A Complete breakdown of THE LAST OF US!

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reoccurring co-host Ed Park my friends uh a lot of you guys out there don't know because some of you just listened to the audio there are two head parks and apparently both you guys voices sound very [ __ ] familiar yeah yeah I think it's that that Smoker's voice that's what it is yeah there's two Ed Parks there's edrick Park the guy that I do a secret society uh the Contemporary uh fashion Basics line that I that I have and then there's Ed Park the guy that was my roommate right also we did video work together two separate people for the people who are listening on uh the audio side um for a while now we have sat on doing this review we haven't done a movie or show review in quite a while actually um and before we go into beef we're gonna do the last of us because we owe it to them for the last half now the first half of the Last of Us was [ __ ] intense yeah and mind you once again I did not play the game I had no idea what the show was going to be about and this show took me by surprise of how [ __ ] good it is and was yeah right obviously star-studded cast everybody is on their [ __ ] game not a single person whether they played a small role in this series is a terrible actor they are all [ __ ] they're all amazing yeah and one of the things that I do enjoy uh hearing about even though I didn't play the game is how much people who were Avid fans of this game truly enjoy this show and how they're keeping it very close to the source material yes once again for me it doesn't really matter I never play the game but to understand that they actually they had the original writer or Creator the original Creator writer director he did all of that for the video game and then they paired him up with the guy who made Chernobyl on HBO oh and so that's why we have a solid [ __ ] adaptation it's so damn good so the last episode that we stopped on stopped on was episode five right and that was with the black the the deaf kid the deaf kid yeah and where you know there they saw their demise and then Ellie and Joel have to keep moving on Westward yes from Kansas City and that episode was [ __ ] devastating that she shook me to my [ __ ] core I played the game once and I only played it once because it's too scary to play again for me but all I remember was this is such a good [ __ ] game that I'll never play again yeah yeah and so I remember the beginning and I remember the end I totally forgot everything in the middle so when that scene happened I was utterly shocked as well again all over again so it was great to experience it again the same way let's go let's go into episode six since you guys have all been waiting so I obviously we watched this a while back I watched it again uh yesterday and I sometimes forget how the the thing I appreciate about this show so much is that it's not just banking on its fandom right yeah a lot of the times when series or just shows whether it's comic book series or whatever when they Bank on the fandom they kind of get away with a lot of shitty acting writing and storytelling yeah right yeah but even on episode six what I enjoyed the most about it is right from the jump is how [ __ ] entertaining the dialogue is yes so in the scene they're traveling because he's a Joel is looking for his brother right it's been a few months since the last episode it's now winter yeah it's now winter and they meet this Native American couple and bro that [ __ ] cracked me the [ __ ] up you know when you think about it too like on it in itself with the writing on the paper it's nothing without the right actors on the screen having that kind of they seem like a couple who've been together for over 50 years yeah you know they're bickering and they're back and forth is just so money like they don't give a [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] they never gave a [ __ ] even before the Apocalypse except for the wife she said I never wanted to leave yeah yeah she's adorable yeah so Joel and Ellie find this cabin and they obviously infiltrated it and they're kind of quote-unquote holding this lady hostage waiting for a husband and he has a gun he pulls a gun on him tells him to sit down and ask him where he's at trying to confirm that he's not lying about their location but this dude is so just what I don't give a [ __ ] yeah he's just sitting there he goes did you tell him the real location yes the real okay yes they're such a great couple but um the essence of the scene is um Joel looking for his brother so he's looking for on the map where he could be according to where their location is and they say any further west of the river or some I forget Which Way but it's dead Valley like nobody goes through and comes back alive and such and they intimate like they say like if your brother's out there he's probably dead yeah right and then Ellie goes you can't scare us and then she goes I scared him because Joel is shook his Shook at the thought that his brother might be dead you know after all these years and so they leave the cabin and uh Ellie steals a [ __ ] rabbit and Joel has a [ __ ] panic attack what's going on and he's like shut up like nothing it's like manly mans it out yeah and they keep walking and they come to the river that they speak of they see a hydro plant like a hydro plant uh Dam right um and that's when the group of people on their on Horseback with their guns come in surround them they do the dog test uh where the dog can sniff if they're infected or not yeah and uh pass the test relief of tension and they bring him in to take them to the commune um and so when they come in this commune is a [ __ ] Utopia compared to everything we've seen yeah yeah it's everything is working and Joel spots his brother uh [ __ ] this is about his name Tom incredibly relieved and they catch up they have a meal and then we learn that um the lady who had you know had their you know guns pointed at him is Tommy's wife yeah where now that Joel has been there he thinks he's there to save Tommy Tommy's like I'm been okay I'm fine yeah right and he has all these plans of what they're going to do not that he's alive he's like I have a life here this is my wife you know and you know this is what I'm doing I'm not doing anything this is such a weird part for me because I you know up until this point in the show you actually don't know much about Joel right you just know that he's a very guarded human being because of the death of his daughter yeah right this episode for me what the way that Tommy was kind of treating his brother kind of gave me a glimpse into how vicious a Joel is right and Tommy is like semi afraid of afraid of him like his own brother this is like how Joel loves his brother obviously his brother loves him back right and we've seen this in the beginning of the episode when he saved him and everything else they have a great relationship but there's parts of the story that's missing that we don't know about Joel yeah he has a reputation to himself right you know what I mean the reputation being that he's a killer he's a [ __ ] killer but what do they mean by killer right and it turns out that Joel used to be a part of fedra yeah he used to stand light and he would kill innocent people like the way they did if they were infected or not it was an emerging situation and he was one of those soldiers when he was telling that story to Ellie back in episode three that's something he sounds like he participated in and Tommy was doing that they say because he was trying to survive with his brother and just following his brother but it was not something he wanted to do and Joel's argument was like that's what that's the same for me too I was just trying to survive you know there's a weird moment too where obviously you know we're seeing a lot of Joel's human side yeah and there's a point in the film where you're going around you get to see the world that they've created right they have movie Nights right um you see like the horses in the stadium livestock they they have all different kinds of um religious backgrounds too and then they're like we're Communists Joel KISS Tommy a dirty look yeah communist yeah oh yeah he's from Texas yeah copy yes um and uh they have a they have a very heart-to-heart moment and this moment man I gotta tell you the level of acting of Pedro Pascal is [ __ ] amazing man when he was sitting there cling to his brother to take Ellie in right right and kind of telling like exposing himself about how like the heinous stuff that he's done like he knows it he knows how terrible are you talking about um later at night right yeah yeah before that where they're in the bar they have some contention too because he wanted a I want to speak alone with my brother and then what we're seeing and from Joel's side is like all these years I thought you could have been dead and everything I did to keep going was to find you and make sure alive and you're just yeah and then his brother is like just because life stopped for you doesn't mean it'll stop for me yeah and you start noticing that relationship that Joel has with Tommy in their brotherly relationship is pretty toxic yeah for him to drag his own brother into his misery because his daughter died yeah you know but he's like and then he reveals my wife's pregnant she has a baby coming and so all these things that you have planned you want me to go with you to take this girl over there like no yeah now I have my own girl to take care of and then that's where they get an arguments like that's not even your daughter yeah yeah yeah yeah you know and then I guess uh I guess he leaves that bar in like anger and he gets another panic attack and he sees an image of what I'm guessing is a mixed girl with big curly hair and sees what he thinks is his daughter but this girl has her own daughter and then you can see that if if you're just reading character that he must be thinking if his daughter was still alive yeah to this day you know I think a lot of people had mixed feelings about that moment right because he saw that on Twitter people were saying well Joel's not a [ __ ] he doesn't get panic attacks yeah yeah [ __ ] like that people people have very mixed feelings and I think that sometimes when people watch shows like this right there is an image of a person that you see that that the writing shows on a surface level right but you're not looking into all the little Easter eggs the show's giving you yeah right about how complex this human being is even that relationship between him and his brother I think a lot of people didn't understand because they they're only looking at it from the view of oh Joel is over here sacrificing his comfort and his life to find his brother how dare his [ __ ] brother you know just sit here and enjoy his life while his brothers actually who loves him is looking for him he didn't look for his