Dave & Cody Face Flood Conditions | Dual Survival FULL EPISODE

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[Music] a little while they're here in a scenario like this where a hurricane just came through the first thing that's going to be the shock of the moment missing loved ones all your resources Swept Away as soon as you come back from that emotional and mental trauma you start to gather the things that have usefulness for you a category 5 hurricane can push a deluge of seawater over a hundred miles Inland submerging entire Villages but a natural disaster scenario you end up with what looks like this to escape the flood and make it to the coast for rescue Dave and Cody will use only what might be found in the aftermath of a hurricane we have to figure out what we're going to pick and choose from This Disaster stricken area in order to survive I'm going to grab this other piece of tarp over here there's that bed sheet maybe I can use that for something naturalist Cody lundeen has spent years perfecting the method of using anything on hand to increase survivability I used to dumpster dive when I was a kid so here I am ready to rock and roll with trash it's not a problem it's an opportunity it depends on how you look at it it exploit whatever modern aspects you have at the time improvise with indigenous things around the area and head out for survival definitely going to take the piece of mosquito now we might need that look at the trash man after nearly a decade in the Army Dave Canterbury began living by his own strict survival checklist I look at what I call a five Seas of survivability do I have a cutting tool do I have a combustion device do I have a cover do I have a container that was capable of boiling water to disinfect it and do I have cordage if I have those five things those are my five priorities one nice thing about trash there's you know an opportunity everywhere you look that's a fact look at what I found oh hell yeah it's totally soaked but some of those inner layers have to be good somebody's kitchen washed out man I got a couple of appliances over here they might have batteries in them man it's not my color but I dig those flowers on it that'll be good let's talk about what we got here man I've got a definite potential cargo device right here in this bag I can make a haversack out of I've got a metal container here it's pretty clean boiling water I've got some steel wool I found I've got a nine volt battery that I found which could be good viable combustion device what do you got over there I have a way to carry gear a way to repair stuff and create stuff I have water bottles for water that we can disinfect I found some toilet paper thinking for fire making notice a lot of the things I got in here are containers the bed sheets a container the bottles are a container those are the things I'm looking for indigenous people's entire world revolved around container use containers can carry the human body's most vital commodity water but if not disinfected water can be more deadly than the hurricane itself improper sanitation is the number one killer on planet Earth even over Warfare you want improper sanitation how about a storm that just blew through this area blowing feces everywhere contaminated in the water and now we have to deal with that there could be corpses or dead animals or anything else laying in this water so the threat of protozoan and bacterial disease in the water is heightened 100 times during a natural disaster when I fill water from a static Source I I have it about an inch or so under the surface there's stuff that floats on top and there's stuff that's stirred up from the bottom so I find a real kind of clean Zone a few inches down this is not water that Dave and I can drink right now horribly non-disinfected but you can't disinfect what's not there so we'll take whatever we can get and we'll move on it's a pretty bag you got everything man I got everything when traveling in a survival situation the first step is choosing Direction in this area the Dominican Republic we know that South is going to head toward the coastline it's a pretty much common knowledge that around coastlines is where concentrations are of human habitation so that's our agenda to go south and hit the coast how we do that is the wild card one of the big problems with the Dominican Republic is there's such varied terrain and Eco climates here you can go from the palm trees on the coastline and the white sandy beaches into Pine Forest down into jungle and into desert and that makes it very hard because it changes all your survival priorities ah it's a minefield Cody's self-reliant philosophy includes independence from Modern consumer goods such as shoes but here each terrain change puts that way of life to the test this is classic Limestone eroded into hellish shark tooth shapes my feet are soft because they're wet so picture this piece of wet meat that gets all soft and a little bit slimy it's starting to fall apart like a corpse right before it rots and then put it on a meat grinder of demonic spikes that have little razors