David Jennings - The Price Tag

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[Music] [Music] is me darkness come on so amen let's all stand and we're going to go to the lord in prayer this morning amen god has been good we have had a great great last several days with the zion music conference and many of you were probably here thursday night and friday night and what an incredible move of the lord already been in service this morning at 8 o'clock was a tremendous message and a great service and looking forward to all that god has in store for us in this place today i want to prepare our heart just for a few moments here this morning jesus we give you praise and glory we magnify you o lord this is the day that you have made we rejoice in it lord we rejoice in you you are good we enter to your gates with thanksgiving we lift you up and magnify your name and exalt you you are a wonderful god a good god i give you praise and glory i thank you jesus i thank you jesus we magnify you we glorify you lord we worship you we praise you we lift you up we magnify you we exalt you lord we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your goodness we praise your name we give glory and honor to your name o lord we give you praise we magnify your name we thank you jesus we thank you jesus god we come to you today we ask that your presence be in this place god we prepare our hearts and our minds to receive from you we open our spirits to receive from you o lord god i pray lord as you break up the fallow ground god i pray lord that the seed of your word finds good soil this morning god i pray the lord that you prepare our hearts and our minds to rid ourselves god of distractions and put aside all the cares and the concerns and lay those things aside and god we focus on you this morning with our hands lifted up and our voices magnifying you and our lips praising you we give you glory we praise you jesus we praise you jesus god we come to you today lord those that are sick god those that are watching by the way revival radio god that are in need of a healing touch in their body god i pray that you send angels forth god sent a word of healing today god i pray that you bring marriages back together homes that are falling apart i pray for healing in those homes god i pray lord for the mental state of people god that earned the pressure because of coleman you are greater than covet you're greater than the financial distress you are worthy of praise and glory to god i pray god for healing in homes i pray for healing and marriages i pray for healing and relationships in the name of jesus and god i pray that you bring the prodigal home god the prodigal that is listening god i pray god that you reach down and let them know that their shame can be removed that you still love that you still care in the name of the lord so we lift up our hands and praise you we put our hands together we glorify you you are worthy of praise you are worthy of praise because somebody shout to the lord for a moment but you put your hands together come on let's stop making [Music] glory the word of god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've got to pray [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah did you come to praise him he woke me up this morning started me out on my way he gave me breath and that means i'm commanded to praise him we were created to bring him pleasure all things were created for his pleasure as long as he gives me breath i'm gonna worship him you give life you are love you bring a light to the darkness you give life are every heart that we're having a trouble with lyrics here hold on one second i don't know um if you're like me but i like to sing the words from my heart but i can't do that i don't know what the words are but this whole season of uh i know what the words are of uh coven 19 when i was sick it was hard to get a good breath and i know my husband had a couple of seasons where he was coughing a lot and he said i just can't get a a good deep breath and i begin to think about this song i thought well maybe i can get a deep breath but i have breath and laid in my bed i said god as long as there's air coming in and out if it's my last one so be it but as long as there's breath in my lungs i'm gonna pour it out in praise to you every day of my life i want my life i want my breath my words to give you glory because it's your breath that gives me life i can't breathe on my own i can't fix it god bless your breath in my lungs so i'm gonna pour it out [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are loved you bring light to the dark you give us hope you restore every heart [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] every heart [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will [Applause] [Music] all the earth will shine your our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry [Music] is [Music] stay [Applause] [Music] me [Music] our heart will die [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] him hallelujah hallelujah [Music] to declare great [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] that you've done for me [Music] he washed my sins away [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sings my songs [Music] can we just honor the lord this morning how bright [Music] oh what a mighty god [Applause] to thee [Music] how great thou art [Applause] [Music] how great thou art to thee [Music] [Applause] lift your voice lift your hands lift your heart right now let's make a joyful noise under the lord what a wonderful presence of the lord is in this place this morning god bless you amen we want to take just a few minutes to inform you you can be seated for just a moment we are so happy that each of you have joined us here at the pentecostals and we are going to wait on you now for your faithful giving tithing and offering our ushers are coming at this time there are three ways to give here at the pentecostals come right on phyllis if you need an envelope you want to give by cash or check you can do that just lift your hand the ushers will get you an envelope you can also use our giving kiosks located in the back of the auditorium you can use a check or debit card your checking account i guess your debit card there and also you can use our online giving tab the tithely app on the pentecostals.today amen what a wonderful conference we had over the last several days [Music] i amen the spirit of the lord was there in a mighty way and i feel that same presence in this place today hallelujah i'm excited about what god's gonna do here at the pentecostals on this sunday morning amen while you're preparing your offering i want to make a couple of announcements there are several so some of them are changes to our schedule so please give heed to the announcement saturday october 10th that's next saturday the priest of the home that's our men's group men's group meeting here at the church at one o'clock next saturday and then next wednesday not this one coming but the following we're going to have our first and quite some time membership experience and what that is that gives you an opportunity to sit down