David Goggins Motivation - The Morning Battle (SECRETS TO SUCCESS)

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that's the whole thing i talk about winning the battle in the morning so every morning i wake up i believe in winning the battle against yourself people say why do you say that because there's a lot of things you can control when you wake up it's about making your bed make your bed make sure your house is clean make sure you get your breakfast make sure you shower shave whatever you're doing control that don't hit the snooze button all these things are very important that's been told a lot of times why don't you hit this news button because you wake up already failing you're already behind the power curve so what happens when you hit this news button you may not make your bed you may not do your hair the way you want it you may not pick the right clothes out in the morning time and i go back to this real quick remember how you had a job interview for a job we've had several of them in our lives what did you do the night before that job weeks before the job interview we knew you had it you prepared your you know you had a bowl out for your oatmeal your cereal whatever you had in the morning time your coffee cup was out your clothes were laid out you studied you rehearsed you were ready you brought your best self you're going to ward yourself because you wanted that interviewer to see your best self you won you got the job after a few months in that job you look around i got the job you start to back off the clothes aren't out you're not ready hit this news button you don't get up on time anymore you realize that you can still have this job and not be your best self the interview you is gone your job is gone you have your job but the interview is gone so when the battle the morning time is just that is that you wake up in the morning time and you own all this stuff because once you leave your house the world then gets at you and that's why i believe enough not not getting up in the morning and checking your phone immediately everybody does that they get up the first thing is you got the phone look at the phone maybe bad news on there so how's your day start off i don't go to the gym i don't meet my bed i don't you're caught up now on that phone that's how your day starts you lost control so once you win that once you win that battle in the morning time then once you go out now you've won you go outside your house you may lose your job you may have a bad hit but you won something so so you're going into battle having already won something haven't already won so then if hit this news button you go out you just defeat it already you're behind the power curve now you've won something you feel better about yourself so now you're able to take these hits along the way so that's the mindset i think it's important to bring with you every day you go everywhere you go in life win what you can for me my routine is every night i stretch out and i stretch out for two or three hours every single night without fail and while i'm stretching out i'm thinking about my plan for the next day i'm thinking about all these different obstacles that may come up so basically a lot of us aren't prepared for life we get up willy-nilly and there's hope life is going to happen it is going to happen what's going to happen with the prepared mind or unprepared mind most people attack life with the unprepared mind what i do is i try to account for all things that could happen might happen probably will happen and then the unknowns so basically i can't account for everything but i do know there could be some things that come up in life that you need to be ready for i know for a fact i'm not going to want to work out tomorrow therefore i'm preparing my mind for that i don't want to do that i know tomorrow will come with some difficult decisions to make it may come with getting a phone call saying someone died this happened that happened i'm always preparing myself not in a morbid way but just like look man be ready for life don't let life just start attacking you left and right make sure that you start to build a mental armor so then you're ready for life and that comes with a very physical way and the physical helps out to mental well the thing about it's funny man all these catch phrases people always say you know failures are part of life and failure is how you grow i've said all that stuff before but it really is a bunch of [ __ ] so tired of hearing all these [ __ ] cliche [ __ ] goal setting [ __ ] posters and all that [ __ ] half the people who write that [ __ ] aren't even doing the [ __ ] they're talking about half the people talk about failure you know they're [ __ ] millionaires sitting back at some nice house whatever the [ __ ] you're talking about so it makes me [ __ ] nuts the reason why i believe i can talk on failures because i'm still feeling today and i'm feeling the major way and i'm and i'm living when i'm talking so many people who talk about all this [ __ ] they're their husbands they're people who used to do back in the day not talk about it are you living it today so for me failure is something that you should be afraid of it should be afraid of but that's why you should go out there and challenge yourself to fail because if you're not failing at something that means you've set your goals to pass to succeed at everything you do which means you're not setting your goals high enough so for me okay i'm gonna go out and break the guessbook of rolls record for pull-ups lofty goal which is why i failed it twice before i finally got it i knew going into everything i've ever done in my life navy seal training three times before i got it everything i've ever done in my life took me three times before i got it i knew that there was a huge possibility of failure but what i gained from failure is this when you see a movie and you watch a movie about a person who keeps failing and at the end they succeed how do you feel after you watch that movie i was able to put myself there and