The INSANE Race for AI Humanoid Robots

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the race to build AI humanoid autonomous robots is absolutely wild there are so many companies working on this and progress is happening so fast maybe you've heard of the Tesla Optimus or Boston Dynamics but did you know that there are actually tons of other companies working on the same thing such as AGI bot 1X Eve rainbow Robotics and more some are insanely fast as you can see here while others are super smooth and are already in production So today we're going to talk about all the contenders all the companies in this AI humanoid robot race this will be quite a long video as there are so many companies doing this many of which are under the radar so let's Jump Right In let's start with Tesla now we all know Tesla from their electric cars but they're actually doing a lot more than just cars in 2022 Tesla unveiled a prototype of its humanoid robot called Optimus their goal was to create a general purpose autonomous robot that can perform various tasks now the Tesla Optimus is in my opinion the nicest looking humanoid robot out there with a Sleek minimalist polished design and from the way it moves as you can see here it looks disturbingly human it can dance work out and do yoga it's important to note that not a lot of robots can balance on one leg so this is actually a very impressive feat the Tesla Optimus is 5'8 it weighs 57 kilos and can carry up to 45 lb or 20 kilos Optimus uses the same powerful AI hardware and software that their self-driving cars use and this allows it to leverage Tesla's Advanced real world AI for perception and decisionmaking and here's where Tesla has a huge advantage over other humanoid robot companies in order to train a robot properly you need data lots and lots of data and which company has the most real world data arguably it's Tesla they have millions and millions of Tesla cars driving around the world each of them are equipped with cameras that record everything so imagine how much real world data they're collecting every minute every second this data is not only used to train theirself driving cars but it can also be used to train the Tesla Optimus now Optimus has sensors like cameras and lar to perceive and map its environment similar to Tesla's self-driving sensors and with this it can identify objects sense services and materials and understand how to handle different objects it learns from Human demonstration via teleoperation as you can see here and also virtual simulations so you can see the human here is demonstrating a particular action and then this action is translated into movement in a simulated environment so this is a virtual environment it's basically a clone of the real world it's called a digital twin so it has all the physics of the real world and this is where the robot can undergo millions of rounds of training they do this in a simulation because it would take way too much time and effort to train this in the real world but in a simulation you can train it on millions of iterations at a much lower cost as long as this simulated world gets the physics of the real world correctly then in theory this robot should be able to do this newly learned skill in the real world as well so think of this teleoperation and then training this in a virtual environment think of this as like a monkey see monkey do approach now the Optimus has 28 structural actuators that allow it to move flexibly and do various tasks the legs are designed to provide explosive power for jumping but also allowing delicate motions each hand has 11° of Freedom along with metallic tendons for strength and flexibility its fingers have tactile sensing so this allows it to handle heavy objects as well as delicate items such as eggs without breaking them it can perform various tasks like picking up boxes watering plants and working at a factory station so here's their most recent video showing the Tesla Optimus sorting batteries so as you can see it's intended for a wide range of applications from assisting in manufacturing to doing things around your home eventually they plan for it to be able to perform any task a human can just from speaking to it but this is currently not a feature yet so I haven't seen a demo where the person gives the Optimus a voice command and it can respond back the robot is still in development and testing and is not yet deployed commercially so that's it for the Tesla Optimus like I said I really love the design it's really sleek and minimalist and it looks really human but that's all we know so far this hasn't been battle tested in the real world yet they're still developing this all right next up we have UB Tech they are a Chinese company that develops humanoid robots as well as consumer robotics they were founded in 2012 so this is one of the older Chinese robotics companies and they're headquartered in Shenzhen which is like the Silicon Valley of China and in terms of humanoid robots they're currently working on one called Walker Walker is designed to operate in households offices and factories as you can see it's fully autonomous and it can do many different tasks it has a full range of Senses including Vision hearing force feedback and spatial awareness all of these senses coordinate together for navigation and precise object handling it can walk on many types of terrain and autonomously avoid obstacles it can go upstairs push carts imitate human motions and even do tai chi as well as yoga as with other competitor robots such as the Tesla Optimus Walker can balance on one leg this is actually quite difficult to achieve and not a lot of other robots can balance on one leg so it's very impressive that they were able to pull this off here's a demo of it folding clothes you can see first of all that it's integrated with an llm so this robot has an llm built in called earning bot and this is a large language model which is built by B one of the tech Giants in China this is kind of equivalent to gbt in America so with this llm built in its brain it can understand commands such as this walker I have a business trip tomorrow can you help me fold the clothing item in your hands and it can respond with of course and then carry the action out this robot also has microphones so it can understand verbal instructions from a human this is different from the Tesla Optimus which as far as we know does not have the capability yet and so here's the demo of it folding clothes and it's safe to say this is actually a bit faster and smoother than the Tesla Optimus at folding a shirt so here's a sidebyside comparison of both these robots it seems that this walker robot is just a tad bit faster [Music] [Music] so you can see here it understands verbal commands it also has semantic reasoning and understanding so you could talk to it just like you would a regular chatbot here you can see it is able to understand and follow the person's instructions and and sort these objects into the appropriate trays now its movements are a tad bit slower than some of the other robots which I'll show you afterwards but nevertheless this is very impressive and you can see here the human is moving the object somewhere else so no this is not a pre-programmed action it uses its AI Vision to detect the object and handle it appropriately and again you can see here the human is moving the object again and through AI vision and object detection it's able to handle this so you can see here it's asking how do you ensure the accuracy and efficiency and it's saying that well it us es this Ernie bot llm from Buu in its brain to reason and understand instructions and break down those instructions into separate tasks to do them sequentially so you can see from that demonstration it's already a tad bit ahead of the Tesla Optimus and then here you can see that Walker robots have already been deployed in industrial settings such as Neo's electric vehicle production line where it automates repetitive tasks this is one of the few autonomous humanoid robots that are actually de deployed in the real world already other companies like Tesla or the Figure 1 or Sanctuary they've only released demo videos but they have not been battl tested in the real world so Props to UBC for creating a robot that's already being used in this EV Factory and besides industrial purposes they also aim to eventually deploy Walker in Home and Office settings so that's all we know about the walker robot for now next up we have Sanctuary AI which is a Canadian robotics company their general purpose robot is called Phoenix and like other autonomous robots it can learn new tasks and do them without human supervision so as you can see here they claim that the Phoenix's hands have similar dexterity compared to humans so it can handle different objects with precision