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what's up boys and girls welcome to the BFF's YouTube channel make sure you guys tap the Bell subscribe like the video and comment down below raisin canes I love raisin canes because well it's the best chicken fingers in the game period end of discussion anyone who says otherwise is not telling the truth cold weather all I want to do is warm up inside with some hot fresh chicken fingers with canes that may not be in Miami uh I love that I don't have to get on my car also not Miami move to Miami get warm weather I am going to ch Chicago tomorrow so I'll feel this um also you have to see there s seriously adorable holiday plush puppies so freaking cute go get one of your friends and family uh for yourself like I am you can buy them at canes any canes or online TI the finger for raisin canes chicken fingers satisfy your canes fix today no other option they are the best chicken fingers warm weather cold weather holidays canes uh bfff December 6 we're Josh and Josh Richards and I were just talking so Briana is in Australia yeah and I'm stranded in a hotel I'm a nomad currently but um so Brianna went to Australia she didn't tell anybody that she wasn't doing BFFs really till like five seconds ago so like don't worry I booked a guest nobody knew the guest Josh peek welcome and before you sat down I was talking to Josh and I'm like what if we didn't [ __ ] want Josh P that's fair like how did did this even come about I don't know Banna just texted me and she was like the boys would love to have you and now it's that it was pretty uh indecisive uh like two days ago she told you before she told us and she she posed it as a surprise but it's seeming like not like one you also like I like you Josh nice guy like I the way it was posed to me I thought it was going to be like Taylor Swift or Beyonce it's like I have like this huge [ __ ] guest I had no idea I didn't even know was like I saw your name on the picture on the sheet like 20 minutes ago what the [ __ ] Brianna doing like I'm welcome I'm glad you're here I'm not trying to downplay you being here but what the [ __ ] Banna doing Dave Taylor Swift coming to the valley at 10:30 on a Tuesday I don't think so I didn't know it gonna be remote it's available I want to what how what number do you think you were on the list oh Christ I don't know you think you were like one or like 38 certainly not one I would say within you know between 10 and 20 what time is it in Australia how How would how would I know that I'm gonna text her right now be like what Josh pek is here thanks for telling us what 543 a.m. it looks like yeah so she won't be asleep Australia is Big so it could be also 940 she could be in Perth yeah what how many people did you what I don't know how to say how many people did you ask before Josh pecker was he one how many people I'm so happy to be here yeah this is a great welcoming isn't it aren't you curious am I curious I my therapist has worked with me to not be curious about these things otherwise I would be be Bes about I'll say I'll say you're one no matter what but I'll know the truth on the phone no because I'll see it in your eyes you gonna answer you're Gotta Give It Away you got a bag Poker Face poroi how many people did you ask before Josh peek the way it came about too based on what she said was like Josh asked her to be on his pod and instead she's like come on my pod but I won't be there what I did ask her to be on my pod but is that how it Dave you're not welcome is that how it happened did it go her asking you to come or you asking her to come on and then she was like nah instead come on the BFS podcast without me there it was a bit of a random text we had we had chatted about it and then it was just one of those we'll find a day when we're both on the same Coast but um well no matter what Dave we're glad to have you I'm glad to have you I'm glad to no I'm glad to have you I'm just I'm just generally like we communicate as a group a little bit better like I still probably even if it was Taylor Swift I'd be like how long did you know you were doing this for um so anyways Josh Beck is here uh he has as he before mentioned there the good guys podcast with Ben sopur Sofer yes who is that he's uh he's boy with no job his wife Claudia ay his girl with no job uh massive massive podcast of toast and uh I know who he is it just didn't ring a bell originally much much like um maybe you identify with Dave me and Ben were just like old Jewish men and youngish bodies and so weetch we [ __ ] for 45 I don't know if I I don't know if I I mean I definitely [ __ ] so I I guess I get that and Josh you've been on the good guys podcast yes I have yes I have I beat Bri to it um I was I was asked before Bri I guess you know um but it seems like they have their priority straight over there so it's good it's good yeah I remember that's when you said how I died right maybe yeah yeah what from conal heart failure from an overdose of pizza well I don't know what he said I think that was that was along the lines I believe it was it was like a posed question right like who would die first you see pictures of Dave handing out newspapers to people in the streets right like that's what it was media Empire I I just think it's insanely impressive and like that's what makes me look up to Dave what's the over under of when Dave has a massive heart attack pizza every day he's asking for it he did a challenge where he lived off it for like a month I think that was the only thing he ate yeah he loves it and he's not like a big workout guy or anything right no no he's not a big workout guy B shoulder guy I'll put in touch with a cardiologist okay that would be nice no problem yeah could you do that for me yeah I'm 36 I'm getting ahead of the game like my BFF you know see I wanted you to laugh long you good Josh yeah you good I have a bad shoulder that's why I can't work out for real I'd also like to address something you two don't have to say it I'm not clipping it but you brought it up on um on the thing about handout newspapers and I'm assuming this is not on the sheet because we don't want to go into this controversy that's still going on when I I'll say me because I I can do it that girl who is crying about like how tough her life is and I guess people are like freaking out online Austin is that what is this isn't this in our world like a big story they've been our comments have probably been flooded since you guys did that thing basically with all nine to5 people being like these are out of touch influencers that have no idea what they're talking about blah blah blah so I will speak for myself not Josh not Briana these [ __ ] losers have to shut the [ __ ] up no all these people are complaining roll them up into a [ __ ] ball and they haven't work probably one one millionth as