Hilary Duff is here! GOOD GUYS PODCAST

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so we're here with Hilary Duff and she just walked in drinking a garlic soda so Hillary can you explain to us again one what's the gum regimen like with this new Prebiotic soda and two what makes it so tasty wait you don't drink garlic flavored soda are you okay yeah I feel like I'd love it too I feel like I'd love it too I feel like Josh I feel like a Jewish mother here Ben is actually in the beverage industry oh okay and he has a beverage which happens to be right here which I have no Financial investment in so I'm upset that I'm even Hocking it do you like it well it's alcoholic and you know your boys oh that's right I'll drink it also yeah you can oh okay give Hillary the uh The Rundown give me the run oh Josh Josh is so early can you Clara can we clarify that this is not a garlic flavored soda that I walked in drinking before the world is like gagging and disgusted by me before we talk about the fruit Society definitely you know so yeah I don't want to also be like nap for drinking garlic soda ooh home birth write that down Ben no we'll get there around minute 20. before we talk about sports Society definitely please clear your name it's not garlic soda what is it but I know you love it so I do love it it's just like an immunity sparkling drink with vitamins and um orange and and turmeric fresh pressed Orange wow that's amazing yeah but I'm excited to try Spritz aside what a great name thank you very much I love an alcoholic beverage sorry Josh I don't but yeah it's okay I would love it too if I could yeah yeah I was gonna say you do love them right so much but I have one or two and then it leads me to my other favorite drink Percocet it's not good Josh that's not my experience have you not had a margarita and a Vicodin never I can say it said never wow you're not the child sorry I thought you were we're different kinds of child stars I'll be so disappointed so now I've never done that well did you guys see dope sick either of you loved Dope Sick loved yeah tough to sad tough to watch Josh did you watch it no I don't watch things conversation about a lot of things that we watched didn't we we did I'd like know about it like the Sackler family and the Purdue Purdue Pharma and oxycontin and all that but I didn't I didn't actually watch it Michael Keaton was great he's so good so good he's cool he was amazing uh I loved it it was definitely dark but it was it was very informative and if you know everything Josh already about Purdue and the sacklers then you really don't need to watch it he knows about their product I do you know enough listen I could write a whole Yelp review well I think you know we were thinking about the best way to handle this interview and I was like you know if you and I chat it's water cooler talk you know what I mean yeah inside baseball yeah you and me I know like you said we're the same person yeah I know so I decided I I thought that Ben should lead off on questions because he represents the people sure civilians yeah normally don't look it up Ben yeah good luck Ben I was gonna say I'm gonna [ __ ] it up and Josh you guys are in the same room I'm I'm a little farther you're new we it's so true I'm so on the outside you would love Ben okay so fun fact and then I'll stop talking Hillary loves a Jew married a Jew Long Island Jew appearance I'm King of the Jews my my 23 and me 100 ashkenaz that means that I have so much inbreeding I'm lucky I don't have a sixth toe how can somebody be a hundred percent ashkenaz Ah that's impressive of that should be like part of your like your your bio your Lincoln bio or something your your Instagram I mean it's something to be proud of um and no extra toe no extra toe we got very very lucky 100 but it's great that you're a fan of the Jews Josh and I often talk about the fact that there are far too many people that are not I know it is world's a weird place um well I did kind of marry a bad Jew because we don't celebrate any of the holidays and I thought that was just like part of the deal I still have to walk over to my neighbor's house too celebrate any of the fun holidays with all of the food dishes and it's very Jewish to not celebrate too like to be deeply culturally Jewish and have none of the religious sort of festivity right Ben you know what I also find that those that marry Jews end up becoming more Jewish than the person they married I like that for me yeah so if you're ever looking for a quick conversion okay it actually doesn't exist it's a very rigorous process it is a briefcase that's actually why Marshall's here Marshall's here to to do the conversion Josh I don't know if you told him when I hear my gorgeous Gentile wife Paige O'Brien made a name when I hear her say Yiddish I can just feel my ancestors clapping because I hear it just roll off the tongue and I remember when we first met she would come hang out with friends of mine like Ben and she'd be like you know you Jews when you get together you love to talk about being Jewish and I said yes yes it's a major topic and now here she is she threw a Hanukkah party show so shout out my wife she really Paige O'Brien one day I'll meet her one day you'll bring her around yes she you guys would be friends she loves you we would people love you Hillary can we talk about that is that a good start Ben you have no unbelievable start I I love you too Hillary we'll get into that I'm not like a there's nothing creepy going on here but I did watch all of your shows just as I watched Drake and Josh which Josh and I literally never talk about but it's just as a as a 30 year old now those were all of the shows of my childhood so oh my gosh thank you for saying that you know what people are very nice to me and um and I'm so lucky like I've had a really long career and people are still you know very like or willing to like cheer me on and want to say hi to me and it's very lovely and what do you attribute that to what do you think because you've uh one thing that I'm so impressed just in knowing you as a person now as well is like you've navigated this thing pretty perfectly this weird Showbiz life um my God I don't know I I think that there's like so many factors and um I think that I had a very strong foundation in my mom and um you know when I started like earning money and taking care of like my family in a different way you know than most envelope's normal like it was still very like I didn't get treated special at home and I didn't get like extra rules that weren't like age appropriate and you know I I I don't know I had I just had a really lucky like the people that were around me and then I don't want to like give no credit to myself I think a lot of that is within you know yeah but but a lot of it has to do with like the people you surround yourself with and like I didn't I wasn't really like in the cool crowd and like I don't know what does a cool crowd mean because Ben you tell me I feel like from the outside people would be like you are the cool crowd oh my God you're so funny I definitely am like I don't think so I don't know I just got invited to the like Vanity Fair Oscar party and I was like I got wet me why are you going yeah I'm gonna go yes she is Josh did you get invited I think so actually yeah so we should go together they're very tough to get extra tickets too well because I definitely got