AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATION: Why Most People Exercise WRONG for Longevity

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did you know that exercising for longevity is different from exercising for performance and for bodybuilding listen if you exercise incorrectly you may not gain the longevity benefits that you think you're getting even if you follow the recommendation about how to exercise it is possible to improve your performance lose weight without activation of the full power of exercise for longevity so to keep your body young your muscles young and your brain sharp you must exercise with intention with longevity in mind and the way to achieving that has to do with a dormant mechanism in your body that you want to activate autophagy a Hot Topic in our longevity community and for a good reason this mechanism can not only help you to stay young but it will protect you from losing your memory with age and even developing Alzheimer's later in life and today you will hear Dr Eileen White one of the world's experts on autophagy and we're also going to hear Dr David Sinclair explains how to use exercise to activate it too as a member of our longevity Community you probably know that fasting is another strategy to activate autophagy what's the difference in the activation of autophagy which will exercise to fasting can you just choose one of them you'll discover that today this video is one of a con so if you too want to exercise for your longevity this is the video for you now let's activate autophagy with exercise right now welcome to the wellness Messiah podcast I'm your host riman exercising for longevity does working out immediately translate into a longer life let's use three examples of Decades of document exercise and see what happens [Applause] [Music] the first is obvious bodybuilders most bodybuilders not only exercise frequently for 30 years but almost all of them continue to exercise frequently after they retire yet they don't live longer at all this study from 2016 conducted by Baylor College of Medicine in Houston they identified 1578 professional male bodybuilders who compete from 1948 to 2014. they found I'm quoting mortality rate higher among bodybuilders bodybuilders have a mortality rate 34 percent higher than that of the age-matched U.S male population of course you would say most of them are using anabolic steroids and you would be right and these steroids reduce the lifespan however you would expect that this frequent exercise over decades will do something for the longevity maybe at least reaching the average lifespan somebody who doesn't exercise at all but it doesn't bodybuilders don't have any longevity benefits now let's go to a group with a verified testing for not taking steroids Olympic athletes this study from 2017 compared mortality rates between different types of Olympic athletes the study is called differences in life expectancy between Olympic High jumpers discus throwers marathon and 100 meter Runners I would expect marathon runners to live the longest regardless of their exercise they have the lowest body weight and the lowest body fat both of which we know increase longevity and base what we told about the best exercise for health I would expect marathon runners to rank as number one let's see what they found in the study and quoting we identified a death rate for 336 athletes 229 males and 100 plus females now you know who lived the longest let's see in the graph a as you can see in this graph the high jumpers had a significantly lower mortality than the rest of the groups I continued to quote from the study survival was the greatest for high jumpers 7.1 years for women and 3.7 years for men and marathon runners 4.7 years for men they did not check mortality for female marathon runners but what is more interesting is that as we progress with time actually the high jumpers defeated all the other groups in longevity both men and women what does it mean it would seem that different exercises over a long period of time affect longevity differently and if you want to live longer and stay healthier you need to Target longevity with your exercise so exercise doesn't translate automatically into longevity it depends on what you do now lastly I want to present to you a very unscientific yet interesting case of lifelong documented exercise and the impact on longevity I'm a European football fan and every year the Football Association they present the honor of the best player in the world this is called the Ballon d'Or and the first football player to receive this award is the English Stanley Matthews it took place in 1953 and he received this award at the impressive age of 38. this is an age where 99 of players are already retired how did he do that well Stanley Matthews kept a very healthy lifestyle fire it didn't do steroids and considered to be one of the fairest and honest players of this time as Stanley Matthew would maintained a vegetarian diet a diet suggested by many longevity experts including Dr David Sinclair as a longevity diet so I would expect his diet alone without exercise should bring him at least five to ten years in extra longevity but what we like about his case is that he's had been taking part in professional sports for 40 years and after he had a documented frequent exercise routine in fact it was the oldest player to ever play in England's top football division at age 50. he played until he was 50. and he continued to exercise afterwards frequently and lastly what I really like about this story is that it died of old age as opposed to an unfortunate weak heart or collapsing liver so his genome pool seems fine how long did he live he died at the year 2000 at the age of 85 beating indeed the average but Stanley Matthews beat the average by only five years five years is cool but with his diet and lifelong exercise routine I would expect more because