YOU VS YOU. FOCUS ON YOU - David Goggins Motivational Speech

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[Music] I had developed a lot of anger and I still have it it would never go away for the normal human beings of this world because when you put yourself in the sewer like I was in and please if someone saved me come out and announce it to the world there was no one there's no one so when you know that and then I'm sitting at a table with all these smart people who are telling me what to do and Sh and got me through my life now when I'm 40 years old you know two I was I don't know 40 something years old now I'm 49 I'm looking at them all and they're and they're now trying to guide me on which's right on this poison and so yeah what you say is right but for me it was more of I know now I don't need you to guide my future I know what's good for me and what's bad for me and for me it took every bit of focus I could I know social media that's why people love to go on there because they want to show you the good side of life I'm not teaching good side of life so I had to figure out a way when I came on in 2016 of teaching you what life really is for the majority of us is hell and so while people love to show you the cars and the house and the vacations and Sh all that's good all that's happy I'm going to show you the side that I know most you're going through and people hide very well I don't want to hide anymore I hid for 24 years so that's why now when I told you we can talk about whatever you want because as human beings the one we the the first thing we have to learn I also stuttered real bad growing up so if you hear me stutter every now and then it's because that was part of my life also so it's funny human beings want to show you the best side and they want to hide the worst side for me I'm going to teach you how to be vulnerable cuz that's the only way you fix yourself you don't fix yourself by coming out here and me selling you someing books that's why I don't have them I forgot them I'm glad people got something from the book I want you to learn that the only way you grow is how to look at yourself and say okay like I did table longer than this what the I have to do to get somewhere there was nothing good on there nothing yeah I love playing basketball I left that out that's something I love to do I don't care about that that that didn't make the [ __ ] list cuz the list that I had to live by was it was the very list that was going to get me at this table with you to talk to you to the normal human beings which I once was about how you can get somewhere and how it looks looks very ugly there's no [ __ ] passion there's no fing motivation there's no oh my God man iing this is no it's every day of your life just doing no passion no discipline no motivation yeah all these words I hate people I hate that's so many people use these words now cuz it's watered it's someone sitting in the room by themselves and they figure themselves out and say God this is going to [ __ ] suck where's passion when you're 300 lb where's the motivation when you can't read and write where is it so how did this happen I just [ __ ] did I just did I said maybe at the end of this journey there'll be something there for me if not I can read if not I'm 185 fing pounds there was not there there there there's no magic potion there's no oh let me wake up and look at some [ __ ] no all those words are overused they're [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] just do you're living how do you want to live how do you want to die how do you want to be remembered that's that's it that's it [Music] period no matter who you are life will present you similar opportunities where you can prove to be uncommon there are people in all walks of life who relish those moments and when I see them I recognize them immediately because they are usually that [ __ ] who's all by himself it's the suit who's still at the office at midnight while everyone else is at the bar or the badass who hits the gym directly after coming off a 48-hour op she's the wildland firefighter who instead of hitting her bed roll sharpens her chainsaw after working a fire for 24 hours that mentality is there for all of us all of us can be the person who flies all day and night only to arrive home to a filthy house and instead of blaming family or roommates cleans it up right then because they refuse to ignore duties undone all over the world amazing human beings like that exist it doesn't take wearing a uniform it's not about all the hard schools they graduated from all their patches and medals it's about wanting it like there's no tomorrow because there might not be it's about thinking of everybody else before yourself and developing your own code of ethics that sets you apart from others one of those ethics is the drive to turn every negative into a positive and then when starts flying being prepared to lead from the front you cannot be afraid to disappoint people you have to live the life you want to live sometimes that means being the [ __ ] who can put a middle finger up to everyone in the room and be totally comfortable with that now does that mean you won't be nervous or that it will all go smoothly no when you're on the ramp of a C130 at 20,000 ft it's okay if your knees start to buckle because you know time is short and freef fall is imminent but the second you leap from the aircraft you must commit to the jump if you don't you will flop around dangerously out of control and fall too fast you need to commit in order to focus on keeping a stable body position and never look down focus on the horizon that is your perspective that is your future the passion comes out of me it's almost like speaking in tongues because when you put that much work and people go oh yeah there's been this basketball player this football player this dude no no everything everything is work everything and people don't don't believe it so so when I speak the motherucker and the and the and and and that is what it took for me what it takes for me the anger the passion the the the the jawdropping just it takes that because I'm not that this is how I look at it man what built this guy let's imagine being in the coldest