David Hislop [Bethel Music] Pedalboard Rundown 2020 | Tone Walkthrough

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hey guys welcome back to the channel if you don't know who I am I'm David hislop and I play guitar for Bethel music in today's video we're gonna do a rundown of my pedalboard [Applause] [Music] first we are gonna do an overview of the board and its features and then we will walk through the signal chain and listen to all the pedals one by one and see how I have them set up for this video I'm gonna be playing my Veritas custom Portlander and if you don't know these guitars you need to look them up because they absolutely rule I'll be running stereo through one of my British AC 30s with greenbacks and a Fender prosonic both which are I sewed in the other room and miked up with chair five four fives like I used live and one more thing before we dive in if you aren't subscribed go ahead and hit subscribe so you stay up to date with all the new content from me and also check out my store in the description i have downloads available for all of my bethel music streaming presets as well as impulse responses you can use in the helix and iridium and Kemper and also my Kemper profiles of both of my British AC 30s and fender prosonic which also include my pedal board drives baked into some of the profiles so go check those out after this video all right so let's talk about the board this board I've had for about a year it was built for me in January of 2019 I toured with it all this year I've flown with it about a hundred thousand miles and it's just held up beautifully it was built by my friend David poleo who now works for Goodwood Audio and builds all of their pedal boards that are assembled in the USA so the board itself is a 30 by 18 trailer-trash board and it's the angled version and I absolutely love trevor trash's angled boards I've used them since 2012 I have the 28 by 16 before this one and there's something about them that's just so comfortable with the slight incline pedals are easily accessible and I love the fact that you can mount all your power supplies and cabling underneath the board it just makes for a really really clean looking build so taking a look at my inputs and outputs I have these Neutrik jacks for all of my XLR and quarter-inch outputs and inputs I have a mono input on the front of my board and then sends at the end of my chain I have quarter inch so if I want to use that straight into an amp or XLR switch come out of the TA links mounted below and on the left side of my board I have send and return Jax so I can audition petals or a lot of times I use it with my memory man in the studio so I can just expand my board if I want to or try out an effect so it's super handy and I also have an auxiliary power outlet that I'll use for whatever I'm auditioning in that loop or I will use it to run this pedal board light if we are on a dark stage as far as cabling goes I'm using all megami 23:19 cable and switch craft plugs so taking a look underneath the board as you can see it's just wired beautifully so props to David poleo it features a good wood audio under phaser which is my main hub for all of my audio coming into my board and going out it has features like a mute switch a some tamaño switch for your stereo signals a phase reverse so you can make sure your amps are in phase while you're playing because different amps have different phase depending on how the speakers are wired up so sometimes if you're running stereo your amps can actually be out of phase with each other while you're plugged into them so that's a great feature to have and also has a ground lift next to that is the TA link and that is the box that allows me to send my XLR signal up to 300 or so feet to my amps similar to an SGI except this takes nine volt power and is a lot lighter so it's very pedal board friendly and then my board is powered by all Strymon as you see the Zuma and to ojos ojos Oh Hays ohyes whatever they are they're awesome each outlet has about 500 milliamps I think of current so it can power like anything you'll need it to power they're great they're small they're lightweight and yeah they roll so that is the underside of the board so let's talk about my looper and MIDI switcher the MIDI switcher is made by disaster area it's a DMC for this one I've had for about 4 years I think so there's probably newer models but my MIDI switching is pretty simple I just have it tied into the Strymon timeline and Big Sky and these buttons Bank up and down on both and then these buttons select presets a and B on pedals so the way I saved my songs I pick a bank some songs have to banks some only need one patch of delay and reverb so just depending on the song like here's raise a hallelujah it's in this Bank if I hit B goodness of God in this Bank say we wanted to play king of my heart I'll go up to this Bank and there's the first set of presets and here are the second set of presets for that song some of my songs I have an extra reverb or in other cases I just have a default setting that I might use in