs we have some more points okay so online compilers if there is many uh there is J doodle you can use or you can use a replica right this is two online compilers you can prefer right now we are going to stick with the vs code and jdk right so tell me this point anyone have any idea about the Java okay exactly right James James costing with the founder of the Java right in 1995 okay that's correct James costling and now card without Oracle exactly right that's totally correct so now it is Oracle but in the starting we'll see all those things okay case oh let's see that is a different part case sensitive languages obviously uh it is old space so it should be case sensitive okay we are going to see all those points so it's good right you already know about Java and uh I guess the basic paths okay Sun micro system exactly Microsystems created this Java and obviously the main lead was James Gosling and the team okay so he didn't uh develop this Java like on alone right he honestly had the team right so let's directly start with this okay let's not waste much time so if I talk about the history right so this is simple Java was okay I'll write Point wise okay so why I'm writing Point wise because it will be quite easy to even grasp this and afterwards you can just revise it quickly right yeah exactly correct that's James costling who was has developed the Java right in early 1990s okay so 1995 it's not totally correct but you can see that okay it's in 1995 because there was pretty much conflicts in the date the exact date so we don't know about that exact year or something but you can see only 1990s or mid 1990s right that's you can use as well okay so in this uh what else start with Java it actually it was developed right is already told in chat box that's totally correct I'll see and team right because he was not only one right where I developed this Java and it was he was actually working for the sun Microsystems right right so he actually owned that time he had some of uh how was the assets and equity for the sun Microsystems at that time so they had they have been working on this language they created it with their team so it was actually some Microsystems right in the starting even if you have the books they have right which was obviously the official book you can say right then like the second documentation because in early 1990s uh not many people have the access to the internet right that's why we are firstly yeah right through the books only right so they have this proper they have like own official you can say book of the shower as well right they have the proper documentation as well by the sun Microsystems okay if anyone have seen that right and okay so this was just a simple part and actually it was see it was forced name because obviously some of the reasons right they had so yeah same first thing is the founder of exactly okay hello hello I guess you trying to delete but don't worry we haven't started with the topic yet okay we are simply seeing the history okay so in here we have simply it was named as Oak okay which was named after the oak tree so after actually some reasons okay some particular regions it was changed to because see when it was named as Oak it was designed for some Electronics purpose right and then afterwards it's changed to the Java right because it is changed to the general of a language at that time it was started it was just for the electronic Focus use okay this for the circuits and all those things that's right electronics and took it right that's why it was named as who okay when they was developed afterwards and okay one more thing and here in here we have to write that time around LC because this is mid 1990s right which means it was around mid-1990s when it was developed okay and after the oak it was changed to Java right it was changed to Java afterwards okay it was starting it was named as Oak right and see how it gained the popularity right so there's particular terms okay we are going to see all of it okay in general we are not going to see oops okay because it will take a lot of time right now we are going to stick with the basics okay so can anyone tell me uh what is the future of java right now this is this much is only history right you don't have to worry about afterwards as you guys already told me sun microsystem is acquired by Oracle right which means now Java is accessed and managed by Oracle okay so now it is managed by Oracle this is also I got in the chat box as well right so I hope you already know about the Java as well right so it is now managed by the Oracle okay that's how it is being evolved and this is kind of Open Source right when they change it okay okay so this oops is one of the feature any other feature can you guys tell me in the chat box multiplayered exactly okay so you're getting in depth we don't have to go inside that multiplicating part right now but yeah exactly that's multiplicating language it supports object oriented that's totally correct any other feature it have any other feature simple and secure uh that's okay correct security is also in the case of java exactly I read that that's totally correct because yeah all right that's totally great that's I wanted to see that's open source as well and at the same time it is platform independent right which means it can be written anywhere and run anywhere right which means if you are writing this code into my let's suppose in my system you can run it in your system as well right with the help of jbm obviously you're going to see that part okay so that's obviously the basic parts and uh the feature if I talk about you guys already root all the points right that's very nice so features I'll say it is oops based okay and other feature is that's quite simple other feature what would I write in here exactly that's robust language right so you cannot directly say it is like a feature but in technical terms it is root based object oriented based we are going to see what is object oriented okay so your