many hours as I did when I [ __ ] started this company taking literal [ __ ] out of news racks I'm talking not like oh there's crap in there I'm talking to stuff that comes out of somebody's ass in my news racks pulling it out with the goog on shaving [ __ ] Graffiti Off the things working literally every [ __ ] waking day in my Astro van starting this paper from scratch handing these [ __ ] newspapers out on the side of a street and before that I had a nino5 job where they threw a [ __ ] phone book in front of me and told me just to start cold calling people get them bu software so these people yeah you [ __ ] work hard today's generation it's like oh N9 to5 no [ __ ] [ __ ] I sat in 95 and 128 for an hour and a half oneway worked from [ __ ] N9 to six cold calling people drove an hour and a half [ __ ] back and ate Ramen [ __ ] noodles so shut the [ __ ] up you get what you work for these young people it's like yeah it's [ __ ] sucks this country is built on hard work shut the [ __ ] up and Josh and bana worked [ __ ] hard so shut the [ __ ] up and I don't know why we're relenting to these [ __ ] losers on Tik Tok you think we're gonna let ourselves get pushed around by these [ __ ] fragile little [ __ ] no [ __ ] way we're not putting on the sheet [ __ ] those people [ __ ] them okay let's continue continue the headline here is you had an Astro van I bought an Astro Van for 1,800 bucks off Craigslist because I couldn't [ __ ] afford I need something to carry my newspapers so barcel was a newspaper I would write the entire newspaper I would then drive an hour and a half to go pick them up at the facility load them into my [ __ ] asov van into a 48 hour paper rout myself filling all the news racks and putting in bars clubs throughout Boston literally 48 hours so these [ __ ] people they don't know hard work in their silver shut the [ __ ] up it's always about hard work and yes I've been very lucky along the way guess what if Barcelo failed I go work hard at another job and be successful there you get what you put in this girl oh a nine to fight you're right out of college you [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do you expect when you get out of college you work hard yeah nine to five it sucks you have to commute an hour both ways everyone 's [ __ ] done it since the beginning of time suddenly on Tik Tok you get [ __ ] a goof on me Shut the [ __ ] up when you bought the van did you consider getting into kidnapping there's no way hold on food just came by the way I'm at the four SE Sur side these kids couldn't afford it their life to oh that's nice what's what Dave dang that's what I care do you do you know what we're even well I should say Dave is even ranting about i' I did you see the video clip the newest one I didn't but I I have seen this kind of theme of like people being upset that they can't find a job it was it was pretty much this girl who's complaining about her Transit from taking the subway for like an hour then she works her 9 to5 then an hour back she's like I have no time to do anything else but my work like this is so unfair life is unfair blah blah blah and then we made a comment on it on a podcast not even that bad to be honest it wasn't even a bad comment it was it was just like yeah it's life you know like you got to you people work 9 to fives like my parents work 9 to five my mom would be out of the house at like 5: in the morning and wouldn't be back until like 7 at night like my dad was up for school at 700 and then he wouldn't be back till like 4:00 you know like people go and like work there N9 to5 that's how people it sucks but that's it sucks but it's life like and then we were like yeah that's that's life you just a young girl she's out of college do your 9 to5 and don't complain about it and then we got ripped on cuz it was like you guys are all lucky you didn't put in any work to what you did to be where you're at today like so you know it's just a little bit I think of like uh they they they don't live in this world so they don't understand it so to them it's like oh made a post or whatever we blew up yeah they're saying we're out of touch delusional because like we don't have to we don't know how hard is out there of course it's [ __ ] hard it's always been [ __ ] hard it's always been hard like I don't know what what you don't become like when you graduate college those are the grind years like that you nobody steps in well I guess a few people get like a dream lucky situation but yeah it it I live like had half my roommates had no windows and we all were crammed in a little place doing commutes and it's like we couldn't afford anything I that but that's not like a new thing and and then we got smooshed and and Austin why it hasn't been on the sheets the last two days yeah it was more just like what are you gonna just keep saying the same thing each time it's like well no I had to [ __ ] rip them like I and Tech Talk's like delusional like they're they're how they perceive the world is delusional and and whatever they'll Pro by the way there'll be a billion things on that rant I just did but it's all [ __ ] true but they only see the the highlights too right like they watch you Dave and they go oh he starts bar stool sells it to Penn buys it back for a dollar and they miss like the years in between of the grind of the not cute [ __ ] right right yeah but yes 100% and no doubt it's like I've made a [ __ ] ton of money now so the things that they're complaining about I don't have to deal with but that doesn't mean that I didn't deal with it for 15 years like I I just and I appreciate it it makes me appreciate honestly everything I do now and it's like when I C I do certain things I certainly guess like I can't believe I'm here like I I couldn't afford a [ __ ] hamburger when this thing started and I have to move to my in-law's house and like I I get all that it makes me appreciate now but I people who complain about hard work yeah hard work is what that's how you get to where this is and by the way it doesn't guarantee it I've been very lucky with a lot of things breaking the right way but I do think for the most part if you work your ass off you can eventually get to a place where you don't have to work that as hard and have a comfortable living if that's not true that's that's unfortunate but I do believe to a degree if you work your dick off for like a decade 15 years eventually you'll start making more money and not have to work at that level yeah yeah I mean I don't have as much room to speak on this conversation because you know well yeah you two are are I see some people I saw a whole threat some people are excusing me a little bit but they're also saying I'm out of touch I think there's more jealousy towards a you and a because you guys are much younger yeah also like I I never had to work at 9-5 you