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this podcast is brought to you by better help my friends and genius brain listeners do I have a treat for you because better help is something that I've been using for a very long time and if you've listened to this podcast you've heard me talk about mental health I've even bought a therapist along um on one episode to talk about mental health so you know I really am about that life if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it's entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched up with the licensed therapist and switch therapist anytime for no additional charge discover your potential with betterhealth visit genius today to get 10 off your first month that's betterhealth help genius but it's so crazy right like we're like the biggest population in the world right um and like obviously you know not in the United States but like it's just interesting like we have our own unique story too you know like we understand obviously the the hardships of being like a minority in the sense of like you know five four three two one what's up everybody welcome to another episode of The Genius brain podcast if you guys are a first time listener well you're in for a [ __ ] doozy because this episode doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all hey we have my buddy Robin here today now on this podcast uh usually you guys see a lot of people that you know you might have seen on on the on online and space and whatever but the other 30 of the time I bring on people you don't [ __ ] know these are people that just happen to be in my life you guys never knew who Ed was do you know who the other Ed was you didn't know who Nick or Pat were but that's how my podcast rolls if I don't like you you're not on this [ __ ] podcast period end of [ __ ] story and now we have Robin man and there is so much to unpack because uh I met Robin it was at Dan's wedding actually we we I was drunk as [ __ ] though okay because I the only thing I remember from the wedding was the venue and then it was also because that's where I was like that's where I'm gonna live next oh so you weren't living at Lacey at the time no so that was I was like I like this oh I want this so yeah if you guys want to know what wedding I'm talking about if you listen to this podcast Ed talked about this time that he had to give a best man speech to his best friend Dan and this is where Ed was just rambling on at the same wedding the the DJ slash MC was [ __ ] coming down from a coke high so he was sweating through his [ __ ] tuxedo do you remember that well so that's the thing right I didn't get the behind the scenes I was just there and most the time I was just looking at the place saying this is where I want to do my supper clubs so check this [ __ ] out so at the wedding they hired this [ __ ] like Armenian DJ from Facebook and this guy comes sweating through his whole tuxedo I'm talking about the [ __ ] 80s ruffle tuxedo right and you look at him his pupils are dilated I was like you are doing coke and you're coming off a high right now yeah so he was crashing hard yeah and so the dude was grabbing the mic just mumbling and so yeah yeah you know our our major friend Clara she was like crying or like tearing up I was like all right because I've done weddings right and I just I didn't want to do it at this [ __ ] wedding but I was like okay let me just pull this out of my ass grab the mic and I just emceed the rest of the wedding and so so he was high as [ __ ] and that's when Ed came up and he started giving his speech which went on too long so I grabbed the mic away from him and then I kind of roast him a little bit he was a little upset but this is a different end than the one now back in the day Ed couldn't take a joke very well but I had no other choice I had to roast the guy because it was so awkward you know what I mean yeah I do I do remember wait was that when Ed was doing the best man speech that was when Ed was doing the best man speech okay because I remember a part of that was there was a point where and I think I've done this before or somebody did it to me at some point in my life but I will uh when Ed was talking you know he was a bit nervous and then I think I started uh holding up or oh I think I said cheers yeah I don't know whatever the case was I feel bad to that day I always apologize to Ed whenever I think about it oh no no that was a very good move you made because if not it would have gone a really dark rabbit hole but it was like so he got he was it was so [ __ ] nervous yeah he drank a [ __ ] ton of like whiskey yeah yeah yeah he got drunk as [ __ ] but that backfired because he was too drunk up there and then after the the speech got cut in half yeah he took Dan to a corner and finished the rest of his speech to him and the cool part about that is you guys had your own crew and you know I I was more on the bright side right so I had met Dan that night and then also after I think Dan had come come up to me and then that's how he kind of introduced himself about the speech and then when I uh when I did the Clapping or whatever but yeah you know it was earlier when you were talking so I'm on THC right now so I'm definitely High there was a moment in time like leading up to this right this is my first time ever being on a podcast so like you know I'm not a nervous guy but then also like you know like I'm also not like a camera guy like you know in the sense of like you know I've been in front of the camera and stuff but like actually talking it's uh it's a scary thought to just never be on something and then be on something oh yeah 100 like even Ed before he came on here like if you look at Ed's first podcast and now he's completely different right usually what happens on this podcast from anybody who's been on this podcast everybody usually has an agenda like on a podcast oh this is the subject matter this is what we're going to talk about we need to get clicks I don't give a [ __ ] right yeah yeah and I think like for me I don't know how I'm still surviving in the podcast space yeah yeah because usually people think about clickbait [ __ ] they think about stuff that's really hot I only bring up stuff that people ask me to talk about and if it's hot it's hot if it's not it's not I really don't care about it because you know being on the space for so long like you can't keep chasing this [ __ ] carrot dangling in front of your face forever it's exhausting sometimes you just want to drink wine and talk to a [ __ ] high Robin yeah yeah sure for sure for sure so it's just like it's super casual and I think like that's what people get shocked about the most like even people who are you know veterans in this space they go oh like this is a very casual podcast like yeah I don't I don't really care to you know exploit you for views or whatever whatever I mean we're obviously friends outside of uh 100 public profile person yeah I'm talking about like like celebrity friends it's like you know we're we don't have to talk about anything you don't want to talk about there's plenty of other [ __ ] we could talk about you know um but like um this this this podcast actually happened well let's just go let's so Robin and I only got to really know each other probably in the last like couple of years right and it obviously happened because of our love for the UFC right yeah that's definitely one of the reasons that's one of them and the other thing is because there's like Robin likes to categorize two things there's Foodies and then there's fat asses guess what category we were in yeah [ __ ] fat asses yeah fat ass also includes foodie as part of it but I guess a foodie can't be a fat ass in a way because it's like a you know like when you're like a desperate dude and you're just gonna any uh it's not it's just you don't have clothes since you don't have since you don't have like options you're gonna take whatever you want you know or whatever you can get right like if you're a fatty if you have something amazing you're gonna know it's amazing too but because you're gonna not like have any like frame of like standard you just got I'm gonna put that [ __ ] in my mouth yeah yeah there's still some roots of how you grow at least for me I grew up where I grew up like you know it's like I've eaten a lot of sushi in my life and I can't keep up with the current as well as my wallet can't keep up with like you know where Sushi has gone but I grew up on that Todai life oh yeah yeah yeah my first time I ever had uh uh niggity was like you know like the fish on over the rice and stuff was at Todai and I was so scared to eat that [ __ ] like I used bulgogi as uh you know like the um you know the Korean uh marinated rib eye I guess do I ever have to do translations or should I just say it just do the trans it helps with people all right we're a word why people you guys love it yeah yeah yeah so I took [ __ ] and I used the pru Gogi as a chaser so like it was like popping kogi but there just happened to be some fish this is how I was mentally preparing myself for this you know you're a kid dude you get to a certain point where like you think you have it all all like figured out with food and you're like this is what I like this is what I don't like and if I haven't tried it I don't want to do it right yeah but this is where the fatties get separated from the booties no I guess Foodies will try something adventurous too but I was like legitimately scared so I started eating it and then I was like oh shoot this rice is so sticky and like you know like you know whatever what's whatever the stuff that goes in uh you know rice wine vinegar whatever you go whatever you do to make sushi rice right it's not just steamed rice right and that texture again it was obviously not perfect but still like any Asian owned place is still going to make better rice than like a non-asian place that's going to try to make Asian Rice do you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah so I used it as a chaser I ate it and it was like okay I could do this so the doubt was like me normalizing eating raw fish over a piece of rice you know what's so weird like as a kid we you know so Korean people had this dish it's called a head up right yeah yeah so that's like raw fish with uh gochujang like tangita vegetables and rice hot rice cold fish raw I used to hate that [ __ ] when I was a kid I [ __ ] hated that was it because it was cold or was it like a bunch of other reasons it's just the raw fish idea just I it turned me off I didn't [ __ ] like it and then I don't know what it is but one day I'm like this is pretty [ __ ] good yeah yeah it just happened overnight yeah yeah and my mom used to know she was like you you should never eat this what made you like it I was like to be honest with you I don't know but something about this is [ __ ] working and then from that I transitioned it into uh eating sushi so like sometimes when we see people who um they don't like sushi I get it yeah yeah I 100 get it like people are so apologetic about it now they go oh I'm sorry I don't like you say why are you what you're sorry for bro yeah you just was your [ __ ] [ __ ] ass all right I get it you know [ __ ] Nate Diaz 209 [ __ ] you know what the [ __ ] yeah dude I didn't go like this I did inverted I did like a book by the way I'm not implying that Nate's like you know like homo you know I always think of a homo erectus he's looking from that era sometimes he's a crow Magnum like food is such a weird thing because like so if you guys don't know years ago I did this video where um I showed you guys this thing called little meets LA and little meets La was actually it was Robin's thing and you might have seen Robin in the video yeah so I did a uh a private dinner thing uh a couple of times at Robin's Place and it was at that place called Lacey which is the first time that we met so little meets is was was super fun right and honestly for me like it reminded me of a space where you know sometimes when like when chefs cook right in and then if they're line Cooks the creativity part's not a part of it they're they're a part of a working machine and then you got to see some of these chefs just kind of flex their like creativity muscles without having to open up a restaurant yeah and they were do they're allowed to do this where you could create a story with food and everything else and I [ __ ] love that [ __ ] and at this time I was a fatty but nowhere near like like a foodie like I didn't really know anything about food I just whatever gate put in my mouth it gave me diarrhea I ate that [ __ ] so when I started going when I started coming over to Lacey and I was like talking to like chefs and people I was like oh I know that's how that was made oh this is kind of interesting and they kind of really sparked this idea of like oh okay I think I kind of like food a little more than the average person right and then that's what kind of little Meats did and I really that's what I really liked about it so I started throwing these like oh I decided to do with this like private dinner event thing with Robin in conjunction with little meats and so there was this guy this [ __ ] loser well okay uh to preface that uh and also like a to be continued too but there's definitely there were definitely more than one losers that came through but there was fire that came through too you know a hundred percent success rate and everything right yeah you know he he kind of reminded me of of the modern day social media food influencer that happened to be in touch with the kitchen you know what I mean yeah and for sure I mean that like I mean just on that note too I was so interesting because at the time nobody was really using Instagram to like promote a business at the time you know it was like there was the snobbyism of that kind of you know filters and all of that right and then it turned into what it is now obviously but at some point in that history of it all it was like huh I wonder what it would be like to cook for strangers like it's one thing to cook for friends and friends friends but then it's like I wonder what it's like to cook for strangers right and it's kind of an interesting thought right because it's it's very truthful in a way too is if it's whack No One's Gonna show up right oh a hundred percent right and then if it's pretty cool then people are going to show up and then you know oh when it was when it was time to start cooking for strangers it was always like we were thinking about like was obviously my idea but like quickly like people got real excited and they decided to kind of join in holy crap this whole time I was so high I was [ __ ] looking at you in a metaverse and now I'm looking straight at you Dave okay I'm back okay so I had little Meats when I first started it was like I was so curious like what is it like to be able to like serve strangers and like strangers are gonna be honest you're going to want to know like if they like it or not right but like cooking for strangers is like weird right because you know when you're just when we have like our like potlucks and our things right it's always just like it happens naturally we're all like kind of a part of it and we start cooking food or like we start like let's say it's a pot like everybody brings food and like everybody's like sitting and enjoying it but because we already have a relationship with each other it's a natural progress right yeah yeah yeah yeah then to have dinner with somebody who is [ __ ] you don't know them so what are you gonna do if you don't know a person like you come it's like this weird kind of nervous energy and like at the time I wanted to use Instagram as like an advertising way right to like get people to like know what's going on with it but for me the most important part was like the actual experience itself that was the longest [ __ ] explanation for just one [ __ ] sentence of information thank God we have a little bit more time to talk about my [ __ ] but basically that's what I wanted to say no but like that's what little Meats was right I think like there was just there was this huge like um there's like a disconnect with with the consumer and the person who's creating the food like when it comes to like modern food right now right and even to the point now where you know everybody is just looking for content and you don't even know if they really like or dislike the food yeah and even when they say they dislike it I'm