lesson is died alone could give him five extra years of life where are the longevity benefits from his frequent lifelong exercise especially believing what I was told about exercise and Longevity so what does it mean to me it means that exercise doesn't translate automatically into longevity even if you exercise every day and even if you follow the high frequency recommended by many experts now don't get me wrong exercise is a terrific tool for longevity but we must know how to use it right exercise is a form of physical mechanical stress that we apply in our bodies this type of physical stress can achieve different goals from weight loss bodybuilding performance and Longevity all of this depends on the type of mechanism that we try to Target and here longevity is our primary goal and the major longevity mechanism that exercise activates is autophagy for that we must understand what is autophagy and how can we activate it with exercise [Applause] [Music] g means in Greek self-eating a process where cells use their own proteins to eat in order to survive without food autophagy is a longevity mechanism that is part of the survival program in every cell in our bodies and because it's part of this survival program in order to understand autophagy we must understand this survival program first so now let's hear Dr David Sinclair explain exactly what happens with animals and cells activate this survival program and then we'll go into autophagy this is from Dr David Sinclair's YouTube channel these signaling proteins like the daf21 Cynthia discovered and the sotoins that we work on we didn't know what they were doing at first this is crazy it's got nothing to do with DNA repair and free radicals but then when we tracked what they were actually doing it turns out they're speaking to the rest of the cell to keep the cell healthy and alive so in the case of that worm those worms won't just longer lived the program to survive was activated those worms are stress resistant you can hit them with heat you can hit them with cold you can starve them or just put them in happy conditions they live longer Dr David Sinclair mentioned that one of the stressors is starvation and these cells and worms just refuse to die despite having no food how can they do that this is where autophagy comes let's hear now the world's leading expert on autophagy Dr Eileen White and she will explain to us how their team of researchers discovered autophagy in the 80s that's going to give us a huge Clue Into how autophagy works and how it help us to live longer what we didn't expect was the extraordinary propensity for survival we could leave the cells out and put them in buffer they wouldn't die under extraordinary circumstances that we couldn't explain so why would a cell that just couldn't commit suicide survive and buffer with no nutrients at all we puzzled over this like how can this be and then we discovered that what these cells had done was turned on autophagy and we're using that for survival and that this was a mechanism by which yeast survived starvation so did you catch the similarities between what's Sinclair and Eileen White said so autophagy enables the cell to survive for a long time without food especially without protein it does so by recycling the protein within the cell it's the cell superpower but it needs to be activated and the consequences of activating autophagy are excellent for our longevity the next question is of this survival program actually help us to live longer [Applause] foreign [Music] of the individual cells the lifespan of the individual cells that's good for us because when our cells live longer so do we and because of autophagy we avoid the excess turnover of cells you see there are so many times each cell can replicate meaning there is a longevity cost for every excessive turnover of cells autophagy helps us to avoid that another help for our longevity is that autophagy's consequences is recycling toxic proteins and it prevents their accumulation you see we tend to think of protein as something that is good for us a healthy building block a nourishment but protein in solar bodies can form toxic compounds inside the cells and accumulating cause damage it's basically junk and we call it protein aggregates these toxins are a major cause of aging and they lead to many diseases when they accumulated this toxic protein are especially dangerous for the brain in the nervous system without recycling these toxic protein aggregates our brains deteriorate [Music] let's hear Dr Eileen White again explains what happens to their brain and their nervous system when you turn off autophagy in mice we engineered mice where we can take an adult Mouse and give the mice a chemical so that an essential autophagy Gene will be deleted throughout the entire animal so one day they're an adult Mouse with autophagy and then a few days later there are an adult Mouse with no autophagy and these mice were very extraordinary they lived for two to three months and then they died predominantly of neurodegeneration autophagy is very important in the brain over the long term one other way of looking at it is what tissues are more autophagy dependent than others brain would be really important and there are a few others and what we've noticed when we looked at the mouse the lacked autophagy was that there were tissues like the brain that were very sensitive and there were other tissues like the lungs that didn't have any phenotypes [Applause] foreign [Music] so what does it mean it means that if you care about preventing mental decline with age you need autophagy it also means that if you want to prevent Alzheimer's disease you want to activate autophagy in fact preventing Alzheimer's also is going to help you live longer because Alzheimer's is one of the four biggest killers in our society and the third beneficial consequence for your longevity from autophagy is that autophagy