as you can see it can pick up this super thin card just fine and here you can see it making a turkey sandwich now Phoenix is powered by sanctuary's carbon AI Control System which is just a fan marketing name to be honest basically this mimics functions such as memory sight sound and touch to translate instructions into real world actions you can see it's quite slow at making this sandwich it's really slow actually so let me fast forward this a bit all right it it took the robot over a minute just to break the bread in half and so this is not really an impressive demonstration to be honest it's just really slow I'm just going to fast forward a bit here looks like it has trouble picking up the cheese again this is just not a very impressive demonstration compared to the other robots and you can see the human needs to help it and it It's Already Taken 3 minutes trying to get this right so I'm just going to speed this up a bit more because this is really slow all right you can see like parts of the video it does require human supervision so it's not perfect and overall it took almost 10 minutes making this sandwich and for a lot of the steps it requires human supervision so this demo shows that it's quite inefficient to be honest now the Phoenix can be teleoperated in other words it can be controlled by a human wearing this VR headset and so the human sees what the robot sees and his actions are basically cloned to the robot in Real Time and T operation is a very common way for humans to train robots you see this in a lot of other robot companies so for example Tesla also uses teleoperation to train its Optimus robots and here is their latest release of Phoenix version 7 and as you can see here it's capable of doing things autonomously without human supervision so here you can see that it's handling these small objects it's sorting them into the appropriate trays all autonomously it's interesting to note that all the video demonstrations of the Phoenix mostly showcase it sorting objects on a table we don't really see the lower half of its body now they do claim that the Phoenix is by pedal in other words it has two legs but we haven't seen any demonstration of this so compared to other robot companies it seems like the Phoenix could be behind in terms of walking and navigation Sanctuary also mentioned that they have deployed Phoenix at a retail store and have reported that it can do many tasks there such as packing inventory cleaning labeling and folding however again we haven't seen any demo videos of this nor or have there been other reports of Phoenix being deployed elsewhere so this article seems more like a PR stunt to me to be honest it's also strangely titled Sanctuary AI deploys first humanoid general purpose robot commercially which I don't think it's true and whenever you see a robot company claiming that they're the first to do something take it with a grain of salt but anyways that sums up Sanctuary Ai and their Phoenix robot let's move on to the next company all right next robot company is called 1X this is a Norwegian robotics company that is backed by open AI in 2023 1X deployed what is claimed to be the first AI humanoid robot in the workforce again another company claiming that they are the first to deploy a robot in the workforce so take it with a grain of salt now as you can see the one noticeable thing about Eve is it has a smiley face whereas all the previous robots that I've showed you they don't really have a face Eve is capable of opening doors and windows and fetching objects and Performing other tasks it uses cameras and advanced monitoring systems to move around and apparently it can also make gingerbread cookies as you can see here Eve uses Wheels to self-balance and drive around so it's not exactly B pedal in other words it doesn't have two legs like the other robots that we'll talk about today however it can still autonomously navigate buildings open doors take elevators and operate keypads with no human intervention however it probably can't walk upstairs or slopes just because it has a wheeled base now Eve has high resolution cameras which are essentially its eyes and it gives it panoramic Vision Plus it has various sensors to help it perceive the environment and handle objects on the note of handling objects each arm has 7° of Freedom with a gripper hand so instead of five fingers it has just a claw like a crap it can move heavy boxes as well as handle agile items with precision and Eve can do all sorts of tasks like sorting male handling objects tidying up spaces and interacting with humans now of course AI plays a major role in how this robot functions it uses AI Vision that analyzes inputs from its cameras to control its actions now while Eve can work autonomously without the guidance of humans it can also be teleoperated by a human if necessary as you can see here so basically again we have this human wearing a VR headset which sees exactly what the robot sees and then his actions are duplicated to the robot so that's all we know about 1X and the robot Eve for now moving on to the next company how could we not talk about Boston Dynamics founded in 1992 this was actually a spin-off from MIT and they are the oldest contender in this AI robotics race they were previously owned by Google and soft bank but in 2021 they were acquired by Hundai Motor Group it's also interesting to note that they have received a lot of funding from the US Military and the US Defense Agency also known as DARPA now spot is their first commercially available robot launched in 2019 and it's used for industrial inspection and data collection while this is not a humanoid robot in other words it doesn't look like a human it doesn't have two legs it's still worth a mention because this is still an autonomous AI robot spot is a four lied robot designed to move across different terrains for example it can walk Trot climb stairs open doors and of course dance it navigates obstacles autonomously using sensors and cameras for perception specifically spot has 360° Vision Plus it uses an algorithm called slam which stands for simultaneous localization and mapping and this in addition to some other sensing capabilities allow allows spot to autonomously navigate difficult terrain and avoid obstacles it can carry payloads of up to 14 kgrs and can be equipped with additional sensors or robotic arms as you can see here and what's impressive is that spot can work in challenging temperatures from -20° C to 45° C spot can be remotely controlled by a human operator while also performing some autonomous navigation and tasks it can self-charge replan paths around new obstacles and get back up if it falls over I love that it has the self-charging capability in other words it can sense that it has low battery and then it would automatically walk to its charging station and charge itself I wish my phone or my wireless earbuds could do that as well now spot is mainly designed for sensing and inspection and remote operation in various Industries so for example companies have used spot for monitoring construction sites inspecting oil and gas facilities and more so it's already deployed in the real world each one is sold for $75,000 which is way more expensive than the Chinese robots which I'll talk about in a second however 75,000 is still not bad if this can work 24/7 and do a lot of repetitive things for you the company plans to manufacture thousands of spot robots per year for commercial deployment but that's enough about spot let's move on to their humanoid robot which which is called Atlas Atlas is their Advanced bipedal robot initially designed for search and rescue it needed to be able to navigate through rough terrain climb use tools and do all sorts of things Atlas has 28 Dees of freedom in its limbs providing lots of dexterity and flexibility it uses tons of advanced sensors like stereo cameras laser range finders and depth sensors for perception and understanding its environment it combines cutting Edge Hardware like compact Hydraulics and batteries for advanced movements and from this it can do crazy things like handstands somersaults parkour routines and even choreographed dancing and such videos have gotten them quite a lot of Fame on YouTube now using its perception systems Atlas can identify objects it can plan paths and do complex things like operating tools opening doors and cleaning debris now while it does have autonomous capab abilities this earlier version of Atlas does not have natural language abilities in other words you can't talk to it and instructed to do stuff like you would with some of the other robots in other words I believe this older version of Atlas does not have an llm such as GPT built in so the original Atlas had to be controlled by an offboard computer system recently the company unveiled