water you can possibly take I always go back to H week with this I hatte it the water hated it you're sitting there locked arms and you're in the water all the time and they're bringing you in and out of the water in out of water when you have this dialogue in your head and these people are judging me off of a freaking one minute video and you're constantly your whole life when you figured it out 24 I gotta I just I just got to this got to and this is just going to suck every day is going to suck and live like that to be better and I put this right I'm in the water the water is going over my head the Pacific Ocean you know it's freezing February cold as sh been through three hell weeks for you to constantly win win when when this voice over here the real you is saying get the out of here go you're nobody you've always been nobody and it's true people don't hear that that's the true voice that's the real reality of David Goggins at 24 years old it's not a false reality and then you had to create another voice over here that is saying you're better than that other voice and you're in the freezing cold water that both voices don't want to to [ __ ] be in but you win and goes from the water to the studying to the running to the losing weight to how you eat to how you function as a man every day of your life you're winning these battles and then I have normal people who only have one voice never created the second voice the winning voice is the second voice they have one voice and that's just I'm a piece of that's all they hear and then they judge people like me who are out here trying to be better it's something that I can never really it's a frustrating thing for me cuz I know I know the majority of people I know what goes on Brin because I studied the mind more than almost more than you cuz I wasn't I'm a practitioner so for you to be a piece of sh and come out of that you don't just come out of it you spend decades studying your mind in the human mind on how it functions in good environments bad environments stressful environments patient environment you studied all because you have to put all this together to create the mind to become successful so I had to like God blessed me with this brain I had to create a mind and so in doing so I figured out every piece of human being in the world cuz that's what I was going off of for myself so I know why you go on Instagram I know why you cuz you just have the time you have the time because you don't want to put that time into bettering oneself so I know why I'm misunderstood I'm misunderstood by people who have plenty of time on their hands to misunderstand me because they are exactly where I once was which is a lowlife lazy piece of and it's the harsh reality of people who troll you who go after you they have nothing better to do with your lives it's not some after school special it's the truth by once was that way I know where it all comes from that's why it's frustrating to me now cuz I'm not so frustrated at the fact that I'm being trolled I'm frustrated by the fact that you don't have the Courage the courage to try to be somebody better than which you're not and that's the frustrating part many people write out their darkest moments in a journal or diary and hope to gain some leverage on whatever it is they survived or are struggling to overcome I've kept a journal for years but there are levels to this and a written archive is the entry level audio recordings are more interactive and accessible and have a more profound effect on the mind if you were bullied abused or sexually assaulted and are willing to speak the unfiltered truth into the microphone and listen to it over and over after a period of time it will become just another story a powerful story for sure but the poison will be neutralized and the power will be yours this is not a task to take lightly if you survived acute trauma you don't want to think about what you were doing on the day it happened what you heard and how you felt or how your life capsized afterward do it anyway the more color and context you can add to the track the sooner you will walk the streets with your headphones on and your head held high when people see you coming they might think you're listening to an &m Jam but no it's your deepest trauma the scene of your supposed destruction on repeat with each subsequent listen you will claim more and more power and gain enough transformational energy to change your life most people don't even want to think about their darkest much less talk about it they refuse to speculate in the harsh Wilderness of their past because they are afraid of exposure believe me there's gold in them there hills I know because I was the black dude in the cowboy hat hip deep in the icy stream panning for nuggets and if you find the courage to paint the picture of your worst nightmare in the spoken word then listen to it until it soaks in and saturates your mind until you can hear it without any emotional reaction or spillover it will no longer make you cower or cry it will make you strong strong enough to walk out on stage and tell the whole world what they did to you and how it didn't break you it made you powerful recording yourself isn't just a reliable tool for neutralizing trauma it can change the dynamic of almost any situation or mood if you use it properly it can also keep you honest one day A couple of years ago not long after ramping up my training from 10 miles of running per day to 20 or more I felt drained and sore too tired to run and kept telling myself that I needed a day off as I relaxed on the couch I tuned into my selft talk then I grabbed my recorder and winded into the microphone I wanted to hear how it sounded out loud I was real with myself I cataloged my recent runs and nagging injuries and described how I thought a day off might help me I made a solid case for a much needed rest day but when I played it back the jury of one was unconvinced because my inner [ __ ] was suddenly the emperor with no clothes buck naked in the light of day he was impossible to ignore and even harder to stomach I was off the couch and out on the road in a matter of seconds many people wake up with Dread or doubt day after day they dread their