not even sure if they dislike it anymore like I don't know what the truth is right and I could always say this by like for example like you know with with my wife whenever she cooks something right I ask her where did you get that recipe she goes I saw it on Tick Tock I was like cool don't feed me yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah yeah without fail every time she fed me a Tick-Tock video food trash they don't care there's no r d process to this it's just oh this is a hot item let me just cook it so it looks good on video and let me show you I'm not sure if it tastes really good yeah yeah and that's what happens all the time well like what little Meats did really well it connected the chef with the food and you got to actually talk to the chef because the chef was serving you yep you know what I mean and it really was Omakase yeah right like you're not there's no like hiding behind a waiter server of like 100 people this is like 20 people in a room the chef is telling you this is how I made this this is the background story do you like this yes or no now look me in the [ __ ] eye when you say it too you know yeah yeah yeah and then the cool thing about that too and this is like for all people who do Yelp right everybody's a [ __ ] expert in food when none of you have [ __ ] picked up a pan in your life I don't want to hear that [ __ ] but um that you could sit there and the chef could be like okay this is how I developed this dish and what it would do was give a better experience to us yeah yeah for sure and I think that's what was missing a lot and you know also too with like you know the way American dining is it's here's your dish cool make sure can you take this off do this modify that there is no this is how the chef intended it yeah you know for sure and little Meats was different yeah it was like oh you're here for a food experience yeah yeah I'm not gonna change this part of the film the film is shot yeah yeah the movie's done you know beginning middle and it's done we're not taking out a scene because you don't like it yeah you don't have to sit and watch the movie yeah yeah for sure you know and that's what you did really well um obviously like there was like there was like I forgot what the [ __ ] I ate but if you guys know another backstory the you know my my soft serve where I met this piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] uh I actually met him at little meets and mind you food wise the guy was good yeah he's definitely had his moments for sure yeah but he's a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and if I ever see you on the middle middle of the [ __ ] streets I'm gutting you like a [ __ ] fish just know that by the way he started up a YouTube channel I saw it on my Facebook I have half a mind to [ __ ] send everybody there to [ __ ] you up but inshallah brother it's you know everybody kind of has like a good intention and I also believe that they have good intentions right and then it quickly goes south the moment that like money gets involved and then ego yeah ego and then practicality and then you know just also thinking big picture that would definitely uh lack that his ego was so [ __ ] big for no [ __ ] reason like it was kind of like for me Chef has to for sure have a bit of it yeah for sure and you know for me like one of the he was a really good life lesson for me right because for me I I think I chased a lot of art right but when you're trying to create a business there's there has to be a good medium between both right because you're still trying to sell a product yeah but you just don't have to sell your soul for the per se this [ __ ] didn't understand any of that [ __ ] yeah like the one of the biggest signs and I remember the first time I ever walked in and I was like hey this is what's gonna happen in the first month that I'm with your business I'm gonna see what's going on with this and I'm gonna Market it I'm going to rework your branding and then we're gonna shift this right did a great job on it I saw this full serve a customer customer comes up they go hey what do you have he goes you don't see the sign you can't read I was like what the [ __ ] are you sure he goes what the size right it doesn't [ __ ] matter they're paying customer they didn't come here to [ __ ] hear your lip he was definitely admitted though he definitely was somebody who would admit though that he's a piece of [ __ ] around people 100 you know you could acknowledge that you know what I mean like being a piece of [ __ ] by yourself in your room in front of your friends is different than when somebody who has invested I didn't invest that was a I was uh I had Sweat Equity right pending on my performance got it so just to put it in perspective right that [ __ ] place was making 50 a week on average yeah before I redid everything right and then went from fifty dollars a [ __ ] weeks so starting from like September all the way to December I think they gross like 200k yeah so I earned my [ __ ] right to that person of course you know first so I did that this guy squanders everything okay you know like comes to did I ever tell you this [ __ ] so this guy walks up and we're at a meeting and this is the first month since I rebranded it's [ __ ] pack there yeah he goes I remember every time I would go to Aqua Grill I'd always see the spot it was always packed this full [ __ ] left the Coachella for a whole weekend and left the staff without telling them and then comes back and I'm like where the [ __ ] are I'm heated you know what I mean and then nobody knows what to do how to run the store because he didn't train people properly yeah yeah yeah no communication we're at um Hyundai right and I'm [ __ ] heated but I'm calming myself down and I see him walking to the restaurant this fool has [ __ ] beads and [ __ ] on his deck [ __ ] sunglasses on oh yeah like straight from straight from Coachella and I sit there yeah yeah and I'm like you [ __ ] out of your mind yeah yeah yeah he goes well I was like I thought they could handle and I [ __ ] slammed this [ __ ] beer wow busted and I was like are you [ __ ] out of your mind and I was he I'm a lot better now yeah yeah but it was the idea that this guy abandoned his staff for a weekend without telling them and I was like what in what world did you think this was okay appreciate it and then from then on out you know him like when somebody confronts him like on some real [ __ ] he gets hyper avoided so he would Dodge me 24 7 and he would go to the other partners to talk to them to talk to me yeah yeah and I'm like that's not how I roll like I'll find you you know there's always I don't know like I'm assuming it's obviously every people group but I can only say like maybe around Korean Americans in LA but like there always seems like there's a few of them who are just like I do believe they have good intentions but then they're just out and out just frauds in a way like yeah I don't know if Fraud's the right word but something not good something in which uh a lot of lies are involved a lot of shadiness um I guess maybe that's just somebody who just might have drug habits though too right yeah I mean that [ __ ] he he had crazy drug habits you know in his mind and his life and like for me like I think because like I got to know him as a friend first I never got to see him in a business aspect right yeah yeah and I just believed in the product and I believe what he could do and mind you the softer was tasty yeah yeah um there were certain things I disagreed with it sure because obviously for me because when I don't know something I ask people who do know something I mean he was the type of person where if he knew that everybody loved it he would destroy it yes yes yes and not in an unpredictable way but in such a predictable way that it's like then are you really an artist I know that's an abstract way of thinking but that's kind of the way that I looked at that that's um like in terms of like that person's like self idea of like what an artist is and how you should live that out right yeah yeah maybe in his idea as crazy as it sounds it's like people have done that before but maybe with more pure intentions yeah and I think like the hard part with working with him was like one of the things I don't like is dishonesty right I don't care about mistakes because everybody [ __ ] up you know this is that's the part about running a business you know and things would [ __ ] up at the at the at the business right yeah yeah and then other people because they were so trusting of his quote unquote expertise yeah they would never ask him questions but then for me you know I'm speaking confidently gets you a long way in life yes especially around other Asian Americans yes and he would be like Oh I'm the chef person I ran a crew of This I know everything and they would just trust everything he says problem with me is like I'm 10 of you I research a lot of things and so when things wouldn't work just one quick little Google search that I'm like hey how come this and this isn't working why didn't you replace this he goes we don't need that I'm like no it's not working and then all of a sudden I was like okay cool like for example like we had this uh Nitro cold brew thing right and it wasn't putting Nitro into the [ __ ] cold brew so it didn't have the foam and the froth which is why people like that yeah for sure and then he goes that's how it's supposed to be again let's say the checklist of items of okay like I don't know I'm not in the food world like how my friends who are in the food world are in the food world but you know that that one dude that sexy dude would like to Jesus hair yeah yeah yeah he's like has that cigarette in his mouth right whoever that [ __ ] is I bet you he might have even had this checklist and he might have been the first guy I don't know I'm just making the [ __ ] out but like doing something that's on that list of like things that uh a good Chef artiste or a legend is gonna do you know what I mean um that's another thing on that list he's like that guy you know and I think two I was a little naive in the sense of like I always want to think the best of of your friends you know this is where we had okay but this is where we had a relationship but it wasn't as close enough where you would have felt comfortable saying to me because yeah because I didn't really know you like that exactly yeah and then also like you know for me too is this like you think oh it's like um like those types like like that type of person right the the point of why he was at little meets was so that he could move on to something bigger of course there was a time where I was always trying to find like a partner or people who were like yeah yeah you know and I think that's where his mentality was trying to go um but the goal is always to get them to move to the next steps in life right because who am I to like you know give them advice on whatever whatever in whatever industry Right restaurant industry stuff but [ __ ] what was I talking about my close friend's restaurant friends being hardcore oh yeah the checklist and all of that stuff um no no wait we were talking about the oh us talking about um like you know we I've said this to you before I'm like damn dude I wish you [ __ ] talk to me first I know you know but again we didn't have that type of relationship I get it but even for me when people who knew who he was knew me they went out on a limb not just like one or two people like maybe three four people said hey I just want to let you know like I I've seen you've been hanging around Jay like on social media right so before I had brought him in to kind of do what we were going to do with what we were doing in little means was I I said hey this isn't gonna be something where I'm not gonna let you do something with me and little Meats like I'm all about giving people chances in life but I do want to know though that or I do want to let you know that that doesn't mean I'm going to go into this naively giving you 100 Trust on everything yeah so I kept it pretty simple I said not even a dollar not even a reimbursement do I want you doing anything money related because the things that I had heard were money and responsibility related things so I had this conversation from day one this is probably why I was actually one of the only people maybe who's worked with him and I say works because all volunteers like literally just a passion project right it is [Music] um I wanted him to know what I know about him but I wanted to give him a chance so just what they also didn't want to give him yeah any opportunity to um but then fast forward though he he he did cross those boundaries with uh other people yeah um who were part of the little meets project yeah you know so see that's the thing too like the people that I was partnered with right they gave him full Reign on everything yeah yeah and one of the biggest tells evidently gets you far yes one of the biggest tell signs that I had even before the other stuff where he was already avoiding me yeah he would be like oh I accidentally used the credit card for my private dinners for the from our from our soft service yeah yeah there was a couple instances where somehow some way because we still had open accounts with certain vendors like food vendors after gone there was a time where suddenly suddenly there was a credit card charge and I was like huh and then when I confronted him about it he was like oh shoot like I I thought it was uh going on a different card or whatever this and that so it is what it is obviously I got to charge back whatever but you know I'm sure he still got his inventory though oh 100 that's what I'm saying and then you know he was like oh I accidentally I was like no you don't accidentally do [ __ ] like that you know what I mean and you know for me growing up like there's a few things that you just never do right especially the friends you don't [ __ ] my girl you don't steal money from me those are death sentences you know what I mean like I've literally seen people get their teeth knocked out for that [ __ ] yeah and in my mind I'm like I'm an adult right and I don't do these things I'm also not a thug but I was going to [ __ ] him up but then you know as an adult we're like this is we're running a business I have a future ahead of me and I think it's also a reputation too it's reputation you know and so you know these things got really and then I think what happened was would because you know I have a reputation of being just a little you know very hyper honest and so you know I'm talking to the partner something what are you guys doing like this is ridiculous yeah like you need to set boundaries and figure this stuff out oh no no no no no like he and you know I got really upset with them because they started protecting him from me and they started lying to me and I was like now you guys are all [ __ ] so yeah uh again you know I was saying in different pockets of this I'm just gonna say Asian American for Asian American fake is these pockets of these Asian American circles even like let's say Church crowds or whatever there's always of this person like uh you know everybody knows it's actually in my opinion I think it's actually very difficult to tell the truth in life like I don't know about you but like or I can't speak for anybody else but for me when I wake up in the morning I have to consciously tell myself don't be a liar and even sometimes and we talked about this one time where like I'm like gonna be a liar till the day that I die I just feel that like I am but when that happens I feel terrible and then I'll go out of my way and actually apologize after the fact and acknowledge what I did was a lie and then try to basically ask for forgiveness for that particular person right I mean it sounds like a Christian mold right I'm not Christian but uh it's very similar in this idea where I I always know that I'm going to lie if I don't think about it like my autopilot human self like it's just you know it's just [ __ ] freestyle like Eminem it could be like a freestyle lie about something to just convenience me you know so I have to think about that all the time uh which when I do I'm successful and I'm very happy about that but it still happens to me so on that note like I always feel like within the circle of people there's like a template of these like compulsive lying people who never fess up to what they've done wrong they always have an excuse and