say god man how much do you feel now that you finally got there that's what failure has done to me i watched so many things and watched someone succeed at the end of it it's like god i want to feel like that but failure causes that one feeling without that failure involved you don't have that feeling if you just pass and you succeed and you're great that feeling yeah okay i'm good what takes you years months years to accomplish because you just can't get over the hump but you continue going back to the drawing board you're looking for those few seconds after you finally figure out the equation whatever the equation may be to get you to finally pass to succeed i live for that feeling but i can't get that feeling without going through [ __ ] i feel this equation i feel this one i felt this one i filled this one oh i'm figuring it out so you start to feel it before you even pass before you even get the to the success part and then once you succeed the feeling is unbelievable and you take that feeling of success through failure and you put it in your cookie jar and you say i'll come back and get you again i'm gonna need you again down the road in my life to call on you like for instance i see men and women now are almost all the same i see women carrying bags i see women opening their own doors like this whole world is kind of missed into one big one big person all these customs and courtesies all these things and it's gone like you know the second the uh that bell rings when the dad gone airplane parks everybody just up versus a man and seen a woman they sent me i said hey man is this your back it's all these small things it's all these small self-disciplines rushing we're rushing everywhere we're rushing people aren't holding doors though it's all these small things these small disciplines why did you make your bed in the morning time when i was in the military i never forgot i was like why the [ __ ] are we folding our shirt up this way why why am i making these hospital corners 45 degrees and then 40 my bed back six inches the size of a dollar why am i doing this all these small things that we do in life are building your mind up for discipline and all those disciplines are gone so that's the one thing that definitely missed is self-discipline uh it was it started off with the rocky rambo movies you know it was kind of like my father's when i was coming up but then when i finally met this guy named scott garren this guy that fell of it you know he had a parachute accident a guy crashed through his parachute and he fell 13 000 feet pretty much to his death because his his parachute collapsed and he was you know he fell 120 miles an hour to the ground i mean a picture in the book it's disgusting right and um so he hit the ground and i met him a couple years later at this uh cap civil air patrol camp and i'm sitting there and and no kid was like amazed by him you know i was like okay this is a great story i'm a kid let's go i'm sitting here he comes out and i was amazed by rambo like at a young guy like oh my god this is the real ramp he came out he had you know he got his throat cut open you know to open up his airway so so i saw he got trached and i saw all these different things like my god he came out talking all that clint eastwood and shared a story and it's all hardcore and i started following this guy but he know i was following him so for a week long he did push-ups and flutter kicks and i was like man that is the real rambo i was looking for strength my entire life i was i didn't have any i was a i was a really weak kid my dad beat the living [ __ ] out of me and took every i was strong as a young kid but me protecting my mom for so many years in that house my dad made me very afraid because he beat the [ __ ] out of me every time i went at him so in that i want every man wants courage every man wants strength at least this one does so i found it in every way possible and when i see a strong guy i was like okay maybe he could teach me so he didn't know anything about me so time went on i left school you know and then this guy was in my mind we had zero money man like we at at one time we lived in a seven dollar a month place government sometimes apartments now we live in like a 200 place when i at this time i searched i went on a 500 phone bill and back then dude having no money my mom wanted to kill me i was in search of scott garrett yeah no google no no google no nothing just randomly calling up bases air force bases man caught up air force bases man hey you know what scott garren what do you mean i'm like who's scott gary i'm like he's a pear rescue man a what because you know a pear especially you know there's not a lot of them so i started getting okay there's a pj base here a pear rescue base here so i start tracking down pair rescue bases finally key west florida he's a scuba instructor down there in key west florida i i i i leave a like a message he calls back gets a hold of my mom i'm like i cannot believe this guy called me back my first question to him was hey man can i come stay with you for a week he's like who the [ __ ] are you man he know the [ __ ] i was the guy let me come stay with him for a week i think he said about four words to me in the entire week we we pt together and i need to hear a word from him he you know he didn't talk a lot he was an instructor i would i would go to school or to uh scuba school with him he would instruct i'd stay on the couch for 10 hours sit in the lounge on the [ __ ] couch for 10 hours he come back pick me up we go for a run he'd go home we ate fish every [ __ ] day because we had to go out in the ocean you know like like i would go uh lobster hunting i hate the [ __ ] water i was scared of this this guy went in so i'm going in and i left there was just one big thing that's what i want to be if i was born with a silver spoon and everything was given to me and life came easy but knowing where i came from and where i'm at now just because i was able to crack open a few more doors that's what's disappointing for me