The Carrier Virus Pathophysiology | How this disease spread so quickly and how it affects the body

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what is a depressing movie well much like how during the movie the mist which i'll be covering later this year the dad has to take out the kid at the end just minutes away from being saved by the soldiers well in this movie carriers it's equally as depressing because it's something of a more realistic outlook assaulted by some new virus that popped up out of nowhere it quickly worked its way through large populations resulting in rashes bleeding from orifices and the eventual expiration of the host as the story continues harder choices must be made for the small group containing two brothers brian and danny a found young woman named kate and the eldest brother's girlfriend bobby and let's just say oh man good times are ahead so in today's episode we will be covering what this virus is what it does to the old meat suit and why the cdc appears to be completely sol and containing this thing alright y'all ready let's get to it so we all know the drill by now but if you're new here or haven't seen the movie yet there is obviously going to be some spoilers ahead so if you are planning on watching it jump to the timestamp up on screen now which we will get to the science portion of this video for everyone else wow let's discuss why this movie is hitting way too close to home considering buttons are being printed out right now that say man i really wish i wasn't living through this historical event right now and also discuss why the view of the future in 2009 was partially correct but thankfully not entirely correct we start off our story with a stolen mercedes and the road warrior painted across the front a small group is headed towards some destination we are not yet privy to and as they drive along they begin discussing if they should get back on the highway seeing as whatever this outbreak is is pretty dangerous they decide not to violate the rules of the eldest brother that he put down despite him wanting to actually eat the rules and take the highway to which they just continue along the back roads as they are driving along they run across a father and daughter in the road he wants to trade food and water for gas but the eldest brother is a little wary of the man and decides against it as they continue talking he approaches the car and then a little girl pops up and shows that she has blood on her mask he floors it around the father and into the dirt as he does he rips the oil pan off the car crippling the engine but keeps driving to get away now we break into what we know about the actual virus the first thing is to avoid all infected at all costs their breath is massively contagious the second thing is you need to disinfect everything they touch the virus can live on surfaces for over 24 hours and the third is that there is no saving the sick they are long gone and are really just walking expired as they check the engine they realize this thing is completely shot the oil has leaked out which if you didn't know basically just ruins the engine so don't let that happen to your car they debate on going back to the car the dad had with the gas and they realized they really have no choice but to do that because they are stuck out in the desert so they walk back as they do the father known as frank approaches saying that he guessed that they would be back he begins talking about why he's going where he's going initially they just want to leave him behind but as frank continues talking he says that the cdc has a new serum that is apparently curing people frank understands that this is his last chance to save his daughter so they end up agreeing to take him with them so basically they went ahead and just violated one of their major roles they seal him up in the back with his daughter and immediately begin to disinfect the car they all load up and begin heading towards this mystery town of farmington but not before picking up their supplies from road warrior as they drive along we hear that the planet is going to hell a priest is preaching about how the world is basically experiencing judgment day and as he does he begins coughing and it seems most of the world has been infected with this virus the eldest brother has a conspiracy theory that he begins launching into he mentions how some people locked themselves away and still contracted the disease and expired but when he was doing grave digging duty at the stadium he was knee-deep in bodies and he never contracted anything which makes him believe that some may be immune or just carriers but he's not willing to risk it with the infected almost wrecking the car as a result of being hit by his girlfriend they find another car the youngest brother opens the door to find someone who still appears to be long since expired as he reaches for the key the person wakes back up and looking at him we see burst blood vessels as well as dilated ones despite looking completely gone and not capable of moving the man wakes up and scares the living crap out of dany they siphon the gas away from the car leave him behind and move on later that night they set up camp a man is seen trying to escape from a truck behind him and he doesn't make it very far before being brought down by another man the group quickly extinguishes their fire as not to be detected but prior to this however the younger brother mentions how they are traveling to turtle beach the place has long since been abandoned and as a result they would be safe there but would they really be safe there because you know everybody's looking for someplace to go the next morning they load up drive past the man from earlier in the night apparently who was uh taken down and it mentions how another group brought the disease and then they enter farmington continuing through there's no evidence of human activity the place is completely abandoned watching this movie while in a small town in maine that's currently mostly closed for winter and with our own virus going on closes even more shops has made this movie hit just a little bit different driving through they find most of the town has actually expired trucks are filled with human remains that are stacked high and empty as presumably the drivers fell to the disease as