know like I decided to start doing social media when I was 13 years old it's not like I'd never put in work into things like I was the kid that you know was doing like yard work for eight hours a day when he was 10 years old and 11 years old and like yeah that's not the same as what these nineo FS are I'm not saying that but like I always was someone that was trying to do work and find ways to make money and I just started really young and then I sacrificed having like a great High school to go and be the kid that was doing social media and getting picked on and made fun of all the time you know and kind of getting like rip throat high school so my high school life was [ __ ] but then it paid off because then I was able to go to La at 17 and drop out of my senior year and start you know the the management company I started and then go and be a part of Sway and start that with the boys like get bigger on social media so like I just kind of like picked where I was going to have my fun and I was like I'm going to bet that the social media is going to work out and I'll have fun when I'm older with it instead of having fun right now in high school not saying you know I didn't get lucky as well of course there's some luck that comes into it but if everybody could be in the position that I'm in right now then everybody would like there's so many that just do it like if you're worried about your 9 to5 and you're saying oh but your life is eat then [ __ ] try to have my life yeah well there definitely like we're all saying is El of luck I think they're saying we can't do it but like still complaining about it and I I'll say this about Bri and she won't say it for herself because I think Bri's going through from what I've gathered like it a a phase where people just like to [ __ ] rip on her yeah she's getting it more than any of the there's there's we had 450 people at our Max at barcal now are about 325 she is one of the hardest workers we've had like I love Bri because she works her [ __ ] ass off like she she doesn't take a [ __ ] day off she was doing that tour without asking for a an ounce of help from somebody she'd show up in a city get out go to [ __ ] Walmart buy all the supplies for her tour herself go set the thing up do the tour and then get back on a plane bus whatever and do it the next day I've seen a million people in 20 years through my company she's like top five% hard workers so like I don't that people just mad online the girl's mad online that she has a 9 to5 with an hour commute that by the way is 99.9 % of the world that's it in the US so I don't know and now the train has Wi-Fi you know what I'm saying so you can get a nice podcast going I will say Josh tell me you don't know that track when I used to take the am tr I don't know if they've improved it the Wii on there would make me want to put my head through a [ __ ] window because it went in and out and there's I'd rather not have it than have In-N-Out Wi-Fi then your expectations are like lit up then you're put down buffering buffer yeah I I I was an Excel the the Boston to like New York at a sales territory used to be always on maybe they fix it anyways I don't even how did I get on this cause you I love that you started this podcast with I don't like to CET or [ __ ] but no I said I did I said I did he mentioned he mentioned the van in the clip Josh men that used to hand out newspap oh right right right right right right right we went on a 10 we run on a tangent yeah all right rent app is teaming up with barcol HQ to give one of our producers a free months of rent great great great great deal because our producers all live in squalor tune in to the New York uh city office wide campaign led by Kelly KES on Barcelo radio for all talent to pitch why their producer deserves free rent um paying rent something we all got to do let's be honest it can sometimes be a bit of a hassle whe there's a way to make it all easier more straightforward or even beneficial for your financial future including the rent app the ultimate tool for renters everywhere rent app takes the Hass out of paying rent by depositing your pays directly into your landlord's bank account no more trips to ATM no more mailing checks no more managing balances multiple apps get 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this seems like old news right you guys I think so okay you're in oppenheim sick super sick dude super I saw the movie I was in Hawaii and I went to see the movie you did great you did wonderful my man thank you yeah that's so cool to see That's So Co a genuine compliment from Josh Richards it's nice being on this side of things wow feels good what about me I like your shirt do you like it thank you I do I I appreciate that I um oh that's funny yeah I'm in Oppenheimer and it's a it's a crazy honor and I think people bug out cuz they're like how did you go from Drake and Josh to YouTube and podcast and now you're working with Chris snan but how did that come out like how'd you get that role it's nothing you know it's very classic like I worked really really hard but sort of to your point Dave of like the work that no one sees like five years ago I went back to acting class in all transparency because I was like I've had a certain amount of success but I realized that I must have bad habits like there's got to be just bad especially as a child actor you recruit all these things of like you want another one boss like you want it bigger funnier and faster cuz we all don't want to be like the kid who who uh proves The Stereotype of like don't work with kids and dogs you know and uh and so for five years I like literally put my ego aside and just got blasted at class every week being told like what my bad habits were and what what I needed to fix and and it was it was crushing and yet totally liberating CU I knew that like if an opportunity like this came along I'd be ready and so um so the opportunity is it like your ages like hey go read for this or do they reach out like hey this you we may have a part for you what's cool about Christopher Nolan is is that I I truly believe that he just wants the right person for the role right so he sends out you know for the most part you get like a mass audition and they sides that are not from the movie because everything's being held under lock and keys so they're like dummy sides and you basically put yourself on on tape and I remember I auditioned and I sent the tape out and I I told my agent listen I think this is actually pretty good I don't get movies like this so this has been a fun exercise but it's not bad and uh two weeks later I got a text from her saying Nolan saw your tape he likes you we're in the hunt and wow this is what very cool very cool I mean one of the movies of the year yeah I told this chicks in the office but and I know you're you're no stranger to