brother that's right but so you can understand Joel's resentment yeah that sense but that's not the whole picture it's not the whole guy you were controlling on the controller so you have this attachment to this character yeah but in that's that's another thing I want to bring up um is the fact that the people who didn't like the show were saying oh it's not like the game it's like yeah because it's a [ __ ] game it's interactive you control the character and I think you make these decisions kind of thing that's what it takes away from but that's the [ __ ] reality of [ __ ] movies all right there's no smell-o-vision quite yet yeah yeah yeah all right you know we're working on it with 3D yeah so it's like you know chill the [ __ ] out and respect the medium and it's telling you the [ __ ] story yeah and that's and so how I would have done it it's like yeah but you were playing a game yeah and now we actually get to see what humans actually are like when they interact with each other and obviously like sibling relationships are very complicated you know and there's something that happened between them that even we don't really know about but they can only allude to it through their conversations his brother almost seems to me from that he's like I almost want to forget everything that we did in the past yeah right you're trying to move me and take me into this world that I've been trying to forget for the longest time I found a new life I'm happy here yeah it's safe yeah let me live in this reality and I think for him he's accepted like this is this is what it is and we are going to live here right you know and his brother obviously has a different Mission and he's not really considering the fact that his brother has a new life he goes no you're my brother you come with me yeah you know which culminates to the meeting I don't know if it was like a hardware store or some [ __ ] um yeah he's sitting alone in the dark in his Tommy comes and finds him and Joel finds it we see what all those panic attacks were about what was creeping up on him was this sense of [ __ ] failure that he's failed when his daughter died he failed when Tess died if you know and you know at the cabin that panic attack was the real reality that his brother might be dead but now that his brother is alive it's that's not enough for him the fact that his brother is alive but that he's gonna go alone with Ali into with the rest of this Mission and him seeing that image of his daughter gave him that panic attack feeling that sinking feeling like he's going to fail this I'm going to fail this too because I failed at everything and so now you see the alpha character you know actually start being vulnerable you know the only person he could be vulnerable with is his brother yeah and so this whole time what he couldn't be for years and why he was so hardened was and why he couldn't be real with anyone you know was he didn't have that person with him which was his brother and when he opens up like that and he's saying like you gotta take her I'm gonna get her killed yeah to the point where his brother finally agrees because he tells him she's immune you know and so he sees the bigger picture and the bigger Mission so his brother accepts but then Joel now has to go talk to Ali about what's gonna happen what's interesting is when he walks into the bedroom that she's staying in she's reading a diary and she says is this what everyone had to worry about what kind of shirt matches with their skirts and talking to boys it's so bizarre you know and the world was like before everything else yeah and all these things we still take for granted yeah you know um because yeah that was pretty poignant for me like to really look at how much like where our world's at and then the reality these people and I [ __ ] loved that part right um I'm not sure if that part was either in the game or not or if it's a consistent Trope in the game but I know it's ridiculous right obviously we don't live in a zombie apocalypse but it does put into perspective of like what people complain about there's a reason why I don't like people who whine right yeah and I'm not saying that we don't go through our own trials and tribulations because a lot of the times when when I when you hear something from somebody like me or anybody else when they go through something and we we hear them out we Comfort them and then we try to give them an alternative perspective people also go oh you're dismissive of my feelings or your perspective is [ __ ] and what you're complaining about isn't that big of a deal and you're allowing these things to eat you up yeah life is short yeah you know but like her last fight you know look you know we talk a lot about our Christian faith and what what has happened in our religion right but one of the things that I'm very grateful for is missionary trips yeah missionary trips put a huge perspective in my life that I never experienced before because I truly people can tell you as much as you want there are people out there who are starving who don't have what you have you should be grateful it's all words yeah when you see it in person yeah it [ __ ] flips your script like none other happier people too somehow yeah they're not happy bro I even they didn't like I'll forever remember this in uh and uh because I only I went on two mission trips obviously one was to Mexico but talking to the kids out there right whether you have a translator and they tell you what they're saying to you and I'm scared of these stray dogs and this kid's laughing at me and and then the guy's translating his Spanish to me and he goes he finds it funny that you're scared of these dogs when God is walking with you every day [ __ ] child yeah yeah you use your perspective on things and you don't hear them complaining about life or whatever you know this is this is like what has happened to how we live now yeah by Twitter why it's so easy for us to complain about everything because actually things are so [ __ ] great that the thing that you're worried about the most is whether somebody calls users and right which yeah is a real problem for you I understand you know this is just a society this is how great things are yeah but if you if if you kind of put things in perspective I felt like a lot of the times like for me when I was younger I didn't complain a lot either because I was so worried about just [ __ ] paying my bills yeah it's kind of going on about life if you kind of put in perspective of like how great things are it's kind of trippy and when you that that little diary moment was that yeah you know so um that that Trope will keep coming up in in subsequent episodes um but they have a big falling out where he tells her like you're not my daughter [ __ ] him vicious dude just [ __ ] it right and she's like go ahead then leave me just like everybody else she's she's essentially feeling what he feels and like that whole conversation that she had is like damn you're like talking into your reflection and he has to hear that [ __ ] and she says I've lost people too I know what it is to lose and then he tells her no you don't you don't know what it's like to lose which is a false statement something he doesn't we'll learn we'll talk about it in the next episode but he they leave the room and he goes back to his spot and then he has this flashback of Christmas and his daughter and then I think that alone like hearkens back to his whole reason why he's even there as much as he keeps saying my brother my brother I'm there go see my brother the reality was his brother's perfectly fine yeah he went there with because he's protecting Ali he went there because of what the entire reason through whether tests imparted in him or not was that you know this is someone that is like his second chance at saving somebody like his daughter yeah you know and doing something greater and bigger like the way his daughter was it was just this sweet girl yeah yeah yeah yeah it's interesting because you know I mean I guess I kind of expected it but in the way he's so such a macho dude even the so Ellie obviously ends up going with him but you know if they're at the stable yeah he'll listen I deserve to give you a choice he goes I'm going with you immediately immediately you know like not even a psych didn't even need a thought right but it's funny how he opened it up like yeah I was just stealing this horse yeah I'll be all manly about it we would have given it to you yeah because I know well this episode ends with um they get to the the life yeah yeah where they think that they're going to be nobody's there so when they come out of it there's these Marauders the Raiders yeah who attack them and Joel fights one off and breaks the guy's a baseball bat it breaks the bat and then boom clap I think he breaks his neck [ __ ] him up kills him out and then Ali's like oh [ __ ] Joel and he got stabbed with the end of the [ __ ] bat dude [ __ ] Jack dude yeah you know what the part that [ __ ] annoyed me not not from a film perspective it's like these guys came to jump and kill him and then the people who came there was like they came back and they're like I can't believe you did this to my friends it's like [Music] [ __ ] are you talking about well um the getaway but Joel falls off the horse later and he's dying and Ellie tells him like you can't [ __ ] die because I'll die you know like I can't do this without you fade the black so going into our next episode she's dragged him into this abandoned neighborhood this house takes him into the basement um doesn't know what the [ __ ] to do she's like telling Joe what do I do what do I do what do I do he grabs her and he says just get out of here leave me you have to leave me you know and tells her to go pushes her away and she does her usual attitude [ __ ] you thing turns around to leave she stops at the stairwell and then we flash back and this is the rest of the episode um where basically what happened chronologically before we saw you know the current day is we see ephedra is on the inside Ellie is going to this military school it looks like a regular High School just stuck in time yeah you know she's getting bullied she punches a girl because the girl makes a joke about Ellie's friend right who used to fight for her but now she's gone and so Ali fights her then she gets put into um what I'm assuming is a school Authority like uh but he's a military guy and then he tells her he gives her the pep talk about what life is like you know you're one of the smartest brightest if you just did what I'm telling you to do you know you don't have to go outside of the walls you could stay inside go ahead just do an admin job get the best food you can get a hot shower you know you know have your own spot this and that don't you don't have to scrounge around like everybody else where you know she's like okay fine you know like what what we're getting as an