invited oh my God I was like go with me and be my friend Hillary Hillary good for Josh you know I don't I barely got a ticket myself it is a humble brag except it's so me you know I turned down an invitation to the Met Gala you did not yeah when I was 23 years old what were you thinking I don't know no one did right that and I'll never get invited I'm blacklisted Paige have to say about that it's mortified mortified oh that's amazing um no I do not feel like I'm the cool crowd I mean maybe now that I'm 35 I feel like very comfortable in my body and and who I am but back in the day no way I was like thinking no one was going to show up to my birthday party always relatable I think that that's another Another Part of of people feel the way they do about me is I I do think I come with like openness and honesty and very much myself and maybe that's like approachable do you still make music is that anything that you and sorry if You released something recently and I didn't hear it I'm a big fan of come clean so uh but do you still do music or that's not something that you do anymore uh it's not something that I I have done in a minute um I do want to some it's a question that I get asked all the time and since I live with um my husband who's a very talented musician they're always like well what would be so hard like put your kids to bed and get into the studio I know and I'm like it's almost like well she can film an entire TV series but you can't make a record I'm like to be honest it's also like a totally like new landscape like the music industry since even my last record I was like oh this is all right now I'm just really hot in here that means the conversation's going well um I I think that I will I just don't I don't know right now I barely have enough time to like give give to my three children that I decided to bring into the world so taking more time away from them seems seems like something I couldn't really wrap my head around but I missed that version of myself and I definitely think that I have more to do in that department I just don't know when what is it like because I feel like music is sort of like the ultimate level of not fame but it's Universal right it elicits a feeling you don't have to speak the language natively it just music travels the whole world so like when you were doing music was that a whole different trip than like the celebrity of TV and movies and I think that also subconsciously comes into play of like do I really want that life again like I wasn't I can go about my day of course I'm recognized most places I go you know I deal with Paparazzi but like I go grocery shopping and I go to my kids schools Non-Stop and I'm taking them to gymnastics and dance class and soccer and you know going out to dinner with friends like I I live a life like fully you know I can go to like a workout class and I couldn't do that when I was doing music like it was it's just a very isolating like your level of Fame is just kind of like bigger you know yeah like because you're just on stage so you need all these people and you're in that town and everyone's you know knows you're there and so you're just like it's just I don't know I was very very lonely at that time and not that I would be I have a family of my own now but like I don't know if I want that again or if I could even have it but like it is scary and are you when you're going into town it's like are there people waiting at the hotel and waiting at the venue and right so you really there's no getting away from it no my husband and I recently just went for like a little getaway to Mexico City and it was so nice and I love it there um but I also did a lot of touring there yeah and so by the time we were there for like a day and a half people had like figured out where I was staying and all hours of the night would be like singing my songs in the street below our hotel room and I was like wow well we're here alone so I don't know I guess the four miles walking that we would do and like pop into this restaurant and do this cute little thing it's kind of over until we go home oh that sucks yeah so but it doesn't I mean part of it sucks and then other parts of it is like so nice and you know people love me yeah music really music glass and it's it's interesting right because it's the only art form like if Billy Joel comes out and doesn't do piano man you're upset by the way he I was at a Billy Joel concert on Valentine's Day Josh no he did but like he scared us for a minute like the first hour and a half was like Billy Joel reminding us that he has 9 000 songs before before any of the hits yeah like he would say like he would come on he'd be like so from this 1970s album that none of you bought here's a random song and we're all just like what if I would do that to people I think I would like open with a beloved yeah Banger Banger yeah no no Billy Joel is just first of all unbelievable that you have to be jaded when you have a residency at Madison Square Garden like you just can I ask a really lame lame question there's parts of like culture that just I missed um is he the one that does no shirt oh no he's actually the piano man no no no Billy Joel is Billy Joseph sing us a song of The Piano Man He's also Uptown Girl oh I know uptown girl yeah she's been living it I missed it in case you couldn't tell from my voice I was a backup singer it was it did it sounded like the voice of an Angel just a little snippet stunning yeah it was stunning but okay wait sorry that was Bill that's Billy Joel and that I was thinking of Billy Idol Billy Idol also got about Billy Idol he's the one that performs with no shirt on right yes yeah I think so I thought it was Bert Kreischer the comedian who performs with no shirt on I'm like probably an interesting pull um no Billy Joel I remember he I went to go see him for his 100th Concert in Madison Square Garden and he's there performing and it's like the most New York [ __ ] you've ever seen ever your husband would love it I'm sure literally all of his cousins are there all of them it's 100 Long Island 100 it's like people being like I work for like I'm in a fireman on Staten Island for the last okay okay 25 years I've seen Billy perform 18 times this is the playlist okay and uh and then his special guest because it's its 100th performance um wait wait 100th performance at Madison Square Garden yes okay I was like that seems like a low number at Madison Square Garden got it insane right and Bruce Springsteen is a special guest yeah that's insane the place went nuts face melted yeah it was like so that's my husband's absolute Idol Springsteen oh my God I think he's been to like 40 shows yeah people they're they're wild Bruce Springsteen fans yeah are you is there anything your are you a fan of anything like that big of a fan no no again I think I lost a not that I lost my part of my identity but like I just didn't like I mean I loved Britney Spears obviously like the whole reason I started singing was because I loved Britney Spears but also like grew up like I'm a huge Fleetwood Mac my mom would like listen to Fleetwood all the time so I love them but never I've never like seen them live and how much of it was like because I always say with Drake and Josh like Nickelodeon sort of had a setup where they were like once you're 18 and the show's done we're done with you because you've probably just aged out of the demo and I feel