spontaneous moments or what have you so pretty simple as far as my MIDI setup goes but it's effective I can get to any songs I need to on the fly I mean there's up to 200 well with the timeline you have 200 presets big sky you have 300 because of the third bank so I have songs from tons of albums saved so if we're spontaneously pulling up a song I can just go find that setting and pull it up so let's talk about the looper this is made by a company called build your own clone and they have a website where they sell tons of pedal kits that you can buy and assemble and build yourself so they're just copies or clones of a lot of famous circuits out there so it's a lot of fun if you're into that sort of thing but they came out with this looper five or six years ago maybe seven now I don't know but it's programmable all mono Loops no MIDI so it's it's fairly simple but what I loved about it is it was a pretty small package it's the size of a traditional five button true bypass looper but it has eight loops in it and it's programmable it also features a buffered input as well as an unbuffered input it has two modes in it a loop mode and a preset mode so I'll go to loop mode real quick and in this loop mode it works as a regular true bypass looper so the red LEDs show you which loops are engaged so like I said you have up to eight and the way you access them is by hitting two buttons down and that's one this is two three four five six and so on so if you're looking for a simple looper that packs a lot of punch into a small pretty small format and then in the preset mode you get back to that by hitting down all of these toggles at the same time now you see we're in preset mode the green LED indicates which preset we have saved it has four different pages a B C and D of eight presets each for a total of 32 presets the way you access these banks is to hit down all of these three buttons at the same time series B C this is D and back to a and the way I use this preset mode is to save different combinations of drives or octave pedals anything that's a mono pedal that I have in the looper and we will go through it and I'll show you exactly how I have it laid out for example in this preset I just have one loop on but and other presets I might have a couple of loops stacking different titles in those loops so it's pretty cool alright now let's take a walk through my signal chain and listen to some pedals so my guitar comes into the side of my board here through this Neutrik quarter-inch input jack and that is wired to the input of my under facer and out of the under facer by goodwood there is a tuner output which goes to this strobe tuner which rolls and it stays on all the time so I can always tune or see how my tuning is holding up even when I'm playing does a great job tracking and yeah super bright display so I can see it on sunny stages and it has a small footprint so highly recommended and then out of the other output of the under phaser is where my signal chain starts for the rest of my pedals first pedal I go into is my Barbour tone press compressor and I've had this compressor for about a year been super happy with it I had the walrus deep-six before this and both are amazing compressors this one features similar parameters volume blend sustain it has an attack control here so right now it's in a classic if you flip it to the left it's a faster attack and this toggle right here is a little brightness toggle and it just adds a little bump in the top end of your signal but right now I have it flat so I'll show you how it sounds bypassed here is my guitar and with it on you okay let me do it again so you can hear it more of the dynamics with picking [Music] with it on so you can hear it really decreases my dynamic range which in turn creates more sustain and makes everything really punchy and it kind of changed a lot of the transients that you might get from plucking single strings especially high notes a lot of times about the compression if you're picking up pie you can have notes that really jump out whereas this will create more sustain and a little more body to it so let's check it out now with some reverb and delay [Music] really happy with that compressor I recommend you check it out alright so moving on the next thing in my chain is this volume pedal and this is the Hilton Pro guitar volume pedal and I've had this two or three years and I really loved it super comfortable sweep on it and the size is great and the biggest thing I love about it is there's no components inside that are wearable so there's no potentiometer and there is no string things that can break I'm sure a lot of us have a shelf full of earning ball VP juniors out there that have just either the strings broken or the pots have gone bad and scratchy but with this it actually uses an infrared technology somehow I don't really know so there's no parts inside that will wear overtime and I haven't had any issues with it it sounds great so definitely check that out out of my volume pedal I'm running into the true-bypass looper and loop one I have