Dating and Understanding Chinese Porcelain and Pottery

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hello this is Peter combs and we are dealers in Chinese and Asian works of art and we've put together this video with the hopes of helping some of you out there who interested in Chinese porcelain and pottery to be better able to determine authentic pieces from reproductions so what we've done is we've gathered up a couple of hundred photographs of things we've sold over the years bought and sold and fortunately we save images of everything so we have the feet what not so let's begin the first piece is this very nice probably Song Dynasty juniel or I mean june-june glazed a blue vase with a little crackle pattern pear-shaped is another examples in the background that's lobed number of these came from the Cornell University collection years ago we bought them all here's a shot of the foot very typical of these this nice buff colored pan colored foot recessed glazed and the nice little crackle in there and we have this another some hairs for a bowl very typical black glaze with the brown with the iron glaze and here's a view of the foot it's about what you always expect to see that nice cocoa chocolate brown the foot is shaped around the outside and then the ow the ow amber glaze cup you see the drip on the rim these are fired upside down so the glaze runs down towards the mouth there's a nice view of the foot of one of these buff-colored was clean it would be a lot wider but that's what they look like and how the glaze is thin and then thickens as it runs towards the rim here's another song piece very attractive chin bike up with a wonderfully shaped foot also fired upside down why the rim is bare and here's a shot of the of the underside and how again how they trim that foot slightly outward and you can see the details here is a song drink bye they call them spittoons there's you douse these are fairly small this is a very sort of provincial one but it's nicely done and here's a view of the foot of this slightly recessed unglazed bits from the kiln on it firing things and a solution arching by rather Mae ping vase carved lotus blossoms and leaves is a view of the base again very similar to the previous examples and here you have a some black glazed pear-shaped base of the flared rim and glazed only partially down the body and it leaves behind this very nicely done buff colored body you can see the turnings very good color recessed these lots of details in it it's what you want to see in these and here is a probably some maybe a little later this is a large crackled celadon Bowl we had loved the crackle on that here's the foot again brown very much like the hairs for a bowl and lots of details you can see some iron pushing through the glaze on the bottom and here is a nice most likely yawn period a little jar lit with acanthus leaves around the foot thickly glazed and the base is sort of a buff pink color on glaze very slightly recessed and the pottery scratched something into it I don't know what that was about but that's what they look like in here we have a 15th century carved glaze celadon pear shaped face with Cantus leaves and lotus lotus blossoms on it lovely little vase and here's a view of the bottom typically these ming celadon have these brownish feet with a slightly conical shape in the bottom there you can see that and here's another this is an incense burner also from about the 15th century carved deeply nicely glazed here's a shot of the foot again with that red toning and it will cheat gallery label and New York on it we've had this some time ago lovely example again a very thick glaze and this is another probably yonder Ming solid on stem cup with a squared brown foot the dressing on it here's a better shot of the foot recessed underneath deeply recessed and fully glazed nicely done little cup not terribly expensive you can find them out there and here is a very good large carved and thickly glazed Ming celadon Lotus form charger we here's the base of it it's a again it's got that iron red air in the middle where it's at on something well is being fired notice the foot is glazed because it wasn't touching the bottom of the kiln next up is this very nice Ming celadon incense burner is a large one is an interior view again what was unglazed your little iron pulling through there lots of crackle and here's the base you can see where it was clearly fired on a stand and the feet are glazed here is a very lovely little Ming celadon vase with cross-hatching on it and here is an image of the foot again recessed you can see the nice clear turnings and again that outer edge of the foot v-shaped neatly trimmed away little glaze under there this is a wonderful thing we had a not long ago with this Ming Dynasty Mach and period gem day Bowl it was a made between probably 1506 and 1521 there's an image of the base the mark beautiful piece came out of a collection we handled and here's the detail of the foot the log of the rain mark rather a little closer up nice typical for character mark on these big Lotus form bowls there's a