Dawn of the Dead Virus Explored | What sort of infection is responsible and can it be reversed?

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who doesn't like a good old-fashioned zombie movie rooted in reality rather than supernatural parameters Donna the Dead is one where if you take the 1970s version these were supernatural beings that post-mortem arose with the affliction and began hunting down their previous companions or anyone in close proximity in the 2004 version this is more of an outbreak of a disease that attacks the brain stem as well as cerebrum of a person and activates various pathways to make them hungry and violent so hungry in fact that they would attack family members and eat them in today's episode we will discuss what exactly happens in this version of the movie and what sort of virus are we dealing with and I promise you it's actually not rabies this time so we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief on that front but before breaking down this virus we must first examine the timeline of events and ultimately how this would lead to an apocalyptic scenario which proved to almost be humanity's undoing but first I just wanted to give you all a quick heads-up I am streaming more now that I have time to do so so you can find all my old streams on roanoke games which is my third channel because I'm super original or you could watch me over on Twitch at Roanoke Gaming whitey just so you guys know alright so back to it so it starts in a hospital naturally as Anna finishes up her shift as a nurse she heads home and ominous warnings begin appearing on the radio but I don't really know about you guys but after working shifts where you actually have to use your brain a lot you typically run on complete autopilot on the way home she heads home and gets caught up on date night and misses the emergency news bulletin as a result early the next morning and presumably through the night a very quiet apocalypse had begun taking place the neighborhood girl apparently had been changed and entered the room upon looking quite mutilated Lewis freaks out and approaches her requesting that Anna calls 9-1-1 however this would prove to be as undoing as she bites him in the neck severing his jugular vein judging by the low flow pressure of blood and attempts to call 9-1-1 while covering up the wound but to no avail as the lines are completely tied up in her attempt to get help she disregards Lewis for a moment where he eventually loses consciousness and then rises back up completely taken over by the disease and immediately begins to attack her she bolts to the bathroom and shuts the door where something interesting happens Lewis stops attacking this will be important for later on as it shows that perhaps object permanence has been lost and lost quickly and this may indicate what is happening in the human brain throughout the infection process and it decides to run in fleas to her car with Lewis on the chase until someone else who was wandering around is attacked by him and as she's escaping looking at the absolute wreck her neighborhood has become someone attempt to carjack her she ends up stepping on the gas and fleeing him as well however in this process she runs off the road and crashes into a tree knocking herself unconscious and here we get a pretty clear view of what is happening across the world riots and violence have overtaken order as people run and try to escape the infested hordes and many drop in the process adding to that number governments become overwhelmed and start having to take rural measures to anyone who may attack essentially the whole world begins to crumble as the infected begin to outweigh the non-infected with anna waking up she is confronted by the group she will be with for the remainder of her time on the mainland police sergeant Kenneth Hall electronics salesman Michael petty criminal Andre and his wife Luda after proving she is not infected they break into a nearby mall and they find it has already had its fair share of infections an infected mall cop attacks them Luda is scratched and Kenneth is badly injured while wrestling with the infected until he is subdued by the boomstick after they are confronted by CJ Bart and Terry the other mall cops and his group surrenders their gear in order to stay there after they split into groups to further secure them all and take out the infected mall cop showing that destruction of the brain does indeed work against the infected upon getting on the roof across the street they spot a man named Andy who operates the handheld store and God is becoming so lean to say that I really need to find a new way so comment down below what sounds better that won't totally wreck the prospect of these videos getting the Green dollar sign because I'm probably just gonna call it boomstick anyhow he's across the road holding down the store but the parking lot is completely infested with Chamblee masses the next day continuing to hold down the fort mall a delivery truck of survivors rolls up to CJ and Bart's dismay they are disarmed and overruled as Anna's group accepts the survivors in normos Steve Tucker Monica Glenn Frank and his daughter Nicole as well as a mysterious woman who nobody knew was brought in although the mystery woman is pretty much on her deathbed or really death wheel barrel as they move everyone in the woman without a name takes her last breath and is pronounced DOA moments later however she sits up and begins to attack the group before Anna gets her through the eye with a poke with this and a theorizes that the disease moves through bites the smaller the bite the longer it takes and after this idea is realized they discover that Frank has been bitten and