Dave & Cody Stay Hydrated In The Florida Everglades Using Snake Skin! | Dual Survival FULL EPISODE

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foreign gets an airboat stuck you got to work hard to do that so we're screwed even if it runs it's not going anyplace not now survival experts Cody lundeen and Dave Canterbury are playing the part of two air boaters stranded in the sweltering heat of the Florida Everglades you know the bottom line is it's hot and it's only going to get hotter out here and right now with that short radiation beating down from the Sun on this reflective surface we might as well be like two tater tots and a skillet out here most search and rescue scenarios where you've been smart enough to leave a game plan lasts between 48 and 72 hours the problem is in the beating Sun like this where you don't have a lot of cover it only takes about four to five hours to kill you in a swamp twice the size of Delaware the plan is to wait for rescue the only question is where it's hotter out here than a tick under a dog's armpit what do you think we should do I mean obviously you want to stay with the vehicle whenever possible well I mean the problem is the weather in Florida can change on a dime so we could be building a shelter all sudden it starts raining we're the highest metal point in the sky we're going to get struck by lightning lightning okay well that's a deal killer for me there are some stable Palms off in the distance and that's an indicator of drier land so that would be the place you'd want to go leaving a vehicle behind defies survival coat but once the decision is made to abandon exploit old survival resources it provides I think we ought to take advantage of what we have here as far as combustible Fuel and a battery for ignition to start a fire before we leave fire does more things for you in a survival situation than any other tool except your cutting tool because when we get over there we're going to need that fire it's going to Ward away the bugs and it gives us resources to cook food and process water it also gives us a signal we have to have fire we need to worry about hydration how to disinfect this water you know I don't want to Lug that battery that's at least 25 30 pounds we don't have matches we don't have a lighter but what we have is a 30 pound battery right here and we have gasoline so as long as we have some type of fuel or Tinder I can carry fire with me transporting fire long distances is a challenge that requires a slow burning Tinder a fuel source rarely found in the waterlogged swamp so I'll go see what I can find for us to at least get a fire started you want me to cannibalize the boat but don't strip it yeah don't strip it to where it won't run in case it rains a lot and the thing will float again okay oh Dave Canterbury is no stranger to the Florida swamps or they're dangerous I lived in Florida for quite a long time not very far from the Everglades when I lived here I used to hunt reptiles for a living that's what I did so I know exactly what's out in these swamps you know the Everglades is covered by hundreds of miles of the Sawgrass you can see it's actually got three edges that can cut you like little saw blades and the teeth are all facing one way so if you rub it in One Direction you don't feel the teeth really but if you rub it the other way you can feel those saw teeth catching on your skin so this is some bad to try to walk through when Dave and I walk out of here I want some general direction for search and rescue to be able to follow so I'm going to make a simple arrow as best I can in the direction we know we're going which is over those stable Palms primitive living skills expert Cody lundeen has been instructing students how to stay alive in remote and deadly situations for decades I'm trying to make this boat look like a really hot babe in a bikini I want people looking this direction but Cody is at a disadvantage in this two million acre swamp the Florida Everglades is not my cup of tea this is not my country but Dave's spent time here so basically well I can get by with some generalities I'm going to acquiesce to him on a lot of critical survival facts because the swamps his terrain it's not mine foreign contrast it'll have a shape that's unlike another shape out here in nature so that's going to attract someone's eyes as well okay these are what I'm looking for right here these are the old dead seed heads of the cattail plant look like hot dogs when they first ripen up and this busted part right here really isn't what I want because surface area allows an oxygen that makes it burn faster what I want is the stuff that's dead and compressed together like this that I can ignite and it will burn for a long time so that we can make it flame when we get where we're going Davis we got some cats in front of a spot in the shade yeah hotter than hell out here I know wow nice signal device brother I didn't want to cannibalize both the life vests we have one for each of us so that's the best I can come off oh good job man so tell me what you find off this boat man um obviously this one is uh a huge score there's your baby oh yeah absolutely nice machete excellent I found this pack the battery's pretty obvious it seems fresh this is kind of screwed here but to carry fire yeah it's definitely