look I I know what that feels like because I know what it feels like at a younger age you know and I've talked to you about this where um bring the Michael close so bring the mic in front of your mouth like this um okay earlier also my apologies dude earlier I was so high okay I couldn't even focus on like three words after what I said oh you're high right now and I'm a little drunk so it's all good sorry guys I swear if you powered through up until this point a little better you know because like I like that subject of like Lion right yeah you know and I've talked about this a lot where when I was a kid like my dad used to beat the [ __ ] out of me for like right yeah I'm talking about beat the living [ __ ] out of me right and because my dad hated lying because he's had a history of people who lied to him in his life yeah and because that is stuck with him it scarred him yeah yeah so when we would lie as kids my dad would always be like look anything that you do don't you ever [ __ ] lie to me yeah because you could he goes even if the punishment is me whooping your ass you should live your life like an honest person yeah and be mad about this [ __ ] and don't lie but I would lie and he would see it in my eyes yeah yeah he would beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me yeah so when I was a kid like one of the things that always stuck with me with him was if does that ever make you into a better liar it didn't it made me it made me too honest okay that's okay because somehow it might sometimes go the other way though right I couldn't navigate got it got it you know and so for me I became like this albeit like I'm I learned later on in life that there's a fine line between being honest and being an [ __ ] yeah but I didn't know the difference right because I would always have this fear that if I'm lying that I was going to hell yeah you know because my dad instilled this in me yeah so when I would like like for example if somebody came up like hey what do you think about this outfit I'm like that [ __ ] sucks yeah you know and I would just leave it at that yeah yeah but I would never think about like the emotional repercussions of the things that you say whether because it's true or not and there's sometimes you just don't need to say something at all I didn't know what that [ __ ] was and so my whole life I was going through this fear of like if I lie I'm a if I don't lie I'm a better person for that yeah yeah but I would never think about the ripple effect that it would have when sometimes the truth not everybody's ready for that [ __ ] right and just because you tell the truth all the time doesn't mean that you're a good person sometimes you're just a [ __ ] [ __ ] and so yeah it definitely depends on it's also intention for sure yeah you know and for me like I had to learn how to navigate these things right and we talked about this off podcast where there's an awkward situation between a couple who got yeah and I have to learn how to play cordial because it affects other people if I'm not yeah you know is that technically kind of lying yeah I guess but I have to look at bigger picture things and I never did that before yeah yeah but then it got into a point where when I came on this space right when I started becoming a standard community at the age of 16. like I I was people were telling me like sometimes you just got to learn how to lie a little better and I just wasn't very good at it because it felt like my my spirit and my soul was being eaten up yeah yeah yeah right and so I used to get in trouble that trouble right but it was like there were things that I hated because I would be on like my Channel or you know my other friend's Channel JK news yeah and I'm telling these stories but I have to change certain aspects of it so people wouldn't it wouldn't go back to people that I knew yeah yeah but I was so bad at [ __ ] lying I started fumbling over my words as I'm trying to change like 30 of the story yeah yeah and in a way you're gonna get um what is that fact check too because you get a bigger platform exactly and I know that 30 of this story is a lot right only because I don't want it to go back to that person yeah and I'm because I'm so bad at this [ __ ] yeah I'm like like okay I guess I shouldn't say this name okay let me change this part of the story because it's too similar to this this part in this part yeah and then after a while I just didn't give a [ __ ] anymore I'm like this whole [ __ ] right here is [ __ ] me up I'm just gonna say it and the one thing I'm Gonna Change is just the name got it because now at least I'll I'll I'll be consistent because that was the hardest part right because and it happened from one conversation yeah or one story that I told on the JK news episode it went back to that person their feelings were hurt yeah it made me feel terrible this podcast is brought to you by better help my friends if you don't know what better help is better help is online therapy Getting to Know Yourself can be a lifelong process especially because we're always growing and changing you want to be better than the person that you were the day before even if it's just a little bit therapy is all about deepening your self-awareness and understanding because sometimes we don't know what we want or why we react the way that we do until we talk through things better help connect you with the licensed therapists who can take you on that journey to self-discovery from wherever you are mental health is something that's very important to me and something that I'm working on every day and if I'm focusing on my physical health I'm focusing on my mental health as well if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help but try it's entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with the licensed therapist and switch therapists anytime for no additional charge discover your potential with better help visit genius today to get 10 off your first month that's betterhelp help genius yeah yeah yeah right yeah it didn't matter if the whole world didn't know who they were but they knew yeah and then now I just was like you know what guys [ __ ] deal with it I'm all we're [ __ ] mid-30s like who the [ __ ] cares yeah and the friends who are gonna stay friends with you are going to stay friends with you and then maybe arguably to a certain degree the ones who don't want to be friends with you after that for that reason that's probably somebody that you don't really care to be friends with either yeah and sometime soonly on the topic of like being honest like you know when I would tell some of these stories like some of these people think that you're lying about the stories that you tell because they haven't lived your life and because they're like oh because I didn't do it there's no way you could have done it it's like that's a logical fallacy right like that makes absolutely no [ __ ] sense like what you've experienced is what you've experienced what I have is what I've experienced unless you met me otherwise there's no way you could deny what I'm saying yeah this is this is what happened if I told the story a million times over and it was the same [ __ ] story yeah I guess I'm really consistent with this lie over the past 10 years sure you know and so like the honesty route was always easy for me because my dad says that at least even if you [ __ ] up at least you were honest when you were doing it and you could lie and you could die knowing that [ __ ] in my group of friends we have this uh yeah these are arbitrary [ __ ] numbers not like real data but we try to act like we're you know data driven yeah yeah but like there's like Big Talk which everybody does okay like maybe almost every guy does Big Talk okay there's big talk and then there's just flat outline yeah so if I had to put a percentages if you will yeah up to 15 to 20 percent is Big Talk you know I don't know like let's say like you were like doing the typical guy talk where it was like my body count was 300 but then in actuality I don't know let's say it was like 250. I don't know is that is that math good enough did that okay but whatever that you know just again arbitrary numbers but there's there's where it's like yeah the point is is you're still somebody who has a high body count and you're proud of that right but then uh whether it's 250 or 300 not a big difference the point is you are a [ __ ] yeah okay right um versus if a dude says 300 but then they've only been with let's say 30 people then that's a lie you know so that's where that formula to me is just like you know 75 is a total eye right but then I guess the question is is like where is that percentage from you where that starts right yeah yeah you know what I mean like I mean like you know what especially in stand-up comedy like you tell the story that's the truth yeah but then you kind of make it bigger and more like aggrandize to make it funnier yeah yeah yeah right so it's like what the big talk Big Talk 85 truth fifty percent you know extra little splits yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah and that's fine you know you know growing up and being around people who are honestly like habitual Liars it always fascinated me because I'm like I always think in my mind like what is what is the end goal of this yeah right what is the what is the purpose yeah exactly what are you trying to intend to do or like what is the laugh rooted in let's say you're doing comedy stand up and someone and the the people the core of why people laughed so hard that has to be factual like you know it can't be you know yeah 100 and like when you know meeting people who like I've met now and look I'm a lot more tactful in the way that I approach people right and but if somebody like blatantly lies to me yeah or to the point where it creates like like somebody lies to me to the point where it could be damaging in the future yeah like I have to say something like there's no way I'm not going to sure you know what I mean because like I want people around me to be somewhat honest at least yeah right of course and like especially when you're living like yourself because you're a public profile in a lot of ways so it's super important you're probably around a lot of people or not you're around but like if anybody has a chance with you who's like who doesn't know you they're going to be tempted to be like a yes man to everything yeah you know what I'm saying versus like obviously that's the thing like one of the people it's so funny you mentioned that I had a conversation I was talking to some really good friends of mine yeah and you know I was telling them that one of the type of people that I hate the most yeah are highly agreeable people and the reason why is because those people are the most dishonest human beings I've ever met in my life okay so this is I love where you're going with this because this is obviously I mean we've talked about this off camera but this is the part where I'm really trying to work hard on in my life oh and by the way this is a good segue too because I forgot that we were going to talk about this like my man's been on shrooms right and this has been something that I've been relatively uh curious about only because um uh one of my buddies too he's been unpacking a lot of traumatic [ __ ] that's going on with his life the passing of his mom and a lot of the stuff that happened to his you know family life yeah and when we're talking about honesty we're not only just talking about honesty with other people we're talking honestly to ourselves yeah arguably even harder oh yeah right and so one of the things about me is that I think like you know I'm always like my worst critic and I'm also a little too brutal with myself sometimes yeah yeah so when I hear people go through this thing where I think a majority of people go through this thing where that that honest conversation that they have with themselves is very hard yeah right of course um and I feel like a couple of my friends probably you included as well is that shrooms does this thing where you're where a mirror is put in front of your face yeah like if if let's say like people drink alcohol or do something it's like in a way it's like to get away and not have to think about your life versus like again like I'm not an expert obviously as you know I'm like I'm not like you know anybody else who talks about psilocybin or whatever right but definitely I can say that it makes you focus on your life if you'll allow it to in a way yeah and that's where it's like the scary monsters is sometimes it's because you have to face the truth and it's always easier to avoid things right um I think anybody who's listening to this podcast right now I'm right there with you like people ask this a lot about me I've always openly spoke about this I suffer from social anxiety like a [ __ ] yeah like my social anxiety is crazy like to the point where I was a kid I couldn't order food from people I got you I couldn't walk up to a [ __ ] like Carl's Jr yeah and order from the [ __ ] register because my social anxiety was crippling yeah well I got to a point where I was just like you know what like you gotta just [ __ ] do this [ __ ] right you gotta face this stuff yeah and from somehow that transition to be doing stand-up because it was like if anything that I was going to do that was going to hold me back from something yeah I just kind of faced it head on yeah it didn't matter what the [ __ ] it was it was like okay you can't you have social anxiety guess what you're gonna try public speaking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly and so yeah that fear is what I think a lot of people try to confront when they do the psychedelics because for sure all my friends who have done it and I literally mean all uh not just like one who just enjoyed the trip but didn't really get anything out of it yeah but also you can have like you know there's all this like science and data that's like coming out more of the woodwork the data and science has been there for kind of like for some time to a certain degree right but because it was like driven so underground right and again like you know I saw a bunch of YouTube what the [ __ ] do I know right but like you know where everybody says is like you know this part and then the Reagan Administration and then whatever whatever this happened fast forward to just now things are starting to kind of be okay to come out of the woodwork right yeah people who like had done them in their past and you know it's it's been a net positive in their life and stuff that wouldn't be something that you would put on paper because of the implications of what that might be right so that world is changing right and so yeah it's for me like it's it's weird because going back to kind of like the the lying and lying to yourself um if you can't get that part figured out like you should never be an influential person on someone's life or how they should live their life uh does it make you feel like you're a fraud of course you know because like and that's the thing right is like I've committed my sins like I've done so many terrible things you know as like narcissistic as self-preserving as it's ever been like you know selfish [ __ ] you know um and that's something that's like so disgusting but it's also like in my nature to a certain degree you know um I'm not saying like every single person but definitely me it's in my nature and so having to look at myself constantly and then wanting to be able to then be able to be like a positive a net positive to like people or like Society like little meets is a perfect example the idea of it was so amazing you know hints of Robin genius as you know like themat activity your podcast you know these moments of Genius where yeah that's awesome you know like an authentic place where people can express themselves culinarily but also people can come and people who are passionate about food can enjoy that right but I was a terrible person during that time and when I say that is is like let's say the shadiest I could have ever been in my life and not like business-wise uh relationally I was such a terrible [ __ ] person you know and then I had this like silver Club where like it was genuinely people were getting good and amazing things about it and like you know I [ __ ] love those days those are awesome right and I go through these weird phases in life where like I'm just curious and then I'll [ __ ] go start a supper club in front