trying the ice spice dunkin drink!! **GROSS**

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we are on our way to get the ice spice McFlurry drink of the I don't even know what it is do you know I actually don't I only okay so the only thing that I know I couldn't tell you the flavor but I the only thing that I know that is in it is um munchkins like Blended together oh I did not know that but that's insane caramel in it or something caramel caramel car car caramel I say caramel air says caramel vote below I did caramel I'm from the Midwest okay we really wanted to bring Mike with us because he's such a coffee snob and like this is gonna be insane for him but unfortunately it is the Jewish holidays so he like isn't it today like I think he's just making stuff I don't know why it's just like it's giving Trader Joe's parking lots like it's a lot you know how old I spices she's 23 that's my fun fact for the day get out with this gum here oh okay America wrongs on Duncan done oh literally running America runs away people running away from America I spy no don't look at it I'm sorry dairy cream I'm just gonna get it how it is full [ __ ] pants these okay which for two of these drinks I smell which are enormous by the way like the small words actually mediums or are they large like these are like huge America that's why America runs on dunking like I'm clearly backing out of this spot do you want me to remember someone stopping it is a Trader Joe's parking lot oh my God hello what are you doing oh my God this car's still coming at Full Throttle can you slow down thank you I'll go grab it you wanna go grab it yeah I don't know how she's wearing that hoodie I am I need dog mode on it's gonna get too hot oh it looks like a frappuccino the thing is I don't even know what it looks like so I'm pretty excited this is a small yes Joe's probably thrilled he's missing this one imagine if we forced him to drink this somebody commented on our kombucha was like I'm dying that you didn't invite Joe to like the healthy oh yeah he was away okay this smells so good okay I think it smells [Laughter] some small Frozen ice spice coffee wait I don't wanna know okay my new favorite thing is guessing even though I never get it right Duncan comes off with like you know great flavoring so I feel like it'll be trying to feel this I know now I feel like I was I got missed out or I missed out because when I was growing up I only had Starbucks and those flavors are not flavored crazy but I feel like they were flavoring back in the day like very cinnamony and like like cinnamon sugar yes okay like a yummy toast it looks like this is should I mix it well I would just put your straw there it's giving caramel I think I don't know I think I was right I think I was right okay cheers to miss spice oh my God so much caramel holy [ __ ] hold on I need a moment to like process what is all in here I'm so nervous drinking it okay I can taste the munchkins okay I'm getting nail polish remover a little oh it does kind of give me a horse this is really not good you don't like it no oh I like this because it's cinnamony I this it is giving like I'm going to school so much I like the monkey I'm eating the monkey no I I think I don't like that oh really because they're like soggy yeah what is the nail polish remover taste is that what's in there really like caramel it's her acrylics ice spices acrylic she definitely is using gel wax okay I like this it's because you're so jenzy right what was the Charlie demilio drink here was it a cold brew it was like a coffee it was like a cold brew right there's something in it um okay it says the core of the beverage is Dunkin Donuts frozen coffee blended with pumpkin spice literally making it an iced and spiced however pumpkin munchkins used on the size of the customer's order with a small containing too many donuts because there's too much so it's already like a heavy ass Frappuccino Vibe it's also donuts and it's I'm going to have a heart attack ew there's like too much sauce sauce wait what have you seen on tick tock I've seen The Tick Tock of the person's like the people from the East Coast like the way that like the accents like the heavy Boston accents are basically speech impediments because they're like if I grew up in Kansas I'd be in speech therapy can you just give me a [ __ ] rundown of the ingredients God damn everyone's writing a thesis papers what the hell is the nail taste oh it's okay there's cream and caramel drizzle what are the ice spice munchkins drink nutrition facts oh my God don't tell them it actually does a small drink has 590 calories a medium is 8 30 and a large is 1080 calories okay Joe would be losing his mind okay someone's like review Yahoo news's review says with pieces of pumpkin cake munchkins Blended in the drink Duncan says the beverage is reminiscent of the texture of a cookies and cream shake yeah it has the texture it doesn't taste like it but it is the texture no because this is coming from a cookies and cream girly when you get so her occurs is correct and cream well a munchkin and a cookie are two different textures I don't think it's the munchkin though I feel like it's the ice that's Blended it's like Blended ice no but I think it's saying like when you sip up a cookies and cream you get like chunks of the cookie right but the texture of cookies and cream in a milkshake is much different than the texture of a falling apart munchkin in your mouth she hates so much I hate the munchkin I get what they're saying and cream is perfect I mean I wish this was a cookies and cream me too they have cookies and cream ew ew why does it taste like