not going to hold water is it yeah and that's pretty much what I found everything looks good man but I'm going to take my knife will you mess with the fire and clear all this back so the boat has as much contrast as possible on this swamp okay sounds good I need to get a fire going the coating I can carry with us while we travel I'm going to need a heat source which I'm going to use the battery for that I'm going to use this wire and basically cross the connections and short the battery out exactly what I'm looking for I just want to dip the tip of this in this gas tank this is very high octane Airplane Fuel much more combustible than the regular gas that you put in your car I'm going to take this Cattail and I'm going to bust it up in here just to use that to catch on fire and this will be my fuel as I go one-time deal foreign it's uh gonna burn really quick with all these holes in this can [Music] all right man ready yeah [Music] leaving the Airboat to seek out shade is vital to avoiding heat stroke but walking unprotected into deep Cypress swamp defies Basic Instinct what Davis told me is the more we go into the swamp the more the critters are happening there the alligators the snakes or whatever so why in the hell would we go from this fairly benign area as far as fauna and go to that area it's because of our unfriend hyperthermia high body temperature and dehydration you get hit with full sun all the time that is the big killer you got water all around you and you can't drink it you could drink it if you want to get sick from it but the better bet is to find a way to boil it we need to find some dry land we need to find a place that we can build shelter build fire disinfect water [Music] brush in high heat humidity can burn through two quarts of water in just one hour oh the Trek is Complicated by the fact that Cody doesn't wear shoes or long pants not even here in the Hostile Everglades the thing that I worry most about with Cody out here is he's in shorts he's walking through the Sawgrass bat is eating up my arms I'm sure it's eaten up his legs this stuff is a to get through if you get one of these potholes all of a sudden you're up to your crotch whoa yeah there's a few deep holes as far as going Barefoot it's not that big of a deal just my legs are going to be staying the Sawgrass slice my arms completely up I'm sure Cody's legs look the same way the salt in your sweat makes it sting even worse the slog through the swamp is only worth it if they can get to shade in dry land with the fire intact so right now things are tenuous if Dave dunks that can in the water or Sol we got to go back to the boat and do it all over again neither one of us want to trace around in this for the hell of it I just hope to hell we can get the fire to wherever we're going to finish those Palms [Music] hang on our buds going out bro here take a bunch of this is there enough heat in there no [Music] you got it I don't know Cody you really gotta watch this thing it's about to go out and those things are delicate I don't like disturbing this but that can't tell needs to be over there I'll move that bucket okay there it should be right on that ember now hey we're just gonna have to keep adding fuel and keep moving do I want to do this is this fun hell no it's about here and with that humidity it's even harder to dump heat the sun's a real booger out here isn't it yeah it is man definitely blow through a lot of water doing that I know I can still see the boat so a lot more shade in here huh brother yeah feels good shade Under The Canopy of the Cypress swamp slows dehydration but within this new ecosystem lie new risks we're gonna have to watch out for snakes now brother [Music] you know Cody and I have escaped the blistering Sun out there in a Sawgrass Prairie but now we're in the home of the reptile in every move we make and the closer it gets the dark that's when it gets scary more than 20 species of snake thrive in the Florida Everglades including Burmese Python and The Venomous water moccasin so it's snake City in here right yeah there's going to be snakes in here but this water is going to get deeper before it gets shallower these logs that's where you want to keep your eyes open man because snakes will lay up on top of those everything's trying to get out of the water huh exactly the shade here is better but I'm still ankle Deep in water it's harder to see where you're going Dave is telling me all the critters are hanging out in here so do you want a turd sandwich or a turd sandwich with mustard I'd go with the mustard but still it's a turd sandwich at least we have the shade I'm happy sort of so we're gonna head toward those sable palms and see if there's any dryer ground whatsoever you think we're going the right direction generally between 11 and 2 you know all right cody getting considerably deeper right here man I got to tell you this looks like this might be a gator hole a what a gator hole the fact that there's no plants growing here in full sun means this water is pretty deep a lot of times Gators will wallow us out in the dry season to make it deeper so it holds more water so what I'm worried about here is that we might have Gators laying on the bottom of this pool we've got to get over there one way or another we've got a couple different options we can