for other people you know so it's not that i want to live there i know i can go there and once again i know other people can go there so i guess that's the thing with me is i know i have the ability now to go to a place that's very very hyper focused that i can accomplish some pretty amazing feats not because i'm amazing because i allow my mind to be open-minded for the possibilities what can i achieve most of us fail in life because we're afraid of what everyone around you is thinking that's a 100 truth so we live by the narrative of other people when i first called a recruiter to be a navy seal and i was 297 pounds the first recruiter looked at me and said you're not going to be able to make this man so what he was doing was he's projecting his energy on me he knew he couldn't be a [ __ ] navy seal so god help this black guy because i was only the 36 african american to make it through in over 70 years how's this black fat guy going to make it through in my ass he wouldn't even want to try so he's projected so a lot of us who are negative people all we do is project how we feel on other people so what happens is there's a lot of negative people walking around the planet earth who are afraid to try because everybody a lot of people are very negative in this world so we are afraid to fail why i told you man shouldn't even try to dude just chill out relax why are you so crazy right he's so obsessed so all that stuff drives the the uh quitting mind i call it the mind wants to quit the mind is tired the mind's tired the mind is deserving the mind thinks it's very deserving so yeah the the biggest problem in this world is other people not yourself it's other people in your head they are puppet mastering you pretty much on your life because i realized once i was talking to myself the right way and all this [ __ ] wasn't in my mind wow i went from this piece of [ __ ] kid who thought he was dumb not successful insecure who stuttered when i first saw somebody to a person who can now do all these things just because i now control my own mind when you get to the point where you really [ __ ] don't care you're dangerous you become very very dangerous i'm not saying don't care like i don't care if i do that no when you don't care about other people and how they view you about how you walk how you talk how you dress where you want to go with your life you know growing up i didn't want to tell anybody i want to be in the military because why some of my black friends i was afraid of what they think i was afraid of what other people thought about me so now i'm not going to military i know you want to [ __ ] join the military you ain't take as afraid what you thought once again man you allowed other people to shackle your mind it's a it's the worst thing in the world do you think you could go the other way and maybe become a bit cold if you don't care what anyone thinks your fiance your kids you know those they're not the people around do you not care what they think that's the thing about it you have to have an understanding of what not caring means if your fiance and your kids don't believe in you you can't care what they think that means you chose the wrong support staff there has to be so that's why a lot of people don't understand one another your support staff has to be like if i want to go out and do whatever it is my support staff is you know my fiance and she's like you know what you know i don't think that you should be doing that i have to take it you know why so i could be over mine so so why are you saying this but she's saying that because of her you know that's not that's not the right thing because i need backing you know do open-mindedness i need support so you gotta be very clear thinking about all that stuff my circle is very small i made sure i didn't hand pick these people because i'm like so so you don't want people in your corner they're like oh let me pat you in the back where the [ __ ] you do i don't want people pat me the [ __ ] back because i [ __ ] woke up in the morning no so you don't want that you want people who are honest with you who are going to tell you what the [ __ ] is honest honest and truthful people so someone who's honest and truthful who has lived and is accountable for their own personal life that's what you want your court said hey man you know you're pretty [ __ ] dumb for doing this dude like this is not smart or you're being a you know you're being deterred today you're not getting after it that's who you want in your corner so you don't want a lot of people hand pick people to be in their corner who kiss their [ __ ] ass you don't want that so you're very selective of who those people are absolutely yeah but you'll listen to those people you have to yeah you have to so one of my big one of my best qualities is i'm open-minded to the right people but i don't respect a lot of people because how am i going to respect you if you're not [ __ ] grinding every day and i mean working out getting the gym really going out there and grinding so if you don't know how i'm living my life how am i gonna respect you so you have to be a hard worker period doc you gotta work your [ __ ] ass off that's where i get respectful so if you're working hard every day now you have an opinion in my eyes but if you're just a guy who talks [ __ ] and you live this [ __ ] life of talking [ __ ] come on dude i understand one thing you're just talking [ __ ] but if i see you every [ __ ] day of your life trying to be better every day going through all the wickets to be better you got my attention i respect you now so respect is the first thing [Music] you
Channel: Motivation 4Us
Views: 2,895,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david goggins, david goggins motivation, motivational video, the morning battle, secrets to success, david goggins the morning battle, david goggins secrets to success, david goggins workout, david goggins interview
Id: iiLir3fO7XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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