Biography - In The Spotlight Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Life

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[Music] she's Ahmed Deedat I am truly lucky to have the opportunity to know you so close just met mr. DDOT this afternoon just a few minutes really I should say this evening and he's one of the type of gentlemen that you meet and you like him instantly I want us to give mr. DDOT a big hand of welcome of friendship to our city of bad news tonight I take great pleasure in presenting my friend whom I'm meeting personally for the first time mr. did act with the president Sheikh Ahmed Deedat without the least of embarrassment on my side I say to you you are an individual who is a phenomenon a personality that is stated itself with Excel man and the qualification and went into the house of the Lord 14 has received a letter from the hand of the mess and read it and Hezekiah and on and point word for word the same yes but I'm reading from these things are not produced see these things like identical peaceful pages the same you are a personality with a special facets very very special I see you as a knight of the Knights of the world of dialogue and debate well how are one munathara different kind of translations following exactly the same principle yes when the Bible has been translated I can prove that reading from this one that was translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and reading from this one that we bought in Lahore Pakistan translated by maulana muhammad ali every translation has and analytic texts in other word this is what we say is the Word of God the translation is not infallible your translation is infallible that means not every translation is the word of God nor the word of God is the Arabic Quran that is what they talk about but as far as the Bible is concerned how was this I produce text to say 'no one of men I see you a romantic person at times and an experience and pfizer witty and vigilant other times on facing and confrontation you don't give way or soften on the contrary you become stronger and your zeal becomes Sharma and you are served with the convincing argument like the shuttering heavy artillery or showering machine-gun bullets that penetrate through the shields and let eat and if the Quran is indeed from God does it totally itself in as much as it says okay [Applause] whereas heylia therefore Jesus was born he died and he rose again the verse in question is a solemn idea young mogul it to wear Yamamoto where mobis Messiah which translated means so pieces on me the day that I was born the day that I die and the day that I shall be raised to life again the day that I die it is not that that I died is not died it's in the future those who saw your debates on the stage and on the television do not only watch and listen to you but they also enjoy your presence and get entertained by you as if they are following one of the living ball sating drama full of conflict with escalating dramatic action and and you've been testified for the audience that you have the true faith in Jesus by shaking a little bit excuse me listen up you see you asked me if I believe in Jesus and I want to tell you I believe in Jesus as it is written in the Gospels I don't believe in Jesus as it is written in the ground the crowd demands that Jesus is Messiah I believe in them in the way the Bible says that Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of lords that says that Jesus is the crisis of God and this is the only faith after Jesus Christ the only non-christian faith which Springs and speak to the whole world that Jesus is the Christ who made us to say that Muhammad and your book says whoever prophet says that is all it is from God and that is that we Muslims happen to be the of the only non-christian faith which makes it an article of faith for its followers to believe in Jesus no Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus we believe that Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God we believe [Applause] we believe that he was the messiah we believe in his miraculous birth which many modern day Christians reject today we believe that he gave life to the dead by God's permission and He healed those born blind and the lepers by God's permission we are going to get the only parting of the ways the only real difference between the Muslim and the Christian is that we say that he is not God Almighty in human form he is not God incarnate and he is not the big cotton son of God metaphorically we are all the children of God the good and the bad and Jesus would be closer to being the son of God than any one of us because he'll be more faithful to God then any of us can ever be from that point of view we would agree that he is most pre-eminently the son of God but not as the Christian say that he is the only begotten Son begotten not made not in that sense Shahada death I greet you and welcome you on behalf of the audience now I think it is the right of the audience that they know you that they know the bright personal facets of our MIDI debt the life history of our MIDI death in his youth his beginnings his life Marsh and how he reached what he has fulfilled I was born in India in 1918 my birth Herod at peace the end of the First World War and as I grew up there my father was already in South Africa I hadn't seen my father because he had left the country when I was very small and as I grew up the conditions where we are living in a state of famine starvation so by the time I was nine my father called me over to South Africa and in 1927 at the age of nine I landed in South Africa and before my mother could be brought into the country to join the family she died in India so me and my father with the only companions went to the other I went to school got my primary education and because of poverty I was forced to take on a job as soon as possible so I started working in a country shop some 25 miles outside the city of Durban and across the valley from the shop was a Christian mission and the missionaries the trainee missionaries were getting training in how to give battle to the Muslims how to convert the Muslims they were coming into the shop to do the usual shopping buying sugar salt rice flour things like that but when they came they also practiced on me and the other staff what they had learned they would ask questions like this putting it to me this is you know your Prophet Muhammad he had so many wives I knew nothing about that since you know your Prophet Muhammad he copied his Quran from the Jews and the Christians I knew nothing about that said your Prophet Muhammad he forced people to accept Islam that if you don't accept Islam much of your head and you converted the people I knew nothing about that the only thing I knew about Islam was that I was a Muslim and I did the Shahada we call it the Kalima the Shahada and if I met you around that time I would have asked you where you come from so you come from Dewey says what are you suggesting to you are you Muslim or what so you say I am a Muslim says they did the sharda and if you could read the Shahada if you said Lila Lavoie mother also let you pass do you mean you are a Muslim if you can't say that you are not a Muslim if you can utter that you are a Muslim what it meant I didn't know it was like a magic formula if one can say it becomes a Muslim if you can't say it is not a Muslim that's all that's my knowledge of Islam I prayed they were my father prayed I fasted we fasted and I knew that we Muslims only Pig we don't drink alcohol we don't gamble we don't dance and things like that that was my knowledge of Islam but these people are making life miserable for me and there was no way out either leave the job and run away or fight back but one cannot fight back without knowledge but Allah is Musa boobless Bob he is the creator of opportunities he had created in me a hunger for reading see maybe because of that loneliness me and my father what could we talk the only - you gonna eat in the hotel and come and sleep in an apartment sharing the quarters with other people what can we talk nothing so somehow I had developed a hunger for reading I just must read anything everything good with the library read all the magazines and heat all the books and at one time I had it was hard for me to find a book which I hadn't read so to keep on going through themselves this I finished this already had this I had oh it was hard for me to find a book in the library which I can browse through so this was the hunger at the head and this hunger of mine led me to find a book called is hobble hawk and this book changed my life Shyama debt at the beginning of your practical life you were exposed like many others in South Africa to the missionary attacks but unlike others you took away and the direction which was pressure and different you faced confronted and I eloped with your utmost activity and Z is there in your childhood and your upbringings what explains that soon unavailing I think the the real beginning of this would have been in my genes what was passed on to me through my father and my mother my father was a very militant person he was you know a fighter my father was a fighter you know always in the family outside the family and he was a fighter and maybe I didn't hear that something of that spirit but I let something and that was physical strength because I was having I inherited a frame a big frame my father my mother but because I was tiring I didn't have the strength to to show my militancy my aggressiveness so I had to find a way out with my friends you know whenever we wrestled I always found that my friends were stronger than me and they always beat me same size same everything same age but they be and they beat me and they beat me so sir I must find a way out the way out was I said now muslin judo because the street is not this I Massaquoi T the art so I learned judo now I started then my friends come on man let's have a bout let's have a wrestling you know so this is a happy you know they are always stronger than me but because of the art I had learned I was able to beat them get them in a criticism give up okay another great pieces give up they can't understand is how this guys doing it him but now it was the skill that I used to not to to make up for my physical weakness then intellectually since I had no companionship no brothers no sisters nobody with me no family except my father he goes to work leaves me alone I go to school I come back the only time we meet is at the table eating time in a hotel and there's no communication between father and said what can we talk so reading reading became my hobby my pastor now obsession I just can't help if I see anything written I must read it's like a sickness it's like a sickness so that sickness of mine I didn't know at that time that Allah wanted me to read that the first word of Revelation I'm not either gonna be a cream seller Salamis cetera read now I knew nothing about that but somehow naturally I had that tendency to read and since I read and I read more than all the other my fellow companions at school again I was always superior to them all because I had no vocabulary at my disposal so naturally now in talking in arguing in debating our stops among my friends because of my reading I didn't know that but now that's it naturally it led me to that so now it can't end on if there's a debating society I would join a hoot a debate anything with friends arguing