the next generation of Atlas which looks like this it looks very different it looks less bulky and its face actually reminds me of those makeup mirrors is that even what you call it let me do a quick Google this is what I'm talking about so let me know in the comments if you agree I think that the face of this new Atlas looks like one of these makeup mirrors so unlike the previous generation which had Hydraulics this one is fully electric and I believe you can talk to it and give it instructions so there is an llm built into this they just unveiled this recently so this is the only video we have of it and unfortunately there's not much info on this new generation however you can see that it does have a much sleeker and more human design although the way that it gets up like this is slightly disturbing now although the previous generation of Atlas seems pretty cool and it can dance and do parkour and do back flips and all sorts of acrobatic stuff this new generation with this makeup mirror also looks pretty cool and it seems very flexible thanks to our sponsor Abacus AI their platform chat llm is an awesome way to use different llms all in one place this includes the newest GPT 40 meta's llama 3 anthropics Claude Opus and more not only can you chat with it like a regular chatbot but you can also upload PDF documents and have the AI analyze them simply ask questions about the content and get detailed accurate responses you can also create custom AI agents to designed to perform specific tasks whether it's automating customer support generating reports or any other function your custom AI agent will handle it with precision and collaboration is made easy with chat llm you can invite team members to join the same chat thread ensuring everyone is on the same page and can contribute to the chat moreover chat llm integrates seamlessly with various Enterprise platforms such as slack teams and more so you can incorporate AI into your existing workflows without any hassle experience the power and versatility of chat llm by Abacus AI today try it for free via the link in the description below now back to the video now the atlas is not deployed commercially yet so we only have this demo video of it it has not been battle tested in the real world but Boston Dynamics does have a long history and like I said this is the oldest contender in this AI robot race plus their four- lied robot spot has been successfully deployed in the real world already but anyways that is all we know of Boston Dynamics and Atlas right now next up we have figure AI this is one of the newer competitors in this AI robot race they are developing a general purpose humanoid robot called figure1 in fact I previously did a video on the founder Brett Adcock so if you're interested in learning more check this video out now fig has received funding from various investors including open AI Microsoft Nvidia and Samsung in fact figure is working with open AI to create the Figure 1 robot open AI will provide the language models necessary for the robot to understand Visual and spoken information and reason about it now the figure 01 is designed with a human form factor to do a wide range of tasks in manufacturing Logistics and warehousing earlier this year they shared videos showing figure 01 making coffee and moving bins onto a conveyor belt however this video did receive some criticism some people were saying that this is like the easiest coffee maker for a robot you literally just put the capsule in and then press a button so it's not a very challenging action anyways the figure robot is 5'6 and weighs 60 kg and is equipped with sensors like ldar and tactile sensors to perceive its environment plus it has camera which act as its eyes and microphones which act as its ears it has over 40° of freedom and uses custom actuators to move its Limbs and body plus it has a battery pack which currently lasts for 5 hours this is in contrast to other competitor robots which might need to be wired most recently they've released this demo hey figure one what do you see right now I see a red apple on a plate in the center of the table a drying rack with cups and a plate and you you standing nearby with your hand on the table great so based on the scene right now where do you think the dishes in front of you go next the dishes on the table like that plate and cup are likely to go into the drying rack next great can you put them [Music] there of course [Music] all right so how do you think you did I I think I did pretty well the apple found its new owner the trash is gone and the table wear is right where it belongs note how it lightly bumps the the rack after it's done here also note the slight stutter when it was talking I I think I did pretty well now these two actions are very subtle but it didn't have to do it right it could just answer his question directly without adding the stutter and it didn't have to bump the dish rack further but indeed that's what it did so this might seem like it's acting on its own free will and it seems just disturbingly human it makes you rethink if if this is a robot or if there's something else to this now as I mentioned earlier figure collaborated with open AI to integrate their AI models into the robot's brain we're not sure if this is GPT or some other custom model but in any case it uses this AI model to understand what it sees as well as understand spoken commands from humans it's able to take this vision and speech input and through reasoning it's able to respond back to humans as well as do tasks autonomously in real time this is exactly how other competitor robots work too such as ubex Walker but instead of using GPT Walker is using Buu's AI model anyways through reinforcement learning the Figure 1 robot can learn new skills and adapt to different environments now the Figure 1 is not yet deployed or commercially available I believe it's still in development and testing however they've announced plans to deploy these robots at a BMW manufacturing plant but there's no sign that this has actually happened yet so that's all we know about figure and their figure one robot for now all right next up we have unit tree this is a Chinese robot company that was founded in 2016 they initially focused on developing four lied robots such as this uni tree B2 in 2024 they unveiled the H1 humanoid robot which got a lot of attention the H1 is around 1.8 m tall and weighs approximately 47 kilos it can walk and run at in incredible speeds as you can see here I think this is the world's fastest walking and running robot so far plus it can easily navigate through different terrains even if you push or kick it it stays upright and balanced now it's really not a wise idea to kick and push a robot and even less wise to post this video on YouTube because well AI is trained on data from the internet so when we eventually have a robot Uprising this guy who keeps abusing this poor robot is probably going to be on their list anyways it can do Advanced acrobatic skills like back flipping which is learned using reinforcement learning in simulated environments as you can see here this humanoid robot is the first to backflip with electric motors now the Boston Dynamics Atlas can also do a backflip but that was with hydraulic motors so the H1 is the first fully electric robot to do a backflip so this demonstration is technically very impressive very recently they've also unveiled a cheaper version the uni tree G1 you can see it's super flexible it can do a wide range of tasks such as smashing this Walnut or chopping off the cap of this coke bottle even though it kind of spilled the coke everywhere just the sheer speed of this chop is already very impressive as you've seen with the other robots that I've showcased so far their movements are very slow so it seems like this uni Tre G1 can just move incredibly fast and you can see it can also curl up into a ball for easy Transportation the most impressive thing about the unit tree G1 is that it's priced from only $116,000 USD which is cheaper than your average car now this was the only video that is released of the G1 so far so we're not fully aware of all its capabilities but I mean this is super affordable for like mid-class people already at least in Western countries so I would predict that by the end of year we could have a lot of these robots running around everywhere and automating tasks for us so the G1 is priced from $116,000 whereas their higher-end model the H1 I believe they mentioned that it would be priced under 90,000 USD so that's it for unit tree if you're interested in learning more about the G1 I did a full video on this robot so check out this video all right next we have AGI bot which is another Chinese company this this one is really young and it was only established in February of 2023 it's led