David Dobrik Tells Us About His First Times

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hi i'm david dobrik and these are my firsts first prank you pulled on someone oh i well this isn't really a prank but i remember i told my mom once that i got busted at school for for drugs and they found drugs in my locker and she started crying and I was like and then I let her cry for a little bit and I was like I'm just kidding I just I I got a D in math and I go see like it could be a lot worse and yeah she was mad about the D but not as mad about me thinking her cry for ten minutes that was my first pray sorry mom first kiss whoo coming soon I was 13 17 it was under this like gazebo and it was a super plan it was we were like I was talking to this girl and I was like I was like we're gonna kiss so we had like this whole plan and like and we were like yeah then we're gonna make out and I'm gonna touch your boobs and I was like this whole thing and I was 17 I know I've guys talked like that but yeah it was very sloppy there I remember I remember was freezing out so like my snout was running and Hearst I was running and it was just disgusting and I pulled away because we were like making out and I was like this doesn't feel right and she goes it's not like the movies it's kind of gross but it was it's very memorable first memory that comes to mind of the vlog squad it has to be the first day I met Zenon Heath I went over to the apartment they were big Viners they had a lot of money and they were just like living it up in LA I called my parents I'm like everyone's rich here and it was insane to me I called my friends and I was like yeah he is like I just went out to dinner and he spent a hundred and twenty-five dollars and I didn't have to pay for any of it that that was like one of my first memories was like whoa like what are these kids doing and then it all went away because vine ended first time you met Jason Nash the first time I really remember meeting him was at a comedy club he was doing his like stand-up gig this is when you're still doing stand-up and he was really funny and I asked him if he can come back and do the same thing he did on my vlog and the next day he came over and we filmed and then ever since that he came over every day and we just been filming ever since first vine my first pine was um I think I was at a grocery store with my mom or I was at my brother and I remember it was horrible first youtuber friend that's tough I'm gonna change it to first vine her friend Jack Dietrich the guy who works here Jack come here this is Jack he actually helped me with funny he works here in Val he helped me with my first of I so I posted a vine this is actually a really cool story I don't know why he did it but I'm really appreciative I posted a vine and he was big on vine and I wasn't I wasn't that big but at all he'd DM me on vine he's like that vines really funny delete it and repost it tomorrow and I'll revine it and like he told me to post it at a better time and I and back then you couldn't like just repost vines so he taught me like he like got on skype with me and for 30 minutes walked me through the process of how to like upload a vine on to the app like illegally and then I posted the vine the next day and he refined it and he got another one of a bigger vine or friends to resign it and it did so well and it kicked off my whole vine career genuinely kicked off my career which is insane thank you jack he didn't have to help me at all but he did which is insane so that's actually really cool thank you the first day I've never like planned to go on a date if like if a dates happened it's been because I was hanging out with someone and then I was like hey let's let's go here instead now I don't think I was ever like wanna go get dinner tomorrow and then maybe see a movie first car it's Maya Toyota Corolla 2004 Toyota Corolla the one of the best cars at a cloth seats the the steering was insane I drove it from Chicago to LA when I moved here packed with two of my future soon-to-be roommates and all their stuff like my friend was a musician so he brought out his guitar his amp and was all it just filled in my little Corolla and it's like what it's one of my favorite cars first time you saw your merch on someone that's a crazy feeling when you see someone wearing something you I don't remember but I remember I remember today today I landed at LAX and we ran to a group of girls and one of them was wearing my pink clickbait merch and it's so so crazy seeing someone wearing your clothes it's so unexplainable cause it's like it's one thing when a person comes up and sees your video but then it's another when someone has gone out of their way to purchase an item to support you I don't know it's the best that's the best feeling first memory of moving to America my first memory is we were surprising my mom I flew over by myself when I was six and my dad told my mom I was coming in like a couple days later so my dad picked me up at the airport I was in tears because I flew by myself and I was so scared and then we drove over to the apartment where my parents were living at and my dad went in first and I waited three minutes and I knocked on the door and my mom answered and I remember just her like I remember like I was here I remember her looking right over my head because I was like this small and then she looked down she was like oh that was that's like my first memory that was really cool looks yeah I did a nice very well and then I made her cry first time you were recognized in public I remember when like it first like I first started you recognized not my closer friends but like a lot of my friends in school would be like you set that up right like they would think I remember when there was there was like a fan account that had like my name I was like david dobrik something and everyone at school thought that i made the account and like six or seven kids would come up to me that why did you make that account and I swear to God I didn't I remember I remember the first time I got recognized for my vlogs that was big because it wasn't for it wasn't for my vines and I was on Hollywood Boulevard and this girl walks up to me she goes I love your vlogs and I was getting like 7000 views a video and I go why you watch my vlogs and she's like yeah no one's come up to you and I was like you're the first person to say that you've watched my vlogs that was nuts I was on my way to Buffalo blinks first thing you do when prepping for a new video I wake up and I look in the mirror and I go can you do this no I don't know I just wake up and I get going yeah that's it
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 6,015,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, david dobrik, vlog squad, pranks, vine, first times, david dobrik interview, first times interview
Id: g02jWbl73zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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