debating arguing debating and then until I was thrown into the lion's mouth so to say at this Christian mission place and now the Christian missionary they are challenging me and now I get the weapon Allah but Allah supplied me with an armour how to defend myself this book I spoke about is our walk was written by chef remote Allah Hindi and Arab to arm the Indian Muslims against oppression missionaries when the British conquered India they realized that at any time anybody will give them trouble it with the Muslims because power rule Dominion was arranged out of the hands and the people who has one tasted power you aspire for it once more the Hindus of the time the British believed they were like the docile as the houses they were worshipping there was no danger from that quarter the only danger was the Muslim so they felt that if they can convert the Muslims if they can kick the Muslims who turned out the cheek as Jesus said this is not evil he was try to endure like she gave the other teeth the Muslims to turn the other cheek and you can rule India for a thousand years so with that philosophy they started pouring the missionaries into India like frogs in the rainy season and they started challenging Muslims to public debates at first the Muslims were reluctant for two reasons one was the language they didn't know English second was that these people had just conquered us and if he spoke to militantly we might be sent to the Andaman Islands right Robben Island and South Africa under man islands in the bay of bengal we call if Kara Pawnee backwaters send them away ship them there so didn't nobody want to do go to the the Endemol islands so this is peace silence is golden now the Christian missionaries the master of a language and they started channeling the Muslims to the base in their own languages and or do you want to challenge you in your own language and the debates that took place this book we have records so now I'm reading that and I can see now sir look man these are the answers to the Christian missionary attack so what I learned from this book when I started practicing on the Christians that's when I become my hobby my pastime it's my hobby every Sunday morning before when they come to do the shopping before Sunday I said they were you going on Sunday after church do the Christian missionaries this is where you going on Sunday after church it says move it I said where do you live so it's a country places give me that if in this that's right I see you 11 o clock Sunday morning so right so we go along and have a discussion a dialogue and actually my psychology was at that time for every one point you give me in your favor I'll give you ten against it that's the only thing that I knew and I did that well and out of that develop all the techniques that have followed yes a water hasha it seems obvious sheikh ahmed am i right in this that you were affected very much by the book of allah may be that this book has influenced the ways and methods you use in Dawa let us speak about your methods in Dawa what are your methods your ways in Dawa and confrontation what are the access that you are keen to abide with in confronting the attacks against Muslims by the missionaries noting the natural was the natural tendency was mrs. natural to should be to every human being is to defend yourself it's quite natural and I acted naturally that if anybody made any three that like in judo you see I was trying to use the strength of my enemy I use his strength against him that's judo the gentle art of self-defense I haven't got sufficient strength so I used the strength of the opponent against him so same thing in intellectual battle same thing happens now whatever his force I must now use his force against him at that time and for a long period of time I didn't know that Allah body Taliban wanted me to do that also like etre he wanted me to read I was reading without knowing the ayah it's natural it's natural same thing Allah tells us that if anybody makes any claim you ask him for his Borja Allah says pull hard to Borana to distribution in kuntum Saudi King if you're speaking the truth let me have a look at your certificate and that was to me also natural Islam is a natural religion if you behave naturally you'll be following a lot instruction only natural and I think I was just relaxed you know like the magnetic needle of the compass whichever way the magnetic attraction came I I went and to me now the natural behavior was whatever the man claims he tells me that sin is inherited I don't put him the Quran I didn't know the Quran at the time can Lotta's or was it on wa surura that no bit of a burden bears the burden of another I didn't know all that the only thing I can ask him is way what does it say this is Jesus is God I said what does it say your book let me see what is the claim it's a Christ died for your sins I said show me what does it say and I found all the answers there as if I knew the ayah how to Veronica in that was Allah is telling us that the guy hasn't got the brawn he hasn't got proof ask him for this proof yeah that was telling me he hasn't got proof so I just behave naturally and out of that natural behavior everything is a natural reaction whatever the man claims I just asked him where like the latest is this Christmas thing you know I happen to just come into the country and the eve of Christmas I landed on the 25th the night of the 25th in Abu Dhabi and everywhere this has been feel a little time before actually I was here in Yui 3 times I have come not three times in three weeks the normal coming to this part of the world was once in three years but this latest sequence of my visits is I visited the UAE three times in three weeks I have come into the country gone out of the country in a given with a family gone out again in the country come in again into the country and now or tomorrow night I am returning home three times in three weeks and it was just coincidental on the eve of Christmas anger and I see Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Lighting's and everything in the shops and in the hotel you know the music is going on you know they keep me awake till one o'clock in the morning you know men and women dancing and singing and all what's going on so now I said that what are you people doing this celebrating Christmas so I'd like to know I said now what is that I don't I know what what is Christmas meaning the birth of Christ the day of the birth of Christ but I'm asking what his discussions that no the birth of Jesus Christ such as when was he born it's naturally said 25th of December because more than 1 billion Christians of the world they all celebrate the 25th of December as the birth of Jesus Christ so 25th of December now because I know I know his book is boron I know Allah said ask him for his boron I made a burrow so from that knowledge of mine I'm asking does your Borja not that the new solver and your bible does it say that pass was born on the 25th of december they're puzzled actually they're puzzled because they don't know within certain day they're celebrating it I said oh there's no such thing in the Bible that Christmas moves like to a displacement day and there's no such thing as the 25th of December we did you get it I said you see Jesus Christ was not born on the 25th of December I said when is your birthday when is what is your birthday so the person tells me he said now it's the 30th of June so I says now let's say we commemorate your birthday on the 1st of January and it's easier to remember for everybody 1st of January would you be happy this is not I said if everybody agrees he's not happy he is 38 of June he was his birthday to be commemorated so I said not Jesus Christ was he born on the 25th of December I said the Quran in the Bible says to the contrary so what I said you are Bible as well as the Quran are telling me something to the contrary of this and opportun is an opportunity for me to deliver my message any excuse to me I said fine any excuse delivered the message now I find this is big ma Allah says padula Sibylla applicable Hekmati say invite all to the ways of the Lord with wisdom well know is that al hasan attended beautiful preaching where Jordan will at the US and in reason with them in the ways that are best and most gracious so this is what I find asking them didn't different that's a Quran in the Bible they both agreed that Jesus Christ was not born on the 25th of December so what is what is the evidence the evidence is I said you see when Jesus was born according to the Gospel of st. Luke chapter 2 verse 8 it tells us that at night the Angels came and they found shepherds out in the field and the shepherds were told that the child is born to a woman in Bethlehem good news about the birth of Jesus Christ the shepherds were out in the field and 25th of December is midwinter in Palestine no Jew will be so foolhardy she'll be so foolish to be out in the open air in the field with this flop he will freeze to death and his freeze to death so it must have been a warm evening for people to be out in the field not midwinter coldest day of the year not that then the Holy Quran also suggests the same in surah maryam ayah number 25 it tells us that when the child was being born the voice was heard an angel of the Lord telling her this is Luke the date pal you are under the date palm is a shake the palm leaf and it led for fresh ripe date so fresh ripe date the Arabs do you don't have to prove to the events you know that you need midsummer to produce ripe dates for to so ripe as we were shake it and in let fall in the date so it was midsummer since the Quran and the Bible suggests also midsummer but you are celebrating midwinter where did you get this what was he like if you died Nana Osaka Valley you thought about changing it so in other words not this is to me is a most naturally beautiful way of proving your point from his own book and from yours as I'm supporting you but now you people have just gone off the track and you celebrating the 25th of December which is not the birth of Jesus Christ Jeff Hardy death from your sexual experience in propagation in English language and from your friction with non-muslims what are the methods and means of non Muslims in propagating their faith among Muslim Sultan Muslim at the beginning the method was to attack to say Muhammad was a false prophet he had so many wives his spirit is arranged at the point of the sword thinking by it and the Quran was a fabrication all this type of things thinking that by that they'll be able to get converts but they could not get her much honey with that so then the Orientals came along with the new technology and their method was to say to praise the Prophet that he was a sincere man Muhammad SAW loves Allah so he won't say they won't say a lot but say Muhammad was a sincere man but a false prophet now it's a harder to deal with he was a since he was a sincere man but a false prophet that's the Orientalism they would say that we find no deliberate deception on his part meaning that muhammad saw a sallam he didn't deliberately deceive the people but poor man was ignorant he inadvertently he deceived the people we sympathize with him that was the Orientalists but now the missionaries their conscience constantly in the field and they learn new new techniques one of them is they would visit the Muslim in these countries maybe are in a minority is happening there with the Muslim home and the Muslim you