guys writing is platform independent can anyone tell me how this Java is platform independent exactly that's compatibility and Longevity right we have Java language and the code it generates it's scalable okay you can write it anywhere you can run it anywhere you can even scale it which means afterwards you can update the code very easily right it will run in Union system no conflicts will happen why this is platform independent why why Java is platform and there should be a reason right do you guys know about this okay so features are right so this is platform independent input there are few points okay there are few points which you have to take it because this is quite important in terms of interview and obviously in learning any language you should know the basics the fundamental right this was actually asked in the interviews right when the product based companies if you know this type of questions which is obviously the basic questions this could be our first okay according my experience which I have this type of questions also asked right in the interviews okay that's totally correct and it is platform independent okay and at the same time what it is written like this okay it's the right one so written right anywhere right like this run anywhere like like that okay this is proper full form for this so right ones [Music] run anywhere right that's how it is working and in here see one more feature appeals we have written right like robust language because we have a proper security which is there right obviously the authentication part and whenever you are learning right so it uses the vessel machine compiling to byte code exactly that's totally correct okay so iron that's totally correct regarding the platform independent why it is platform independent because it uses the byte code right it converts the program into the byte code then it converts into the normal machine language okay Mercy level language right obviously with help of jvm so this much part for the features I'll not see we have a lot of features okay right now we have to stick with the basics so just you can because oops will cover all the points okay platform independent robot students will going to cover all of the all of those things so don't worry about that and this much feature you can write okay so this much features we have in the Java so this three points we have to stick with robust platform independent and oops okay I forgot to find so we are going to see this part okay generally we are going to see this part this is quite important I'll just mark it as a star which is more important obviously this oops is also important at the same time but we are going to stick with this okay how this uh platform Independence all those things right and okay so there are few points we have to see before that I will tell you the installation part okay how then installation is going to work you're not going to point much tape okay we are going to start with a simple Force programming cover right so don't worry about this so installation part you have to see first we are going to install jdk okay then we are going to set up the KDK that's the basic step and again it is simple we have to just go according to the what I am going to tell write the step by step nothing is complex okay if you're obviously right now you're not going into the advanced Java which is the spring boot there the dependencies are and all those things are bit complex and normal jdk right where you have to Simply run this uh standard programs okay so what I can say right now we are going to work with the Standalone programs which means we are writing this program running on this system which doesn't change into the web browser or anything right this simple standard program works on the client side right like this so how it is secure C uh secure in terms of it is providing the authorization and all those features right which is there in the dependencies okay so it provides lot of libraries it contains the packages in which we have lot of features right functions which you can use to provide the security right and the and now we have this uh software developed exactly we don't have to worry about the OS bar right so in here we have to Simply set up the jdk and uh afterwards we are going to install the vs code okay that's part so this is also easy I'll tell you uh just a simple step you have to follow first for the jdk just go on the side search for jdk and just type a record you'll see the first link okay so you can see in the link yeah click on this one okay this is quite simple um afterwards we are going to install the vs code right so in here we have hi so you guys installed the Google for JavaScript uh because what I prefer uh in the starting you can go with the Java standing if you want but I can just install this okay so we have for every printing system we have the GD for the Linux user I'll ask you guys just click on this link because right now so I cannot do this okay I have already installed it but I will tell you the step so for the Linux scope because here you can easily use that command system so just follow if you are in the Linux user okay and for the Mac OS again you can use this DMG installer or you can use Arm 6040 and gym installer okay for the Mac again I'm not on the Mac but this is preferred okay you can easily set up this that's why for the windows we have to just go for the MSI installer the last part which is 158 MB just click on this link it will download the jdk you have to Simply run on it okay it will ask for the next neck next by default it is going to be stored screen is passed uh shouldn't be I'm on the Oracle right I'm on the oracle uh we're not able to see your screen guys and please confirm are you not able to see the screen okay so we are on the Oracle page right it's still lagging I mean my voice is clear right I'm Audible Mi vertical guys can you please confirm in the chat box okay it's fine right it's fine thank you so obviously there is Advanced topics