David Loses His MInd Over HBO's The Last Of US

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and then the monkey just tears his [ __ ] scalp off [ __ ] that not just some strands of hair it just went [ __ ] ripped off I'm telling you don't [ __ ] with nature right that's why I never want to go to those monkey sanctuaries in Thailand oh [ __ ] I keep seeing videos of people trying to give them food and they go [ __ ] you I'm taking your soul I'm not I'm taking your baby have you seen that Monk on a motorcycle dude in five four three two one what's up everybody welcome to another episode of The Genius brain podcast I am your host David so and we have Ed parkvp in the house once again dude we just came back from a weekend of UFC Extravaganza and the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl which to be honest with you I don't know yeah like a killer [ __ ] less about any of those teams yeah nobody really gave a [ __ ] about the Super Bowl this year but it was a great game that's for sure it was a great game um the commercials I don't really remember I can't go at the top of my head [ __ ] uh what's it called admirable ones the only thing that people were talking about they didn't even talk about the [ __ ] game they're just talking about Rihanna she's pregnant right yeah okay so I asked that right I was like hey she pregnant and they're like no she had her baby I was like oh I feel like an [ __ ] and then this morning it came out she's pregnant again like okay and everybody's like [ __ ] we gotta wait she's never gonna make an album dude yeah she's pregnant again dude Riri baby um we watched uh the UFC against mock it was makachev versus uh volkanovsky which was pretty [ __ ] insane if you guys aren't a fight fan um pound for pound best fighter volkanovsky is what they're saying yes uh versus makachev who is supposed to be this unbeatable robot the second coming of khabib which we saw today is not true the other day like like I mean this is debatable but Habib mauled his opponents right the amount of significant strikes that were landed on him was [ __ ] nothing and makachev I'll I think he just takes a lot more risks but dude volkanoski's stock went up yeah and a lot of people thought that volkanoski win I won I don't think so like uh I scored it did you see the Rogan wait he did the fight company Joe they're all like whoa yeah they all thought he got robbed Joe Rogan all of them were just like he got robbed we everybody in the room are like no that makes sense yeah like one two and four was makachev three was debatably volcanovskis and then five for sure falconos right so I like I I don't know like the I don't understand why people thought it was you know I think when people watch the fight back again uh without the excitement of him getting up from the takedowns and stuff a lot of them they'll be like oh okay I could see why because makachev landed a lot more I don't know the actual stats but he rocked volkanovsky quite well from what I saw visually or was it more significant strikes I guess like once again I have to re-watch it again but I just saw volkanosis had snapped back a lot more except for the fifth round so if we're not judging this fight round by round and it's just for the whole for the fight in general yeah the vocal NASCAR would have taken it in that fifth round and the fight would have been done but it's done round by round all right so in that in that sense I believe that makachev won uh three to two so I don't even think it was that close I mean I guess it is pretty close I mean it feels good enough man they'll have a rematch I'll get back into it I mean but he has to go back down a featherweight to fight yair Rodriguez dude how do you think that's gonna turn out I think yeah right against gonna lose I don't think anybody beats volkanovski right so if you guys just go up on YouTube tube if you're not a fight fan just watch this little guy he looks like a [ __ ] troll from The Lord of the Rings like five six yeah but walks around 170. 170 180 his arms like the same wingspan as mine and I'm just one yeah so he looks [ __ ] weird as the caveman yeah he's a [ __ ] kid he's a knuckle Dragon yeah that's basically Joe Rogan if he was here without the bloated chest yeah and then you have Islam which makachev is uh from Dagestan yeah and for those people who aren't fight fans once again Dagestan is known to have these amazing uh [ __ ] practitioners which is their version of like grappling and wrestling and he has just been Untouchable so the idea behind this fight was that volkanovsky who was the underdog was just going to get mauled and his wrestling wasn't going to be good enough volganovsky's strength is unreal I mean he still wasn't getting the better of makachev during those grappling exchanges but it was a stalemate on the ground for most part yeah yeah yeah yeah so volkanoski is somebody he's just so different so if you're going to if you look back at voknowski beating like Max Holloway he beat him three times uh arguably two of them I don't think that volcanoski won the first two I feel still to this day watching the fights back that he lost both those fights yeah and then he just continually upgraded from every time he got to meet Max to the third one where he just blew him out the water yeah he was way past his exactly so I was like Dude that [ __ ] sucks so to me it's Max Holloway 2 volkonoski one but um he beat the the former like Max Hollow was supposed to be the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world and local gospel beating three times in a row so that just goes to see show how great he is but crazy [ __ ] fight I went back home I started Shadow Boxing in my garage and I threw up yeah so we had a load the motherload of Crane Barbecue that night and you go home and just work your ass off because I was also [ __ ] high as [ __ ] yeah like okay yeah okay sorry about that you I I passed you a little joint and then you took one hit and you're like all right that's good I'm like hey man it's puff puff pass let me just take another so I took two hits and that was fine it was the third one yeah it came back to you yeah the third one is the one that put me into the second Universe where I was a UFC fighter yeah so we ate so much so we have a buddy named Robin right and there's a difference between people who are Foodies and then fat asses we are fat asses dude like we Robin has coined this term grazing which essentially what happens is we bring like an absorbent amount of food every time so almost every weekend we meet up yeah and we watch UFC fights together and so Robin got this thing called a uh uh like it's a Japanese pinchotan um charcoal grill right so pinchotan is a hardwood charcoal like Japanese hardwood charcoal uh it lasts for like six seven hours and you could just Grill consistently but when you do that with people who aren't Foodies and are fat [ __ ] we just eat for six to seven hours straight we had like 10 plus pounds of meat yes yeah and it just it was just cycling through the grill and short rib we had uh Ed brought over some rib eye I brought over um wagyu beef short plate um some hanger steak somebody else brought these uh redneck clams Robin dry age two Whole pork bellies two whole which was already like six pounds yeah right and then we had Korean panchan on the side we had uh is a Korean uh military stew yeah it was um something that was developed after the war we had a lot of American rations and then we used what we could canned beans spam all this other stuff American cheese little franks sausages yeah and you make this [ __ ] [ __ ] delicious dude we ate that and then we were so [ __ ] high and brought these peanut butter cookies from Vons and then we started growing we put them on the grill we're so high we're like oh [ __ ] the fight's starting we're trying to pick it up and the whole thing came out a crumpled mess and then we still ate it it's delicious oh gosh so I you know we're we're hyped from the fight we're watching all this stupid [ __ ] we're watching UFC one like the very first fight ever ball grabbing him ball punching yeah and then I go home and then for some reason I'm like you know what I was inspired I'm like I could be a fighter yeah I could have gone through UFC one yeah so I go home I hop in the side of it like doing like a weight drop type oh no oh sweat the [ __ ] out I come out I start Shadow Boxing like in my mind I probably think I look really good I do not and so I play Shadow Boxing and then I stop and I go I think okay I'm fine like I'm I'm a fighter I'm not gonna throw up so I continue oh God right and then the thing that did me for some [ __ ] reason because I saw yair Rodriguez I threw a freaking Toyo a spinning heel kick right that did me at it I [ __ ] yeah you just get like all nauseous and I [ __ ] ratted that I [ __ ] Yak oh God right out the door no I ran into the bathroom I made it to the bathroom but dog it was the dumbest thing ever and I just remember the next day waking up like you're so [ __ ] stupid like who the hell do you think you are man you can't even run a mile straight without crying man well at least you're not feeling all the effects of just like meat hangover right now because since you threw it all up I had like seven pimples oh [ __ ] because we were just sitting there grilling yeah this smoke was just getting right in your face that oil was just going right in your eyes and then uh even this pants I have permanent oil stains on it and I just washed oh holy [ __ ] yeah but we had a dry aged Port too so Robin took these pork slabs and just left it in the fridge open in there and he left it out for a week yeah and so what that does it reduces the moisture in your pork belly so it's number one dries out the skin a little bit or the surface of the meat and the second thing it does it condenses it gets rid of a