know although we don't know the expression Ahlan wa sahlan in our mentality we are the same like the arabs must be stammers then it was anybody comes welcome without even saying it TM coffee getting ready it's an unwritten law among us Muslims of India of Pakistani extraction this is unwritten law welcome even if the man has come to kill the husband the wife is going to get tea ready for him this is our behavior like the Arabs aerelon wa salim say so we settle these questions welcome them sit down and they start this is brother ruining what the Salaam do you believe in Jesus sure this says he knows the answers he knows the answers actually is setting you up I think there's a new method now you believe in Jesus the man says yes I believe in Jesus no Muslim is a Muslim he does not believe in Jesus right he says you know my Jesus is one of the mightiest messengers of God do you accept that Association or not we accept that he knows the answers but the setting up he says you know my Jesus he says now he says my Jesus was born miraculously without any male intervention do you believe that the Muslim says yes we believe now was your Mohammed born like that Muslim says no he had a father and a mother I said yes like you and me Muslim says yes he's proved a point without telling you that Jesus is one degree above Mohammed there's not telling you that but he proved it to you this is you know my Jesus is Messiah Messiah translated Christ this must see who La La's Messiah do you accept that Muslim has what peg did he says no no we believe his mercy Allah alas my sad was your moment Monsieur la no sister he was also gamma I bet you see my Jesus is mercy and vasiliy new Quran is a mercy who is a blue Maruyama rasool Anila bani israeel his rasul and mercy your prophet is only a result in your quran the muslim success and that is so this proved again that jesus has one degree of a mohammed another degree of a moment he says you know my Jesus gave life back to the dead it suggests as base de la is it okay be is my laughs did your Prophet Muhammad give life back to the dead Basin Allah says I don't know maybe some hadiza somewhere I don't know see she says Jesus is another degree of a Mohammed this is now where is your Prophet Muhammad you say he's buried in Medina perhaps his bones have rotted in the grave the Muslim says no we believe in Seattle maybe he's the living prophet he said that is metaphysically man but physically maybe his bones have rotted in the grave Souza's maybe where is my Jesus you say he's in heaven he's alive you said he's alive he's coming back said he's coming back proving again that Jesus is another degree about Mohammed is it now don't you think ordered a purpose in doing all that he does things for nothing only in a month or two you're gonna celebrate yah yah first we were sacrifice you're gonna sacrifice a sheep or a goat or a cow but I came out without blemish cow how not broken you're not cut not blind not limping right right you look for the perfect animal for your core Bonnie said yes don't you think you got a mighty one he wants to make good money for his creation is he going to look for second best and he's already proved to be his second best him but the second best now I do I'd give him the ordinary man very difficult even the limit man this is not his field you see he hasn't been involved in this type of battle the answers are so easy well not so easy you get one of my little booklets called Christ in Islam that answers all that how to turn the table against a Christian whatever he says on how to Veronica turn the tables good how to Veronica turn the tables this is hikmah but now we have lost the art because for a thousand years we didn't do the job so we lost the art of doing the job now by accident well is unless he's created the opportunities for me but to Mina it everything is happening by accident it just happens I am pushed along this way and that way and that way and I'm meeting the obstacles the challenges and is take to a higher and higher level nothing is planned well not nothing is planned the debate disregard was not planned which Shiraz was not planned all my works are not planned it's just happening force of circumstances forces me to do this forces me to write this book but I dead book all this is coming about by force of circumstances you have aroused me and I believe that you have aroused the viewers as well when you mentioned the comparison between muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and jesus alaih-is-salaam coating the christian missionaries we won't you now we want you to give us the answer what do we say how do we answer you see as I said the answers are available in this booklet of my small booklet but not to give you an example for example the person said that Jesus is mercy and result in the Quran but your prophet is only Rasul so we are caught we are caught that is so so now this would mercy we are asking what does it mean mercy what does it mean in the Hebrew language mercy comes from the root word Messiah in Arabic mercy comes from the root word Messiah masaha means to rub to massage to anoint we Muslim when we go for salat we make wudu and in that we wet our hands after washing our faces and we rub ourselves over the head and the back of the neck and we do this and we call it massa I don't know whether the Arabs call it the same but within the Muslims but you call it massa I'm Sahabi Roos we say we say massa we do massa same word as coming from the word root word to make it messy and Messiah say that you have over priests and kings we anointed we wrapped all with holy oil with holy water to the position and every prophet of God is anointed means appointed and anointed means appointed that's what it means and this would Messiah in the Bible is used not only for Jesus now how to good Hanako his Garron this word for use for Silas a pagan a mushrik in the Book of Isaiah in the Bible this is that you are my Messiah but they don't put Messiah at the put I know in Ted I said what is the original word in Hebrew for that word I know in Ted its Messiah God Almighty is calling a mushrik a Kaffir this is Messiah so if a mushrik an attacker can be a messiah in your book this is not a title as such that you can put him elevating to the skies then this priests and Kings were anointed the word in the Bible is again annoying Ted in Hebrew Messiah they were all angering Ted you mean specially appointed for a certain purpose horns horns these to be horns and things in them we're now in debt means me in the him Messiah the holes we made mercy thoughts and tans we're annoying Ted means men mercy how we make pots and pans intimacy no it means that look to your family you buy this special deep tea set and signal it this is very important people people like Mr D that you say well the visitors will take this out for our own home we'll use our old you know cups and saucers okay so now in Hebrew that that setting aside is called and are in Ted in Hebrew Messiah mercy so I said every prophet is anointed every prophet is mercy but we have a system that certain titles exclusively are used for certain people for example we are speaking about Holly Allah ask any Muslim who's Holly lesson about him Heather Dubrow ml Islam is the friend of Allah most moose are not is Holly not unless it fell was it was unless enemy Musa al-salaam nowadays Alam Sahni - Alam II sorry Salaam has that Muhammad Musa with all his enemies no they were all solid but this title we exclusively use for the primary Salaam though they are all his Halil then we speak about Kalevala whose kalamullah you said Musa al-salaam Musel Islam is Kalimah Allah spoke pain then he suspect Allah then Muhammad SAW some speak blah blah they were all being Kaleem Allah but not this battle exclusively if you useful Musel is Sarah though it's applicable to all the other prophets to whom Allah spoke so this is like also in human language the in English history they were teaching us about Alfred the Great and first the great the guy who burned the cake in English history what makes him great burning the cake no is that title given time Richard the lion-hearted in English history they taught us he was the lion-hearted I said all the other English kings will chicken at it with all chicken-hearted this guy's only lion-hearted everybody else's chicken Hatter no no this is the title you exclusively you said that they can be many lion-hearted other rulers and kings so this is the way I said the titles were exclusively use Issa is merciful law that doesn't mean Dez's were not anointed not appointed with that's what it actually means in Hebrew so this is the way I said an easy way of answering Jesus was born without a father yes see the Quran uses the answer in the masala Issa in the logic a masala Adama halakhah human for robbing some makalah lahu kun for this is yes but you see he was created from dust Jesus was born you know he was begotten Jesus is the only begotten Son begotten not made let the Koran reacts to that but he's talking send up man so Jesus Jesus is greater than Muhammad because there's no father Sidious but Adam had no father and no mother you should be greater than Jesus and no not I said then look there's another person in your Bible in the book of Hebrews in your capable muqaddas in the book of Hebrews chapter 7 verse 1 it says Melchizedek Melchizedek Malik Sadiq Sally in Hebrew Melchizedek the high priests of Salam Salam means Jerusalem it says I'm reading from his key table muqaddas without father without mother without beginning without end I said there's only God this is God's qualities men without beginning without end no father no mother this man is like God I want to know why don't you worship Him Jesus had a mother didn't she his mother carried him for nine months the Bible confirms it that when he was eight days old he was circumcised and named Jesus by the angel when he was his mother's womb he was in his mother's womb he had a mother this man had no matter if Jesus had no father this in had no father no mother he's greater than Jesus Jesus had a beginning in this table according to you and we had an apparent and apparent end on the cross we know we believe our market a lukewarm assalaamu well I can should be alone a parent end according to you here on the cross he had a beginning in this table and he had an apparent end on the cross this one had no end who is greater Jesus wanted to say that from every standards given by any common sense say Melchizedek is greater but you never hear his name the Christendom there's a lotus man is in his book so I said it is no better way to talk to a people than with the own background or experience that is hikmah and which we have failed to use but when you use it it is so pleasant and so nice and give you no such strength and power that you are able to deliver your message without creating real offence a real antagonism sure Rama did that talking to you is enjoyable and amusing to a great extent therefore we shall continue and prolong our conversation the missionary attacks against Islam according to your knowledge to your experience and information did it achieve in success also their campaigns among non-muslims did it achieve any success also this you see the Christians are boasting and I do not think that it's an empty boast that at the beginning of the 19th century Africa the continent of Africa was 3 percent Christian today they have reached 40 percent 50 percent of Africa is Christian