helps us to live longer by reducing damage to the cell we're going to cover this later but damage accumulation causes aging and these toxic proteins if they hang in the cell they lead to damage including DNA damage which can lead to cancer later this is not good for your longevity so teffigy helps us to prevent this damage from happening in the first place in all these three consequences of autophagy are good for your longevity [Applause] [Music] and indeed we know the studies of autophagy when it's activated in animals it increases the lifespan now with a big question how do we activate autophagy there are two major tools exercise and fasting and today we're gonna focus on exercise and the next video is going to be about fasting and you're about to understand them so much better now so you have this fundamental understanding of autophagy and exercise for longevity so if you're a subscriber you're gonna see it very soon [Applause] [Music] exercise activates autophagy but knowing that doesn't tell us the secret on how to use exercise for longevity for that we need to ask the question how does exercise exactly activate autophagy because if we know that then we can Target this autophagy mechanism with our exercise routine there are two ways by which exercise activates autophagy the first one is called hypoxia this term is very important today so please try to remember that and understand what it means hypoxia comes from hypo which means low less and oxygen combination of low oxygen and hypoxia really means low oxygen levels inside the cell in hypoxia this oxygen deficiency is probably the most potent way to stimulate autophagy nothing seems to come close now why does hypoxia low levels of oxygen stimulate autophagy for that we need to understand what does low oxygen levels inside the cell mean to the DNA mean to the cell let me quote from this study from 2010 it's called Proline metabolism in microenvironmental stress unquoting nutrients are more severely depleted than oxygen because oxygen can diffuse through tissue with greater efficiency in the nutrients thus it can be assumed that all the circulating nutrients for example glucose glutamine fatty acids and circulating amino acid States would be at low Supply so what does it mean it means that hypoxia low levels of oxygen within the cell not only tells the cell that there is not enough oxygen to produce energy but it also tells the cell that all other nutrients are low in essence the cells are using low levels of oxygen to sense the entire environment and sense nutrient deprivation this is why hypoxia is such a potent inducer for topology a protein Recycling and survival mechanism under a nutrient deprivation environment [Applause] foreign how can we create this oxygen deficiency in order to activate autophagy with our exercise simple but exercising intensely when you perform an intense exercise oxygen levels within the cell plummet what do you think about sprinting and struggling to breathe it means that your lungs are struggling to provide enough oxygen this request or demand for oxygen from the lungs is actually coming from the cells directly and when your heartbeat goes up this too suggests hypoxia is the heart struggle to provide enough blood and oxygen to the cell this is hypoxia in addition of course to the request of the cells to remove CO2 from the blood as well in contrast when you do a leisurely walk and have a low heart rate and breathe easily this suggests new hypoxia at all so it means that by observing your breathing in heart rate during your exercise you can estimate hypoxia with then the target itself and the more intense the exercise is the lower oxygens levels will reach and this means more activation of autophagy this is great for longevity what is intensity in terms of exercise intensity is the actual stress that you expose your muscles your heart and lungs too and this is truly what creates hypoxia and muscle damage exercise intensity is controlled by three parameters speed resistance and time under stress for example if you run your training your leg muscles your heart and lungs if you increase your speed you increase your intensity on those organs however if you run at the same pace for more time than usual to the point that your body struggles basically you increase your intensity by increasing time under stress without changing your speed and thirdly if you run and now you carry a heavy bag in your back this increases the resistance I guess the power of gravity so this increasing your intensity without actually increasing speed or time under stress so you can apply these three principles to any exercise that you're doing right now to increase the intensity and indeed a study of nearly half a million people suggest that intense exercise leads to the greatest longevity benefits and reduce mortality let's hear now Dr James O'Keefe our cardiologist speaks about this study okay and this is a study of over 400 000 Chinese that was just published within the last year we published an editorial along with this afterwards but they found that vigorous exercise this is all cause mortality reduction the more reduction the better and this is minutes of daily exercise so 10 20 30 minutes of daily exercise up at 40 it starts plateauing at 45 or 50. you get a point for further a further uh plateaus so further efforts and time do not convey appear to convey further improvements in life expectancy down here is moderate exercise light to moderate exercise walking housework day to day moving around just get off your seat move around more is better there it doesn't it's not quite as beneficial as vigorous exercise but more is better you can exercise all day the study that Dr James O'Keefe mentioned is from 2011. it is called minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extending life's expectancy a prospective cohort study in terms of exercise tensity means speed resistance