walk around through the grass back here which is probably infested with snakes we can hop across a couple of these tree areas right here where the roots are that's going to be a little shallower again the Gators can be laying in these weeds or we can act like alligators swim under the water through this hole figure a way to rig that fire so it floats and get to the other side you tell me door number one is snake infested grass door number two is snake and Gator infested trees and door number three is something called a gator hole I don't want to go across something called a gator hole for Dave to tell me to swim like a gator that's counterintuitive I'd rather go somewhat where I could see my other concern is this I can't risk it so here I am I'm gonna play Lord of the Rings here's my staff of power and I'm going to use it to bushwhack through their come hell or high water but the longer we stand here I know intuitively I want to go right there maybe it's just where I can see the Sun hitting those weeds because right now I kind of I just kind of feel like a chick at the bar at closing and everyone's looking at me it was in a survival situation you get stuck making a decision that you really don't like there is no best option there are only options they all suck Cody's the one that's kind of out of his element here so I want to go with what he's comfortable with right in the middle of the Gator hole now so be careful man oh great stressful hey Cody look at these Vines man some good looking stuff right here now let's get let's get out of the pool Dave you need this cordage I can get now I'm going to take it now because I don't know if it's going to be where we're going I think we should be looking down she used to be shallowing out now Cody you're a hell of a tour guide I want to get the hell out of this water before it gets dark to make some semblance of a base camp I mean we're heading to the Sable pumps and Dave said that's drier land but dryers like jumbo shrimp what the hell is the word jumbo doing with the word shrimp it just doesn't make any sense hey Cody looks like drag around up here man [Music] and it's completely dry but it's a lot drier you know anything we're losing light brother I mean yeah definitely we're losing light I say we just get up in here in the mud get a shelter built somewhere and get off the ground you need to find shelter and then I'll deal with fire because the fire is going to go wherever you pick the swamp is more dangerous at night as nocturnal Predators roam to feed the most basic defense is an elevated platform I don't know what's out there right now looks like it's clear ground to me but I'm not going to camp out in the open expose the elements right now what I'm worried about is getting up off the ground and this looks like a pretty good spot to do it I got a whole group of trees right here this is pretty well protected overhead as long as I get a platform to get us up off the ground and away from the critters shelter is only half the battle constant fire will repel most swamp Predators the sail Palm was like the hardware store of the swamp you can tear off big amounts of this stuff to make like a Tinder bundle but you can see this webbing formation it's a little bit loose it's not as tight as it would like it the reason I'd want it tighter is it limits the O2 so it'll smolder what I'm trying to do right now is as quick as I can get a shelter put together for me and Cody while he's bringing in one for the fire I've used the natural tripods Mother Nature provided and just lifted his butt up off the ground six or eight inches and now I'm going to come across here with poles once Cody gets the fire built out here hopefully we'll get some of that blowing in here suck into our shelter to keep the bugs down impending Darkness isn't the only threat dusk is also when mosquito feeding reaches its peak here's something that with Dave and I can use this is wax myrtle this was used by the Seminole Indians topically on their skin as far as bugs mosquitoes in particular so in this area of the swamp with impending Darkness this is worth its weight in gold here smoldering Embers still need to be built into a fire but an ordinary fire bed would never last on the wet swamp floor I'm creating a base with green wood if I was on the snow I'd be doing something similar with bows it's green so it's not going to burn through that easily I have my ignition Source in the can but I want to be careful of that because we really can't afford to go back to the Airboat to try to light it again so I'm just going to put in this little bundle of sable that I have and I'm going to blow it in their Flame this is a one chance deal here [Music] thank you I'm not out of the woods yet here I need more smoke so I'm going to start babying it up with small sticks make fire for granted you get screwed [Music] is that man there's something crawling over there what I'm did you hear that yeah I heard something but I don't know what it was man it's right over there I don't see nothing remember that movie where there's these spiders from space or something and before it was all these crickets chirping and there was no Crickets at all no because all the spiders oh never mind foreign temperatures in the Everglades average in the 70s and climb 20 degrees by noon to