the electrum onyx pitchfork which is controlled by this AMT expression pedal now you might be wondering why I have a POG and a pitchfork and the reason is I don't use this like I would use the POG this is set up to be used like a whammy it's just in a smaller format that can actually fit on my board and doesn't weigh million pounds so most of the time I have it set in a octave up setting with the blend about 75% so I will show you how that sounds right here selecting loop one [Music] so there you have it it's a way me ways I use this is sometimes ambient or I might use it in more of a lead line type way so let's turn on my kilt and the drive [Music] so pretty fun one thing I wish this petal did have is a filter knob on it like the POG 2 that's the main reason I love this pedal is because it has this filter on it where you can really tame all the high end frequencies so this one most of the time I'm running it at a 75% blend because if you're gonna add a hundred percent you get that kind of digitally really shrill and bright sound which is I don't I'm not a fan of but when it's blended with your dry signal it's a little less noticeable once you start stacking stuff so electro-harmonix if you're watching put a filter knob on this thing alright moving on in loop - I have the hog - and I love this pedal for what I was mentioning about the pitchfork is it has this filter knob on it obviously the presets are awesome and all the different parameters but this filter makes it so much more usable to me I've had this pedal on my board I realized the other week for a whole decade I got it in 2010 and it's the only pedal that has stayed on my board for about 10 years and that's kind of crazy to think about anyways a lot of ways I use this pedal this setting I'm about to show you is probably my most used setting and it's just a simple slight octave up with the filter rolled down a little bit so it's not a super obvious POG setting it more so just reinforces any lead lines I might play or beefs up my tone a little bit so dry sounds like this and with the PAS gong again so you hear it's very subtle if there was no filter it would sound like that and that's one of the reasons why I don't love some of the smaller versions of the POG that sound is cool if you're going for that but if you want it to be a little more subtle and not have that sharp digital edge to it having the filter is a great way to just make it blend in with your dry signal a bit more so I'll show you an example now with some reverb delay and drive so here is no POG just overdrive and here is the POG with the same settings no pod [Applause] [Music] so you hear it's very subtle but it definitely kind of makes the lead lines stick out a little more and punch a little more it sounds a little bit bigger so that's probably my most used setting some of the other settings I use I'll just scroll through the banks real quick it's a little more about obvious upper octave those two are mostly octave up and no dry signal so you can do some cool ambient textures with it you know make it sound all dreamy and then moving on there's a setting with a little bit of octave down a little more the same and then an organ setting which I don't hardly use it all but it's in here if you want to do some other ambient stuff [Music] you that is pretty cool sounding now that I hear it again it's been a while like I said I've had this pedal ten years so I've kind of gone through a lot of sounds I've used and then I'll change the way I use it so a lot of the settings I've had over time are kneading in here anymore so that's kind of how its set up right now great pedal check it out all right moving on to Bank three this is my first overdrive I have and that is the Grier amps light speed this is an awesome sounding pedal I primarily use it with single coil guitars it has a little bit of a smoother Drive to it than the kilt does and kilt is kind of my primary Drive especially with humbuckers but I found that the light speed really helps to kind of even out the single coil guitars I use like my strat or my baritone and offers a little bit more of a warmer drive than the kilt so here's a little example clean tone and light speed clean my speed so it's very subtle it's a very light overdrive right now and you can hear it it sounds a little darker with my humbuckers but like I said I really love it with these single coils I don't really use it at all when I'm playing a humbucker guitar moving on to bank four I have the JH s kilt which by the way Stu G and Josh Scott if you are watching this great job in this pedal I freaking love it as a matter of fact I have two on my board and I will explain why in a minute but this pedal the version one is probably my most used Drive pedal I would say it covers 85% of all my Drive tones during a set is just this pedal and the way I'm running it is the gain toggles both down no low cut and then the boost is set up post drive so the volume boost that I'm adding isn't hitting the circuit or in distorting it's actually increasing volume and punching into the amps