of a bunch of strangers because I'm just I want to answer some questions and because I'm just curious about that you know like what's it like to to serve a bunch of strangers you know like yeah it's one thing like when your homies are gonna come over and your friends come over and your friends friends come over because hey free food good food who's not going to want to come to that but that good food though is not a requirement free food is usually and people are always going to say and because it's free they're gonna kind of lie to you and say like you know it's good but like you know it's like that um [ __ ] um what's that talent show or the small town you know uh oh yeah anything any talent show where like the small town they hear a bunch of people telling them oh dude you're so great you're so amazing you know you hear all these amazing things and then they perform in front of you know people who are going to tell them the truth and it's very painful right same thing like food wise like I was like man like I love food I'm not a chef but I wonder if like I can recreate like maybe what restaurants were originally intended to be like a place where people like would serve food but then it wasn't just food right it was like you know like there was like oh it's like Supper Club show food and it was like a whole night you know going out right um I always wondered like can that kind of hint of that culture come back in that modern world right I'm not like the first person to do it obviously but it's just I just wanted to know for myself could I cook for people have them also cover their cost for it though and be happy with all of that time spent with it you know yeah um anyways sorry I kind of went off on a tangent but we were kind of talking initially about lying yeah yeah and you're talking about you felt during this time in your life you're very selfish and yeah super selfish in that part of my life so for me like but even before that I guess trying to tie that point I think earlier I don't remember exactly what I said but um for me I find priority in trying to tell the truth even when I consider lying like staying silent about something you know telling that person that you know dude your dish sucked you know um but in the best intention of saying let's make it better right um you know so you know on that note like I you know I I but I found this recently out about myself right having a conversation with a friend where he's an engineer so he reads things we're talking about mushrooms my bad yeah we were talking about mushrooms and he was talking about this where he was like you know I have a very certain theme about people who I tend to get closer to whether it's instantly or later on right and it's a very specific mentality and he was telling me like you tend to gravitate towards people who are only about like seven percent of people on this Earth and he was like he was reading the study about human beings and he goes the 90 of the other I don't know the exact number but let's use these arbitrary numbers right 93 at seven percent 93 of people in this case study was done right they are people who are likely more so let's say for example we go into the food example right and most people who are probably listeners probably know that you probably fall into this category it's not a bad thing it means you're the normal one you're 93 of the world somebody Cooks you food right or let's say I cook food I cook food and I'm the other 93 I'm the 93 that when I cook food I want you to say that you like it or something positive about it even if you don't like it and if you say that you don't like it I think that you're being rude to me and you're an [ __ ] yeah that's 93 of the world because you can't handle the truth yeah versus the other seven percent which is the category that I'm in and a lot of friends who I really like are in it is we cook food you eat it and you go oh I don't really like this then we go oh well let me try to make something else for you sure and then let me try to adjust this what don't you like about this for sure for sure and that's only seven percent of the world yeah yeah yeah but my lens and my view of the world is that oh I thought this is how everybody is I was like no no no we're actually in the small amount yeah and I didn't know that yeah yeah and when he showed me the study and I'll bring it up later on where I was like holy [ __ ] this whole time I assume people like were more like me and they're not where I feel like if I cook something and then somebody was like he's a little tough you could have done this and that I'm like oh [ __ ] you're right maybe I'll do that next time most people are like I can't believe you said that like I cooked this for you I did all this work and you're gonna say this to me yeah yeah I'm like oh and that's when my wife told me she goes I've never had it hurt like but that is you you are that you're that person where you'll make a cheesecake seven [ __ ] times even though six times people told you it was good yeah yeah you know yeah yeah yeah yeah of course of course so yeah you know that's kind of like dude I just want to know the data stop telling me I like it okay just to to make a better cheesecake for you yeah I want to know the truth yeah yeah yeah yeah and then go back to tying the the Callback of uh you know you hate [ __ ] people who are going to be too focused on being the nice person always you know what I mean yeah and agreeable people tend to be very um dishonest and also very self selfish and what I mean by that is that there's somebody that's in my life that I know that's a very agreeable person now on the surface area a lot of people didn't understand within my groups like what exactly don't you like they're always happy and they're always smiling and they're always nice yeah I was like because it's dishonest yeah yeah because when they're not happy I can sense it but here in their smiles yeah yeah and I would say and they asked me what was the first time you felt that about them yeah I've known this person for four or five months and every time they talk to me they greet me like they met me for the first time and what I mean by that it's very it's almost industry-like where it's like how are you how have you been yeah we've been friends for four [ __ ] months you should never great be like that and you know they kind of sat there and they thought they were like oh I see what you're saying I was like it's almost like they live in this Truman World where they can't handle the fact that there's somebody that might dislike them and so everything that they say is catered to what they think I like but they don't know me so I know they're lying yeah yeah yeah so being around that person's all also very dishonest and what I found out is that because I tend to be a little bit more on the truthful side sometimes to a fault than when I would speak to them about opinions that was disagreeable they would go home and they would cry yeah yeah and I'm like wait hold on but every time you saw me you were smiling sure you could have talked to me about that and then I could have adjusted a little bit and then we could have worked this out but that person who's so agreeable can't fathom the idea that somebody dislikes them yeah and so you end up inherently being a dishonest person for sure you know yeah it's it always again it goes back to like if we just focus on like being truthful um and this is where I draw my line to a certain degree right if I don't have a relationship with that person even then sometimes I'll be truthful but it's more just because I want to be a dick right uh you know what I mean but like if if I don't know the person and I don't really have an invested time with that person then there I can see maybe just not saying something right um but because you know like I want to be a dick and because also sometimes you know I also want to just say hey maybe like you know here's something that like somebody everybody else is thinking but has nobody ever said to you you know that's a you know uh also like you know with shaky fun in of itself you know like and yeah you know what I mean like uh but anyways like focusing on being truthful is is definitely uh is my priority hopefully till the day that I die is that what the shrooms did for you or is that something that you've been struggling with for a while I mean you know like I mean in a lot of ways right like we even first started talking remember that time when we FaceTime about like during the George Floyd stuff oh that's right yeah yeah because like you know like obviously like I didn't live in K-Town but like I'm old enough where I was during their LA riots 100 right and obviously like the church that I went to like you know half those rooftop Koreans were like [ __ ] cheap sign names at like the church you know at Young not Church you know so you know the [ __ ] you know with the fishing and I'll buy you know casual shooting [ __ ] anyway so like that was like when I saw that I like I was like scared like I was not scared uh there's like some kind of untreated Yeah well yeah and then more than the average person like uh because like you know like I saw that happen before I also have like friends and their families who are still like basically poor because of that era because you know whatever their businesses got burned down right but anyways we started talking that's when we first started talking like kind of more yeah yeah yes right that was our first conversation that was like the kick off the pandemic that was yeah I didn't even think about it yeah so like think about that that's like that first time where like we actually like kind of had a combo you know and it was also two right because it's also because I know that you're like you have a footprint in the Asian American Community obviously yeah uh and so a part of me was like also at the same time like and I always struggle at this right and you know I always joke about it in the most forms of like even like Korean Supremacy right I don't mean Korean Supremacy like a white supremacist Korean supremacist I mean Korean Supremacy as just being Korean kimchi you know what I mean um anyways uh you know like it's like I always grew up where I was either I was always thought like politically like you know I was never political I don't think I am now either but like I always thought of myself as like shoot like I always had this like idea I'm like man when like rich white people and conservatives want to use like the Asian Community um for one thing uh to you know the model minority right and then and then flip that back over to like uh you know like let's say the black community is like you know for us we are the minor model minority myth in a lot of ways but you know like we're pawns base basically is like I feel like I felt like a lot of times growing up like I always felt like the Asian American Community we're always Pawns of other races like oh 100 you know what I mean yeah yeah but it's so crazy right like we're like the biggest population in the world right um and like obviously you know not in the United States but like it's it's just interesting like we have our own unique story too you know like we understand obviously the the hardships of being like a minority in the sense of like you know coming over as immigrants and things like that or parents generation or whatever but then we also like super duper duper duper like want to like financially succeed and you know like start families and you know whatever you know the typical nuclear thing right too right there's like you know there's always like that constant like I think you know the hard part too for a lot I think for this younger generation right and you know a lot of people in our age bracketed group you know sometimes they [ __ ] on the younger generation a lot yeah their biggest struggle now is that they have like identity is the biggest talk in the last like five or six years right and you know sometimes when I have a conversation about this they don't understand why I don't care right and what I mean by that it's not that I don't care about what you're going through yeah is that um I don't ever need to think about my identity because I know who I am yeah and I don't need to care if somebody else knows yeah you just be who you are exactly and so when I say that I I'll tie it into entertainment right yeah or they go oh like you rep for us Asians I actually don't I actually rep for myself and my asian-ness comes out because I am Asian exactly yeah you know what I mean it's a byproduct of everything that I've grown up with yeah I don't talk about my love for [ __ ] kimchi being the best [ __ ] accoutrement to any type of meat on this world because it's the cool thing to say I do it because I've eaten it my whole [ __ ] life you know what I mean so the the Asian the Korean supremacy of me comes out because it's just who I am yeah yeah you know what I mean and I think when this younger generation gets to truly understand that right like you can work on your own excellence and understand that a part of your Excellence is also your Asian identity that helped build this part of who you are life becomes a little easier it becomes less about your gen your that gender your identity politics right and so you know during this time like a lot of people I have felt their frustrations because I did understand it's like every time something bad would happen right it's like well how come you Asians are standing up for us aren't you a minority got it we're there for you that we go through stuff hey we're going through bigger problems your problems don't matter so it's like okay well what the [ __ ] do you want from us now you know what I mean so at that point I'm not saying [ __ ] everybody exactly I'm saying exactly focus on it let's focus on our community right because at this point we're like bowing down to the white man right and then we're trying to Ally with with this with with like uh BLM right which is not a bad thing but if you want to talk about your identity right and your identity is constantly bowing down to everybody else begging for them to protect your culture that is your responsibility you can do that you can you can support other cultures yeah but you also have to uplift your own for sure you know what I mean yeah yeah and so I think sometimes with like Asian Americans like the hardest part that they have to do deal with is that even when we try to carve our Asian American identity we try to do it in the style of how other people do it yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah for sure like it's like when they you know that obviously doesn't fit because of all of the nuances in every single culture exactly like there's you know there was um uh black lives matter and then we had yellow Peril why like that was from like the 80s or something right why move on from that [ __ ] we didn't have to go ahead and add our own tag we got our own [ __ ] thing going on here yeah you know what I mean and sometimes I feel like the kids who talk about Asian pride the most you guys are the ones who are actually ashamed of your culture the most that you're trying to make it as white packaged as possible when you don't [ __ ] have to for sure you know what I mean every [ __ ] food video that I see on Instagram is always somebody doing a stupid ass [ __ ] voice over how much you hated being Asian when you were a kid like what is this [ __ ] you know what I mean and you're not doing it because it's an important story to hear you're doing it because it gets you views I mean it's most people are boring you know what I mean so I understand yeah and so again you know I always sound like I'm the apologist for everybody you know what I mean but like you know it's like I also get it like man if you're boring then you know you're gonna I don't know like movie reference I'm [ __ ] old like American Beauty I don't know I remember the scene where like [ __ ] you know Kevin Spacey you know rest in peace um you know he uh Kevin Spacey just died you just reminded me right now no he he's not no he's not dead Oh I thought you said rest in peace no no I mean like rest in peace like he was like one of the OG cancellations you know what I mean rest in peace like I meant like sorry um you know like uh you know uh him and you know he's trying to hook up with like you know his daughter's uh daughter's friend you know this bunker and then at you know at some point like she says like I'm