and by the turn of this century by the year 2000 they want to make Africa a Christian continent and their every sign that they will succeed in Pakistan they are boasting that they have converted no Pakistanis into Christianity since independence then in the previous hundred years of British rule in Bangladesh they have converted no Bangladesh's into Christianity since independence than the previous hundred years of British rule in Indonesia are boosting they have converted 15 million Indonesians into Christianity and by the turn of the century they wanna make Indonesia a Christian nation and their every sign that they will succeed there are so many cities in Pakistan with the Pakistan is not aware that the Christians are boasting they have more than 1 lakh Christians each this would lock to us on the indo-pakistan subcontinent sounds like a million when you say lack it sounds like a million actually hundred thousand 100,000 that's more than 100,000 Christian each Karachi more than one lakh Christians Muhtar one more than one lakh Christians Lahore more than one lakh Christians sialkot with the border with the enemy more than Pula Christian and there are so many towns and villages in the Punjab there are more Christians and Muslims this is what they're claiming and they're boasting about and I think that boast is not false they deserve this success because they are working it's hard to imagine it's very it's impossible for the Muslim to imagine the magnitude of the work that is being carried out if I may give you an example you know of just one small group one small group of Christians they called themselves Jehovah's Witnesses they originated in America about a hundred years ago that little group of Christians they don't number two million in the world today not even two million they have a magazine called the watchtower announcing jehovah's kingdom watchtower and they're giving me figures here that the average printing each issue is thirteen million and forty five thousand magazine not not leaflet like thirteen million and forty five thousand magazines a month in one hundred and four languages including your arabic can you imagine such a thing thirteen million a month the same little group of people they have another magazine called awake wake up there's a lot else as to wake up yeah you will mood the zeroconf answer they say wake up awake look open inside is they tell us that they published this magazine thirteen million two hundred and fifty thousand in sixty seven languages including your arabic and not forgetting our soon the whole Muslim will put together we can produce a million like this thirteen million of us only one group thirteen million of this and the same little group of people they have a book called the truth that leads to eternal life they produce this book eighty four million copies in 95 languages are you listening eighty-four million in 95 languages and this book is not a booklet is that a little booklet this book is 192 pages in your language you are not forgotten they have it also in Arabic one little group of people and there are a thousand million Christians in the world with a thousand different sects and denominations and each and every one is working the seventh-day adventists the Jehovah's Witnesses the Lutheran's the Presbyterians and the Mormons and the Mennonites you name them there are thousand different groups and denominations and they are all looking for converts they're working they're working they are not worried about the own countries at home they can be rotten to the core but they're interested in you they want to save you from Hellfire they are sincere to me the people are sincere according to the belief they are doing the job the Masters job the thing is that we Muslims we have failed to do our job they have produced the Bible in two thousand different languages two thousand different languages sofa 2004 the Arabs they have produced 11 different Arabic Bibles the understanding I had was that there was only one Arabic Quran and to me it is the language of the Arabs all Arabs to me are speaking the language of the Quran is no better than that they have produced for the Arabs Arabic characters this is for the educated Egyptians and the Saudis and the Kuwait is people like that then they have the Bible Arabic script but this is the tradition script how the permissions are writing how they go Tunisian scripts and they have the Arabic in the Syrian cartoony script I didn't all this then they have the Algerian colloquial script this different logic different script and didn't finish and colloquial for Algeria and Tunisia Egyptian colloquial Street language of Egypt they have this for the classical Eliezer graduates and they have another one for the street language here at the follow hints for the father hints they got a different one maybe an easy for them on a moorish colloquial Palestinian I didn't it that different that different dialect different that I didn't know as it's all one this is not one man they said it's not one a bit southern Sudan colloquial different and Tunisian colloquial Street language of Tunisia say 11 different Arabic Bibles for you which the Muslim world know nothing about what is going on so they are relaxed I'll come the law everything's alright everything is not alright they're making efforts to get through to you to the Arabs the Arab world is under attack you don't know you satisfied everybody is satisfied they're planning the master planning they want to have churches in every Muslim land including Latin Medina establishing churches throughout the Muslim countries most specially the Arab countries they are not interested in the Arab countries because to get an Arab to get the Saudi or get a une national to accept Islam is like getting a diamond I'm so accept Christianity just like to get a diamond and get a thousand Nigerians are a ten thousand tiny Zoar thousand Indians is like a ton of coal you know is Shiva who is cheaper than a diamond to get you they are not interested in you you are a challenge the Muslim is a challenge and they are working and working very hard the Muslim is unaware he is sitting back relaxed it's about time that he woke up [Music] Christian missionary he says since she's in the field of propagation Krishna the activity he has found reason means of getting to the heart and the mind of the Muslim community and he uses techniques which the Muslim will accept here is a book we said share your faith with a Muslim share your faith Christianity with the Muslim how how to get to him what to talk to him what not to talk about this is the secret they are giving to the Christian missionaries how to talk to the Muslim and in that these are some of the strategies they use they have produced this beautiful eye palette aura I don't know what you call this you know beautiful writings having Quranic calligraphy because when I first saw it to me looks like the Quran everything looks like that I like everything looks like the Quran and I showed this to an arabic scholar a lecturer I can't name him but when I showed him these he is looking at this and says this is I mean to him is the Quran he's accepted this at the Quran but he can't understand this word in the Quran he can't remember anyway in the Quran where the Quran says a banner so he's kept grappling with that word a banna banna you know is there such a thing in the Quran it was not half the Quran but he's wondering is that I don't think so and I'm telling him that this is not Quran this is the Holy Bible this is the Christian kitab look at us this is the Christian capable look at us this is the Christian capable Mehcad us these are being given to muslims free of charge and the muslim poor Muslim then known Arab specially the non Arab you know the Bangladeshi the Pakistani the Indonesian the Malaysian the Nigerian the Canadian the Philippines of Egypt I take it they will accept this kiss it and put it on the wall in their homes and in some of this mud Masjid we have they put in enemas did as well you know so look this is the quranic ayah men in south africa no not in South Africa yet but in rest of the world there are unsophisticated in Malawi in Tanzania in India but there are millions of Muslims who will accept this as the Quran and kiss it and hang it on the wall this is one of the techniques they know how to catch fish they know what the fish likes the Muslims amok you see the American American philosopher he says I like strawberry and cream as a desert he likes strawberry and cream but I said when I go fishing I put a womb you know why this is because a fish likes work so this fish to Muslim fish will like this he doesn't like it he hates it but now this is the way to catch the Muslim fish look at this they are offering you to your calendar free beautiful I showed this to an Arab share I showed this to an Arab chef he said Allah Muhammad I said you actually have another good look say Allah Muhammad as I have a good look yeah Shahada then he said Allah muhabba and error sure can get caught with this what about the poor Bangladeshi or a Hindi or a gun owner a Nigerian looks like Allah Muhammad Allah Muhammad they're catching Muslim fish they give this to our children stickers stickers to stick in your book Aparna and the Muslim at first glance it is maybe Zara banner at in a house on a song now this is the human mind you see we're not actually reading something suggest something to us and we think we are reading what is there but is reading what's in your mind catching Muslim fish Muslim fish al-kitab al-kitab you suggest to us radical kitab you Larry Buffy with a little bit again that's what you're thinking but no this is talking about the Holy Bible they offer in your free Bible cause hmm here is here a Muslim here looks like a Sudanese or a Canaan Muslim sitting on the ground and is reading the soup he must be Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah and is written on the top here in in LA yachiru key bacala met him in who his mama C or E sub new Maruyama written in Arabic given to the Muslim three outside the bust it's given to you free so every Muslim receives it this is the quranic ayah he kisses it takes it home and puts up with his Quran this is Christian propaganda here is a book here why I became a Christian my suit on Mohammed Paul he was sultan muhammad now he's become Paul no you react but when you open the book inside define aya from the Quran is from the Quran to catch fish the Muslim fish when you see is on the Quran automatically we can see we are trained this is the habit we have cultivated we'll see at last column Allah Allah what you do with this time since the Christian propaganda you tear it Alaska London you burn it's in Alaska London so put it next to the Quran I sneak in the house you now you're gonna Harbor you're gonna protect this snake from destruction this is the Masters their master psychologist here is one another here - sadly feel the production silk select soup - sandy making a mockery for us a lot huh you if you don't agree but you can't help reading it man it's so different produce so production is not they are working they're working they're working all these here all these here you know this is if I were to start one by one here is a guy here the source of a deed of assurance the way to assurance this guy is a Hindi his name is KK Alawis and to every Muslim is a Muslim and it works among Muslim life then my interviewer you know clean shaven and