and meet with the pastoral staff you can find out what the history of our church is what the ministry opportunities are that are available and how you can get involved now this is not you joining the church but we've had a lot of new folks that have come in over the last several months and the membership experience is your opportunity to find out what's happening at the pentecostals and how you can get involved and that is wednesday october 14th at 7 30. you don't want to miss that the following wednesday wednesday the 21st is our small group meetings at the table if you're not part of a small group you can sign up for that at the next steps booth as well as our membership experience sign up for that in the foyer that way we can give you a reminder phone call text or email and let you know what's happening at the church and then coming up next month i realize it's a month away but this is one of the highlights of the year here at the pentecostals our all-nation sunday is going to be sunday november the 8th and that's always an exciting time we focus on foreign missions and doing our part to to spread the gospel in those overseas lands we have some exciting details coming up about that we're going to have some folks dressed in native garb we're going to have food one of the highlights of that day is you get all kinds of really unique foods from all over the world we have had uh done a survey in our church several times and it goes between i don't know 30 and 40 or more countries [Music] 48 to 55 different countries of origin are represented by the people of the pentecostals of katy [Music] so all nation sunday november 8th you don't want to miss it it's going to be an exciting time amen right now folks it's time to welcome our guests pentecostals will you help me welcome our guest today huh right if you're a first or second time guest and you didn't fill out a card like this on your way in please lift your hand the ushers will get one of those to you first or second time guest and you didn't get a card looks like we're doing a good job today everybody's covered all right now those of you who did fill out the card i apologize in advance if i if i massacre your name i'm going to do my very best but when you hear your name or something that sounds like your name just lift your hands so we can see where you're seated we don't want to embarrass you but we want to greet you all right first time guests the rivera's family where are you folks at first time guests maybe they're next door the spanish auditorium all right marlene salinas where are you right here in the middle god bless you we're glad you're here this morning marcus and elizabeth and i'm sorry i can't read the last name where are you folks at marcus and elizabeth are you in the auditorium this morning they made me next door as well all right and then veto williams vita where are you seeing this morning right here in the middle section all right we're so glad you're with us today amen god bless you all right why don't we all stand together amen you have your offering your tithing lift towards the lord let's all pray together lord we're so thankful for this opportunity to be in your house to be with your people and to give to your kingdom we ask you to bless both the gift and the giver in jesus name everybody said amen let's worship as we give [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] he placed my feet [Music] oh yes he is [Music] [Music] amen i'm glad i know that god is my everything amen he's our alpha and he is our omega if you can spell it he is it throughout the old testament god revealed himself as jehovah jireh to abraham on mount sinai he revealed himself as jehovah nisi to moses he revealed himself throughout scripture by different titles and by different names but every time he revealed himself it wasn't anything new about god he already was it before they understood him to be yet and i want you to know today that no matter what your need is he is the god of that too before you understood it before you realize it he is already the god who is the master of it all [Music] sing it again [Applause] my everything [Music] amen guardians our everything he is our everything amen praise the lord i'm glad that god has mastery of anything i need in life he's the god of that too amen praise the lord i also want to join in and welcome all of our guests if i haven't met you yet my name is rob mckee i'm the senior pastor here at the pentecostals i want to join in with the rest of team say hey it's so good to have you and i hope that you'll come back and be with us again it's also great to have fred uh valezida did i say that right did i get close all right good good second time guest here with us man it's so good to have you and uh you know it i i always like to say this because for some of you that are first or second time guest you're getting a snapshot of our church but it's really not who we are we are the handshakenest church you've ever been in in your life and you're gonna in a typical season you would walk out feeling like you're running for office you're shaking so many hands but because of all this craziness we're having to restrain ourselves some of us getting writer's cramp and arthritis and everything else because we want to shake your hand but we're restrained right now but please know that we're so honored to have each of you here and uh we're just we're we're always thrilled to have guests in the house of the lord uh and we had a we've had great services all this week our zion music conference has been a blessing we've had folks from all across the united states canada as well as mexico that have flown in for our conference this week and we've had great services thursday and friday night how many were able to be a part of zion lift your hand all right a few of you god bless you so glad that you're here and uh we are so excited about brother and sister jennings staying over and being a part of our services this weekend you're going to be hearing a lot from them here in just a moment but i do want to say to all of our membership thank you for those of you that served and uh you were a blessing and i'm i'm so grateful for each of you we're going to have great services today this morning our early service our sunrise service we had a great service the lord moved and brother jennings preached a tremendous message and then of course spanish ministry i just came in from over there in case you wonder where i am on sunday morning that's where i am when uh before when service starts i'm over in spanish service so i can catch a little bit of their service and greet everyone and then i run over here and uh i'm in service with all of you but uh they're having a tremendous move of god next door and looking forward to hearing the reports of the service and again we have a service tonight at six o'clock if you're new to church you're new to this local church we actually have three services every week each of these services are unique and they all have a different purpose and you don't just eat once a day you eat usually more than once and and and every meal is important and so i want to encourage you if