and time under stress I'm going to expand on that later so we want intense exercise to create hypoxia but that's not everything [Applause] [Music] Dr David Sinclair suggested that alternating oxygen levels is the best longevity strategy let's hear him speaking about that but one of the theories is that it's working similar to exercise so hypoxia the low oxygen when you go for a run what it's doing is turning on this F1 Alpha protein that I talked about earlier and that helps promote Health in the body hyperbaric chamber treatment does the very similar thing you get a production of these free radicals and that stimulates also a mitocharmesis response that gives you very similar benefits to low oxygen there's one theory that I have is that when you come down from the high levels of oxygen it stimulates stimulates hypoxia like you're running as you come down from high levels to low levels it's the differential and that fits with the new findings which is going up once and coming down once is not as good as going up and down and up and down within a treatment so what's the meaning of what Dr David Sinclair said to our exercise routine it means that if what he said is true then intense exercise in intervals meaning heat high intensity interval training is actually better for longevity than just intense exercise if you want to induce autophagy now I searched for a study that would compare intense exercise versus interval intense training but I could not find one the one thing that we are sure about is that intense exercise activates autophagy which increases longevity how can you apply that type of training you can do sprinting in short blouts you can do high intensity training in a bicycle and you can use the elliptical machine in those cases you're going to cycle oxygen up and down during the exercise and you apply high intensity training which activates the longevity pathways [Music] foreign [Music] so hypoxia is one way in which exercise activates autophagy the second way that exercise does so is by creating cellular damage or muscle damage if you will let's cover that right now [Applause] [Music] let's hear from Dr Eileen White again about how exercise stimulate autophagy and she also touches hypoxia as well which is good for us let's hear it now it's from an interview with Dr Peter bertia in terms of exercise that's very well studied that exercise induces autophagy very potently and you actually need autophagy too because exercise damages the muscle and autophagy is one of the processes that helps mitigate the damage that occurs during exercise what about hypoxia oh potently hypoxia potently induces autophagy so muscle damage from exercise stimulates autophagy what type of exercise creates this muscle damage high intensity training again this is another hint that the intensity of exercise can help us to increase our longevity now this is important damage indeed induces autophagy and autophagy is excellent for all longevity but what impact does this damage have on Arnold longevity is this damage is an absolute good [Applause] [Music] like why do we age let's put a clip from Dr Paul Robbins in an interview by Richard from Modern Health span what is it mechanistically you think that is going wrong that drives aging obviously aging is a normal process it happens to everyone and every organism and it's kind of required by Evolution you can't live forever so the way I view aging is that it's accumulation of damage that is caused by a variety of exogenous so external and internal processes and one of those processes which we focus on because we think it is a one of the key drivers is actually damaged to the genome like I guess a set amount of damage that we can we can have and lifespan is scaled by how well you repair it right we think it's actually the damage that when repaired could lead the mutations that's more the driving force behind aging Dr Paul Robbins presented in one Theory and not the only theory of why we age which is the damage Theory this Theory differs from the information Theory by Dr David Sinclair and in my opinion both of them are correct now according to this damage Theory we receive a young mature body let's say at the age of 20. we received this body just like a new mobile phone that we have just received from Amazon this new body operates smoothly in the most efficient way however living has a price and our body is exposed to Everyday damage from being alive and over time this damage is being accumulated just like with cracks and scratches on our mobile phones luckily and unlike our mobile phones our bodies can repair and do repair this damage we have a repair mechanisms and this repair prevents us from aging quickly however this repair process is not perfect over time there is a gap between the creation of damage to the repair of this damage and this gap between damage and repair is aging aging is the accumulation of damage on our bodies from living and so to preserve our youthfulness we need to do two things we need to reduce damage and accelerate repair however the story is more complex than that we have seen with exercise and autophagy that this very damage does have a role damage itself many times and in the right way is responsible for activating those very repair mechanisms this is exactly what we have seen with exercise that cause damage that activates autophagy so here we have a conundrum how can we increase repair rate without creating unnecessary damage [Applause] [Music] we spoke about how intensity activates autophagy and how we need to use high intensity training possibly interval training but infrequently we also explain the damaged Theory of Aging and the fact that we want to reduce damage and increase repay rate so far so good the problem is with over exercising when we over exercise we heard the ability of our repair system to do its job instead of activating autophagy it could lead to the death of muscle