by ju Hoy Jun who is a popular Tech influencer and also known as the quote unquote genius youth at Huawei so he left Huawei to start AGI bot and what's really impressive is that in just the short span of 6 months they've already unveiled the raise A1 humanoid robot so this raise A1 is a around 1.7 m tall and weighs 53 kilos and can carry up to 20 kg it has 49 degrees of freedom including a dextrous robotic hand with builtin vision sensors that means the tip of each finger seemingly has Vision capabilities it uses a large language model called work GPT for natural language interaction and reasoning now it's not clear if this is their own proprietary large language model or if they've borrowed something from bu or even open AI GPT but in any case this is a large language model that's used for reasoning and understanding language so as with most of the other humanoid robots this is basically the brain of the robot and this is multimodal so I can understand language and audio and vision and Carry Out appropriate tasks another interesting feature is that it has a reverse knee kind of like an ostrich this makes it super fast and I assume it allows it to jump really easily Plus it has a built-in liquid cooling system so that it can operate for long periods of time with a single charge other than that that's pretty much all we know about the ray one for now as with many of these other robot companies they've only released a few demo videos of the robot but this is not deployed commercially yet they plan to deploy this in factories warehouses research Labs Care Centers and even regular households but right now they're still in the development and testing phase all right we have yet another Chinese robotics company this one is called forer intelligence and this is relatively older so it was founded in 2015 and they are headquartered in Shanghai they have expertise in areas like actuation perception and Rehab robots for example they provide rehab robots and solutions to over 2,000 clients across over 40 countries however the star of today's video isn't their special I robots but their general purpose humanoid robot called the gr1 this was launched in mid 2023 it stands at 1.65 M tall and weighs 55 kilos it has a flexible body with up to 54° of Freedom which is a lot more flexible than some of the other robots I just mentioned it's capable of humanlike Motions like of course walking turning grasping running and jumping and like many of its compe s it's equipped with depth cameras and AI Vision algorithms to handle objects and avoid obstacles similar to the figure 01 or the UB Tech Walker gr1 integrates a large language model allowing it to understand instructions and reason it can walk as quickly as a human can and carry up to an impressive 50 kg which is nearly as much as its own weight the coolest thing is it has Fleet management software that means means you can control and coordinate multiple gr1 robots at once as you can see here imagine controlling an entire Army of these robots they aim to mass-produce these gr1 robots for healthc Care Rehab manufacturing and Logistics in the coming years but as of now the robot is still in development and there's no set timeline on when these will be deployed in the real world so that's all we know about forer intelligence and their gr1 humanoid robot for now next we have rainbow robotics which is a South Korean robotics company it was founded by a group of experienced researchers from the kaist humanoid robot Research Center one of their main product lines is this RB series which is a self-produced robot family that's actively used in manufacturing now much like Boston Dynamics and un tree rainbow robotics has developed four lied robots as well as you can see here plus they've won this DARPA robotics challenge with their disaster rescue robots so you can see here it is team Ka of Korea that took first place and the $2 million prize money in April of 2024 they unveiled the RB y1 this is Korea's first quote unquote mobile manipulator robot combining a dual Arm System with a wheel base so it doesn't have two legs it has a wheel base this is similar to 1 X's Eve which also has a wheeled basee instead of legs it has 22 axes of movement excluding the wheels and can be trained via teleoperation as you can see here so the human is training it on how to stack cups and then after this demonstration is saved in its memory it will know how to stack cups autonomously even if the cups are in different positions as you can see here they've also built a simulation environment for training the rb1 using reinforcement learning and again the reason why they're using a virtual environment is because you can train it on millions of iterations at a much lower cost than if you were to do this physically so you can see after training it in the virtual environment and after guiding it via teleoperation now the robot is able to autonomously stack cups now remember this demo because in a second I'm going to show you another cup stacking demo from a much faster robot which really blew my mind so stay tuned for that but you can see right now it's just autonomously trying to stack the cups regardless of the cups position so using AI Vision via the cameras at the top of its head it's able to detect and accurately grasp the cups and stack them on top of each other but note that it's really slow compared to the next cup stacking demo I'm going to show you anytime now and not only can It stack cups or help with stalking inventory but the rb1 is also designed for other common complex tasks across different environments such as cleaning sweeping things away putting things in the correct locations Etc so you can see this is not only great for like Logistics manufacturing and factories but this can also be a very effective household robot and again notice the two cameras at the top of its head it likely has some AI Vision capabilities built in for it to detect and handle objects however what this algorithm is or what large language model they're using is not revealed Feld so we don't really know much about the AI capabilities of this robot at least at the time of this recording but anyways this is all the information we have about the rb1 and rainbow robotics right now there's no specific mention of whether it can respond to voice commands in other words if you can talk to it like you would with the figure 01 or the UBC Walker robots next up we have ment robotics this is a company founded in 2022 by experts in AI all three founders are professors of computer science or AI so they definitely have the expertise to pull this off their robot is called the menty bot and they branded it as a personalized AI based robot you can mentor hey mty please go to the table in the kitchen and wait for instructions okay I will go to the table in the kitchen now as you can see here this is yet another robot which can respond to voice commands it has an llm in its brain to process these voice commands and give appropriate responses we're not sure what llm this is it could be GPT or an open source model or perhaps their own proprietary llm but we don't know the specific details of this as you can see right now it's walking to the kitchen so it seems to have spatial memory capabilities in its algorithm as well it understands location and spatial context I have arrived what should I do now please put the fruits in the container and place a coun behind you sure thing all right so now the human prompts it to place the fruits in the container and take it to the counter this is a very complex multi-step task first it needs to place the fruits in the container and then it must take the container to the counter behind so there are multiple steps involved here you can see that with multi-step reasoning it can break this command down into multiple steps so first step is to locate the fruits next step is to pick up the fruits and then place the fruits in the container and so on and as you can see it has multiple cameras in its head which act as its eyes so this definitely has AI Vision capabilities built in so it can autonomously detect and handle objects such as putting the fruits back into the Container all right so after it has placed the fruits in the container the next step is to lift the container and carry it to the counter behind so that's what it does next you can see it doesn't really hold the container steadily when it walks so imagine if this is a container full of liquid it's likely going to be spilled everywhere plus its walking speed is a noticeable amount slower than for example the uni tree H1 or G1 but nevertheless this is still a very impressive demonstration and you don't really see a lot of these complex multi-step demonstrations from a robot so if this is true then this is very impressive I think this is even more impressive