a virgin he's like oh and then you know they're like they they stop and then and then and then she was like she's like her biggest fear was to ever be boring you know and like when you know then like Kevin Spacey says something like oh you're uh you know boring is the last thing you could ever be or whatever and then she's like yeah there's nothing worse than being boring you know um the apologist in me whenever I see those videos and I'm like it's so cringe you're so painful where I'm like you know like the snobbiness in me kicks in or just just because I know that that's just not the right thing to do in terms of like let's say cooking or food or that's not gonna taste good right it's uh it's boring man you gotta make yourself look not boring but the thing about that is too it's okay to be boring yeah true like once again people who are great entertainers they are the outliers you know what I mean yeah yeah there is nothing wrong with being boring yeah yeah and to be honest with you most people are yeah and because you guys are boring you guys allow entertainers to do what they [ __ ] do you don't have to like when they go hey guys I just want to tell you what I did this morning nobody [ __ ] cares yeah yeah yeah we don't have to [ __ ] know and then I asked somebody I was like oh you want to make a living off of this he's like no this is just I feel like this is the thing that no you don't have to do anything I don't need to know about the ham sandwich that you had at the gas station yeah yeah yeah for sure you know what I mean yeah but you know the fatty in me will I eat it for free probably 100 yeah 100 you know and so you know you know going on to another tangent to it like but we definitely got to bring it back to mushrooms though because I definitely want to share some stuff that I've been going for sure for sure but for sure yeah when we always talk about food like it's not on a level of snobbery like I eat everything and anything yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah what I don't I I actually think that people who create food content who don't care about food they're actually the snobs because they want to be this knowledge and [ __ ] portal for what is good and what's hot that's snobbery to me that that template works if you're using real data and science yeah right so like for example is if you're like scientifically almost like you know lab coat style like searing a steak where you make the ultimate like crust and Sear for sure like you know what I mean like uh you can talk about like you know like uh sorry the point I'm trying to say is when you make something good you are definitely the type of person where you want to know why it's good yeah you know what I mean uh every everybody who cooks or cares about it right they're always Gonna Wanna Know The why because that variable is under control you know what I mean like that's uh I mean that's I I feel like that's like the thing that's we share in common right it's like that okay it's like oh like when I was your scientists I value how about this I value I [ __ ] value science thank you scientists I can never be one well if you guys want to know why I'm [ __ ] sewing the tomatoes it's because this [ __ ] face like I yeah failed my tomatoes last year because there was a crazy heat wave of like a hundred and something degrees Yeah you gave me his beautiful little transplants and then this heat wave happened it was they were growing beautifully 120 degrees for [ __ ] two three weeks obliterated them they weren't strong enough to survive it yeah and I got so sad you know what though what's dope about it is I mean at the same time also like you know me I love trying to find out and do as much research before I start like a project again it's not like a big project that has to do with money it's just you know like I want to grow tomatoes right so I want to take it seriously so I want to learn about it as much as I can right my goal before I start anything that I want to try to get better at or learn is I try to learn all of the [ __ ] ups and know why the fuck-ups happen because I already know I'm gonna [ __ ] it up right so like for even me last year was like my first season of growing tomatoes right and I was like as weird as the sounds I was very excited every time I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up a bunch of times because every time I [ __ ] up I was like oh I over watered oh I underwatered oh I gave it too much attention you know that was actually one of my biggest takeaways last year was I gave my tomatoes too much data too much science too much attention you know I fed it too much I gave them too much nutrients I did all of that where they were sickly [ __ ] so if anything was like trying to like you know make their life hard they would [ __ ] you know get [ __ ] you know um but anyways on that though is is right like even just like kind of talking about like what we've kind of even started talking on that dialogue during those times when we first started talking I grew up you know like I mean I've showed you pictures of my parents place and stuff you know their [ __ ] chewers [ __ ] right you know backyards you got like a pond like a [ __ ] com tree hanging over everything Thomas's dog food eggs grade A stuff dude shout out to my dad dude she's a guy if he was a white guy he'd be a white supremacist like maybe for Real uh or at least a redneck at the very least you know um but anyways you know chicken eggs if you raise them right they're not a cheap I mean maybe nowadays but like you know like when before the egg prices got crazy growing your own eggs it's not it wasn't the most um you want to do it for Budget reasons like meaning the total cost of getting like let's just say like your GMO eggs or whatever of course Farmers Market dollar each eggs even then I don't know if you're raising that in a way that you're buying everything the supply of the chickens it's gonna cost you a lot of money yeah I mean before obviously before the chicken eggs price away like 3.99 for a dozen [ __ ] nothing exactly now again shout out to Thomas lewd you know my dad like you know people come over and like they look at um you know my parents backyard like man my parents must be hippies and you know they're all about like nature Huntington Library yeah and this and that right but uh dude Thomas that [ __ ] loves giving them dog food because dog food his logic is this I guess he's got a point right but long story shortages is you know he grew up with animals where they get whatever's around right so [ __ ] gets the cheapest dog food you could buy at Costco obviously the biggest bag and that's their main portion of their diet do they get some grain yes but the main portion is gonna definitely be dog food yeah which is it's fine chickens could totally eat it chickens could they're [ __ ] walking dinosaurs they need whatever the [ __ ] they want really eggs are great yeah yeah um but that's Thomas's way but you know our like even like my gardening Journey though really kind of started around that time when we first started talking again so like that's where like you know we're doing all those stupid Tick Tock like uh you know eat the romaine and then you know leave the bottom and then like it but it never turns into a Roman and then it's bitter as [ __ ] and then you're like these [ __ ] internet [ __ ] so look I'm not gonna lie in the way okay obviously like I know when people are bullshitting even in like gardening and stuff to a certain degree but I got swindled a lot the first week I was like yeah I'm gonna regrow everything you know which some things do you you [ __ ] take uh like you know those green onions yeah no matter what you do if you put it in the ground and keep it like relatively moist it's gonna [ __ ] come up but anyways that's where my real kind of gardening Journey grew because again I'm tying my parents in because I grew up with a lot of like I guess hippie organic type culture because you know my mom she's mad she were so you know country like and so she's like you know she she grew up growing her her food you know like greens and all of that so I grew up with all of that stuff you know that's why I still even though I'm a fatty and I'll eat like the most terrible Foods I also love Just Grains you know because I grew up eating that type of stuff anyways bringing that all tied together is like my parents man like that gardening experience of course has helped me but like the real thing started during pandemic and then basically from pandemic that's when I kind of got more and more into it right and then you know I moved into uh I moved into my parents um my parents uh investment uh property house uh and then you know like now that I had a yard I'm like okay I'm gonna start trying to [ __ ] around right and you know that whole gardening thing too you know people are like well why do you continue to do it even though you messed up it's like gardening's actually very therapeutic for me like there's something about I wasn't even as far as this year I didn't buy a single tomato plant I germinated everything [ __ ] thing yeah because you thought you were gonna fail and you thought that you know you might have less than you would you do like you so it's like 70 plus seeds yeah yeah and then guess what happened yeah it did happen because once again California weather is [ __ ] weird yeah it hailed it rained for three like hurricane [ __ ] rain [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] half of them caught blight they got [ __ ] up and I was like good and then the ground temperature I don't know it's probably warmer here but you know I'm up by the mountain oh yeah your place is a lot colder yeah yeah and so there was this period where it was like warm where at night time it was like staying around like 40-ish I'm like oh it could survive because I wanted to harden them off and then all of a sudden out of nowhere at night [ __ ] hail wreck them and I'm like well there goes half of them partying them off is uh you know when you you when you get them prepped for growing up in this ideal environment and then you're like hey [ __ ] why don't you hang out not outside outside but like in a shaded area or something where it can kind of get used to it yeah so if you don't harden off your tomato plants um what happens is it's like the leaves are very very tender and if you felt a a tomato plant that was actually kind of let's say in a greenhouse outside versus something indoors it's like literally baby skin and then [ __ ] ajashi handshake skin yeah yeah yeah shout out to all of the all of those um you know shout out to [ __ ] influencers who are like useful in the sense of like that type of stuff oh dude you know what I mean like dudes and again you know for sure there's obviously some frauds in there but you know what I realized what's so amazing about like YouTube these days I mean obviously it's been like this for a while but I guess it's just putting it into words is like even if you have a big ego about your brand and who you are and let's say you're a [ __ ] douchebag like let's say gardener the cool part is is when you make a claim you have just as many other hungry cats who are going to expose you and do science projects to debunk you yeah yeah yeah yeah based off of human ego and jealousy and trying to get more clicks and more money for me as a consumer I get a lot of good benefit because I'm like dude these [ __ ] because they hate each other so much or you know of course I'm looking at it from that you know of course there's a lot of reasons why people like start you know using science to debunk each other right you want to do that in the scientific Community right because you want to find the truth of something objectively whatever with all the variables or whatnot right so I feel like it's interesting because YouTube people can get really good at the science of a lot of things because people are gonna battle test you on a large form right the problem with like yeah like Labs where everything's all um you got a budget right and with that budget you know the r d department has a budget and you know they're going to reach out to I don't know you know those like mailers where like you know you go and you're part of a [ __ ] experiment or like a statistic or something right and it happened really well with gardening like I just remember like even a couple of years before when I first tried you know gardening one of the biggest things that people said was oh when you plant your Tomatoes throw Epsom salt in there yeah yeah yeah yeah you know and then people were like no that only works yeah specific yeah yeah the small container they're going to need it but that took somebody to be like hey shut the [ __ ] up yeah yeah you're wrong because every video prior to that was you have to use epsom salt yeah yeah yeah yeah and so it's like that's what you're talking about right there where there's like this evolution of information it's like this isn't true and then after they got called out now all the videos are you don't need to have some salt yeah and then you get the people who just like take all of the data and then they hash it together and then they generically put it all together but then they're a boring person oh yeah yeah you know and then you know it's like okay how many times do I have to hear it's you know you you get root rot because of this reason and that and you hear the same thing over from every single person and then at some point like you just know that that person never tried it themselves they just said it because they saw that that happens you know like they never made the mistake themselves you know gardening honestly reminds me of like food like you you have to just do it to know what the [ __ ] is wrong you know what I mean anything yeah like something small that I that I thought about this year was like you know plants are healthy right now because I understand watering better not from a scientific standpoint of just doing it yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah and if somebody asked me now they're like well how do I water I can give you the same advice that I always read online stick your finger in about an inch or two if it's dry then you Pro it probably needs water right but even that doesn't like you know and then guess what you have to make an adjustment because when the plant grows bigger and it's more vigorous and fruits are there that container is going to dry up like that yeah because the size that it is now I have watered it fill up the oils maybe every four or five days guess what what that planet is [ __ ] six feet tall that's every day you know but there's like things that you just know from just starting it from seed yeah yeah for sure because I you know I was thinking that yeah it just speaking about tomatoes right like I told you this I didn't want to go through like you know again because I got I'm juggling other things in my life right now too where you know I have to kind of prioritize obviously you know my other random side projects and other stuff but um germination is like its own thing to geek about right it's like in food like you know bread program you know like bread you know separate that you don't match the yeast you know what I'm saying versus you know whatever right same thing [ __ ] germination like you know which is basically you know getting the seeds to go you know you know uh that part I was like dude I want to get the Tomato part down first you know what I mean so I bought seedling I would go buying seedlings or I like I you know I freeload you know cuttings from you know obviously anybody whoever right and obviously you're you're literally starting my my Alpha generation of tomatoes right uh obviously you know I'm gonna try to get some more of the varieties and you know we'll share our notes and stuff but you know like uh [ __ ] I forgot was talking about I relegated to cooking and food and learning and adjusting and then oh yeah again going back to the data and Science and people hashing the data together I think it's amazing like when you get to a point where you can listen to all of these crazy people get the right data I start Tomatoes or any project trying to learn all the mistakes that everybody's kind of hashed together yeah so my first year I learned a lot of things and I made a [ __ ] ton of mistakes you know did was I able to actually get tomatoes and harvest and have what a pretty good yield yeah not bad