like Disney did a little bit of a better job of saying like if you can sing we'll push that if you have like any other talents like we want to grow with you was that sort of like a conversation like you've got a nice voice now let's let's pimp it out hell foreign okay I'm just gonna have to like dig back in the files for a minute because it wasn't really like that um I at the time wanted to start singing and they were not like super on board like they didn't want to sign me right away at Hollywood Records and obviously that was like the first place that we decided to go and um and then like Rob Cavallo and and Bob like these people that were that ran Hollywood Records they're like a son and Dad Duo and they jumped on board and then I like started making a record so it wasn't like they were like let's just juice this for what we can like it was my idea I wanted to sing I really didn't want to be Lizzie McGuire anymore you know I was like how do I not like as cool as it was you know how that flip happens so fast like I wonder actually because Josh is like your name like we've never talked about that but like for so long people were just like Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy and still now to this day which it doesn't bother me anymore but it did for a while like I just desperately needed to be my own person you know and I think that I thought music was going to be a good way to like introduce myself and what reintroduce myself and it was yeah and when and so they jumped on board for that and and you know it was it was a very like happy relationship and when did that did that flip happen right when Lizzy was over in the middle because like for me it happened like around season three and we still had another season left uh no and we filmed incredibly fast like we only shot for two seasons with Liz McGuire but like 30 episodes each season and then they would like break them up how they wanted right which was not ideal like it was a lot of work 30 30 episodes in like a season it's interesting right because it's and and Ben and I have talked about that Dynamic of if you Embrace this beloved thing it then you know you people want you to love it as much as they love it and it's impossible like you can't because you were the one doing it and then if you want to grow and try something different and maybe leave that in the past in a healthy way then people think like they resent you because they feel as though like oh you're turning your back on this thing that we love so it's it's kind of hard to find the balance that would you say oh my god of course right I mean I would say that that was five years of my life just trying to navigate becoming a person that I wanted to be outside of who everybody wanted me to be you know I remember being on tour and having mothers come up to me and be like never change whatever you do just never never change and I would go into my dressing room after meet and greet and just be like what like they probably didn't mean anything by it but could you imagine telling an 18 year old or a 17 year old to never change like never become the person you're like I don't know like I don't I'm not raising your kid for you you're raising your kid right you know and from the outsider's perspective people just don't know what to say totally like the same thing with athletes like they'll just people always say oh keep doing you like like it's just like whatever that's a nice sentiment then never ever change you know I guess I guess that's true you're right you're right but never ever changes like an angsty teenager you know that had a lot on my shoulders so yeah I did want to change and I wanted to like wear different stuff and become a you know totally try on things for size you know exactly like you said I think people make up who they want the version of yourself that they want right and then you're like I'm actually not that or don't want to be held responsible for changing if I want to yeah and and so yeah it's I mean and just like how you had to navigate it's been tricky and well I sort of I mean also transforming so visibly on TV right like I lost a hundred pounds between crazy 17 and 19 like a whole person and so I like one people didn't want that right no they were like some people were angry about it because I sort of had I had taken away a person that they had fallen in love with and they were they weren't sure whether they loved this new guy and my cardiologist loved them but you know oh man I know well also such a different time yeah people you know I'm watching all these documentaries and um people would say things to us or say things back then that were that would absolutely not fly now yeah you know so like someone commenting on your weight or you're losing the not being happy you lost the weight like what the [ __ ] you know like this stuff doesn't go down anymore without people standing up and being like uh you can't say that or that's not right or you know people ask me like when I lost my virginity like that's not cool did people ask you that yes in interviews yeah like professional it's not like this one but like a real like official one yes not like this one no way and what do you what did you say um I don't remember you just and wow how do you navigate that you just have to suck it up yeah and then kind of deal with the publicist afterwards being like next time try to handle it like this or you know right like they're trying to change you whatever yeah yeah they're not coming down on the interviewer they're like trying to show you how to navigate that they might have come down on the interviewer too but like I mean it happened all the time people the things people would ask you were just so inappropriate and now it's just the climate is so different that that stuff doesn't fly I remember once I was 12 years old and we were doing a press junket for this movie and this woman came in from a Spanish-speaking sort of broadcast service and so she's translating all her all of her questions and answers in Spanish and then she's like and Josh Peck and then she says a bunch of Spanish words and I won't say here because I don't want to get canceled but I do hear her say the word Gordo and I'm like that means fat that's fat she just called me fat yo to my face she call me fat in Spanish I was like oh my God and then I'm just happy and she's like and she said this whole thing Gordo and she's like did you enjoy the movie and I'm like yes it was incredibly fun did you just call me fat yeah I had oh that one hurt no no that's just not okay it's not okay but Josh we talk about it all the time you're still fat fat is a fat fat is a feeling like Hillary I don't know if you can tell based on this very svelt angle but I am a a a larger individual he's a beautiful and Josh and I often talk about like the best people in life are either still fat or at one point we're fat because there's something about being fat that actually becomes a personality trait and it's not something that you shake even if you become incredibly built and Greek god-like like Josh he's still fat in his heart which is important right yeah you can't lose that quality once you have it no you can't that's my so my husband was was Heavy very heavy I feel like El Gordo El Gordo mucho Gordo yes really uh yeah and now he's a skinny King now he's a skinny King how did you guys see skinny King I'm trying to always work on that are