than the Figure 1 robot but it seems like mbot and MTI Robotics are just under the radar they haven't received as much press as figure AI the mbot also has very capable hands which are able to handle a variety of objects with different shapes and sizes as you can see here they mentioned that this robot is trained using a simulator to reality or Sim tooreal method this is very similar to nvidia's Isaac Sim where they Place robots in a simulated virtual environment they also call this a digital twin so this virtual environment has the same laws of physics of the real world so you can train this robot virtually for millions of iterations and in theory once you deploy this to the real world it should work right away and as you can see here it's quite agile so it can walk in any direction it can squat move sideways turn and more and it moves quite fast too so again I think the menty bot is quite impressive and definitely ahead of other competitors in this robot race but they've just not received much press they said that this is designed for both household tasks like table setting cleanup laundry and also Warehouse automation such as locating retrieving and transporting items up to 25 kg they mentioned that this robot will be production ready by the first quarter of 2025 so we're not that far away but anyways that is all we know right now about menty Robotics and their menty bot again I think this is one of the more impressive robots with a lot of cool features such as multi-step reasoning plus it can walk and move relatively fast compared to other robots such as the sanctuary Phoenix which is just really slow but anyways that's all we know about menty Robotics and their menty bot for now yes another Contender is Lim X Dynamics this is a Chinese company founded in 2022 focused on building general purpose robots the founding team has deep expertise in autonomous driving and Robotics their humanoid robot is called the limex cl1 it uses Advanced perception algorithms and sensors to perceive its surroundings in real time this allows it to walk across different terrains easily as you can see here so it can walk upstairs and down this slope in this video you can see that it runs and walks at quite a fast speed compared to other robots I would say this is almost as fast as the uni tree H1 which is probably the fastest runner right now and honestly not a lot of robots can run right now this is quite a hard task to program and so far I've only seen demos of Chinese robots run at this speed so even the other like more well-known robot companies like the Tesla Optimus or the Figure 1 or the Phoenix from Canada they cannot run like this so this is very impressive here you can see that it's being teleoperated so a human is behind the scenes cloning the Motions of this robot so for example the robot does not seem to be autonomously punching this target right a human is actually operating this from the background however you can see from this these demonstrations that this thing moves fast it can punch it can play volleyball it can play pingpong and the arms of this robot can just move at very explosive speeds now those are all the demonstrations we have for now it does not seem to be commercially deployed yet plus there's no info on whether it can work fully autonomously or whether it has an integrated llm which would allow it to understand and reason so that's all we know about the cl1 from limex Dynamics for now and then just a few weeks ago another robot appears from stealth this is called tiangong and it was developed by the Beijing humanoid robot Innovation Center this is just yet another humanoid robot from China they're really going all in on building these humanoid robots so this tiung stands at 1.6 M tall and weighs 43 kilos they claim that this is the first humanoid robot capable of running only on electric power now again when you hear these claims of being the first at something take it with a grain of salt now as I know the uni tree H1 is already electric and it's capable of kind of running or at least speed walking so maybe it can't fully run so maybe it is true that the tiangong is the first electric robot to run but it's a fine line it can maintain a stable running speed of 6 km per hour which is really fast it has state-of-the-art sensors including multiple perception sensors 3D Vision sensors and high Precision for sensors for accurate force feedback as with other robots it can autonomously walk across different terrains including stairs and slopes so far there are only limited demos of the tiangong robot plus they've unveiled it at a live event that you see here note that it doesn't really have hands or fingers so it looks like this is a prototype that hasn't been built out yet this is very similar to the unit tree H1 which also does not have hands interestingly the Beijing humanoid robot Innovation Center again this is the organization behind the robot they've made this open source so that other companies and researchers can develop applications and algorithms for the robot but that is all we know so far again there's only like one or two demo videos of this robot there's not a lot of other information out there on how this was trained or their timeline on when they expect this to be commercially deployed now just a few weeks ago this mysterious company who nobody has heard of also unveiled their humanoid robot called the astrobot S1 and here is their demo video so first of all cup stacking remember the cup stacking video from the Korean robot the rb1 it was way slower than this the astrobot could stack these cups within 2 seconds so it's just insanely fast this is probably like one of the fastest moving robots I've seen so far same with this demo of it pulling this tablecloth its arms can move at explosive speeds which are necessary to pull this off here you can see that it has an llm integrated into it so you can send instructions like what do you see and it can give you a response this is just like talking to a chatbot here you can see it's able to reason so the user is asking how would you separate the items to tidy up the table and based on the shapes and sizes of these objects it would determine where to put each item so here you can see it has AI Vision capabilities much like some of the other robots like the Tesla Optimus and the figure one so it can identify objects and handle them correctly you can see that it moves really quickly and smoothly unlike some of the other robots in this video which are quite slow and clumsy and another impressive feat that's worth mentioning in this demo is it's able to do Chinese calligraphy now to us humans writing with a pen or with a brush just seems second nature it's super easy to do but for a robot it's actually quite hard to program it and train its hands and fingers to articulate together to hold a paintbrush and then write characters correctly so this is actually very impressive that they were able to pull this off now this is the only demo of the astrobot for now so we're not sure what the lower half of its body looks like I would assume that it could be stationary or it has a wheeled base like the 1X Eve instead of two legs now the company astrobot intelligence is also quite secretive we don't really know much about it yet so on the website which I've translated to English you can see that the founder is called Li Gia he's employee number one at the 10-cent robotics lab and also team leader for or bu's shiau robot the team's background includes cuttingedge technology companies such as 10cent Google UBC which is another robotics company that we covered Buu and Huawei and then astrobots name comes from the ancient Latin proverb which means a hard journey to reach the Stars so they are quite a young company this was established only in December of 20122 and they are headquartered in Shenzhen which is considered the Silicon Valley of China so that's all we know about the astrobot for now just from this demo and I know it could be very different from reality once it's deployed but for now I'll give them the benefit of the doubt I was really impressed by the speed of this robot it's safe to say that this is one of the fastest robots out there so far all right next we have reflex robotics this is a young startup based in New York that's quite under the radar the founding team has worked at MIT Boston Dynamics and Tesla and now they're building this so they just released this video and you can see that its movements are super smooth and this is in 1X speed note that it doesn't have two legs and it just slides up and down like an elevator so this is borderline humanoid but nonetheless its movements are very smooth and it does autonomously fulfill a lot of tasks as you can see it's great at handling objects and sorting these objects so this is perfect for like