lot of the water so it it um the my art reaction happens a lot faster right so when we put it on the grill it was like brown and crispy it was so [ __ ] so good um yeah but anyways enough of that [ __ ] fat ass talking this ain't [ __ ] dude yeah um people wanted us to talk about the last of us right yeah and I gotta tell you this right now I'm somebody who just I don't know why but when somebody says a show is really good I feel like 60 of the time to 70 of the time it's not as good as people say it is right right and so I avoided watching The Last of Us because it was based off of a game and typically what I've seen from a lot of things that are adapted from something else it's not going to be that good yeah like Resident Evil you know zombie video games turn into movies they do that a lot and they're just terrible that's exactly what I was thinking yeah a Resident Evil is not a good adaptation right and this is what it kind of felt like so I just avoided the last of us but everybody and their mom was talking about it and I watched the first episode like a quarter of it and I was like okay this might be decent and that's all I knew yeah the show yeah well when I asked after I finished the first episode I was like okay this is something else man yeah this is crazy um this show is so [ __ ] intense in the best way possible right and I think what I like about the last of us and we'll probably break down every episode as we go on with this uh up to this point is up at five episodes yeah it's like they do such a good job of making you feel things are okay and then quickly reminding you like look this is an apocalypse yeah this place is Bleak yeah this is a [ __ ] and they do that so [ __ ] well because I I'm watching the characters and obviously you have a Pedro Pascal like he's amazing every actor and actress in this show is so [ __ ] good great great so [ __ ] good I think most of them they're all like theater trained actors oh yeah that's the difference man and I've talked about this a lot where when we when we watch a lot of shows and we're seeing a lot of new actors that are coming in and I think sometimes with the idea of like representation we we are looking for faces and characters rather than we're looking at the skill behind the actors right and I think that's like the the biggest hurdle that we have to go through as um Asian Americans right now in film is that we're seeing a lot of these people who want to make films none of them are really trained actors though yes yes right and I'm saying this because some of these people are peers like I've seen them and they don't I'm not saying they don't care about acting right they do care about acting I think they want to make movies yes but then they haven't that's like you gotta Source your actors yeah yeah the the craft of a lot of these people who are actors are not that great this is me included right yeah um I don't think these people live or die for acting and the craft and so when you see them act you could tell like it's very very rudimentary it's very basic even when you go back to old television shows um these CBS um [ __ ] what do you call it the you know the those old superhero shows like small villages oh right right it's the writing's terrible and some of these actors aren't great but I could tell like as the show went on they're acting on better and better and better and they're just better at this they're better at delivering shitty [ __ ] lines and so when I look at shows like the last of us I just go there's [ __ ] levels to this dude like they're so good who is it so let's talk about the first episode right so what I really like about the show the first episode is the timeline and what it said right so the very opening scene right it was like 1968 they're on a talk show and they start talking about oh what could devastate the human population and we're we're living in 2023 now right and we just lived through a pandemic and then the guy says a pandemic which we can all relate to as an audience right and we understand what it could do but it's like the other guy's like but it's not going to ruin the world right and that's something we also understand and then he starts talking about [ __ ] fungus you know cordyceps and if you've watched planet Earth and like it's on YouTube and [ __ ] too have you seen how fungus kind of infect insects yeah so and take over their mind when I said that number one I go through really weird rabbit holes yeah online especially when it comes to Nature right because obviously who doesn't follow nature as well yeah you know but um there is this one fungus that controls insects like you'll see let's say I don't know the exact insect but there was like a clip of this thing that looked like a cockroach it's like the heads caved and it's dead and when you see it just walking the [ __ ] zombie yeah it's the weirdest [ __ ] ever and the it's mostly ants apparently so like the uh the fungus will uh uh explode or whatever and the pores will spread out and then it gets amongst the insect population mostly ants and then it's so weird that those little tentacle things come out of the ant's mouth you know oh it's real yeah freaked me the [ __ ] out they're so [ __ ] disgusting yeah that was so disgusting our infected that [ __ ] comes out of their mouths and they're controlled and they get and they go into the colony to infect more ants right but that's here's a cool thing yuck yeah it's [ __ ] gross but the cool thing is there are like I don't know if it's Warrior ants or worker ants like just smarter ants who see that it's infected and they'll take it down and drag its ass way out of the colony to just die right and what they do is like after a while there's stages of it where they start losing the entire autonomy and they have no control and they go up a branch and then they clench onto the this little twig right and then they'll die but the fungus takes over their body and then you can see it grow this [ __ ] horn out of its head in order and then it just shoots more spores out to get more zombie insects so that's a real thing in nature just [ __ ] disgusting nature is ridiculous yeah and you know Joe Rogan's high ass always talks about nature and [ __ ] right and I'm always thinking this [ __ ] guy is high out of his mind and then you know I start seeing some of the clips that he's talking about and now I'm scared to go outside yeah yeah dude like the way people like romanticize nature and animals it's really odd because nature is nature right the things that we see from animals and creatures or whatever is seen through a very small lens because we're seeing it through like zoos and you know they're trying reservations exactly sanctuaries so you gotta save these animals it's like actually nature wants to kill you I see a woodpecker just eating the brains of another person like the idea I'm like this Woody Woodpecker what is he doing cannibalism like lions eating leopards like unusual acts in order for them to survive they'll do anything dude and then hyenas just eating animals through the ass yeah because it's the easiest way to wait while they're alive while they're alive the [ __ ] craziest thing ever what is this [ __ ] dude so I mean I also saw the the thing where it was another type of I'm not sure if it was a fungus but there's like a parasite that gets into slugs and they'll go up on branches and they'll extend out I hate that [ __ ] yeah and then just so a bird will come and eat it so the bird will [ __ ] it out somewhere else and it'll reproduce or some [ __ ] like that oh it's [ __ ] disgusting dude yeah so all in all like everything else in nature is trying to kill us and humans we do literally live in a type of Utopia where we're safe from nature we are the apex predators yes yes and that's that's another thing that's an interesting thing to bring on is um because we became apex predator so fast because of fire like we just jumped the line to become Apex there's a long line of other predators that are apex predators but because of that um if you look at lions and other Apex Parts they have no fear yeah yeah humans we have anxiety we have depression we have fear and that's because we jump the line to Apex dude that makes so dude I saw this I'm not sure this is a side track but we are so sidetracked by the way I go ahead there was this like a video of this guy for some [ __ ] is this dude in Africa and he's like [ __ ] around with this lion yeah and like sticking his finger in the cage and the Lion's getting pissed right guess what he does grabs his [ __ ] finger and tears It Off what I don't know why he was doing that but he was just [ __ ] around with a lion like showing that oh I could I could pet this line and the line is literally trying to bite his finger off and it just flips his head grabs his finger and it just strips and So speaking of that too so you know how there's like these parks in Asia where there's monkeys just run around right did you see that video of a guy trying to feed a little monkey something and the monkey crawls up his shoulder right then it grabs a piece of his hair and he's like oh [ __ ] he's trying to fight it like and then the monkey just tears his [ __ ] scalp off [ __ ] that not just some strands of hair it just went [ __ ] ripped off I'm telling you don't [ __ ] with nature right that's why I never want to go to those monkey sanctuaries in Thailand I keep seeing videos of people trying to give them food and they go [ __ ] you I'm taking your soul I'm not I'm taking your baby have you seen that monkey on a motorcycle dude try to kidnap a baby what the [ __ ] was that yeah yesterday it's just this baby in Asia sitting on a stool dragging this baby off we're gonna make Last of Us season like ten because monkeys on motorcycles kidnapping babies did somebody train that monkey who [ __ ] knows what the [ __ ] man like