well they get to the school and bobby agrees to stay behind to watch the kid while the others go in to check out the school entering the school they don't find much evidence that anyone is working on a serum just empty corridors and old dirty hospital beds as they walk through kate begins trying the phones to get a hold of her parents which the phones are down so that's a no-go the group then decides that they need to just leave but kate mentions how there's a whole wing they haven't checked out yet as they do a kid runs by and they give chase walking into the gym they find quarantine tents and beds in the middle is a doctor with a bunch of kids as they walk up to the doctor to talk about the serum the doctor talks about how the serum kept people alive for three more days but didn't cure anyone it also just kept them in a state of permanent agony and pain as he turns it shows that his face has a giant rash on it all of the doctors and researchers apparently met their end and he is the last one the doctor continues talking to the kids saying these people will be taking these kids to their parents after the doctor gives them their medicine the doctor loaded up the cooler with potassium drinks to take the kids out along with himself he mentions how choosing life for three more days is just choosing a more horrible end frank realizes he's totally screwed concerning his daughter and then lets the doctor take out the kids in mercy the group then leaves the school empty-handed back outside bobby is talking to the little girl in the back seat as she laughs she begins struggling to breathe bobby puts on her mask but doesn't keep it on and then removes the girl's mask she gets sprayed with blood from the little girl and is now infected seeing that the group is coming back she quickly seals the back up and then doesn't tell the rest of the group that she's infected kind of a douche move honestly the dad then goes to the back and finds that his daughter is having breathing issues this kid now has to use the bathroom unfortunately after this so the dad tries to see if she can walk alone to the bathroom but she's still too weak the dad realizes that he's actually about to lose his car so he gets out as brian throws his stuff and then takes off leaving the dad and daughter to their fates this group honestly deserves one another as they disinfect the car bobby then hides her jacket underneath the car further concealing what had happened they eventually find a place to stop and sleep which appears to be an abandoned country club the group moves in and they begin searching the place but they eventually find a pool in the pool a person in ppe is floating at the bottom but then brought up to the surface by brian this ends up startling brian enough and he almost falls in but by the end of it they get out and they think it's just a random person who fell to the disease in this world seeing bodies is more you could say par for the course yeah out on the golf course they end up wrecking the golf cart and then shooting a few rounds as brian tries to get bobby into the sand pit with him she refuses and then he ends up kissing her on the face anyways which she then runs off kind of angry as they shoot a few balls with the drivers they break out most of the windows in the building revealing that one of the rooms appeared to be deliberately quarantined off on the radio in one of the rooms a call comes over saying that the group is coming back kate and danny are the first to stumble across this group they returned and have the old handhelds ready they grab knives and then hide in the kitchen as one person comes in and searches the area as they try to leave they are grabbed by another at the door and the rest of the group is rounded up and they are questioned about what they did to the guy in the pool they talk about how he was already there when they got there and then the rest of the group concludes that he must have been infected and then didn't tell anyone the leader of the group attempts to let brian's group go but as he does others protest man it really does just come down to some tail for humanity doesn't it they demand that the woman be left behind and then make them strip revealing that bobby is actually infected which stops everyone seeing as there's a group member infected the country club group then takes their previous leader into the building for an obvious change of power and then let brian's group go as clearly they'll be gone in a few days back in the car the temperament is much worse with bobby infected things are a little tense as you might imagine brian stops off to grab some gas and kate contemplates using the phone to call her parents but she knows that they are probably long gone as their cruise ship was quarantined danny and kate find an effigy in the back for the owners as they discuss how basically everything is screwed kate says that they have to ditch bobby because she will infect them all dany goes on to talk to brian to tell him what he needs to do brian realizes that he can't keep her with them unless he's willing to risk the entire group he pulls her out of the car at the road begrudgingly unpacks water and food for her and then tells her to get a blanket and find a bed because even if she doesn't feel cold now she will he takes off leaving her to find her fate alone total bummer man driving down the road the gas is being used faster and faster they find another car coming down the opposite way and danny gets out to try to trade with them he tries to use his status as a fellow christian to get the gas but they are in dire straits as well they have none to spare and then they try to take off brian then opens up on the car taking out the driver with a shot to the neck which sends it into a ditch as he approaches it the passenger gets out firing on him and hits him in the leg injuring him he then tags the woman in the stomach ending her in the process now too they pull gas from the car and then fill up the suv this causes a fight to break out between danny and brian however with brian finally having enough and then corners danny brian apparently has been doing all the dirty work this whole trip although honestly brian seems just like kind of a jackass so it's whatever brian actually ended up lying to danny saying that his parents were already