right you have to just introduce the DSA bootcamp which is for the three to four months there you have all the topics because Basics it cannot be covered in this series boot camp right so I hope you got the point Linux Mac is Windows yeah top three options okay for the points I have told just go for the MSI installer for the windows macquarius go for the DMC Linux you can go for the RPM package okay that's how you can you go it's going to work right and now after installing it you have to Simply execute that exe file right whatever going to install and simply set by default it be like C folder just let it BEC folder and it will automatically set the environment because again if it's not there in the environment variables we have to set the path okay that's we have to do if it's not working that step is also simple afterwards just go for the vs code let's not waste this time in here okay the search for the vs code see there is a Microsoft Visual Studio okay and there is a vs code that both are different don't confuse with it start search for this vs code on the Google simple and click on this first link you'll get the option for the windows in the start very important thing okay and uh you're good to go Okay so and I know what to do after the installation part we have to set up the all the things okay so once it's already done you have to Simply run the program okay so before that you see you don't and you're going to start I hope you got a point for the vs code then therefore you can install the jdk okay then afterwards you can go for the PS code okay of videos crashing uh okay so let me check the internet right okay just confirm now video is crashing okay um audible or not just just confirm a multiple or not yep my internet is working fine I guess what's the issue okay I guess it's working fine uh okay audible no okay okay so it might be uh lagging a little bit right just because of stream uh could not understand the downloading part see that's quite easy you have to install the jdk post right you have installed it then you have to go for the operating system we have in the windows macro Linux then install the vs code simple nothing different okay maybe let's have a little bit like just follow the steps right I'll write in here don't worry okay if you're not clear with this I'll write the steps okay so we have this jdk we have to just go on the side search for jdk right this is quite easy okay don't confuse search for JDJ select your operating system whatever you have to install that simple you don't have to do anything you just click on next necklace.exe file it will install and automatically set the environmental tables right if you are going in the C folder and for the same vs code search for this vs code which is quite easy okay select operating system install it and it will go directly I'll show you how it you are going to write the program okay which version of jdk jdk 20 right you can install jdk 20 that's what we have okay so we can install go for the jdk 20. so the jdk can go for the 20 okay jdk 20 okay that's the that's the advance that's latest version okay so you can go for the jdk 20 and uh I hope you got the point any issues any issues MSI exactly exactly I usually have to go for the MSI just go for the MSI for Windows user it will be easy okay see so Java given the popularity just because of this platform independent right that's why Java is so famous and it's being used in the industries from a long time right so just go for the MSI part and see the feature to be asking who's concept we are going to see afterwards simple syntax we have okay that you already told me it's downloaded that's perfect we are going to see okay we are going to create the first program don't worry right so see few points we have to see is which is jbm so this is only responsible for running the byte code okay which converts into the Muslim language because Java virtual machine will contain will be like inside the GRE which is obviously inside the jdk okay this is a simple part of your compiler right which you are installing with the jdk so it will be like simple key component for the platform Independence so it runs actually the like it will be uh like kind of interpreter which runs your whiteboard okay so that's only you should know right now so it runs the byte code as you can say as interpreter simple right so this simply runs the bytecode acts as an interpreter and you can run your code right with the help of thus jvm right and then we have this GRE okay so few terms we have to see only don't worry so this is Java runtime environment I hope you are you already know about this okay so this is our run timing moment okay which means it consists of the jdk and all the stadium right at the same time so it is a simple software package which includes the jda just jvm okay so in general we are not even using this even in GRE jdk will contain all of things okay everything is going to be contained so jdk is just like a Java development kit which contains all this jvm and GRE right simple so byte code what you are talking about this byte code is the code which converted by the simple compiler which converts that source code into the bytecode byte code will again convert into the normal machine language right that's how this program runs that's why it is platform independent right I hope you got the point any any doubt in here any doubt in here see I'll tell you uh three is actually two step it is there right so whenever you are writing the code okay let's suppose you have written the code simple it gets converted by the compiler it will be converted into the byte code okay it will be converted into the byte code and afterwards JVL will work and it will convert into the low level language okay or you can say the machine language which is obviously the binary format okay that's how so in here the simple code is going to be converted into the byte code then afterwards it is going to convert this into the simple machine language right