gambling Dave but like as an actor like we're gambling addicts because it's mostly losses it's n out of 10 times you're crushed and yet you keep the hope alive for that one time when you know you were I don't know rolling sevens all night I don't gamble I'm too Frugal but well what's got to you want to you actually do not want to be rolling seven because you crap out yeah it's a crap out did you just uh bet a million dollars I'm going to on Michigan so to win it all what you going to bet on Michigan to win it all no just to beat Alabama oh okay okay okay what's the they're one point favorite everyone's like Alabama this Alabama that I'm not [ __ ] scared of Alabama we're going to Rose we're favored everyone so I'm I think we're much better than Alabama I think their quarterback can't throw um and so I I I think Michigan's very good so I am I'm gonna bet a million on so the civilians I I represent the civilians we have to ask now you can't bet on credit right so is this do you call your Banker and say I'm going to need to put in a wire for a million tell me the setup to yeah so Sports gambling is legal now in like I don't know 15 18 20 States whatever it is so as long as you're in a legal State correct you'd wire a million bucks into you know whether it be esbm DraftKings whatever I'm going to use um and you do it that way wow and are there any like points set up or like not points like gambling points but like is is there anything like you're going to get a tote back from DraftKings like a million yeah they do yes no different than like going to Vegas there's like hosts and if you bet a lot they'll give you little perks and [ __ ] like that absolutely yes definitely not worth a mail though DraftKings no not even close it never no um all right let's move on to the Swifty World Josh you're a big Swifty so we're we Kumbaya on that I gota say Josh P because we Jos um so this was a big Story Taylor Swift say called out Dear de Mo uh de Mo said she will die in the hill at Taylor Swift had a wedding ceremony with Joe alln in 2020 2021 in the UK but that was never made legal Taylor's publicist tree pay tweeted enough as enough with the frbc created lies about Taylor from deoa there was never a mar ceremony of any kind it's time for deoa to be held accountable so they're going back and forth on this I don't like and we've had the deoa lady on and I do like her and I've told this to her I don't think you can continually say things about people and not turn the proof of like just Anonymous sources and they've done it to me a million times I know it's not true it's like well who said it show me the proof because I know it's not true and so I was like well we can't show you well because it's not [ __ ] true so I believe tayor even though de mois is going on and on that do never that it's like she die on the sword that this happen but you're just saying it there's you're just saying it is there a part of it do you think because of dumois like because they are Anonymous that it's also like like if they did have to print a retraction or they they were debunked that they really don't take it on the chin cuz no one they don't have any fear of being hounded because no one knows who Duma is I mean people know but not really right it's not like and I and I they openly say they'll publish things that aren't true now she's saying this is true but like they do openly say not everything is true right so it's like a gossip site it's a rumor mill now she's digging her heels in on this one which is interesting um but again it's like I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt to the per if if there's somebody saying this happened and somebody saying no it didn't and the person who's saying no it didn't it's like show me like prove what you're saying I will tend to agree with that person rather than ones like you're just gonna have to trust me I have proof but I can't show it that's a little weird why not why why can't she just po just post the proof it's not going to expose anyone but the people you're already trying to essentially expose with the rumors yeah and I don't really know what the big [ __ ] whoop is she said it wasn't an official ceremony so like who cares anyways yeah and isn't there What's the phrase like the burden of like isn't it the person the burden of proof Josh you almost got that thanks bab you got you got right there I I love you for that we're right here we're right here but is there that thing about Pro the burden of something um but isn't that it like you don't have to prove that it didn't happen you have to prove that it happened yeah innocent before guilty yeah like that it's reverse in the media it is absolutely reverse in the media um speaking of Dave that's a whole lot of stuff there on Taylor that was the big Taylor story Trevor Zas allegedly cheated on Dixie we know Josh knows the truth what's the truth Josh about Trevor zus cheating on Dixie yeah you know the last time I was speaking with Dixie they were all good they were like they were like kind of in like the pre-stages you know this is deoa again they're saying they broke up oh my God I don't even think they were ever fully dating for my from my from my knowledge you know but um it be tough to keep like a hockey player Under Wraps I was I was thinking that as well the guy's traveling he's like one of the youngest players like that's getting all the attention you know I mean it's Bard now that's getting all the attention but zis still you know he's uh he was on the cover of NHL like so yeah he he's in a lot of cities he's probably going you're saying they were never officially dating I that's what I thought I thought they were never officially dating now ever since you know the whole like debacle with the reality show clip coming out and like me and like everything the me Josh the other Josh in case you have ke kept up the reality show the de Mayo said they hate Josh yeah you the parents did who could hate you that's what I said that's the most like come on come on and from that's the most like like Long Island Connecticut Jersey family like we don't like that Josh Richard's kid you're like but why am I he didn't you know what he didn't take a show he's trying to [ __ ] my daughter yeah that basically what was oh man anyways so yeah we haven't been we haven't been as tight since then um but yeah hope you're doing well Dixie oh that sucks me too I like Dixie even though come on the show tan Mojo clowns Matt re after Matt re was cancelled last week the H3 podcast a clip from tan Mojo podcast with Matt re where tan roast Matt R how many times you g say Matt re after Matt re was KC last week the ag3 podcaster had a clip from tan Mojo podcast Matt re where tan Rose Matt R clip has G viral because Matt says people only hate people they're jealous of and Tanner responds by asking Matt if he thinks