DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial - Designed for Beginners

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hi there Jamie Keith here today a teachers tech hope you having a great day today today I'm doing a tutorial a beginners tutorial on DaVinci Resolve 16 so I want to get you start using this making sure you can do some editing and exporting a great video when you're done I'm gonna go over the key things to get you started I'll produce more videos about different parts and I'll just put those in the card above or the link below before you start make sure you check out your minimum requirements needed for your computer I'll put that up on the screen right here and then you can just freeze it and check the requirements the one thing about DaVinci Resolve if you don't have these minimum requirements it could be quite painful and then if you are looking for a free editor try take a look at this video that I put together that explains the top six best video free video editors out there and maybe one could be more suited for your needs but anyway today let's get started with DaVinci Resolve 16 tutorial take a look down below in the description up put timestamps to everything so you can jump around to different parts of the video so you can get to where you need to go so let's get started today at teachers tech so when you load up demesne you resolve what you're gonna be met with is this screen first and this is where your projects that you're gonna be creating are stored and they are stored inside these databases you can see I have a local database here and I can go ahead and create a new database if I wanted to store it in there but for the project today or for the tutorial today I'm just gonna go ahead and create a new project and to do that I'm just gonna click down below right here and go ahead and I'm gonna name this and I'm just gonna call this example project here so go ahead and it's gonna create this and when does Vinci resolve sixteen opens what you're going to be greeted with are different window set sorts with tabs down below at the very bottom in this tutorial we'll be working mainly out of the edit here and this is where we're going to be putting our video together also with this area over here with the media this is where we're gonna import our media into where you can browse and select the media that you want to add cut over here and we won't be talking about it in this tutorial but it's a great place that where you're going to be able to trim your Clips very precisely and then if you wanted to add visual effects and again these will be different videos as we get more into this but this would allow great visual effects and then we look at our color for color enhancement or working with audio in Fairlight and when we're done all our video what we need to do is export it and that is the deliver tab over here so there's those seven workspaces as as I said in this tutorial we're not covering them all we're just going to cover the basic ones to get you started so the first thing we want to do today in this tutorial is import our media okay so now we're ready to bring in our media and buy media a mean like video or pictures or audio that we need to bring in from our computer so I'm going to go over to our media workspace here and this over here on the left you can see I'm gonna connect to where I have it saved on my computer I know I just haven't known my desktop so I'm just going to go to here and I need to go to my users and then I going to go to my that username and I need to go to the desktop on this and then you can see I have a DaVinci Resolve 16 folder and then I have my media in here now this is just a path to my media I haven't brought this in yet so to bring this into my media pool I need to drag it down below so I could drag it in one at a time you can see if I wanted to change the settings to it I can I'll just hit change or I can bring multiple ones in here down these are our audio on it and you can see some are just pictures on this one so if I have them all want to be brought in so now they're in my media pool what this means is if I go over now to my edit you can see I also have access to my media pool here which I can get ready to start editing by bringing it in to my different channels now another thing is if you want to preview these you can see if I just hovered over top of any of them and just drag my mouse across I can I quick get a quick preview or if I double click on it I can preview it inside this window - alright let's bring some of the media in and take a look at a few options so we can get some things set up on how we view it I'm gonna start with just dragging them in one at a time just to show you some different things so if I drag this first one in and I'm just going to put it on video one you can see it's on video one right here I could drag this up and now it's on video two and the audio is the green part that's attached to this and the blue is the video so if I go ahead I can click if I want to see what I have in my timeline so far if I click any up here I can put I can drag this red marker along to preview this or now in my timeline window up here to watch it to see what I'm working on I can just play it through like so so I can pick and just click and hit that where I want the marker to go to just jump to a certain section so I'm just going to show you some other things - just on view options here - now I can zoom out or zoom zoom in right here so if i zoom out you can see how it's getting smaller I'm just zooming out on it so I can see more if zoom in on it this would allow me to get to more an exact spot to put my marker to the exact spot I needed for some trimming that I'll show you a little bit later and you can also choose some different options on the view so if I go ahead and I just click on this one you can see the Timeline view options that you have through here so you can select different one so if I was just changing the size you can see how I can drag these around and you can make some adjustments and get everything kind of set up the way you want when you do have your timeline if you want to move through time down below there is this bar here so if I drag it through here you can kind of see how I can move through time if you wanted to stay zoomed up so I'm just going to zoom out a little bit more so you can see and if I was bringing in more so this would be a picture the picture is also in blue you can see here I can't even drag by trying to drag it down into the audio it wouldn't even work so these ones though as I drag it up you can see now a new track was created as I drag it up even for the pictures now if I go and grab another video one here so