view of the foot rim very neatly done next is this is judging marking period Charlotte neatly painted also Ming Dynasty with birds peacocks all over and lappets around the neck and around the base and beautiful white porcelain on this is with a lovely example and here's a view of the foot with the rain mark the judging lane mark and notice the foot rim the way the foot is trimmed buff-colored is a side shot of the foot you have that little bit of iron showing through and quite typical of these this is a particularly good example it's a very nice little example and again you have that iron red edge on the foot this was a large blue and white Ming jar we had a while ago with a lid beautifully painted very exuberant bold strokes and a quick note on these lids often you'll find jars in the lids will sort of be loosely fitting that's because the lids were often made in a separate factory and brought over in piles and sort of matched up as the jars were done this is the foot of one of these pieces late 16th century unglazed has sort of a rolled foot to it and we have this this is a terrific little la Ming Dynasty jar about 8 to 9 inches tall and the glaze on this is very glossy and the cobalt is applied on these with a straw they blow it on and it gives that lovely surface effect very unusual and here's a foot of the base of it as a white glazed bottom nicely done foot very neat stopping of the glaze just at the foot and the foot is well shaped and carved it is a very good example here's a detail of it you can see the knife cut that angled sort of facet running around the shoulder of the foot rim there caused by the knife very well done next we have this huge this is a 23 inch Bowl or platter done during the transitional period with an unwanted did white glaze rim the interior painted with excellent deep cobalt blue drawn outlined and then washed in with the flowers and rocky outcroppings it's a particularly nice example here's a picture of the foot the bottom of this a nicely shaped foot some kiln grit the center swirled on there with some white glaze and the rest of the body is a slightly bluish tinge is a view across the bottom of the foot how these early plates look this plate was probably made between oh you know 1630 and 1650 here's a fairly well-known type of judging blue and white bowl with those Rudi heads center circle going around the flowers and here is the bottom of that piece very typical of judging bottom that mark and a nice floral sprays decorating the outside and here we have a mid late Ming Dynasty jar around six inches tall with a Leo Han sitting there with his incense burner and an attendant beneath the pine tree and here is what the bottom of these look like Ming feet come in a wide variety but there's a certain feel to them that you'll get over time this is the foot neatly cut and trimmed is a side view of it with a little killed grit there a little bit of misfire on the glaze not unusual this is a very large guan at 16th century jar that I actually bought this in Nantucket somebody had made a lamp out of it ideal amped it immediately many many years ago here's a detail of the brushwork the decoration on this is really quite excellent and this is a big jar as a nice sized jar you know 18 so inches tall here's a picture of the bottom when there's the hole from when they lamped it but it's still a good example a beautifully done bottom nice iron oxide line running there along the edge of the glaze and the foot and very typical of these you note see you know it's so this is another this is a fairly well-known type of Ming JA these rather provincial slightly lobed and often had persimmons or other types of fruit on them sometimes they use squirrels decorate them and use the bottom of this on the more provincial pieces they sort of roughly cut into trimmed this way you can see how it's done and here's a little more refined piece and maybe slightly older than the last done sort of in the man of the yon dynasty guys with the Rudy had a band around the collar and those lotus scrolls here's the bottom and very neatly trimmed nice almost flat white paste showing there and again that little red dye on line this is agile onto a friend of mine that he was selling and helped them take the pictures a beautiful Ming JA wonderful glossy blaze nice landscape setting notice the shaped foot and neck and again one of those lids that was put on probably a little later the bottom on this one is a bit unusual on these gyres but maybe it's due to the shaping of the foot you can see the chatter Maxon the foot was quite tall on this one and then the interior scooped out here's a judging jar and done in the aubergine and greens and inscribed neck unglazed biscuit elephant head handles quite unique on these and has a ground down neck you can see where the mouth was cut down it's probably missing an inch or two height here's a view of the foot yes this one was lamped too many years ago there was a shortage of lamps in the 20s they used to use Ming jars as lamps and bases notice the trimming of the foot is another view of it there you can see where they