they skipped the Stone Age they skipped making tools like I'm riding motorcycles and I don't understand it's it's really hard to Fathom how strong [ __ ] primates and monkeys are they are [ __ ] strong we are weak we are the weakest primates in all of mammalian or whatever the [ __ ] the animal kingdom yeah they that tiny little [ __ ] monkey that has to be I say at most 15 pounds yeah dragging a child like it's nothing and the kid is like like that's like what the [ __ ] is happening there was a there was also this other video of or it was a story about somebody who was living with a chimpanzee for like knew a chimpanzee for a while and then I don't know what happened exactly but basically long story short this lady who was either a wildlife Wildlife conservationist the long story short of the chimp ripped her face off he ate her face ate her [ __ ] face and her fingers and her toe like ate all these extremities like and she lived you [ __ ] lived okay yeah that's the scariest part that's just like nah nah you're right but don't [ __ ] with chimps don't get chimps as pets dude they're they are literally jacked for no reason yeah they are if you shave the chimp down body oh yeah uh when you see Apes with alopecia they're like holy [ __ ] they look like Brock Lesnar yeah I would not want to give him hugs people love giving them hugs ever since I I you know saw those articles and I kept reading about stuff like that and then I see these videos of these people who live with chimps their whole life and since they were little babies and they see them they come up and they hug them and they're super happy I'm like dude yeah I get [ __ ] nervous I don't know man yeah even the diseases like thing part like or who knows ticks fleas and [ __ ] yeah I don't know chimps can I I just picture chimp just grabbing my spine and ripping it out of my body because I feel like that's they could literally do that yeah let's go back to the last of us okay yeah that was a big big Segway yeah nature wants to kill you yeah and okay so what he says is like oh it can't affect us now because they're depicting it in 1968. and but he's saying but in the future say like the climate warms then yes they can these fungus can um evolve and then start in fact affecting humans too and then so in this sci-fi World they say as the climate change then got warmer into the year 2003 it infects the population because it's a little bit non-linear in its storytelling um because in this beginning of the second episode they also showed the Thai scientist that whole part that was also really good too um I don't know if I'm jumping ahead but then just chronologically saying how these things came about like the mushroom or the fungus started going into grains and rice and all of our food supplies first that's why it was just because they're like an effort who was the young the young black actress the kid who Pedro Pascal was I don't know her name but she is [ __ ] good dude yeah she is so damn good man that first the first uh part of that episode where we get to know her and how beautiful she is as a soul you know as a daughter and like she helps her neighbors she loves her father and she gets this birthday present with the watch and all that and we fall in love with her and then [ __ ] goes down and you see you know what and I already knew from the jump when I saw that old [ __ ] grandma in that corner I was like she's gonna do some [ __ ] some weird [ __ ] right but oh and so if you pay attention to they offer her cookies she's like no no that's right so that's why I'm saying this the fungus got into the Wheats and the grains and all of that so people who are eating certain foods are getting infected and so she refused to eat the cookies and and then the grand they were feeding it to the grandma you know what the funny thing is when I saw that [ __ ] I'm like damn I would have been infected yeah cookies and I want to put that [ __ ] on a grill yeah cookies 17. oh no wonder in the future there's no fat people right all the fat people died first they're all on keto dude no braids you want to survive this apocalypse you got to get on keto yeah everybody's all fit yeah beyond belief but it's it's kind of crazy because you know they like I said the show does a really good job in showing love unity um just kind of developing like the emotional aspect of like relationships with people really well and what they mean to each other exactly and then you see the whole world just go to [ __ ] and then things have to shift really [ __ ] fast and I think like the they're also showing like how shitty humanity is when it comes to survival yeah yeah um especially when it came to that scene with the soldier where he receives the call and so basically long story short the whole world is going to [ __ ] right because everybody is turning into these zombies people don't know who's a zombie or not so everybody's so scared that they're just killing each other they're just killing everybody in fact they're not it's the safest bet it's just to kill everyone yeah right if you're not affected most likely they are so just kill them because in the in the opening the of the scene the in Thailand um the Thai scientist does the autopsy is so [ __ ] creepy and um they asked the military ask or like okay what do we do there's 14 missing people and you can see just her face just go like it's over yeah and she says bomba yeah just bomb this bomb [ __ ] everybody yeah can I go home I need to be with my family right and she like she knew it's [ __ ] yeah it's [ __ ] and so in and when we see it back in our main character's perspective that [ __ ] the world's falling apart planes are falling out of the sky um everyone's just pandemonium and they're trying to get away um Pedro Pascal is Joel he and his brother are a pretty solid team but in that first episode we see them get split um in all the chaos his daughter twists her ankle and he's carrying her and they run away from one of these zombie things and a soldier saves them but he's like hey we're not infected she just has a twisted ankle and he gets the soldier gets the phone call and it's such chaos it's like it doesn't matter if they're infected or not kill him and he points their gun and he shoots and then we see Pedro Pascal's hit two and then Tommy saves and he kills the soldier and then we see his daughter was hit oh like and you're just like oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] wrecked me dude yeah and it's amazing how the show made me feel for this girl in a matter of like 20 minutes yeah we saw the whole first episode in her perspective yeah yeah I mean if it wasn't for the trailers and stuff that showed us like she's not in the trailers yeah for the rest of the show you kind of saw what was coming but not like this exactly and wow the emotions that Pedro Pascal had to [ __ ] part because he's uh he's supposed to be a hardened man you know at least had a loving relationship but then when she is dying it is such a [ __ ] bummer and then it boom clicks dude 20 years later one of the things that I feel like a lot of um I know for all of you people out there who love Korean dramas and [ __ ] um they're really popular on Netflix right now one of the things that Korean shows do [ __ ] [ __ ] terribly that I absolutely hate is character motive and action never match up they just do things just to progress the story just to have something to see like a character will be like a very stoic person and then out of nowhere he's the kindest human being on Earth and then his actions don't only so they could develop a love relationship but it doesn't make sense for the character I hate that so much and that's why this show I really love they do these small little things to show who this guy is why it happens and it continues throughout the storyline yeah it makes [ __ ] sense and so that's just one of the biggest pet peeves if I ever watch a show and I just see like writers put in things like oh we need something crazy to happen so let's just make this character do it even though throughout the whole series it doesn't make sense with their character at all yeah I [ __ ] hate that but they do such a good job of showing like number one like their relationship that the relationship he had with his daughter and how it happened how it scars him you know over a time of like 20 years to see who he ends up being during this because the next thing it cuts to is Boston quarantine Zone and there's a kid walking out by himself and he walks into the quarantine Zone they take him in and they tell him hey you made it you're safe we're going to feed you we're going to bathe you we're going to close you and they do the test and it goes burnt red cut to Joel and test they're doing their work they have to burn bodies and there's that kid and Tess doesn't want to do it Joel has no problem picking up this kid's body checking it so it's clear it's clear's day like he's he's over that [ __ ] human life is just it's Soul it's just Bleak so it's like his sole motivation like seemingly when you see him just kind of how he processes these situations right is it's just survival that's it he just for some reason he has his will to live and that's all he cares about right nothing else really [ __ ] matters um later on in the show you'll see the by the way if you haven't seen the show already [ __ ] get on it yeah yeah we've never done a spoiler-free review anyway so yeah yeah so um there's a girl who gets bit right and I've never played the game so I know so this is all fascinating to me um there's a girl who gets bit but she doesn't turn into a [ __ ] cordycep zombie yeah right you see the the vice the bite yeah but it just ends with the scar and that's it I know did I think test founder right no um so I I did play the game the game is 10 plus years old but some from what I recall like she was in