people are jealous of Osama bin Laden did you see this clip Dave no I haven't oh it's great I mean let's see it yeah yeah you got to watch it yeah cuz reading it crazy so many [ __ ] people hate me for really no reason and it really made me realize that like people only hate somebody they're jealous of do you think people who hate Osama Bin Laden are jealous of him yeah of course of course they're mad that he wasn't the one calling the shots wait I thought Matt re was playing around like boom he roasted me was he not I think I think he was adding on to the joke right he was yeah I think he knew like she was throwing back roasted yeah I think I think so yeah I don't think Dan was necessarily like roasting the [ __ ] out of him I think she was like cracking a joke she had like she threw like a ace of spades down like that's a good response oh it was a great response it was a great response yeah yeah weirdly I agree with the principle of Matt r a terrorist is a little different different can of worms but if somebody hasn't done a heinous like crime against humanity I do feel like a lot of hate is born out of like jealousy a little bit but how much and Josh you kind of had a similar Ascension right like Matt RI 16 months ago was a guy who no one knew and now he's literally crushing it as hard as any would second only to maybe I mean the biggest comedians in the world right yeah at that point do you go yeah I'm getting hate but I'm also really handsome 27 and the biggest [ __ ] comedian in the world at this moment like 100% maybe you just don't even address it he handles it strangely I've always like from the second I've become aware of how he deals with like his looks and whatnot I I I I thought he's handled it a little bit Strangely I don't know how I would but like you said like who [ __ ] cares yeah I think I think I mean I think part of that is being really new to it right like he like Josh you just said like he was not that he hasn't paid his dues or anything but he wasn't big you know he was doing wild and out and he was like doing these like things and like he was still he was still working on Comedy and still working on that like craft but uh I think he just blew up so quick and maybe it's like holy [ __ ] I've never seen this level of a like hate or love be thrown at me and all these like tweets and opinions coming at me at once so it's like sometimes he tries to crack jokes back sometimes he handles it differently I think he just hasn't really found his like consistent way of dealing with like the hate if that makes sense because they eventually you find kind of like your a Groove like you know when someone's hating on Dave how Dave's going to respond to it you know what I mean Dave you're going to go and do like you're going to beat them to the punch you're going to do an emergency like little broadcast thing like you have your way of handling hate now and that's like been something that you've developed I feel like over you know your years of doing bar stool and being on the internet but like I think he's just n to it and so now he's like he's a comedian he's trying to be funny and come back with like funny [ __ ] but I think at the same time he's got to just not care like bro you are selling out massive shows right now God it's insane and what he's dealing with maybe a little more unusual in comedy world but like I feel like musicians actors actresses like the better looking you are people will always with the talent level maybe lower like you're you're benefiting from your looks that sideline report with women always like that's a never ending thing it's like is it Talent or is it look so he just deals with comedy space bit Dave what I I'm dying to know what's your Tipping Point for when you decide to address something I don't really know I don't have an answer for that uh it's just it's like if something bothers me all to the point where it's like [ __ ] this part like we talked about um the the the girl the woman who the it girl like she was more room service let me Breathe Here hold on it's tough at the Four Seasons oh yeah damn I wonder when the last time Dave stay at a Marriott Courtyard you know H um last year actually and then he said never again what about like um he doesn't do every once in a while just to like humble himself you know Season men though grilled cheese this guy keeping it real it's all cheese and bread with this kid only cheese and bread it's poppy I'm going quick it's like they brought the wrong food the food was an hour late so um anyways so you got a kids menu grilled cheese instead I love the kids menu grilled cheeses they're good love yeah they butter them up or what both sides what they butter up both sides yeah that was great nice um like the it girl she just bothered me she wasn't big like I could just let that go she just [ __ ] bothered me so it's it girl do you know who the it girl is a girl who says we stole it girl from there's a girl who made a video yeah yeah yeah I remember now we had the the this real brief but we have like we used to have a chicks Instagram account and it just it was an aggregate of funny female content just videos put it on our the Instagram chicks in the office which is a brand of ours were like it's confusing people people think this is us and it's just like this it's just a a generic page for us for bar St so like all right we'll change the name of chicks and it came up with it girl no idea where it came from like who picked it I think they went through 10 things that was available another girl in New York said we stole it girl from her she invented it girl it was crazy she called me a scumbag and I went on a rant and eviscerated this girl I don't know just B she caught me at the right moment I I was going through a breakup it's like I said in the beginning of the thing it's like I'm in a bad mood so I took it out on her yeah life is all timing it really is when people catch you in the in the wrong place at the wrong time not good if I just won like my Million Dollar Bet on Michigan and I saw that video I W to give a [ __ ] whatever go go up I'm I'm one I'm one low blood sugar bout from getting cancelled like if I if I haven't had breakfast it's gonna it's don't come for me yeah um the word of the Year 2023 is Riz saw that added it to like I think the dictionary and everything it's nuts I I I heard a lot I mean that doesn't shock me no what other word would what other word would you have put up besides RZ that's tough that's tough cap cap I think was like a couple years back yeah yeah yeah yeah it couldn't have been this year's busing I think bus's been around guess damn it we're old what about uh but what is what's the atmology of RZ uh Charisma I believe oo thank so much yes yes yes yes Dave blew a lot yeah Dave blew a lot of people's minds when he said that the first time that you just