gone when they left but they weren't they were still very much alive and this turned out to be a massive lie driving down the road brian's leg isn't looking so good they realized that if they don't wrap the wound properly he could get an infection they stop at a house to get supplies and then climbing through the top window dany finds someone was guarding it but they have since expired in the other room a dog eats its owner as it was probably starving and then attacks dany danny takes it out splattering himself with dog blood but isn't really that concerned about it because it isn't contagious then get the supplies and as danny goes to dress brian's wound he finds that he has the same rash and bruising that all the other infected had so brian is pretty much boned they put brian in the back in a makeshift quarantine tent and then continue driving listening to the last broadcast from a woman in corpus christi as they stop danny throws the car keys to brian who is using a blanket as he is now experiencing high fever and chills they build a fire as brian begins talking as he slowly falls asleep when he was asleep they attempt to take the tool from his hands and also the keys but as they get towards the car brian gets back up he has the real keys in hand and those weren't the right ones dany raises his hand held as brian begins mentioning the things he saw while he was digging graves some of the people he had to bury were still very much alive they were moving but looked like they should have bit the dust already the supervisor pretended not to see but he states that some people will last much longer with the disease but they will also still expire he didn't want to be that person and he says how danny will have to either take him with them or take him out danny then opens up taking brian out and he cremates his body sort of then takes off with kate the next day the following day they get to turtle beach it is still just as abandoned as they remembered but now it's just a place with the group mostly gone dany mentions how it's really just two strangers with nothing left to say to each other at this point he's not sure how long they're really going to live out there all things considering then we get depressing flashbacks to the brothers with one another while everything was still cool and you know everyone was alive and that about wraps up this summary so yeah super depressing story no zombies no real moral of the story just a bunch of infections that result in the end of a family and friends too much reality tbh so with that wrapped up let's get into some actual science because what's likely on everyone's mind is what is this virus what does it do and how might it be overcome the long run because just simply outlasting it may not be a possibility well let's get on that so if it isn't our old friend our companion that isn't native to the human race but actually was born out of zoonotic infection possibly back as early as 4 a.d and as late as 156 a.d based on dating techniques measles when you hear the name measles considering you have the internet you probably don't even really bat an eye to the disease likely you have been vaccinated against this disease but it's still quite prevalent in the world right now and it's really nothing to trifle with measles will absolutely destroy your immune system given the chance the virus boasts the ability that if you stood around someone infected with 10 people nine of you would contract this disease this ability to jump between human to human has allowed it to remain at an infectious level and flourish to the point that we see today in fact from what we know even though it may have jumped from fleas on cattle way back when humans are the only animal currently that is keeping measles going our species is keeping it alive and just as infectious as day one but eventually we were lucky and smart and developed a vaccine for it since the release of this vaccine we have seen rates of transmission drop quite a bit and also it has stopped the virus from completely ransacking homo sapiens this virus does extremely well within the human body and has detrimental impacts on it and after it departs from your meat suit your body is still susceptible to distant diseases and infections you wouldn't normally have an issue dealing with so what exactly is the pathophysiology of this virus and how does it relate to the movie well let's take a look at what's going on from contraction to complete expression and why humanity is really just absolutely powerless even today with all of our technology to stop this virus apart from a vaccine first and foremost measles is an airborne disease as mentioned previously the disease is quite adept at moving through the air and can actually exist on surfaces and suspended within that air for over two hours in the movie it is mentioned how on surfaces the virus can survive up to 24 hours but it's really based on the amount of uv radiation present in a lot of instances such as with hiv the virus itself can't exist very long out in the open hypothesized and accepted to be roughly about 10 seconds to a minute of survivability but when it comes to being suspended in droplets of bodily fluids or completely protected from a uv exposure that time drastically increases measles is expected to be about two hours roughly but the same idea could be applied should it be housed within bodily fluid or away from uv radiation it's just much more adept at survival as the virus enters your lungs it immediately begins infecting the epithelial cells of the body and then begins to move further throughout the body creating more measle viral particles we have seen in the movie that the body of the little girl or really anyone has the blood in the masks if they are wearing them as the virus replicates in their body cellular breakdown happens as the body tries to induce apoptosis in some cells or simply just burst because the viral load within the cell with the infection ramping up player two is entered the game the lungs begin to struggle in some people more than others this can actually end up leading to pneumonia that can completely take you out of life which is pretty on point unfortunately with what's going on in our world right now once the lungs are compromised for a lot of people this can spell the end but for those