some mall like playing around and then um yeah she gets big or whatever and all that [ __ ] and then she runs back in those are the fireflies they're the Freedom Fighters yeah because what runs the quarantine zone is fedra which is the new government since the United States collapsed and they're pretty fascist yeah right and so they're trying to fight for a new quarantine order let's quote-unquote say so they found her first so they're keeping her chained up and safe and to keep her at a distance and then they make her do these tests and she does in turn within so many days right yeah and then from there they see her as she's the [ __ ] answer she's the Cure yeah to all of this like how to fix all that and what's happening is um Tess and Joel are trying to find a car battery you know yeah to match with the truck so they can get out of there and they're dealing with the black market and you can see how nothing works within the quarantine Stone so the black market is huge which is why they're all fine with each other and then you see like I said troll deals trucks to a [ __ ] Soldier that's right that's right that's right yeah so it's like okay I mean they gotta make a living they gotta survive and you can see it's just Anarchy because uh Tess gets beat up by a gang who who [ __ ] double crossed her over the [ __ ] car battery that's right right and they get killed because of some street war and all that [ __ ] and all that to say when Tess gets back to Joel um they're not like in a loving relationship they are co-survivalists yeah they are just there because they they need each other like not ranging emotionally you can see but then they have to survive together yeah it's like this agreement that they have right and all of that culminates to them leading like them running into the fireflies of Freedom Fighters because they both need this car battery yeah and as fate would have it whatever because the car battery was trash or whatever they both need to get to the West they agree hey there's a an out Point Post like Rendezvous they'll have all supplies and um car batteries everything you need we need you to take Ellie the girl we need you to take her there right and as they do they go throughout the night they get caught by the same soldier that um Joel deals drugs too but this time soldiers are like nah [ __ ] this I'm turning you in right and then when he he points a gun and when he does that Joel gets triggered and he goes Wolverine berserk mode yeah on the [ __ ] Soldier yeah and then in that chaos they see that they see that she's bit right and that's the end of episode one yeah yeah yeah yeah the what the scene where um test was captured I [ __ ] love that scene because number one it just showed how much there's no emotion in anything it's like yeah you got me you [ __ ] me up but she's like still alive hey you [ __ ] me up whatever it's even I just like [ __ ] it like we all just want to live and he's like no no no no like you're gonna happen because actually I don't give a [ __ ] all right yeah like it's all good let's just move on from this [ __ ] right no zero emotions she's not begging for her life she's not sitting there um trying to like emotionally get to them so she could survive she's just like look these are the facts right things happen it's an apocalypse you're gonna do what you do whatever you got your [ __ ] move on who the [ __ ] cares yeah let's just let's just get the [ __ ] out of here and that's what we were saying all that that whole [ __ ] like side thing we had about nature trying to kill us shows what it does to us yeah right in that like what it does to our humanity and our emotions for each other when we all got to look out for ourselves you know and then the way you know when you're in Anarchy or like a um wartime or anything every government will turn fascists everyone damn well it always does when the show progresses and we're going to kind of go towards this where the uh basically they have what's the young girl's name Ellie so they have Ellie right number one that long little girl that young girl she could act her ass off she's lady Mormont Game of Thrones the little girl yeah that's her when she was like I don't know 12 at the time 11. I had no [ __ ] idea yeah that's the HBO connection that's why she's on the show well that little girl [ __ ] yeah good I mean she looks great [ __ ] okay that makes sense then yeah yeah so she's killing it right so much attitude so much sass or whatever and like you don't like her yeah she's not likable not at all she's [ __ ] annoying yeah I mean which you know from a viewer perspective it makes me like her yeah that's the point kind of thing right like they like why would Joel why would if Joel doesn't even like her why the [ __ ] does he need to take her out west that kind of thing right and so like there's these moments too where they're walking around they're having conversation and like they're doing a good job of like I think explaining the world right because as they're going through these areas they're explaining why they can't go through it and they also actually explain it to the young girl because she's a kid she wasn't alive forever that's a great way to do Exposition exactly because she's she had a bad education and he'll keep saying didn't you go to school and she goes to federal school yeah and then Joel opens up about what it used to be like when she's like oh you still you know uh play this game or do you what were airplanes like that kind of thing and then he explains how everything went down kind of thing so that was like I guess it's called the walk and talk which is a good way to do Exposition and a lot of dramatic shows like is you show them walking and you show an environment while they talk it keeps the the viewers engaged yeah if they're just sitting there and talking it's a bit tougher to get it going if they're walking then we see progression and so that's I was like this is [ __ ] great storytelling like visual storytelling great yeah plus and like for me too for somebody who hasn't who doesn't know anything about the game it was very necessary for me right yeah and because it wasn't like these status shots of just going back in time right and for example when they when they went through the building and they you know they had to explain why it's [ __ ] dangerous like listen and they were kind of arguing back and forth like listen we shouldn't go in here um obviously because mushroom people like dark areas they go up to the top and they see a bunch of these zombies just huddled together right and they're like yo what the [ __ ] why are there so many now but those those small little explanations didn't take me out of it I didn't have to sit there and listen to this long story they just got to the point like this is what it is the kid understands and they move on yeah so they still even within the exposition there isn't these like really warm weird sappy moments it's just it's still in the idea of I got the information [ __ ] it let's move on yeah so they kind of keep it within the theme of this is still survival even in their storytelling which I really really do appreciate because yeah it's like okay let's move on let's see what's gonna happen next um fast forward to they had this crazy fight scene with these the clickers the [ __ ] mushroom vagina or yeah like labia face people [ __ ] disgusting yeah such an intense scene right a quick quick uh side note um the reason why I played last of us a long time ago is I have this friend named Derek Espino he works at Sony video games yeah and he's a senior sound designer and when I first got a PlayStation 3 I asked him yo what game should I play and he just recommended all the games he made which were uh all the Uncharted series The God of War series and they also they also made the same Studio made thousands of us yeah yeah and so he got me into that he made those noises those clicking noises oh my God he invented those noises and I just want to drop that a shout out to Derek that is creepy as [ __ ] um but yeah they get into a whole scuffle with that you know classic zombie TV show fight but they get out of it okay right um but as soon as they get to the Rendezvous they see everyone's dead right and they've been infected and they all pretty much killed each other but there was an interesting thing that also happens in nature you know the do you know Nature has its own internet so every Forest system right like every tree actually communicates with each other it's like hey I need some more sunlight this way or blah blah whatever the way it kind of moves branches there's a communication system that is there because of fungus fungus is deep down in the ground and within its root systems they connect oh so that's what they meant and that's where they grabbed the whole thing of like yeah if you tell if one thing happens here they'll know they'll know what they communicate through their fungus Roots there's a lot of research for this yeah yeah the game or the show yeah so that's exactly what happens at the Rendezvous Viewpoint you see some Vines and like fungus Vines touching one dead guy or he was alive for a moment and they shot his head and then it alerted all of the big group of zombies that were packed together and they come running and then that's when they have to move right and Tess reveals like because she's freaking out yeah so she's losing her composure she goes no it has to be here it has to be here and then the little girl she was like you got bit Yeah holy [ __ ] you're a bit yeah yeah and then she sees the bite this is a scene that I actually really really enjoyed too and it's you know I don't think it's very common that I give a show so much praise but even something small like this right where I I don't know why my mind automatically goes to oh I feel like this is what's going to happen because