you more of the eater in the in the relationship yes tell me about okay I wake up starving and I have to eat breakfast and he refuses to eat breakfast or even lunch sometimes and I'm like I don't understand I know he can really is he an intermittent faster Josh's I know Josh I know everything about John we're very close got it I was gonna I honestly we should we should move to I don't I want to stay in memory lane but how I met your father Yes like just what's Josh like on set Joshua what's Hillary like on set what are you grabbing first thing Hillary from that beautiful Smorgasbord as you walk into set I've already eaten but by the time I get to set I have three kids so I'm up at like six coffee and milk in the morning yeah yeah cow's milk cows you believe I eat cow's milk like I feel like no actresses eat cows I love that nothing it's the only kind of milk thank you like don't send me down this almond milk is just like wait I actually like oat milk and I like cow's milk you by the way you can like oat milk yeah yeah it doesn't mean it's milk totally milk alternative I love oat milk I love almond milk yeah I love I love hat milk too if I put my hat you know thing of water and shake it up and leave it for two months and it turns green you could call it hot milk but I don't think you've ever been more Jewish than right now man it sounds like it's like a Jewish subreddit yeah totally so then it's not real milk I have chickens so I eat eggs most mornings fresh eggs I love that what color what color are the eggs Hillary um some are like a peachy like cream color and some are blue and um summer a little bit more green they're all different colors I love that and that's what's that's what scares me the most our friend has a farm that we go Brian Josh Brian Kelly sure uh has so many chickens and I think it was like the first time that I really had fresh eggs and I just started to think how the hell is it possible that all of our eggs in the grocery store are just White no not weird well now they 've been like true and so like the the farmers like found a way to way to package the the eggs and make them blue and get people excited about that but I'm like how did out all of a sudden now you're using the blue eggs what did you do with them before well I don't want you to feel attacked but eggs every morning how's the cholesterol looking My Thai oh my God it is berry I don't know last time I went to the doctor I had a good a good bill of health I could see that my so my thing is like I also keep salt in my purse because I have a problem what a queen I know and my husband's like you're gonna have a heart attack and I'm like I don't think I am my salt levels were really good we're talking about uh are all in salt levels now too yours is high oh very high are you taking medication I was and now I'm off it okay it gave me calf cramps I can't live like that oh no are you supposed to have salt for that probably yeah and bananas I'm a Banana King so did you get like charlie horses in the middle of the night because that's the worst yeah it's terrible and I would wake up my wife and she'd be like stop it she doesn't have patience for that no she's she thinks I should she doesn't want me to have like a stroke or whatever but um yeah she wants me to be on the medicine but we'll see let's roll the dice I don't no Josh I like you here thank you I agree but I think it's like also the new isn't this this the new science like cholesterol is healthy eggs are healthy adding salt to things is healthy if it's good salt like all these things are just getting new publicists like yes that's what it is right we talked about this like who like cauliflower has the best publicist ever cauliflower yeah right because remember cauliflower and now it's like cauliflower rice yes yes yes Pizza it became everything what's the difference really between cauliflower and broccoli you could have done the same thing with broccoli is it a little bit more of a strong flavor I think so I love broccoli I like cauliflower you heard it here first cruciferous Queen what do you think of broccoli Rob Hillary love broccoli Rob uh oh wait where we diverse it's just a little bitter yep no I think I prefer a broccolini to a broccoli broccolini is fantastic okay do you like rainbow chard though because I do and that's a little bitter it's like a leafy green it's like Swiss chard but fun colors but red but red and some orange maybe a little purple yeah I agree with you I don't like broccoli Rob I don't know why I said that it's far too bitter and offensive in a dish far too bitter do you cook I do I do uh my dad is a caterer so I grew up in the uh cooking scene and I do cook I do live in the city though so like our our kitchen is a modest size and my wife absolutely hates when there's one singular dish in the dishwasher oh so you guys don't have not in the dishwasher so no we don't have kids but we actually I have a furry son named Theo okay and uh well he's not a real child I I guess I'm talking to two parents I can't really [ __ ] it to you he's not real so that's nice on set I'll if we go back to like us on set like Josh and I I have kids we're the only ones that have like multiple kids yeah we have kids and you had kids when did you have your first kid 23 24. so in Hollywood that's like 16. yeah I was Teen Mom that's young wow and that what was that like I mean that's Young for us yeah totally I think that I was just really ready I told you like the touring was really hard and I just decided after one of my tours my last tour I was like I'm I need a serious break and I need to like lock myself in my house and like figure out how to take care of myself feed myself what I like what I don't like like I just was like always around people you know that were taking care of me and um I'm a pretty independent person so um I was like ready to like go out have some fun and not be you know locked on the road not locked but like that you're it's very like you're there there do this do that you're done repeat rinse repeat you know and um then I met my first husband and like uh two years later maybe three years later I I just felt like really ready to have a like open that chapter of my life I always wanted to be a young parent I always knew I was meant to be a mom and so it was hard because I didn't have any friends that were having kids yet right but I just like figured it out and loved it I love being a mom so much that was young for sure but I wouldn't change it at all and now my son's almost he's turning 11 in March wow I know wow do you how old are your other kids so then um my other kids are with my my current marriage we'll see how long I'll keep that guy for but um and they're four and so we had Banks first then we got married and then we had May during the pandemic and she's turning two um in March as well I'm just saying has there ever been a bit of an arranged marriage discussion Josh between Max oh yes yeah yeah I could see that for us right yeah we would be incredible and I don't think we would I think we would complement each other as in-laws and as 110. I could see that I think things would freak out run his show yeah she's a real sass pot my son needs some guidance he needs some direction my life is infinitely made better by deferring to my wife as just a practice well you figured it out how to have a how to have a nice easy life is just don't make hers hard yeah yes