David Sinclair’s 2023 UPDATED Supplement Protocol | And WHY He Takes It

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if you've been following Dr David Sinclair you know that the update is supplement protocol from time to time and in each interview it gives another piece of his protocol and certain supplements that appear in one interview he does not mention them in other interviews sometimes it's hard to follow his protocol today what he's doing today that's what we want to know now since I know Dr David Sinclair Works since 2007 since I read many studies that he published even before he went public in 2019 here I have collected for you from a variety of sources including Sinclair's book trying to figure out everything it takes today in our March from each supplement and in this video I'm also going to include a very spicy comment from Dr Sinclair about Resveratrol so if you take the supplements you really want to see this now let's start welcome to the wellness Messiah podcast I'm your host Ramon [Applause] [Music] vitamin d and vitamin K2 I would like to start with these because Dr David Sinclair stopped mentioning these supplements in the latest interviews in his book he said I take a daily dose of vitamin D vitamin K2 but in 2021 he mentioned that he's still taking all the supplements that he mentioned in the book let's hear it from him what are you currently taking uh Doses and such like yeah well actually it hasn't changed since I wrote uh lifespan 18 months ago so page 304 see the list now if you do consider to take these supplements you wonder why does Dr David Sinclair take these vitamin d and vitamin K2 supplements in this segment it explains why so you can make up your mind about your health I take vitamin D vitamin K2 K2 is a really important one which keeps the calcium out of your arteries and puts it into your bones where it's needed so even though Dr David Sinclair doesn't mention vitamin D and K in every interview it gives I guess because they are more nutritional choice of supplements than longevity supplements on which is mostly asked about the reasons he gave are solid and it's safe to assume that it still takes them what about the dose of those two supplements I never found one interview where he mentioned specific doses of those two supplements a standard dose of vitamin D is between 2000 to 5000 units and a standard dose of vitamin K2 is somewhere between 50 to 120 micrograms so I estimate that his does fall within this range the verdict he still takes vitamin D in K2 and the dose is unknown let's move to the next one this is his most famous supplement Resveratrol foreign so let's go back in 2019 book he mentioned I take one gram of any man every morning along with one gram of Resveratrol shaken into my homemade yogurt does he still take the same dose in 2022 in his very long interview in his channel he confirmed I'm quoting I've been taking one gram of Resveratrol since 2004. so it's the same exact dose the one he wrote in his book confirmed of course if you follow Sinclair it's not just how much respiratory takes but also how now that has been evolved over the years so I showed you in the book that he mentioned in 2019 that he mixes Resveratrol with yogurt about a year ago we changed that protocol and then began to mix Resveratrol with olive oil however I was pretty surprised to see that he also changed that protocol as well let's hear from him what he is doing now um I've even tried I like to mix up my diet like anybody else I've tried olive oil plus a bit of vinegar and a Basil Leaf in the morning it's like drinking uh we call it salad dressing in the morning uh that one lasted for about a month I've given up on that I now like this coconut yogurt that you've turned me onto actually the verdict one gram of Resveratrol mixed in coconut yogurt in the morning as a segue here if you have doubts about adding Resveratrol into your supplement routine don't go anywhere we're going to attach this Resveratrol controversy today the next two supplements are from the same group the same family of Resveratrol the polyphenols the flamenols [Applause] foreign explaining why he takes these supplements um so I've added um quercetin which is a molecule related to Resveratrol which is also suppresses the activity of senescent cells the the one that I'm testing out is physician f i s e t i n n because in we showed in 2003 and 2005 in two nature papers that it extends the lifespan of animals small animals worms and flies but nevertheless it's been now shown that it's analytic it kills off the senescent cells in the body at least in mice probably in humans based on some human data and so I'm looking at that so this is the why but how much does it take this segment is from a long video in his channel visadin and Kirsten half a gram in the yogurt the verdict 500 milligrams of quercetine in phisidine every morning mixed into yogurt probably now we can assume it's a coconut yogurt [Applause] [Music] the next supplement in our list is an MN let's hear Dr David Sinclair explains about this supplement and how much he takes and so nmn is is what I take each day I take a gram of it I know a gram is likely to be raising 180 levels during day I also try to time it with my natural circadian rhythm so NAD will go up during the morning getting ready um but if I take it at night what I find is that I'm actually starting to interfere with my sleep patterns in all the interviews he has done since then it's still the same dose one gram of any man in the morning and it doesn't need to be mixed into anything just with water so the verdict one gram in the morning with water let's move to the new supplement in Dr David Sinclair protocol [Applause] spermidine let's hear what he says about that uh spermity there is you can buy it now it's um there's a company that makes it in pure form very low levels of gluten and just the last few months I've added that to my protocol and we'll have to see how my numbers look on inside tracker okay so that's not that's not something you've adopted and you're like I'm definitely sticking with it this is I'm adopted and I'm testing it out to see how it works I am and I actually I advise that company it's the first supplement company I am advising and I did that because I wanted to look at the human clinical trials and they they look really promising as well how much of that are you taking a gram as well okay so from this interview it sounds like this is the most recent experimental supplement in the stack now what about the dose this is important to listen to this even though in this video Dr David Sinclair mentioned it takes one gram of pyrimidine later in the comment section he corrected this dose he said correction I said I take one gram of spermidine but the active ingredient in the capsules is one to two milligrams I apologize for the confusion so the verdict about spermidine is one to two milligrams taking every day in the morning this is what he said also in this podcast now if you too consider to take spermidine and you think okay this is only an experiment he's doing on his body maybe if there is a safer and cheaper