I think there's certain tropes that a lot of television shows do that they don't have to do per se but it's just like everybody else does it so why not so clearly at this point I've already assumed um as a viewer that she's going to sacrifice herself but the way that she sacrificed herself was done really really well she has this lighter and it's it's giving me anxiety yeah because she can't [ __ ] light it yeah right and you see all these zombies just spill in like crazy until one of them notices her and slowly this zombie starts to inch towards her yeah and she's sitting there trying to light this thing and it almost feels like she's about to give up and as it gets close to those little [ __ ] is going in her mouth and I wanted to throw up and then finally it lights yeah and then she drops it explodes [ __ ] everybody well we gotta take about take about talk about her coming to that decision too because like we just said earlier she doesn't give a [ __ ] oh that's right yeah but why why did she turn it um in the second episode she was ahead of Joel because she was like she is like the answer yeah she could change all of this like it it gave Tess some hope like I can start giving a [ __ ] again yeah and then she does she starts giving a [ __ ] she starts caring and she starts she she sees the this purpose that she must fulfill it by taking Ellie out west Joe's not convinced you know but for Tess because she believes now and there's something to give a [ __ ] about she's she's convinces Joel you need to take her you need to do this and she sacrifices our life because she believes in it and when we are getting into the third episode now it opens with they need um they need that car battery still right yeah well Joel has a contact his friend bill and they're on their way to go find Bill and then it cuts back to 2003 in Bill's perspective and this guy it opens up he's in his basement not even basement a sub-basement of his basement and he's a doomsday prepper yeah right dude it's like he was waiting for the world to end I this this was the episode that actually made me really really like this show yeah right no that's this episode went so viral that everyone started tuning in oh really yeah yeah this is that then it makes sense because for me I mean we could talk about a lot of things about this one like episode three do you want to talk about historic television historic television emotional roller coaster dude and number one we you know I mentioned uh representation right and there's representation outside of just um ethnicities right there's like sexuality like you find out that bill is gay right and not only is he gay when you look at him he doesn't look like the typical gay dude no right his mannerisms or what what like TV typically portrays of a gay male right for example if you've seen this terrible show called partner track that got canceled thank god um the worst [ __ ] show I've ever seen in my [ __ ] life yeah and they have you know I think one of the biggest complaints that a lot of people had in my personal Circle that were gay or are gay were like who the [ __ ] is this random flamboyant gay lawyer it's a caricature caricature of a gay person right which I do think a lot of you know just from like okay I have like two friends who uh they're like they're like my my uh gay antennas he's like two gay homies from Sacramento and they just like dude what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] right and everybody has a different opinion of that what I liked about this show was and I think this is what I like about representation is when you have people exist in this world as if they're just regular people yeah they're them dealing with this [ __ ] apocalypse yeah and like they are gay yeah and you know what I mean which is how life is or how it should be yeah right so it's the idea of normalizing something in a way that's very natural and organic right that they this show did such a great job of it and I think a lot of people now have an issue of representation when they try to shove it down people's face rather than letting it exist the way that it should be yeah right and they did such a good job with [ __ ] bill when when Bill so just to talk about the show so Bill he's like this uh Doomsday prepper right and he's really [ __ ] good at this Nick Offerman yes also known as Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec he is that character that Midwestern Stern stoic like not emotionally outwardly but as an actor that's amazing that that's just thick not being an emotional person but we'll get to the rest of the episode where oh my God it comes out but it's what you see [ __ ] funny that you would say that Ron Swanson in this character I'm cracking up already right it practically is possible yeah yeah he's he's going out this is his mother's home right that he lives in everybody is [ __ ] he's been prepping for this [ __ ] since day one yeah right because he's a doomsday prepper goes into the Home Depot dude he goes wild goes free-for-all he gets a boat he's living his [ __ ] dream right barrels of gasoline aging beef yeah dude doing everything right because nobody for the longest time at this point you don't know he's gay yet right um one of the things he makes extravagant meals maybe that was a little bit that was the thing right you see him do like this filet with this like um this bordele sauce these vegetables that he grew it's this amazing [ __ ] meal and then the part that cracked me up was he turns on his security cam and you see this zombie and he's walking up trips to Marcus blasting that you think it's supposed to be a serious scene I'll never get tired of that yeah he's enjoying it he's enjoying the Doom station yeah and then um it's been four years now him him by himself four years surviving and then you um he's built a [ __ ] perimeter in his neighborhood he's got a whole acreage to himself so he's fine and um he gets a like a alarm Bells like notification he has an intruder someone fell in one of his traps it's a big hole in the ground and it's a you can see it online it this particular scene went like viral too or whatever like it was part of their ad campaign it's when they first meet he needs uh it's his name Frank yeah and there's another man down the hole he doesn't trust them he doesn't you know he's obviously super paranoid of him but he convinces him hey I'm hungry like I won't bother you just I just need you know a meal so he Bill agrees mixed extravagant rabbit meal right and he has a bottle of [ __ ] Caymus like it's just I was looking at the food I'm like damn how maybe we could yeah maybe I want to live with this guy like I want to go survive with you yeah but the guys you know he's washing up he's showering they're sharing this all right he gives him a hot shower too right yeah and you could tell like bill is so uncomfortable right but you don't really know why and then in the this is this was kind of funny too it's just him playing the piano and singing and then obviously this other guy who is gay he just goes well not obviously at this point but he just goes he's gay in my [ __ ] playing show tunes yeah but that [ __ ] kind of made me laugh that's where it was starting to come I was like hmm he might be getting a Game Stop yeah he doesn't like the boys yeah he's like ruining the song for him yeah the funny thing is like in my mind when I was watching the scene I was like David don't don't just assume he's gay yeah right he's like you know you don't don't assume it and then all sudden yeah yeah but you got to kind of see it was like it was so endearing and cute yeah like Bill gets on and he starts singing the song in the way he likes obviously and then uh Frank he asks if there's girl he's like no there's no girl there never was he goes I know I know and then they lean in for the kiss and Frank is like crying and he's like what's your name and it's just like you know it didn't even matter there was gay to me at that point like it was such a beautiful scene honestly like they were so starved for connection this is that thing of how the show does such a good job of showing Humanity right in the worst way possible and the best way possible what I got from the build character is that I think he enjoyed the world disappearing because he was never allowed to be himself you know what I mean yeah whether and I don't know I don't know if this is done in the writing but I'm assuming because he's like in this country bumpkin ass area him coming out as a gay man it's not something that you're supposed to do and even when he was living with his mom or whatever else he had to hide his identity right right when this whole world went to [ __ ] he didn't have to hide his identity he's a [ __ ] doomsday prepper and you know he's never been allowed to share the the fact that he's gay yeah and especially with another gay man right and so it was liberating for him yeah and that part just made me it was making me super [ __ ] emotional right and mind you years ago I saw Brokeback Mountain couldn't do it you know you know Brokeback Mountain was [ __ ] intense though yeah this is just the a relationship just a loving relationship that you're seeing start to Bud cool thing about this is I mean they get in the bed they [ __ ] or whatever what right that was a little uncomfortable for me heterosexual males was a little hard but beyond that what I like about this once again they're showing humanity and they do it so naturally is that they fast forward a time and now they're [ __ ] fighting yeah he's like I loved it they like they're fighting because he wants friends their their banter is really endearing the whole thing with the government isn't Nazis like yes they are like okay they are now but like um I mean it shows a character who they are but what is what is Frank really want it's like can I spruce up the