Clicker Infection Stage in The Last of Us Explained | Encounters Biology Gameplay Lore Morphology

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as the cordyceps infection continued to creep its way across the planet humanity began to become more altered by the passing weeks and months for those unfortunate enough to be infected early one trip around the Sun would yield a creature much stronger than a full-grown man and the only real answer humans could produce in self-defense is either running or having a powerful weapon at their disposal at this point attacking in hand-to-hand is extremely ill advised due to the strength and ferocity this former human has we all saw the thumbnail so we all know really while we're here I hope this video clicks with you let's discuss the lore and morphology of the clicker from The Last of Us and see just how deeply this fungus has affected this person so as we have continued through the last of us I have pretty much developed a formula for how I structured these videos so why fix what I broke we will be jumping into the morphology and then work our way internally to see what we can't see and discuss how this fungus has riddled the body with pathways starting with feet of course we see actually nothing has really changed apart from the complete lack of shoes normally this creature runs around with its standard god-given feet on a note of reality and not so much in game this would actually make the clicker quieter as it moves through an area as long as it's not clicking or making screeching noises that it does seem to kind of always want to do so as long as it doesn't do that it's pretty quiet moving up we see that the clothing the clicker wears is actually quite ratty at this point the legs are covered with what's left to pants when they were converted again for a clicker to get to the stage roughly a year has passed since it was first infected as such clearly closed would not have been changed any of this process the legs if you can see it appeared to be skinned up but not only that they also seem to have started growing armour plating that the infected are known for in their later stages these growth will eventually enlarge much like that on the head and cover the body with a thick armored coating this in turn will lead to its final form but we will get to that video later on in the series moving up to the midsection we can see more of the fungal Armour beginning to grow here the skin is mostly ashy and the fungus at this point has many fungal veins growing across throughout the abdominal area considering the access to the intestines and subsequent nutrients they produce it would be imperative for the fungus to reach this area to kickstart the quicker growth the bloodstream does offer quite a bit of nutrients but there's nothing quite like going to the source this is why as you get more distal from the presumed bite of infection the fungal veins seem to wane a little bit but as they reach the admin and there are many more growths located in this area moving up to the thoracic area we see that the shoulders and chest sport heavy fungal growth it appears that the infected have sort of a propensity go for the neck regions in humans but whether this is by natural compulsion or driven by the fungus to bite here it's not really known because it honestly could just be that this lines up where the mouth is for another human to bite another human's neck but at any rate because this bite fungus introduced into this area gets a solid foothold and grows quite well here you can expect the shoulders to sport a lot of the same growth and as such this is not really going to be a weak point this covering is much like that on the bloaters and to some degree will actually protect it from direct trauma moving down the arms we continue to see a lot of skin being overtaken by the fungus but not so much as the shoulders the skin in this area is also to be expected ashy but interestingly you would probably expect the arms to be somewhat emaciated as well as the rest of the body after not having a proper meal for so long but we will get to why this is the case in a few minutes the arms are astronomically powerful a female infected reaching clicker status is able to overpower most uninfected males and female subsequently quite easily and help that person commit the not alive moving back up to the head we see a person is noting what they used to be every piece of facial humanity this person used to possess has been replaced by the fungus Amathus person has seemingly been cracked in half by the pressure of the fungal growth as such the front metal teeth have been separated with the top lip completely missing this seems to be a cleft palate scenario caused by the growing fungus the teeth are jagged and face more inwards now as such they are perfect for piercing tender neck meets the ears of this clicker are strangely enough present this may be simply because picking up vibrations of nearby movement has been quite beneficial to this creature and as such has been deemed useful the functions of the ear might have been allowed to continue for the benefit of the fungus and growth was kept to a minimum in this area but this is not to suggest that this creature is choosing where to grow fungus and where not to but as when we see anything with natural selection those with ears still open and not covered may have been more successful at staying alive and hunting whereas those who have their ears covered up were not as successful and eventually died off so the ones with the uncovered ears are the ones that we continue to see up and moving around then we get to the thing that's actually fairly hard to ignore up to this point the fungal growth occupying the nasal sinus eye socket and forehead region why did this grow there was it on purpose well I think I may have an explanation as to why this creature is sporting this look all throughout the skull there are sinus cavities they exist for the most part to make our skulls lighter so it puts less strain on our necks their open areas lined with tissue and are pretty moist dark and warm I know at least one person watching this is internally cringing right now and hates the fact that I just said moist and also that I just said it again anyways as the fungus spread this would have been a perfect location for an explosion of growth more than likely these areas would have begun filling up fast due to its natural conditions and over time it would have exploded at the front of the face we see in newer infections that the fungus has begun to overtake the eyes and this is just the next logical leap the nose is completely lost at this point and odds are it's not so much reabsorbed back into the body but instead is just growing around by the fungus or more likely he pushed entirely out of the way considering the fungus has changed the shape of the mouth it's more than likely that it's begun growing out of the nasal passages from the skull as well this means that the darker opening in the middle may be a direct line into the head and in theory should actually be a vulnerability the fungus has an answer for this vulnerability though of course and that's why they're so successful again this fungal tissue is quite hard and will break when met with enough force something like a bat could in theory break it but will provide impact compensation a weak or weapon fired at the head will not penetrate the fungus enough to reach the brain so essentially this bloom on its face acts as a second harder skull to protect the brain and fungus vessel another thing to note about the bloom is it seems to direct sound the clicker gets its name and this is gonna blow your mind from clicking this clicking is a primitive form