you're new to the church new to attending church make a habit out of being a part of all three of our regular services sunday night sunday morning we we preach evangelistic and you're always going to be blessed sunday night is a time of worship but it's also a time of renewing the congregation okay so it's focused on reviving the church in particular we'll have guests and they're always welcome and they'll be blessed because of it but our primary focus is in reviving the church and uh the lord really moves i want to tell you if you've never been to a sunday night service at a pentecostal church you just don't know what you're missing how many would agree with that there's just something about a sunday night service at a pentecostal church and so that's that's happening tonight of course we have a wednesday night service we actually have two options we have a six o'clock service for wednesday which is our early service for those that are at risk or maybe you're a little concerned you know you don't want to catch the virus or whatever maybe you just don't like people but you want to be faithful to god so that early morning serve or that early evening service at 6 00 pm is for you and uh you'll have plenty of social distancing and you don't have to touch anybody or anything they prop the doors open so you don't have to touch a handle so uh it's it's a great opportunity then of course we have our 7 30 service wednesday night's all about teaching instruction so if you like good bible teaching come on wednesday night then that that's that would be a great opportunity we also have a lot of classes for youth and and for our hyphen age group our college and career age group and kids so a lot of things available throughout the week amen i wonder who loves the lord the most here today who feels like god has blessed you more than anybody else amen such such a tremendous honor to have the jennings i want them to have plenty of time and uh to minister i do want to say to everybody that's watching online and that uh it's glad you're tuned in but if you're at some other part of the world and you do not have a local assembly please contact us we'll get you connected to a congregation in your area and we're also being streamed live on revival radio uh and uh we're in 190 nations of the world and so if no matter where you are in the world there is a an apostolic pentecostal church near you so contact us and we'll contact you discreetly and let you know where a a a pentecostal church is amen but it's so good to have each of you in the house of the lord and it is an honor to have other david jennings all the way from silsby texas and we want him to come and minister whatever he feels to do sing preach play he can do it all and uh juggle i don't know if he can juggle but he he's a great minister and so talented and gifted and we're we're so glad to have them here put your hands together let's welcome of the david jennings as they come [Applause] well praise the lord everybody [Applause] here in just a moment i will bring forth the word to this congregation but it is such an honor to have my wife with me this weekend she is an amazing speaker she's actually a way better preacher than i am and she's also a way better singer than i am as well so she's getting ready to come here to bless this congregation and song what i want you to do all across this house is i just want you to open up your hearts for a moment all across the building and maybe just slip a hand in the air and allow god to touch you for the next few moments i want your hearts to be prepared and ready for the word that god has for this congregation so if you wouldn't mind all across this house why don't you just raise your hand in the air why don't you get ready to give god some praise here in this house [Music] i see [Music] but you see hope when i see broken you see beautiful and you're helping me [Music] [Music] there's nothing to do [Music] that you can make worthy you watched me in mexico and i am clean there's nothing to do now that you cannot make worthy you watch me in mercy [Applause] and i am clean what was said now it lives again and my heart's beating it's beating inside my chest and now i'm coming alive [Music] [Applause] peace jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'm washed in the blood of your sacrifice your blood flow right and made me white and my dirty eyes are purified i am [Music] are purified [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] hey is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that makes me whine this is nothing today here you can make a miracle [Music] you keep watching me and your mercy every morning and i get to be clear god i'm never too forgotten that your mercy can reach [Music] i am hallelujah hallelujah i'm washed clean by the blood of the lamb i'm washed clean i'm washed clean you ought to declare it today and say i am i am i am clean [Music] oh doesn't it feel good in the house of the lord today [Music] in an atmosphere like this your life can be changed in a place like this your life can be changed and i believe god wants to do that today in this house for every person not just some of you but for every person that is here in this house i believe god's got something for you this morning amen i want to start off by giving honor uh to the shepherd of this house the pastor of this church pastor rob mckee thank you so much for allowing my wife and i the opportunity also sister sharon mckee what an honor it is and their children and their children what an honor it is to be in the midst of this congregation i want to give honor to my bishop bishop douglas white my pastor pastor benjamin white without their covering i would not be who i am today so grateful for men of god that speak into young men's life like mine and teach them things allow them to grow pour into them and you have a man of god in this church that is very similar to that so very grateful again for this church didn't this music team do a great job this morning it's a blessing to have good music at your church well i already gave honor to my wife she did such an amazing job so grateful for her [Music] is it all right if we have a little church today is it all right if i preached you for just a moment now i'll tell you a little bit about me i know a lot of you don't know who i am my name's david jennings and uh one thing i'll tell you about me is if you preach with me it's probably not to take too long if you don't preach with me no i'm just kidding but if you preach with me i'll i'll be in and out of your way pretty quick but why don't we let god do what god wants to do in this house today amen [Music] while you're still standing if you wouldn't mind grabbing your bibles we're going to turn to the book of matthew chapter 16. matthew 16 we're going to open up to verse 24. matthew 16 and 24. and once everybody's got it why don't you just let out an amen and if you don't have it just say oh me all right got a couple of these that's all right they're gonna help me out here with the projections matthew 16 24 says this then said jesus unto his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for