asked the Potter actually cut away excess clay nice white paste stones some residue of an old inscription on the bottom now we have this this moulded late main sort of as Eva crackle glazed kuan-yin figure nicely done for in provincial peace you look inside these like this one you can sit a to see the fingerprints of the Potter when he was pressing it up into the mold pretty typical and he went way up and here is another actually from the same collection as the previous this is a bit more fine in characteristics as an applied porcelain hand which is interesting this is a Ziva Ming Kuan Yin and there's a view of the decoration that marbleized effect was something they were quite good at in the Ming Dynasty and they didn't do it a lot so you want to look for it if you see it you see one of these by it too worth having they're quite unusual here's a picture of the bottom of it flat fairly smooth as a whole incentive eventing and the old collectors tag they're nice example and this this is a z ja ja densely glazed crackled with a Phoenix flying among the clouds came from the Joseph Lyndon Smith collection in New Hampshire many years ago and we'll get there it is there's the foot you can see there was some sort of firing ring under the base and that's very erratically trimmed foot rim very quite dirty and brown typical of these and it's a nice example this is a Ziva kuan-yin sitting on a rocky plinth with a foo line looking over her well as you face it on her left side and here's a picture the bottom this is a provincial piece it's pretty rustic actually but it's a good collectible example done during the early sixteen hundreds there it is this jar we're getting a little on now we're hitting the late Ming early ching dynasty this may ping vase is a virtual mate to it at the fair sackler Gallery this one came out of the Coolidge collection up here and in Boston area here's the foot on this very dense glaze as you can see the flat foot neatly stops just above it very nice piece next this Swatow big Swatow plate this was over 20 inches in diameter it's got a bridge in the center of the mountain and scape like a Chinese painting and all kinds of border decorations here's a picture of the bottom swatter dishes typically a pretty rough and this one is no exception the glaze wasn't put on particularly neatly the bottom bulges a little here's a transitional piece it's a transitional blue and white jarred made between 1640 and 1660 with these nice little clusters of flowers these are quite nice very collectible with a slightly concave base you see turnings on there and note the pace is now quite white nice white paste on there no not not much discoloration here is another example of a transitional piece wonderful little bowl with the Leo Hans on it underneath the leafless tree and a landscape setting nice shape notice the foot there's a detail of the figures have nice facial expressions I always like the facial expressions they used on these very attractive is the foot on this unlike the previous one which was flat and concave this one stands up quite a bit going to stand and has a nice squared off shoulder to the to the foot room and the interior is neatly glazed here are a pair of transitional sleeve aces very typical with the cafe au lait browned rims and little flowers and landscapes picture of the bottom what they nearly always look like one or the other swirled flat slightly flaring up to the glaze and they clean up pretty well you want to clean them this is also a transitional job incredibly deep cobalt blue heading towards the country era with a pine tree their lavish use of cobalt on this leg was like sapphires and here's the you get the introduction of these birds these stylize angulated birds with bamboo on each bamboo on one side and pine trees on the other they continue doing these right into the Kangxi period with enamels here's a view of the mouth of that jar very dense very hard white porcelain that slight iron oxide line there see turnings here's a view of the foot we're back to those slightly concave feet there's a little gap there in the paste from the cause during the firing and you see where they scraped away excess clay this is a pair of wonderful near pair transitional jars they didn't make these in pairs really pear-shaped bases we do not have pictures of the bottoms of these but the bottoms are consistent with the footed piece you just saw two pieces back fairly well cut neat and recess glaze bottom here is a chi underglaze blue with is the squirrel I mentioned before appears sometimes in the center on a grapevine and again here's the bottom conical turned slightly convex concave rather neatly finished foot typical here is another transitional job with these big palm frond trees on it beautiful white glaze the glaze on this one was very white and along with a very very white paste and here's the foot again like the similac the sleeve vases turned pretty flat slightly flaring out towards the up to the glaze and now oh this this is either transitional or Ming we everybody went back and foot could be kind she with three of these