of echolocation that will allow it to see up to a few feet away much like how the Owls feathers on its face direct sound so that it can locate prey under the snow this fungal bloom does the same for the infected tracking down humans it may even still direct some sound to the naturally occurring human ears should they still be around so with everything we covered what else is there well fungal progression in the brain of course so the general running theme as of late has been that there is still humanity and runners decreased humanity and stalkers but the clickers have zero humanity left and instead are reduced to rabbit animals the thing about runners and stalkers are is that they will still somewhat fight the compulsion to attack humans and even in some cases not attack you outright if you get close but this fungus has presumably destroyed the cerebrum at this point either by piercing or breaking of the neural connections or death of the nervous tissue by mechanical pressure either way whatever made this person their human self is no more to be sure though the body does still operate and as such parts of the brain must still be active and judging by the location of the fungal growth on the face the frontal lobe is definitely demolished which I would direct your attention towards a man named Phineas Gage to see the results way back in the day Gage was a very normal man somewhat a leader and very level-headed an explosion actually sent a spike through his brain separating the frontal lobe in some areas from the rest of his brain for the rest of his life he suffered from explosive emotional attacks at random and was never the same he still lived despite the immense damage to his frontal lobe connection and was able to really just get up and walk around like URI this is essentially what has happened to the clicker the rest of the brain is still there in some capacity although surely riddled with cordyceps gross between the jury of the brain the brainstem cerebellum and limbic systems as well as the hypothalamus are more than likely still very functional I would also go on a limb to say that the temporal lobe and some of the parietal lobes must still be viable as this creature relies on sound to hunt not to mention clicking is a new trick for humans to learn when a clicker begins clicking the sound is sent out bounces off an object and when the sound returns the brain interprets it if the object has moved in between clicks the clicker would then know whatever this thing is it's alive and it's food so those areas of the brain carrying the load of interpreting noise would still need to be able to function the motor areas of the brain such as the brain stem and cerebellum must also be altered to some degree as well as the muscular structure of the body I touched on this a little bit in a stalker episode but I'll reiterate it here just a little bit clickers are strong very strong strong enough to take down a human whose body would be pumping out adrenaline into the bloodstream in an effort to stay alive as mentioned a female clicker can easily overpower a full-grown man and can take hits that will leave most humans knocked unconscious this is because the brain is no longer overriding the muscle signals to protect itself basically the sparknotes version so I don't repeat myself in the last video is our brain limits our strength this is imperative for our bodies to maintain their usefulness and longevity this being overridden allows the body to operate at maximum strength and make them much more powerful than your average person it has been afforded this ability to berserk after losing its humanity and can take down anything it comes across should it get near them another thing that I have been thinking about concerning the clickers is a relationship between parasite and human or I guess really fungus in human there's a fungus among us would you believe that the parasite might not actually be the correct word but instead symbiotes I do have a reason for this so as humans we tend to view our consciousness as the ultimate achievement of animal life take that away from us and what's the point well we are still a collection of cells that want to live ultimately and as such even if we aren't in the equation our body is still alive technically that's still somewhat of a win for the longevity of our bodies the fungus plays directly into this surely at first it would invade our bodies and override our brains and take our consciousness but in return it feeds our bodies much like how at the beginning humans were more than likely feeding the fungus nutrients by eating others and as our bodies broke down the consumed tissue the fungus then returns the favor as food becomes more scarce supposedly the clicker has been alive for roughly a year to reach this point its body does not seem to be suffering the effects of malnutrition but instead appears to be roughly its same size what has seemed to change is that the body is now covered with a fungal tissue on the surface this fungi in return must be producing glucose for the body to continue working somehow this has allowed the person to go long periods of time without starving losing bodily functions or dropping out from lack of nutrition another interesting possibility because the cordyceps is actually the fungus might be producing antibiotics in the body taking over the role of an immune system seeing as the human immune system would have become quite suppressed after the invasion of the fungus so if you take a step back and look objectively this may actually be equally beneficial for both the fungal cells and the human cells but not for our consciousness or humanity although I will say this is extremely short term gain at the cost of long-term stability because once these creatures are gone the fungus will lose the ability to spread with such fervor overall the clicker is a creature who has the ability to berserk bite and convert most humans it comes across the fungal infection has spread so deep in this person that there no law human and all their humanity has been lost as such they have become stronger though again oddly enough this is really a symbiotic relationship between the two and is much less parasitic than you might think so anyways thanks for watching guys I hope everyone enjoyed my video on the clickers from The Last of Us looking forward to what we might get to see in the Last of Us to maybe some new variants and that would be pretty cool anyways leave a like and consider subscribing if you enjoyed also hit that stupid Bell to stay updated I will drop my Twitter patron discord and merchandise links in the description if anybody is interested in that and I'd like to thank a few of my patrons our astronauts are it's not a spoon Joseph Givens and laughing no skill the two scientists are our team chore niche and the lone Titan thank you guys for your awesome support and to the rest of my patrons I thank you as well you guys are total ballers all right so that's gonna bat do it for me I will see y'all in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 1,018,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Last of us Clickers, Clickers, last of us 2 clickers, Clickers Last of us, Clickers lore, last of us lore, Clickers encounters, Last of us infected clickers, Last of us Clicker infection, Stalkers, Runners, Last of us infected types, Infected clickers last of us, Roanoke gaming, Roanoke gaming Last of us, Clickers lore last of us, Last of us 2 lore, the last of us gameplay, Last of us, Last of us 2, the last of us, The last of us clickers, Clickers LOU, LOU2 infected, infected
Id: RaPtiYOkcPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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