Logistics and warehouses and Retail here you can see it was deployed at the modex event in Atlanta earlier this year people could request something from the robot and the robot would grab that item from the shelf and place it on the table all autonomously so you know for all those people stocking inventory at Walmart or wherever I'd start worrying about your job if I were you because this robot can do it very smoothly and all autonomously what's crazy is is that this team only has five people so it's an extremely Lean Startup but they've managed to build and program this robot plus they say that they're already ready to ship and the price point is below $50,000 so this thing is even cheaper than the Boston Dynamics four-legged robot which is priced at $75,000 so you know I can see this thing working at like a 7-Eleven by end of this year anyways that's all we know about reflex robotics it's very impressive that they were able to build this thing with only a team of five people now I would say there are limitations with this because I mean its hands are just claws it's only good at certain things like stalking and scanning and sorting inventory but of course you couldn't get it to walk across difficult terrain or jump or run or do some more dextrous tasks like making a sandwich all right next up we have agility robotics this is is yet another robotic company focused on building humanoid robots especially for Logistics and warehousing they were founded in 2015 and are based in Oregon their Flagship robot is called digit and this is designed to work alongside humans in various environments it stands at 5'9 and has animated LED eyes on its face and it can carry up to 35 lb or almost 16 kilos this is quite light honestly compared to some of the other competitor robots which can carry much heavier loads interestingly it also has a reverse knee like an ostrich so this is a similar design to the raise A1 robot digit can adapt to different warehouse workflows and tasks so it's great for taking over repetitive tasks from Human workers they've already partnered with Ford to help automate some of their warehousing and delivery operations plus earlier this year agility announced that they will begin testing digit at Amazon's robotics facility near Seattle Amazon is planning to use digit for tasks in their warehouse operations I think their partnership with Amazon will be very valuable since Amazon probably has some of the biggest warehouse and Logistics facilities in the world so this is a ton of training data that digit can leverage digit uses nvidia's Jetson as its onboard computing system this is a high performance system designed for autonomous robots specifically it can efficiently run complex AI algorithms for perception navigation and task execution now digit uses nvidia's project Groot which is a multimodal AI model for robots so Groot is basically the brain behind digit much like how opening eyes llm is the brain behind the figure one robot so with Groot as you can see here digit can understand text speech and images and learn complex skills using reinforcement learning so you can see the task is hey digit what's cooking and then you can see it's breaking its response down into multiple steps through reasoning digit is also trained in nvidia's Isaac Sim virtual environment as you can see here so digit is the green robots the robot can undergo millions of rounds of training virtually before being deployed in the the real world and they're doing this because it's way cheaper to train a robot for millions of rounds virtually instead of physically and then in theory if the virtual environment correctly simulates the physics of the real world then when this is deployed in the real world it should work all fine so that sums up agility and their robot digit even though they're partnering with Ford and Amazon they've only deployed several pre-production robots in other words they're not fully finished developing digit yet and they haven't commercially deployed it at scale all right next up we have robot ERA this is yet another Chinese robotics company founded in August of 2023 so this is super recent so they were incubated by tingua University and they are focused on developing embodied AI humanoid robots so so far they've developed two humanoid robots one is called the xpot S which is slightly small smaller and has a claw hand also note that instead of xbot sometimes it's called starbot online here you can see that the xbot S can easily walk across difficult terrain including snow stairs and other obstacles here you can see that they used two different simulated environments to train the robot the first is nvidia's Isaac Sim which we talked about before and many other robots such as agility digit was also trained in this envirment but then they also used mujoo which is an open-source virtual environment created by Google Deep Mind so it's very similar to nvidia's Isaac Sim this is also a simulation of the real world that's used to train robots and you can see from all these rounds of training in these two virtual environments the robot is able to walk autonomously in real life across all of these challenging obstacles so that was the xpot S they also have an xpot L which is a fullsize humanoid robot with a focus on dextrous object manipulation so you can see its hand has five fingers in fact they call this the xand which is a highly dextrous robotic hand with 12 active degrees of freedom and built-in tactile sensors in other words it has a sense of touch as you can see from this demo it moves very smoothly and quickly and this is all in one speed this is way faster than some of the other robots I've talked about such as the sanctuary Phoenix which is just really slow so as demonstrated here it can do a ton of different tasks including organizing objects petting your cat you can see the cat is enjoying it cutting leaves so you can get this to take care of your household plants it can also pump balloons for your birthday party and plus here you can see that it can gently hand handle an egg which the Tesla Optimus can also do but not a lot of other robots can pick up such delicate objects without breaking them it's actually quite a hard task to do because you need to apply just the right amount of force to pick up the egg but not crack it so that's all we know about robot era and their two robots for now as with most of the other robot companies in this video there are no signs that this is fully deployed or commercialized yet so it seems like they are are still in the development and testing phase next we have neighor labs this is the research and development subsidiary of neor which is the leading internet company in South Korea they have a ton of things going on such as AI research robotics autonomous driving and augmented reality their Flagship robot is called ambidex it has a haptic device that captures the Motions of humans and then through re enforcement learning it's able to learn these motions from this it can perform many different intricate tasks such as peeling sweet potatoes assembling furniture and playing table tennis and this thing is light each arm only weighs 2.6 kg which is lighter than a human arm now there doesn't seem to be any information on whether or not it can respond to voice commands so I assume it does not have an llm built in that can understand and reason unlike some of the other robot contenders there's also no mention of ambidex having any form of locco motion like legs or wheels so it doesn't seem like it can walk or move around independently again this just puts it behind most of the other robot competitors which can move around autonomously either on legs or on Wheels anyways that's all we know for now about neighbor's ambidex they seem to still be in the research and development phase and it's not commercially deployed yet all right next up we have xang robotics this is a subsidiary of xang motors which is one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturers in China they've previously built a four-legged robot which they call a robot Pony but I did notice that it's got a tiny horn on the top of its head so I wonder why they didn't call this a unicorn but enough about ponies they also have a humanoid robot called the px5 so they unveiled the px5 in 2023 during the company's Tech Day event as you can see here it walks super fast I would say this is as fast as unit tre's robots and then from this demo you can see that it can walk across very difficult terrain just fine it can also walk on gravel grass and other terrain with ease as you can see here plus it can also play soccer and balance on a hoverboard this is something I haven't seen with any of the other robots so I'm not sure how hard it is to train but it seems like you do need a good sense of balance to operate a hoverboard