foo lines spaced evenly around it but made me think it might be Ming is the color of the paste on the end of those little feet looks more Ming than it looks like Ching or transitional to me but it's somewhere in the 16th century 1600s and then you have this a very lovely transitional char possibly kang chic with the underglaze blue over glaze and animals fruit elegantly neatly painted this came from the green collection in Rhode Island a few years ago nice little oak eye jar here is the close-up of the mouth you can see the paste and the way they the Potter kept the glaze back and nice deep colors on this beautiful deep colors here's view of the interior note the very evident turnings and the bluish tinge to the glaze that is the color and there's the foot again slightly concave very flat and smooth with a splash of clear glaze white glaze in the center that they turn up sometimes and now you have a nice eighteenth-century pink slab cobalt blue decoration it could be Kang XI it could be chin Leung there's the overview of it and they coated it with this this sort of resin coating that they put on these when they fire them to keep the ink and things and soaking into the biscuit here's a view of the bottom and you have that nice rounded foot these are very heavy for their size and usually about four or five inches wide and they often not often but sometimes they come with a cover here is a transitional period blue and white nicely done deep cobalt blue plate transitional period sometimes they call these junkie wears Japanese market there's a view of the foot in sort of a rustically done foot with a with a mink market it's not the correct mark but they used to use them all the time here's a detail of the foot you can see little bits of odds and ends of imperfections in the paste which was unusual on these at all and now we're under this little sank I glazed incise decorated qianxi Bowl aubergine yellow and white got in there and very typical of these there's a view of the bottom they drop in this little square seal note the color of the foot on this changing a little sort of a yellowish skin tone on some of these narrower foot pieces and here's another sungai example often called spinach and egg bowls and these were rode done in fairly large quantities very thinly potted typically and again you see as little rounded base there with that seal Mac dropped in once again and again the very narrow foot very typical and here you have this is a nice walk I sort of semi ver kunshi charger very worn enamels not unusually often they very are much are on these there's a view of the bottom that's a classic foot on these big bowls with that double track of that track trim unglazed underneath with some sort of scholars a Buddhist symbol this is a very fine very large Kangxi basin with Buddhist symbols and precious objects all over it done in a nice deep cobalt blue the clay is very right the bay the glaze is very white and lavish use of cobalt on this nicely done and when you flip it over you see the foot again very similar to the feet you would see on some of those transitional pieces a while ago they've still made them this way but the paste is a good bit whiter and denser and here is a little cup done in the same similar form this was only probably four inches wide again deep cobalt blue with these Rudy heads and flowers is a view of the bottom they had put a faux judging mark on it unglazed bottom with black ink rather interesting and next up is this it's elegantly done Kangxi charger with them citron fingers on the right and pomegranates and persimmons and this bowl had a rough life evidently by that zipper it up back with all those staples that were put in it someone loved it and you see still you can see some killed grid on the on the base there here's a view of the foot with the kiln grit very typical foot in this like the yellowish edge to it and white nicely shaped with a knife they cut it right down and make it tight as tidy as they could use a view of the interior of that foot again with kiln grit impregnated in the paste but the paste itself is quite white and very refined something you always look for this was an excellent Kang she Bowl very well done deep cobalt blue neatly painted from collection in England here's the base the foe Shana Ming mark on it but the foot and the interior is neatly glazed very nicely done is a detail the foot a few little bits of imperfections in there from from this firing that got stuck on the on the on the clay on the paste but nice white foot is another Kangxi Bowl not quite as refined as the previous but a lovely example with we head sand calligraphy and so a script on it and these lotus blossoms is a view of the inside again with some sort of inscription we never bothered looking that up nicely trimmed white foot look at the pace of that foot you'll see that color this color is very consistent in country pieces and is a GU great Aden trying to identify them as you really want to see this this color when you're looking at them this is one of the nicest kunshi bowls we ever had with a warrior and the lady on