stole that from me did I steal that from you yeah I educated the BFFs on that um did you educate me on that Charis I think I did you were on he did okay no I believe you I believe you I don't need to see the clip I believe you did you know what Riz was short for what is it short for Charisma oh I saw I saw a I actually I never knew what R I just was like rizen yeah did you know that Josh I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna be up front with y'all I did it okay taught me something new okay yeah yeah I [ __ ] did thanks D Nick Canon reveals what cost to take 12 kids to Disney Nick Canon says between birthdays and holidays for his 12 kids he smat he spends about 200 Grand a year taking his kids to Disney I believe it Disney's a [ __ ] expensive ass place it is 12 kids is a lot of kids too a lot of kids he pop lot of cotton candy that's a lot of like pretzels those turkey drumstick legs and I'm sure he's doing like lightning lines and [ __ ] he could have F pass Galore he could have spent like $7 and not have to worry about that 200k a year just like a pack of condoms no he likes the kids though oh okay that's good you don't keep popping those kids out and that doesn't cross your mind I like these [ __ ] kids I like Disney World you got to like it to have 12 of them right I have two and I can't imagine having a single one more I have zero and I can't imagine having a single one it's wild but I'm surprised that I I'm surprised he's not getting hooked up by Disney that he's not just getting free passes yeah it's crazy that he's not going to post I mean granted he's not going to be in like a 4 Hour line at the matter horn right like he wants some special privileges for sure for sure he wants like the VIP tour almost like you got to let him skip everything my incredibly sad story about the VIP tour at Disney is I was on a Disney show Turner and Hooch reboot King Josh peek here my shout out so I played uh 20 years later TV's Tom Hanks and uh so we do the show and it's for Disney plus and Disney so wonderfully is like we'd love to give you uh as we give all our our employees on our shows 10 tickets to Disneyland and a guide and really are so generous but the guide is like the amazing part cuz they get you on the front of the line it's a lovely thing so the show airs and it's like the final episode airs and we know we're going to get picked up within like the next month if we do so I say to my wife yo let's take our son Max to Disney cuz I don't know if I'm going to be an employee of Disney for much longer right right let's use these tickets while we can't so we go we take my son and and my wife and and her best friend and their kids my mother-in-law it's like a beautiful Norman Rockwell red letter day gorgeous gorgeous later that night Downtown Disney we're eating pizza beautiful I get a text from the showrunner of Turner and Hooch we cancelled I was like oh my like I see the guide slowly walk away I get booted out of downtown so shout out thank you thank you for that oneby Rose met her top only fans spender and it was the same guy who was on true I'm addicted to porn makes sense yeah that adds up that adds up he spent something like $62,000 on her in a calendar year I I believe in a 12-month period yes wow I've never been on only fans and I don't have any plans to do it but I'm I'm glad that it's it's good business for some people some people be making great business for a lot of people yeah yeah what okay Adidas vers Kevin Durant after Kevin Durant tweeted saying we would never seen put his big Tow and them [ __ ] referring to a pair of Adidas the official Adidas Twitter account replied saying you Dusty better retire soon anyways before quickly deleting their tweet I love the tweet from Adidas I hate the delete the delete I was so pissed about the delete too I was like yo he just roasted you guys get yeah get your get back like it's a it's fine who cares he's not going to wear aidas anyways it's funny as great tweet it's great tweet great advertising good like that's great marketing that [ __ ] going that's like when Wendy's Twitter account goes off on like McDonald's or like Burger King like this is hilarious now I'm going to go eat at Wendy's you know like keep that [ __ ] alive also Josh you got to realize if you don't get that sentence in quick Dave is g to move on to the next next thing oh JH keeps trying to Josh keep there's been like two or three times where Josh is trying to get in what do you got to say the floor is yours Josh pack I'm sorry I did want to know and I I I I was wondering say the three of us were just you know not we don't have the the major success that I can say for all of us that we've had we're just normal Joe's you get an offer to be on only fans it's not too elicit but it's suggestive the things that you're going to post on there and you're going to make like what would what's the number for you to go you know what my neighbor might see this my aunt might see this [ __ ] it how much are we making how much are we making in this current scenario at before only fans what's our what's our that's a good question too uh you're making 60k a year 60k double up I'm on there really for 60k I don't give a [ __ ] I I I could care less if people want to see my dick and they're going to pay me money that's gonna be oh you're gonna go full dick piics too I'll walk I'll do anything I don't care oh y wow wow I'll do anything wow I have no shame what do I get you don't you don't you don't we're all like guess what all of us have the same Parts if I if someone wanted to pay me lifechanging money I guess that's the way you got look at it if you're making 60 and another 60 that is lifechanging sure yeah tell me what I'm doing I'm in okay wow huh Josh man see I was thinking I was thinking more in like the Millie range and please do it in Canadian dollars because we're assuming you're still in beautiful Ontario you got remember though if you're making 60 yeah doubling is a lot and people are going to get over it like yeah you're going to get weird looks at the PTA meetings the first couple of times but after a while they'll be like that's Jr he throws out his yeah he does a little helicopter and makes makes a couple BS like he's got he's got Tricks yeah yeah I one up you okay I have a couple things out there that I'm not proud of and I didn't get paid a [ __ ] nickel for no you didn't we were minutes away from creating my own only fans and being like because people are like blackmail it's like you know what here it is it's on o fans and we're donating it all the charity oh you were gonna donate it too yeah but then pen got involved and like I don't know if you want like Dave who's kind of on the face of the company have an only fans with like graphic material but so always a big Corporation not letting us [ __ ] they're trying to keep down the