upon those spikes all of that used to be the actual floor of the ocean that just amazes me but that's why it's so Jagged and so sharp and that's what's giving Cody such problems on his feet it's suck fell I'm going slow that's probably going to bum Dave out but he's used to me going slow in some areas if I didn't wear any shoes I'd be crying every time I'm probably gonna end up hogtying Dave and taking his boots thins out a little bit up here in the back country of large Caribbean islands vast swaths of land are isolated from Coastal moisture turning a forest into a desert you know when you think about the Dominican Republic in sandy beaches and jungle well when you can look around us now it's dry as a bone right here there's rocks and nasty stuff everywhere you look it's a desert out here and it's a dangerous desert and in a desert environment hydration and then shelter become the new Focus in a survival scenario you have to prioritize what you do and when you do it at this point in the game if you've been walking for quite a few hours and you're becoming dehydrated you've got water that you can't drink your priority has to be to disinfect that water the signs and symptoms of dehydration if someone's not getting enough water are Way Beyond thirst on my course the students get irritable they have a headache and sometimes they vomit as far as I know Dave and I don't have a headache we're not nauseous and well he's cranky most of the time but that's just days so I know it's not dehydrated yeah this environment sucks I'm thinking maybe we can rig up right near that tree or something okay we have the tarps yeah you know we can put on the ground there's really not a whole lot of counters need to be spent to make this a sleepable shelter spending the night on a bone dry Salt Flat isn't ideal but stopping to disinfect water before dehydration kicks in follows the most basic Survival Code it's going to take a little bit of Ingenuity on our part to get a fire going to begin with this battery steel wool maybe it'll work maybe it won't we'll find out Dave's plan is to use steel wool to complete a circuit between the positive and negative poles of a battery he recovered from flood debris electric current incinerates the steel wool hopefully generating enough radiant flame to ignite shreds of toilet paper [Music] nothing's going to burn 90 miles an hour I see that man foreign I'm Gonna Fill my cans yeah I think we just start boiling water now sacred stuff I want to Super hydrate tonight because I want to take off early in the morning all right bro [Music] getting out before the heat of the day is definitely a ticket eh the thing to do we know to head south because that's where the coast is the Dominican Republic is home to five different bio regions all packed into a nation smaller than the state of West Virginia Aaron's Salt Flats give way to Upland Pine Forest within an hour's walk there's a lot of diversity here in the Dominican Republic the problem with that in a survival situation is that you don't know exactly how to prepare you're in desert survival mode one minute and then all of a sudden you're in Forest survival mode it's very surreal out here isn't it yes it is one of the rarest Woodland Types on Earth is Cloud Forest Highlands where Evergreens grow up to 200 feet tall but they suck nutrients from the soil leaving little for other species and a Pine Forest unless you're a big meat eater and have something called a rifle is a very sterile area to hunt and gather we had fire last night we have water so the next priority level as far as survival goes is food the cloud forest may be food and resource deficient but so is Cody's Arizona home you know these rocks have been a pain in my butt but like in my country Believe It or Not Here There are scorpions so I'll try to find one here this shouldn't be that difficult to find recommend you do this with them but the syrians ate them a lot in northern Mexico there's various species they're all toxic and voila I don't recommend doing this because anything that can put a herd on you this anaphylactic shock you go down and die scorpion Stingers release a mixture of protein-based Venom that can cause anaphylactic shock a severe whole body allergic reaction that kills more than 1500 people each year so I'll get him out here where I can see him pin him down and that last part of the tail that's where the the poison is it's very very small now it's gone with one move of that stick so there's nothing really that he can sting me with there he's an inert scorp he's more worried about getting away I'm way too big to eat and they kind of taste like uh the current Trace like kind of a pea soup with bark in it I'll find another one I'll bring it back to Captain Dave and turn him onto some vittles it's in the cloud forest but the presence of dense fog means that water can be easier to find you know plants like this with big leaves in them will collect water and you could just stick your face in this puddle and suck it out of there but there's a lot of turbidity in that water High turbidity means large quantities