the deer the silver rim was put on it it's a large bowl is almost nine inches wide and there's a foot nice strong thick foot on this again slightly yellow and tone but well very white where it's been you know rubbed around on a few tabletops over its 250 year life there it is neatly neatly done you see a couple of turnings on there you can see the cut marks from the Potter you trim that foot and here you have a double spout ribbed swirled Kangxi vase or God would dug lit and bands of of flowering vines the bottom of it was cut flat and fairly deeply recessed like a flower and glazed with an art is motif on the inside there's a side view of the foot get a good look at it there's some kiln grit there and you can see little cut marks from the Potter on there it's pretty typical would you come across and here you have a Conchie goblet with a cover as little chip in the covers finial there notice again the a little different color and there you have the foot on this with a deeply recessed glaze base with a little firing gap our glaze gap underneath but again a white foot there you have a Kang Chi from e there you know molded teapot with the precious objects and scholars objects Jade books so forth there's the foot and the feet were applied on done in sort of these demi loom shapes to conform with the upper part of the pot it's like gaps and paste is a close up that nice translucent green and yellow and aubergine and then that opaque Ryan red that they often used applied to it I thought if they just splashed it on they weren't very tidy with it here's a pair of garlic neck Kangxi vases and the decoration on these are like Doughty masks that you would see on ancient bronzes it's slightly flared foot neatly done the feet on these are pretty dirty and I never clean them if you clean them they'd be quite white these this dirt was probably caused by being in a stand for quite a while but again notice how neatly done it it ends the glaze at the foot and that very nice white paste and neatly painted neatly enameled here you have a shape trim Kangxi bowls molded with these laps of little lotus lotus leaves or something filled in for decoration there's the foot on it very delicately done the glaze gets right up to the very edge of the foot and just ends and again a white paste is another plate from about the same period a molded shaped rim with crabs and fish on it it's charming type and you do see them occasionally and there is another bottom of the bottom of that plate again with the erotism a leaf neatly finished glassy glaze nicely done bottom and another Kang sheet plate this is a famous pattern these radiating lotus leaf borders filled with flowers in the basket in the center very tightly drawn there's a detail of it very precise drawing the flower basket a couple of imperfections there in the glaze you can see the little bits got in there all is being made and there's a picture of the back of it with a floral sprigs and the buddhist object in the center and again a neatly done white white white foot there it is and it's slightly v-shaped but you see on later Kangxi and into the young gen period you see these v-shaped feet become more and more obvious and here you have another sort of mid-late qianxi bowl with these flowers on them a scrolling interior decoration and there's a view of the bottom of it you have the Buddhist symbols Buddhist symbol on the base and a nice white again cut foot here was a Kangxi bowl with a very artistically done border filled with cranes around flying around circling clouds good deep cobalt and it does have a country mark on it oddly there's a misfiring gap right over one of the characters but it is a marking period Bowl with a nicely done foot and this hope this wasn't a jump ahead a little this is probably a young fin period enameled over glazed enamel blue and over these other enamels plate beautiful quality this is a big plate this is about 15 inches wide very nicely done back and again the foot very v-shaped there's a look at it it's trimmed up to a little bit of a point there and good even glaze they have minor imperfections at times you can see on the left pretty typical and here's a Kangxi underglaze blue chinese things they call these chinese a maori of is underglaze blue with a iron red and femi vert decoration on it there's a picture of the back nice white paste very attractive border of rim they put on that with these a peony or apple blossom trees and here you have a rather good again one of these sancai glazed bowls the come she gettin up funny little square and note the shaped foot that foot is should be be getting drilled into your head by now that's what you want to see and this this is a con she leo hans statue porcelain statue who's carrying his scroll love the facial expression on him and he is a picture of the bottom of this not nearly as neat and tidy his the rest of them but that's how they often did these statues he's got a little ralph shaped label on it a good deal is still around and here's another piece from the same collection of a ho ho boy they call him city it seated on a plinth wearing