so it uses jvm jvm converts this JM handles the byte code okay so for interpreting or compiling byte code we have jvm for each operating system we have different gvo even for different operating systems in the same operating system okay and let's suppose if I'm writing the code in my system I'll have a jvm to run this byte code you'll have a jvm okay maybe you have different version but still run the bytecode okay that's how it is being used so this is the process okay how the code runs this is a simple high level architecture okay this is the process how the code works okay so I hope you got the point I hope this thing is clear right everyone have installed this jdk we are going to run with a simple program okay we are going to see how simple basics of syntax okay so the other part we have to see is syntax so I'll use simple terms can anyone tell me in the chat box can anyone tell me in the chat box what is a simple syntax what is necessary in the Java program because see you must have read about C language or C plus plus uh exactly are we you have to set up jdk before using uh no no see before installing vs code it is not it is not required okay I mean you can install vs code before also but jdk is required to run a Java program that's why okay so jdks actually is a compiler vs code cannot directly compile it okay see you have simple extensions also which you can use in vs code that is also there but that will be like large space it will be taking okay we don't want right now we don't want to cover that much of space you can simply use jdk that will be enough more than enough ticket so you can simply use jdk afterwards you can use vs code and the third Point okay so iron that's totally correct this is class main public static or admin that's the basic syntax okay it should have a public class we are going to see what is this public class it should have a public class and name naming convention is important right let's suppose if I am writing first this is the simple code which you can see okay the basic syntax it should have a class we are going to see in detail what is this class and function right afterwards right now just stick with this part it should have a class class is just like a container which will contain all the methods all the variables simple ticket variables means just like a container which shows a value because see why we are writing program why we are even writing program there should be a reason right we are writing program to give the instructions to the computer simple because we want the computer to do some some operation for that we are writing the code right simple if you are even adding the two numbers with the code or with the jaw or any language you are giving instructions to the computer simple right they should have syntax because whatever code is there it have a separate syntax let's suppose for the C plus plus or C language syntax is different we don't have the concept of s directly as the concept of class in there although class is also there in C plus plus but class is not required to run a c program or C plus program right we can directly use main method there that's how it works industry but Java is quite different state with me this part you should have one public class inside it will be using one like this thank you so here you should have public static I'll explain this part in the next class okay right now it will take much time so there is a public wide name here you have simple you can say string ergs is the arguments I'll tell you what is the government right now anything would be written in here in this block okay so this is the operation part where the exhibition starts so what I'll call it this is the entry point okay this is the entry point I'll show you in the vs code as well this is the entry point simple okay so this is the entry point of the code every time you are going to run the code it will start from this line only whatever we have written in between this block or after this block doesn't matter it is going to start from here only so this much of block runs first okay even if you are calling a method if you already know about the method in that case right so this is the entry point this is quite important even the freshest ride you already know about the Java they might skip this particular line okay this line even contains this is actually the interview question okay if I tell you this is in the interview question we are going to see in the D2 what is this public static word mean when this is an interview question this line you have to explain this line what does it this mean okay so it should have a public class you should have a main method one main method is required it cannot be overridden okay it cannot be all loaded at the same time you cannot have same main method right we are going to see all those points just further this is a simple syntax of the Java right then when there is one more term which you have to see is simple variables right so if you have already installed I'll show you that how we are going to run the first program so before writing a program we should know few points in the syntax specifically so we have this term variables and data Knights so can anyone tell me what is a variable and data type anyone in Java okay because see it may differ in different languages okay in general it is quite same you can see this is variable Center type of generic everywhere obviously the definition part because the memory and spaces could be different right that I'm going to tell you today that's important okay so for that can anyone tell me what is this variable and data type what is this variable in data type in Java anyone in the chat box is a container with store values exactly that's correct what about the data types what about the data types what is the data type why do we have this term why do you have this term variable means a container exactly that's totally correct okay what about others you guys here right just write in the chat box variable