all that this guy here you know the right standard sized beard is God you know sulfa you know the latter long hair of the Prophet SAW said mr. Abdul father be policy and insert in Arabic if you don't English if you don't know English but if I didn't Arabic would you like to be in it and for the puck sheesh all these are given to you back sheesh but she's Hadiya hadya hadya to catch you the muslim fish what is the answer to this you see if I was to speak about myself what I'm doing and all that you say I'm blowing my own trumpet I want people to know me what I don't need it I don't need it I'm 76 years old I'm not looking for a new wife and alhamdulillah Allah has blessed me I get my salary and I live well on that I need nothing what I want to sell I'm not selling any of my books millions of books are given over free there is no copyright on my books there is no copyright on my videotapes as a producer than Salman you do business make money what do I want I want to promote myself what do I want to do what I want to achieve but now the testimony the real testimony comes from the enemy when the enemy tells you must look watch out for do that then you must listen to him don't listen to me here is a book release in South Africa the challenge of Islam in South Africa written by Christian missionary the challenge of Islam in South Africa Muslim is a challenge because they tried and tried and they can't seem to make a headway we are losing but not to the extent that they wish not to the extent that they get in Hindu converts or enemies converts they can't get so many Muslims so Muslim is a challenge you read this book this Christian missionary he uses the name of Mahdi that more times than his Lord Jesus Christ in this book is Ahmed Deedat Ahmed he is the arch enemy he is the obstacle then some very much charitable the Baptist Church of America they have the whole four thousand of the missionaries working throughout the world the Crusaders the Mujahid's they have a magazine called the Commission they send the journalist to South Africa to find out what the Muslims are doing in South Africa and they visited my office in my absence even if I was there I wouldn't have objected they came along to investigate what we are doing how we are doing what we are and they wrote an article they wrote an article and the title of the after article is South Africa a defender of Islam this is what they call me the Muslim says I have a problem looking for trouble the Christian recognizes me that I am a defender of Islam and the work that I'm doing they say is it for anybody want to do any missionary work in Africa you aspire to do any missionary work in Africa you have to familiarize yourself with the works of a MIDI dad before you go on to do missionary work you must familiarize businesses here before anyone who would witness to English speaking in streams especially in Africa the broadsides of stomach defender Ahmadi that may be required reading this is the testimony that the enemy pays to the work that I am doing they feel that you have to master a MIDI that's what's now what does a MIDI that he is answering all this in books like this but now before that you just one more elaborate Allah in the Holy Quran he challenges mankind this is legitimate ill in sewage in a lying out to be mr. Hassan Quran that if the whole of mankind in the jinns if they were to gather together to produce the like of this Quran is Elias wannabe miss Lee wellö can about the only button Zahira they'll never be able to produce a light thereof even if they backed up each other with help and support that's a challenge stood for 1,400 years but our cousins the Arab Christians they are not the people to give up this is no no we can produce something is in Arabic moment me if you can read we learn the people among the Arabs we know Arabic better than these Muslim Arabs why can't we produce one so they produced it they say to answer the challenge of the Quran here it says this is the new book see the trauma see Ben listen are be fussy that's that boss this is fussy this was printed in Cyprus and they're using this look the fact the format is quranic yeah the writings of course Alby that this prison plus and I would like you for a change I would like you to read it to our viewers I would like you to read it because of course it's your language I want you to start you know from the top and read it as if you were reading the Quran just pretend that this is the Quran and you're reading it with the same style of the karana verb of Sakina Sabbath mushroom Babu's Shekinah mock the see why mock the same because it was revealed in vital Marcus perhaps like madmen here maybe right so yes this I'm just trying to ask another night they are suggesting that you see the Muslim moves suga's Makia Madinah Muhammad Ania but everybody is not literate every Muslim 90% of the Muslim of the world are non Arabs and they said they heard machia modern yeah maybe whenever maybe a theorem Saracen was taken from a Raj let me to look at us he led all the prophets in the salat and maybe some why he came down there which we might have overlooked out of the hundred forty in Shiraz maybe one of the sutras was we will there in bathroom octopus so now sounds alright maka DC Remus bad bismillahir rahmanir rahim any objection does it sound like the Quran does it sound like the Quranic so he's suggesting that he can produce something like the Quran and to the elected Muslims is a listen man the smell so sounds good I said yes start okay Collier you holla Dean aha he said listen listen listen listen pull the sound Quran the Quran I mean quantum told me no Nabila he sounds Bharat ma you see this is being the set from Monte Carlo radio let up the Sawa mm Basset they have artists who can reproduce the style of of the summit of the basset and you listen is the sounds like at the summit of the basset when I thought the man has passed away yes died was it maybe this is a tape recording right you are listening mm-hmm we're on is it enough no no just a few more words when contem to me no Nabila ha confirme newbie what a tofu in a lacunae in the law he Janette in New Zealand teriyaki yes fellows botanic on la la la la come from LA attea nakum nos la hora Buena completar una Sibylla la Sibylla irritability al auliyah Sahara Yahoo Toma ah how re maulana in namely commentary Kyle my life Xena nah to you a sophisticated Arab you can see that this is all funnies they have stolen from the Quran freezes sentences to make it look like the Quran but to the illiterate millions then 90% of the Muslims of the world when it is red like the Quran it sounds like the Quran so catching fish that we have answered it you say we can produce here we have produce accept it now that this is God's Word so what is the answer to all this I have written a book called the choice the choice between Islam and Christianity and this what you have just read now is reproduced in here reproducing here and our answer to all that how do we respond to these and in this book what we have used this the the injection of a las collapses ya ll get upset so who do we last ideally replicable hit money we've used that hikmah of delivering the message of Islam all this Christian propaganda how to answer that and how to use his book against him his baton against him then we took the liberty of sending these to every senator of the United States including the President Bill Clinton and this is the response we have received these are the responses that we have received from America to this book of ours says here House of Representatives Washington DC thank you for sending along the choice I admit not knowing much about the Islamic religion and therefore look forward to learning more through your book thank you again for thinking of me cordially yours next one the office of the assistant secretary of defense lengthy letter thanks Congress of the United States House of Representatives between acknowledgment letters let us let us thanks thanks they seem to know the principle of line shot captain lazy the number they don't know the Koran but they know the psychology but if you are grateful Allah will give you more thanks thanks thanks they have done this is the one from Bill Clinton's wife she sends her a card beautiful card very short very brief she says your thoughtful gift means so much to me thank you for remembering me in this special way Hillary Rodham Clinton now this is the way we are say who do with us a bit Arabic a bit Hekmati we have to propagate this book we have produced so far two hundred thousand and now we are doing the next 300 odd turn hundred thousand degrees we want to see that every Muslim has this to earn himself with this knowledge and present it to his friends to his Christian employees or his employers you have a Filipino girl working for you as a give it to her you have a shitty luck I'm good looking for you in your houses give it to her you have whatever hindi good working for you I said give it to her whether she can read or whether she can't read present it to them and this book is available here in Abu Dhabi for five homes each golden bossed 230 pages for five Durham's and you only move the value of this and said this card was about this morning from Abu Dhabi Christmas card this card that cost five bedrooms and 50 fields 50 fields more for this five 350 fields this is only 5 grams 230 pages hardcover gold embossed as a knife give this to your fellow countrymen happy Christmas Happy New Year any excuse it comes along give it as a neat gift assess man this is how you can get involved in doing Dawa in your own little way so this is Mohammed suggestion to the community and I said there one of the main reasons what we are lacking I was asked what we are lacking you see the christian the christian see he has got a program we innovate our balloons in india pakistan omul kora medina university a line all over the Muslim world every Muslim University I take it even Eliza how many languages do they teach Arabic and a foreign language maybe maybe you know in some universities English maybe in some universities French one or two reason reason because your aim is to produce checks and Imams to lead people in the salat Muslim world needs people you know mr. Imams Imams Imams to do the heart if to do the hotbar so you training the guy to become an imam and to deliver hot baths you're not training dieese therefore you don't need another language now in America there is not a small group of Christians they call themselves mormons they have the church established in dubai you see it in yet that magazine given in the hotels every room has it you know about the things of interest in abuddin in the UAE and you'll find that the churches churches you see that the Mormon Church is there in Dubai Mormons these Mormons they start from Salt Lake City in America in the university they're teaching 38 languages whether you people are listening 38 languages what what what does an American do with 38 languages huh in all the universities of the world they'll teach one or two one or two one or two they're University they teach 38 right at 8:00 training the people they have a mission in their system every Mormon he dedicates two years of his life at our free absolutely if we have child two years of his life we are suppose to give to a half percent of us powerful wealth not two and half percent of our time but they are prepared to give two years of their life for missionary activity and they