the sake or for my sake shall find it for what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul for what is a man profited if he shall gain the world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul for a few moments this morning i want to redirect some of our attention i want to help somebody in this house bring notice to a few things across the board something that may help this church that may help you in your personal walk with god for the next few moments i'll preach to this congregation under this title the price tag the price tag why don't we all raise our hands across the sanctuary and just ask god to minister to us today jesus we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be in this house for allowing us to chance god to hear your voice again to feel your touch again we thank you lord but god i pray that you would pour out your spirit on us i pray that your spirit would would be moving in this house lord god we thank you for everything that you're going to do in the midst of this congregation lord we're grateful for you in jesus name amen and you may be seated [Music] i want to start out by telling every person that is in this house that this is your time well half of you don't believe me half of you are still trying to figure out what i'm talking about i want to start out by telling you that this is your time this is your season and this is your hour we are living in the greatest days to be a part of the body of christ this is the church's greatest hour this is the church's greatest day and this is the best season to be a part of the body of christ we are living in times where people are looking and searching for answers and i've come to tell everybody in this house that the answer is still jesus the answer will always be jesus and we in the church have the answer for the world we live in the greatest day and we live in the greatest time we live in the greatest revival that this world has ever seen you are a part of the greatest revival that this world has ever seen if you believe that you want to clap your hands in the sanctuary if you believe that you ought to thank god that you're in a good church that preaches truth that you're in a good church that still believes in holiness that you're in a good church that still believes in the word of god [Applause] in this day there are giftings that are available for you if you want giftings god has them available for you in this day there are callings that are available for you if you want callings the callings of god are for you and this day there is anointing that is available for you oh my goodness i wish i had somebody that believed me in this house there is anointing that's available for you if you want the anointing of god on your life now would be a good time to start tapping into the holy ghost and seeing what god has for your life if you want to see change in your life right now it's available for you i believe in the last days we're going to see more miracles than we've ever seen before i believe we're going to see more healing than we've ever seen before i believe we're going to see more filled with the holy ghost than we've ever seen before i want to see the blind eyes open i want to see the lame man walk i want to see the dumb talk i want to see the deaf folk here again i want to see miracles in my day and i want to see the move of god happen in this season there are people everywhere that have been looking and searching for when the time's going to be that god's going to release his spirit in a supernatural way i've come to tell everybody the spirit of the lord has already been released in a supernatural way he's just waiting on you to grab it he's waiting on you to get a hold of it he's waiting on you to tap into it come on it's time it's available for you today is the day today is the day this is the greatest hour there are things that god wants to do in this church i believe all the things i just said are in this church are in this body of believers there are a thing that god wants to do and this church but he is still searching there's things there's messages that god still once preached but but but but he's still searching for for for somebody he there are visions that god wants to give people but god is still in the the search he's searching out somebody to heed to his call oh yeah this end time revival needs you they said oh yeah you've been asking yourself what am i supposed to do in the last days who am i supposed to be i i'm not gonna have a microphone that's fine it's fine if you don't have a microphone in your hand you're still an important part of the end time revival come on god's searching for somebody that says you know what god i know i may not be the most qualified that's here in this house but i'm willing to do whatever you want me to do for the revival that's happening in the last days i wonder if there's anybody in the house that'll say god i'm available for you god i'm available for you you're searching it's available for you but god is searching for somebody it's available for you but god is still looking god is still searching out the different people that are in this sanctuary he's looking he's walking up and down the aisles of this sanctuary today searching for somebody that's willing to pay the price he's looking for somebody that's willing to pay the price come on young man come on young lady are you really willing to pay the price today come on middle-aged man middle-aged lady are you willing to pay the price are you willing to carry the burden that god has for you to see the kingdom of god come are you willing to endure some sleepless nights being an night prayer meetings oh yeah having to wake up early on a sunday and sacrifice some things so that you can see the will of god happen are you willing to pay the price for the anointing that you seek in the anointing that you yearn for are you willing to pay the price for it oh yeah anointing does not just happen by somebody that is good or talented or something like that but anointing comes from somebody who's willing to sacrifice some time who's willing to sacrifice a few things in their life and say god i know that i have once and i know that i have needs but i'll sacrifice whatever i've got to do to see you anoint my life you've been asking yourself questions on how how can god anoint me how can god do it i've come to tell somebody this morning that it is up to you to make the sacrifice so that god can anoint your life how many of you want to be blessed in the house i want to be blessed in the house come on if you want to be blessed in the house you want to raise your hand and say god bless me but i've got i've come to tell somebody here in this house that that if you're wanting god to bless you you've got to be willing to pay the price i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread you know what that means that means that if you are righteous god's going to provide for you you can't out give god if you try to you ought to be willing to say god whatever price i gotta pay i'll pay it whatever you want me to give i'll give it whatever you want me to do i'll do it come on come on if