Dave Chappelle Dropping Pure Knowledge!

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30 years in this industry yeah man you know it's funny so my son my youngest son is 14 now that's how what i was when i started i'm 44 now i look at him and i think all the things that were going on around me at that time and what it was like starting and now i can't imagine that that that's what happened but at the time it felt very natural and it felt very safe even though it was not you know i mean but i'm just grateful man like to be able to do something like this for 30 years i got to be one of the luckiest people alive man i don't know that i've ever really had any other job how old were you when you made your first tv development deal 19. my mother and my grandmother were freaked out you know i was the first person in my family not to go to college that had not been a slave right so i was really breaking from tradition and uh it was like a graduation lunch we were having and they had my dad come and talk to me and my dad takes me outside and he's like listen and this is some advice that applies to all you acting students he says to be actor is a lonely life everybody wants to make it and you might not make it and i said my dad well well that depends on what making it is dead smart smart ass kid yeah depends on what making it is that he says what do you mean i said well you're a teacher i said if i could make a teacher salary doing comedy i think that's better than being a teacher and he started laughing he said if you keep that attitude i think you should go he said but name your price in the beginning if it ever gets more expensive than the pricing name get out of there thus africa when martin lawrence was in that chair we talked about blue streak i loved it he played a role in your life i believe how do you feel about him as a person as an artist mark lawrence is the guy that showed everybody you can make it from dc to hollywood and uh i had a personal stake in his success every time he did something it made me feel inspired and really good and he was always real nice to me he'd sit me down what's going on with you baby boy what what we talk about comedy whatever and uh you know when we did blue streak we were promoting it and martin had a stroke he almost died and then after that i saw him and i was like oh my god martin are you okay and he said i got the best sleep i ever got in my life it's how tough he is so let me ask you this what is happening in hollywood that a guy that tough will be on the street waving a gun screaming they are trying to kill me yeah what's going on why is dave chappelle going to africa why does mariah carey make a 100 million deal and take a close off on trl a weak person cannot get to sit here and talk to you ain't no weak people talking to you so what is happening in hollywood nobody knows the worst thing to call somebody is crazy it's dismissive i don't understand this person so they're crazy that's [ __ ] these people are not crazy they strong people maybe the environment is a little sick you know in the past i used to always tell a lot of jokes about white people and i know there's a lot of white people here with us tonight [Applause] good evening whites everybody knows what it's like to be embarrassed or we feel marginalized the implication is authority nobody likes authority figures when i say jokes about white people don't think for a second that i'm talking about you don't forget i almost have 50 million dollars once when you make enough money in america they'll pull back the curtain and introduce you to the real white people you guys just think you're white dave chappelle is very intelligent he's well raised that goes without saying a person who is well raised knows to to respect the elders it doesn't mean that you have to agree with anything even a little bit of what the elder says but you respect the elder for surviving it's so much bigger than money though dave it's so much bigger than money oh no it was bigger than money but you know what i i watched one of these nature shows one time and they were talking about how a bushman finds water when it's scarce and they do what's called a salt trap i i didn't notice apparently baboons love salt okay so they put a lump of salt in a hole and they wait for the baboon the baboon comes sticks his hand in the hole grabs his saw salt makes his hand bigger and he's trapped he can't get his hand out now if he's smart all he does is let go with assault baboon doesn't want to let go of the salt then the bushman just comes takes the balloon throws him in the cage and gives him all the salt he wants and then the bat bone gets thirsty the bushman lets him out the cage the first place the baboon runs two is water bushman follows him and they both drink to their field and that analogy i felt like the baboon but i was smart enough to let go of the salt well veteran of comedy people look to you to kind of clear the fog that we as americans go through do you i know you take that seriously but is that a big burden on you that people look to you for clarity they look for you for truth i think that it's a symptom of just how maybe bankrupt our society is right now that we that we're looking to our entertainers for this type of guidance but when things are obscure artists do try to tell the truth sometimes it's not like they're looking for the truth sometimes you just want to hear their truth come out of somebody else like why don't you know what i mean so i don't i don't look at it as a burden or i don't even look at his responsibility i just think it's the nature of the genre and i think that one of the things that's special about our genre in this day and age is that it's very engaging it's very personal and i think in this cyber space world that people need an entertainer that looks them in the eyes and says the things that they they feel for all the things that i've done i'm most renowned for what i didn't do i i've made decisions in my career that a lot of people have called insane 2004 had 50 million dollar deal on the table and in a crisis of conscience flipped the table over and walked away went to south africa everyone said i was running away from the money that is not true in fact i still want that money the idea that i wanted to just share with you guys this idea that sometimes you you do what you think is best uh whether anybody understands or not i heard a story about my father when someone told me he used to do statistics for a company in dc the company he did statistics for started doing business with the south african government so he quit his job it's caused a lot of problems between his him and his wife it's hard for a man when he can't provide for his family the way he wants to and he suffered through it and a generation later when i had my crisis of conscience i was able to go to a free south africa and get away from the heat this idea that what you do in your lifetime informs the generations that comes after you is something i keep thinking about something that is so much bigger than just ourselves i just want i just want i just want you guys to remember you know that right now there's this thing where where ethics aren't what they used to be this idea that people are trying to replace the ideas of good and bad with better or worse and that is incorrect you gotta keep your ethics intact because uh good and bad is a compass that helps you find a way and a person that only does what's better or worse is the easiest type of person to control they are a mouse and a maze that just finds the cheese but the one who knows about good and bad will realize that he's in a maze that's my last question for you you don't do many sit-down tv interviews why is that because because so much of an answer depends on how you feel any given day but it lives forever that your opinions about things can change your view of yourself can change and yet this is on a permanent record like donald trump he complains about it because someone can look at him and say well you said 1984 that this that or the other and and that's the cross you have to bear when you engage the press and more important than that i talk for a living so i don't want to blather about me blathering you know what i mean i just want to i'd rather just do it
Channel: Daily Dose Comedy
Views: 1,684,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FpwG5Qn2coQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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