cells this death is called apoptosis I'm going to cover that in a minute but what you should really know is that cells muscle cells can either Survive by activating autophagy or Dar as a response to excess stress cells cannot do both they have to choose this is the tiebreaker system that we explained in the Resveratrol series videos now let's read from this paper from 2015 exercise autophagy and apoptosis exercise is a form of physiological stress which is known to induce adaptational response in other words what they are saying is the benefits from exercise to our longevity comes from the adaptation to exercise this is the activation of the repair system that we mentioned before and what we also understand from that is we gain the benefits from exercise after the exercise not during the exercise like when you try to lose weight I'm continuing to quote it is proposed that both apoptosis and autophagy are processes which are necessary for adaptation to exercise apoptosis and autophagy are induced during exercise to limit tissue damage restore tissue Integrity terminate inflammatory response or induce direct signals for adaptation in this case the cell is flooded with damaged molecules the repairing mechanisms are over text and apoptosis is induced what does apoptosis that is induced mean cell death this means that if the cells the muscle cells cannot repel the damage caused by exercise it leads to the death of the muscle cells and this can lead to muscle wasting this outcome is the actual opposite of autophagy which is about survival not death and it's not good for longevity unless of course it happens to cells that you don't want to stay in your body and in terms of exercise and muscle cells too much stress means that the cell cannot repair the damage of the exercise as they said in the study the repair mechanisms are over text I really like this word here to overtax in the context of exercise means to make excessive demands on the physical capabilities of our bodies and this is exactly what happens when you over train and you don't provide enough time and condition for recovery from this high intensity training the question is this how can we exercise in a way that stimulates longevity activation without the creation of unnecessary undue damage foreign [Music] of youthfulness preservation is creating the minimum damage that activates longevity Pathways and with exercise we do that by using the right frequency in our exercise routine the definition of frequency here is how often do we train intensely on a specific muscle area it means the resting time between exercising intensely on the muscle for example training our back muscles once a week and sprinting twice a week in the same week simply gives us a frequency of once a week for the back and twice a week for the legs and the heart we don't need to add them up walking in low intensity activities won't necessarily be counted into our frequency what does it mean practically it means that we want to exercise intensely to achieve hypoxia and muscle damage but we want a frequency that is just enough to stimulate repair meaning activating autophagy and also just enough to make maintain our muscle mass over the years but not more than absolutely necessary therefore in my opinion which is also based on my 12 years of personal experimentation with this is that exercise for longevity should be intense and not frequent that is to say if it is not intense enough then no damage will occur and there will be no sufficient hypoxia if it's too frequent will cause too much damage and it's not good for the preservation of Youth either in other words what we're trying to achieve here is activating autophagy but get away with minimal amount of damage in this way we're going to reap all longevity benefits so we want to find the sweet spot for our bodies and you wouldn't believe how long between exercises you can go without losing muscle mass and I will show you later this ridiculous frequency I am using so you can decide if this frequency is right for your situation but I think the print principle here matters the most and the frequency you can adapt to your individual situation by experimentation now exercising intensely and infrequently is the first key for exercising for longevity but that's not everything [Music] of course as I speak about intensity with anything I'm going to say in this video it's not personal advice or recommendation please consult your doctor about your individual situation I don't want you to Chuck yourself to death to activate autophagy choking yourself to death won't help you to live longer and besides intense exercise can be dangerous if you have a medical condition so please consult your doctor before engaging in any intense exercise so if intensity is so important to create hypoxia but also access intensity can be problematic as well it means that intensity the dose of exercise is critical for activating autophagy because if it's too much then instead of autophagy we're going to get apoptosis we don't want that of course intensity is purely subjective for an Olympic marathon runner running one kilometer is not intense and they will hardly activate any hypoxia or autophagy this way however for a person who just recovered for a long bed waiting illness one kilometer of walking is way too much and may lead to apoptosis and muscle wasting so intensity is simply pushing your individual bar a bit higher there is a different sweet spot for everyone and every situation is different [Applause] [Music] and you can easily measure this impact of intensity based on how your body responds difficulty to breathe normally suggests hypoxia does a marathon runner find it hard to breathe after one kilometer I don't think so so no hypoxia there another indication is high pulse or heart rate this suggests hypoxia as well the heart struggles to supply oxygen and remove CO2 and the third indication is