pick your battles well I think what's cool I I'm just gonna fawn over you now like being on set with Hilary Duff is is a nice time and I tell you this and you're What's called the number one on the call sheet which is basically the call sheet it's everyone's times to come to work for the day and the lead is at the top and then everyone's more depreciating like on How I Met Your Father I'm like number 98. he'll be with us all the time well because you're so busy with other jobs yeah yeah well what can I say you know like Oppenheimer Oppenheimer and iCarly you know we we keep it balanced here Queens um but you know your day can be infinitely as someone who's not the lead can be infinitely affected by how the lead is feeling it's just how it is if the lead comes in and it's like not having a good day or doesn't want to be collaborative or just has a bad energy then everyone's tiptoeing and everyone's adjusted and no one feels even comfortable being happy because you know like you just don't want to disrupt the star and you know that's true right like come on say names who have you worked with like that I'll start here I will not say names but I do I mean I'm weirdly uncomfortable with how you're talking about me in front of me but like thank you for saying that because it's really nice and but I wouldn't I don't know what would have to fall apart in my life for me to like show up to work and bring all my baggage like I just wasn't trained like that or I just don't operate that way but you you also like come there and you want everyone to be great and anyway I don't want to make you any more uncomfortable but yeah you're just like you're good people and thank you and I I remember you know it was funny because in case you didn't know Ben Hillary and I had made a movie together when we were in our early 20s and I remember showing up firsthand how I met your father and I was like what a reunion and I and I remember a couple weeks went by and I was like remember when we made that movie together and Hillary went what movie do you remember that yeah did you not remember the movie no I did of course I did but I haven't thought about that in a really long time and you and I didn't hang out at all when we filmed that movie well I told you that story about the night we drove home together do you remember that yes I do can you can you refresh my memory what movie okay oh my god let's please not dig it up this is the thing it's my past that all comes back to haunt me that's the one shitty shitty thing about about having a career this long and like I I haven't even brought a star I haven't even brought up Cinderella Story which should have won an Oscar we'll talk about that one that one's classic and and also just Jennifer Coolidge like with White Lotus like I guess we can get to it but like do you guys still speak no you're answering a different question what movie are we talking about it's not important the name but it exists I think someone a reviewer said about my performance in that movie that I looked mentally handicapped and like they wandered so you know I took a big swing anyway um I remember I was 21 years old I was still looking keep it together um which I was going for I swear to God um I remember we were shooting in Vancouver I was 21 years old the role of a lifetime total cliche and I remember like people saying like you know the weed and Vancouver you know is very strong and it must have been because I remember smoking pot throughout that experience for the month we shot that movie and I don't remember a thing I don't remember a thing and I was how do you remember riding home with me then okay so because it was so deeply embarrassing all I remember is that you were nice enough I remember you were going home and you had like a a car like a car service that would take you home or someone was driving you and I guess I did you're very fancy and you were like well like Hillary said you can get you can catch a ride home in her car and I was like oh amazing so at this point we've had some interaction but like we hadn't really you know broed down the way we have and so I'm sitting in the front seat and you're in the back and I'm not saying a word because like I don't know protocol it's your car I'm really insecure I used to be 100 pounds overweight I don't want to talk about it but and I just remember you said what kind of music do you like and I just remember thinking oh she can't be talking to me I figured you were talking to the driver or maybe on a phone call are you okay and I didn't respond and I just sat there like staring out the window I'm embarrassed for you right now and I remember the driver looked over at me and like hello like the grizzle driver like and he's like hey she asks you what kind of music you like and I just remember I was like oh hip-hop and then I just proceeded to stare yeah okay the only thing that I I mean I I actually do remember that now that you say it but I yeah I mean you and I didn't hang we did it during that and just like it's just so funny is you have no idea what someone's going through or the narrative that they like what they're walking in with you know what I mean like so for you to think that I wouldn't be speaking to you and instead I'd be speaking to like the transpo guy whom by the way I do always love my transfer drivers and usually have very meaningful relationships with them because I talk a lot but um like I was really insecure filming that movie I was like no one likes me and I don't know yeah of course yes and it was it was pretty like dramatic and dark like was it a little it was one of the worst experiences of my life say more oh I don't even remember it I just remember being like I can't wait to be done like well why did I say yes to this I need to know the movie I know you won't divulge it oh my God it's fine listen there's a little thing called IMDb my friend what was the movie called it's called what goes up what goes up it was called something else right um safety glass safety glass I never even saw it never even we get any residuals like what if we blow the movie back up like what if let you guys start making money or there's no there's no chance no I don't think there's a chance I don't think it's gonna blow up that's not looking good it's just gonna blow up things for us that we probably don't want to read this thing then then we'll leave it buried um Hillary we do something on this show called a what do you nuts moment of the week what do you wear what are you nuts where Josh sort of I mean I could have turned to him and said what are you nuts for uh divulging but that's very sad Cara that very sad car ride is live in time but uh so for you to be like oh the weed is so strong in Vancouver let me just keep smoking it and be out of my mind and not know if people are like talking to me yeah I didn't know it was all in retrospect it was in hindsight I literally we shot that movie December of 20 or 2007 and I got sober February 2008 so it had a real effect oh wow yeah I talked to I talked to my sponsor about you no I'm kidding no I didn't know sir and then I just mumbled hip-hop it totally ruined my shot with Hillary I remember Josh that you shot me some one word thing and I was like cool it doesn't want to be friends moving on no you remember that now it's it's coming back memories yeah oh my God I have a lot of those like there's a lot of holes in my in my come up but