big Corporation is not letting us get down and dirty [ __ ] animalistic you sent a couple suggestive picks to yeah I I have a a catalog that's amazing that you're doing it with full understanding that you're a very notable famous person blackmailing I it was so old it was before kind of like I I I became as notable so was old stuff was for the most part resurfacing so it's like Boston Dave about 10 more pounds on you not the Miami Tan like you maybe you don't want to let those out yeah they were already out I didn't care like I honestly don't care it's like whatever I I it that's that's s you're donate to charity though you could have like yeah I wasn't to do and by the way I don't know that anybody would have like bought it was more like people blackmailing it's like I don't [ __ ] care the only I've said this many times bought I think I think people would have bought that man I think you care about if there's another person a girl in there that I care very much because that people are trying to get at me that's where the major thing but yeah like look at um conf what's her name Karina like I I don't know what she does in only fans I'm under the impression she's pretty graphic I don't think people like view her I view her as like a wildly successful businesswoman yeah yeah yeah yeah I know what you mean but I think yeah no I agree I agree it would have been I think it still would have been cool to do that like [ __ ] for Freedom or [ __ ] for sick kids or whatever you were going to do that would have been yeah yeah that maybe one day if maybe I'm back in control the comp you're back in control the big Corporation keep you down no one's keeping you down no longer I got the last laugh on you pen here's my only fan um du Leia is single okay shout out just letting us know I guess good for daa yeah good for her I'm sure she'll do great very attractive woman um Bradley Cooper said Super Bowl Oscar he answered Super Bowl I'm calling [ __ ] I think he'd take oscar but it is a if you're a Philly person that is how you have to answer the question yeah yeah you got to pick I guess the Super Bowl but that's crazy would you rather your favorite team in your favorite sport win a championship or win an Oscar [ __ ] them right yeah you don't play on the team you kidding me you don't play on the team so that the LA Kings can r stand what are you nuts I got deal with an Kopitar it's [ __ ] all day no way bro yeah yeah yeah you don't even get you're not going to get anything from it you're going to get some cheers you know know the city's going to have a good time Philly is such a rabid fan base that I might I would say and this is taking nothing away from Bradley but I would say I just don't think it's his year as it's you know for years it wasn't Leo DiCaprio's year I don't think it's his year I I don't mean to I I think it should be Killian's year um and so I think that was an easy answer for him because he's like ah I think this one might not be it might not be my time quite yet so let me give Philly the shout out to love me forever for it have you seen the movie I haven't I heard but I I've heard incredible things I mean he's and directed it he's unbelievable rack active we it's holiday season roback's back the dog on the front the stripes in the back love roback polos hoodies qips their gears fantastic incredibly Comfort best feel best fit the exciting news is there isn't a better gift than roback roback's performance hoodies the most comfortable hoodies out there best way to start your day is with rowback hoodie they're so soft you'll want to wear them Commando that's naked um roback performance drawers are Next Level they smooth fabric that moves with you keeps you comfortable they also expand their Awesome Women's Line roback new performance hoodie and jogger sets are incredible So Soft we can't take them off made with signature vsock fabric these hoodie and jogger sets are the definition of cozy the best part about wearing a roback is when you see someone rocking that dog logo or the two stripes in the back give them that subtle nod because you know they get it so go to roback for the holidays use the code BFF for 20% off your first order through the end of the week that's r h o b a k.com 20% off all performance hoodies polos joggers women's gear just in time for the holidays BFF's corner to end the show um the spotifi waps which everyone posts yeah uh mine I mine was no surprised to anybody my number one's Jimmy Buffett uh my number two was Taylor Swift Buffett obviously passed this year uh so I was listening to that still is that's pretty much I listen to those two people what were what were you guys I had Drake number one of course um I had Boogie number two I believe I had that the Boogie with the hoodie guy yeah yeah that was that was good Dave I'm impressed I'm keeping up uh actually yeah I think it might have been juice World flipped with that for two and three but those were the top three and then it was I think it was Zack Bryan number four shout out Zack I always think it's strange I see so many people like Zack Bryan number one I always am like that's weird I I I could I almost felt like I couldn't post my Spotify rap because I'm like Zack Bryan is my one of my best friends boyfriends like and I know theom yeah I die to meet Zack Bryant all this stuff it's like oh it's just weird because three yeah I know so it's like do I do I post ah I just won't post it this year whatever whatever but yeah he's so big so it's ridiculous it's ridicul dude like that's why Bree's like all right I'll peace out I'll see you guys in Australia like Josh yeah she's like oh I'm so [Laughter] here that's what about you did you what was yours Jos do you have that cuz I just had a a baby last year so it's literally we play I play jazz music for him because of course I'm like that Dad that heard that it like opens brain Pathways like complex music so it was like cold train one Baby Shark 2 it's gross I hate myself Josh you were on crutches what happened yeah so um you know I guess I I had a little bit too much fun in Cabo you know a little bit drinks were flowing and uh I don't actually remember at which point I hurt my foot I don't know when it was I think it was during volleyball we were playing on some turf turf is terrible I hate Turf um but I guess I landed weird because I remember walking after the game just you know with a little limp and it kept growing paint kept growing went and played like 18 holes of golf with my dad and I was just I was talking to him I was like man like this foot is irritating me he was like Well it can't be that bad you're playing golf on like you know drink a beer so I was like all right fair enough and so uh I went to a tenant specialist then like four four days after that uh he was like you got to get an MRI right now turns out I uh I broke my foot