plus as you can see here it has a very dextrous hand capable of doing many different tasks such as picking up an Xbox controller or operating the screwdriver here you can see it can pick up this toolbox box as well and then here you can see it's picking up this pen which is a more challenging object to pick up but it can handle this just fine all right this box of tissue is an even trickier thing to pick up a tissue is super thin but it's able to pick it up just fine on their website it says xang robotics introduced a new in-house developed bipedal robot in the future xang will apply Technologies from Smart EVS like the xnet Deep neuronet network and xgp to these smart robots so it's great that xang is an electric vehicle company just like how Tesla uses their self-driving software and real world data to train the Optimus bot xpen can also integrate their autonomous driving technology and real world data into the px5 plus as you can see here they use their own AI Technologies such as this xnet deep neuron Network which I assume is an a I Vision model plus xgp which I assume is a language model so that their robot can understand and reason and Carry Out tasks effectively and just a fun fact they also have an affiliate company that is building flying cars so here's an example of what that would look like super cool anyways that's all we know about xang and their px5 robot for now this is yet another one of those very impressive fast moving robots from China that seems to be able to do a lot of things from manipulating different objects to walking and running as with the unry H1 I was really impressed by how fast it can move as you can see here all right next up we have abtronic which is a robotics company that was founded in 2015 and they are based in Austin their humanoid robot is called AP Polo as you can see on their website AP Polo is 5'8 it weighs 60 lb which is roughly 73 kilos and has a payload capacity of 55 lb or roughly 25 kilos it has a battery life of 4 hours now the Apollo is designed for Logistics manufacturing and Retail tasks like moving boxes and machine tending to address labor shortages in these industries abtronic has also worked closely with NASA adapting Technologies from NASA's VY robot with plans for AP poloo to be potentially used for space exploration as with agil digit robot you can see that apptronics Apollo also uses nvidia's Isaac Sim and Groot system to train and learn new tasks so here the human is first demonstrating how to operate this juicer and then after undergoing millions of rounds of training in their Isaac Sim virtual Environ enironment it's deployed back in the real world and it can operate this juicer autonomously now while highly capable AP poloo does not seem to be fully autonomous yet at least at the time of this recording so their approach is more of a hybrid autonomy where AP poloo can handle basic tasks autonomously but still requires human supervision for more complex operations and finally on their website it does say that Apollo is the first commercial humanoid robot that was designed for friendly interaction Mass manufacturability high payloads and safety again always take these first claims with a grain of salt I definitely don't think they were the first to do this plus they aren't released commercially yet so I don't know why they can claim this on their homepage but anyways they have announced that they're targeting the end of 2024 for full commercial release and deployment of AP poloo all right next up we have magic labs this is yet another kind of secretive company that's under the radar they haven't really gotten much press and their humanoid robot is called the magic bot this is a full-size humanoid robot with impressive dexterity and Agility it features custom designed high torque actuators and pressure sensors that enable a very dextrous hand they claim that the the hand can mimic around 70% of all human hand gestures and precisely handle objects and as you can see here it can fold clothes quite efficiently this is much faster and more fluid I guess compared with the Tesla Optimus bot which kind of takes a long time to fold a single shirt so they showcased the magic bot doing all sorts of things like roasting marshmallows as you can see here to water ing plants with care now I'm not sure if this demonstration is just via teleoperation in other words if there's a human in the background operating this remotely or if this is all autonomous here's another demonstration of the magic bot this time it's making a latte for a human however this is not like a full uncut unedited demonstration so you can see it's kind of cutting from to scene so we're not sure if it can fully and autonomously operate the coffee machine now there's no mention of how they trained the magic bot nor did they mention anything about it having an llm so I'm not sure if it has any like natural language model built into its brain in other words if it can understand commands and reason and Carry Out appropriate tasks but anyways that's all we know about magic labs and their humanoid robot the magic bot they've only unveiled the magic bot a few months ago so it's still very early for them and I would assume they haven't deployed this commercially yet all right next up we have xiaomi now xiaomi was founded in 2010 and headquartered in Beijing as we all know xiaomi is one of the largest smartphone manufacturers globally plus they manufacture a wide range of other products such as laptops Smart TVs Fitness bands and other Smart Home products however they also have a full-size humanoid robot called the Cyber 1 now the Cyber one stands at 177 cm and weighs 52 kilos it has an arm span of roughly 168 CM plus it has a 2.5h hour battery life using AI Vision it can detect human faces and gestures and emotion plus it claims that it can recognize 85 types of environmental sounds and 45 types of human emotion using built-in algorithms and depth cameras it can create 3D virtual reconstructions of its environment which can help it navigate and understand its surroundings they claim that it can walk at 3.6 kmph and run at 7.2 km hour but we haven't really seen any demos of this you can see from this event that it can understand and respond to speech [Music] [Music] so it definitely has an llm built into its head if I were to guess they're probably leveraging by's llm called Ernie bot and you can see that its responses are really fast unlike the figer one which often has a few seconds of delay between when the human says something to when it responds this xiaomi cyber 1 robot can respond almost in real time plus it can do kung fu or at least do a stance here's another demo video of it drumming now xiaomi says that this cyber one robot is not intended for any specific commercial application but rather it's just used for research and development next we have Westwood Rob Robotics and they are based in the Greater Boston area their robot is called Themis it integrates powerful actuators and advanced sensing capabilities as you can see here they claim that it can walk steadily at human speed and reach a top running speed of 10 km hour which is really impressive but I haven't seen any video demo of it running yet it uses an inertial sensor for precise orientation here's a demo of it taking Tak out the trash and note that it doesn't have hands and fingers so the end of its arms are stubbed much like the uni tree H1 but you know I hate taking out the trash so if this is Affordable I wouldn't mind actually buying this just so I don't have to take out the trash so you can see here its hands are actually tied to the handle of this garbage pin so it doesn't have fingers it doesn't even have claws to grip the handle and then here's another demonstration of it delivering a part parcel to a home now just looking at this demo it definitely does not walk at human speeds this seems to Walk Way slower so this is definitely a tad bit behind compared to the other robots especially the ones from China which can walk and run really quickly so other than that there's not much info on this themus humanoid robot it does seem they are still in the testing and development phase and just based on the demo videos and the information out there it doesn't seem like it has any llm built in so I assume it cannot understand verbal commands also due to the lack of hands and fingers there are a lot of dextrous things that it cannot do so I would say this is a tad bit behind most of the other robots that I'm going to mention in this video next up we have nura robotics this is a German high-tech robotics company founded in 2019 their Flagship products include the irra line of collaborative robot arms as well as a series of smaller robot arms called Lara however besides these robotic arms they also have a humanoid robot called the 4 ne1 