is the storage that's totally current correct Ganesh are in the story correct surrender this that's totally correct and what about the data types what about the data types so do you guys know about the types of data types do we have in Java type type how many types of data type is there in Java simple only the upper one right not uh in tab types of deadline so these are the data is actually but if I talk about the types how many categories of data types we have so what's the type of data exactly that's totally correct it shows the type of the data we are going to store right that's totally correct so that's the only definition you can say variable is just like a container but see I'll tell you the see those who already know about this term that's totally okay we are going to see more points about this right simple so see in Java particularly we have the concept of memory space okay there is a concept of garbage collector that's quite important we are going to see that and okay primitive and non-premity that's totally correct okay again I have one few questions right so this is like a quiz okay this is like a quiz I'll ask in the end of class just be here okay regarding that primitive and non-premity only okay don't use Google for this this is a simple quiz I'm going to ask so you already know I guess I'll tell you what are the variables and other types so variables are like a container let's suppose if I have to store a number five or four anything okay so this will be like stored at some memory block right actually see the the main feature you can say when we have in the Java which forgot to write in here actually I didn't forgot I have to write afterwards when I'm going to explain this so there is a term of garbage collection right so this actually means this term it's like a candle correction we're not uh taking out the garbage and uh throwing it away right it's not like that but this is actually the memory uh allocation part right because it's done dynamically which is also one of the most important okay topic and this is actually related with the exception handling as well quite related with the exceptionally so there is a term of garbage collection right this is quite important because garbage collection actually handles all this type in the case of variables and the case of functions okay so we have only two points which I have to say right now which is I hope you already know about the variable which is obviously the the specify the data we are going to store okay because variable will contain the name okay with the name it will contain the type also right that is we have to give the data type also see what type of data we are going to store garbage collector exactly we are going to see their term afterwards don't worry for that garbage character in simple is dynamically allocating your memory because if you are storing four it should be consuming one space right obviously for the entities four uh the 32 bit right 32 bit in terms of your storing so it is going to take that speech Four bytes right four bytes in Java so that I mean this number is not four bytes actually you can even if you're uh going to type any number that is also let's suppose it is six so it is going to take four bit five four bytes only right so it's going to take this four bytes that the space it wants but it is being allocated dynamically with the help of garbage collector right just for now you can just understand this part remove this point garbage collection is responsible for dynamic allocation of memory and functions as well okay so let's suppose if you are have the six so you should give a name right just like us have your name we have a rule number so this is like a variable which have this unique name for a particular data right suppose if you are storing six we are giving name a okay plus plus we have to define a data type as well okay so in general we have two terms which you have to see is installation and declaration so anyone can tell me what is the difference between this initialization and declaration what is the difference in Java what is the difference what is this term inflation and uh declaration how it is like being deferred right unused memory gets cleared and even the memory you are allocating that's being allocated by the garbage collector only right so maybe the truthy correct a new used memory is going to be cleared automatically but at the same time it allocates the memory as well right that's the concept actually that's why this tool confuses with the name actually right so that name suggests it should be like obviously collecting the garbage and throwing it away right or maybe creating the memory which is unused but at the same time it uh okay so can anyone tell me the difference between the installation and declaration what is the difference what is the difference difference declaration assign a valued variable installation that is totally correct that's characteristic Okay so what I have to saying here is so see for the variables it is just like see but see there is a part we have to give a data type also okay so I'll just type DT which means data type so data type will tell you what kind of data you're storing that's for the entire time okay so we already wrote this point okay uh after the program I'll ask that quiz okay that's a simple question I have to ask regarding the data types okay because you already know about data types so see we are we have numbers okay we have characters we have uh this sentences we have words okay we have symbols um we have non-derived data types of non-primitive which is Aries okay and we have hash maps and like so many okay we are going to talk about in-depth afterwards and day two or day three but right now what is more important initiation and declaration because the variable means there is a Syntax for the variable as well right there is a particular logic also to give a variable name you cannot it cannot be a keyword that's also there right that software take care of it