like when someone not not saying I always remember but I do remember that car ride oh boy Whoa I'm glad you still got that job on How I Met Your Father I know thank God you didn't remember I like literally me I'm so self-centered I'm like Hillary must have been singing my Praises she's like I worked with them 10 years ago he's the man what did you have any dark like cliche times because I feel like no one knows about it like you know where you were partying yeah yeah I'd never like got into drugs that was not my thing I drank and I drink and I partied but like not not heavy not that like and and like privately like not alone but like with a small group of friends we're like you know I just I was never like dancing on tables I guess in the in the club yeah um well if you're ever looking to party again Hillary what you're holding next to you Spritz Society sparkling cocktails 10 out of 10. well maybe let's make media's on the table definitely wine based great six percent five flavors absolutely delicious blood orange can't wait yeah that's that's a good flavor let's let's definitely send Hillary home with with some yes I'll give her I'll give you guys can't take any home so I'll take it all home um I had I had I had funky moments I've also like I was divorced that was like a really hard time you know I bet I had a two-year-old and I was like divorced so that was rough for a little while well it's it's hard enough just to be divorced and then having to do it in the public eye how did that how did that impact it or do you even know because it's it's only your experience it's not something I totally want to get into because there's parts of it that are like that I kept to myself and that were very private but I would say that like we loved our kids so much and we spent a lot of time together outside like after we got divorced to just be like we're a united front like we and you know we really like each other but you know there was there was some stuff that happened that was definitely hard to navigate through but um but yeah just being in the public eye and just having people follow you Non-Stop and talk about stuff that's not true or or that is true that's deeply personal you know it was it was a lot it was a lot and then I was so happy because I got younger and Darren called me and was like you need to take this job and I was like I can't move to New York I'm getting a divorce and no one knows and he was like yes you can you can come to New York and you're coming and you're just gonna shoot the pilot and we'll figure out the rest later and blah blah blah and it was like the best thing I ever did yeah so that helped that was a big boost I hadn't worked in a long time it's so funny because I just I don't now I'm just talking am I interviewing myself here we love it hates when I do this [ __ ] leaves so oh Publix just calm down this publish this the other day I was playing tennis after we wrapped and I just been like putting unemployed up on my um on my Instagram because I think it's funny I work Non-Stop and like there but there's definitely been times when I have needed a job and couldn't get an audition or you know whatever and so the mirror which I know was like very low lowest of the low like tabloids but people still read that stuff and think it's true right and they were like a fallen star worked for Disney for 20 years and now self-admitting she's unemployed and needs a job like there have been times where I needed a job but right now my face is like on billboards in most companies yes we just our show I've been on like every talk show like oh that was so rough and stuff out there and yet is there still like a little one percent part of you where your stomach drops out when you see ahead I'm like this is so lame of course yeah because you know because people believe it you know like I have family members in Texas at all sorry these earrings are so annoying but they're gorgeous oh my God thank you it's worth it I didn't know I was wearing headphones they're just really digging a hole in Marshall let's do something about the headphones how could you do that to me were these fancy earrings for you and um I can't even see them they're really small and dangerous oh they're nice really wow I went minimal today wow beautiful I don't know how I got on that well what what so once you finish younger and then again you went through this like kind of you know short period where you were figuring out what your next thing was going to be why not really really no not really after younger I would say after I had a kid before younger was like my time of like am I ever gonna get a job again right but then with how did How I Met Your Father come come around I literally just got a phone call don't you love that yes I like because you're a good person thank you it is you deserve it thank you happy for you thank you happy for us thank you available season three oh you're gonna be there even though you said your ideal boyfriend on the show would be Harry Styles which is really hurt my feelings first of all that's so unfair it didn't go down like that again like the mirror whatever my husband even mentioned that he was like Harry Styles huh and I was like oh my God you know what they did I'm sure this has happened to you before who's the ideal person that you would like to play you right if if they're like if if you're being played in a movie down the line which actress I'm like I don't I don't think about this type of thing but I don't know really it's like a young Jay Leno sorry go for it is he okay he recovered okay grease fire so it sounds hot um so they're like who would be your ideal love interest and I'm like oh my God who who I'm always like playing at koi in those interviews and then they're like well didn't you just go see Harry Styles and I'm like oh my gosh yes great Harry Styles would be wonderful Banks would freak out and all of a sudden it's like Hilary Duff wants Harry Styles on the show I forgive you by the way there's no shame I would never choose Harry Styles over Josh never I think Marshall clipped that clip that yeah I I don't believe it but that's fine Harry Styles is fantastic Josh friends for you to question me at Ben Joshua pick Harry Styles though I'm questioning Josh would you pick Harry Styles over me Josh no not not over you but I would pick him for other things yeah I pick him over Ben I get it Ben what he's a golden child what is your what are you nuts moment we gotta hear it yes yes okay but we all need to get wait isn't it it's a game it's a game it's a game yeah we all sort of give I'll give mine then you'll give yours we can comment on each other's but it's a it's a woody announce moment so I want a caveat that I went to a birthday party last night dear friends 40th and happy birthday to her really amazing amazing party that said having a birthday party on a Wednesday night what are you nuts it's impossible to enjoy yourself and not keep looking at the clock and realizing you have to wake up in the morning and go and do adult things maybe I had a couple of drinks I had a couple of drinks I run I run a very stressful business Hillary I don't need the kids I have I had a couple of drinks okay I did I I didn't go Spritz Society I went Tito's on the Rocks I had two stiff drinks after a long day and and maybe maybe I had a puff of somebody's joint on the roof and just this morning I woke up and I was like