honestly like I could I literally I could have done it like maybe 10 times better than I did the first year I didn't do bad but the cool part was every time something didn't work or didn't go as planned I knew exactly what I did wrong you know so that part like that's where I felt really good after that season you felt like you yeah did you feel like you well the watering was issue because you had a drip system though I did but that didn't happen until like probably again I don't know how long my season lasted but let's just say let's break it down the percentages um or I only started to kind of figure out watering and I don't fully have it down yet but I got it down like maybe three quarters into my growing season so those first three [ __ ] quarters Tomatoes were like you know what I mean like you're going you're like oh shit's bad then you go like this is the Tomato yeah fall off and [ __ ] you know so anyways like I didn't feel that until way later you know but that's cool because at least now I know and I read about you know again like people who are over aggressive with watering and this and that so it was cool to know like that was something that I can definitely fix and I got much better by that three-quarter oh I'm doing the oils this year dude like um I wanted to do a drip system but my tomatoes are scattered so far everywhere yeah it was just too much so I was like yeah let's just do the oil and see what happens yeah and even oils are a little tricky they're not as easy as people say yes you're [ __ ] you know you're you're freaking you know Dave so so you know you can get Noah for each one of those you know for me I'm like hmm where can I get these uh ceramic things for five cents you know well not fifty dollars so like uh surprisingly like Armstrong has some cheap oils oh okay so online they're [ __ ] expensive as [ __ ] so I was going to do the thing where you get two terracotta pots glue them together yeah yeah yeah but then went down that rabbit hole too exactly so the ones at Armstrong right like an oil like this big which online's like 7 70 bucks Armstrong 20 bucks yeah yeah and so and then 20 bucks oh that's great dude it's 20 [ __ ] your best friend for not telling me about it because you know I got that and they're doing it yeah yeah yeah you know the you know I think that's the cool thing and always being the the material where it's it's surround or it's the type of terracotta yeah there it's sorry it's a [ __ ] terracotta [ __ ] do this but it's like porous so when you put water in it it leeches out into the soil so it's like nice and smooth and it gets there and you know you don't have to water it all the time you just fill that up when you're supposed to it was like this yeah yeah African technique where you know that's how you save money on watering too because the plant The Roots inherently the tomato plants will grow towards the Terracotta and actually grow around it yeah yeah and it'll suck all the water that it needs but you can't just do it off jump you still have to water regularly for the first two weeks in order for the roots to grow around yeah it's got to reach it's got to get to the point yeah exactly so um like the first two plants that I bagged I didn't do that and I was like I was looking weak as [ __ ] and I was like oh and I did a little research I was like oh my [ __ ] bad I thought the Terracotta was gonna take care of everything yeah yeah it's looking a little more healthier now but I'm back on to the topic of uh like the shrooms and what it did for you like it was interesting because we were in the car and you know you're talking about you know this is obviously rapson with the whole part of like being honest and kind of seeing yourself in the mirror yeah um like what was your experience like while doing shrooms so I did it five times now it's been my fifth time and like for me is like you know like it's like obviously recent and also like for me I know like you know how people have been using it like in the underground like in terms of like for therapeutic use right um to deal with trauma anxiety you know this and that right and we talked a little bit about it right um because I'm a little high right now it's kind of hard to remember the timeline of which exact experience was when and what but definitely the first time it was like a very profound experience where I was talking with my partner and we basically spent the whole night talking and it was just fascinating because that person she was sharing um about like you know where she's gone in her career and you know even just like family and just you know things like that right and I could literally visually see her face changing to the mold of like what she was like symbolically in a way right so like when there's a point where like I even like imagine like not imagine like I saw it before my eyes her in her like Silver Fox years and she was like in a way speaking in front of a crowd uh her insights about like you know the industry that she's in you know and like it was like I can see that visually right um so that experience was really interesting because like we basically talked the whole night and we were able to kind of almost even enter a different channel of our relationship to a certain degree um which is like fascinating because it's like you know me and my partner were like pretty communicative like we talk a lot um and with that it's just like you kind of at some point when you've been with somebody for a while you you know your channels of like communication and like the things start tapering off and like let's say maybe new things you might learn about a person and it's not like I learned anything new but it was just fascinating just to look at it from a different perspective which in the end the net positive was we became closer you know um or maybe even more vulnerable in a good way or we opened up to each other more or we let even more of our guard down and I think we have a pretty low guard with each other um yeah I'd say like you know we're pretty pretty close in terms of the the low guard that we have with each other and what I mean by the low guard is like I don't know I'm not gonna quantify that maybe it's just like you're just you're comfortable to be honest with each other yeah to be like honest even like down to like every single detail right yeah everything that matters right um again you know obviously it's not like you know we know everything about each other and all of that stuff too you know you're not the first couple that I heard that did this like um my first talked about it on their podcast but when they had a rough patch in their marriage yeah and that you know one person was a little incapable of understanding the other person's emotion yeah albeit this [ __ ] on the Spectrum so yeah get it but they did some psychedelic [ __ ] yeah and then this [ __ ] just ended up crying and like opening up all this other [ __ ] I told you I [ __ ] cried so much in the last four years two or three years yeah like you know and it was just all stuff that he just didn't do was the problem or the stuff that he was thinking about yeah yeah yeah because he's such a binary person everything is black and white when that gray area where he had to think and sit and his emotions happened it kind of made him like oh I I can empathize now like I get it yeah yeah you know I get what this person is saying you know yeah I mean that's exactly why uh what's that dudes dude Michael Paulin like his his book and Netflix series how to change your mind like you know sometimes like you know a title or something and then you watch it and you forget that the title is exactly well thought out for what it is yeah it does change your mind on a lot of things yeah so like another experience that I can kind of share or kind of remember clearly was my most recent one where I was looking at myself in the mirror right um and then it was just I saw every part of like the ugliness of myself like like I was seeing it right and again just like how like you know like my partner's face changed to that Silver Fox that same like looking at myself I was looking at myself but it was there was a point where it looked like like dude I'm like I get so scared I get so scared like about like monster stuff and whatever like you know like if I woke up and there was like a little baby saying come play with me running at me I would just die right there right I don't believe in any of that stuff but it's easy for me to say that but if I saw a little baby running towards me in the middle and I'm like you know I would probably just die okay anyways [ __ ] why did I bring that up um silver fox saying yourself in the mirror seeing all the ugly stuff about you yeah so I was looking at myself and it was just a nasty looking site like it was still myself but like you know I have a [ __ ] ton of moles but the moles looked really [ __ ] grimy right I just looked in a way that I knew that I was just this is the result of my poor relationship with my health and my poor relationship with food as well too um and then also I started thinking about like another experience I had with a friend in which I was so sad that this friend couldn't kind of face uh his reality me myself I'm like I was sad in that moment for that friend but I should be sad for my [ __ ] self right now where like how could I also have any like type of insight on anyone's life and talk about how much I love life when I'm not even taking care of myself too like in the sense of like like let's say staying healthy or like you know trying to like you know live for the longevity by not killing myself with my poor relationship with food you know so it kind of all tied together in a lot of ways I know it sounds crazy but for me is that idea was I needed to start focusing on like I need to change my face so that the next time I look at myself I can look like somebody who's like proud of that appearance of like what one might look if they actually cared about their health or you know like that so is that is that just in relation to and that was also when I transitioned right because you know like I was I think like keto way back in the days like super early lost a [ __ ] ton of weight you know like I don't know probably like not as much as like Ed but like you know you're a big boy you showed me yeah I used to be like 300 plus 10 pounds but like I'm saying keto is more in the recent years right like it was like I don't know 2000 16 or something like that yeah yeah um so my relationship with food [ __ ] what was that where was that with that um my relationship with food has always been so again it's just coming full circle and just looking at my life and like seeing like man like I'm an ugly person how can I have an Insight on anybody else's life when I say ugly person ugly person in every aspect but in this particular trip it was like focused on like my health you know and like if I want to be helpful to people for a long time if I'm capable of helping people then I should do it in a way that I feel okay with being worthy of helping somebody I don't know if that makes sense but like uh you just feel like you're bullshitting yeah yeah yeah coming from a bullshitter in a way right yeah you know so I mean that's like I feel like those are good experiences that everybody should have right and then you know for us and I've talked about on the podcast with me and Ed you know well I guess all three of us like just dealing with being extremely overweight right like I was I wasn't 300 pounds I was close to it I was like two wait how are you six I'm six one so I was like too close to 290 right and you know when you kind of live in your own [ __ ] filth you don't know that you're [ __ ] dirty you know it's just the best way to put it for sure like your everyday is this this is your status quo yeah right and because you don't know any better you start to also just rationalize a lot of shitty things that are happening in your life be like oh this is just me right and for me my lie to myself was oh I'm fat because I have to be funny hmm right and it was a little bit true though yeah it's like how more people are more critical like this is a fat guy thing man if you get a stain on your shirt and you're fat you know some somebody sees you as like yeah of course that [ __ ] fat motherfucker's got a stain on his shirt anyways but you know in that in that type of sense too it's like you know you kind of use this as a crutch right like you have to be fat to be funny yeah it's like no fat is not an identity you know what I mean because if that was the case the most famous comedians would all be fat as [ __ ] yeah yeah they're not yeah why it's because they don't rely on a on the stupid like on either like a moniker or a prop or whatever the [ __ ] that it is right and having to be having to deal with that losing weight for me was hard because fat David was my identity that's my identity yeah because I mean you got to work with what you what you what you got in a way yeah yeah obviously too like being a big guy and starting off younger with low self-esteem I had a switch one day where I was like I'm gonna make it show people like I don't give a [ __ ] what I am I'ma still pull [ __ ] I'm gonna do all this other stuff you know what I mean success successful know how to talk to people get over my anxiety and I did that all while being a [ __ ] fat guy yeah yeah yeah so it was almost like a sense of Pride for me yeah for me for sure and it's such a weird thing to think about right now I'm sure a lot of people don't for me this is I don't call it like um I don't know if I'm being like narcissistic or something but it's definitely a uh what is that like what you're talking about like um a lot of times I always think I'm like the exception of course everybody always like you know what I mean and like but that's like yeah then there's a fine line though too right it's a [ __ ] yeah yeah exactly right like you know like I took Taekwondo right growing up which you know don't ever take Taekwondo if you want to learn to fight fight learn to fight fight and then learn some Taekwondo for sure you know what I mean um but anyways you know I was fat [ __ ] but I can still throw a [ __ ] beautiful like you know like a spinning hook kick right you know shout out to Edison Barbosa you know being the first person in Atlanta spin kick in the UFC um anyways but that aspect you know I always wanted to be the exception yeah I want to be the fat guy who could still get uh a pretty girl or something like that you know for sure that was I I totally feel you yeah and you know that was also a point of Pride like even in sports and even all my friends just like dude you're [ __ ] fast for somebody your size it's like and I probably fed off that type of [ __ ] yeah yeah you know and conversely now like now I see it in other people and that was the place that I used to be in yeah it's like you're almost like scared to change um because your identity is too hooked to the person that you shouldn't be yeah yeah which is very [ __ ] weird that's a weird Next Level [ __ ] sabotage and so yeah we're all [ __ ] aliens dude and then when I started to lose weight and I started to feel better not even in the physical sense which is something that comes along with it yeah but it's just like like physical in terms of like internally I felt better yeah like for sure sleeping better yeah yeah yeah walk a little faster yeah I don't get the itis because of better food choices and stuff yeah yeah I'm like damn this is a better way to live yeah yeah and you know there's moments too because food to me is an addiction it's a hardcore Ass Addiction yeah yeah like and also emotional eater too right oh for sure you know what I mean for sure like even like my copy or sad happy or sad mainly for me happiness because like I love food so much for sure even how I connect with my parents just through food through my mom is food uh so every spot every November that's what we did my parents a simple life my mom can [ __ ] go down like a [ __ ] that's why we called her up for the kimchi you know what I mean how do we do this my mom's a cook person but that's you know you gotta eat that same coop for like two weeks yeah you know where at some point you don't heated them you just you know you've had every cook in every [ __ ] Multiverse of cooks yeah cold temperature anyways yeah and so like you know with that whole whole part of like food being a part of your identity even