audience in this scene and is how federa is just like every other idea that's going around is just trying to survive yeah you know although they are fascists like on the inside it's like all these people bureaucratic people just trying to live just trying to survive their reality and so the next scene we're seeing Ellie in a room um and the other bed in her bunk the whoever she's sharing the room with is completely empty she's missing we're assuming that's her friend that's missing she thinks she's been dead so Ellie's been worried and then our friend busts in to surprise her and so they basically just have this big adventure where she takes her to the mall right and in the mall um she has this whole thing set up for Ellie you know because they're such close friends like she wants to show her the wonders of the mall something Ellie has never seen or experienced and like they take go to a photo booth they go to Arcade they do such things but they also what's going on is they're like talking about why they are where they are and Ellie not knowing anything better then I guess this is a life you know it says I do a federal federal says and I'll just be part of fedra but for her friend I'm like forgetting her name this is an important character to the show this episode too people hated this episode by the way yeah yeah I hear that a lot they [ __ ] hated this episode like they did not like it at all and I understand people's sentiments right I think there's definitely a lot of like good information for you to understand who Ellie is before everything else right because we never really got a backstory of this girl are we just gonna know about billing yeah and and his whole situation and his whole Love Story yeah and we do Ellie yeah and I think what happened was because of that there was a comparison between bill and his love story and this because it's kind of revealed that Ellie is uh is gay yeah right that friend of hers is like she's in love with her yeah right and I think because they had this whole beautiful setup for bill and his partner that this one kind of fell short for everybody yeah it just kind of seemed like they people enjoyed the backstory of kind of who her character was in the federal school system This Love Story served no purpose for them right yeah this part of the story though is actually it was a DLC of the game I remember playing this part um but it came out afterwards as like Ellie's Side Story where you just play as her okay and where she came from so they included it into the story if you notice this whole season is completely non-linear we time jump all over the place all the time yeah yeah yeah and I understand that too like how it is important but the second time around was I was watching I skipped it I skipped it till they got to the dialogue so I can understand why they're there now that I've given credit the episode I hated this episode I thought it was [ __ ] useless as [ __ ] I don't think we [ __ ] need I think we needed the first half yeah but their love really you know it's like anything that that you watch right when you don't set up a why for the what you don't [ __ ] care yeah their love interesting I could give a [ __ ] less about right you know what I mean first is the other Bill episode you got to see why their love was important right this was kind of it it could have just been her friend it could have been anything I'm going to defend this episode even though it is slow I'm gonna defend its purpose and the reason why it's in there and the whole point of it being a DLC because it wasn't in the original release of the game um apparently they hadn't finished that part until they released it later as a DLC because you know we're already talking about the show you know it serves its purpose at the end of the show because Ellie had approval Point not pro point but reiterate the fact that she has lost people but Joel didn't believe her yeah we were just saying in the last episode and the so for that purpose I understand so they had the DLC the show Ellie's story about what she's talking about she's lost end of the game yeah well she's lost the other part of me and you can call it Aegis if you want to is I think I am not a fan of today's Hollywood catering gen Z into everything I know what you're saying and that was the biggest critique of this episode yeah Ant-Man and the WASP it's called Ant-Man and the WASP except it was about Ant-Man and his daughter yeah and so the whole thing we were talking about the other time before was Evangeline Lily who is the titular character her character is in the [ __ ] title has nothing to do in the movie instead everything's going on with um ant-man's daughter and what the [ __ ] is she even doing yeah yeah yeah what is their purpose and like just look at everything and even her character is for like you just went through a huge trauma where you thought your dad was dead for five years and you had a whole life without him and then he came back and everybody came back except you're just perfectly fine happily bubbly no issues about it and instead it's about how gen Z can rise up and take up power and fight and be superheroes it's a very childish way of saying yeah yeah you know and then Thor love and Thunders just like kidnap children you know okay Guardians of the Galaxy kidnap children oh okay there's always this like catering to that but when you look at why they would do it it's because oh kids love MCU kids are the ones that love Iron Man but look at the first Iron Man it's not a [ __ ] kids movie yeah yeah yeah it's not at all it's it's hard PG-13 I mean we're seeing this a lot in like television shows and film and the thing about that is it's if people haven't figured it out people only go where the money is and they're trying to figure it out their whole marketing is based on that right yeah which you know film and TV shows suffer from it because they're just trying to figure out a way to get the most eyes on this even if like the story suffers from it and you know it's it's the Hollywood [ __ ] game right we've seen it so many times that's why I'm always so critical about um celebrities who constantly talk about you know representation and the things that all this trouble in the world it's like if this didn't affect your job you would never say anything you don't actually care you could always just shut the [ __ ] up and not say anything at all you know you could just chill but you know they they know that they say this that they'll get glorified for it so they'll do it it's just the Hollywood cycle of things and you know are the art kind of suffers for it yeah all the time it happens all the [ __ ] time we're seeing like their reasons and purposes with Ellie's friend she got sewage Duty so she's like look at my life in federal the rest of my life I'm just gonna be guarding a gate for people to shovel [ __ ] yeah you know and they have already told you you're gonna be in the upper you know officers you know like and I I'll never get there if I'm down here kind of thing which is just like the way fascism I guess Works in their world and um but despite you know whatever background and beliefs they have they have their moment together uh where they kiss that one beautiful moment that been building up but just like the show does immediately it takes it away from them and one of the cordycep zombies shows up they fight it off they think they've won but they're both bit Yeah and Ellie this is before she even knows she's immune you know and then they have a talk together about well what do they do now they said there's two options it's like we blow each other's brains out right now or we just continue right she's like what do you mean continue there's nothing like that for this you know she's like you know whatever happens happens it's like we just keep going on we live as what we know we are and then we just lose our minds together right and what's option three there's no option three so she cries in their arms and it just goes to Black and we catch back up to Ellie at the staircase and she goes frantically looking for some medicine something to patch him up and she finds like a needle and thread goes in there and do it does a [ __ ] Rinky Dink so job you know [ __ ] him up but you know sews him up and then um basically just sits and waits there and then the episode ends so I could see why this is a very unlikable episode for a lot of people yeah yeah where it's kind of like nothing happened nothing happened anticlimactic but I get it you know what I mean I think this was this was literally the worst rated episode so people were just dying for the next one like hurry up and end this [ __ ] episode so I can see what happens next right and then in the next episode where are we starting this is she's in the house so she's in the house she's patching she has to go out and look for food yeah right this episode by the way is [ __ ] nuts right right okay yes yes yes yes episode eight this [ __ ] religious episode episode is [ __ ] nuts this one was the highest rated of the season so it's like back to back a stinker and a great one yeah the best one of this obviously we're gonna you know break this episode down but my God this episode [ __ ] wrecked me yeah there was just so much going on in one with like all this deception and manipulation where even in the audience we bought into this character David his manipulation for the first minute right he seemed like the kindest person ever like he's either like a misunderstood human being that has like the best intentions for things right so Ellie is has to go hunt for food right and in the previous episode we didn't mention this but there was a part where Joel had like this moment with Ellie where he's teaching her how to use the rifle right because he fell asleep while he was supposed to guard and she was like you fell asleep so I'm doing it so she wants to take up more responsibility and learn how to survive so she actually kills like a deer or a stag or whatever it is right uh along the way there are two other people that are there and they see her kill but they don't know who killed this deer yeah Ellie being a [ __ ] gangster is like yo back the [ __ ] up she basically has a bad gun Point yeah and has him throw away their weapons and they kind of make a deal like um she basically finesses them and he basically tells her throughout the conversation that they have medicine yeah right because she needs it so he's like cool I'm gonna keep this guy hostage you go get the medicine and then what was it there we're gonna split the the deer something like that yeah it was some kind of deal right and this guy David is being very [ __ ] chill about everything and he's dead honest he's keeping it real like he tells dude go back to the camp and get uh two shots of penicillin he's like it's not a code like it's not just go and don't do it you know and you see him just kind of questioning