if I grab this one and put it in you can see this as just video there's no audio attached to it down below and I can put it over in different spots around and one thing I wanted you to note is if you overlap your videos or pictures it's the top one that you're going to see so if I was playing I put my playhead over here and play you can see it's going to play this one and then if I go over to this one it will start to show this video but if I overlap them so let's see if I take this one here you can see now as I play through I'm not seeing the bottom one anymore so do if you if you're not seeing something you might have overlapped them onto a different track so make sure you're aware of that in this one it's the top track that you'll being seen and and as you create more as you bring in more you'll see more of the video tracks and if I bring in audio down below I can drag these to create more audio tracks like so if I drag it you can see how to create it a new one so that's just some management of your timeline when you're dragging the different media in now let's look at the specifics of editing these so if we're bringing in some video to edit I'm gonna drag this first clip in here and I'm also gonna drag a second clip here so I have two different videos that I brought in some things I want to point out and I showed you the overlapping feature before watch one would be shown but if you bring a clip over top of the other and let go you can see you've actually trimmed the clip so be careful of when you do that that you might trim but almost remember you can always go backwards in time just by hitting if you're in Windows control Z if you're on a Mac command Z so if you go back you can see how you can quickly undo those mistakes or changes that you want back now some other things I just want to point out with the snap tool right up here you can see kind of a difference if I'm dragging if I turn this off it slides over really easy but if you want to be able to snap right up to the edge I can bring it and it just kind of joins it so it kind of gets rid of those gaps quickly you can still force it over to do some trimming that way but if you do have the snap tool that allows you just to snap it together quite quickly so now if we were doing some other editing here I'm just going to move this up to video to track what we can do is if we go to the edges here you can see if I just drag back I can shorten the clip so now I've taken off five seconds now I have a much shorter clip one thing is I can always put it back too so as I showed you before was ctrl Z but I haven't changed the source file on this one so if I bring it back you can see I can stretch it back to the way it was before so if you want to do some quick trims to the beginning and end you can just grab it like so and get it to the exact spot and you can be moving this around if you ever wanted make copies of the same clip you can do that if you hold down alt and you drag / you can make a quick copy of that one so maybe you're using something over and over again it's just a quick way to do this if you want to again just get rid of anything just hit delete and it will be gone too so now if you're looking a little bit more maybe you want to do some clips inside so if I was looking at this track right here if I was going to the blade option and I like to use this one where I can go to a certain spot of of it and then clip in a couple spots so if I select this one you can see I get this blade and now if I go over top of this I can select it and click and it made a cut in it I didn't delete anything else but it would allow me if I go back to the move tool I can just take this one and move it to a different spot or I could make multiple blade cuts in here like so and I could select a certain piece that I wanted out so if I click it and hit delete and then I'm just taking out a gap so just being able to trim the ends or using the blade tool to cut out certain parts allows you to start putting together your video all right so I have a few more tips for you with your editing here and I've showed you on the prior one when we have our videos how quickly we can trim the edge to it or even bring it back we want but we can never go longer than what it is we can change duration of this what I'll show you in a moment but we can create longer but if I was taking a picture in you can see if I grab this one this is just an image and I bring it in I can stretch images for as long as you want so if you need it to fill a certain spot you just stretch it in will play for how long you need it know to do now as I mentioned duration is a different thing so the clips are the clip speed we can make it go faster or slower very easily so if I take for instance this my intro that I have our teachers tech and right now it's super slow this is like 10 seconds long and I don't want it maybe around 3 seconds what I can do to this one if you right click on your clip so if I right click you can see I have change clip speed now I have it at a hundred percent if I wanted to go faster I bring it above a hundred and you're gonna see how the duration changes so right now it's like at nine seconds and if I increase it so all I'm doing is clicking and holding I could write it in two but I'm just eyeing it until I saw about I'm gonna go to about there so 3.2 seconds and I could hit change now if I go back and play it you can see it's much quicker now the other thing I just wanted to point out on this too so if I go back to clip speed again take a look at a few of the other options we have reverse reverse speed and freeze-frame in there too so just some other options under the change clip speed that you might want to put to your editing on it the other thing I wanted to talk about also is linking audio with our unlinking it because I've showed you with this one before how the audio is attached one that in this one here so it comes together and I move it around maybe you don't want to have this so what you can do if you right-click you can see how both are selected and I right-click on it I can just go ahead and click and make sure this arrow goes way and you can see now that the link symbol is gone there it was and I can move them independently or delete the audio from it if I didn't want it there or maybe just keep the audio but I can always put it back if I select both of them so if I highlight both of them and right-click and go back to link you can see the link is back again and they're gonna be moving together on it so you could take any video and audio and link the clips together like that too so those are just some tips for you but let's move on and see some of the other great features and transforming our video video