quarantine him immediately upon doing so his situation deteriorates rapidly and he begins to outwardly show signs of an immune response shortly after he succumbs he is taken out by Kenneth upon his reanimation as time progresses Kenneth becomes absolute Bros with Andy across the street and other people start hooking up you know party at the end of the world scenario eventually as the power goes out it becomes apparent that they will need to check the generator they head down to the parking garage where the group is attacked Bart is bitten and then eaten in the process and the Horde is doused in fuel and set ablaze a dog is also found during this process which would be used in the group's most dumb idea to date during all this however Luda gives birth to Andres baby but takes her last breath during this process and then reanimates they are found by norma during this process and after an exchange of rounds all three are bodied the zombified baby is found by Ana and then promptly executed after this exchange they realized that cannot indefinitely live at the mall the group decides to make their way to the marina and travel on Steve's yacht to an island on Lake Michigan but again reinforcing the shuttles that they found in the garage and on their way out the plan was to pick up Andy however through this time Andy's food rations have become to dwindle and he has approached starvation to stave off this they send the dog who the infected appear to have no interest in and attached food and a walkie-talkie chips is sent to an e store but the infected ends up following the dog through the dog door Nicole loses her mind and crashes a delivery truck into the store to retrieve her dog as she's quite fond of it as Kenneth is watching all this happened he sees Andy is still on the roof and there is also something interesting happening because Andy appears to be writing something on the whiteboard but then he just shows that he smeared it with blood despite being infected old habits stay with him which we will actually discuss with the rest you under way from Nicole the group would grab as much as they could and head back to the mall however Tucker would break his leg and CJ would attempt to drag him to safety this would be fruitless however in CJ would mercifully take him out after tucker was bitten by many different infected once reaching the mall door Steve had not been guarding the door like he said he would and due to his negligence the mall would be breached and they would have no choice but to flee from it everyone enters the buses and begin navigating the wholly controlled by infected city while trying to dispatch an infected cleaning on to the bus however Glenn would lose control of the chainsaw and accidentally slice into Monica's torso ending her in the process he also ends up meeting his in when the bus crashes due to blood splattering on the windshield Steve abandons Kenneth and Terry just seconds before he is ambushed as well and taken out by the same zombies clinging onto the bus the others within the remaining bus pull over to pick up Kenneth and Terry before encountering the zombies Steve who quickly fell to his bites and it takes him out and gets rid of the other zombies clinging onto the bus having dealt with Steve and it grabs his key to the marina and gets back onto the remaining bus to escape the group then heads towards the marina where CJ holds off the pursuing zombies after signaling to the others to escape he soon finds himself overwhelmed and sacrifices himself to detonate the propane tank to take out the infected around him and those currently biting him ouchies and in the end Michael was bitten too and chooses to stay behind and let the group proceed without him a lone shot rings out as the remaining group members head towards an island there will be no rest however footage from the camcorder on the boat concludes with a group of infected running out of the woods after they arrive on the island the camcorder drops and the group's fate remains unknown so now that you have basically seen the movie if you've actually never seen it before I would recommend going and watching it but now you can kind of have a good idea that these are not supernatural beings or people who remain steadfast in the face of anything short of completely disassembling their bodies but really they play more by the biological rules for meat suits and should enough damage be sustained they will likely drop as any other person would so what exactly is going on internally and how are these people infected and to what end and what might they be infected with well according to the health officials in the Dawn of the Dead movie they don't know what's infecting them they don't know if it's airborne and I don't know if these people are alive or expired well I am here to completely throw a wrench into that line of thinking because some assumptions can actually be made first thing we need to establish in this is viral load and bite area it would appear that bites closer to the brain is person are actually faster acting we see we Luis upon his neck being bitten this would likely it pierced the carotid artery to some extent as well which is the blood supply of the brain because the virus was introduced at such a critical point it had a fast-acting effect on the brain the virus quickly overwhelmed the body and turned Lewis in moments rather than minutes or hours later we see from a hand bite on Frank he turned much more slowly taking what seems to be hours and even still with Luda she was scratched introducing a very small amount of viral particles to the body meaning this took much longer in terms of days if not weeks for her to be fully infected so what is viral load