cannot be a keyword that's the predefined words that's the keyword okay so insulation in Java it is simple so we have to give the data type I'll write like this and after what you have to give the variable name so I'll write variable name and this part is nothing but the Declaration this one this much only semicolon is there also remove this point which means End of Line end of particular instruction simple so this is the simple degradation you can call it as a syntax of this variable name as well how we are giving or defining a variable name so this is a simple syntax it is declaration but what is this installation okay you guys already told me okay I have got this point which is if we are let's suppose I am going to stick with the actual code just suppose I am using and I'll tell you what is this in print a or I will send num is equals to 6 okay which means right now we have in sliced okay sorry at the same time so this is this is the Declaration part int is the data type num is the variable link simple and we are simply declaring uh the variable num it doesn't have any value okay it doesn't have any value but again just like in Java we have a concept of Pi default value right the garbage value which will contain 0 by default okay how it is taking that again the concept of garbage collector write it allocates the memory by default gives the value as well okay so for the int it's 0 for the string it's empty string and all all those points okay the main point in here is regarding the variable names how it is this space is allocating let's suppose if I write num equals to 4 so this is an inflation part or six anything if I'm writing like this this is nothing but the installation you can do the same in the single line as well you can do the installation declaration the same length that's possible that's also possible but this is the two points declaration installation regarding the variable and data type you already know we have two types of data type right so you are going to talk about that memory part see right now just stick with this because we don't have uh right now much time so there is a concept of stack and Heap which is the internal working how the memory gets allocated for the variable name and the functions see this point I am going to tell you in the day two when we are going to see with the functions and methods because right now we don't have much time left so see I'm not going to ask the questions on this part stack and Heap is important point just I'm going to start it we are going to see this in the day two because in the methods also this is required so stack and Heap is kind of memory two times of memory in Java so right now just remember this point for any memory or any data you are storing it is obviously going to the stack or Heap that we are going to learn how it is going so if you have number four it should be going to stack or heat that we have to see right so we are going to see in the day two right now okay so for the data type I hope you got the this point and even have any doubt in this put it out as anyone for the installation declaration that's quite easy so one more part is data types okay so this is again simple because if you see in the real world because Java is obviously there real world language okay everything related to the real world is there that solves concept but in the data types I mean I will talk about mathematics or you can say simple um simple language right so data types you have two types which is obviously the Primitive and we have non-premity I'll say derived okay this is also the term so the right so primitive means simple the numbers which is already the predefined the the strings or numbers of Boolean many are there right you know this point so primitive will contain integers characters okay I'm just remove this this Mark this word integers characters booleans and we have what do we have we have byte okay we have this byte also there is a compite then we have a long okay so actually long and integer have difference the 32-bit and 64-bit we are going to see that afterwards we are going to write a program so primitive and derive two data types we have integer derived means the data type which derives from primitive if I give a simple example which is nothing but the array because array is going to be either array of integers area of string area of let's suppose any other uh derived class name okay because even integer is a class we can have the class of user defined as well because we can have this class that suppose um school right it can have even separated data types inside it so Eric can have the area of school as well okay that's also possible that's a different thing actually that's in the advanced shower don't worry about that but in general it is going to be derived from this only right that's why that's why I was saying so see in simple what do you have to do we have to Simply this is the syntax this part and this part so we are going to use this much syntax which is the basic in Java program and we are going to write a simple program to obviously store our number and get the output right before that okay before that yeah we have this float and double as well exactly sorry if I want that so we have this float we have this double okay everything is derived one example is array we have arraylist we have Maps set many more right we have uh this trees you can say the linked list and all those things like this type so right now don't go through that part in simple just understand there is two type of category is there another frame Dividend Drive one question about the quiz which I have for you guys is if you already know about the data types even if you didn't know you know right now so the numbers are coming into the integer part in and it will have only the integer double or float will have the floating points I mean the decimal values then we have this character in string right so the mic this question for the quiz is simple quite simple tell me this part