that's you in the house say god i pay the price god i want to see your blessings i pay the price i believe in holy ghost church i believe in having thrown down apostolic holy ghost church i believe when we come into the house of god we ought to be shouting we ought to be dancing but sometimes you got to be willing to pay the price on a sunday morning and say i know i'm tired in my body but i'm getting up out of this sheet today i know i'm tired of my body but i can still raise a hand i can still suffer foot i can still clap to the lord i can still run the odds you've got to be willing to pay the price there are some times where we look around our life and we try to figure out what is the price god i got i got news for you ever had something that you wanted so bad and you said i don't care what the price is i'm just gonna do it i don't care how much it cost me i'm just gonna do it because i love it that's what i want that's what i need in my life that's what god is presenting to some of you this morning and he's saying if you really love it you'll be able to pay any price if you really love the truth you'll be able to pay any price if you really love the church you'll be able to pay any price now don't get it twisted i'm not talking about just monetary stuff i'm talking about stuff that's really going to cost you something you can make the money back but i'm talking about stuff that's going to cost something here something in your life and something in your heart that's gonna change that money can't buy you that money cannot get you that a nice car can't get you that a nice house can get you something that gets in here and changes who you are it's a price that you've got to pay [Applause] first corinthians 6 19 says this what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have which ye have of god and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a ye are bought with a therefore glorify god in your mortal body and in your spirit which are god's you know what that tells me that tells me that somehow someway i got to be willing to make a price because my body ain't even my own if you want to hire somebody to do a job at your house you know what that means you hired that person to do a job for you in other words while you're here at my house working at my house you come in here to do a job for me so that's what i want you to do realize that you have already been bought with a price and your body belongs to god so when you're in the house of god you ought to be willing to say lord i'm not even my own today i'll give you whatever you want from me i'll give it to you however you want it i clap my hands i praise you in the dance it don't matter what it looks like or what it sounds like i'll give it all to you i'm talking about the price payers today i'm preaching to the price payers today oh yeah i'm reaching for the price pairs today in the house luke 12 48 says this for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall much be required and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask more you know what that tells me that tells me that if god has given you a whole bunch of stuff he's going to require a couple things out of you [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah if god has given you a lot of abilities and a lot of things and maybe even a lot of finances who knows god may require some things out of you and you'll be asking god why do you want this for me it's because he gave you a whole lot [Applause] you ought to be thankful for the blessing that god has given you but also be willing to say god i know you gave it to me but i know you also require it from me so i'm willing to give it back to you [Applause] can i go ahead and get down to where we are in this day and age today we deal with a lot of stuff called time consumption oh yeah oh yeah we consume a lot of our times how many of you have picked up your phone and seen this thing on your phone that says screen time oh yeah i'm preaching to some of y'all now you see this thing on your phone that comes up and says screen time and you know what it says it tells you how many hours in the last week that you spent on your phone uh-oh it tells you how much time you have spent on your phone and i guarantee you there's some of you that have picked up your phone and thought my goodness seven hours on my phone oh yeah but it also tells you the percentage of time that you've gone down or that you've gone up sometime you need to check out of this thing right here i use my phone all the time but sometimes you need to check out this and say god you know what you've given me a whole bunch of time you want to know how you know you got a bunch of time when you look at that phone and see the seven or eight hours or the six hours or whatever that's a lot of time in your day you need to be willing to say god i know that i've got a whole bunch of extra time because my phone's done already told me i got extra time and be willing to sacrifice a few hours in your day to say jesus i'll pray a little bit more jesus i'll fast a little bit more jesus outreach a little bit more jesus i'll teach a little bit more who am i preaching to up in this house this morning that says god i got a little bit of time that you blessed me with and now i'm gonna give some of that time back to you i'll put the phone down i'll put the gains down i'll put my hobbies down god because you've given me the time oh yeah oh yeah god's calling some of you in this house today tomorrow god's calling some of you to do more for him and to do less for the things that you that's feeding this right here that's feeding this flesh that you got god's calling for you today god's calling for somebody today but i come to tell everybody here that there this is not the only call that's going forth in the house this is not the only call that has been issued out to this generation and to this group of people this is not the only call that's out there there is a loud call this call is loud this call is apparent this call is in front of you all the time this call follows you around sometime whenever you're being complacent this call follows you around sometime whenever you're procrastinating but it's not god that's issuing out the call to you it's not god that is issuing out this call it is the adversary of your soul that is issuing out this call trying to hand you things that seem good but aren't good trying to sell you something that you don't need in your life trying to entice you to do things that you just don't need you know i i'm a person i love to do research the crazy thing is is i'm not much of a a book reader like pastor mckee as pastor mckee knows about so many books it's amazing but i enjoy researching things i'll look up stuff and i'll find a few things and and you know what i you know i was real mad at the devil one day and i said you know the devil is like a really bad salesman now some of you all know exactly what i'm talking about any salesman in the building it's okay you don't have to really raise your hand that's all right look don't get mad at me after this okay i'm gonna preach just a little bit on the tactics of a salesman can