difficulty of the muscles to sustain the stress this suggests hypoxia but also muscle damage now about increasing the intensity of our exercise routine you should know that you can't go from no exercise to high intensity training this way you're gonna get injured intense training is possible and way after you get into a solid shape and you know how to train without getting injured if you don't actively exercise find an expert to guide you through getting into shape before you start with high intensity exercise and last note here is about the three parameters to control intensity you should know that you can play around with these three parameters based on your individual Comfort level some people like myself would push themselves Harder Faster with more resistance but exercise for less time others prefer lower weights and speeds but they need to make up by more time under stress so you can choose what is comfortable to you into your situation [Applause] [Music] one of the common mistakes in our longevity Community is assuming that autophagy is a global phenomenon it is not when you train a certain muscle you increase autophagy within this muscle and if you train intensely enough you also activate autophagy in the heart and in the cardiovascular system both of which are exposed to the same stress coming from the muscle but this is where it stops if autophagy is somehow activated in other organs it happens to a much lower degree because the organ itself isn't exposed to this intense damage in apoxia that the muscles that you're targeting and exercising on is exposed to now the study I mentioned from 2015 picks about that I'm quoting in conclusion autophagy seems to be necessary for adaptation by providing locally the condition for muscle plasticity and apoptosis systematically by mobilizing progenitor cells so autophagy happens locally within the specific muscles what does it mean exercise won't induce autophagy throughout the entire body not all the organs and all the muscles in your body are going to stay young if you only focus on single muscles it means that training your legs won't create autophagy in your back muscles it means that if the only thing that you do is running you will keep those leg muscles in the heart young but not the rest of the muscles or the organs and you know it makes sense you already know that if you train your biceps your back muscles are not going to grow so why would it be any different with autophagy activation if you want to stay young and live longer you want to keep all your muscles young not just one of them now which is better for achieving autophagy resistance exercise such as lifting weights or aerobic exercise like running and jogging both high intensity aerobic and resistant training activate autophagy because they both can create hypoxia and muscle damage and a very little known fact is that every resistance exercise every weight lifting actually is and cardiovascular exercise because every time that you challenge your muscles with weights it also going to increase your heart rate however every resistance exercise is not a lung exercise It's A Hard Exercise but not long what is called pulmonary as opposed to aerobic exercise that is both cardiovascular and lung so it's pulmonary cardiovascular activity the bottom line is that also resistance exercise activates autophagy in the heart when it's done intensely so both of these are very important for preserving our youthfulness the conclusion is that ideally we want to integrate both resistance training in aerobic exercise in the right intensity and together they will cover every aspect of longevity benefit we can extract from exercise by activating autophagy in a complementary way [Music] what does this mean over exercising meaning exercising too hard too intensely without a proper rest and Recovery nutrients will overtax the repair system and it's also going to cause unnecessary damage which will also overtax this repair system and in this case you're going to lose the autophagy benefits so how do you recover bladder first you don't over train but second good recovery conditions are controlled by good sleep and proper nutrition right after the exercise including a day or two after the exercise and as our longevitist who cares about your lifelong Health you have a privilege bodybuilders Olympic athletes and professional sports athletes don't have this privilege they all need to improve every day they have to achieve gains every day they have to push their body as hard as possible but you don't have to so you have the privilege of focusing on nourishing and supporting this recovery and repair system and you do that by avoiding over training but also like providing rest and nutrients which leads me to the next week sleep and nutrition [Music] besides avoiding overtaxing the repair system you can support its activity its natural activity you can do that by increasing your Sleep Quality after the exercise for example we know professional athletes who sleep better have fewer injuries fewer injuries indicating active repair system and it also indicates less accumulated damage and for you it means more longevity have a specific guide in this channel on how to improve your sleep quality in addition you can also use a proper nutrition this will allow the repair system to use the nutrients to repair the damage and use that to increase the longevity of your entire body the point here is this you can squeeze more longevity benefits from your exercise by incorporating deep sleep and healthy nutritional habits so if your friend and you are doing the exact same exercise you are going to extract way way more longevity benefits and more health benefits for the same amount of effort the same workout simply by improving Your Sleep Quality and increasing the nourishment of your body let's summarize those four tweaks so there are four ways to tweak exercise for longevity by