what is a string first okay what is this string and in which category it is going to come is it primitive data type I'll write T what is a derived or you can say non-prime tip so it is a primitive data type or derived data type tell me this point and before that tell me what is a string right string is also one of the data type we have so what is this string and tell me the category which is it's going to like okay I'll write it in a clear way so a string is primitive or we write this is the quiz you have okay right now we are going to stick with the code simple code okay Christmas topic we have to cover we are going to talk about current memory part which is more important okay that's more important anything with a double chord is a string uh it's primitive it's primitive okay okay so we got two answers for the Primitive we got one for the non primitive officially Three we got three derived okay okay so just uh for the Curiosity right I'll tell you the reason tomorrow because you don't have much time left but you can just search for it okay so if you understand the derived definition derived definition it means deriving from the primitive data types right string is nothing but the character of literals right the sequence of characters so if you can just see that part you're able to understand what is the answer right but I am getting different answer right primitive and this derived so I'll tell you the reason afterwards let's go to write the code first okay so I hope you are able to see the vs code don't be taking much time okay so we are getting different answers primitive and derive Infinity event derived I'm going to tell that answer tomorrow right don't worry but just Mark that definition Mark the definition of primitive and derived you will get the answer that's quite easy string is also class in Java exact listing is also a class in Java but can you say it is a primitive I'll tell you that I'll tell that right afterwards there is a kind of exception you can say okay because again there is a kind of conflict but this is string in the class you know red string is class but it is going to be primitive or derived that's my question I'm going to tell the answer afterwards if you can see my vs code okay we don't have right now we don't have much time left I'll just start with the poll okay so this much is the syntax class mean we have uh function mean okay so I have this file I have this class as well okay so in if you are doing with the vs code we have this two extensions right so I'm going I'm going to Simply click on run my code is going to run right I'll see the answer okay so I'm getting different responses right string is a known as group of characters exactly exactly okay so I will tell you the answer afterwards in here what we have to do we have to write simple let's suppose in the same syntax and a equals to 4 and into B is equals to 5 simple again remove this point we cannot store the string into the integer not possible you cannot because you can actually store the integer into string that's possible because implicit typecasting happens okay so there are certain uh I'll not say exceptions but few points few key points you have to remember because 4 is nothing but a string a character okay 4 is nothing but a character so it can be stored in a string but that four that string that string character with the double quotes Okay it cannot be stored into the integer or double or anything remember this point okay so I am getting this derived string is a derived type okay okay I'll tell you the answer just stick with this point I hope you are able to see my vs goal right we are going to run this code we have already set up the GDK and VPS code the steps I Told You So what I am going to write I'll write this out and and simply what I'll say in here A plus b okay and plus this is the sum of a plus b okay what I have to do I have to Simply click on this run we have this debug option we are going to see what is this you'll see nine okay actually I have to pass this afterwards that will be better option okay save the file what we have to do you have to Simply click on this run don't worry about that dot class that is a different part if you can see on my screen we have this sum of a plus b that is 45 right so we are running the Java program in main uh sorry in the vs code we have this class with the mean it can be anything okay it can be anything remember one more point the class name and the this file name should be same try to use the first letter capital okay because that's the usual convention in the Java main method should be there I'll explain this part again when you're going to see the methods don't worry simple syntax we have used variables same installation declaration done in the same line this is also possible we are simply running the sum of numbers you can make it in the brackets if you want it's being confusing right run the file you'll see sum of a plus b is 9 simple okay so one more thing or before going okay I hope you got the point and even have any doubt in this this is simple code which you have to write okay the rainbow this part uh okay so in here I'll explain this part again for the program this is for the 3DS bootcamp remember the progress bar should be 50 percentage to get the certificate attendance is required you have to mark the attendance from here if you can see the screen okay for the D1 you have this button you have to enroll in first again there are certain uh just numbers right you can give accordingly whatever you learned in here just give it correct okay yeah sum is nine that's correct so give the rating accordingly whatever you got just be honest give the suggestions as well if you have any and try to choose any program right whatever you are interested in Java DSA full stack Vector submit the attendance that's how it's going to work simply let's first click on it submit your attendance right and like this it is submitted so attendance is marked simple and in here you can refer this