survive in this brutal environment safe drinking water is critical well this is tedious at least there's some way to to disinfect the water here we're trying to hydrate with the Billy Bob bucket here and it ain't happening because we've only got about an inch of water in that so this means repeated runs to the swamp obviously we've got to disinfect water all freaking day long with this little piddly amount we got here sooner or later we're gonna have to find something better for a container because the more things that we do drains more water out of us and it burns more calories beyond that what we need to worry about is search and rescue this regress makes a killer a straw so what do you think man we need to investigate this field for an area maybe build a rescue fire concentrate on maybe get a little bit of food somewhere along the line yeah at least there's not a hole in the bottom that's true it could be worse [Music] that wasn't there before hey Dave did you drag something through here do what man there's some stuff over my tracks that wasn't here just a bit ago look at this that's not a normal drag that's a snake Cody it's a big snake yeah it is look at that I mean that's a little bit dry but that's no yeah he came over that went straight through here that's a damn big snake this has to be a python Hernan Anaconda the largest species of snake to inhabit the Florida Wetlands is the Burmese python recorded at over 20 feet and 250 pounds there's a lot of pythons in this area this thing if I could track him down he's not going to be far away yeah look for him easy food man crayfish are easy food I agree you seen any at all Burmese python are non-venomous but Kill by squeezing the life out of their prey their strength is so Fierce People have suffered broken bones or been crushed to death by a Python's grip so what's the risk factor on this for me as far as I'm concerned I think the risk is very minimal to tell you this Earth maybe a bite maybe I'm not I don't expect him to be far so early in the day he's gonna be laying somewhere in the sun that's what I'm going to do right over here to wait for this drama to unfold all right man so here we go again right yeah I'll eat the snake you know if he brings the snake back but in a survival situation or even in common sense land you never go after something that can put the hurt on you but whatever I can't stop the actions of Dave he's gonna go hunt that's Dave but I can mitigate the risk that he might run into by using the knowledge I have to deal with the aftermath that's called common sense so we're back to our friend wax myrtle I've been wearing it literally around my sash it's been pretty decent mosquito repellent seminal style also seminal style is to take the berry of this so if I snap off a piece of this there's the berry of the wax myrtle and I'm going to take these berries here and I'm going to mix them with some disinfected water that's known by the Seminole Indians to topically dress alone it's a disinfectant for wounds and I'm just making the Assumption there's going to be some wounds in the situation foreign there's a drag Mark right here and there's mud on top of this log where he's come across here it's called micro tracking sometimes you don't always see their track but transfer of material like this mud to this leaf that doesn't occur in nature that's what you're looking for I can see they slid it off right here into the mud pythons are cold-blooded and slow moving when temperatures drop but once worn by the sun they head out to hunt so here's the next thing I'm looking at I see moisture on this log right here at the top okay that didn't happen in nature the only reason this can be wet on top is if something put water there all right we got a Burmese python here he's a little feisty but all he really wants to do is get away from me I'm guessing this snake probably weighs about six or seven pounds and there's probably a good pound and a half to two pounds of meat you want to dispatch a snake like this very quickly so all you're really going to do is get a good chopping block somewhere like this log right here so I'm going to get this back to Cody and we'll start processing it out hey man all right here we go Burmese python huh not a very big one well that'll be good meat but yeah the fact that Dave brought back that python that we can eat is a huge asset and do I recommend people do that no but Dave head does his thing and he has his own special set of training that even I don't have with reptiles fraction of this weight is edible Python's skin is tough but a kill should be used for more than just its meat okay hold on I don't have a good grip Perfect all right let me go wash this off dude I'll be back you still gotta gut that out I know yeah that's what I'm gonna do right now all right I'll be back man I've never skinned python but man there's a lot of meat right here on the neck man is it sticky under there I want to kind of leave this stuff intact I don't want to get in here too aggressively and blow a bunch of poop or guts all over the place if it's not necessary oh oh it whizzled all over itself so yeah this sucks in here I've obviously burst something but I'm just going to pull through the gore there I'm assuming that's the heart see it's still beating pretty intense he didn't kill