activating autophagy and supporting the repair system of your body first is achieving a sweet spot with your intensity this Sweet Spot Will activate autophagy but will not induce apoptosis meaning cell death the second week is reducing your frequency so it prevents the creation of unnecessary muscle damage the third tweak is avoiding over training that will prevent over-taxing your repair system and it's going to allow your body to fully recover and repair the exercise damage that induce autophagy in the first place and the fourth tweak has to do with supporting our recovery and repair system by improving our Sleep Quality and improving our nutrition both of which will allow us to squeeze more longevity benefits from our exercise routine in the beginning I promise that I'm going to touch another issue fasting fasting is another amazing tool to activate autophagy how is fasting different from exercise in activating autophagy and increasing can you do just one instead of the other and responding to your request I will share with you my controversial exercise routine for my 15 years of longevity research and experimentation but before that you may have heard about my personal crisis my wife had a stroke I recorded the original video that you've seen today before my wife had a stroke and I want to say thank you so much I'm truly grateful for your support your words advice and the kind words have lifted my spirit truly and this is why I've edited this episode from the hospital yes yes I've added this from the hospital from the time that they did not allow me to be next to my wife's bed because I'm committed to you into this longevity community and I also want to say thank you so much to all the patrons of my channel you support me not only spiritually but also in this dire financial situation that I'm at whether it's just one dollar contribution or 10. thank you so much and I promise my wife is gonna get over this and you'll see her face at some point in our future videos [Music] let's summarize the insights from today about autophagy exercise longevity [Applause] [Music] these are the insights and also the Practical implications of exercising for longevity one there is exercising for longevity and there is exercising for other purposes the principles behind the exercise and the goals are different and so are the results we also learned that in order to exercise for longevity we want to activate the longevity pathway called autophagy this happens via using exercise to create hypoxia and muscle damage in order to create hypoxia and muscle damage your exercise must be intense the more intense the exercise is the lower the oxygen levels you're going to reach and it's very possible that high intensity interval training may be even better by cycling hypoxia up and down but we're not sure about that yet we also learned that both high intensity aerobic training and resistance training meaning weightlifting activate autophagy because they both create hypoxia and muscle damage the main difference is that resistance training doesn't stimulate and stretches the lungs but it does stretches the Heart Another Insight is that over training and avoiding proper recovery instead of autophagy it will activate apoptosis cell death and is going to lead to muscle wasting so we need to be spot on with our intensity and pay attention to our recovery sleep and meals after exercise then we covered intensity we learned that exercise intensity is controlled by speed resistance in time under stress and you can play around with these three according to your comfort when you exercise intensely you want it to be infrequent you don't want to create unnecessary damage beyond what is absolutely required to activate autophagy and another Insight that you want to cover all possible muscle tissues because autophagy is a local phenomenon when activated by exercise high intensity bicep exercise will keep the biceps young but not necessarily your calf muscles and lastly we learned that we need to be careful with our intensity intense exercise is no joke for the faint of heart so please consult your doctor to customers exercise to your medical situation now fasting [Applause] [Music] fasting fasting is another great tool to activate autophagy the question about fasting is how is it different from exercise for activating autophagy and can we use one instead of the other if you exercise does fasting still help you because you're already activating autophagy what's the difference between these two so here's the difference fasting is truly a different tool because it leads to a whole body autophagy while hypoxia and muscle damage created by exercise are local fasting is a global phenomenon because you start the entire body off of nutrient so you are likely to have an active autophagy in all organs especially if the brain let me explain that in a different words whereas exercise activates autophagy through muscle damage and hypoxia in targeted muscles and the cardiovascular system fasting on the other hand activates a whole body autophagy through nutrient deprivation so the impact and the mechanism here is a bit different and what I really like about fasting is that unlike intense exercise it doesn't cause damage it reduces metabolism turnover meaning it actually reduces damage so if you've been fasting you know that your temperature is going down this suggests a lower metabolism less damage creating by metabolism and this also is very good for our longevity so fasting both reduces damage and also increase the repair of this damage by activating autophagy this is fantastic for all longevity and this is why fasting is such a potent tool for all longevity now to be fair when comparing exercise with fasting we have to acknowledge that exercise besides autophagy as additional benefits of course such as reduced stress hormonal balance improved insulin sensitivity and maintaining muscle mass in