clips so I'm gonna bring in a couple of Clips now and to show you how you can transform your video clips whether it be through cropping or adjusting the size of it so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna drag down this one here and put it in one video track and I'm just gonna grab this one actually and just put it right above it here so you can as I said before the overlapped one here will be the one seen first so I'm gonna actually transform this video clip right here so I'm going to select this one make sure you have the right one selected what you wanted to have transform I'm gonna just go ahead and click on my inspector in the top right hand corner and you can see over here so this where it says mines already on annotations but I'm gonna drop down and I'm gonna pick transform so when I pick transform I get these nodes of the handles on the side so what does it allow me to do I can grab this and bring it in and I can move it around so you can see I can also grab how I can grab these I can rotate and adjust them in different places so if I was playing I have two videos playing at once now so just so you can see it briefly there so we have those two videos playing at once I'm transforming the top one on it so again make those adjustments however you want place it on top and if I had more layers so if I was bringing in another layer I could do the exact same thing so if I was bringing this one over top now I can't see any of the other ones but I could go and start transforming this one making sure I have the right one selected and I transform and you can see now I'm gonna have another video playing so you could have several videos playing on top of each other but you can make those adjustments by using the transform tool I'm just going to delete these ones here and the other option so if I drop down you can see there's also a crop let me put this one I'm gonna just take this one out for a second here and I'll put I'm gonna put this one back in over top here and you'll be able to see so if I go to crop what this allows me to do is I can just pull to the side and get a clean crop so if I wanted to do maybe something like a split screen I could set something up just getting it the way I want so if I get the crop and then I can adjust it after I can still go back to transform to make any adjustments to it so you can do these different easy transforming to the different video tracks that you have just make sure you have the correct one selected now I'm just going to go back a couple steps here just with controls the other one I wanted to show you was the dynamic zoom on this one so you have two different things the green is where it's gonna start from and then you have the red handles here too so if I was gonna shrink this and move it I have it going to be going from those two places so if I was hitting play there's a movement to it that I created by just using that dynamic zoom so to get a little more exact make sure under the inspector you can see all the different ways you can adjust by putting in the number or dragging through here so let me show you with opacity here if we wanted to make it more see-through make sure you have the certain clip selected and as I bring this down you'll be able to see as a drag it this way you can see now that we can see through it we have two videos playing but one is see through the top one is more see-through so that's opacity now we can always reset these if on the side when I hit this little back it will reset things now as we go through you can play with all of these just by clicking your mouse and clicking and dragging or putting in the specific number so you can take a look if you wanted to change the pitch or the yaw in it you can make those quick adjustments or reset back so go through the list as you can see it opens up if you know something isn't open if you double click or click on it it will just open up and then you have those options showing you before the other thing I just want to note you have audio if a clip does have audio attached to it you'll be able to make adjustments to that clip also so if you wanted to make any of these adjustments through that specific audio or if you had a certain song pick and you'll be able to see the inspector where you'd be able to make those adjustments in it to to talk a little more specifically about audio if I drag in my audio track and I'm just going to keep it without any video above it but I can go to my clip inspector and you can see where I can make those adjustments so you can set it to play and make those adjustments while it's playing to kind of hear the difference of these ones and at any time reset things back to normal now another thing any of these adjustments that you make so if I go ahead if i did adjust the volume notice what happens down below here is I get this marker here that I can open up now a show is what I like about this I can even adjust more things by adding keyframes into this so for example since I'm working on the volume here and if you might want your volume as you go up and down during your maybe if you're putting an interview and you just want to adjust it you could add keyframes at different points so a keyframe so when I have this open I'm gonna click here notice that this little circle little dot was put in if I put in several different ones I could go through and make an adjustment so if I put these three now I can adjust these at different parts that I want so if I wanted it to go quieter I could kind of bring it in and adjust everything as I wanted to so if I you can see the difference in the wavelength so if I started playing it it's gonna get louder from here as it hits the different keyframes on it so just some things that you can do to adjust working with audio and these with the keyframes it also works with your video so you can go through keep going through and you can see we have clip equalizer where you can add filters to your audio tracks as you play you'll hear you're gonna hear more and more of the differences that you get into get the exact sound that you want okay so before we finish up an export our project I want to show you how to add some transitions some titles and some special effects so first of all let's talk about transitions transitions can be added a few different ways a simple way to add transition on any of the clips you notice you have these this white handle here if you drag this in what you're doing is creating a transition at the beginning of that clip so if I was going to play it you can see how it fades in so very quick to add that way another way if you go up into the effects library and this is where you're gonna see everything that I just mentioned before we could