are asked at the university level I said look when you qualify we are you gonna go for doing Dawa so the guy shall go to Africa so we're chaff Rica is vast continent so I go to South Africa he says well what language you want to learn what community there are so many communities in South Africa you're not gonna 11 different languages today official languages in South Africa 11 English African to Zulu pause China moon Chonga 11 different with language so well I think I'll speak to the Africana the ruling it's right you have to learn Afrikaans Santa case I wanna speak to the students so you want to go to Pakistan see afternoon or do you have to go to Indonesia to learn Indonesian you want to go to Malaysia have to learn Malay that the different languages they are learning because they have a mission we have no vision so we set aside with Arabic because to do salat and leave people in salat and with the football Friday you don't need another language so they are out to do a job of work for which they're training their people we are not out to do any job of Lord our work that's not a part of our curriculum and that is what we like we need comparative religion how to talk to the yahoodi bill hikmah how to prepare the nasarah bill hikmah how to talk to the hindu bill hikmah how to talk to the atheists bill hikmah this is what we need which we are lacking and this is not seem to be occurring to our learning people all over the world in all over the rooms this thing is not a problem man this means that the do ayah in the Islamic world those who graduated from universities even religious universities are not qualified for our work among non-muslims maybe also among Muslims in their countries if the matter concerns only prayers or leading congregations or delivering Juma speeches or otherwise what do you suggest in reference to this what are the qualifications what are the specifications which qualify the propagator in modern times how do we bring up the dye at the propagator to do the work in his Muslim society or to do the work abroad among the Muslim minorities and among non-muslims you see I have been conducting classes to train young people I have been offering my services through the universities the Muslim universities of the world Sam prepared to come along and spend three months with you free of charge at my expense and train your students to how to respond to the Christian approaches no specially for those students are going overseas for further studies because whenever children work for further studies to Britain or France or America the people they are waiting for our children because they said this child here is already trained to the speed of a language you don't have to learn his language and we can work from a home base and the people will be able to absorb them in the community if they are converted so they are waiting for our children and they are like sitting ducks packets so now I have been offering my services and in Saudi Arabia I have had training people people like we asked overseas for further studies I said now master these techniques I'll give them a call a two-hour intense course just two hours and this travel is of your lifetime I don't say I want the man for 40 days every four months there's two hours and I set him on the road I am him with the Christian you know his book of authority and how to use his book to propagate our ideas how to good Hanukkah with it so this is my offer to the Muslims of the world India Pakistan the Muslim universities Saudi Arabia UAE Kuwait Bahrain wherever the Muslims at Turkey if they want me I'm prepared to go along and carry this cross as long as Allah has gives me the strength to do the job and prepare to do this job absolutely free of charge to any Muslim University in the world I'm prepared to spend some time and teach them this technique which I have I have a stumbled across because this is something that you know you don't find them in books you don't find them in books you read books and books but you don't know how to do the job how to implement what you are reading I teach you how to implement it so this is my offer to the Muslim world I am prepared to go to any country in the world to go along and carry out this mission of mine to train people to how to respond to the Christian missionary activities now the Murrah back again to the question asked before what are the qualifications and the specifications that the Muslim propagator or Daiya should have to be able to do the work among non-muslims is it only to follow your ways of propagation that you teach are there any other particular specifications to be considered you see this is the world of specialization there are so many things required for you to become a speaker to you become a lecturer to you become an engineer everything has got its requirements but now mine is the minimum requirement that the person needs in that environment where the Christian missionary is going to ask him questions that will price that for my sins who died for yours the one who says that you see Islam is a very harsh religion the core of Islam is very cruel his blood thirsty for certain crimes view top of a man's hands for certain other crimes you chop off his head you know but our God is a merciful God he is a loving father in heaven now how do you respond this is my method is to teach the person how to respond to these problems otherwise the qualification that is required is so gooood I I will not be a criminal son and he said well they were undeveloped ayah deliver the message regarding me even if it is one for us that is all if you know one fact share it and the secret of knowledge is in this saying that if you start sharing that one fact that you know and I will add on more facts to that one fact of yours to speak the message so your knowledge increases is an automatic thing but I am giving what is called the minimum of how to get started in this field and then I lived the soldier to his own own contrivances he must now improve everyone's otherwise at least he can defend himself that person who goes through this course of mine can never be converted he can never become a martyr except for women sake over money sake the book can never convert him the philosophy the theology can never convert him once he passes through my test of two hours he can never become immortal that is that what I am achieving mentally left now to another point concerning propagation and propagators it is the mass media available now in modern times don't you see Sheikh Ahmed that there is a necessity in the Arab world and Muslim world for mass media to be recruited to serve Islamic Dawa to serve it in the best possible way whether in or out for non-muslims and Muslims especially that we have facilities such as audio and video tapes we have also the radio and TV transmission we also have satellite transmission stations don't you see our don't you agree Sheikh Ahmed that we have a duty to use all these facilities with their tools ways and techniques and our activities to the whole world especially to non-muslims and at least the mass media could be beamed to the Muslim minorities living in the West or Asia or Africa to keep the Islam of the generations born there in an atmosphere and environment which is non-islamic think I would have achieve he had given us a very good start after my debate with Jimmy Swaggart the abu-dhabi T was able to reproduce that a debit into Arabic and they had it broadcast you know in English and in Arabic and later on after some time again in English they had it broadcast the debate as well as in Arabic now to me that type of an exercise used to be followed by all the Muslim at least all the Muslim countries in the countries they have Christian missionaries and Christian people expect rates working there now there is no better way to deliver the message of Islam then in the guise of entertainment because these debates of minds they are more like entertainment and the guise of entertainment we are delivering the message which I'm sure it was a stupendous success in the UAE and at that time I read some newspaper articles about the about the abu dhabi TV that it beat all the Middle East TV stations you know beat them all it was a number one was I would I be TV they did that and somehow it has come to a standstill but now I feel that that should be emulated by Behar MTV and Kuwait TV and and Saudi TV why not all the TV stations of the world I mean that's a ready material and and a pleasurable material that the Muslim will have to listen and the Christian he can also says man he will enjoy because it's both sided he's not one sided if one side of the man comes along and said look Jesus is not God he said now you are taking my religion circus was not crucified is it the man is attacking my religion but now I said now here are two proponents the one is for and one is against and you listen to both sides and make up your own mind so and in the guys you're getting entertainment and you're getting education but now to me that's one of the fields and there's no copyright on my tapes and I'm prepared to help all the TV stations of the world with master tapes free of charge free of charge and I don't know what more I can do my literature is free of charge has got no copyright my video tips have no copyright I am I have no copyright on myself anything that I produce it's all yours take it use it so that is what I can do the limited way but otherwise the idea is great we should buy time it but when we already have the equipment in all the muslim' different countries like Pakistan Bangladesh and all the Muslim countries Egypt Morocco Algeria Libya why should you not what is already available and it's entertainment is free that may be because it's free people are reluctant to use it because it's free if I put a charge then maybe they might want to buy that time but now I can't I can't sell I'm not in the market for sale I said look I am here to serve Islam and if people can use me you used me for Islam I'm your slave let us sheikh ahmed turn to other subjects actually the subjects i am going to curse on you now i expect them to be in the minds of our viewers watching us and if there was a hotline between us and the viewers you would have received them in the form of questions demanding answers the first subject that i imagine that many are eager to know your opinion on is the Muslims the Muslims believe in the divine books the Torah Zabur injeel and of course the glorious quran the Muslims reject the Bible now revelant and shown in different covers which you have informed us about and opened our eyes upon but the Muslims deny that what do we Muslims therefore find the Torah Zabur and injeel the book that we believe in as Muslims where do we find them you see we Muslims we claim that we believe in the four heavenly books the toraat the Cebu the injeel and the furqan for college the quran if we believe in these four heavenly books now we are asking the people who are claiming to have those revelations that the Jews and the Christians put together they have got this book called the Holy Bible this Holy Bible translated kitab you look at the stats what they say in the Arabic Bible they have the title kitab you look at us it doesn't say taurat zaboo injeel he says kitab you look at us then they have divided this key table Mehcad us into two parts they call it the Old Testament key table Allah led Kadeem and capable jadid the Old Testament and the New Testament