his little Lotus vest great facial expression on him this is a large statue this is almost 10 inches tall 11 inches tall and note the eyes the nostrils the teeth everything is very finely detailed but clay was very a lot of plasticity back then they could really work it here's what the bottom on this looks like this was a bit neater than the last nicely cut and trim recessed unglazed bottom and it can with a CH 8 label this is a Kangxi period triple gourd carved celadon these are quite rare in the triple forms and they often appeared in the Middle East here's a picture of the foot note again that v's getting on to that v-shaped foot but very tidy very tight of the glaze stops just above the foot in the bottom not surprisingly he's laced white here's another carved celadon sent to Europe Tang Shi period somebody made a tea caddy out of it it could have been in India too they did them there as well here's a view of the bottom again the v-shaped foot the white bottom and you see little bits of a pink there it's probably due to the copper or something in the end the glaze it turned the color bottoms of celadon scan change color and there's a Mei ping vase with a chart with a cafe la rim kang shi period very neat tidy foot rim to it well shaped recessed bottom slightly glazed there's a nice crackle it was on this glaze on the space as well and here here's a good Blanc de Sheen libation cup with a dragon on the right side chasing the Pearl and some trees and bushes on the Left beautifully shaped and there's the foot and the bottom of one of these they typically are unglazed or partially glazed there is no real rule on it and and often sort of just quickly trimmed here is what is either a Kangxi or maybe a young gent langya a dish with a white rim and it has a lot of crackle in it a lot of color and on the bottoms of these especially the Kangxi ones you'll often see that sort of celadon toning with with with red splashing through it typical of those pieces and there's the foot neatly done some turning marks evident there well carved good color and notice the crackle here's another the Kangxi bowl notice how they notice how the iron red turns to green at the bottom and this is a leg now and when you take it and you flip it over or you look inside again you're seeing that same effect that we just saw a minute ago on that other plate the celadon the way the copper reacts on the kilns names it turns instead of coming out red it comes out green and here it is on the bottom it's all green it's almost like like they intended it that way the Potter may have sell it on foots got a little damaged but you can still see the shape of it and then we get into this this is a very nice about a 4 inch high dousai young-chan marking period little table bottle very finely done this is a very lovely little bottle that we had from a collection sold for the customer and but spectacular quality and move along there's the bottom again a very neat foot with the young shen mark on it nicely done it's only about an inch wide there half an inch wide this is a rather fine eighteenth-century Yi Shing perishing pottery tea jar it was polished so it almost looks like brass when it was when we sit on a shelf was beautiful I actually owned this for a number of years there's the UH the bottom unpolished with it with a seal mark that you couldn't read anymore this is a tea dust glaze of bol 18th century very nicely done the very pronounced crackle and color changes in the in the end the glaze formed a wonderful pattern there's a extremely white foot this was also a very heavy bowl for its size and whoever glazed it in work that really did a neat job with it the the glaze went on very thick and formed these this beautiful patterning in color once a brownish gold this is a chin lung period iron red decorated altar stick he's actually chin long Emperor was actually depicted in paintings with these there's a picture of the foot flat as a pancake and the base is extremely well done on the interior these are often given as gifts to Buddhist monks in here you have a young Chan to chin long period famille Rose land a figure in sort of a terrace landscape with precious objects seen nice border is the interior and there's the I mean the underside nicely done slightly bluer in tone than the front here's a pair of young chin to chin long famille Rose little Jarl it's bottles they're about five or six inches tall beautiful color lavish depth of color on those and the feet neatly done like the others and you can see slight turnings there and minor imperfections and the bottoms with the glaze very typical here you have a double gored Phoenix vase cobalt blue later 18th century nice white bodies still on these and a rather well done there's the foot sort of a rustic foot on it some people say these are country I never think they are but they're 18th century quite attractive and here are a pair of Chinese export enameled the cups dating from the latter part of the 1800 1700s with the monograms on them made in huge quantities for the west and there's a picture of the foot rear mounted again you have