NEVER QUIT MINDSET - David Goggins Motivational Speech

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I'm not a real smart guy and what I mean by that is I was born with ADD ADHD all like my brain cannot retain information I'm not some genetic freak when it comes to running when it comes to lifting weights I'm I am absolutely the bottom of the barrel and people will never believe me and they can just you know whatever believe what you want to believe so when you ask me this question about what the studying look like for me I have to go over the same page over and over and over and over again while Jennifer can look at that page while she's you know quizzing me she'll learn it right then as she's she didn't know anything about it she will quiz herself or quiz me and learn it as she's quizzing me it's the most frustrating thing in the world how my brain works so what I so what I do is I literally sit there with a pen and paper and I have my books and I go through and have to write everything down every every single day I will study the same page until it's photographic memory from writing the same thing down and then from there I'll go back through and relearn again so I'll learn the bulk of it but then I'll go through and learn the small things within that so if it's a medication I'll learn what the medication does I'll first I'll learn how to even say the medication cuz these medications aren't like you know like alall no it's it's it's very big words so I'll go through learn how to say the name then I'll go through learn what the dose is then I'll go through and this is like every single day so not like oh I got it let's just go through no nothing is I got it every single thing that's so I I I can't wait to get in this conversation cuz everything I do in life it sucks everything I do in life it sucks that's why when I was 300 lb and 24 years old it was like it had some big epiphany of let's just go be a Navy SEAL let's lose some weight no I knew my entire life was going to be a struggle which is why I just ignored it I said I'm not even trying to jump off into this and learn how to read how to write how to memorize how to become something I am not but through that process something happened to me and I realized that's this why I feel sorry for no one because people are going to think that I am maybe lying or maybe fibbing or exaggerating no I am literally I was the lowest form on Earth no Talent no ability to learn and I literally know what it is to be rock bottom and to build that up the road to success is rarely a straight line for me it's always always been more like a maze many times when I thought I'd finally cracked the code had it all figured out and found the straight path to certain Victory I hit a wall or got spun into a turnaround when that happens we have two choices we can stay stuck or regroup back up and try again that's where Evolution begins hitting those walls time and again will harden and streamline you having to back up and formulate a new plan without any assurances it will ever pan out will tune your say up and develop your problem solving skills and your endurance it will force you to adapt when that happens hundreds of times over the course of many years it is physically exhausting and mentally draining and it becomes damn near impossible to believe in yourself or your future a lot of people abandon belief at that point they swirl in the edies of comfort or regret perhaps CL their victimhood and stop looking for their way out of the maze others keep believing and find a way out but hope to never slip into a trap like that ever again and those skills they'd honed and developed with her they lose their Edge I am always on the hunt for another Twisted pretzel of a maze to get lost in because that's where I find myself the smooth road to success is of no use to Savages like me that may sound ideal but it won't test us it doesn't demand belief so it will never make us great we all build belief in different ways I clock countless hours in the gym where I log thousands of reps and run and ride my bike obscene distances to cultivate belief despite what you may think I don't consider myself an ultra athlete because those races are not who I am there are tools each one provides me a stockpile of Faith so when I get stuck in the Maze of life like a broke down Savage I still believe I'm capable of achieving my unreasonable goals such as becoming a smoke jumper at 47 years old no matter what Society or the good doctor says I don't mean to suggest that you must run 100 or 200 miles to believe you have what it takes to get where you want to go that's what I had to do based on the depth of the darkness I came from in the scale of my ambitions but if you've lost it you do need to find your way back to belief whatever it takes for you to believe that you're better than good enough to achieve your dreams is what you must do and remember your greatness is not tied to any outcome it is found in the valiance of the attempt I'm an artist and every day I'm put I'm I'm painting Mor Lisa every every day and but it's a different one it's not the same painting so every day I wake up even know I do the same thing it takes a different way to get there so every day in my mind I'm going through my mind I'm just like and a good painter will not just paint he needs to create and you can't create with phones and everything going around you so you got to block yourself off you only do two podcasts in a year you block yourself off and you're and you're painting this inside and you're going through all these different colors of paint and everything else and you can only figure out the right painting if you spend the correct amount of time in your brain so every single day I'm literally going through my mind and I'm painting I'm creating this this masterpiece and the Masterpiece is always myself and but to do that you cannot have any distractions because if you're talking to an artist and he's trying to think about the next painting he he can't it's it's impossible to listen to you and listen to what your mind and body are telling you we must do people don't do enough of they don't do any of it you're they don't have passion they they lack passion Drive determination because you haven't spent time with yourself your mind will tell you what is next but you haven't spent the time to go all right let me just figure this out you're looking for let me Google this and let me Google that and let me you're not going to find it there because there's billions of