i preach for just a moment here the devil is one of the worst salesmen i've ever seen in my life but but this is what they tell you if you're going to be a good salesman this is what they say they say number one it is your job to sell the dream you got to sell the dream to everybody that comes in your store everybody that walks into the soup shop you got to show them the biggest and the best thing that's going to cost the most money and say these are the type of suits we got here these are the best cars that we have i know y'all see it when you drive past the car lot the first line of cars are always the nicest lincoln navigators uh-huh y'all know exactly what i'm talking about you've got to you've got to sell the dream if you're gonna gonna be a a salesman i i'll sell them the idea that that if they'll lose out with god they'll be rich one day i'll sell them the idea or this dream that that if they'll just give up a little bit of this more people will like them if they'll just do this or put this on or whatever else then more people will be drawn to them so let me sell them this dream i'm talking about the price tag today number two it says be biased about your product now if you're biased about your product you got to stick by that thing and some people really think we got the best thing going how would you like it if you went somewhere and you walked in and they're like okay this is our best product now down the street they got a whole lot better product than we have and uh you don't really want to buy this because theirs is actually the best product and you're a salesman this is your livelihood so so so as a salesman you got to be biased about your product the adversary does this all the time when you're going somewhere and you i don't know you're sitting at buffalo wild wings and all these crazy things are popping up on the screen and you know good and well it's not good but the adversary is real biased when it comes to his products put it everywhere on every billboard you're not even thinking about nothing and all of a sudden you drive past something and think my goodness see things that you don't want to see the adversary is biased about his products oh here's another good one this is a good one number three you've got to peak the customer's curiosity you've got to pick their curiosity you know what that means that means that even if they're not thinking about anything you got to put something out there that'll make them think about something oh y'all know what i'm talking about when you're scrolling down the line on facebook looking at the feet and something pops up that you never even research and you're like my goodness i wasn't even thinking about that y'all ever seen ads y'all know what i'm talking about you see them ads pop up and just think i do not want to see this youtube i didn't ask for this and it's always whenever you're looking up worship music they always want to show you the the newest horror movie that's coming out am i the only one is that just me it happens to me all the time it's something to pique your curiosity to reach in and grab you something that makes you think oh my goodness i wonder i i wonder what this or i wonder what that is i'll go ahead and move on i'll go ahead and move on number four use past successes and not failure as your god oh well this person made it big time this person let down on a few things and and you see where they're singing this person let down on quite a bit of stuff and i mean you see them on every big screen this person left the truth and now you see them everywhere come on it could be you it could be you today offering you opportunities across the way at a place that don't know nothing about scripture y'all know what i'm talking about this morning using past successes and not failures as their guide to try and get people to pay the price for what they're selling i'll keep moving number five enlist your prospect as a teacher now this one didn't fully make sense to me i had to try to figure this one out because i'm thinking if you're trying to sell them something you're the expert that's the point you have to make the person that you're trying to sell it to you've got to make them the expert for a second well you're the only one that knows what you want you're the only one that knows your deepest darkest desires nobody knows what that is but you teach me what to do to please you the adversary uses this tactic all the time show me your weaknesses if i peak your curiosity in this way or if i distract you in this way show me a little bit of what like what makes you tick what makes you not tick i'm gonna keep on moving number six create a sense of urgency now i don't know how many of y'all have ever had to go and look for a vehicle before and uh you go to the car dealership you get there and you're like you know i'm just checking out stuff today i'm not actually planning on buying a car today and so you walk in and uh you meet the salesman super super nice taking good care of you but then all of a sudden when you're like oh i'm just looking at these vehicles i'm not going to do that today they're like no no no but today we got a special deal for you we we we got something special for you and and if if you lose out on this today the deal's not going to be the same tomorrow you won't be able to come y'all know exactly what i'm talking about in this house the urgency is put on you to just go ahead and buy it today i've been in places where it's like buy one get one free and you're like no i'm gonna leave oh we'll give you two free if you just buy this one today and there's a sense of urgency that is put on you to make a decision that could affect the rest of your life because you know good and well you can't afford what they're trying to sell you anyway you know what i wasn't going to even go here but let me explain something to you i used to work in finance a lot and you know what happens people make bad decisions and the decisions just keep carrying over and carrying over and carrying over and you know what that does it creates cycles for them it creates cycles in their life because if i can push you to make this bad decision here i can keep you in a cycle for the rest of your life is a lot of people losing out with god that have made decisions that have become cycles god have mercy it's become cycles in their life because a sense of urgency was put on them to make a decision that they should have never made it's the tactic of the salesman number seven be a valuable resource make you feel like okay if you come to me this is what he does if you come to me i'll show you things that you never knew i'll show you a new way but won't tell you the in-game result but i'll show you a new way how to do things and this is this is this is my last point this is one of one of the last points of this it says number eight says keep the conversation going so what does that mean well what that means is is the moment that you say don't talk to me anymore they got another question oh yeah the moment that you say no we don't need to be doing this anymore they'll message you back in a couple days and say are you sure are we okay