wow I feel terrible we'll share joints again huh just to somebody's yeah no this is in New York we share joints we're we're not afraid of whatever's out there anymore we're just we've turned back the clock but uh what are you nuts Wednesday night birthday party save them for the weekend got it yeah I don't I don't disagree with that yeah I would say so I mean listen birthday parties are ridiculous after you're 21 anyway I would say except I love a birthday party I love it 40 30 35 but like 37 like these I love a 37th birthday every year older I agree Josh we're gonna we're gonna go to Panda Express blow out yeah yeah Panda Express great birthday why not happy birthday we're gonna get some orange chicken I'm gonna put a I'm glad you said that I'm gonna put a candle in the rice and we're gonna have just a so you don't have a sweet potato no we can we can hit the candy shop after two I love Panda Express and they've sent me a gift card because I've talked about them so much on like Wingstop who sent me a gift card I did a video once we've been to Wingstop it's a nice Eatery um Rick Ross owns a bunch of them okay did you just say it's a nice Eatery yeah it's a lovely Cafe okay okay and I just remember that I did this YouTube video where we're like eating the wings right and you know not sponsored Just Wings up and they call me they're like wow what a video thank you two and a half million views sick I go Wingstop that's what I do no problem yeah they go fill out some cash my friend yeah they're like we love to partner with you blah blah blah I was like great they're like but in the meantime let us just send you a gift card just as a thank you I go thank you Mr Wings you're like don't spend it all in one meal thank you like six months finally I go to Wingstop I'm like whoa this is going all out quite the order they're like 30 bucks in food right and I'm like cool I'm gonna have like 970 bucks left on this thing I give it to the cashier they go that'll be 15 they only gave you 15 gift card fifteen dollars what an odd number you should have done a video about that I know Wingstops Dare You Wingstop that's not cool the nuts what's the game that's what I say about it what are you nuts that's your what are you nuts what do you know that's mine no do you have one oh okay okay I know you're kind of on the spot uh I know now I need to um anything that's just okay okay I got one yeah uh well I don't know if this is as like relatable it's just kind of weird okay so I drive a G wagon right and um and this person comes my husband and I play tennis every Sunday morning together and we stopped at this coffee shop beforehand and um he always pre-orders it and I go in and grab it and this time I was driving so he went in to grab it and just to be funny I locked the car and so he was like banging on the window like acting like a real psychopath and I was like ah like acting like making a big scene and just like people like eating on the sidewalk and so everyone started to like get pretty uncomfortable because you're Hilary Duff they're like some crazy stalkers trying to get into her you know when you gotta you gotta entertain yourself I get it I support it so he's thinking he's banging like coffees are spilling whatever I'm like acting like please somebody me and then finally I like unlock the unlock the door he gets in and the man is walking behind him walking his dog on the phone and he's like he's watching this whole thing happen and then he comes up and he's got a real entertained look on his face and I rolled the window down because I thought he was gonna be like he really got me there but apparently you know this guy or whatever and he comes up to me and he goes you like this car my sister has this car I hate it I hate it so much hate hate this car you like it what he wasn't even trying to help you he just wanted a Christmas nuts that's perfect and I was like oh my God your sister owns it and I own it and you don't own it sir yeah what who said what's the point like do you walk away like yeah good conversation like what's the point enjoy your Kia friend no I can't understand just like what what an outstanding what are you nuts yes and no people don't think before they speak they simply don't he was a perfectly Pleasant guy that was just like yeah I don't I don't hate it and I was like cut it do you want me to return it that's what you should ask can you list it for sale for me like can you can you help me offload it now that you've given me your opinion oh yeah that's my what my what are you nuts Hillary I feel like this has been the greatest app ever oh my God I can't keep you any longer that's so nice it's been unbelievable should I leave my earrings for you guys oh yes yes of a you know a little promotion who else should we tag and try to get 15 gift cards before I leave oh yeah yeah who do you like let's do who are you into right now who am I into what do you mean like who do you want a 15 gift card from like for me it would be like from the makers of ozembic oh my God I don't even think you get your hands on that thing I know it's hard I mean I don't know I haven't checked Josh you love it I love it I'm talking about it but you know listen if I see any issues I'm going to intervene early on people are like talking about the vaccination with their kids I'm like forget that right now yeah we've moved on um what do I love I don't know I mean I'd always be down for like a McDonald's gift card McDonald's that's a good way to end it should we all give our McDonald's order oh yeah yeah what's your what's yours okay I'm a quarter pounder with cheese number three a number okay but I don't do a combo because I don't do the French fries why not I know I know it's when I was doing uh macro counting my macros like my guy found a way to incorporate a quarter pounder that I could eat every week but he was like don't get the french fries so I was like cool I can eat McDonald's and like maintain but also sometimes I like to sneak up like a four piece chicken nugget in there it's that's how I do it too yeah yeah but I'm I do I'll do a Big Mac with a six piece side of nuggets a six okay well you're bigger than me I get it you're a man um what's like the most okay so you had a Diet Coke Diet Coke soap Fountain Diet Coke oh best so good the only way what's your order from McDonald's it depends on if I'm observing my Judaism or not I do typically try to keep kosher but but sometimes I Stray Hillary I'm not perfect okay I'm not perfect but you you saying a four piece nugget to me is comical I'm a minimum 20 piece nugget wow 20. yeah I need it I just when I'm like McDonald's okay yeah I'll eat a 20 piece nugget I love the sauces the sweet and sour the barbecue I love the sour just the the the fleet of sauces uh and if I'm on my kosher grind I'll go fillet a fish don't kill me so you can eat kosher at McDonald's and it's a fillet of fish you can you can that's pretty cool things you things you I didn't know that I learned that today yeah yeah I haven't had a filet of fish in 20 years it's not a great it's not a great offering from McDonald's here okay it's bottom tier when I was pregnant with my last child was the first time I ever had Taco Bell wow I ate it alone in my car and I pulled over to enjoy it it was one of my most memorable days first time in your life I think so I never remember we weren't like a Taco Bell I feel like you're family kind of