of clay silt and vegetation which can be removed with an improvised filter when we collected all the things that we collected I actually grabbed a roll of toilet paper and if I just take a piece of that toilet paper off of here it will suck that up just like a sponge because it's so absorbent and then I can just put that in my mouth just like that over and over again until I get all that water you can see how much water that collects it's a real good technique if you've got something exorbitant to suck the water up I got you a snack as you know I would never recommend that to a student to hunt something that can hunt them via anaphylactic shock so you obviously you've already cut the Stinger off this dude I have bon appetit now he's mad and he's pinching too [Music] it tastes like crap you don't like it no how many calories you think are in that negligible we need to move out of this area because there's not a lot here to exploit for survival as far as calories or other options you got my head out of here I am [Music] it was scorpion scented [Music] hey look you're here man it's going down you can't want to see across the other side of this thing I can see enough I think we need to go down in there number one because I think it'll get us out of the Pine Forest number two water runs downhill so there's probably water down there which is probably a place to hunt food I think that's our only BET right in this area let's take it and see this area is mechanical injury waiting to happen everywhere you step how does that look so far Dave yeah and loose rocks just watch it flooding man climbing accidents occur during descent Canyon's a monster my plan to go down this is slow for the safety of us both Tony's got feet like leather but these rocks are like razor blades my concern is that Cody's going to cut his feet up because that can get infected out here in a snap and we're both screwed that is the price you pay for being Bush hippie when you're Barefoot believe me you walk carefully so you think you're on a rock that's going to hold your weight Wham it doesn't and there goes the ankle [Music] Whoa man [ __ ] coming up Cody's unique approach to survival I'm gonna sprinkle love fairy dust all over him doesn't rub off on days wow Dave doesn't really have a docile personality no no no you can't go down there [Music] this Canyon's a monster man are you okay watch your step right there man the first one's a doozy they almost went sailing right into that agave actually I did did you did it spuria all right just a couple places in my country that would sting it stinks look at here man that's pretty good sign you know it's a water indicator that bodes well for us I think down lower okay I agree limestone is a porous Rock allowing water to drain to lower elevations an indication that the canyon floor could be full of life that's the classic Limestone seep this thing can save your butt [Music] it's amazing how this is a totally different environment than where we just came from climate changes terrain changes Bam Bam Bam Lush subtropical Forest on the canyon floor offers new opportunities to find food water and shelter the shelter has to be one of your top priorities in any survival situation it keeps you from exposure keeps you out of the wind keeps you covered from rain that will zap the heat out of your body when food is scarce resorting to Natural cover can save valuable energy there's a cave up here man I'm gonna check this out let's see what it looks like the perfect shelter is the one that keeps your ass alive this is a great little cave for us to hold up in it's dry up here it's not going to get wet if it rains there's not going to be any humidity in here if we start a Fire Down Below Let the Smoke Rise up into this canopy it will bring the smoke into this cave keep the bugs out of it in addition to providing shelter caves can also be a source of water but not necessarily water that is safe to drink oh man look at that this water looks clean I'm sure it's not clean enough just to drink straight because it's not moving so it's not spring water it's runoff water coming down through this Limestone the fact of the matter is that's a pretty good bottle of water right there hey Cody check this out man this is Cody's type of stuff right here he likes to find easy low calorie expenditures and Big Payback this is a gold mine Casa Lakota [Music] I think it's great man taking advantage of opportunities like this in a survival situation is huge here we have this shelter and it's dry that's created boom just like that courtesy of Mother Nature so we don't have to spend the calories we can spend our time doing other stuff so the next priority becomes food that's what I'm going to be looking for look at this termite Nest here you can see I popped this open and it's just crawling with Critters just tons of protein right there just put down a moist stick or put in my finger there Universal protein easy to harvest that's what I like I have no idea what kind of hippie stuff he's trying to pull off my preference is never to eat bugs out of stumps to me they taste