this thing two minutes ago you know it's meat as far as I'm concerned but to a lot of cultures and today I've this is like the lifeblood of the animal the fact that this is still beating I mean you can see the state of the snake they had the hearts refusing to give up it's a warrior snake food can be the difference between life and death but digesting protein depletes water from the human body water that must be safely replaced or risked dehydration I'm going to try to Fashion a container out of the skin that we can use over the fire to actually pasteurize water I'm gonna take it I'm just going to tie a knot in this thing as tight as I can get it and then I'm going to turn it right back the way it was and hopefully that's going to plug the bottom of this up so it will hold water I'm going to scrape the meat off of it so it doesn't rot without scraping a hole in the hide I'm going to perforate it a couple of times the thread is fine right through these holes like this and we'll see if what I've got in mind is going to work or not because this is all trial and error take this thing roll it down just like this that off now I got a freaking snakeskin sea lion bag and I'm good to go there's almost a liter of water in there probably okay here's my idea brother [Music] it's definitely holding water it's water tight that's a question about that I've never heard of anyone doing that before my question is what's going to happen when that skin gets heated up how tough is it it's pretty tough they make cowboy boots out of that stuff so how do you want to deal with a snake I'm going to go cut some stuff right now to get the snake cooking if you want to pasteurize the water okay I'm gonna take this snake skin and I'm gonna bring the water up to a temperature that's not quite boiling called pasteurization that will disinfect the water of all harmful waterborne pathogens so it's safe for us to drink heating the water to 150 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes kills life-threatening pathogens and puts the improvised container to the test while I'm optimistic I'm cautiously optimistic because maybe that snakeskin's not going to cut it maybe it's going to dissipate and burst and get too crinkly over the heat hell I don't know neither one of us have done this [Music] thank you see that there's a new little drama happening this thing is starting to leak from some place somewhere on the skin there's a small hole if that hole starts pissing all over the fire then it is game over dual survivals art and self-reliance when food is scarce in the wild even small insects are fair game for the next meal Lord knows in my career I've eaten a lot of grasshoppers except those that can kill you this is a lubber grasshopper this one's a No-No this grasshopper contains two toxic compounds in the thorax called phenilex and Quinones so like most Critters that have a chemical defense they're brightly colored which means don't eat me buy a lover Cody's being very diligent with the fire and the skin to make sure that we keep it intact you know if you rush it it can ruin it there's almost a quart of water in that skin if we blow the bottom of it out it's a lost cause so we just have to be patient [Music] thank you [Music] oh yeah this piece is done right here Cody oh yeah done absolutely have you ever eaten python before yeah hey hey Boa Constructor once I'm pretty good meat though I'll tell you that right now that's some good meat that's good [Music] scented snake meat is high in protein raising energy levels and stamina look at you over there like a country boy with a piece of corn on the cob bye [Music] but hydration Remains the priority all right man so how about that snakeskin container how's it looking you seen it leaking any no the new and improved python has a self-sealing skin once you give it a feel and see what you think excited man because well number one because I've never done it before number two now we got water huh ah my snake tea [Music] it's a good sign you know that when you burp it's physiological proof that your pyloric sphincter valve below the stomach is open to allow the water to flush into your small and large intestine where it's rapidly absorbed by the human body I had no idea thanks for the lesson calories and hydration provide the ability to take on new tasks and in the middle of the dense Florida Everglades that means creating a signal for rescue what I want to do is do a big X using some of the white foam within this and at the Apex of this x like right in the middle boom a signal fire you want me to build that sure yeah what I need is something that's going to get this fire up off the ground a platform of green wood will keep the fire bed dry until it's time to light the signal and hopefully it'll flame up give us what we need the trick is finding Tinder that will turn into a fast Blaze when ignited pine trees are full of resin gravity pulls those resins into these Pockets where the branches go into the tree and if you look at this where I broke this off right here you can see this real resiny colored wood right here that's a lot darker and wetter looking than the rest of the wood and if you smell that that smells just like turpentine it's real sticky and when you hit this with fire it burns just like a candle fires May attract attention but