workouts their class load or their job maybe they have a test or presentation that makes them nervous or they know that the day's workout will hurt while they linger in bed they tune into their soft forgiving selft talk which doesn't make it any easier to get up and move most people rise up eventually but they remain in a days for hours because they aren't fully engaged with their lives their selft talk has made them numb to the moment and they Sleepwalk through half the day before they finally perk the up the way we speak to ourselves in moments of Doubt is crucial whether or not the stakes are high because our world words become actions and our actions build habits that can coat our minds and bodies with the plaque of ambivalence hesitancy and passivity and separate us from our own lives if any of this sounds familiar grab your phone and record your inner dialogue as soon as you wake up don't hold back spill all your dread laziness and stress into the mic now listen to it nine times out of 10 you won't like what you hear it will make you cringe you wouldn't want your girlfriend or boyfriend your boss or your kids to hear your unfiltered weakness but you should because then you can repurpose it you can use it to remind yourself that changes must be made listening might inspire you to commit to your life in a deeper way to be your best at work at school or in the gym it can challenge you to rewrite the narrative so that when you bed down you won't feel like you wasted another valuable day do do it again the next morning but this time once you get through listening to all your whining about the [ __ ] you don't want to do sit up in bed and lay down a second take pretend you're motivating a friend or loved one who is going through challenges be respectful of the issues they face but be positive forceful and realistic too this is a skill that demands repetition and if you do it regularly you'll find that it won't take long for your selft talk to flip from doubt and Dread to optimism and empowerment the conditions of your life might not change a whole lot at first but your words will make sure that your approach does change and that will eventually enable you to shift everything but you must speak the truth and be willing to listen to it don't be afraid of your weakness or doubt don't be embarrassed and pretend it doesn't exist it's surfaced for a reason so use it to flip the dynamic of your life lately I've used this technique with the hate that comes at me online most people in my position don't read negative comments or emails they have someone else screen and then erase them I see hate as just another fuel source I see the beauty and Power in it and I never let it go to waste when the negative comments come in and they always do I capture them in a screenshot and speak them into my microphone in 2021 I posted an image of my swollen left knee which inspired a flood of negative comments some claimed to have seen my breakdown coming and counted it as a personal win others simply like seeing me in pain I'm tired of hearing you run youring mouth one of them wrote I hope I never see your black ass run again wrote another they were trying to assault my wounds they wanted me to feel the sting which I did and hoped it would bring me down even further it didn't I love those comments I love them so much I made a mixtape I printed them all out recorded myself saying each one and then I Loop that [ __ ] whenever I have a bad day I listen to it sometimes I walk around the house savoring it in full stereo most people only mind the positive sh they want everything and everyone to be nice and hunky dory they get filled up on sweetness and recoil from the dark bitter pill of hate but there's not nearly as much fuel in ass-kissing attaboys and accolades as there is in hate luckily the world is filled with jealous insecure haters if you don't get negative comments on social media find your fuel in the thoughtless comment of a friend or the doubt of a teacher or coach I'm sure it stings when you feel slighted underestimated criticized or excluded just know that the heat you feel is free energy waiting to be burned don't crawl up in a corner worried about the people who disrespect you repackage what you're hearing and feeling until it works for you that is a Winner's mentality winners in life see everything they experience and everything they hear see and feel as pure energy they they train their minds to find it they drop into the gnarly crevices to mine golden nuggets of trauma doubt and hate they do not live disposable single-use lives they discard nothing and refurbish everything they find strength in the bullying and heartbreak in their defeats and failures they harvest it from the people who hate them personally and from the online trolls too some people go to sleep with a meditation app others open the windows to the night sounds or exam White Noise whale songs or the lullabi of the sea lapping some lonely Shore when I bed down at night I listen to my haters and it's obvious those punk ass [ __ ] don't have the slightest idea who they are dealing with I'm the person who turns their every negative word into my positive progress I take what they serve me roll it up in that wrapping paper I save way back when and shove it right up their fing asses in the form of another workout another long run and another year of leveling the up honestly I should thank them they make me stronger and more determined to achieve my goals which only makes them hate me even more it's time to make your own mixtape [Music]
Channel: Mind Motivation Coaching
Views: 87,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you vs you, focus on you, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins, david goggins powerful motivational speech, powerful motivational speech, motivational speech, david goggins motivation, motivational speech of david goggins, best of david goggins motivation, david goggins motivation compilation, david goggins best motivational speech, david goggins motivational speech with music, david goggins navy seal motivation, david goggins latest video
Id: 8S8KOmXX83I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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