harder to make them distort a little bit more and that's a lot of how I get my dirty tone and that works great if you have amps that sound really good when they break up if I'm playing an amp that sounds awful when it breaks up then a lot of times I might flip this down swear I'm not relying on some of the amp gain and overdrive from it breaking up but more so just pushing into the circuit a little bit harder but if you have amps that sound awesome when they break up that's why I run this and it kind of does a magic of you know the amp is saturating the delay and reverb a little bit so you kind of get this perfect storm of your effects so I'll show you some sound examples clean tone and then kilt and as you hear it's a super touch-sensitive drive which is why I love it this is actually my first stage setting so normally when I'm kicking on a drive from my cleaning tone it's usually this sound right here and I love this pedal because it kind of gives you what you put into it if you really dig in it will kind of drive a little bit more and if you back off it cleans up a bit more too [Music] you you so I'm really into it here's with some delay and reverb so that tone is my stage 1 overdrive sound so what I do with the boost is that's my bigger sections or lead tone so moving into the boost sounds something like this and now hearing it with some lead lines [Music] listening to it now with some different reverb [Music] [Applause] so that is kilt version one absolutely love that pedal and like I said it covers most of my drive tones for this build I had a little bit of extra space and I also had the kilt version too so I've always loved the higher gain settings you can get on this pedal especially the fuzz but I also really love the way I just showed you how I use it so with being able to fit version two on my board I can now have those fuzz tones the differences between them version two is obviously smaller and it has the red remote option which toggles the G to gain control so with this I can essentially have two more gain stages in this kilt tonal wise they're very very close I noticed that this tamed the top-end a little bit to my ear this one sounds slightly more open in the top end so I actually like this one a little bit better for the way I'm using it a little bit lighter gain but in higher gain settings I find it can get a little harsh where's this one and whatever they did with it it seems like it tames out a little bit I could be completely wrong but that's just what my ears hear so the v2 kilt is in loop v and I will show you what it sounds like compared with v1 with the boost on one thing I did with this board is my approach to my overdrive tones was instead of having a tons of different color as far as drives go I kinda wanted to keep it similar EQ eyes but just progress in gain and fuzz and while the color does change it a little bit it is very similar obviously so when I hit on a pedal it still feels like the tone I was used to so I mainly use Kilt v1 most of the time like I said it covers eighty eighty five percent of my drive tones I occasionally use v2 when I'm doing more rhythm type stuff so like big single notes rhythm something like this versus v1 be one still sounds awesome but in some cases I might just want a little bit more that aggressiveness on it and that is on not the heaviest fuss setting that is with the G to toggle up so it's the second-to-last heaviest setting on the kilt with both toggles up you get the fuzz setting which sounds super super cool as well so super cool really splattery gated fuzz moving on to loop six I have a fun crazy pedal as if you thought the kilts were crazy enough this is made by game changer audio and that is the plasma pedal it is a distortion unit and fuzz slash electricity powerhouse somehow it converts your signal into electricity and it does this really cool fuse thing that responds to your signal you can see as I'm playing and that is actually part of audio signal believe it or not it's not just a gimmick you'll have to look up videos about that pedal because it's just super crazy but things I love about it it has a really unique sound and it has a blend knob so I can run it in parallel with any other drives the way I actually have this preset saved if you look at my looper I have loop 6 on which is the plasma pedal and before it I'm running my kilt version 2 so I'm getting the fuzz from this kilt and then running the plasma as well with the blend about 70 percent up or so so I'm getting the color of this while we're still retaining a little bit of the mid-range and the vibe of the kilt that you've heard throughout my gain staging so all the times I run this with my compressor off because it kind of opens up the fuzz a little bit more so here is what it sounds like and here's just the kilt plasma and kilt oh so super wild petal I'll turn off the kilt just so you can hear the plasma by itself crank up the blend to a hundred and the voltage control on this acts as your gain basically so you can see you'll notice that tube is getting brighter and another