then viral load is as it sounds how much of a given virus is there now not with all but with some diseases there is a need for a certain amount of the virus present to actually cause infection with other viruses however only one virus particle is needed to begin the infection however this can be sort of like liken to starting a fire with one match and large sticks versus starting a fire with a flamethrower and wood that is doused in gasoline the less virus that makes it into the system the longer it takes and conversely the more that makes it in the quicker symptoms manifest this is because the virus requires movement into the cells the replication of itself and the release of other viral particles pretty standard so with this we can conclude that the closer the bite is to the brain and the more exchange of fluids between the infected and not infected the quicker the person is changed and based on this it must be a virus and not something like bacteria or a parasite or perhaps a prion disease and yes you can say prion as prion or prion it appears to just be a matter of preference anyhow bacteria may have a similar effect on the brain as does the virus but it would not be able to replicate itself fast enough parasite would cause behavioural changes but it's a sent to the brain would be slow which would require the passage of months to have any real effect and prion disease can be relatively fast-acting taking months however it would not take just moments to cause a degradation that we see in the host and I mean just as a side note the virus would have to be faster than any virus we have ever seen before likely not formed in nature this virus from donald the dead would have definitely been man-made to achieve these effects so establishing that is in fact a virus I would have to say based on the evidence given this is not an airborne disease but is more based in bodily fluids like HIV is we do not see any of the infected coughing and actually see breathing difficulties not associated with coughing or sneezing what we do see is perspiration to an extreme degree the destruction of smaller blood vessels throughout the body and salivating this would indicate to me that this is actually a blood infection and is limited to actual bodily fluids and here's why because the bursting of blood vessels in the presentation of gasping people towards their end as the virus destroys blood vessels this has a couple effects on the ability to transfer this disease first most infected are actually bleeding in their mouths there are many blood vessels that run within this area and with them bursting as shown in the other areas of the skin this would allow the virus to go directly into the uninfected host bloodstream if they weren't bleeding I would also be inclined to think that maybe there could even be some virus in their saliva considering the nature of the saliva and how many blood vessels run through the glands responsible for producing it it's not too far-fetched to think that viral particles could be amassing here as well and I mean I just have to say after all we do see this with the rabies virus but this is not to say that this is actually rabies but I do believe it to be is an extreme case of viral meningitis viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis and is not usually life-threatening but again judging by the speed at which the virus can take over the body I believe it must do two things first it would need to obviously inspire an immune response but second I believe this response to be more allergic in nature dependent upon viral load a small amount introduced into the system allows for a natural response macrophage is activated they lose as the virus spreads through the body replicating eventually causing the meninges within the skull to expand and compress the brain this leads to symptoms that we see with people slowly changing but if the viral load is large enough and close to the brain an allergic response causes the internal surfaces within the body to begin swelling as well as the blood vessels themselves and as these surfaces swell this may be what we see in the mystery woman while heavier it does appear as though if she is having some sort of swelling response perhaps this may have been the allergic response rather than the meningitis response this swelling would cause the blood vessels to also burst throughout because of the histamine response and this is known as vasculitis this is essentially when blood vessels inflame and burst we see this actually in the eyes of the infected post infection their eyes completely changed showing that they have become damaged and because of this the body recognizes the invader and completely freaks out if the virus is present in large amounts smaller amounts lead to a much more slow burn here the body does have a response but it is much more gradual and because of this the body does not swell as much blood vessel still bursts and ultimately lead to the same in the meninges swell in this puts pressure on the brain which we can see actively happening in those infected so let's take a look at that real quick and cite some examples the first example I came across to show the brain is dealing with swelling is the actions of the infected it is noted that short term personality changes can become apparent during meningitis infection and one of them is aggression with a rapid pressure put on the brain this can cause a person to fly into a rage like state however as the pressure mounts within the brain this can also put pressure on the brain stem which brings me to the point of people gasping the brain stem actually regulates breathing it's usually an unconscious thing done without you having to think