who really don't have this fate measle continues to ransack their meat suits when it comes to an immunological response the body is able to learn about the virus and then build antibodies but while it does the virus is continuing to run amok important cells necessary for life as those are associated in the lungs are destroyed the immune response becomes stronger with inflammation which results in other cells beating their end due to the body trying to protect itself and just as a side note for you measles opens the door for other opportunistic infections later as it completely depletes your immune system that said the inflammation response is what we specifically see in the movie that may lend some credence as to what virus we see the rash that appears on the body that also happens to be airborne and this infection is now completely in line with the measles virus now this would have to be some completely mutant version of the virus which we will talk about that in a moment as the body continues trying to destroy the entrenched virus eventually it's able to produce antibodies that fit the receptors on the virus properly and stop it from spreading as quickly however it's sort of a double-edged sword when these antibodies engage with the virus within the smaller blood vessels of the body this can damage the lining in them and destroy them leading to blood to leak out in the surrounding areas which is where we see all the bruising and blood vessel dilation and also bleeding from the ears and nose come from but we see with the advanced infection states that not only do the blood vessels seem largely inflamed but to boot they have actually burst the man in the car seemingly had most of his blood vessels burst resulting in an overall bruised appearance concerning the top portions of his skin but when he opened his eyes the fine blood vessels in the sclera of the eyes were also burst resulting in the blood red eyes that we have seen also to support this the flashbacks shown throughout show that bleeding of the eyes is pretty average as well as again the doctor mentioning has this little girl been bleeding from the ears now concerning brian and bobby on infection locations this is pretty easily explained it was around their lower abdomen and upper thigh region it has nothing to do with what you think it has to do with but really what it comes down to is lymph nodes in the body are areas where the infection are essentially studied pieces of viral coating bacterial coating whatever is invading the body are brought back to these areas where the body can then learn about the invader and produce antibodies likely the groin lymph nodes of the body for some particular reason were activated in these areas from exposure to the virus now making that what you will considering both of them had this and they were both with one another but the virus seemingly can appear anywhere in the body and is openly engaging with the immune system and that results in the burst blood vessels as the virus and in our world the measles virus continues to just wreck everything this can result in a few lethal options but before getting there let's talk about what's going on with the lungs we see the little girl coughing in the movie and struggling to breathe as her father has to give her oxygen as the cells of the lungs burst and pneumonia sets in the virus would be absolutely saturating everything and the body would be fighting in inflammation while it tries to get its defenses set up while this is happening every breath a person takes is a direct line of infection to those around them the masks in the movie are quite apropos considering how infectious the movie virus appears to be seeing as if measles had a high lethality rate that is in this movie then that coupled with the infectious ability it has would put it squarely in line with one another and it would be absolutely awful as the infection continues on with most humans it won't get bad enough to take them out of the game eventually the immune system is able to get a hold of the measles virus and as a result it can stop it and from then on you are immune to it however there are outcomes with this virus that are not as favorable for some the virus can cause the meninges around the brain to swell resulting in brain damage for others hearing loss can actually happen and remain permanent or they could really just deplete the entire immune system to the point that our bodies get a minor infection later and then it causes them to expire all this said i see one thing in particular that lines up perfectly now i have been talking about a lot of brain inflammation lately in the last couple of videos if you've seen them more so when it comes to like the inflammation concerning the coverings of the brain but i wouldn't talk about it if it didn't make any sense measles absolutely has the capability to cause encephalitis and meningitis all of this has the ability to wreck you and surprise surprise it's located right next to the brain as the body fights the measles virus the small blood vessels are being inflamed but so is the tissue when it comes to the brain this inflammation can put a lot of pressure on it destroying the gray matter with the movie's virus specifically we can see a few things happening that would suggest these viruses are one in the same when the virus is in the brain and in the tissues surrounding the brain the body would go into full freakout mode first things the fever would spike massively high as made mentioned by brian when he tells bobby get a blanket you're not cold now but you will be clearly fever is something at play here then later after brian's infection he is sitting by a fire with a blanket wrapped around him and he appears to be freezing and sweating it's clear his body's temperature is rising rapidly this rising temperature causes co symptoms such as fatigue and if it gets high enough delirium so story time when i was a kid i had some weird sickness still today i have no idea what it was but i had a fever around 105 degrees i remember clear as day i thought i saw my brother and dad walk into the room and talk to me while i was laying on the couch and i had like a full-length conversation with them but it turns out nobody was actually there i may have actually just hallucinated the whole thing by the way