people in this [Music] world and they're all supposed to be individuals but we have a pack mentality that's why you're so lost why am I so unique I'm being exactly what the I was supposed to be I Ain follow [ __ ] and when I did follow [ __ ] I was like everybody else the second I said okay man hang on dude you don't like this you don't like this you don't like this who are you David Goggins who are you supposed to be miraculously all these things just I I couldn't even the the list of [ __ ] I had to do just Wham it's like [ __ ] okay wow once you sit down with yourself and say okay I don't want to be like Michael Jordan or Jim Brown both on my birthday so I looked at their birthday like oh my maybe can be one I can't I'm going to be David gogin and that looks like this it just came everything flooded so every single day of my life there's a different thing that comes up that have to do we've all experienced it before there's something we have to do but even though we know this we can't convince ourselves to sit down and get it done instead we are overwhelmed with all of the distractions surrounding us our thoughts run rampant eclipsing the voice in the back of our head telling us to get back on track we feel out of control like we can't take charge of our own actions Temptations are all around us and foolishly we keep giving into them if this scenario resonates with you then you are more than likely suffering from a lack of self-discipline self-discipline is all about being able to have control over yourself and what you do say or think because we live in a society that prioritizes pleasure over logic we fail to realize that self-discipline is integral to our success in life without self-d discipline there's very little that we can accomplish no matter how big our hopes and dreams are we can't get to the place we want to be in life just by dreaming achieving success requires action self-discipline is important for a variety of reasons but the major one is the fact that having self-discipline can completely change the trajectory of your life for the better you will not only be healthier and happier once you master self-discipline you will also find that you are a much more successful person in business relationships and numerous other areas of life self-deprecation is no longer looked down upon rather it is expected we limit ourselves by downplaying our abilities and as a result many people do not realize the power that they have within them no matter how much you feel like your abilities are lacking you are capable of achieving great things both in your professional life and your personal life you have the strength deep inside you to fight your way through anything life throws at you no matter how tough developing a strong sense of self-discipline can completely change your life this is coming from someone who has experienced first and how self-discipline can lead to great success before gaining a strong sense of control over my life I often felt hopeless and lost now I am on track to achieve many great things and I consider myself a highly successful person I firmly believe that I would not have been able to achieve what I have today if it wasn't for the fact that I dedicated myself to learning about self-discipline and how to apply it to my own life every day you know it gets dusty and every day you don't start with the with the victories you don't go oh this is nice look at my look at my I love me while let me clean up this little Dusty no I go right for the things that are going to keep me buried I go right there first cuz if I don't clean those out first the day doesn't start so what he's saying to me is truth and like I told you many times today I could never figure out how to explain this people because I'm not neuron nothing I'm just a guy that said okay we got to start in the dungeon and we got to stay here for the rest of our lives for you to become successful the dungeon is a place that has to be clean and it's the scariest place to be that's why I'm misunderstood cuz I'm speaking from the dungeon that's why I am successful because I go there every damn day and that is the truth what he says it's the exact truth those cabinets are dusty dirty and scary as broken glass dark spiders webs but most of all your biggest fears the biggest things that put you in the the place you are today are in there that's why we all like to keep them shut even like to lock them up act like they never happen that's why you never grow you never improve you never have real conversations like we're having right now never never oh no no no no no no let's not no no no let's not go there I talk to so many people who tell me that let's talk about this cuz they'll tell me but they can only say it once and they'll say it in passing they won't get deep in the weeds with it like you can't just clean it mother you got to spitshine that mother you got to relive it every fing detail of it you can't like oh yeah yeah my dad beat me and you know you know it is what it is hey it is what it is [ __ ] it's it's killing you it's taking over your whole [ __ ] life but that's the convers yeah my dad I'm fine now though I'm good okay all right no you ain't you ain't fine you ain't fine this is this is real talk people don't to have that so your Bo right 100% right scary as [ __ ] it's scary as [ __ ] but makes you who you're supposed to be and that's the test we forget we we think we're supposed to breathe air and have kids and pay the bills every what what's this life about that make no sense being tested my friend tests come when you have not studied test come when you think that you're in the great place that's that's the test the test is every day of your life and most of us fail because we don't know why we're here because we don't go inward to say oh you gave me a lot of [ __ ] to fix man and this test sucks but then you start
Channel: Mind Motivation Coaching
Views: 73,096
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Keywords: never quit, never quit mindset, david goggins, motivational speech, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins motivation, motivational speech of david goggins, best of david goggins motivation, david goggins motivation compilation, david goggins best motivational speech, david goggins motivational speech with music, david goggins navy seal motivation, david goggins latest video, interview with david goggins
Id: 71P56mkVp1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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