his choices like what the [ __ ] what do you mean it's not a code just go get the penicillin which is what she needs because he has this infection yeah and that's the thing that's going to help him so I think it cuts to them they made a little fire and they have their own little conversation right and he talks about like sheep drops like what are you in some cult he's like yeah I'm actually a preacher but I'm a good guy you know I'm just I they chose me to be their leader you know and they want you know and so I'm taking care of just this communal people you know you should actually come and join us and you know she does her thing like [ __ ] you and then he's so honest in fact that he says you know knowing that you need this medication you know there was someone in our camp you know who died fighting some guy who's you know who he stabbed and they said he had a little girl with her and then she's like oh [ __ ] like that's me right he's like see I know this whole time you know but I'm just you know I just want peace too you know let's let's chill out and then dude comes with a gun and David still tells his guy his name is James he's like Put the gun down give him medication and she runs he's so confused yeah so James says what are you doing yeah right so Ellie goes down there and she shoots him up with the penicillin ironically penicillin comes from fungus yeah yeah so it saves Joel's life um obviously she has no idea what the [ __ ] she's doing you know and um I think time passes so they go back to the camp to get more men right and then she uh uh is puts in the next dose I think the next day and when she goes out to get water or snow for water or something she sees that these men are in the neighborhood looking for her yeah she tries to make a run for it on the horse the James dude shoots the horse knocking Ellie over and she gets knocked out and then they see her and they're like let's kill her yeah right and even though David already had made a point don't kill her kill her right and James is about to kill her and then he catches them it's awesome killing her picks her up and he says I'm going back to the camp you two drag that [ __ ] horse because you're probably gonna eat it yeah yeah well you know we should we should go back to the intro of David too because when he's introduced they're in their commune like a steakhouse right it's like a big restaurant so everybody's Cabin Restaurant or something yeah and he's giving the verse from Revelation about what you know this what heaven is like what the new kingdom is basically you know there will be no more tears or death or sadness and the girls crying because her dad died and then she just asks them can we bury him now yeah immediately and he looks over and they're like well no the ground is too cold and hard we'll wait till spring to bury him and so um we we see that they're not in good condition they're starving people right so that's why they're always out there and then I guess we get the information that they only have like five weeks left of food so yeah of venison and um David questions James's Faith like are you still in it with me right are you still following me to see if James has his trust but then you see how that's contended when James isn't listening to him trying to kill this girl and so what we learn is like they put Ellie in a cage and David comes to talk to her again but at least smarter this time the first time in front of that fire when she was so immersed with his manipulation because he's a preacher right until he reveals that hey I know who you are in the same way he's trying to [ __ ] manipulate her about giving her a life here and he says I see you as an equal you know and what we're starting to really see is like just that creepiness he has about you or she wants her when you were hearing him talk was it irritating you because it was irritating the [ __ ] out of me like yeah yeah yeah I think it's because I've had my fair share of preachers I fell into because there was such Dynamic speakers yeah and then you realize you're kind of a piece of [ __ ] yeah yeah and I started like it didn't really hit me until he started talking to Ellie you know like this promise like who are you doing this for there's a there's a greater picture that you don't really see you know I'm like oh he's doing the [ __ ] Pastor talk the stuff that we used to get when we were younger and they did it so [ __ ] well yeah it's so creepy like I'm not even sure if that's what the writer intended but they if they didn't intend it then God damn you encapsulated the Creepypasta really well 100 they intended yeah because uh I was listening in I mean I'll talk about it after we we finished about this episode specifically because um I mean in the cage Ellie sees a [ __ ] ear yeah on the floor and then previously you know we saw them like cooking up a stock and a guy brings a bucket full of meat and then he just sarcastically he's like more venison yeah and so we're as the audience we're kind of starting to piece it together right what the [ __ ] it actually is because the next shot they bring in the deer alley killed earlier so wait that's not the tear yeah right and they're sitting and waiting and he you know they come in to eat they give the prayer and oh importantly when he comes in everybody knows that they've caught this girl so there's this weird vibe in the air so he says yeah we're gonna this but we're not gonna be violent we're gonna bring Justice to them right and then the girl whose father died she wants Vengeance she's like we should kill him we should kill him right now he walks up and [ __ ] smacks her and then he says like you might think you don't have a father but you do right and this is that religious manipulation and gas lighting technique where it's like they're talking about God you know when they talk about submitting to Authority and stuff but narcissists who run a church are talking about themselves yeah when they say God in reality they're trying to get through your head that no you have to do what I say because I'm saying what God says yeah I am God yeah I am his vessel so you're starting he's opening up more of his character traits about what's going on behind all of that front in this guy and is getting more and more creepy so when he's in that cage he's trying that game again on Ellie but Ellie is [ __ ] smart she fell for it the first time she's not gonna do it the second time because she draws in closer she's like yeah oh and then grabs his finger and [ __ ] strikes that [ __ ] she she [ __ ] pulled a fast one on him manipulated him into believing her words I thought that was pretty smart writing to get what she wanted yeah I'm gonna [ __ ] you up no matter what yeah you know and in that case it made him I think he dropped the keys yeah right and then um so he leaves the room threatens to chop her up and eat her and then I think she I forget if she gets herself out or they they [ __ ] grab her [ __ ] I can't remember anyways well James his assistant and David have her tied down to the [ __ ] butchering table he's about to [ __ ] chop her up with this knife butcher's knife she goes I'm infected and it shows him the [ __ ] bite to bite any looks but in doing that he lets go of her arm so she grabs the [ __ ] Cleaver and whacks it over and hits [ __ ] James right in the neck that clavicle bone right there and she books out of there and David doesn't even give a [ __ ] yeah he never cared about James he always looked at him with content I think he looked at everyone in that camp you're not equal to yeah this is what the writers of the show were saying like nobody's equal to him except what he saw on Ellie but the way he saw it wasn't like come reign with me in this [ __ ] [ __ ] commune forever is just that doesn't matter I want you yeah I have to have you just [ __ ] manic narcissist creepy to the max yeah and I think that cuts towards Joel's situation there was a two other guys searching for him and Joel is getting better because of the penicillins was working 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see this later on in the episodes too you'll see even even the bigger picture of how why people knew who he was like you have to understand fedra is huge why do people know Joel so [ __ ] well you know what I mean yeah like how come why does he have this reputation it's probably ruthless ruthless and you see it in this [ __ ] moment and obviously now now Not only was he heartless before but imagine his level of killing when he's not heartless and he has something to care for now yeah it's different now dude the way that he killed it always it shook me a little bit right because I'm always he's a human being and I'm expecting to have some Humanity but it's like it's gone it's gone if you [ __ ] with Ellie dude but Bill alluded to that in the letter he's like no motherfucker's gonna get in our way of our purpose yeah that's how you and I are like and now we're seeing it he had this so in this scene um for those of you who haven't watched this and are listening to this it was so vicious because he has his buck knife stabbed into this guy's thigh right and he's extracting information because he's trying to find out camp and it's like yo if you lie I'll [ __ ] know and I'm gonna kill you that's a knife and he puts it in his mouth and he hasn't point at it right he goes I'm gonna have your buddy point at the same spot and if you're lying you're [ __ ] done and he points at the spot because obviously he wrenches that night yeah he points at the spot he goes thanks and he [ __ ] stabs him right through his chest anyways and his friend he's like Jesus why did you kill him and he's tied up and it's like yo yo what am I watching yeah it's like he's like why'd you do that he's crying for his friend he's like he told you where it was and he goes I know I believe him and he [ __ ] bashes his hashes his head and oh my God the Great and the sick part about this is when Joel kills look at his face nothing nothing wrong nobody's home when you see other people who murder somebody in films right even when it's like like psychopath you either see them enjoy it you see some kind of strange or something they're like scrunching their face before they swing full force Joel is dead it's so creepy yeah right stabs him no facial expression smashing the dude's head in no facial expression he doesn't [ __ ] care and so Joel now that he knows where that their commune is makes his way there but we cut back to the steakhouse and Ellie is hiding from David and it's kind of a indoor kind of wild goose not wild goose chase but there is he's stalking her and she's trying to hide she throws this log from the fireplace at him misses but it catches a curtain on fire but now the whole Steak House is burning up and he's giving his bad guy monologue in a situation where he's just like I don't give a [ __ ] on anything or any of this [ __ ] like I want you I got to have you you're like mine and then even that point of what he's alluding to is he's gonna rape her yeah and he's just like I like you when they fight back and she's screaming for her life because he has her pinned down but he I think she she ran up and stabbed them earlier with her little knife and made him drop that Cleaver now when when he's has her pinned down she he's like ripping our clothes off and she reaches up and grabs that [ __ ] Cleaver and [ __ ] smacks him he falls over she jumps up top of them and then the Flames get bigger and brighter and stronger and she does not stop chopping his [ __ ] face in and it's just she goes that Joel berserk mode yeah he goes there and she leaves the fire the burning building on her own and she's in complete shock and that's where Joel catches her he's late but he sees her alive and he Embraces her and he calls her baby girl yeah and he hasn't said that since he called his daughter that because she's you're safe now you're safe now baby girl cut to Black and you're just like yeah you're watching Ellie's Joel movement yeah of her losing her Humanity now and that whole thing of watching that preacher just with the whole building burning down it's like an allegory to hell like it's hell you know what I mean yeah he was saying he was like the Fallen Angel yeah and like he's being revealed like this is who he truly is like his true self was revealed when everything was burning down right because he I think he also said that he became who he was he after the apocalypse he said it was a blessing yes he said it was a blessing because he understands the cordyceps because he's that kind of control freak narcissist that he wants to get into people's minds and control them and this was what the creators of the show were talking about on the their podcast it's like look we make no qualms about it last episode you saw communism work yeah and I'm showing you theocracy has its flaws but in reality he's saying like you know we see how theocracy works like in other countries or even the way the the Christian right politically works even in our own country and the thing with religious people in power whether it's a thick theocracy or just a church organization is that you need a dynamic speaker preacher that usually mostly comes with narcissistic personality disorder yeah so you have these religious organizations run by people who aren't exactly qualified to run it but they're just larger in life people are still drawn to that because they're prophets yeah they're that profits like the people who could lead them through something that they can't understand and yeah it was it was quite interesting because it's not that way because they're religious they had they were dealt a bad card their location because they're in a resort what was a resort I guess at the beginning of you know when all the [ __ ] went down with the Apocalypse like they found this Resort that was like secluded and all that it's perfect place to be in the summer but in the winter there's nothing yeah there's no deer to hunt or anything you know because it's too cold they've probably all migrated you know and so they suffer and what we see is because while Joel was out looking for Ellie they're eating humans yeah they're straight up eating humans and not telling anybody so when you watch this the second time and you already had a clear context of what's going there didn't it wasn't it all even creepier no 100 because of what they're hiding yeah yeah yeah yeah like watching it all over again and watching people just eat that meal they don't know what the [ __ ] is going on like some people are scarfing it down but the people who know are like just eating the soup and the tomatoes yeah like it was weird like you know when they when things are attached to religion obviously it hits a spot that we kind of grew up in right and he David reminds me of like in the Bible of the false prophet right it's you think it's Jesus Christ but he's Satan yeah right and like I said when that whole building came burning down it was almost like reveal of like the the curtain it was unveiled it's like this isn't Heaven this is hell this is ill and this and I'm in control of it I'm Satan and it was [ __ ] creepy as hell to me just watching that whole thing going down and even when I when I went back and I watched the second time watching Ellie hold the gun shoot and try to control the situation she was just an amateur version of Joel she's trying to reflect everything Joel would do yeah you know being the boss saying things very firmly but she's so novice and amateur at it she's fumbling through everything yeah yeah right so she's just like a little baby version of him and you see her starting to morph into him a little bit you know but that growth and morphing into that in order to survive is incredibly tragic yeah and what you have to go through to lose your Humanity that way you know but it makes you stronger makes you survive right so yeah that was one that was probably the best episode of this season for me dude it was it was creepy it was sad it was it answered a lot of questions mysterious it was like it was so much and that guy who played David [ __ ] killed it that's what I'm saying yeah the guy played James plays Joel in the video game he's the voice actor oh really yeah yeah that's crazy oh what the [ __ ] I didn't even know that so there's these little cameos from people who are in the game playing different roles in the show that's what I'm learning this is what I'm talking about like the the caliber of acting in this um even think about the two guys that died that that Joe murdered yeah yeah dude that's that's the best dime I've ever seen in my life yeah you know they everybody [ __ ] kills it in this in this project for sure because good writing doesn't matter if there's no good acting that's involved with it and the other way around too yup yup you know and I'm I'm really getting to see I've been watching a lot of like bad [ __ ] recently um just because people have asked us to watch bad things and I I sometimes I get lost I'm like is this because of the writing or is it because of the acting right you know is like because somebody who's a really good actor could they have executed this um you know what I mean yeah and so I sometimes I can't tell but this thing everything is meshing so well together and like I feel for every character even when I don't even know them hmm you know because they make it so visceral and real real like or it kind of reminds me of sometimes like who it makes me think who would I be in this apocalypse you know would I want to be somebody who was a leader would I just be a follower or like if I was in federal like in Ellie's case right where he said like just do [ __ ] well and then you'll just work on an office job and you'll you don't even have to worry about what's going on out there would I be that person could I just ignore everything it makes me wonder what my place would be in this like despotic world yeah you know yeah and yeah so I thought these last the the last the six seven eight were interesting episodes for us to start opening up and see these three different situations you know what federal was really like you know and then what a communist commune is like and then what this theocracy is like because yeah if if we just lost our federal government people will huddle together anyway yeah and figure out their own little city states and then have to come up with their own laws in their own way to get together and you're you're you're seeing the difference of why the commune the Communist commune worked the Tommy's wife I care what's her name is um yeah I forget but she says that she was the district attorney you know and then when she lost her kid and all that and the thing is everything about who she is and what she knows is the law and how important the law is and it was the separation of church and state you know with a theocracy it is the marriage of church and state yeah and the writers were very intentionally trying to show like look there's these flaws here too although even like a utopic communist country doesn't exist either yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like at the same time it's just like you gotta look at it as just sci-fi in the way it is and so now we're coming into episode nine the last episode the opening scene a pregnant woman is running for her life she finds this abandoned rotten home she tries to block the door in and she just waits in the corner and she has at least knife right and then yeah zombie bust through the door and they she fights It Off stabs that saw me in the head with that knife and then it dies but then you see she's been bit on her leg and at the same time in that fight she just popped out the baby yeah and she gathers the baby up she cuts the umbilical cord brings a baby in and he says Ellie you're so strong you know and it's like oh [ __ ] and I don't know if to you if the actress playing the pregnant lady is familiar but she is the voice of Ellie in the video game 10 years ago and now she's playing Ellie's Mom isn't that beautiful how [ __ ] crazy is that like the guys who made this were just like so spot on on these things still they say they wrote this from the game right but it's not interactive at all it would have been this really long cut scene so they took it out of the game and then they're like it's way too important like you just gotta put it in the show so they added this this scene and then we see someone familiar Marlene a firefly leader and she comes up stairs and sees um her like with a baby and they're cautious because she's clearly bit she lies to her and she says I got a bit after I cut the cord yeah after you have to let her live and then she asked Marlene to shoot her that kill her and she can't so she walks away with the baby hands the baby to the soldier and you can hear her screaming Marlene just begging begging to kill her she runs back in tears and eyes and just you know and we cut to present and I think some time has passed again um and where they're walking towards are they already walking towards a city now it's like a city it's like this thing is Colorado State University yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're at a college because they have that dialogue or she's like what the hell is college and it's like it's where people go to figure out who they want to be and what they want to do with their life and Ellie says figure out what they want to do with their life yeah and you think about it like huh this whole thing with college and the way it is in America or in many places at the end of the day it does sound so extracurricular yeah yeah yeah but then we do it like our life depends on it you know like we've been told like this is the most important thing you have to do you know what's interesting about this episode like