and I am Telling the Muslims of the world that do you stick by what they named it they say this is Old Testament say it's the Old Testament they say the New Testament says in New Testament they don't say this is tour at the advance in Cebu didn't cease in jail why do you say injeel torrid and Sebu why you making a fool of yourself now what about this book then in that case what about this book so we as Muslims what I have done my study that I do find in this book words words which can be attributed to Allah the words of God you can find in the book then I can give you examples I can show you in the book also words which appear to be the words of a prophet of God I can give you examples of that then in the book I will show you other words evidence which is like that of an eyewitness of a new witness or somebody speaking from hearsay there are three different types of evidences in this book and any ordinary person you don't have to be a theologian you don't have to be a DD or it'd be bad to be able to recognize those three different types of evidences in the Bible word of God sounds different word of the Prophet sounds different word of a historian sounds different now we in Islam we also have something similar that type of evidence we have the word of Allah in the only a la scala this is not the biography of Muhammad's Allah Allah yes it doesn't tell us about his father's name is mother's name it doesn't tell us where he was born where he died he doesn't tell the name of his Shabbos it doesn't tell us the name of his mother or of his wife or your daughter amazing book because this is not a bad review of Muhammad this is unless Allah whatever Allah spoke it's here then we have the minutest detail about the prophet's life we know how many cliches he had we know when he was angry or when he was happy which of his reign stood out which was broken in the Battle of Uhud we know that my new test detail about his life we know more about his private life then we can know about the old father and mother we have all that knowledge but is nothing the book it's not in the Quran he's in another type of book called Hadees books of Hadees tradition that gives us all that would have God separate one of the Prophet separate then we have the root of our historians in Mohali even a Tamiya imam abu hanifa and on and on and on again separate books Quran separate had this separate and our great means writing separate then we have a fourth type of evidence we are even Knights alpha lela lela these were studies rather as a repeat around the campfires before Islam among the Arabs you have a separate book called alpha Layla Layla now all these for you do not treat them on the same level Quran and last column separate rows of the prophets separate word of the historian separate and alpha Layla Layla separate now in the case of the Jews and the Christians they are not that fortunate do you have the Word of God in the book do you have the word of the Prophet in the book of the historian in the book and the Alpha Layla Layla also in the book alpha Layla Layla the Thousand and One Nights also in the book so now they have a problem therefore Allah says for a lesson electable Anelka tava be a team so won't with them who write the book with their own hands hakuna then say this is from Allah yes there will be feminine kalenna that they may benefit some small benefit remark about my accident so that the hens to write and in other words this is the position so we have to deal with this so now here is the word of the prophet of God here we find that hazard Musa al-salaam he prophesied the coming of or when a vehicle himself Salam mr. Quran says and the Bible confirms that it confirms no problem Allah says Hanuman in the law says can't I see with this book the Quran is from Allah Allah Ameen Hanuman in the LA what kafir to be let the disbelieve in it Russia she - I - I - I mean benissa island mr. he when a witness from among the children of Israel were witness of one like him you would suggest this to the Jews and the Christians because the Jews and the Christian the Jewish Bible is in here the Christian Bible contains the Jewish Bible so the Jew is also included so the Jew and the Christian both can be spoken to so look in your book the holy prophet Moses was told by God Almighty that he was raise up another prophet like Mousa Lisa from among the program not from among themselves but from among their brothers who is that prophet so no there's no such thing in my book open the book book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18 and read it to him in English if you know English and I learned it in Arabic Sakina be a mimosa - what a mess laka I'm reading the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18 and 19 what I met laka booka let me fifa me he know for the color will be cool Demasi be in son unless elias Malik allow me yet the condom will be Habeas me and Mount Olive Oh almighty says that he will raise them up a prophet from among the brethren like unto you like Musa and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him and it will come to pass verse 19 that whosoever will not hearken unto my rulers which he that prophet shall speak in my name I will fix him up I will require it of him in the Catholic Bibles I will take revenge very strong very strong he say who is that prophet who speaks in the name of God who else after Moses who which prophet was this who spoke the Word of God everything he spoke was from God not in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost but in the name of Allah God Almighty it's only the Quran prepared the Quran and a beautiful a beautiful example in this Quran this translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali it has a fantastic arrangement as if it was done to prove a point he had no such ideas Yusuf Ali some 15 years ago almost 60 years ago he had no such ideas that he was going to help us in our argument to prove a point he said that prophet shall speak in my name and if you don't listen to him I will fix you up I am going to take revenge in this quran of you civil is translation 114 surahs' like every quran but the last surah are small small surah and in his arrangement every surah is a different page he starts let's start with the last chapter surah Naas honduran 14 chapter he starts bismillah in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful next page chapter wonderful fella bismillah in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful next page so a class in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful every page in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful in the name of rahmani r-rahim bismillahi rahmani raheem this in whose name is mohammad speaking this is fitting the name of Allah most gracious most merciful you know this prophecy when we analyze it's also part of my book the choice it's also part of my book the choice all these things facts are being given in other words that you read Houston 10 lira man and you use this how to talk to the Jew and how to talk to the nasarah then again in in the Christian Bible said in your Bible in the New Testament Jesus Christ also supposed have spoken about wannabe then the gospel is in John chapter 16 verse 7 it says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I go I will send him in Arabic sell a kidney ikuo lipoma Haku in new Hyrule upon in an Teleki the Allah Allah mentally Lyautey Kumasi well I can insa hot or Silverlake on now I learned this in different languages I learned it it Julie I learned it in Afrikaans I learned it in French in others makes your task easy if you take a little trouble a little bit of homework it is so pleasant I met a man heaven in this hotel I'm putting up on the sixth floor and I'm asking is you come from you come from Britain is a new I come from France such as you know I was trying to learn your language serious so I want to be here I'm not murdering it you must forgive me so as a serpent angel de la vérité Elia want a Jew provokers apart car CCNA par par le consulate air Navy and repair Peru misses him away she learned vorrei he still the minister this is momentous fantastic I like to meet you again I said look I'm here on the sixth floor every time I'm available room six one eight come and see me you know it's an Open Sesame opens up doors for you if you take a little trouble for the Arab Christian caught him in Arabic to the english-speaking person caught him in English and to the natives of any other language get the Bible in that language get the roses for my book the choice to memorize it in the language to share with people so this is the method I am suggesting to people that every ordinary person can avail themselves of this opportunity I can imagine where do we find the Torah Zabur and injeel do we find them and the word of the lord or the word of the prophet where do we find them in whose words you spoke about the narrator's the historians and other things like and one night where do we find to us Jean and sabor you see we must understand ourselves these terms what they mean my understanding is that when we say we believe in the Torah it means that we believe in the revelation the wahey that Allah gave to her that moosa aleihsalaam everything that was given to him was from allah and we accepted as a la scala when we say the sabor it means to me that the revelation the rahi that Allah gave to has a doubter a Salaam that was the zaboor and the wahi the revelation given by allah buried a little easily salaam is called injeel now we are asking the jews and the christians have they got anything that was written by hazrat musa alehsalaam the torah what has at moosa aleihsalaam said and wrote because what they had the so-called taurat what they say the Torah the first five books of the Bible they call it the taurat who the Jews they call it the Torah in that five books more than 700 times the words occur the Lord spoke unto Moses and Moses spoken to the Lord the Lord spoken to Moses and Moses spoken to the Lord in other words moosa aleihsalaam is not talking and Allah is not talking if somebody else is telling you that this was told by so-and-so and this was told by so and so if has a new Salaam wrote that he would say the Lord spoken to me and I said unto the Lord the Lord said unto me and I said unto the Lord there is no such evidence then again in this book supposed to be of Moses the book of Deuteronomy the last chapter it speaks about the death of New Jerusalem it says and there Moses died new citizen he died in the past tense and there Moses died in the land of Moab over the best beer and no man know what have a Sepulchre unto this day who's writing that and to this day the man whose writing is alive his Musa is not writing that I died and Moses was reading it in English the Bible as they give it to me them and Moses wars 120 years old when he died and his natural powers had not abated meaning if he had another 16 year old life he might have done justice to her he was still strong and vile did Moses say that and they arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses whom the Lord knew face to face that Musa say that so on the very face of it we know this is not the works of Masada Sarah zaboor is the same the injeel they have the books they call the New Testament which in arabic they say injeel you know the books certainly the new testament is catapulted heed it has got 27 books and in the Bible that I have had the Bible I havea the