are we still friends the moment that the the moment that something happens in in and and you're going through your day and everything's going fine and then all of a sudden that phone call comes in here we go again the adversary wants to keep the conversation going in your mind telling you you'll never be happy telling you that you'll never get over your depression oh yeah every time you go to church and you get happy again as soon as you walk out the building something else comes up in your mind and it brings you right back down oh yeah i'm preaching to somebody in here today you've been battling with that depression but you know why you're battling with that depression it's cause you're keeping the conversation going [Applause] it's that addiction oh i don't know maybe you're just i won't even call anything out i'll just put it this way to you it's that addiction that keeps creeping up and every time you go to throw it away or put it away you sit it in a cabinet somewhere and it's up in that cabinet and you say you know what if it's hard for me to reach that i'm not going to grab it anymore but it's that conversa it's it's you left that thing on speakerphone in your house is what you just did that's what you did you left it on speakerphone and so while you're around there in the kitchen doing your thing not thinking anything of it that old speakerphone starts saying hey hey hey hey hey hey don't walk past me again i'm right here come grab me come on come on come take another sip come come come come do this look you're walking too far away from me oh yeah you're keeping the conversation going you ought to block some stuff you ought to throw some stuff away and not pick it back up again oh yeah you want to burn some stuff you want me to tell you what the holy ghost is for watch this scripture says the holy ghost and fire you know what fire does fire destroys stuff in other words if a house gets burned down by fire the only way it's coming back up is if you build it back up because it's fully destroyed that's what the holy ghost will do for you the holy ghost will burn out some stuff in your life that won't be able to be put back together again you want to take that conversation that the devil's been having with you and just burn that thing up you want to take whatever it is take it out of your house and have a burn party just go somewhere and burn that thing up and make sure it doesn't come back there are people that are caught in vicious cycles today it's all because you're keeping the conversation going there are people that can't get over the things that that happen in their past and it's all because you're keeping the conversation going who's going to pay the price today which price are you going to pay are you going to pay the price to have the anointing of god poured out in your life so strong that you it's stuff that that you never thought would happen in your world or are you going to pay that price one time and get caught in a cycle of defeat get caught in a cycle of depression i'm pulling for somebody today in this house scripture says this matthew 6 21 for where your treasure is there will your heart be also what are you putting your treasure in if it's not monetary what are you putting your time into oh yeah what are you putting your efforts into what are you paying the price for there's a price tag oh yeah there's a price tag within amount on it and sometimes when you get that price tag with the amount on it you see one price on one side but then you flip it over and you see the other side how many of you have ever seen a sale in a store and you see the little stickers that they put on the price tag you'll say like 12.99 then you flip it over and it says eighty dollars you flip it over it says 250 dollars i'm getting ready to close you flip it over it says 250 dollars that's what the devil's doing he's showing you a little tag today saying this is only going to cost you 10 bucks and on the other side you see what it's really gonna cost you you see what the real price is that's gonna have to be paid i don't want a single person in this house to lose out with god i don't want a single person in this house to go back to a place where the devil can wreak havoc in your life because he's pulling on you to pay a price you'll never out give god the price that you pay to be used of god to live for god he will always give you back more than you put into if he doesn't give me any more money scripture said in his presence is fullness of joy if i'm depressed that's enough for me because i can come to the house of god and say i have the joy it says here's the joy of my salvation anything you need is in the presence of god scripture also says where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty if you've been bound in your life you come to the right place today you've come to the right house today to get delivered of whatever that thing is that you've been trying to put down but i've come to tell you it's going to cost you something today it's going to cost a change of your mindset it's gonna it's gonna cost you having to pray sometime it's gonna cost you having to put down some things and pick up what god wants you to pick up it's gonna cost you some stuff that's gonna make you feel different we can stand all across this house what is it anointing always comes with a price how much are you willing to give come on for those of you that's been reaching after stuff that god wants you to do how much are you willing to give what price are you willing to pay but compromise also comes with the price how much are you willing to lose compromise comes with the price how much are you going to pay what are you going to do are you going to pay to be used of god or are you going to give your life to something that's going to send you to a place that you never wanted to be we're going to open up these altars and the call has been issued for both today [Music] the call has been issued for both today some of you have been feeling every single word that i've said this morning and the word was for you nobody's going to ask you which side of the coin you're on nobody's going to ask just because you pray does not mean you're in sin but it's open for you today if you want the anointing of god you want to leave out of your seat if you want the anointing of god you want to step out of your pew today and say god i'll give anything to you i'll surrender anything to you but if you've got a few things in your life that's been plaguing your life you got a few things and the devil has been pulling on you to pay a price for something that you don't want come on god's got something here for you today god's got something here for you today god wants to pull you out of that addiction god wants to pull you out of that problem god wants to pull you out of circumstance come on you want to say i surrender i [Music] [Applause] surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] i saw [Music] don't be afraid to step out of your pew don't be afraid to say come pray for me because i need a little bit of strength this morning god i'm willing to pay the price but i got some stuff that's pulling