is Joel's [ __ ] personality is so different how he treats her how he speaks to her is almost like he's he's Ellie now and Ellie is here you're right because look in the beginning he's trying to tell her jokes he's trying to get her to laugh she's priority exactly you know what I mean teach you how to play guitar yeah he's just he's they kind of like flip positions and she kind of feels indifferent you know what I mean the rolls kind of flipped and I'm like oh he's like vying for attention and love which wasn't there before you know yeah it didn't seem like I thought that he almost lost her it didn't seem buddy buddy it was because before Ellie was trying to get it and now like I think what people would kind of expect is them now being on the same page where they're just like a loving relationship but you kind of don't see that you kind of see Joel being Ellie you know like hey this is a snapper yeah he's like talking he's yapping so [ __ ] much trying to fill in the silence in this weird void but Ellie is still reeling from the trauma of what happened in the last episode that's what we're seeing but then a beautiful scene happens um it's like shot for shot from the game I remember seeing this clip when they find the giraffe oh yeah all the animals yeah like um I think that brings back a lot of the humanity into Ellie but Ellie going through what she had just went through talks about how far they've come ready and she reiterates like we're seeing this through we've come this far we're gonna go through with I'm going through with it all the way we need to find the fireflies so the head back down they find like a emergency like medical encampment that's been abandoned and they get into the conversation about Joel scar on his head and he had previously I guess told her that somebody tried to shoot him and he killed him instead and then he clarifies that actually you know I try to it was myself after his daughter had died you know um and then he says that he flinched the last second and so he missed shooting himself so he survived and then he says he's kind of giving that same platitude it's like I moved on and I kept living I just kept trying to survive it was I guess that was a good enough reason and she's like I get it like Time Heals all wounds and he looks at her and he's like it wasn't time and it's unspoken clearly Joel's saying like Ali healed yeah you know and okay and then they kind of break the tension because they're both not that vulnerable type to each other yet so it's that Dad joke moment again and when I saw that Dad joke moment I'm like dude this guy is soft I was like look at that dude he found like his love again like he found his reason for living again yeah and for me that's such a it's I'm happy for him but it's it's a bad sign because he's still a monster um you know but like I said people are scared of the person who has people you think you're scared of the person who has nothing to live for you should be scared of the person who has something to do something to lose yeah that is the most frightening person especially in this world where that one thing that he can't lose is one person he isn't that if you were scared of him before he should be scared of him now yeah you know so as they're walking away from the medical encampment um we see some foot soldiers walking in the background creeping up on them and they [ __ ] Counter-Strike their ass you know flash bomb flash bomb um knock them out Joel wakes up in the College Medical Campus and Marlene's there waiting for him to wake up you know and she's like hey everything's good and all this stuff like can't believe you made it this far you know like I literally didn't think you were gonna make it and he's like I was all Ellie and you know she's trying to like be like okay you can be on your way and he's like wait what where's Ellie yeah right and he's like well they're prepping her for surgery like surgery for what like and then she explains the science of how the doctor can manipulate whatever quadricep that's in her since birth that sends these signals to be immune to cordyceps that come into the body and then Joel says but it crows in the brain like I know right and he starts flipping out so they gotta [ __ ] subdue him for a second and he's begging at that point like you don't understand and she says I do understand she does understand more than anybody because she was there today she was born yeah and she had to kill her own friend yeah but the thing is her friend also asked her to save her daughter's life to help her live yeah but because of this cure she's going against what her best friend says to save Ellie's life and to kill her to save the world so she's like I understand exactly what you're going through but I'm making this decision we have to do this you know so we can end this we could save the world and there's no option for Joel they've taken his weapons so they March him out but in the stairwell [ __ ] Bing Bang Boom [ __ ] him up shoots one guy shoots the other guy in the lake says where is she he's like [ __ ] you I don't have time for this boom boom Blossom you know what's interesting too goes on his ramp I was talking you know earlier about Joel's reputation right and do you remember what she said to him she goes out of all the people that we're gonna bring her here he was like I I never wanted to be you she was like I did not want to be in debt to you of all people his reputation is nuts yeah you got to understand that right she looks at him like [ __ ] and I think because of the game being interactive if you did play the game that's you yeah you're the one doing all the killing so you would understand what they that when they talk about his reputation now this is part of the this is one of the most oh video game aspects of the show to this point is when he goes on his Rampage and he kills everybody no not like complete but like he goes to anybody up in front of him he's taking him out like you would in a video game but what you're hearing is sad music yeah the score is this sad cello like what Joel is doing is a tragedy he for him save the world or save Ellie easiest choice in the world yeah save Ellie for him it's that's it we've seen him in his panic attacks because you know of him being a failure and losing and he almost lost Ellie again and she got herself out of that and you could see his response to that after she had saved his life it's a no-brainer for him [ __ ] the world this is it he cannot lose any more he can't lose anything anymore you know and goes back and just does a rampage the guy [ __ ] puts his gun down puts his hands up to surrender pow pow Saving Private Ryan like like just kills him and then he gets to the [ __ ] operating room and there's these nurses and a doctor there and he finds out Lee and he's like release her and doctors like grabs a scalpel I'm not gonna let you take her boom killed the only man on this [ __ ] planet who could save the world he does not give a [ __ ] that was the biggest tell sign when he killed I actually thought I was like well the doctor's gonna live yeah you know give him another chat like I said give a [ __ ] yeah kill real shot the last chance that anybody has a survival and he doesn't [ __ ] care you know when we talk when we see something you know we've talked about narcissism you know this is something else this is like there's narcissism and then there's this like this guy is just fighting everything is for himself it seemingly seems like he's for Ellie yeah it's for his sanity yes I cannot fail it's not I want to save Ellie I can't lose again I can't lose you know nothing [ __ ] literally nothing [ __ ] matters at this point and then you see it towards the end this is the part where I was like okay they're at The Stance he's holding Ellie right she's in a robe and then who's there Marlene Marlene is there Marlene is right there and listen this is such a weird moment right because throughout this whole storyline we've gotten to know Joel we've gotten to know Ellie we get to see who he is we've humanized him all this other stuff right but we're literally we we are forgetting that this is still the end of the [ __ ] world um this is the end of the [ __ ] world yeah and the savior is Ellie right here the the weird conflicting part about this and you're going to see this towards the end is that nobody is considering what Ellie wants yeah yeah the conversation isn't even brought up it's just save the world or or Joel is going to fail at his mission and that's really about it and then you just have this person in the middle who's just dangling in Joel's arm but nobody's asking what is what does Ellie want even Marlene didn't give her the option but she said they didn't even tell her what they're gonna do to her they just put her to sleep and so she wouldn't even know what the [ __ ] was gonna happen to her dad woken up also in hearing that conversation that Ellie was having with Joel I'm 100 sure Ellie would have said yes I felt yeah because after that draft since she was telling him yeah I'm seeing this through 100 you came this far but I think Joel knowing if if Ellie were to be given an option she would do it would have done it until you finally have a reason for having lived this weird [ __ ] up life in this reality you have to have murdered people to have killed people you know all of that and she has a purpose and reason but then Joel's like but you're my purpose and reason yeah yeah and so that's why there's the sad music playing and what Marlene calls out is that you can't protect her forever people and there's this is interesting that they took out from the game they said somebody else will be after her you know who's next if the cordyceps don't come after her you know or Arters murderers and in the game she says rapists but they took it out on the show because I thought was weird like literally last episode like yeah she almost got you know man um and she's trying to reality check Joel but she's sitting there giving a man an option when he's already made up his mind yeah and so bow he shoots her and then but what happens is it cuts to him in the car and she wakes up from a day he's like what the [ __ ] what's going on where are my clothes and then he tells this fabricated lie he says that there was a bunch of other people just like you and they couldn't find a cure so they stopped the program but when you were under Raiders came and had to fight him off there was no time so that's why we're here it's like I mean Ellie's not that stupid well Ellie's smart yeah she knows something is up you know she's like well what happened to Marlene all right yeah yeah and then she just goes back to sleep and he says I'm sorry flash back to what happened she calls out to him one more time you know but this is Joel thinking ahead too how she's like let me live please just let me live he'll just come after us it would just come after us