Bible that I have this one here every word supposed to have originated with Jesus in the 27 books written in red reading reading means Jesus black ink means people people's worth all the readings 90% of the 27 books is black that mean according to the old confession according to what they say only 10% of the 27 books are supposed to be the words of Jesus Jesus in his lifetime he never wrote a word not a word was written in his lifetime he never instructed anybody else to write a word and not a word was written then the books that they are they call injeel a matthew in july marcus in july lucas in july johanna in arabic this 4 engines 4 Gospels I said now we believe in in July ISA this is in you tell me the question is telling me this is in Tillamook you this is Angela Marcus this is Angela Lucas this is Indiana alright okay as such I take it for what it's worth I believe in in July ISA have you got it this is not that's what I believe if you produce something that was given by you sadly Selam left is Ursula Le Salam with the signature attested by somebody or his disciples attested that these are the words of my ISA it would mean something to me but you haven't got anything like that and these Gospels that they have written Matthew Mark Luke and John they have now some 24,000 menu scripts all manuscripts and out of the 24,000 no two are identical how can you say this word of No - after the 24,000 they are all different how can you say this is the work of Jesus mistletoes teachings so Allah tells us in the Quran for a rule in La Cienega tribunal kitab api ADM so Maya qu Luna has I mean in the LA - to be feminine kalila this is big business because when we produced the Revised Standard Version of the Bible they took out some of these things because they didn't believe is the word of God the Holy Trinity which is in this King James Version which is in the Roman Catholic version of the Bible it's say in the Revised Standard Version and all modern translations the verse and the Trinity is thrown out as a fabrication to please us because Allah tells us in the Quran to tell them well at acuña selasa don't say Trinity into Harry La Condesa stop it it'll be better for you in Nam Allah will apply it for you unless one is not three-in-one that's what Allah told us 1400 years ago now they have taken it out and torn it out as a fabrication so I said look man you're coming closer Jesus is the only begotten Son that would be gotten from John 3:16 is taken out in the modern translation to appease us because the Muslim says Rama is Allah tells you is an idea Qunari well Atlantic will lose they say that Allah has begotten a son Allah says Wakata Hazara managua lada and they say that ar-rahman the merciful God has begotten a son in answer to that Allah says like a dictum Shane hit da is one of the most abominable assertion one can make the worst swearing when given less this the cod sama wat we have a turn I mean who Eddy the skies are ready to burst what an shuttle are do and the earth to split asunder but the huge Abbado hada and the mountains to fall down in a better way and this should say that ar-rahman the most evil god has begotten a son so now this John 3:16 this is Jesus the only begotten Son there were begotten is thrown out to appease us to please us the Muslims to cut not this is their discovering the finding out truth we have to show it to them say look you are coming to but you dragging your feet come and take one long step like Armstrong took on the horn on the moon is a one step for man and a thousand years this thing for mankind same things that come with speed and come and reason together Allah is telling us to talk to them who do we know sabirah be covered hikmah t unless telling us who say yeah al-kitab pahala come he like a limiting Hawaiian Biden our Balak on that we come to common terms as between us nu and in coming to common terms and man lays down the rules and conditions very reasonable most reasonable say number one now with Allah that we worship none but Allah well I wish it can be he she and and that we associate no partners with him well I the talk is about and abadan at about them do any law and that we do not take from among ourselves lords and patrons other than Allah find our love but if they turn back Kulu shadoobie and non-muslim tell them that we are Muslims we have submitted a ruse to the will of Allah Allah is telling us how to do the job talk to them call them to Allah Ta'ala we are not doing it it is about time that we woke up to our responsibilities as the Christian is working so hard for the religion he has every right to do what he's doing he's sincere to me his sincere he wants to save a sons alpha it is also our duty to save him from alpha and for that Allah shows us how to do the job with hikmah in the Quran if you will only learn Sheikh Ahmed Deedat we would have liked to continue on with this conversation longer and longer that the viewers enjoy you more and more but we don't like to burden you hoping to meet you on another opportunity insha'Allah in United Arab Emirates in near future I am very happy also to be with you and I'm very very grateful to the people of the UAE and to His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Manahan because he made it possible for me now to come Cybil for me now to come and go in as a national of abu dhabi as a national of Abu Dhabi you see previously took me about three years you know to make my turn to come here but in the past three weeks I have come to this country three times gone out and come in gone out and come in because I have got a multiple visa thanks to His Highness Sheikh Zayed and to his department and to the Abu Dhabi TV because they did something for me which put me on the map of the Muslim world they dubbed my tape into Arabic the change of heart look at the Muslims look at that Jesus said by the fruits ye shall know them do men gather figs from the teaser or grace from the thorn said every good tree will be a good fruit and every evil tree evil food here is the test the fruit islam has created the biggest society of tea toklas in the world there are some 1000 million Muslims in the world and almost as a whole they are teetotalers they don't imbibe alcohol here is the fruit my own particular race the most racist people on earth you know the Hindus of India the the caste Hindus another the supermost Brahmin caste my nation and you see the same nation the most racist nation on earth becomes one who accepts the black and the white the rich and the poor in his Brotherhood the change with all these claims that are being made for Christianity Jesus Christ transforming people's lives you know then the old you goes out of you and the new you comes into you Isis my dear brothers and sisters look in this mighty nation of America according to brothers 11 million drunkards that's what he says 11 million drunkard and 44 million heavy drinkers urination and brother Swaggart says i see no difference between them means 55 million he considers them to be drunk eyes the only difference is that he is not going far enough in his clan we say even your social printer the holy quran says but before that the prophet muhammad said sir whatever intoxication greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity no excuse for a nipple apart out the holy quran says i you homeless in harmony so you who believe in the malamaroo most certainly intoxicants well my syrian gambling brother Swaggart got in his book on gambling says fifty four billion a year to ask on driven gambling well may see rule well and sorrow and fortune-telling well as lawmen I will worship wisdom anomaly Shaitan are an abomination of Satan's handiwork Foxton EBU who'll are looking to the moon the shiny side abomination that pasta and wine barrels were emptied in the streets of Modena never to be refueled this is the food this is the fruit of this teaching with two thousand years of preaching look at it you have this powers of miracle working Christ gives life he heals the sick Mohamed couldn't in the name of Mohammed they can do it as my brothers you don't read the scriptures Jesus Christ said for they shall arise many false Christ's and false prophets who will show you great signs and wonders if it were possible to deceive the very elect if false practice can do that if false Christ's and perform miracles the false prophets can perform miracles the necess is this a test of your faith now when Jesus Christ tells those who are doing this miraculous work he's telling you in the Gospel of st. Matthew that on that day on the last day on the day of judgment he says many will come to me on that day say Lord Lord did we not prophesy in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name do many mighty works in your name in the name of Jesus didn't you do all these things did we do all that he said yes he said then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity as he explained you he wanted the Jews depart for me for sacked anyway I don't know you he won't tell the Hindus terribly from me or the H is terribly from me he will tell you I want to know why why would he tell you I don't even know you get out let's just look these are not the tests John the Baptist according to Jesus one of the mightiest messengers of God Jesus says among those born of women there has not risen another criterion John the Baptist and yet you perform new miracles did he surely what did he do but miracles no miracles not attached but the Preta miracle is that without any miracles you transform nations nations are transformed 1,000 people they learn in buy alcohol because of the details of without that I would not have been known in the Arab world today every different child seems to know me every Muslim he meets me from the Arab countries they stopped me in the street and for this I had to thank the UAE government you would I be TV and His Highness Sheikh Zayed because he received me with such kindness and and and hospitality I can't express it you know the the humility with which he deceived me as I was trying to apologize for exploiting his time he says no man he feels honored to receive me he makes me sit on his right inside and one hour he kept me there trying to tap my brains and I was also trying to tap his brains and there's so much I learned from him that can help me in my work intellectually ideas has given me which I'm going to implement I started implementing already al hamdulillah and he asked me to do certain special jobs which I'm prepared to carry out so I am a servant of the Muslims wherever they want me and Abu Dhabi I think will be my second home because I have a multiple visa anytime I want to feel like coming in I can come in and anytime I can go out and come back again so I'm very very grateful to Allah Bharat Allah and for the share and to the people of UAE for making my life easy for me welcome any time in Emirates we thank you for this interview and we thank you for this chance that you have made available to us and to our viewers to enjoy your ideas and thoughts may Allah grant you longer life and may the peace of Allah his mercy and his blessings be upon you
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 21,926
Rating: 4.8648109 out of 5
Keywords: ahmed deedat, أحمد ديدات, biography, in the spotlight
Id: P5bZO1UQk4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 4sec (6964 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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