thing I love about this pedal is the gate inside it is super quick and super tight so you're not getting a lot of bleed and noise cutting through your signal it's it's very very tight and the EQ is very effective as well you can get you know that darker kind of mid-range e tone [Music] but my favorite way to run it is like I showed you parallel with the kills so game-changer RDO plasma pedal go check it out and that's it for my drive section moving on to loop seven that is an empty loop so I just have it saved as a preset including loop four which is my JS just killed v1 and my pitchfork in the Whammy settings so if I just want my regular you know overdrive that's in this loop but if I want to add the pitchfork for wammy stuff it's right here with Drive if I want the pitchfork clean boom it's in that loop by itself but with Drive I showed you earlier just sounds a little bit like this [Applause] almost knocked over my board there but there you have it fun pedal and loop eight is where I have the sinned and returned jacks on the side of my board so I can run my memory man in the studio or audition drives or whatever pedal I want so that's in loop eight if I ever want it my preset that I have saved is my V one kilts with the POG two so similar to preset seven where I have it saved with the pitchfork for whammy stuff if I want to add the POG with Drive instead of clean then I'll hit this and it runs this kilt and my POG for lead lines if I want to pawn clean I'll just go back to this Bank where I just had the Pug with my clean tone alright moving on from the looper the next pedal I go into is this JHS emperor v - chorus and vibrato and it is a super awesome pedal sounds amazing this is where my stereo signal starts so I'm coming in mono and then sending out stereo via a TRS cable so I use a lot of different settings in this pedal I mainly like to tinker with it in the studio live I mostly have it on a vibrato setting the Mobius has vibrato settings as well and when I'm in an arrangement of a song a lot of times I'm using my preset in the Mobius for that song but if we go into anything spontaneous or I'm not on that patch I will use the emperor a lot and it sounds amazing so let's take a listen [Music] let's hear it was some delay and reverb [Music] it's a super cool good sounding pedal here's a little demo the chorus setting [Music] and the different wave shapes on it it has a sine wave a triangle wave and a square wave [Music] you [Music] so super fun petal so out of the Emperor I am sending into the red panda particle and this pedal is crazy it is a delay pitch shifter ring mod sound machine it is crazy you should go on youtube and watch the video about this thing it's like an hour long or something and I still don't fully understand it it just does a lot of crazy sounds some of them not musical at all but really cool sound escapes and then some of them very cool in musical it has four presets and I'll show you some of the presets I have saved and how I use it it's more so just cool textures I might add on something so this is it's a glitchy shimmer type thing so I might use it you know if I'm doing some cool swells [Music] and then some other precepts I have saved more the same this one's more of a reverse delay so I might throw it on top of a patch I already have pulled up [Music] or again for more ambient type stuff [Music] [Applause] and then in position for just kind of a slice choppy glitchy delay so super fun crazy pedal some of the other sounds let me see if I can just pull up something super crazy [Laughter] [Music] anyways it gets super wild so not super musical in all its settings but does crazy things so out of the particle I am sending out stereo into the Strymon del cap and this has got to be one of my favorite delays it's a digital tape delay but the modulation on it V Wow and the flutter is just so lush and even compared to the tape setting in the timeline which I use all the time it doesn't touch the L cap for whatever reason I don't know what's different about the the circuit but it sounds amazing I kind of have this on my board as an auxilary delay I might throw it on top of a preset that I have going on here whenever I'm in a song arrangement and I just need something extra for swells if we're doing something spontaneous but I want to still stay in my song settings with the timeline so here is kind of how I have it set at the moment [Music] so as you hear it's super lush and just has a lot of vibe to it I adjust the parameters on it quite often too just depending on what I need I like to do the whole oscillating delay thing with it let me show you what I mean [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how I use it most of the time live is stacking it on presets that I might already have going on the timeline big sky when I'm and the arrangement of a song or after when I need just a little bit more delay in reverb for swells or anything ambient let me show you what I mean so here is the Razr hallelujah big sky and timeline patches that I have been using so I could swell with