also this bootcam and refer the TSA boot camp actually that DSA session which is going to happen which is for the three and four months okay so you can refer you can earn the this value coins even for if you are referring to this programs right then also you are going to get the value coins remember okay we have this Java DSA program okay so that's also because we have this four year right that program also which you can see because you got that link in the starting all the link is there in the description okay make sure you are subscribing to the channel share with your friends okay if you like them just like all the topic which I have told you right remember to like the video as well and uh make sure you share with your friends okay yeah I'll tell you that answer tomorrow okay just go through that definition obviously you're going to get the answers but I'll tell you afterwards the reason tomorrow and you are getting the links right in the this description and this chat make sure you can share this btech computer science program right to get the seed language off this is the average you can get and the minimum okay so we can show this and uh a decision should go at least two hours for three days uh see it can right it can but uh right now we have to stick with the topics uh yeah see it is possible actually I have to talk to the team don't worry but make sure whatever I have told make sure to Mark the attendance share the uh video right subscribe Channel like the video okay if you like just like like And subscribe share with your friends if you are referring to your friends right through that boot camp and this Java and they will be getting all the perks you can even get the chance to buy a Macbook or 80 000 okay uh thank you thank you see I'll talk about this okay right now it's going to virtually just going off okay we have some time constant but definitely uh this session I'll ask if it's going to be for two hours or not okay uh right now we have it should be like see what we are going to cover that simple basic even two hours I think it's going to be uh up and big but I'll try to explain the topic whatever if it's little only we are going for the few topics but still we are going to learn uh everything okay related to their topic that's basic event okay that's basic nothing different I hope you got the point okay I hope you got the point uh yeah so any doubts any doubts anyone have to his answer I will tell you uh okay thank you thank you so if you are make sure you're subscribing to channel right just share with your friends if you like the the session they have they should also join right if you are there starting for the just basic TSA okay I hope you got all the points referral is there if you have any doubt you can join the telegram or Whatsapp group uh thanks uh any doubts for time okay I'll ask for the time okay I'll ask for the name any doubts any doubts take care Chris will answer I will tell you again if you go for the definition we'll obviously understand separate concept uh one more thing which I have to tell yeah for the quiz I'll tell you uh tomorrow around the part and I'll talk about the time okay don't worry any doubts anyone having it outs to get anyone have any doubts uh I can make sure you are passing that right so I hope you enjoyed the session okay good to see you all uh just try to revise the points which I've told you okay you can just go on the web and even you can just go on the site you'll get all the notifications and all those things okay I will try to give the notes if possible after the this third day or at the end of that third day okay so okay uh see you guys next time tomorrow hope you enjoyed the session bye thank you that's a very good try to get the points what I have told try to revise it okay at the same time you can write as well right if you are writing this uh on two by yourself it will be more good okay write the code as well okay we are going to write the code from the day we are going to directly write the code yeah so I hope everyone so my name is founder and CEO of let's upgrade and I'm having some amazing news for every one of you let's upgrade in collaboration with itm skills University is launching the first b-tech CSC program that we love to share with you all guys six features number one 100 job guarantee to all the students joining the schedule program with minimum eight LPA number two one year paid internship and product slash MNC companies number three taught by real developers working in the industry in top companies number four amazing campus a campus which is like we work in Mumbai that we are building for you all guys number five build lots of projects which are like real world applications highly scalable applications from hotstar to zoom to your zones matter number six you are gonna love the community collaborations that you guys have done we are collaborated with 13 plus Tech communities to give you the same environment what iits and nits have meet lots of Industry people participate in hackathons and meetups to understand what is running in the industry that's what these are the six features which we have you can check out the program on our website that is check out b-tech there you will find it that's it guys bye
Channel: LetsUpgrade
Views: 1,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: essentials bootcamp, free essentials, java statements, java tutorial, java fullstack, java if else, java from scratch, java course for free, java course with certification, java project, java variables, java course for beginners, java data types, java with project, get free certificate, java oop, gdg certificate, basics of java for free, why java, google developers group certificate, learn java, basic java, free basic course, course for beginner, developer, essentials, boot
Id: Ht04hx4OpxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 40sec (4060 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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