house can I build a garden can we have some people over right it's like you ha you built all this like can I build some of it can it be mine too give me something to live for yeah right and then you see like like Bill being I guess I don't know efficient or fragment is like you know we don't need Paint you know we don't need flowers and all that [ __ ] but he relents and which helps us see their relationship grow and uh you see we see that Frank has been in connection with Tess right and that and he says hey I'm bringing some friends over we're gonna have friends and then they have this like Garden lunch and it's such a nice looking scene in this Bleak world yeah this is concocted I mean there's a little funny dialogue too because he's like oh you know builds a paranoid schizophrenic and he's like I'm not schizophrenic but he won't deny his paranoid yeah but it has a very interesting setup for us to see how Joel and Bill connect they're the same type and the same ilk of people in this [ __ ] Bleak future but they both understand what they're you know doing in order to survive and then we see that hey man I can get you a better fence out there to keep you protected and you know they'll stay in communication they kind of more or less warm up to each other and then they also see that their purpose that they have I want to say I guess in the as the masculine aspects of their relationship that they are trying to they're trying to keep tests and Frank alive that's both of their purposes essentially and then we see that Frank went so bill has a [ __ ] Arsenal he's got guns and Guns and racks and racks of guns and Frank trades a gun for some strawberry seeds and we see this beautiful moment where they have strawberries for the first time in how many years that was a beautiful scene yeah and then Bill Giggles yeah a little school girl when he eats the strawberry uh and he's like yeah and and like we see like man they have hope yeah these people have built something where it [ __ ] works because we saw the quarantine Zone we see [ __ ] Freedom Fighters and fascists and everyone's out for each other's next and then we see this beautiful aspect of this Bleak future cut to um a firefight outside and then um which is what Joel uh warned him about yeah there's people what are called Marauders yeah right they're just scavengers yeah yeah try to take their [ __ ] but Bill of course like booby traps his whole fans [ __ ] him up but he gets shot and in that scene we're seeing like uh build seems to be dying on the table he's like call Joel call Joel Joel will know what to do and Frank's just talking to him like a medic he's just keeping him as like sure yep that's what we'll do and he's just treating his Moon Fade to Black and it's 10 years later and Frank is in a wheelchair it seems he has Ms or ALS they're old now and it's just beautiful because it's quiet and they're old and you know they're just doing home life you know they're and um Frank is painting a portrait of bill and it's kind of getting [ __ ] up I mean it's still beautiful painting in itself but you could see how Frank seems to be giving up yeah on his life in that moment and then in the next morning Frank tells bill this is my last day yeah and that's when they're sitting on the couch and Bill is that the emotions are coming out yeah Nick Offerman breaks our hearts the way he just doesn't want to go through with this plan well that was the crazy thing where everything felt he was doing everything just as a survivalist right because he talked about you know he joked about his paranoia and how he approaches everything is very pragmatic um that strawberry scene I feel like that's when his Humanity came out he goes there's something to live for outside of just surviving right and he shares this like this loving moment with his partner and you could see the the connection of the relationship isn't just oh you're you're somebody that could help me get rid of this loneliness during this whole pandemic that that we're all going through it's I love this person and we're in this loving world and there's something to live for outside of just surviving and then you see it affect him when he finds out the his reason for living is now going to disappear yeah that [ __ ] was [ __ ] yes to me and they developed that so [ __ ] well when they were doing so the next thing that you guys see is the dinner scene right so it kind of goes back to they they have their beautiful last day they get new clothes and stuff they they do a small wedding and then they have their dinner yeah and they they go to the scene where they're having this dinner right which is kind of an Ode to the first time the first time they met they had the same meal the same meal and everything else they have that beautiful bottle of Caymus they're pulling out the wine and then you see him put in whatever that chemical is that's going to kill him and he puts it into his drink and give it to him and he Downs it well which you don't know which I kind of assumed is that he already put it in his wine as well yeah and he told him like you were the reason why I lived for this long he said you are my purpose which is crazy right you see this guy who's this stoic human being have feelings and emotions and this person who was his partner brought that out of him yeah and that whole relationship scene [ __ ] wrecked me dude like I I was wrecked when I when I when I even though I knew that they were both going to die like I assumed as a viewer it killed me man because it started putting me into a perspective of okay what would have happened if I was in this situation right like if the only person that gave me Santa let's say Mariel and I somehow survived right and I'm the crazy person right and I know that Mariel has to die I was like would I want to be around for the next 10 years by myself yeah I don't think so yeah what's the point what's the purpose yeah like he he was going to lose his purpose so insane yeah and so he was happy to give up his own life as well like hey I did everything we did it and they did it like nobody else seemed on Earth seemed to have done it yeah and it did it so well and for us we can accept yeah they can die in peace they got to lead the way that they wanted to which I feel in this time is a luxury yeah it's a [ __ ] luxury they got to eat an amazing [ __ ] meal together they got to do it with the person that they love and they got to live to an older age nobody else gets that in this world except for them yeah and then so then we cut to present time it's like a few weeks later uh Joel and Ellie roll up to Bill's compound he knows the code and long story short Ellie finds the letter um and Bill addresses it to Joel and in it as Ellie's reading it for him um he talks about the purpose you and I we have a purpose on this Earth and no [ __ ] is gonna stop us from that purpose and for me it's take care of Frank and for use to take care of Tess click the last episode test died and and so Joel has a little mini breakdown why because what we did see before was like I said Joel and Tess were Co survivalists II and throughout this whole episode we just saw two other cool survivalists just [ __ ] do it right and they loved each other Joel and Tess didn't seem to love each other in that sense because they were they're such cynics now they're nihilists like this whole world is [ __ ] up but deep down Joel did love tests yeah yeah and because he was like that was our purpose your purpose was to take care of Tesla Tess is gone but what did tests want Joel to do it's like take Ellie this is for real take Ellie out west and people miss this Joel goes back in and he says show me arm it's like he this guy knows yeah he says show him he had to be sure one more time to look at it and it's it's healing her arm's healing consult he accepts that fate they could have stayed on that compound there's plenty of food shelter running water hot water all that [ __ ] they could have stayed in Bill's compound and and lived out the rest of their lives as well but he was like he accepts his fate he accepts this new purpose his new purpose is Ellie yeah you know and that's why this whole scene was so pivotal people say oh it was so unnecessary why do we have to say it was such a deviation it was like context yeah for us to see like purpose and this is essentially the if this was a nine hour movie This is the first act yeah yeah yeah Joel has now found his purpose and he is acting out his purpose so throughout the whole show the person that I felt feel for the most is Joel right because his personal mission is to not feel anything right because he knows what it feels like to have somebody that he loves and have it taken away from so many times throughout the show right it happened with his daughter it's happening with Tess and every time he tries to strip himself of his own Humanity this is just a mission yeah I don't care about you this is a promise that I have to keep this is a promise that I have to keep and then every time like he starts feeling a little bit more like a person it gets taken away from taken away from him and then he gets a sobering reminder like we do this is a pot this is an apocalypse right yeah um later on throughout the show just to fast forward you start to see like Joel's Walls Start to break down right Ellie finds that book of puns the puns that dad jokes to yeah and it starts breaking him down a little bit Yeah and you know at first you don't really he doesn't really he's not really receiving it very well because he's kind of ignoring her telling it like finishing her jokes he knows like he knows these [ __ ] jokes or whatever right and it just looks like a guy who's really trying his best trying Matt to fall in love with this child as like a father figure yes right because I mean honestly she's probably the same age that his daughter was