hardness dude this is this so when you see them you know at the towards the end of this episode they're hiking right they're going up in this Trail it's talking about his daughter troll obviously now he's so nervous because he lied yeah he's just [ __ ] word vomit like a [ __ ] right which is unlike him unlike him at all like you thought he was weird before but he was trying to be all like lovey-dovey and [ __ ] he is panicking now like in his weird it's it's like his anxiety is up right where he's trying to just it's not even him trying to cheer her up it reminded me of I don't know if it's like what is that called when he's just giving her this love but it's like manipulation yeah you're trying to build up this off the back of a lie yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just it's it's terrible you see his anxiety building up and it's so out of character remember throughout this whole series you know how sharp and smart Ellie is so she asks him you know basically to tell her the truth and she's giving him a chance to be honest and what does he do [ __ ] lies lies again just like when she tries to speak to him for real ever like because yeah so much of the beginning of a relationship is just her bullshitting all the time sarcasm 24 7. and this is you know why Ellie chose Joel too why she was attached to Joel was because she was saying everybody leaves her she said um I'm so sorry I forgot her girl's name the girl she cares back at the mall test no and Marlene now or whatever or if she said some another another name like a third person I don't know why it's blinking but oh Sam the deaf kid and then her point was that Joel never left her and that's why she chooses him but then he starts giving these platitudes you know about once again yeah you know you lose somebody but then you just got to keep going and then you'll find somebody new you know and she's like oh like you could see it on her face she's like this is not what she's trying to hear from him right now but then like he's building saying all this [ __ ] off the back of a lie so she finally just says it to his [ __ ] face like because everything you said about the fireflies true and this like it's simple dialogue is this true and he says yes okay and they walk right but everything in between those lies is what you have to read in their [ __ ] faces yeah we know Joel's lying but does Ellie believe Joel in that very last shot of her right and the way I read it just felt like she just doesn't believe him yeah but she is and I think the seed was actually planted in the episode uh Tommy's wife remember the advice that she gave her right it's like the people who are closest to you not that hurt the demo they lie they lie and they deceive you they're the ones that could [ __ ] you up the most that was the one little advice that she gave her right right because she was the one vehemently defending Joel she was like you don't know him she goes I'm like I I know I know people like him and she was look I'm gonna just say one last thing all these other people can hurt you but the people that are closest to you are the one that would [ __ ] you up the most and then she kind of left it at that and you could see that what she's trying to say is the reason why Tommy left Joel right and why he's just hey hey welcome back into my life right and then in like you're saying Ellie now understands what she's talking about because what she said was like that's because Tommy's stupid yeah back then but then it's like wait am I stupid she's smart man smart that that episode ending right there I was like God damn it I want one more [ __ ] episode I want to see how this [ __ ] unravels man Last of Us Part Two after re-watching this like like I said I played the first game and I vowed never to play again because it's too scary for me I don't like scary games and then I finished this and I was like [ __ ] like you're saying I want more yeah and there is a part two out there I just have to play the game and just Facebook I'll play this game is if I have a cheat code where I can't die amen right hey guys write it in the comments do you want to see David play Last of Us Part Two and stream it I'm just going to be screaming and it's just going to be peaking the whole time yeah just screaming let's do it this show is so damn good they do such a good job of just tying everything so neatly yeah and giving you just enough where you want more I I haven't really enjoyed like it I've been trying to watch a lot of things right and like I've enjoyed a lot but this show is [ __ ] amazing yeah um and the way just how the show ended up not being about zombies yeah it ended up being about the people and of humanity in when we're in survival mode like what are we down to our Primal selves yeah because the answer is already clear like what's gonna happen a zombie movie we're gonna run away from these things they're gonna try to kill us that Trope has been done a million times over we [ __ ] get it like like I said earlier in the podcast the biggest thing that I I have to do or that I think about in the show is what I would do in their situation that's why I just keep thinking about yeah where would I be where would I be placed in this situation well I've already done a sketch on being bit by a zombie I you know I joke about the stuff but in reality it seems so real I don't know where I would be placed you know would I would I lean towards my religious side because I need hope and that's what religious right you know that's what religion does for you it gives you hope outside of this [ __ ] reality that you're living in right now because you're hoping for something outside of this yeah yeah so that's why it was interesting with David saying how he found you know Chris or Christ or God after the what they say the apocalypse is you know I think I told the story before about the guy I met when I was in Iraq he was a convert after September 11th he said after September 11th he became a Christian and then him find like being gone okay so if I'm a Christian like what does it say what am I supposed to do and he realized the war in Iraq is unjust and so therefore he should go there and be a missionary and live there crazy and he's the guy that I learned um to just cuss as a Christian whatever [ __ ] it you know because it doesn't change like what we think and feel and believe like this is what we truly believe in our hearts expressed through our mouths but yeah like in that way the way I was so influenced by him because of you know some people radiate that energy like I can understand these being in David's car yeah following this guy this guy seems to get it hey can I go bury my mom I picture me just like in a in a [ __ ] suit and Ty just doing accounting professional yeah like hey people are dying I was like never heard of it I don't know what you're talking about hey I saw we still have a basketball gym anyone want to play something later yeah cool that's the thing we had to see about Pedros like they have a [ __ ] school of basketball team they're they're what we saw before was was very apocalyptic outside but then you see what they mean by Fascism and class that there's these workers down here who do this [ __ ] grunt work and then there's the people in federal who live in the top of the high tower and get all the benefits from that and then that this is then translated to looking at the Communist commune how they're kind of perpetuating this uh Economist Utopia yeah in a way it's when you listen to the HBO official podcast the writers are like no qualms about talking about how they don't like theocracy and hey maybe communism give it a shot so they're liberal as [ __ ] oh yeah communism always works out great guys I'm evidently yeah I've seen a there was this a clip of this guy um he basically you know walked up to a bunch of people who were you know touting like socialism and communism this guy like is from like he escaped like communism he's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about because you you don't know what the [ __ ] you're saying he's like I've escaped communism for a reason you know Cuban yeah if you meet a Cuban and you they hate oh [ __ ] God that's why there's such strong Trump supporters yeah it's not about you know like any of the [ __ ] [ __ ] that everybody else hates about Trump it's they're just Cubans are just so pro-america yeah and Donald Trump is the one who is that guy yeah yeah yeah it just reminds them of of a country that in a regime that tried to try to escape you know so whatever is anti that they're gonna go for that so you talk to anybody who escaped the communist country they're just be like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like if communism was going to work it would have worked in our country and all these other countries but historically it hasn't happened that way yeah right you're giving all the power to what one person but like what the show is trying to portray is down to its Bare Bones when we as an idealistic communism we have no more what we have now yeah and you're gonna have pockets of these different ideologies everybody shares everybody's equal and so that's why they're portraying this idealistic version of Communism and then they show like a theocracy off the bat yeah it's just it doesn't work it's because you're gonna have a narcissistic leader telling people this is what God says so you have to listen to me which is so funny that that's what they were trying to go for but that's also communism too they're adopting that yeah that's communism too because technically everybody's sharing their meals right but do you have one despotic leader that [ __ ] that's the thing you still need a dictatorship in order to have communism exactly kind of weird it's really yeah so like every ideology has its [ __ ] contradictions yeah you know um but I think I think another point I wanted to bring up about the show oh [ __ ] I forgot [ __ ] I hate when that happens but it was definitely had to do with the ideologies we live in down to our core people as human beings and I've lost it okay well guys that wraps up this episode of The Genius brain podcast with Ed breaking down every [ __ ] movie possible I'm sure I forgot I'll write it in the comments later yeah um hope you guys enjoyed it I know it was long awaited but Ed was in Seattle for a whole month and I don't like doing this with other people because I don't think people watch shows like we do in this into this extent right you know so um write in the comments below what you thought about the latter half of the season um uh let us know other stuff that you want us to review we will be doing beef soon we still have to do Creed uh we still have to do the bear there's a whole bunch of stuff so much there's so many other things that I want to talk about and break down um I'm really glad that you guys enjoy these film and TV breakdowns because I