on me come on come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on god may be asking some things of you that you don't understand that you don't get but be willing to give it be willing to do what god wants you to do come on that's it young man that's it young lady god's pulling for you that's it young man that's a young lady god's pulling for you that's it elder god's pulling for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i is [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] everything that i am [Music] that i am nothing back [Applause] [Music] oh on come on surrender it all today surrender it all today come on some of you your lifestyle is going to be different your lifestyle is going to change when you leave this sanctuary the things that you did before you came in are gonna be different when you leave [Music] [Music] everything that i have [Applause] jesus i give my heart to you jesus [Music] [Applause] respond to what you feel respond don't hold anything down come on pay the price pay the price in your worship pay the price in your surrender pay the prices [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] before we leave this house today i want to do something across this house i believe in making commitments to god [Music] i believe in making deeper commitments that go than just a tear that's cried that golden just a moment of passion but i believe that we need to make commitments in this house today some of you god has given you clear direction in this building on exactly what you should do exactly what you should give up and exactly what you should pick up today what we're going to do before we leave this house we're going to commit and say god whatever you want me to give up i'll give it up and god whatever you want me to pick up i'll pick it up come on is that all right in this house so everybody that's here in this building i know god's already been talking to you but what we're going to do is we're going to have time right now in this service to say god i will pick up whatever you want me to pick up and i will give up whatever you want me to give up music team can you help me right here come on we're gonna have a moment in the holy ghost and just say jesus i'll pick it up i will give you everything [Music] god i'm not going there [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is am [Music] thank you lord amen you know often when we come to church we go through motions and we don't understand why we do what we do and you see people around you maybe you're new to the church you see folks raise their hands in the air it's a sign of surrender it's a sign of reaching out to the lord but but it's ultimately a sign of surrender basically the invisible demonstration of the word hallelujah i surrender all i wonder if we could right now because i just believe that the holy ghost will often speak to us and prompt us about things in our life that we need to surrender mindsets ideologies maybe things you're holding on to and god just says get rid of it you need to let go your life would be better if it wasn't for that relationship that habit and we hold on just hoping god will change his mind it's a powerful moment when we can fully say god i surrender i wonder if we could just lift our hands to the lord right now as a sign of surrender this is an old course but i want us to sing it together as a prayer will i surrender all [Music] surrender all all to the mind [Music] [Music] i surrender all right [Music] hallelujah come on give that thing to god [Music] i surrender all [Music] i surrender all all to thee all [Applause] [Music] [Music] after services where god speaks to us and we commit to surrendering one of the great temptations is to leave the service in this atmosphere and go back and pick things up we often make the surrender bigger than what it is the most surrender most absolute change or change that lasts in our life begins with a simple decision to stop doing the small things maybe you got a habit and you're trying to break it sometimes it's just the simple small thing of i won't go to that store anymore i won't drive down the same road anymore because i know there's opportunities down that road that they're not down this road and you make those small decisions in life small changes a tremendous book written several years ago called the slight change it's powerful or the slight edge i'm sorry the slight edge and it's it's just basically that most of the lasting decisions that we make in life are the ones where we make minor adjustments and it pays great dividends when when those minor adjustments have have a multiplied compound and they just you do great things you just if you want to lose weight start off with a few foods that you just won't eat anymore and making minor changes makes a big difference and the same is true in resisting temptation you got to make some small changes in life and stick with them amen so i want to challenge you today when god spoke to you about something make some small changes starting today and keep those small changes i believe that god will honor it amen thank you brother jennings for this word today amen thank god for the power of his word amen at this time before we're dismissed i'm asking brother justin gage to come and he's going to prayer prayer of dismissal after he's finished praying i want to encourage you to do two things one i want to meet you out in the foyer but then two if you're interested in church membership you want to know more about the church i want you to stop by our our desk we have a little table out there now we've remodeled all of our foyer it looks quite a bit different for some of you that haven't been in a while but stop by and there's several things that you can sign up for take a take a step in the right direction and uh i believe that it will help you but also number two i want you to stop by our cafe it's been completely redesigned and i'm so proud of everybody that worked and uh so hard on making it look so nice and i know that it would be a blessing to you brother gage would you come and pray a prayer of dismiss let's lift our hands one more time to the lord and thank him for what he's done here today thank you jesus for your word that was spoken here today lord jesus we ask that your hand would be upon us that you would keep us safe and bring us back here tonight god we're asking you to move in our service tonight god keep our mind upon you today and this afternoon and everybody said in jesus name lord bless you you are dismissed we'll see you tonight at 6 pm [Music] [Music] we magnify you quote [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] salvation we magnify your [Music] [Applause] true [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] magnifying [Music] [Music] up [Music] magnify [Music] [Applause] [Music] you um the bed uh be up uh uh you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Katy
Views: 643
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FbOBBrrQ9Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 28sec (6388 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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