in your personal relationships and even with family it starts to affect you because now it's like you almost can't say no to food ever for sure I I couldn't say [ __ ] go to Food yeah for sure and even now I can't but now I just portion it better yeah yeah you pick and choose your battles and then you pick and choose what and who you're gonna do it with exactly it's also like you know when you're full you know just stop yeah yeah yeah or just know like okay you ate a lot of food so you have to work this off later for me it's like lying dude I'm telling you you know I gotta remind myself oh I should stop eating now yeah yeah yeah well let them taste it whenever this guy like he throws something at his place and we get the crew together hey we gonna eat it's gonna happen yeah but it's funny right because we have like also kind of like sometimes though depending on which friends though some of my friends are simple eaters right so then it's going to be When in Rome you know it's like about getting like you know 40 pack of chicken nuggets from McDonald's you know as opposed to like you know you know like roasted uh smoked duck press breast shaving over Foie you know something like that right yeah yeah anyways um we'll do both we're both man yeah we'll could even go back and wrap it around like when we were talking about food snobbering one of the biggest comments that I used to get you know from people who think that they I'm not saying like I'm this person who knows food yeah yeah but like people who think that they know food but you got a lot of hours you put a lot of work exactly you know look it's degenerate and all of that but dude at some point yeah I started actually getting a palette for [ __ ] all you can eat sushi yeah so even to this day right what did I say for earlier dinner Sushi yeah it was the spot I really want to try yeah you know it's it's still again when in Rome you know that's what I grew up on yeah exactly and so like when you know when people for example um had a conversation with our mutual friend of ours who were you know she was you know she knows I do food and you know I started cooking food or whatever yeah she saw me eat a filet-o fish and she was like can't believe you eat that stuff and I looked at her in disgust yeah I was like the audacity excuse me say what did you say yeah I was like she was like well you like do food now like why do you eat this stuff I was like this is [ __ ] delicious what is it what are you talking about nonsense and I also had a sausage egg muffin yeah this is when I had to flip my [ __ ] and this is the most stupid thing to flip your [ __ ] about she does but I don't even understand why you eat that sausage it's not even a real egg yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't need I don't need a pre-frozen fish you know you know like it's the freshest ever dry age fish yeah you know you know or when people are like you know oh suit like you know Sashimi gray fish like it's the freshest ever it's not that's just they flash freeze that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah for sure you know but you know you could tell people that's all they want but they just they just always know better but I'm like listen I'm not trying to yuck your yum yeah yeah find that [ __ ] delicious yeah it is what it is yeah yeah when I like it I could I could have the [ __ ] little thing with you know creme fraiche caviar with this little chive okay wait speaking of sorry sorry to interrupt but speaking of the fish sandwiches right McDonald's filet-o fish okay I haven't looked am I allowed to talk about other businesses yeah business okay so you know like a shout out to may you know uh May Lynn over at a you know day Bird right neighbor Taiwanese fried chicken sandwiches baby yeah you [ __ ] you know when it's on point like that sandwich is [ __ ] legendary right and it's like a [ __ ] boogie board that comes out talk about my pockets I say she's my favorite female chef right now yeah but dude Mesa May shout out though but May's got uh got that face to be intimidated about like her default faces like she's ready that's why her [ __ ] food I think she's gonna fire me and I don't even know you know what I mean like I'm like What's the mailing don't fire me I actually had her food first for the first time at Lacey oh word word she did the private dinner thing with uh uh Clara invited her for her birthday oh yeah and this is before she opened up Night song that's when I was doing keto was it night song or her restaurant no no it was um yeah so anyway shout out to me but you know she got fried chicken sandwich but she just recently also put out a a fried fish sandwich right oh for reals yeah so up until this point honestly I haven't had it but you know I obviously know me as a [ __ ] killer and she can make some good [ __ ] food and you know like of course like there's always gonna potentially be consistency across the world what I'm saying is when she makes that [ __ ] chicken sandwich the way that she wants it to be made I'm sure it's gonna taste good um on top of that you know there's like a caviar option that you can do right and look it's an 80 [ __ ] sandwich if you put the caviar but the sandwich itself is whatever expensive normal sandwich that you get nowadays anyways right so people are gonna be real mad about an 80 sandwich which I get but at the same time it's kind of like I don't know if I was a baller and like I had like caviar as part of my regular inventory and I can afford it yeah of course I want to eat [ __ ] because it's gonna work you know I want to eat [ __ ] Fried Chicken exactly and I want to do that with my fried fish sandwich too if I can look I'm on a budget these days so you know I'm probably getting shout out to me but I'm gonna get the regular one when I go but outside of that before that fish sandwich again I'm already claiming that it's good even when I haven't even tried it which is like obviously like but again you know you just know it's like [ __ ] Kirkland it's gonna be on point you know um I'll tell you this man and yeah a lot of people this is like the other thing I don't like about food sometimes yes like I like caviar right yeah but when I see people eat caviar and they're rolling their eyes to the back of their head I'm like that's [ __ ] fish eggs bro there's a lot of other things in this world that'll make you do that I don't think it's caviar and I love caviar right I like fish row I've had it my whole life called out right now hey let me tell you something you son of a [ __ ] I did this in Japan when I had you know like again Japan doesn't have everything that's the best but the things that they're good at I did do I look dude for real real talk my eyes did real back okay let me tell you something like I enjoy it a lot right but when people I'm specifically talking about sturgeon caviar got it yeah yeah of course and I see like Gordon Ramsay well that's not sorry they're interrupt one more time you know LA River like 40 years ago or something like that and again I'm gonna probably have to fact check myself on this but the LA River had [ __ ] sturgeon in it oh 100 the American river in Sacramento I grew up people people fish for sturgeon they have it so can you imagine dude being [ __ ] like you know down like uh the bike path in Frogtown and then like you see prehistoric animals the fool with a 40 and then like you know on his like Low Rider bike and then you look down and then there's a [ __ ] the American River uh people fish for that for my group in Sacramento so we saw that [ __ ] but I see Gordon Ramsay and he takes this yeah yeah and he eats like it's the most amazing thing he's ever had in his life I'm like okay listen here you [ __ ] yeah it's yeah it's delicious right it's even the same concept when I see people eat uh truffle right yeah yeah like and they just oh truffles is the best yeah yeah yeah it is not the best it is it is something that's good with something else yeah and it's a part of a luxury as well too like there there's you're a lot you're a [ __ ] liar to say that truffle is as good as it just it's I'm saying is there's just as much of the exclusivity of a black truffle again black truffle is amazing yeah it's delicious yeah for sure get it but there's also definitely an aspect of that you know luxury and separation you know like you know bling it out or I don't know what a young people call yeah because you know having a conversation with friends about the tour of Foodies and they're like oh you're [ __ ] crazy I was like cool let me put it to you like this yeah yeah I have a [ __ ] gun to your [ __ ] face yeah yeah right yeah I have I was like what's your favorite Cuisine they go Vietnamese food what's your favorite Vietnamese dish they're like um it's bunrio I'm like cool I have a bowl of Boone real and you're about to [ __ ] die I'm gonna blow your [ __ ] head off and I have a white truffle nugget what are you eating yeah yeah yeah you're eating the [ __ ] what they're like obviously that why because it's a more complete dish for sure and it's infinitely more delicious Than This One Piece yeah yeah yeah I told you right now we're not talking about price we're talking about what you want to eat yeah yeah yeah that for sure I was like that's why I think you're full of [ __ ] yeah so yeah I'm not saying that truffle is disgusting I love truffle like you have shave truffle on just like some buttered potatoes yeah God damn Delicious yeah yeah yeah I mean but that little thing right there when I see people just talk about it because of the luxury aspect of it yeah yeah it's like come on let's be real here man I'm I'm taking if somebody offered me like two slice of just white truffle right some of the most highest quality [ __ ] that shit's like 60 bucks for like whatever announce of it or whatever yeah yeah yeah you put a flail fish next to me yeah yeah yeah I'm hungry man [Music] was when her restaurant closed I was [ __ ] sad like it was my top probably like five restaurants in La at the time got it um she was so she's very creative and her photo was always fun and it executed really well um this is what I think though that's also a lot of fun about like kind of I don't know how to say like the modern movement but like the one like the chefs who were trained let's say classically and then also like trial by fire where they work the line in these like high pressure environment you know um Farm to Table you know like that type of you know industry right the real toxic one at times right I mean I guess the movie Chef is like this too right is you know with Roy Choice shout out to really Choi but like you know like is this also philosophy of like just taking something that's not fancy but just doing it with proper technique care AKA giving a [ __ ] yeah you know like I don't know what's more attractive to any type of human being is to me is a lot of times when they're giving a [ __ ] about anything yeah yeah you know what I mean of course you can give a [ __ ] about things that are like not like you know you shouldn't be giving a [ __ ] about but I mean like the things that you know create value to let's say another person that they want to consume or something you know yeah I mean yeah I mean like like food has become you know I feel like in like the like the 80s right yeah yeah when somebody opened up a restaurant and we're obviously not talking about highfaloon restaurants you're not talking about the place you saw in Time Magazine yeah but a lot of these mom and pop stores or even some of these independent businesses when they were opening up restaurants it was done at a necessity yeah yeah yeah right and now it's done at a passion worse right yeah you're getting to see people really just step up their game in terms of what they do in other places not so much yeah but I'm really enjoying this movement of watching these high fancy chefs being like [ __ ] this I just want to make what I want to make yeah this is where it gets real complex too right is because like for example right I'm a la native right I was born and raised in Southern California imagine you're you know like growing up never went to Mexico okay but I would eat La street tacos a lot and also like the establishments right um I grew up with that but you know like I'm in my 40s now right so I spent pretty much a big portion of my life eating La street tacos right and I don't know what tacos might have tasted like again obviously I've gone since but like when I was younger up until a certain point of my age like I did grow up with a full childhood or almost a whole generation eating something that's not like part of my ancestry but is also something that that that's not specific to like it's not like I was eating tacos in Mexico yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying yeah and then mix that with like you know obviously everybody uh every Korean [ __ ] has like you know uh uh meat lying around in their house in the sense of like when times are good right you got your bugi you got your Kirby you got whatever right and whatever Korean barbecue staple meats that you might have that you eat right you're gonna have leftovers at times right and those leftovers you're gonna combine that with the tortilla that you're gonna get and again it might start out with the [ __ ] Mission tortilla and then it might end up at some point you know turning into a [ __ ] Masa from [ __ ] the original guisados and Boyle Heights like the [ __ ] Tortilla Factory where they make the Masa and you pick it up and that's what grisados uses I don't know if they still use it to this day right but you know whatever extremity is is I still grew up and I can see like where Roy choice you know again it's it's a dated concept right but you know mixing an obvious leftover a necessity of Korean barbecue let's say and then you have tortillas lying around then it's like a immediate marriage right yeah um anyway so I think it's fascinating that in this modern culinary world with a lot of the restaurants or things that you see a lot of it's like comfort and junk food or things that people grew up eating and going and accessing that's not pretentious but just kind of adding more like giving a [ __ ] using like you know the technical techniques that you learn right um from trial by fire in those kitchens you know 100 like there's this restaurant I tried it's called Uh Mr T out in Los Angeles and the I believe the head chef is Thai is a female Thai Chef but she's taking like aspects of stuff that she grew up eating from her mom and then repackaging and repurposing it and just executing it yeah differently right yeah yeah and it's like whoa this tastes like this but it's different enough where it's elevated here and elevated doesn't necessarily mean better than that dish yeah it's just tightened up a little bit yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah that's where that fun comes in it's like whoa this is really [ __ ] delicious and it's a little more precise and you know part of the the the the enjoyable part about Mom and Pop's place is that it's in the chaos like it's not precise you know what I mean some days it's going to taste like this some days it's gonna be a little different maybe a little spicy yeah a little extra sweet sometimes sure for sure and that's kind of like that home feel that I really enjoy sometimes but when you go into this restaurant area they start to become meticulous about it x amount of tablespoons here the millimeter width of this vegetables it's like here yeah yeah yeah so every time you eat it's the same enjoyable experience dude you know where I get anxiety though when it comes to food and like because I'm a ratio guy so like you know like a ratio guy ratio Foods Korean people are ratio people to the max but then at the same time though you know what gives me [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of anxiety like when you're going eating out and eating panchan uh and you know like the loose punch ends the one where it's like you know Choose Your Own Adventure like you can or you like there's no you can't like there's some manchans where you can pretty much eat with everything right for me it's just like let's say I'm eating like Korean barbecue and there's a [ __ ] ton of panchan I get like anxiety because I'm trying to keep and maintain my ratio where because I'm doing a constant ratio battle I'm never stopping so like there's no rest because I'm like oh you grab the bottom meat