like crap but in a situation where you have to have calories you eat what you got [Music] oh hey Cody look man look at this big old tarantula man he's badass isn't he okay dude the tarantula is venomous but the real danger lies in their urticating hair tiny Barbed spikes that cause painful irritation and possibly blindness you see now he's mad he's got aggressive posture his legs went up now he's getting pissed off hey Dave let's move on in the survival situation you don't go after something that can go after you that's not a safe way to procure food [Music] he's a break what about you yeah hey what is that over there Kelly with all the bugs crawling is that a beehive it looks like a bunch of bees yeah oh man that's a bunch of food we need to go down there and get that food have you lost your mind oh man what freaking honey are you serious do you realize that it just takes that one sting for anaphylactic shock to happen and all of a sudden I have a bigger meal than you it's called your body well then you can eat me when I'm done because I'm going down there survivals art of self-reliance the last thing that you want to do in an environment like this is walk around wet moisture sap spotty heat 25 times faster than air you can get hypothermic very quickly even in somewhat temperate areas and in a human jungle drying clothes after they get wet is nearly impossible we're using some non-permeable barrier to keep our clothing as dry as possible what am I conehead no I'm a chocolate chip we need to go down there and get that food have you lost your mind the number one Critter that kills the most people in North America is the honeybee and it kills them through anaphylactic shock wild Africanized bees swarm your ass until you die the point is how dangerous is it in my mind I'm the one that's taking the risk so in my mind it has to be worth the reward and the reward will be fantastic I can guarantee you honeycomb larvae and honey are all potential food sources within the hive but a single colony May house as many as forty thousand bees I know there's bees in there and I know that a lot of Africanized bees are in this area but I'm seriously heart attack man I mean I got netting in there I got tarp in there I can we got duct tape I can get myself wrapped up so I don't get stung why don't we just go to the shelter and just forget the bees because that's food you know it's food that can put anybody in this situation needs something to eat not from things that can take you down I understand that man but it's a risk reward thing okay I won't argue anymore I'll do whatever you want to support this but I'm not being anywhere near that swarm of hell I think Dave is simply being Dave and like he puts up with me with my bare feet I will put up with him now if he loses his life he's given me permission to eat him which is a good that's a friendly gesture no no no you can't go down there anaphylactic shock this bees that there's food down there that's where I'm going I don't give a how much honey is there it's a simple glucose Rush at best to me it's just not a sound survival decision today's plan is to spear the honeycomb and move it but first attempt to calm the Swarm I'm gonna have to smoke these bees to kind of lull them into not giving that I'm in their hive and I'm going to steal the booty and run so particles disrupt the bees chemical messaging system temporarily warding off an attack and moist green plants such as the Agave or century plant produce the most smoke when burned in this country they use the stock of the sensory plant for a torsion [Music] I want to split this Agave stock down so that it the pith of it will burn on the inside the center of the plant is picked a porous substance that transports fluids for photosynthesis it's thick damp fibers are perfect fuel for generating smoke you can see inside there's very pithy and when I burn that it should just smoke a smolder a plan to pacify bees with smoke is impossible Without fire this is a silk Cotton Tree it's one of the native trees of this area the cool thing for right now are these pods that the silk cotton puts off and if I break it open it has a fiber it's a lot like cotton so here is a ready-made Tinder Supply to make fire so I'm going to take a little piece of the steel wool that we had and the battery and I'm going to hit it [Music] I used to live at a hippie commune where I used to help the guy tend bees and it's an amazing thing what smoke can do because they can be docile Dave doesn't really have a docile personality though so I'm going to sprinkle love fairy dust all over him before he goes out so he opens his heart and the Rays hit the bees and they say take me Dave before you go down there let me Scout these plants over here okay just stay put let me go get something that uh frankly you might need multiple uses the same Agave used as a torch contains a cooling bomb for the painful inflammation of bee stings so this is the local Agave this stuff can be put topically on the skin and it has an effect a lot like aloe vera I'm going to show you what it looks like on the inside I'm going