bone mass which gives us strength and health fasting won't help you to do that in fact fasting is going to increase your stress levels in in many ways and it's not going to be helpful for maintaining muscle mass and bone mass so we need both of those tools there is value to incorporating both of those tools both fasting and exercise for all longevity and health but just like with exercise you need to be specific you need to know what to do in order to gain all the benefits for your longevity and there are three types of fasting to activate autophagy which I'm going to cover in a separate video exactly like this one if you're subscribed you're going to see it soon in patrons of my channel we're going to see it even sooner with all the benefits I mentioned before [Applause] [Music] this is going to sound ridiculous obscene a lie but it is the truth in my early 20s I used to exercise four to five times a week I used to be an exercise Enthusiast and it took me four years of researching longevity to understand truly that it may not be necessary my major goal with my exercise was to keep my muscle mass and ask myself what's the minimal amount of exercise that I can do to still preserve the same strength and muscle mass as I research this and experimented with it I found a study and it was in 2011 that gave me a hint that it takes about 14 days before muscles begin to waste so I gave it a go and began to measure I started my once every two weeks high intensity exercise routine and what do you know as I track my body I noticed that I lift the same weights and it had the same muscle mass then I thought it was as smart ass I tried to push it further and once I passed the 14 day Mark I lost muscle mass those discoveries were painful because to build muscle mass I need a completely different exercise program you see this protocol only works for maintenance not for muscle growth makes sense and indeed since 2011 almost 12 years now I exercise once every two weeks per muscle I don't exercise all of them in one session but I divide them but here is the Highlight I actually go to to the gym just once every two weeks about 15 years ago I got injured and because of that I can't really run that would be my ideal exercise for now so what I'm doing I'm using the recliner bicycle and what I like about the reclining bicycle it doesn't apply a lot of pressure on my joints which means that I can continue with this exercise for my entire life because you know there is some notion that after age 40 or 50 you don't want to run because the recovery rate of your joints is going down so that's what I do it also activates my large muscles in the legs and it also increase my heartbeat so that's what I do personally now how do I truly know it is working for me so there are three things I'm tracking at first I track the weights that I can lift in my running speed if I left the same weights it means that I preserve my physical strength now regarding speed and this is super important for Longevity if you follow Sports in whatever sports that you love you know that athletes lose speed from the age of 24 from 24 and it doesn't matter how hard they train afterwards it happens because our muscle tissue is the fastest aging tissue in our bodies and muscle speed is a very good indication of muscle aging based on muscle speed my muscles are still young when I Sprint even though I can get injured I Sprint very fast the second indication is lean body mass I track my lean body mass and it doesn't change as I explained it only changed when I cheat in my intensity or when I go over 14 days and my third parameter is body fat percentage I track my body fat every month over the last 12 years and I know that this weird protocol works because I still have the same eight percent body fat exactly when I was 23 and today I'm 35 and I could not have this eight percent body fat unless my exercise routine was working and my muscle mass stayed consistent this is very important this is my body not yours and you need to track your body too and consult your doctor about the intensity and my routine may not work for you you know maybe when I hit 50 it will stop working for me and I will need more frequency who knows and besides you may not be as lazy as I with my exercise routine [Applause] [Music] believe it or not there is more to exercising besides activating autophagy so yes there are other ways besides activating autophagy that exercise can help you to keep your body young or younger for much longer which I'm basing my exercise program on and if you wonder yes there is value to low activity exercise I don't say that what you do now is incorrect everything you do matters but to be more practical in the next video we'll cover the seven habits of exercising for longevity and together these seven habits will activate all the possible longevity mechanisms covering all of your bases and you're about to understand them so much better now so you have this fundamental understanding of autophagy and exercise for longevity one habit I actually learned from Cristiano Ronaldo yes yes Cristiano Ronaldo actually pushed me to implement a habit that I knew worked and I didn't Implement for a long time it has nothing to do with ice baths or a meringue supermodel and of course I'm going to show you what I'm doing today with my exercise program based on everything I learned in the last 15 years about exercise and Longevity so stay healthy stay young and see you in the next video where we are going to enhance your longevity benefits from your exercise routine in a way that fits perfectly to your ideal lifestyle that makes you happy [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Wellness Messiah with Rimon
Views: 1,262,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wellness messiah, rimon
Id: lFO7pu0FhDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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