David Blaine Performs Card Tricks

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what are we going to do Dave well I'm going to try something simple okay a car trick a car trick but with you never going to be simple though David well I'll keep it simple okay Sebastian can you hold your fingers like this yeah and uh what card is that can you all see that can you all see Ace of Hearts yeah Sebastian what car do you hold me Ace of Hearts but look and make sure no yeah yeah no I want this to [Music] be and can you hold it just like that yeah good and also can you see the we'll also use the other Ace the ace of diamonds can you all see that yes yeah now watch what I do see how I switch them like that can you hold it with them hold it together hold it tight tight good like that tight yeah yeah you got it good good now look you don't let go tight and watch so make sure I don't cheat I'm I'm watching let me just say something everybody has favorite numbers up to 10 they're always different mine is nine for example say your favorite number up to 10 say a number up to say your favorite number up to 10 eight say your favorite number of to 10 so as I go like this Deja as I go like this you just say stop say stop okay but not I'm not on me so say stop stop on him or you was it him on on Mark so when I was doing this you were all following my hands yes yes so you didn't see what I did with the aces no your number was eight seven seven yeah it was seven seven can you can you show them the two Aces yeah turn them and and and Sebastian you might recognize one of those cards that's the one you signed hold it up so they can see [Music] yeah how did that happen this this is from the trick [Laughter] backstage wow that's amazing what just happened we're still trying to figure out your wallet you got your wallet still yeah know I got this guy's kissing King Cobras for all right David oh you want you want you want to do another one yeah yeah try one more we'll try one more um so the the idea is pretty simple uh here we'll do like this we'll use 20 cards okay um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mhm and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it's important to see that they're all different and there's really 10 and 10 so Deja will you count them make sure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 now and and Sebastian you're going to be kind of the eyes of Reason here yes but but Deja will you hold these uh behind behind your back okay with one hand with one hand and Deja this is going to be for you let's move closer um and again just cuz counted so well before just count them out loud how many again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 can you think of one not the ace but think of one from inside and look I'm not looking at what she's doing you got one not the ace but you thought of one mhm so you thought of one from here right look how this works if I just squeeze these look see one card jumped you saw it jump I saw it jump you saw one car jump deja look now your card that you were thinking of jumped out there's only nine cards here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 your card is gone where did it go well I was thinking I'm going to put it like in my pocket or something like that but then I started thinking maybe you guys oh it's one and 10 I made it travel into your half no excuse me you no longer no longer have 10 cards count them face up out loud right here count out loud and you'll see something 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 y'all come on how did you do that I'm in awe I'm in awe like for real yeah [Laughter] how that's am is the is your card there yes but I my mind is just blown I don't even know what I was thinking but counting this out at 11 I mean that's crazy I'm still stuck have you ever been um advised against doing a stunt from from like your management team or your your doctors that would be every single stunt every single stunt yeah every single one that I've done has been a a do not a red flag well if I could do what this guy does all right I'd be I just I'd go to Starbucks and go you want to see a [Laughter] [Applause] trick do you have an ambulance like on standby we do yeah and and uh it's been used on three shows so far in the last year yeah yet you keep going yet I keep going and doing this again and again yeah well you know my my whole thing is I want to create a show that anything could go wrong and Anything Could Happen so it's a magic show but in it I am pushing to the point that I probably should not my hero I said it was Harry Houdini and he was doing the water tank which is a breathhold and uh he passed out in the water tank was rushed to a hospital and died and I'm getting near that breaking point so I'm trying to be more cautious but that's the last trick in the show yes oh gosh all right impossible premieres New Year's weekend at The Encore Theater win lost Vegas next we're going to open up that inbox stick around thank you thank
Channel: LiveKellyandMark
Views: 79,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelly ripa, kelly and mark, live with kelly and mark, mark consuelos, david blaine, sebastian maniscalco
Id: qg1FyI6uPVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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