never actually thought people would have enjoyed this that much yeah I think covet changed that because everybody fell into TV culture extreme culture you know what I also found out from reading in the comments is that I think we're also uh crazy people because I don't think people watch things the way that we do we do and you watch things more intensely than I do so I didn't realize that you know because when we say things right people go oh I never thought oh [ __ ] and I to me it's just you know some sometimes a parent yeah but maybe it's just we just I thought about that too like um people will say oh Ed your life is so crazy right and I don't I don't necessarily think my life is any more interesting than the next person I just think I'm a pretty good Storyteller yeah you know I just make it interesting yeah yeah yeah and as a fellow Storyteller like for us we grew up and we were raised by television yes and for people like you and I like other kids too but you and I we're imitating it we were recreating it and so when we were doing that we were deconstructing it and reverse engineering it as we made it ourselves you know what that's why we understand what we're seeing now you know what I realized too and how many years most people don't re-watch things they never grew up like us right I had to re-watch things just to put it in perspective uh before you know the the digitization of media yeah right um obviously this is even before our time so for example my my one of my former bosses from The Men's Warehouse we we still keep in contact to this day and he was telling me he remembers um waiting in line to watch the the first Star Wars right yeah and he waited a whole day to watch that [ __ ] and then the next day he waited another whole day to watch it he waited in line for 24 hours to watch this [ __ ] and he watched it three times in theaters over and over and over again like when you watch like amazing things they weren't coming out every other day every hour on the outside so much out there and it's overwhelming when they say have you seen this have you seen this exactly yeah people would sit and they would watch stuff and they would joy over and over again and on top of that when we watched the film guess how long it would take to go to [ __ ] VHS it would be like a year and a half oh God it took forever back in the day yeah like I remember for Jurassic I was waiting for this forever and like what and the thing was Blockbuster would always get it first you couldn't buy it you could only rent it at the time so it was movies were very exclusive back in the day and it's so accessible now and there's content everywhere like even just on YouTube people people put up their whole hour long I mean this podcast being like that long too it's like you can put up anything like your entire stand-up special your entire movie but the fact is like there's so much content that we get overwhelmed when people tell us to see stuff too yeah oh we have this and this and this too but at the same time the quality of the wide range of content is much better yeah because comment sections because social media can [ __ ] blast it so standard for what's a good movie and a in a whatever movie now it's like there's a clear line drawn would be like what to expect and what you're watching yeah yeah and so a lot of people too having access to you know podcasts like this help them learn and understand and translate what they're seeing on the screen you know so like I think it's just great for film culture in general because really when we do this we want people to understand why we love something and when you learn to love it like we do too you can go out there check something else out and learn how to love it on your own yeah and then find your own reasons and draw your own opinions as well yeah and it's okay to expect more from the things that you're watching too yeah right and I think that one of the things that maybe I dislike is when people give excuses to films um for being poor quality yeah just for being [ __ ] yeah you know they go well I can't do it well just because you can do it doesn't mean that you're in their position you know what I mean it's a Marvel film what did you expect a bad excuse like but they used to make bangers exactly so if it wasn't done great before I'd understand right like this is like a certain standard but we've already picked and named a whole bunch that do what this the things that we're saying is missing in these terrible films yeah I feel that way with X-Men movies it's a crap shoot it might be [ __ ] and it might be [ __ ] great yeah and so when I saw Fox Marvel then I knew oh it's not MCU and then I'd have a lower standard for them yeah right I mean like I don't know if I ever brought this up but did you know we ran a video rental store you your parents did yeah it's just like Jay and Silent Bob like clerks oh for real there's a quick stop like a a convenience store next door video store with movies what the [ __ ] so it was open for a few years of like from all throughout Middle School to high school after school every day I have to go to the store with my dad on his shift and then I go next door and I'm in I'm [ __ ] seventh grade home I am 12 13 years old and I'm running the video store and every [ __ ] movie ever I dreamed of as a poor kid my dad finally having this business it was a dream come true and now I had every movie I wanted at my disposal and all the movies my dad wouldn't let me watch they were just like let me watch anything oh wow so in seventh grade I saw Boogie Nights that's why I was so influenced by that movie yeah and I still think it's such an amazing film you know it was one of the most influential movies to me in that day but that's where I learned like so you know I saw Super Mario Brothers right and I [ __ ] loved it because the thing is it made me flash back to 1993 when I went to go see it with my dad in Flint Michigan and he [ __ ] hated it and he let me know because he's an [ __ ] like that and I'm in some seven years old and because he hated it so much after it came out on VHS he wouldn't let us rent it but John leguizama one yeah why do you hate her so much because it's [ __ ] bad he knew it was bad for sure yeah my dad was a big film buff yeah so that I think it was his big dream to do his own video into store because he [ __ ] hated Blockbuster you know like paying money to rent and stuff it's like now I got my own store so that's how we grew up loving like movies too so every day after school I get there at like three or four p.m we close at 9pm I'm watching movies and doing my homework and that's where I learned to like differentiate because I put in Super Mario Brothers again and I learned this movie's [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah because when we grow up and we're kids of immigrants and we grew up with the TV and whatever is just on the first 13 channels right everyone in pop culture from SNL to friends and sitcoms all that they have a Godfather reference a good fellow reference these movie references like what are they talking about so I have these movies now so I watched Godfather and I watch Goodfellas and I'm like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this is good yeah and Mario Brothers is [ __ ] oh Street Fighter [ __ ] sucks oh my God that's when I really had a fast track with my film love was because like all the kids movies I left behind you know re-watching Power Rangers movies and you're like oh man this is pretty good you know they brought out a new Power Rangers movie yeah the original cast what what what with uh Billy and Zach dude it's oh it was a comeback special right let me tell you something probably top five worst things I've ever seen all right we gotta watch this on Netflix yeah the first scene that you'll see alone you're gonna die laughing okay like just to set it up right somebody dies and you know when somebody dies right you see emotions or something right the person dies they're just like oh man they're dead so that I [ __ ] died laughing oh my God some of the worst acting I've ever seen in my life but yeah like but how do you know it's bad because you've seen so much that's good yeah you know and so what through all this [ __ ] like wow this is a long-winded closing just to say like I'm super thankful that I keep getting to come back and keep talking about movies because before this I used to write long ass [ __ ] essays and dissertations on Facebook like paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs breaking down movies because I couldn't get it off my chest yeah and then I'd come here and then you gave me the space to finally [ __ ] talk about the Matrix get off my [ __ ] chest I'll be trying to talk about movies to Mariel and I'd never seen somebody just fall out of love She [ __ ] hates it yeah she [ __ ] it but I'll tell you this though because of the way that I'm watching things now and now she's watching things with me she said that I ruined things for her now because she's saying things she's saying what's a faux pas in film like what's not right why do they do that that doesn't make any sense this is so dumb and she's like she's like these um Korean dramas are not as enjoyable as they used to be right because you [ __ ] open time I just kind of opened it up a little bit because she didn't understand she goes why can't you just enjoy it I was like listen once that door's open you can't close it yeah right it's just dumb we're not like trying to make you make make people like ruin content for other people but understand the standard yeah yeah and you got to understand too I like a lot of dumb [ __ ] like I said one of my favorite movies of all time it's Nacho Libre Nacho Libre man you know so it's not like I don't like dumb things crippled Avengers crippled Adventures too they're crazy that [ __ ] show you guys go find that on Amazon go on Amazon and watch crippled Avengers and thank us later it's [ __ ] the most ridiculous it's basically like Instagram [ __ ] uh real comedy put into a film but what's crazy is how you can see Tarantino's influenced by it like you're like oh [ __ ] Tarantino bit that yeah yeah when you okay just the ultimate biter by the way yeah uh yeah but you guys could catch DJ spring every Sundays at 12 p.m and you can catch Ed at edparkvp and not breakfast at Momos but Bible studies yeah um we'll see you all next time peace peace
Channel: DavidSo
Views: 27,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David So, genius brain, geniusbrain, podcast, davidsocomedy, late night, interview, funny, comedy, lol, stand up, stand up comedy, timothy delaghetto, send foodz, tigerbelly, ymh, tfatk, fun, meme, trending, memes, entertainment, live
Id: nQDfa1cec1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 7sec (6127 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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