the most urgent distress symbol is the letter x I'm just going to remove the white filler material from this because white is the most contrasting color out there I'm just going to take them down and pin them so they don't blow away would you put those palm fronds at Cody you were using right there the plan is I've built a big giant Nest basically in the middle of a log cabin type structure and if it does Rain by some chance we have to protect that signal fire because I have to be ready to go at a moment's notice all vegetation is made to channel water into its roots and it has grooves in the leaves right here that run straight down into the stem we want to repel the water so by turning this upside down the water will run the opposite direction will run off of our fire and down to the ground [Music] revisual these two ends obviously will just pick them up and wave them we have the contrast and the movement [Music] yeah me too [Music] [Laughter] going Barefoot is a survival philosophy on which Dave and Cody don't share common ground how are those dogs but here in the waterlogged swamp Cody may have an edge well considering they've been wet all day long you tell me brother that's a pretty waterlogged dog dude damn that is a wrinkly ass foot yes it is we use that for a settling for rescue device you want to see a good looking foot let me see a good looking foot it's right there that's a good looking foot is perfectly sculpted I have proper length toes they're tanned they're Supple they're toned suffer whoa back the truck up supple it might be Supple because of the water but normally things look like cactuses they're like hoofs okay okay that's better I was with you until you got to the Supple part how's that skin looking over there man it's good obviously 72 hour scenario day three is here but what if rescue's not well you know what the word assume means yeah I sure do so what's our other options that signal is going to be the bomb no doubt about that we got plenty of water I think we're set except for calories native Seminoles thrived in these swamps for Generations by making use of whatever sustainable food sources the environment offered so I'm an opportunist I'm looking for whatever I find there's bound to be some crayfish out here or snails or whatever hey Dave yeah there's a snake here not very big but I don't know what he is where's he at he sees me he's right here on this dead Palm from the very top see them all right where'd he go there he is right there oh yeah that's a baby water moccasin Water mocca Center venomous a single bite injects hematoxic enzymes causing severe tissue damage see how he's got a big black stripe on the side of his face right there yeah that's the easy way to tell obviously they swim yeah they swim like a fish brother I got his tail pin down right now so he can't go anywhere so he's kind of mad probably but they're very very aggressive with these things and even a water moccasin size of this one could give you a body to put in a lot of trouble yeah I've seen guys with water moccasin bites lose almost their entire hand before from just a bite on a finger hang on do you oh yeah it's real fast yeah if he comes my way I'm Gonna Leave he's mad that's for sure all right so I'm gonna go get rid of this guy a few yards away man which way I'll take him back this way away from where you were heading I'll be at Camp when you get back man okay hunting and Gathering is just that it's more usually more Gathering than hunting so that's what I'm doing but I I won't pass up a meal if I find one there's a potential meal it's your classic apple snail the largest freshwater snail in North America the apple snail is a protein-rich food that's found throughout the Everglades crayfish are also abundant in the area but tough to spot there you are look at the colors on this crayfish between that leaf there's almost zero contrast this is the exact opposite of what we want to be doing in that field for settling for rescue That's The Power of contrast from helicopter and boat the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has saved over 5 000 people in the past decade your crayfish sucks Snail Is Awesome that's a helicopter it's coming this way Dave I'm on my way bro oh it's a fire it's coming man [Music] in a search and rescue scenario it's always better to stay with the vehicle if you can the vehicle is going to be found before you are in this case we didn't move too far from the vehicle we left good visual signal we gave him directional signal from the Airboat Cody came up with a great idea giant wide X there's no way you can't see this in the air as long as we got a plume of smoke coming up to give him direction from the arrow and the Airboat to here for gold
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 858,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, dual survival discovery australia, discovery australia full episode, dual survival, dual survival full episode, dual survival season 2, dual survival dave and cody full episodes, dual survival shelter, dual survival hunting, dual survival cody, dual survival best moments, Cody lundin dual survival, dual survival season 2 episode 1, Florida Everglades
Id: wwJwnv1JoTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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