that skin tone appearing on these eighteenth-century plates but a plain undecorated back this is a solid on and white slip glazed a decorated vase with the apple blossom tree on it a lot of crackles on this this had a hard time in the firing you see the crackles but I liked the base and the glaze top very neatly above the foot and nicely shaped and finished it had some banging around it went through in its life though let's do an example to look at here's the foot notice how thick that glazes as it gets down to is that foot it really thickened up and somehow rolled back this this is a good mid 18th century possibly older plate with the ducks on it on the back of it you're going to see it has a cafe au lait ground on it some folks debate on these they're Kanchi your chin lung but you can rest pretty assure that their early to mid 18th century and all the time and here are a pair of chin lung marking period white offering cops these were originally sold by CT Lu to a collector we ended up with them there's the rain mark there was a rain mark like this under both of them very nicely done elegant formed vessels they were it went to the UK and here is a an excellent slab constructed 18th century tea caddy box with him brass handles no two had a hole in the middle for an escutcheon never got was never going to lock though but these two lock tea caddies it was so expensive it was the bottom very typical flat unglazed but an extremely rare box so you know that and here you have an 18th century turquoise glazed jar with a little foliat rim see too much of the rim but it's sort of flower shaped nice turnings there's the bottom with obvious turning and then radiating lines again some folks call ro is saying these are always King she and other people say oh another 18th century and this late 18th early 19th century G type shaped column vase with lion mask handles on each side very thickly glazed and it's a double crackle it's got this dense black crackle it's cause when they rub them down with the black ink to stain them while they were cooling and a minor glaze a minor crackle sort of a goldish brown color there's a shot of the underside of it note the shaped foot again in the recessed bottom with the sort of even crackle there's a view you know this is a looking at the foot from the side much smaller crackle and you'd see on the body not unusual here are a pair of rather big these were about 14 inches tall family ver foo lines made in the early part of the 19th century but very fine quality really great quality and here's a view of the bottom the multiple holes flat unglazed pretty typical and these are usually quite heavy if you pick them up you surprised it however they are because the walls on the bases tend to be very thick and the figures themselves were also densely potted so you if you pick them up and they're much heavier than you thought it would be then that's probably an open and this is a late 18th early 19th centuries or the famille Rose it's a provincial vase this is not something from the palace this is just a nice decorative vase and there's the bottom it's on glazed to recess you can see turnings under there and a rounded foot pretty dirty looking actually could use a bath and now you have this this little lodger Dow with the salmon color and gilt decoration the blue robin's egg blue interior use your del Quan mark on the bottom recessed bottom with the turquoise nicely done little foot pretty typical of the period nice PC you can find these out there looking around at local auctions and they're very attractive and they're quite popular these days in China with collectors and here you have a very nice early 19th century blue-and-white bowl with a wave Li overweight wave leaping horse beneath a zigzaggy border and there's the the bottom the mock the del Quan mock nicely done typical foot and remember how those marks look they can fake them but that that's what a good one looks like it's a lovely little Bowl and it was in a collection we got it from some time ago it is a side view of the foot you can see the wave pattern around the edge of the foot room and you notice that it looks almost out of focus that's because the glaze is very thick there and here's an iron red decorated fool eye and teapot I'd love this thing I thought this was a great thing I like the shape of it and I like the way the foo lines are drawn with the the older and younger foo line there's a view of the bottom and again the glaze very Title II ended right at the foot and the foot was slightly canted inwards and here's a very nice big Blanc de xin figure of a Guan Yin seated on a foo lion early 19th century example there's the underside to it look up inside you often see those cracks and things inside but they don't show through fortunately and a nicely finished flat bottom trimmed then you have this sort of domed dumped tea pot with famille Rose with a with a Mandarin woman on it and very openly spaced nicely painted actually these this was done in the 1800s there she is on the lid that was the foot recessed this kiln grid even on this and the foot is just sort