to save a lot of this juice for you know who so when Dave gets popped not if by those bees I want to have something for that lug to put on those stings and he can do his Fool's Erin Agave me East skin irritation after a bee sting but will do nothing to cure anaphylactic shock a severe allergic reaction that can result in shortness of breath low blood pressure even death we need to evaluate my resources here I've got this netting that I picked up it's got a couple holes in it but I'm gonna have to cover up all areas of Exposed Skin and make sure those bees can't get into my eyes my mouth around my throat in my ears because those are the big danger zones to me is things swelling up so that I can't breathe or I can't see but over the top of this whole thing for a minute now there are some holes in this sucker too you look like some Sasquatch or something bees have one of the most complex communication systems in nature pheromones act as an alarm system for the rest of the Swarm if just one bee enters protective clothing the rest will immediately attempt to follow can you even stand up straight I'm standing straight oh I'm just a short guy oh all right let me torch brother okay his new Indian name is Pooh Bear I'm gonna call him Winnie you got the Torches ready man I'm out of here the worst case scenario in this is Cody's worst nightmare you know Dave goes down there to get the bees insistent on taking a dangerous move and then I get stung not two or three times but 50 to 100 to a thousand times that's how people die in countries like this from Africanized bees the plan is to cut honeycomb from within the hive and flee before the Swarm becomes aggressive [Music] now they're really bad [Music] there it is and now I can't find it I think we're going to get out of here [Music] there it is [Music] now I can't find it dude we're going to get out of here you're inside this thing we gotta go Bob that's five sting six things taste things I'm here I'm here are they all gone no they're all on you well come on man help me out here all right you got the knife on the stick hold on a second is there any more bees on me man if someone had a little adventure oh man what Adrenaline Rush holy crap hey sit down and let me take the stingers out of your face because they're still pumping Venom into your face when a bee stings it inserts a barbed prong which injects apotoxic Venom until the Stinger is removed or there is no Venom left to inject don't move but signs of anaphylactic shock may not appear immediately [Music] there's one got up in that mask somehow yeah I noticed that here's one on your nose looks like most of them stop pumping if you're clear of all that I see now now here um where where do they hit you just start pointing everywhere dude I mean I can't tell you I mean it was like 50 of them inside that mask right here take a piece of that and just put it on those areas okay I never seen so many bees in my life dude holy cow I picked on the wrong freaking High it's only been a few minutes so we'll see if there's any swelling hopefully it's not in your throat this is not something that everyone would want to do in a survival situation but a drastic circumstances sometimes call for drastic measures and definitely going to enjoy this tonight I can promise you that well you worked for that honey you know I'll give you that there's no doubt in my mind that when we sit down to eat tonight Cody's going to be lapping this freaking honey up with two hands Camp's not too far from here it's just 100 yards or so down all right bro after enduring a physical trauma such as exposure to an unknown dose of apotoxic Venom the body needs to rest almost here containers can be used to transport many survival resources including fire we started a fire to smoke these bees and we're not very far from our shelter location right now so in lieu of having to start another fire all we need to do is carry that fire to the next location by putting some coconut hustle we've collected along the way into a can stuffing it with coals and let it smolder until we get to shelter location if you want to start a fire man I'll go down and fill up your water bottles that are empty now and we can start disinfecting some of that water all right I'll be right back it up [Music] I'm taking this once large piece of fuel and adding surface area which increases the oxygen and oxygen supports combustion [Music] this thing is keeps threatening to go out on me here so I'm just adding oxygen move this can enough to allow new fuel to get in contact there we go and I just saw a huge crab on that rock right there trying to see if I can get them freshwater crabs live only in tropical latitudes come on react and like all crabs they have claws foreign buddy catch him right now come here where you at come here yeah that is some solid meat protein right there check this out man sweet damn that's a big crowd yeah man look at the size of that claws you think he knows he's doomed I don't know he's about to find out at me [Music] so what do you think man you feel like while we're waiting on this water to boil