in two spots so I broke my ankle and I broke my heel as well CR and not even know that's wild yeah yeah so how long you on the crutches for um he it should be crutches for 4 weeks um and then I will be able to walk in this boot after that for another like four weeks and then I'll be good most importantly you get any PKS is painkillers you know how it is ah I do know how it is but I didn't they didn't give me anything I know right shame yeah but it was way better I was actually really happy about my foot being broken because I thought when they attended specialist first felt it he said I could have torn my achilles so that was like that's surgery that's like 6month recovery that's the worst injur like one of the worst injuries to get so I was pretty happy actually when he came back and was like you broke uh your foot in two places I was yes cuz I thought I was going to be out for like six months not being able to do anything looped up on like perks or whatever I was gonna suck um is Rogers coming back I I I I'd be very surprised because like what's the point they're they're not they're out of it so why like if maybe they hung around he was hinting but it I'd be stunned I'd be stunned they would have needed to win a couple more games yeah Josh's new movie out dream scenario with uh 824 is out now uh with Nicholas Cage I may save that I may watch that and then come back to you um get a review on that yeah this I actually this is for Josh P and you may not know the answer so so the movie Dumb money yes I was in it oh word I auditioned for it what's that I auditioned for it well I was I got a part but I didn't a this is not fair Dave didn't even actually get to really say yes to his part though it was just I during the whole GameStop thing like I was very vocal about it and I ended up like I was on I was on like CNBC or whatever and then at one point though I also I think the first interview with Vlad tenof from um Robin Robin Hood yeah and it was like a split screen and I was just grilling them I'm like no one trusts you you're snake so what they did is they took the actual interview and put the character who played Vlad like over so it was the real interview but instead of me talking to Vlad I was speaking to the character who played vlot no one asked me that's CRA you can just do that no I feel about him I think he's a rat a liar okay Vlog you know everybody here is watching this G in reality it was actually vad that's the actor sure that's that's bugged out hit him go get him Dave come on no I'm like my ego I love it you love it that was the actual yeah I I [ __ ] love it but I'm still curious like I'm not a sue guy because I was actually happy I was in the movie but I am surprised like could I I'm not going to but could I what was it on was it on a bar stool Channel or was it on like CNBC like who owns no it was it was ours oh then yeah they can't just take your content yeah they took my content that's wild no they it can't be was that well yeah they did was that specific clip repurposed on any other site so that they like is there some weird subsidiary that that gained rights to it no then no we set up well we set up a live stream I don't know what technology we used but it was literally like on our website that's right that's it but most importantly now you have a credit on IMDb so correct right like I'm not some people may Sue like we get sued for ridiculous [ __ ] like listen if I'm happy I'm not gonna sue you like yeah it's pretty cool it's pretty cool to be it is crazy though that they like open themselves up to that if I unless I don't understand the law or the rule but no one I no one told me it was just like oh I'm in the movie that's crazy that no one was just like Hey we're throwing you in this yeah no it's nuts I I got invited to like a Premiere they're like you're in it I'm like what are you talking about I'm in it that's so crazy did you like the movie yeah it was good yeah I thought it went a little quick like I was so involved in it or following it like I wanted almost more explanation but I was good it was a good movie it's like 84 tomato um okay okay this this this video I made Josh I don't know you saw you probably love it um it went viral I was walking in Miami and a guy handed I saw this guy handed me an under 510 card he's like hey we got like clothing for 510 under people first of all I'm 510 and a half but what a [ __ ] day killer that is card like that that's tough man that's tough there is a store actually near my house that's like an under 510 uh same people it could be it could be that's I actually drive by it every in a 41 the guy who handed me was four1 I looking down like you're gonna give me a card so little you tried to Sun him a little bit that's awesome yeah like buddy I'm 510 and a half yeah you tell them Dave that's all we got uh surviving bar stool well yeah I had another con so surviving bars we do at bar like Survivor the show we do our own version of it 100 Grand to the winner it's like the best thing that we've done we air this season specifically is the best thing that you guys have done who this season like this season specifically is the best that you guys have done great so we did three episodes and then YouTube was like you got to edit it because one guy threaten to blow up another guy's house I mean we have crazy people and I I was like I'm not [ __ ] editing a reality show it's crazy so we pulled it off YouTube put it on Pay-per-view which infuriated a lot of people um what are you GNA do if you want to watch us 999 for the season so yeah it's just you got to make money for the somehow for the show YouTube was your you know thez on YouTube was the're doing like 500 600,000 views on YouTube it's like an hour long show picking up steam but oh yeah it it would have been like a mli view episode uh like probably a thing after I would say like two months I bet you it would be a million views every single episode Josh pek we really do appreciate I was I I appreciate you being on always good guest thank you um anything you got to promote that we haven't said uh good guys podcast check it out Mondays it's a great podcast had Josh yep free hopefully he'll come on Dave you're always welcome love you all right thank you awesome thank you guys see you
Channel: BFFs: Dave Portnoy, Josh Richards & Bri Chickenfry
Views: 192,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Josh Richards, Tik tok, Dave Portnoy, Barstool, Sway House, Tik tok house, tik tok dance, tik tok video, Dave Portnoy podcast, tik tok drama, tik tok josh, tik tok josh richards, tik tok Barstool sports, tik tok Dave Portnoy, tik tok news, josh richards podcast, bffs, bffs pod, bffs podcast, dave portnoy josh richards, Brianna Chickenfry
Id: FjuSm9Ts7Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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