way to guess permittent and many of my subscribers ask me how to guess permitting from food this study measured how much permadine in each type of food and and ranks them from the highest concentration to the lowest I'm quoting from this study spermuding concentration in Foods was as follows mushroom the highest 88.6 milligrams per kilo of food green peas 65 milligrams per kilo of food and broccoli 32 milligrams per kilo of food so as you can see there is a bunch of spermidine in mushrooms but also in broccoli and green peas these levels coming from food more than satisfy or at least similar to the levels of spermidine that Dr Sinclair takes in a supplement form and also there is another certainty about the safety of spermidine in those Foods [Applause] [Music] now we are getting more into the controversial stuff let's hear Dr David Sinclair explain on why he used to take TMG the reason that I take um glycine actually specifically trimethylglycine is is actually to counter what I think might be going on with an NAD booster but the thing with nicotinide mononucleotide nmn is that it it has this nicotinamide group on it it hangs off the the main part of the chemical and it's the first bond to break and so we see in animals and even in humans that the levels of nicotin might go up quite rapidly after taking nmn or NR and two two high levels of nicotinamide are not good in part because the nicotinamide gets excreted through the kidneys and it's done so that happens because it becomes methylated into methyl nicotinamide but the concern that's that's been talked about in social media especially is is this drain of methyl nicotinamide a problem the methyl groups are are needed for the body we need methyl for a whole range of things including antioxidants and so as a precaution I take trimethylglycine so that I continue to give my body a source of methyl groups now I don't know if that's true people ask me all the time and take as a precaution because I know that trimethylglycine is not going to hurt me glycine is good and the other thing is methyl glycine is also known as betaine uh which on human cells is very good for them including protecting them against stress so I don't see any downside it's not an expensive molecule and the upside is that I'm preventing my body from being drained of methyl groups but the reason that I can't say for sure that it's necessary actually is that our bodies can make methyl groups there's a whole pathway in fact I did a PhD on it when I was in Australia 30 years ago um but so I did take it as a precaution now Dr David Sinclair didn't mention TMG in his last interviews as he stopped taking TMG your guess is as good as mine but as we can see how he adds and Stack Up supplements the likelihood that it doesn't stop taking them unless there is a very good reason or risk of taking them and TMG is a pretty safe supplement how much does it take he never said but the standard dose is about 500 milligrams the verdict about TMG is yours based on what he said you can make up your own mind if you want to add this supplement to your supplement routine [Applause] [Music] the next one is metformin metformin is a drug of course not a food supplement but Sinclair mentioned that in his book why does it take Metformin let's hear him explaining exactly that I try to take a couple of Metformin pills for two reasons one is that my family has a history of diabetes and metforminism very effective at treating diabetes and even preventing it so I do that for disease reasons but also because the work of many Labs has pointed to um not just animals but tens of thousands of people in clinical trials benefiting from that drug which seems to enhance and mimic the benefits of fasting now what about the dose so we said in the book it was one Graham he said it takes one gram of Metformin every day apparently it changed a bit with those in a recent podcast he said I'm quoting I take 800 milligrams at night but the edit that it does not take me to form in the days before exercise anyhow 800 milligrams in one gram is very close dose so it hasn't changed dramatically about the time in government forming Dr David Sinclair says that he takes it at night this corroborates what I found with with my own body in my own experiment with metformin over the last three years I found that metformin is very useful to my body before bedtime because it offsets the glucose stimulating hormones at night melatonin and growth hormone these two are natural hormones produced by the body and they are increasing the Sleep Quality they are good hormones for anti-aging however one of the things they are doing is increasing glucose at night so personally I found what Dr Sinclair I guess found himself that metformin helps to reduce the blood sugar at night but again it's a drug it's not a food supplement and it's just my experience and not a recommendation to anybody the verdict about metformin 800 milligrams six days a week day off the night before exercise another drug that Dr David Sinclair mentioned in his book in other interviews is baby aspirin to reduce inflammation now let's go to a summary of Dr David Sinclair supplement stack or supplement protocol and after that I'm going to show you a very spicy comment from Dr David Sinclair about Resveratrol controversy [Applause] [Music] finishing today's video with resveratrol again you may have heard about controversies about Resveratrol for example these studies show that Resveratrol offset the beneficial effects of exercise in humans that lead us to a very interesting story Dr Brandt Stanfield published a video called why I stopped taking Resveratrol mentioning those exercise studies on his Twitter account Dr David Sinclair commented on Stanfield video describing it as what would seem as horse so this is a bit confusing if you're taking Resveratrol on its face value there is no reason not to go with Sinclair take on Resveratrol but what is even more confusing is that those studies and papers Dr stenfield mentioned seem legit luckily there is a video that clears that confusion between Dr stainfield and Dr David Sinclair I'm going to put a link to this video where we clarify this confusion so you can make up a decision for your own body about Resveratrol in your supplement stack in other interesting thing about Resveratrol and controversy about that is that did you know that in Dr David Sinclair own study low Resveratrol worked better for longevity than high Resveratrol when I saw that I was pretty shocked so I created another video that explored this study and the best Resveratrol of those for longevity not necessarily sickness for this video as well you can find the link in the description so you can find the link of both of these researchable controversies in the description and the pinned comment of this video until the next video stay healthy stay young and stay subscribed foreign [Music]
Channel: Wellness Messiah with Rimon
Views: 243,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wellness messiah, rimon
Id: 2jTbeyEWBIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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