when she died yeah exactly um you get into the latest episode right uh episode five well four and five could be considered one whole episode same direct same director yeah it could be one whole chapter of its own story within this larger story um we can fast forward it basically what it comes to is um the Freedom Fighters uh were they St Louis I can't remember yeah I think they're in St Louis Missouri they have taken over fedra you know they've overrun it and the new leader is a [ __ ] monster where um she's out for Revenge she has to find this guy Henry because he turned in her brother and her brother was the former leader and he was a great man and everybody loved him but well he was taken by federal he was murdered and that drove her to you know start this revolution from I didn't look it up but she looks so familiar in her voice she's a New Zealand actress but yeah I don't recall where else she's from but heartless yes heartless she kills a doctor like you know you guys could use a doctor but because she's so angry at how he was an informant for Frederick she [ __ ] kills him she kills another room full of informants she's she's a mom she's out for revenge for this guy Henry for what he did to her brother they're a mirror image of itself because the reason why Henry turned in her brother was because fedra had the medicine for his younger brother Sam's leukemia so for him to get the medication for Sam he had to turn in uh whoever the old Freedom the older Freedom Fighter was I forgot his name but the the guy that everybody loved and then he's like I know I did a bad thing but like what would you do I had to save my brother right and you're seeing that even in this Bleak apocalypse like people aren't doing things pragmatically people aren't doing things for the sake of the commune or the quarantine zone or anything it's like you got to look out for yourself and my brother has to live and she's saying my brother should have lived yeah right and it all culminates to this big fire fight holy [ __ ] like you know there wasn't a huge Zombie thing in in episodes three and four but five was the [ __ ] hole opens up on the bottom like I said the sobering reminder comes back right yeah because they spent those couple of episodes developing the relationship between Ellie and Joel right us as audience though in the back of our heads we know there are zombies out there yeah yeah yeah yeah and the way that they did this I mean I kind of glossed over this part too but it was the thing that kind of took me aback was when um they got [ __ ] over by those uh the rebels right and they crashed in and this is where you kind of they kind of do a flashback where they they ended this fourth episode with Joel and Ellie waking up to Henry with the gun to his face right and they kind of backtrack to see how this happened but in that scene where they were doing this fight scene basically Joel [ __ ] them all up including Ellie and there was one guy who was still alive and he was just begging for his life and he tells Ellie to go away yeah and in my mind I'm thinking oh and I kind of forgot for a second once again because I got to see Joel's Humanity yeah yeah and then there's that sobering reminder this is just survival and he [ __ ] murder says just kills him he's begging for his life saying like look I just want to go see my mom I just want to see my family you got it we're good I'm sorry we're okay no emotion whatsoever and [ __ ] damn just murdered this [ __ ] and then it was really great because Ellie while she's a little [ __ ] right and then what we're seeing is that she's a little [ __ ] because how she can survive because she is scared right and we still see her like shed a tear but she's just like still though like in this just crazy this is crazy [ __ ] she shouldn't be exposed to this yeah um I thought that was super powerful too and then um do we want to get to the that last scene where everything is just yeah chaos just to give a little background before this we won't go too deep into this part but you know Henry and Joel and Ellie and his younger brother they decided they could use each other to kind of get free from his zone right and so Henry is the key to this because he knows the city and then he needs Joel's protection because Henry has never killed anybody in his life right the first time he's ever pointed a gun at somebody that was loaded was at Joel yeah you know yeah oh and his younger brother is Sam he's deaf yes and that was a deviation from the game um apparently like they made him deaf in the show not because of representation for ASL and deaf peoples although that was like a really beautiful thing but because Sam is is more helpless he needs Henry yeah you survive to show that aspect like he needs like Henry to be there um so it all culminates to the lady with the rebels they've catch up to them they find them and then they have this important talk like saying like your brother's just a he's just a kid and he's like yeah he's just a kid kids die all the time yeah and they have this argument like who was more about whose life is more valuable and this is ultimately an argument of who do you who loves their brother more yeah and that's what they're arguing about essentially it's like love like you [ __ ] me over no you're [ __ ] me over kind of thing yeah so they all basically they thought that they were going to escape they kind of got towards the end the rebels have a sniper at the end because they know that this is the exit and they all got caught up right and so this is where that argument is happening because they're hiding behind a car at this point because they dodged all these um they were dodging basically the sniper yeah and they're she's giving him an ultimatum like hey and it's not really an ultimatum it's you make the choice on how you want to die you know because it's not because he was like let the kids go she goes no no oh it's like I have the upper hand I'll kill all of you it doesn't [ __ ] matter it's just how do you want to do it you want to hide and get murdered or do you want to come out and get murdered yeah which one is it [ __ ] heartless [ __ ] dude that woman was scary as hell and then I don't know if you want to call it deus ex machina because everyone gets [ __ ] up but the Zombies come out of the [ __ ] ground and a whole horde of them and then a specific one called a a bloater comes out oh it's that thing was disgusting it's gross its whole body is just [ __ ] up and it's a giant [ __ ] hulking mushroom zombie and it tears people apart literally to somebody yeah just rips heads off and [ __ ] um well in the chaos fast forward they they get out are for uh protagonists that we're following the lady gets [ __ ] up by a contortionist baby zombie oh my gosh and the creepiest [ __ ] and um they very satisfied though yeah yes they get out they get to a motel they seek shelter and they're gonna keep heading out west oh Ellie and Sam they develop a relationship throughout the whole episode and Ellie's looking after Sam and reading stories to him and then they're like hey we have long road let's go to bed now and this is kind of a good reminder too in the show that at least a kid and she wants friends yeah you know so she finally got to see another kid and they they get to kind of communicate with the way kids do they're laughing they're having fun there was a part in that episode too where he looked at his younger brother he goes I haven't heard that laugh in ages right right and once again the show does a great job of making you feel like everything's okay yeah more people together yeah it's better than numbers to survive together well he has a little Etch A Sketch to communicate with where he he writes and it was a a scene where we see Ellie is scared all the time he lets her know and he says he's scared because he's gonna turn into a monster inside him right and then he reveals that he was a bit in the ankle and so I'll stay up with you you know and Fades out Fade up Ellie fell asleep and Sam's on the edge of the bed checks on him and he's a zombie oh you know what the funny thing is is like when I saw that moment I actually thought that he was going to be okay that they were setting it up that he's not yeah and that he's going to turn around and he was all right because Ellie cuts her hand open she says my blood is medicine yeah and we hope we hope oh yes that's right yeah you know obviously this application is so rudimentary right and I don't think this is not how medication is supposed to work but who knows like this is a dystopian world this is all made up so maybe they just need to have blood on blood contact and it's fine hey I I don't have HIV let me cut my home open and put it on your own and therefore yeah so I I don't I don't know why I thought it would work but then they set up the scene where he's sitting at the edge of the bed and he's looking out the window and that's where I felt like they're setting it up to make us feel that he's going to turn this up but he's not he's going to turn around he's going to be fine you're hoping and I I was [ __ ] wrong and then you see her older brother with a gun he snatched the gun before Joel can get to it and he points it right at Joel and he's like what are you doing you're like and Sam is [ __ ] thrashing at Ellie and it's like taking forever and then Joel is just like [ __ ] it and then he runs for it and Henry makes a quick decision and he shoots his own brother that [ __ ] [ __ ] wrecked me man that was so especially because they already prefaced it with he is the most non-violent human being and he is anybody and the first person he kills is his own brother he's like what did I do what did I do even as this survivalist he's never even killed a [ __ ] zombie dude yeah and he has to kill his old brother I did not I mean obviously I had a feeling he was going to