oh I need a little bit of duck I need a little bit of this and then it just keeps going in this endless loop until there's obviously no more food you know who's a ratio guy [ __ ] uh Ed oh yeah Ed I heard this about Ed yeah for sure like I've never noticed until I saw it yeah yeah and it was everywhere that we went right yeah yeah yeah whenever you see Ed just notice like on his last bite I do the exact same thing like everything's down to racial the last fight has to have every component from which you started I see I'm not like that yeah I get you I'm yeah people are normal that's crazy I get it I'm gonna I'm gonna add on that too you know [ __ ] santuka Ramen yeah you know the little Plum yeah don't tell me you [ __ ] Robin that's [ __ ] ridiculous I have multiple people in my life that can fact check me on this can I tell you guys something that Plum is the size of my pinkiness already taking one bite out of it you know you got to use your Precision Thumpers absolutely [ __ ] nonsense because it's all seed and then there's I need you to not do that anymore yeah there's like a milk there's a millimeter of meat right like between the seed and the meat so the last bite of [ __ ] salt santuka Ramen the size of this power button not this remote yeah that's how small it is so the bowl is this big So when you say Edge one of those guys I'm one of those guys too that's okay I understand yeah that's ridiculous it's an example it's the first thing I can think of that is crazy but again this is also why with Korea barbecue maybe because a big I mean of course I'm a fat ass but like I mean you know like in here I'm a fat ass like I can I get that like so you know it's like I don't know what's that one in place like you know I'll go for free but I'll never go to pay for it quinoa right I think I like panchans Galore right dude I'm just like because it's like anxiety because I'm like I need to try to get every little bite and then it just endless loop of it you know yeah it's interesting when I see uh ratios like you know what I really [ __ ] with like Asian food I feel like Asian food really understood the idea of acid and dishes that yeah you know growing up when I had when I would always eat like American food yeah it was just always so [ __ ] heavy of course Korean people would always ask where's the kimchi yeah yeah Kraft mac and cheese yeah which by the way [ __ ] delicious still one of my favorite Mac and cheeses of all time Nostalgia baby like you know they would have that and then every time I never understood why my mom was like I need kimchi I need kimchi and it's just she needed something fermented she needed something you know a little [ __ ] said you know Korean Supreme every time like even I remember I made Thanksgiving food right yeah yeah she's like I need some kimchi though and I would always tell like you're ruining the food I was like actually she's not because it's so heavy I mean turkey stuffing mashed potatoes gravy uh macaroni and cheese and then there'll be like some type of roasted vegetable yeah and there was no acid anywhere there was no pop of anything and I'm like now I get this like this makes the best you get is cranberry sauce exactly the best you guess it's dessert to me yeah yeah you know so like you know when I first had Thai food right yeah I remember that [ __ ] it felt like an explosion of flavor in my [ __ ] face yeah yeah for sure and I was like what definitely party in your mouth yeah and you know very different from Vietnamese Chinese Korean and Japanese which was like my main Staples and I remember I had um Tom Yum sure ate that [ __ ] and I was like this is I don't know what the [ __ ] this is delicious but when you smell it it smells a little bit like [ __ ] on fingers no no fish sauce fish sauce fish sauce fish sauce specifically yeah yeah but when you smell it you know it's like look I'm [ __ ] dirty [ __ ] but you know like when you still got a little bit of juices on your butthole you know you know you you know when you're younger you go and you you're like oh shoot and then you know not just poo in the wild or not poo right out of the butthole but once the something the oil is in your finger creates something that should be titled [ __ ] on fingers as a separate classification of a Genus okay so shut up fingers that [ __ ] fish sauce Vibes now I want you to make a commercial for fish sauce I want you to sell this to white people say listen yeah no yeah yeah like you are trying to get to know more about Asian culture yeah I need you to stick your finger in your [ __ ] ass yeah would you smell it and go lunch yeah yeah yeah and then like you know you come up with like some hip like name like sof like [ __ ] on you know like but you never explain what it is you know SOS uh L.A is very interesting like the LA Food scene um and you know this is like in comparison to from what I've seen from like um New York right which is you know there's a few places they consider meccas right in the United States LA and New York happened to be one of them San Francisco coming in on a hard second Chicago too Chicago as well I've never been right um Ellie's very interesting in which what I like about La is that La has a lot of eateries and this is just my opinion people can agree or disagree um there's so many institutions here that could give a [ __ ] less about your seasonal dish you know what I mean you're around we serve the same [ __ ] you know and then with New York I feel like they're trying so hard to compete in a small space that they always have to do the next best thing so it'll be like oh seasonal ramps are here so we're gonna use ramp in our dishes LA's kind of like I'll give a [ __ ] like this is this is how we've had it yeah this is what we're [ __ ] shout out to Korean Supremacy though you know in Korea ramps I think there are ramps in Korea oh really yeah I don't know what if it's the same season it's like it would be if it could be pickled it's in the Korean dish exactly and you see like American adaptations of our own side dishes that they don't have in Korea yeah you know what I mean yeah I mean shout out to okay like Roy Korean Taco right but back up more right La transplants three bone car B right versus like the L.A Kirby right they would call it yeah yeah yeah for sure there's always like these weird adaptations with like food that um a lot of people don't understand where it came from you know Pueblo Mexico start interrupt the thrombo Lebanese immigrants right they moved uh there and then I always like again my La part of me was like oh yeah yeah you know I don't know any of the history or roots of like al pastor you know like the meat on this pit like Shawarma yeah like literally it was [ __ ] Lebanese going to Pueblo Mexico and then they [ __ ] adapted it in that way you know and it's [ __ ] delicious yeah dude it's it's weird when I travel to other states it does make you wonder though on the bus store or you're like huh in Mexican ancestors always use Tampico in the pastor marinade like maybe Tampico existed in Millennials okay I would find this out from like small things right so I have like a shrimp cocktail recipe that I make right it's obviously adjusted to my taste in that life yeah yeah but then I you know there'd be some of these videos there's like they'll do a shrimp cocktail recipe and I would make it I'm like this just sucks does it taste good yeah like what the [ __ ] is the difference yeah and then I'll watch this grainy ass video in 240p yeah right with this lady yeah okay and it's this lady is speaking in Spanish and then so somebody from God's grace they translated her recipe to show us what she's talking about yeah yeah yeah and it's just some of the jankiest [ __ ] ever and I'm like that's why it tastes good yeah it's because of that janky ass [ __ ] condiment right there yeah yeah that all these other fancy ones don't add yeah because they're trying to make it either like fresher or whatever I'm like [ __ ] that yeah it doesn't translate sometimes yeah it doesn't translate I'm sorry like one of the biggest things that I found out yeah yeah for sure specifically what I went to Mexico was a lot of people when they were making their uh their cocktail their Seafood cocktail they would add [ __ ] you know what it is baggy soy sauce oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and that's like in everything that they would put in wait Maggie soy sauce or Maggie Seasons seasoning and that was like the Worchester liquid um and I was like yeah yeah ain't nobody said [ __ ] about this and I was like that's why when I had it in Mexico it was so [ __ ] good and I just saw that bottle I was like it was everywhere I'm like what is that for well you know tour guy said they're like oh we put it in the like the campichana and the freak I was like what the [ __ ] after that saw those videos I was like oh it's true they had that [ __ ] ton of ketchup and that's like the main flavor base yeah and it's [ __ ] delicious weird yeah I mean if it ain't bad don't fix it yeah for sure it's so crazy right even like Filipino ketchup like banana ketchup yeah I always thought that like you know like my homies who like had it their homes I always thought that that was just the brand banana ketchup but it was still Shirley tomato so I didn't know that it was actually banana ketchup you know because it looks like tomato ketchup you know it's red you know anyways like I literally actually just learned that like a couple years ago you know Filipino spaghetti that's all ketchup baby yeah for sure and a [ __ ] ton of sugar that's [ __ ] addictive as hell yeah yeah for sure I I I remember just going to like my friend's family parties yeah but it's still [ __ ] better than shout out to Thomas because he still can eat like ravioli out of the Chef Boyardee can cold you know when you cut into it and it's just a Chile I said you laid to describe [ __ ] tonight we have um anyways well again it's still going to be better than that in the sense of like just saying like you know like it's like people love Chef Boyardee the same reason why people love things where at least those things that are like you know once you know the ingredients at least it's still good you know what I mean I ain't gonna lie man yeah I love Chef Boyardee [ __ ] Ravi Canon or rabbit because I think you and Thomas will be homies hey I'll tell you this that's just dog food but I'll eat it I'll eat it I'll eat that [ __ ] all day yeah yeah you know like Last of Us Styles you know like you you know can you imagine like if you were doing like Last of Us Styles and all of a sudden like you came across a Chef Boyardee yeah I I like that [ __ ] because it was like very American it was food that I didn't have in my house but some of my other Korean friends who were more korean-american than I was yeah yeah they had microwave dinners they had Chef Boyardee that was like that was like me oh see right there and so you know it was Price Club in the I don't know early 90s late I can't remember whatever right but uh I grew up on Kirkland like at least like my junior high high school years you know like I ate so many chicken fried chicken patty sandwiches from oh my god dog you just [ __ ] traumatized me right Posada burritos I don't know did they still come Posada burritos right then they came out with the chicken chimichangas and those were fire but then you could you had to stop eating them because they're just like too much you know the fried chicken patties my mom would buy that every [ __ ] time yeah yeah and then she would just throw it I would I couldn't even use an oven at the time so I just microwave that [ __ ] yeah yeah and I would just eat that with whatever I could I [ __ ] forgot about that [ __ ] dude the fried chicken patties and there was on top of that New England clam chowder from [ __ ] not Campbell's but a Progresso yeah yeah before Kirkland had a bunch of Kirkland branded stuff right yeah they still had and they still do have like Partnerships with certain things and those are always going to be Staples that at Kirk dude Kirkland it's funny right because like let's say you know they always make the joke like Target it's like perfect for girls you know like I don't know some transplant from Arizona like some white blonde girl right yeah uh Kirkland it's also a curated brand right like Target is curated right Kirkland is a curated brand too right like let's Okay so the other day like I I went to go buy a bunch of [ __ ] ton of shelves because I'm trying to get my garage sorted right I know that the base model of the shelves are gonna be of a certain quality because Costco carries it because yeah you know what I'm saying at that price point for the quality there's always going to be that Kirkland like a little bit better than everything else around that same costume it's gonna be good yeah exactly right um those shelves like I had one from the old like days of you know like uh I don't know like little meets days I think that like I bought a one-off and I regret it it was like one of those Amazon ones at around the same price the thing is like so dinky while the Costco shelf is like you know what I mean some real [ __ ] yeah so anyways just going on that Costco life it's committed to the brands dude and the [ __ ] weird like cities apart Korean people still bought the same [ __ ] yeah yeah what the [ __ ] is that about yeah for sure like when I when I would talk to Ed about stuff because he grew up in Seattle and his parents are buying litter the same [ __ ] my parents are buying yeah and it's very particular to Korean people yeah like something something about that [ __ ] Korean war that [ __ ] everybody up yeah you know Thomas my dad so every time I say Thomas I'm talking about my dad you haven't met at me yet but he's character dude so this guy is a master saver and he there's never not spam soda instant Ramen and Vienna sausage in an unlimited Supply when I say unlimited of course everything's finite like a ridiculous but yeah we're talking like like it could be a whole cupboard like a like a cupboard when I say like from you know ground to to ceiling of one of those things right so instant Ramen spam he's got a legit collection of those things and you know those are also things that if and when they expire again just like The Last of Us Thomas doesn't get he's not gonna get sick because that spam is good for a long [ __ ] time even though it's past expiration date you know that spam is like do that folks if you you know if something you get you know but Thomas he comes from that era is that quintessential like thing that every Korean household has to have spam because you just fry that [ __ ] up eat it with rice eggs and kimchi and you're pretty much Hawaiian food it's [ __ ] delicious well guys but that's a two-hour podcast baby you guys haven't had we've done for two hours you guys haven't had a two-hour podcast in quite a while but uh I'm gonna title this one um ADHD and two Koreans Yeah well yeah and then also the [ __ ] first 40 minutes of Robin [ __ ] talking stupid High dude that's way too high the one high Korean one drunk Korean I gotta redeem myself for that first 40 minutes no people love [ __ ] Randomness that's what this podcast about the last podcast I rambled on for about tomatoes for 20 minutes and that was the most enjoyable part for them and I had to get it out because I wanted to tell people about tomatoes but uh you guys could catch this podcast every Sundays at 12 p.m uh genius brain uh we have a lot to talk about oh I mean we get tough for hours secret society is launching of course Spring we have a secret society Jesus brain collab coming out it has everything to do with my love for anime and growing up it is if you guys know there's always a backstory to every collab piece that I create and it's going to be based off one of my favorite animes of all time you're gonna [ __ ] love it uh once again every Sunday at 12 p.m we'll see y'all next time peace thank you
Channel: DavidSo
Views: 46,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David So, genius brain, geniusbrain, podcast, davidsocomedy, late night, interview, funny, comedy, lol, stand up, stand up comedy, timothy delaghetto, send foodz, tigerbelly, ymh, tfatk, fun, meme, trending, memes, entertainment, live, love, therapy
Id: QXz4V67YwXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 42sec (7662 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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