it's integrated with Advanced algorithms to enable versatile movements like walking turning bending navigating stairs and balancing objects it has an interactive screen on its head for displaying information and facilitating interaction this is quite similar to the figure one robot which also has a screen on its face which can display data now they've coined this robot a cognitive humanoid robot which I think it's just a marketing stunt cognitive just means like intelligent right so I mean if you slap any machine learning algorithm or an llm in a robot then technically all the robots that I talked about today are cognitive to some extent same with here they always use the word cognitive so here it says base Bas on our proven cognitive technology again this is just marketing to me this cognitive word doesn't really mean anything significant so it says here it has 3D Vision capabilities like many of the other robots so it can handle and manipulate different objects of different sizes and shapes it has what they coin to be a nura AI API which is I assume a fancy way of saying an llm which is multimodal so it can take in text sound and images via their 3D Vision capabilities in order to do the appropriate task it has advanced sensors providing full torque feedback in all joints for precise balance and force control when moving objects they also have a patented quote unquote safe human detection technology which can use AI to detect humans and dynamic obstacles even with obstructed vision and then from its speech recognition capabilities they claim that it can recognize different human voices languages tones and emotions for natural interaction however the demo videos of the 4 any1 are very limited I mean the videos that I'm playing right now that's all the information we have right now so I'm not sure if the robot can actually deliver on all the capabilities that they mention it would be nice to see like a live demo of a robot in action like the figure1 where someone is talking to it and it can understand the speech and reason and carry out the appropriate action but we don't have any any demos of this yet so that's all we know about the nura 4 ne1 this is still in the very early stages of development all right next up we have Kepler this is yet another robot company headquartered in China and they have developed an advanced series of humanoid robots called the Forerunner they feature a highly bionic humanoid structure with up to 40° of freedom for humanlike motion and dexterity equipped with kepers proprietary actuators this enables Dynamic limb movements simulating human muscle control it has intelligent dextrous hands with 12° of freedom for accurate object manipulation and load balancing it has advanced sensors and what they Co to be their nebula AI system for visual recognition multimodal interaction and hand eye coordination so this nebula AI system is likely a fancy way of saying that they have this multimodal AI system with AI Vision capabilities for object detection but also speech recognition so it can handle voice commands it integrates cloud-based large language models as well as onboard models for faster response times now the 4Runner series is designed to be a general purpose robot for a variety of scenarios like manufacturing Logistics research rescue operations and even space exploration here you can see a demo of it accurately throwing a ball into this cup now I'm not sure how many takes it took or if it's trained so well that it can precisely throw the ball in the cup every time Kepler aims to start mass production of the Forerunner in the second half of 2024 so we're potentially like months away from seeing this commercially deployed in the real world and their projected pricing of the Kepler 4Runner is only around $ 20 to $30,000 making them relatively affordable compared to other robots again even the Boston Dynamics spot cost $75,000 so this humanoid robot is less than half the price of the Boston Dynamic spot finally Kepler is also launched a developer platform called the Kepler OS to Foster an ecosystem around the Forerunner robots so that's all we know about Kepler Robotics and their Forerunner series of robots for now as with many of the companies in this video they are still in production they have announced a very ambitious Target of mass production by end of year but we're not there yet so only time will tell if they can meet this deadline and actually get this robot out there within this year and finally we have pal robotics this is a company based in Barcelona Spain that has developed tals which is an advanced humanoid robot designed for research and Industrial applications now the TS is actually quite old I believe they made this 6 years ago and of course back then we didn't even have like this Transformer and llm technology so the initial version of tals is probably very unintelligent compared to what they have now however they have started uploading more demo videos on YouTube this year so it seems like they are still developing this and I would assume they're integrating new AI Technologies into the TS robot now this is a full-sized humanoid robot standing at around 1.75 m or 5'9 and weighing 95 kilos it has 37° of Freedom so a bit less than some of the other robots but it is fully torque controllable with torque sensors in most joints as you can see here it can walk up stairs and steps and difficult terrain just fine but it is a tad bit slower than some of the other robots I've showed in this video plus it seems to be a bit more bulky I'm not sure if this is just the outer shell but but I mean most of the other robots in this video like the Tesla Optimus or unit trees robots or 1X Eve they're very slim and their design is more streamlined whereas this one just seems a bit more bulkier they claim that it can dynamically walk at speeds of up to 3 kmph and then each arm has a payload capacity of 6 kg or roughly 13 lb when it is fully extended now again this is a relatively old robot I've included it in this video because it is in a sense a humanoid robot so the shape and kind of the movements do resemble a human to some degree but they did not mention whether it's fully autonomous or whether it has an llm so it can understand or reason or even whether it has AI Vision capabilities so that it can autonomously detect and handle objects for example in this demo I'm not sure if it's teleoperated by human behind the scenes or if it can like lift and handle these bottles all autonomously via a AI Vision so we'll have to wait and see here as with a lot of these other robot companies the pal Talos is still in the development phase so that sums up all the companies in this humanoid robot race you can see it's very competitive and at least right now it's quite an even playing field no one company is significantly ahead of all the other companies most robots can autonomously walk across different and difficult terrain they can balance properly and most robots have ai vision and multimodal capabilities so it can understand voice commands for example and reason and manipulate objects of different sizes and shapes all autonomously and then some robots even have spatial sensing technology which enables it to perceive its environment and navigate appropriately again it's not just one single company who's ahead of all the other companies there's a lot of competitors essentially working towards the same thing and most of these robots have not been commercially deployed yet but a lot of these companies are claiming quite ambitious timelines of potentially deploying these robots at Mass scale by end of this year or early next year so it's a really competitive landscape and it would be super interesting to see how this all plays out let me know in the comments what you think of all of this do you think we'll have a monopoly or a small group of companies that eventually just dominate this humanoid robot industry similar to how the tech industry is controlled by just a few Tech Giants or do you envision many robot companies each securing their own slice of the market and how soon do you think we can start seeing these robots at Mass scale and in which Industries would you expect these to start being deployed in I would assume that a logical place to start would be manufacturing warehousing and Logistics but what about retail or Healthcare or agriculture or even military and defense let me know in the comments below as always if you enjoyed this video remember to like share subscribe and stay tuned for more content thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Search
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Id: 90TMZ2fq9Gs
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Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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