that like the nails yes why did you have to say it I because we're doing a review I had to it literally tastes like I'm drinking acetone so wait is there a list of ingredients did you already read them because I want to figure out what is the acetone I think it's the caramel and pumpkin flavor combined did they get it should we ask them no they're whatever they got looks good it literally tastes like the smell when you walk into a nail salon no it 100 tastes like I opened up a bottle of nail polish remover yeah I dipped my tongue into it drinking it I don't know how you are like half I don't know either I think it's because I'm so curious I'm like what is it what is it what is it I don't like a thing about this oh the it's not very good I mean I'm gonna give it a four it's kind of high but I'm giving it a four I wonder what people are reading it I'm at a point where I can't finish it now it's really every every day now one more for the road I'm scared should we go in there and throw these at the workers I hate everything about it there isn't a thing that I could positively say about it I give it a one a one not a zero you're right a zero oh really because I did have to pay for it I don't think that there's anyone that I could be like well if you like this if you I know what you mean if you like nail polish remover yeah and like were some for some reason on like my strange addiction like you could drink this for sure it'd be a perfect drink for you because then you wouldn't have to drink nail polish remover but like it's not even like it's overpowering in like pumpkin so it's like oh if you really like pumpkin yeah I would get it like it tastes like a little polish remover with chunks in it I know at the beginning I tasted so much caramel so I really liked it and then it started getting weird I think the flavors to get they need to have like real food people crafting these beverages I know what flavors taste like together I think that Duncan did do that and they're like here I spice let's do this this will be good and she's probably like okay like make this on her own no but I'm talking about like a Michelin star okay yeah I mean who like is like okay they're not gonna get their secrets of Duncan I know they're gonna create their own Cafe that's disgusting yeah I do like the the idea behind it you know where she's like oh my fans are my munchkins but maybe just like you know how they make fancy Bloody Marys like put the donut hole on the straw yes oh my God yes that's a genius idea Duncan are you listening because that's what you should do instead of mixing it in is it the munchkin that's making it taste like nail polish I feel like the munchkin is a pumpkin like one of their pumpkin spice munchkins got it which are delicious yeah but in this tastes like when you get tonsil stones like no it doesn't no not the flavor the texture like uh they're like little The More I Drink it's all just acetone I'm like is it dope I don't mind the munchkins I hate them I don't think they're bad if you're like a texture person if you don't like mushrooms if you don't you know what I mean I don't like mushrooms or tomatoes I'm such a texture person you know what really grosses me out is when somebody put like their half or they're like almost done eating sandwich in the sink and then the bread is what why would you do that I've just like seen it a couple times waste a sandwich well no it's like if you're done and there's like a bite left or something I don't know oh like yeah when you put all your okay maybe [Applause] [Laughter] I don't want to touch it because I want my nail polish to come it's like a regular coffee now do you want to go in and get something else no okay I should probably eat lunch like a chai a nice little try no not from Duncan he's sorry was amazing not the chai say it again caramel caramel caramel I'm gonna go to dunk it everyone in Nebraska I'm gonna go to Dunkin and get some coffee I rate it I think earlier I said four I'm gonna downgrade it to a three yeah because as I kept drinking it I was like this is gross your taste is bad the aftertaste is nasty yeah and if you like it please let us know why because I have no idea give us the tea yeah that was I spice I was rooting for you girl I thought I was that perfect little collab pumpkin spice season ice spices blowing up no it's not it it's not hopefully the next drink we try at one like okay bye Real Housewives of Orange County Star Shannon bedor arrested for DUI hit and run struck you have you didn't hear this no when when was this like this weekend yeah this today it's happened today like last night oh my god um struck house in oh sugar house there's an update she ran into a house yeah she I'll read it to you Shannon bedore's tough here just got a lot rougher the reality TV star got busted for driving drunk this weekend in SoCal law enforcement sources tell TMZ The Real Housewives of Orange County Star drove her car onto a residential property in Newport Beach which by the way is very [ __ ] nice Saturday night and actually clipped the house we're told the door then turned back onto the road and kept going before parking her vehicle in the middle of the street and getting out with her dog our sources say she tried to act like she was taking a walk when police arrived after receiving a 911 we're told she wasn't fooling anyone as she appeared wasted
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 29,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, dunkin, ice spice dunkin, only friends, good influences
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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