kill his brother but what happened after is what double [ __ ] me yeah he ends up he can't live with this grief in the last split moment he decides to [ __ ] kill himself kills himself sobering reminder this is the world that we're in this is the reality I mean it's it is a mirror of I mean he did he did what Bill did yeah except he did it and he had to do it in the most tragic because his purpose was gone yeah and I think that really so um that's the scene afterwards they bury them in the back and Joel takes his time Joel takes his time and looks at these two bodies and he looks at Ellie walking away like he has to protect her or that's him in the ground too yeah if Ellie's gone then he it's kind of a it's no words are spoken but you can see through his reflection he'll kill himself too yeah yeah which furthers like his drive and his purpose and you kind of see Ellie Hardin as a human being yes because she didn't even take the time to to mourn this loss of a friend that she's a friendship she started developing with this young kid and she's just like you know what [ __ ] it just walks off she's hardening as a human being her emotions are starting to to leave her yeah and you get to see this young girl become that heartless adult that everybody else is becoming because you know kids tend to have this this light about them right this optimism and you see it with her she's reading these these um this joke but she's trying to make light of situations she's trying to laugh have a good time and then this is that moment that you see a change maybe her character in The Next Episode that we haven't seen yet where it's okay this is a task [ __ ] it move on don't attach yourself to anything else yeah it's so Bleak oh the show that's the halfway point that's episode five I believe that will be Nine episodes so we'll come back after the fight the finale yeah because at this point like I said it's been a while since I've seen a show I think the last show that I liked this much was Peacemaker Peacemaker right so it's been a hot second man and even Mario likes her so she doesn't really like um gory horror films horror films I will say this though she saw the episode with uh with Bill and his uh boyfriend and she was like I didn't really feel as much as uh other people I was like man you heartless [ __ ] how could you [ __ ] not because it's not a K drama yeah cause it's not a K drama it's because Bill was hairy that's why yeah she hates hair on men if those two were like hairless hairless she would have been completely fine the last of Yahweh she would have been perfectly fine man but she doesn't like body hair on people so when she saw those two guys these two grizzly bears trying to [ __ ] each other she was like hairy people need love too I know I think she's so used to seeing like hairless people kind of threw her off a little bit it wasn't any hateful [ __ ] it's just like oh my God they have so much hair on their bodies it's probably because everyone in UFC shaves their bodies just watch Olympic swimming oh man dude that that episode is going to go down in history as one of the best like scenes in television history yeah it's it's so good man yeah like I said any any type of show that really kind of we could talk about this too where I really like trading the bus on the line you just watched it I just watched it because train to Busan wasn't a zombie film it was another movie about classes yes yeah it was so good that like the zombie part is just the backdrop of everything right it's about classism it's about the relationship that he has with the kid it's two koreas the collective communal Koreans who share a giga together and then the the selfish greedy you know take everything that's out there it's all mine kind of mindset that's kind of the classism War that's happening in Korea right right and so I I feel when the the backdrop is the thing that you expect the film to be about but it's it's about something that's a lot more deeper and a lot more interesting to make a better film and even with this episode it wasn't about Bill and uh what's his boyfriend's name Frank Bill and Frank and them finding their sexuality right yeah which I feel that a lot of terrible television shows will try to use that as an agenda to get more views yeah right that they're that part is just a backdrop that kind of lended itself to see the beauty of their relationship right that is what I call good writing and it's just so good the writing of the show is so [ __ ] good and a lot of shows can tend to [ __ ] up things that are already there right when we see this in Marvel films all the time which you're gonna hear in the next yeah yeah you know where comic books are pretty intricate yeah right they have character development the source is all there it's all there but for some reason when it goes on the screen it gets all mangled and [ __ ] up um that's why I had such low hopes for this even though I never uh played the game where I didn't know anything about it I'm just I have a little bit of PTSD when it comes to adaptation yeah yeah you see that in anime films specifically anime live action films Jesus Christ are so bad but there's just been a history of bad video game adaptations um but I think this is a big Catalyst for Hollywood to look at and and take video games seriously you know and take anime seriously because what Hollywood does is get the rights to make an adaptation and then they get some guy who's not even a [ __ ] fan on the movie to write like DBZ Dragon Ball Evolution the guy who wrote it how to make an apology is like I actually don't know anything about it that's [ __ ] crazy you know that's why the Witcher is really good well no well season one you know it's it's tanking now they deviated so far from yeah yeah so Henry Cavill quit because they were taping eating away yeah so because the writers were apparently the news is the writers hate the books it's like then why are you on this [ __ ] show yeah you know so I only saw the first season yeah well Hollywood needs a change where I go get the source writer get the people who made it in the first place to be ahead of it because the last of us the guy the showrunner the writer the director is the guy who made the [ __ ] game and he's got a co-writer director who does films that's perfect yeah that's why it's great and he's in charge of the changes that make it adaptable to the screen that's all from the video game that's why it's so [ __ ] solid and that just says like oh my God there's so many great [ __ ] stories out there that we can adapt finally Metal Gear Solid Mass Effect dude all these great stories like video games I cannot wait till somebody because Metal Gear Solid can be such a good [ __ ] movie man yeah it could it's like the Japanese Captain America in the MCU films because that Captain America MCU films became political Thrillers right and that's like that's almost it can be in that vein Metal Gear Solid is almost like that but yeah I'm just saying like I wish Hollywood would just look at Last of Us and see what exactly worked and it's just the source material just get down to the source because I mean who's going to know more about this world to basically better help the World building than the person who created the world oh that guy from Silver leg you know his laptop with the flannel yeah PlayStation 5 right like you know that kind of [ __ ] oh you play video games you must know it's like it's kind of like that it's not the same like imagine somebody trying to do I don't know any type of Marvel film without knowing any of the the comic books it would never hire them that's why so that's the problem before Marvel Studios came to be they were just Silo operations of a director's vision of what they thought the superhero should be until you have Kevin feige coming in building Marvel Studios he's like no here are the rules and stipulations to every character and what they're like and their journey and all that and and they had a way to regulate the Canon DC didn't that's why this past 10 years it's been a jumbled mess so now James Gunn is taking over he is the new CEO of DC Cinema he just came out with a video where he's talking about the future projects he's saying it's going to be one whole cohesive Universe video games Comics animated TV series and movies that will be the same actors and if they're in an animated show they'll do the voice to like it'll be one whole question let me say something every actor right now just creams their pants because they're like you're telling me I'm gonna get paid four times over yes exactly right that's more work you get contracted through like 10 years like yeah you have to be in these products It's [ __ ] amazing yeah well guys that wraps up this episode of The Genius brain podcast where we reviewed the last of us up to episode five this was actually really highly requested yo um and I couldn't do it because I didn't watch it so man I watched it I was like let's [ __ ] was good timing because we're right at the midpoint they wanted me to talk about it on on their streaming but I'm like I can't do it it's a little different it's a little more intricate but um you can catch Ed at edpark VP that is his social handles his podcast Bible study at Momo check that out as well a genius brain every Sundays at 12 p.m and we'll see you all next time peace right now [Music]
Channel: DavidSo
Views: 61,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David So, genius brain, geniusbrain, podcast, davidsocomedy, late night, interview, funny, comedy, lol, stand up, stand up comedy, timothy delaghetto, send foodz, tigerbelly, ymh, tfatk, fun, meme, trending, memes, entertainment, live
Id: mRg9Pi5B4_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 46sec (4846 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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