those and the swelling sounds okay but if I want a little bit more modulation and texture I might kick on the L cap on top of those [Music] you [Music] all right so moving on from the El Cap I go into the strife Ekta as you see here starting with the möbius then the timeline and the big sky and these petals really need no explanation or introduction they are phenomenal and they have so many sounds packed into them that you can search and find also as I mentioned earlier in this video all of my presets for all three petals are available on my website for all of the Bethel music songs we play so diving into the mobius I use a lot of different patches on this pedal pretty much almost every patch I'll show you an example here this is a patch I use for reckless love verse and here I have my raise of hallelujah stuff still on but it's the destroyer setting which has a cool kind of vibrato vibe to it by itself sound something like this [Music] and let's see what I have in this I have a chorus for you deserve it all [Music] so those are just a couple of sounds I use in the pedal also this little two button switch right here is a little expression controller I built to bank up and down on the Mobius it's not tied into the MIDI setup of the timeline and Big Sky with the DMC four and that is just because I don't use the Mobius on every song so I like to operate it independently so I can Bank up and down with this guy right here out of the Mobius I go into the timeline and then out of the timeline I go into the Big Sky and out of the Big Sky my signal goes back under the board into the goodwood under facer and out of the under facer my signal is sent to these quarter-inch stereo jacks if I'm going to use quarter inches to plug straight into an amp if I'm you know playing right in front of my amps and then I have another set of outputs going out of the under phaser into the TA link which converts my signal from unbalanced to a balanced signal and is sent to these XLR jacks on the side of my board so I can run my signal up to 300 feet without any signal loss technically if you're only using a quarter inch that's unbalanced you will start to get some high-end signal loss after twenty-five or thirty feet I think it is so that's why if you're running amps far away off stage and isolating them like we do a lot you really want a set of sgi's or ta links or whatever's on the market that would convert your unbalanced signal into a balanced signal so you can run it that far without any signal loss and that's about all as far as my board goes let's take a look at the case so here is my pedal board in its case this case was custom-built for me by creation music company fully loaded with all the accessories underneath the board it weighs about 65 pounds which is pretty heavy but I had it built with some wheels and a collapsible handle so that makes it much easier when you're carrying it through an airport one solid tip of advice I can give when ordering a custom case is you want to make sure that the foam that is in the top lid is pretty evenly touching all of your pedals so that way when it's flipped upside down all of your pedals are bearing the way of the pedalboard and not just one because that is how you'll get some broken knobs on your petals so when I had this case made I had a little riser put in at the bottom of the pedal board since it is an angled board so that way when it's in the case it's sitting flat so here is what underneath the pedal board looks like as you see there's plenty of storage room for my cables my TA link receivers that go to the amps my light any accessories I need for my pedal board I love this case it's been super reliable like I said I've flown with it about a hundred thousand miles so far and it's protected all of my gear perfectly so if you need a great case or a pedal board or accessories check out creation music company thanks guys for watching I hope that was insightful please leave a comment below and let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer all of them also don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and check out my website where you can find more info about the gear I use all of my strand presets Kimbra profiles and pulse responses as well as helix patches coming soon so stay tuned for those until next time
Channel: David Hislop
Views: 190,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kemper, kempers, profile, profiling, amp, amps, tube, compare, vs, digital, david, hislop, bethel, music, guitar, guitars, pedal, pedals, pedalboards, worship, sunday, tutorial, fake, best, easy, profiles, ir, irs, impulse, responses, cab, cabinet, cabinets, mic, demo, test, veritas, broadcast, audio, a/b, comparison, better, strymon, presets, preset, how, to, stage, HX, stomp, line6, line, iridium, helix, worshipu, church, modeling, modelers, Production, online, performances, template, pedalboard, effects, jhs, kilt, rig, rundown, walkthrough, pope, michael
Id: t1uorI-13Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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