dictates what fast food you go to hmm I've never had Taco Bell fun fact no way really no no it's just not my it's it's not my flavor profile no no it's just not it's not it for me I don't know I mean a Mexican pizza is quite phenomenal you should experience it at some point time sounds amazing yeah I think Taco Bell's mad at me guys why what'd you do I messed up oh no another one damn it I okay really quick I went to Taco Bell headquarters in beautiful Anaheim California heard of it wait I didn't know that Taco Bell was a California Native started by Glenn Bell okay okay A white guy weird um of course and related to Drake probably pretty good it's a pretty good then I went there I got to try like I went to their Test Kitchen I got to try like things that aren't on the market yet they have like Fountain Baja blasts like ready to go at every corner it was a fabulous experience then months later they sent me this collab they did with this hot sauce to like Hey we're gonna send some food over like if you want to post about it I was like great I like the food the food I just happened because of Judaism I'm at a resting um I have something called agita also known as heartburn yes yes as they call it I'm just in a resting heartburn you know what I mean like I'm just hit a couple times a day habit oh you are okay yes feel free to sponsor us yeah just part of it so I made some jokes about how the food was giving me heartburn and they were not pleased and I've like now written them a few times in the Taco Bell Instagram and I'm getting left on red damn they're not responding to you you're trying to slide into the DMS and they're like no you're blacklisted we I have a question before we finish you had a nutritionist who was figuring figuring out how to allow you to eat McDonald's what's the most like give us like what's the most like Hollywood shape you've ever is it like having like the fancy nutritionist I know you have a very famous tennis coach I won't give any more away oh he would love it to hear you say that Chris you're gonna love that tennis coach to the Stars right yeah um so what's the most like crazy thing I've done I don't know like is there anything like particular like I don't know pull back the curtain I guess there's been a few times where I've like had to spur splurge on like private planes but it's not something I do often and I feel very guilty about it it's just like crazy this so my son went to camp this summer at the camp that I went to in Texas and um it was right when all this like Airline stuff was kind of going crazy and Airlines didn't have staff and everything was like delayed and behind and people like the airports were crazy so knowing that I booked two tickets to get there just in case like one something happened to one of them and of course I'm on my way to the airport and it's like oh my flight's been canceled not like moved or delayed just canceled and so I was like okay well I have my other one I'll just wait at the airport for like four hours and it'll be fine an hour later that one canceled and I'm like oh I have to get my son from like it's like pickup day right what am I gonna do right so I had to get like a private plane thank God I have like a contact that but that was that that makes me like so uncomfortable you know and I have a lot of guilt around doing it I'm like oh no guilt you sound like a fantastic mom you need to get your kids by the way I wasn't like I've got to get to Turks and Caicos yeah with my girls I was like to get my son you should have done so this was the best part of it all okay so get the private plane get to Texas we land talking to my assistant on the phone I'm like I'm gonna get she's like the problem is is that like once you get like go to Austin you gotta drive like 45 50 minutes to um burn it is where the camp is and he's she's like the the car rental place is closing at 11. so like I don't know like if I can get an Uber to take me to this like I don't know how it works there I don't I haven't been to Texas Texas it's Wallace are you from are you from Texas yes but I'm from Houston we didn't even get into any of this and we're already over an hour it's such a problem I guess I'm gonna have to come back and you're gonna have to come back did you ever go did you love H-E-B well then I yes that was our grocery store but I have to finish so I get to the car rental place I rent my car I'm running right to get the car I drive I'm so nervous I call my mom she's like call me when you get there honey I'm just so nervous about you and she always is like the cutest thing she's like you know when you do things like that this it just makes me so proud that you're like able to handle this stuff and I'm like thank you Mom oh yes I can rent a car like it's very sweet but there's been a huge part of my life where I didn't do normal things like that you know or figure out how to it was shocking to me when I figured out that I couldn't rent a car until I was 25 like did you guys know that that's a thing yeah yes that is that's shocking for everyone okay okay yeah so I'm driving and my mom's like Oh and um before you go just remember all the deer that crossed the the highways in Texas and then I'm like I've had like the travel day from hell of course I'm gonna like probably hit a deer or something and yeah and be so I'm so nervous and then we get to the hotel that we're staying at mystery stains all over at the comforter it's the high low that's so relatable Hillary Jessica just because I brought it up one quick mention HEB I only know about it because of spurt Society we're sold in all HEBs Isn't that cool yes how's it doing for you there it's doing fantastic it's our best grocery store yes that was our grocery store growing up Kroger and HEB I love I love HEB that's the we all need an H-E-B sponsor Josh free food for Life free groceries at HEB yeah they'll deliver to us we'll find a way we'll find a way Hillary thank you yeah Hillary thanks really thank you for you come come on anytime if you're ever promoting something if you ever want to we also should have asked that if there's anything that you want to mention that upcoming projects or yeah let's see if I get a job after this again oh please like this might be the last one and well that's every actor but how I met your father totally crushing it and what are they on like episode 5 on Hulu are we already on five yes this week next week will be five I think new season I know so good it's going by so fast love it I know really really wanting to get that pickup let's just do it already Hulu what are you waiting for we're gonna get the pickup we're manifesting the pickup everybody watch how we met your father Hillary Duff thank you so much for coming thank you thank you for having me
Channel: Josh Peck
Views: 666,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh peck, shua vlogs, josh peck best moments, josh peck vines, viner, singing, drake and josh, miranda cosgrove, nickelodeon, mukbang, eating show, david dobrik, vlog squad, jason nash, zane and heath, fuller house, hilary duff, how i met your father, hilary duff lizzie mcguire, lizzie mcguire, hilary duff music, good guys, good guys podcast, good guys hilary, good guys podcast hilary duff, hillary duff, ben soffer, claudia oshry, the toast, episode 25, 2 27 23
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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