chowing down into one of these crab claws you betcha well we've got that honey in that black garbage bag honey in the garbage bag honey in the garbage bag you show me how it's done here oh my gosh Hey Brother this little succulent tidbits of wonderfulness mmm that's stupid good oh man my honey's absolute Heather protein and carbohydrates in one shot well I've never had so much fun with crabs Dave coming up it's the weather in this country is Relentless surviving the Dominican Republic's jungle is one thing nothing there being spotted on an empty coastline is another hey hey if a person is in a natural disaster type situation and you don't assume anything unless you're on the plane the boat the car going home [Music] thank you in this situation a huge catastrophic natural disaster like a hurricane everyone is screwed and that's very sobering we know to head south because that's where the coast is and around coastlines is where concentrations are of human habitation if nothing else that's where probably rescue is hey Cody look here the snail right here that's an amazing she's gonna take a chance on eating it or not here in the Dominican Republic they have a wide diversity of animal life and plant life for me to eat this would be pretty stupid you think oh it's a snail so it must be like the apple snails in the States but things that you can't absolutely identify can't get you killed without assist Source the Island unless civilization and rescue are close at hand hey what are you making this Cody what I make of that is it looks like a Gumbo Limbo tree you know what that means you're getting closer to salt water closer to the coast this is a Gumbo Limbo tree it's also called tourist tree like a sunburned tourist and you can see that's one of the ID methods it has this flaky bark just like a tourist with sunburned skin the hearty root system of the Gumbo Limbo tree thrives in the salty soil common to Ocean Coastland it signifies the coast that's where we're heading so the fact that this tree popped up means we're getting closer to our ultimate destination that's good news yeah that's encouraging [Music] swamps are one of the most complex ecosystems on Earth the species fear flourish in the Divide between Land and Sea this is getting a lot easier walking for me man the water's getting deeper too this is a wonderful clay base it's slick but it's nothing like that Limestone I'm glad to be done with that my feet need to break and they finally have it [Music] [Applause] so whether this country is relentless hey Cody a lot of water nothing there what do you say we drop a ground signal or something yeah I'm good with that that way there's something here to attract attention I'm gonna Trace out our ax here we're putting visual signal on the beach with the international X symbol to say we need help what we're doing is taking Contracting material in this case black vegetation and black on white doesn't get much better than that we're going to make a pattern of symmetry that doesn't often occur in nature a huge 30 foot X International signaling code dictates that signals composed of a single letter are considered the most urgent it's just an option survival is all about having options what do you think I think we're wet it's raining we need to keep moving yeah stay warm and cover some ground let's do it you want to lay out an air out here in the direction we're going to travel sounds good all right man we're putting an arrow on the beach in the direction that we're going to travel so that we can be moving targets and if we hear something we'll get those big blue and silver ponchos out and we'll start whipping that tarp in the air you want to be like your drunk uncle on New Year's Eve with the lampshade on his head standing on the dinner table be as obnoxious as possible until you get found if you don't set up a signal for rescue then the search goes on and on and on the longer someone searches for you statistically the bigger odds of them pulling the plug [Music] [Music] thank you hey hey get your tarp out man I got it I got it [Music] all right where's this part of the world natural disasters are very prevalent you need to improvise adapt and overcome you're probably going to have to walk a long ways so make sure that you only choose the things that you absolutely need when you decide to affect self-rescue in any survival scenario three qualities that'll keep you alive or adaptation awareness and a positive attitude if you have those three in harmony you might survive
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 1,179,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, dual survival discovery australia, discovery australia full episode, dual survival, dual survival full episode, dual survival season 1, dual survival dave and cody full episodes, dual survival shelter, dual survival hunting, dual survival cody, dual survival best moments, Cody lundin dual survival, dual survival season 1 episode 9, dual survival flood, flood
Id: 2xtMgqFbDf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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