your brain cooks around 106 degrees so that was pretty close so i can personally attest high fever really causes you not to think as clearly as you should with brian he begins sleeply talking about what his experiences were as the brain pressure increases due to this virus he's been infected for a while now and as a result he's way under the influence of it this is why dany really shouldn't have listened to his brother because the guy was clearly out of his mind and he may have actually just been experiencing these symptoms when he left bobby behind but ultimately these viral symptoms fall completely in line with not only the measles but also so does its infectious ability this would also explain why when the dog was eating its previous owner denny was not actually afraid of the virus transferring to him for the dog's blood because just like measles it hasn't jumped the species to our canine companions and even though it was enjoying a man-witch there would really be no reason to suspect an animal could be infected just like with the measles we have now so the question is what's with the medicine surely there's something you could take and it's even mentioned in the movie well here's some disturbing information for you you can't do anything against measles except managed symptoms yes we like to think with our absolute control over everything that this really wouldn't be a problem but the real name of the game is the immune system the immune system is perfectly capable of destroying the virus but it's also in some people perfectly capable of destroying you and that's the entire issue with this virus in the movie this form of measles which isn't the standard form is something that humanity has no ability to combat they mentioned retroviral medications such as what we use with hiv but it didn't even touch it because it's just the wrong type of virus sort of like why we don't use art to get rid of the flu so with known medications out of play it really just comes down in our universe to just stopping the measles from activating the almonds of your immune system to the point that you are destroyed in the movie the cdc was attempting to create a medication capable of saving those infected but the best results they had was a serum that only kept people alive for three more days and even then you were in pain and agony now while buying the meat suit known as you more time is absolutely integral usually in this case there is no point i believe what the doctor was doing was giving your adaptive immune system enough time to develop a resistance to the virus keeping people alive for three more days would give the body time to develop the t cells and antibodies necessary to destroy the virus but even then the people were in agony as the virus continued destroying tissue as the body ramped up inflammation there was no way to keep them in that state long enough for the body to overcome the infection likely some key point of the immune system is being overwhelmed and they weren't able to catch it in time for instance hiv is able to bypass the immunities of humanity because it attacks it at its source with the cd4 and cd8t cells upon doing so the chain of communication is broken and this also lets in other infections as they are able to get past it so this is obviously not a good thing and the body responds less effectively to other invading pathogens as a result with the virus i could see them as possibly invading the macrophages responsible for inflammation upon doing so the body would have this runaway effect and even with the adaptive immune system fighting the virus the tissues are infected faster than the body can control and the macrophages continue to overwhelm the body with inflammation hormones eventually this leads to the issue that we have seen upon infection blood vessels burst the body's temperature rises in response to the infection and then the continuation of this results in the end of the host so with retrovirals out what exactly do you do well obviously staying away from everyone is paramount to your survival but the infection rate is your biggest contender how do you stop breathing air the minute the country club had it right but if you ever want to be around anyone the only real way to survive is vaccination again we really don't have a cure for measles right now apart from your own immune system a mutation of measles like virus or the measles itself could potentially cause this runaway effect now just throwing out there what i know about infections and diseases how might you possibly overcome this disease i'm not saying it's gonna work but lowering the temperature of your body drastically down into possibly the 80s could slow things down along with some heavy anti-inflammatory medications coupled with the serum that the cdc was working on adding all three of those together may actually give you a chance at survival concerning this disease but the problem is lowering core temperatures while it's been around for a couple years they don't really know if it can be done all the time and there are obviously issues that could arise that they may not have had the capability of bringing you back from so in summation i would say this is simply the measles virus that has undergone a mutation possibly in response to our vaccination efforts interestingly enough because viruses adapt like everything else through this adaptation however it proved to be way worse for humans routing and overcoming our immunities as our bodies launched its normal attack on the virus and this resulted in the billions of humans meeting their end and could potentially wipe out the entire species
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 677,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carrier virus, Carrier virus movie, 2009 Carrier, Carriers movie ending, Carriers movie trailer, Carriers movie clips, Carriers movie, Virus in Carriers, Roanoke Gaming, Carriers movie explained, Carriers virus explained, Viruses explained, Measles virus in movies, Types of virus in movies, Infection movies, Infected movies, movies about pandemic infection, movies about epidemic infection, Carriers movie virus explained, Carriers explained, Carriers explored
Id: b9HQnv-1Tj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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