about it but as I say this I'm now manually breathing and so are you what fun we're having with this pressure on the brain stem - too much pressure can slow a person's breathing until finally it stops altogether and after a person stops breathing this is what appears to be the end of them but is it really we see that when a person stops breathing moments later they're up and moving again while the brain stem does control the heartbeat as well the heart has secondary pacemakers in place to also keep it pumping and that's why if you say like break your neck you may still survive as your heart keeps beating that said what I believe is these infected are actually not bodied after they take their last breaths the heart still pumps but they go into a state of shock and their breathing stops with them mentally checked out so to speak the most basic portions of their brain take over this coupled with the virus meningitis gives them a severely altered form of instinctual drive to eat and aggression this leads them to attack anyone and everyone around them no matter who they are while on the topic of Bray's however I did want to point out something that's interesting not all higher thought is lost although with Lois he did lose his ability to understand object permanence which does indicate some damage so the cerebrum is undoubtedly damaged by the disease and the pressure it endures but when Andy was infected he'd gotten so used to writing on the whiteboard and even post infection he still wrote on the board with blood out of compulsion and even as everyone in the mall sees the parking lot is completely packed with people now it may sound strange now with online shopping and human contact being avoided but once upon a time people used to actually congregate at malls if you can believe it like a lot it was a place to hang out so after infection people would still have these drives from their pre infection state indicating that some portions of their cerebrum remains intact operational even the little neighborhood girl who interacted with Anna a lot gets into her house because she still remembers Anna prior to her infection so I do not believe that the virus is airborne but bodily fluid dependent those infected are still alive but detrimental II altered by the virus and aggressive and this is just a virus produced by humanity as a virus like this apart from possibly Ebola wouldn't affect the meatsuit in such a manner so it could there actually be a measure put in place to stop this disease well if a person could be sedated it's completely possible their own body could overcome this disease by natural immune system as they are still technically alive and even still anti-inflammatory medicine could be administered to keep pressure off the brain until the virus is cleared an antiviral medication can also be administered to stop the replication of this virus as the body fights it that said it is extremely fast-acting and quickly overwhelmed all military and health organizations and because of this they were not able to effectively respond to this threat although I will say because of the living nature of those infected they would eventually have to start dropping if no new food sources were found and water was not taken in because they are not supernatural and they are still very much so human likely the only thing keeping them alive for the time being is the blood drink from those they take down in the meat that fills their stomach and I also just want to note something about the dog for a moment they may not attack it because their eyes are heavily damaged by the bursting blood vessels the dog could be a tasty target if they could see it but because it may be out of the infecteds line of sight it is able to move through because as soon as the infected see that door open they begin to attack to get an D so maybe a dog isn't a foolproof measure but I want to thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed and leaving a like would be great if you did if you just found this channel something is also a good way to know on when I post and again posting live streams on my third channel and streaming on Twitch if that interests you so interestingly my state is opening back up on Friday because there has apparently been a significant drop in kovat 19 infections so just wish us luck on that one I guess I'll drop my Twitter discord patreon second and third channel links in the description if anyone is interested in that and I would also like to thank my patrons who shout out to our astronaut it's not a spoon thank you for returning my guy and next up our two scientists are skilled and trade winds and all and I want to thank the rest of you guys as well your help is greatly appreciated because right now let's just say the hood of youtubers is in total free fall which is expected because everything else is currently in a flux so your help is absolutely fantastic during this time all right so that's gonna about do it for me thank you guys for watching and I will see y'all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 769,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dawn of the Dead, Romero Dawn of the dead, Dawn of the dead infection, Virus in Dawn of the dead, Down of the dead analysis, Roanoke Gaming, infected dawn of the dead, monica dawn of the dead, ana dawn of the dead, dawn of the dead ending, dawn of the dead ending explained, infection explained, dawn of the dead 2004, dawn of the dead 1978, dawn of the dead mall, dawn of the dead zombies, dawn of the dead mall cops, dawn of the dead zombies mall, dawn of the dead andy
Id: V1emmJySM2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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