of rounded all right now we have this blue-and-white Khonsu period lotus to Lotus dish with vines typical and there's a view of the bottom is the rain mark this is a period dish not an imperial dish but it is a marking period dish there is a difference and there's a very attractive famille millefiori gilt ground box lots of flowers on this mid 19th century there's a view of the bottom again you have one of these they added a chin lung mark - it's not chin long but it's a very fine box and quite good quality these are this was big that's about 13 inches wide and here you have we're heading towards the end here nice big pair of very late 19th century blue enamel vases with bats and the underside you notice the paste is getting suddenly it's kind of rough and a kunshi mark which is not country but they would put them on there as everyone knows and then you have this large 24 25 inch tall vases I recall famille Rose Mandarin or with warrior scenes on it and those cute blue and pink food lines on the neck and made about 1840 1830 there is the underside of it rounded foot recess minor imperfections in the pace there now this is a notic Anxi vase though it was done like a king xi vase and this is typical production of the late 19th century be careful out there with these people often think they are but you look at the foot use we know immediately that is not a Kang XI foot all right so you could tell by the decoration if you look at a lot of these but in particular the foot here's Kong underglaze blue Kong vase very nicely done almost iridescent quality to this vase and the underside you can see there were four little Spurs on the outer corners used to support it a bit during the firing probably to keep the sides straight and sagging and a nicely done neat foot and the femmine wah Kang Chi style vase with the bird and the aubergine trees this is a late 19th century vase though there is a view of the bottom foot was quite well done on it but not quite what you expect to see has a light blooming mark on it which definitely wouldn't be that color blue was country and you have this salmon colored or orange orange ground enameled jar with underglaze blue so to cut away and relief around the figure there's a foot on it this is a late 19th century jaw pretty very pretty and the double rings every ok so a double ring and no mark and here are a pair of late 19th century fou liens done with the Sun Chi her family ver somewhat crude they'd made lots of these they turn up everywhere they're always late 19th early 20th century summer mark China some art is the underside of it and this this was a great face this is a beautiful tea this glaze for bottle vase this is the color that it was sort of a goldish green and beautifully done and there's the foot on that they how it looks when the glaze meets up with the foot rim flattened nicely very tightly done vase thick glaze this was a heavy vase to there's the mark it's carved into the cut into the bottom or pressed into the bottom and they would sit away this nice light yellowish background to contrast it for reading here is another kwang-soo marking period Kong this time in the very soft blue beautiful soft blue with a very dense glaze and the foot on this very nicely done with a good deep cobalt blue mark applied this was found in the Attic of a house in southern New Hampshire somebody brought it to me quite a thing and there's the foot really well done and a nice white paste on these finer pieces in the early 1919 century early 20th they look like that and here you have the last it's a pair of Republican millefiori vases with masks done in the 20th century 20th century very nice and nice shape to them and blue enameling and here's the bottom it's flat unglazed fairly wide with a recessed glaze center and a rain mark that got drilled when these were made into lamps and I think that about does it and if you learned anything here you learn perhaps that there's a lot of variety in the way these porcelains have been made over the years and I hope that it helps you while you're out there in the field trying to find things and learn about them and visiting museums and that aids you and being able to date things accurately which is very important and have a great time out there and if you ever have any questions feel free to get in touch with us and you have a very good week thanks so much for visiting and visit our website bit amount com you can get the newsletter and stay in touch and we'll put more things up there as time goes along thank you
Channel: Peter Combs
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Keywords: fine art, fine chinese art, auction, chinese art, chinese art auction, japanese art auction, japanese art, art news, auction news, asian art, auction results, chinese porcelain, chinese paintings, chinese bronze, jade, asian art auction news, asian art values, chinese art values, auction houses, online auctions, internet auctions, authenticating chinese porcelain, art
Id: Pw_r0WxkMio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2015
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