take a look at all the different things so if we wanted video transitions we can go through and drag or transitions so if we wanted a cross dissolve I could drag it right onto the clip that I want and then I just drop it so it now if I added it like that you can see now if I go ahead and play it we have it there I can stretch it out so I can make your longer I can adjust it like so and the other thing I can do is add clips in-between add transitions between so if I was looking at all the different ones I can drag it between two clips and then you'll see if I drag back my marker here and then play this you can see how it adds the transition between it and I can still adjust the length of this on how I want so do take a look at with any of these in the clip inspector where you can add more of your custom age because customizations to it here I have my inspector open right now and you can see as they click on different ones how it's talking about the cross dissolve and you can get more specific on it so that's a quick way you can even add it between images so these are just pictures you can drag and drop them and you have lots of different ways to adjust them after that so the next thing that I want to show you is titles because a lot of videos you're always going to have your titles super easy to add we can look through on the side here we have our titles and we can just drag them across and onto it so we can have our list here if we wanted a lower third so I could drag it right over top of this and then you'll see we have title it's just called title right now but if I go ahead and just double click on this one it opens it up over here and I can say I'll just say dog on the beach and you can see how quickly the other word title is down below here and I can delete that but then I can go ahead and make all the adjustments to it so I could pick a different font on it I could change the to bold I can change the color really quickly to any of these ones I can make all these adjustments very quickly and get exactly what you want and the other thing is when you have all this done you can move these over to a different spots so if I go ahead and put it over here you can see and I can go back and adjust at any time so it's very quick to add your titles through here so and the other thing is I talked about transitions before we had our video transitions well audio is there too we can just drag it on to our audio and then we can just drop it to where we want and we can adjust it so if you wanted our audio to fade in and we have our transitions and our titles and then it's going to get louder as it goes up so just looking at a few of the other options you can see in the titles we have some of our fusion titles you can try to grab on and I'll bring it over here just to show you if I go ahead and play it you can see how it's animated and again you can go ahead and open these up and you'll see all the different things that you can adjust just like I did before and get everything to the way you wanted to and move these around and you just adjust it or just hit delete on it too now it's lastly I wanted to show you some filters that you can add filters and effects so we're just looking at here you guys with your effects that you can go through or your open effects and then again just drop them onto the clip so if I'm over on this clip over here and I go and bring let's bring this one over here and I'm just dropping it on and you can see how it quickly adjusted now remember it is also in the inspector so we have open effects over here and I can make that adjustment to how the frequency of it you can see how smooth and with any of the effects you can adjust them through here again to get exactly what you want all these things are just simple drag-and-drop find all the different ones that you want from the filters for the video from audio if the special effects drag them onto that clip adjust them in the inspector even more so let's go on if we're done our project how do we save it and export it and make sure we put it where we want it to be so let's say you're all done and you want to render or export your video what you need to do is go down to deliver at the very bottom and select that and then the next thing you do need to do is what do you want to render is it all the videos so this gray line right here make sure you have it over the area that you want an export so in my case I'd want to do the whole thing of this little video then I would go to my settings so you could do a custom setting where you go through and give it a file name here so if I was gonna call this dog video and then I could give it a location on my on my computer so you could go through and bend pick from there so if I was going to pick my desktop and save and then you go through and pick all the settings he wants or even from audio to file and pick everything now a lot of times for me if I was going to write YouTube I would just go to youtube and all the settings would be there you can see the name is still the same when I just typed the location so it has the settings perfect for YouTube but you can go through and see the long list of different different ones that they have available for you and then some of the settings to get to so but when you have this all set up here so if I go back I'll just call this dog again and then I add the render to the queue and you can see over here it's ready to go and all I have to do at this time is just go ahead and start the render right up to here and then it's going to go through it and it's going to be saved to the spot that I had so you're either now you take that finish file and upload it to YouTube if that's where it's going or you have it on your computer for however you want to share it so I hope you liked this walkthrough DaVinci Resolve 16 I just did the beginner tutorial just trying to introduce you to this today there's still so much more this powerful program can do let me know in the comments what you're looking to learn in this one so I know what other videos to make thanks for watching this week and I'll see you next time on teachers Tech
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 124,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 16 for beginners, davinci resolve 16 for windows, teacher's tech, best free video editor, how to use davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 transitions, video editing tutorial for beginners, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 free, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, resolve 16, best free video editing software
Id: 4o-XE-DorMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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