Sotheby's Kangxi Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, FULL AUCTION

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oh hi this is Peter combs from bit amount calm and pl combs Asian art located here in Gloucester Massachusetts and today we're gonna share with you a video that we recorded online last week at the Jerry tan collection which is that fabulous collection of Tang Shi porcelain I've commented on a number of times I wouldn't looked at it as a matter of fact with the owner and he put up about 92 lots out of his collection at Sotheby's and it all did very well everything seemed to go above estimate or ad estimate certainly a couple of items didn't sell here and there but overall it was a very successful auction and he seemed quite pleased by it and all the auctions last week in New York did great at Sotheby's bottoms and Christie's they all had fabulous results it's really a testament to how strong the market remains and it's good news so enjoy the video here are some of the highlights from the sale here's the that amazing Femi vert vase that brought one point five seven five million dollars it was a record and the entire auction is recorded shortly after this you can watch it at your leisure I hope you enjoy it and if you liked it give us a thumbs up maybe we'll do more of them people seem to like these all right thanks so much for watching and have a great day bye bye there it is lovely little Copperhead suppose box to start us off lock 3:01 so we saw this at six thousand dollars here with me at six thousand dollars at six thousand we have a bit already of eight do we 8,000 is already there eight five with the lady now it's in the room against you on the biddies in the room at $8,500 I tell me walk at eight thousand five sin front nine thousand gent nine thousand five so to warp ten thousand about yeah 11,000 12,000 you are are with the lady on my left you are still against you online at 12,000 13,000 several bits for well full 15 thank you sir sixteen you know I've seen you online I'll come a second at 16,000 no he shakes his head he still going met him you only owe 17 back online 18,000 he went back in there of 19,000 is the online bit of 20,000 now up 20 mm but thirty-six thousand for the eight thousand thirty thousand someone No thank you madam though thirty thousand is the online better against you hyung I see you're ready damn it thirty-two thousand on the telephone now at 32,000 it's the telephone meter not yours online thirty five thousand thirty eight thousand some at 38,000 that is on the phone not yours online at 38,000 is against you one in the room as well at t $8,000 it's hung Stella Femina I'm selling at $38,000 Thank You hyung thirty-eight one for thank you very much as there is air one for lot number 302 little but can we have that please thank you very much and so this again at six thousand six thousand sixteen thirty sixty five I have six five is money to eat seven thousand is here with me seven five now he's eight eight five nine thousand nine five ten eleven you might eat ladies bit 12 13 13 I've seen several you said 15 16 hello madam 17 18 in the front 20 22 are still 24 I see you 26 you bidding Kari 28 carries with her 30,000 somewhat ahead of you hunk in the room so up 32 some are no 32 then his hands bidder at 32 still against you madam at 32 with hang on the phone 35 38 no 38 Hope anywhere else at $38,000 No and then I'm selling at $38,000 large ups no sure at 38,000 still howling privates up front 10,000 thank you madam at 10,000 it's the lady's bid 11 in the front 12,000 yes but 14,000 16,000 25,000 26,000 can she carry 28,000 thank you thank you record 30 30,000 can keep up please at thousand so on the aisle now at 30,000 32,000 was Cynthia yes 35,000 not just India in the room now 35 38 back on the left 40,000 they got 42,000 no thank you those a 42 is on my left at 40 mm so uh are you sure madam enough 42,000 then the meat it is left anymore scindia shakes ahead at third $42,000 the bid is on my left I'm selling paddle 230 thank you very much $42,000 number two three zero yeah not three or four the pair of dishes in powder blue ground there they are lovely painterly decoration here and I say this at 8,000 here I've 99 510 all with me 10 11 now at $11,000 at $11,000 anyone take me further than $11,000 it's upfront here with me at $11,000 20 sir yes 12,000 that's yours you knock me out at $12,000 standing at the back now at 12 thousand thirteen is he on line it up 14 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 night no thank you though sir 19,000 is on line at 19,000 to the online better anyone else at $19,000 it's the online data any advance now at $19,000 I'm selling last-chancer one more no more 20,000 it's in the room now not yours on line 22 I'm sorry sir no you sure this time thank you very much though 22,000 is online and I selling at $22,000 rush ups 22,000 I didn't want 0-0 fee thank you very much not a feet zero five the family at first I mean that the landscapers and I saw this now at fifteen thousand I have fifteen sixteen seventeen upfront with me at $17,000 minutes here with me it's seventeen anyone raise that eighteen thank you madam eighteen I'm just going 20 years years now and I'm at twenty thousand is in the front and I'm selling at $20,000 anyone taking it further 22,000 online 24,000 lady's bid at 26,000 back online I've seen your home I'll come in a second 26 no no one more 28,000 I'll come in a second half 28,000 are you saying 30 now 30 is online so Wow 32 back with hug so on the telephone now no joke I was 35 is all night 38 some about 40,000 so uh 42,000 bless you sir 45,000 I know it's cold outside 45 5,000 puts them back without 50,000 Wow 55,000 what at $55,000 on the telephone or tools online anywhere else in the room at $55,000 I'm selling out hung to you at $55,000 last job Salem ended up thank you having 5500 one for once again thank you know one serves six the bow with landscape and poem and I have a bit already on this of $14,000 here with me on my book now 14 15 16 and 17 18 at 18,000 now at 18 19 then at $19,000 $19,000 stay with me there at 19,000 he wants y'all at $19,000 anyone taking further than 19,000 at 19,000 only it's upfront with me at 19,000 and u-turn at $19,000 and you want a he further out than $19,000 to get at $19,000 a fair warning now at $19,000 19900 is the my big of us now start this now at $3,000 here with me three thousand three to three thousand two to three five three eight at three thousand eight four thousand then for two here with me four thousand two against you four thousand five ladies on my left then four thousand five four thousand five four thousand eight gentleman 5000 which n55 from channel six thousand lowchen six five seven thousand to ten seven five eight thousand by ten hey five nine thousand George n95 you up ten thousand you won't eat alone twelve you know he shakes his head we do know about him at 12,000 in the front $12 anyway now at $12,000 13,000 you are sorry you want 14 a 13,000 in the front end against you right at the biddies front 15 she's back in no yours now at $15,000 and on my right at 15,000 usual thank you madam two eight eight fifteen thousand one of a 308 over a new decorated prunus Bowl lovely piece this I started at three thousand five three eight four thousand money it here at $4,000 at $4,000 to the absentee muddied here and I'm selling at $4,000 anyone take me further for two four five it's four thousand five I'm selling still my bit yeah it's against your nine four eight five thousand still might at $5,000 mine did here then at five thousand dollars on a book five five six thousand six to you get it because I'm out actually six - that's a clever bit $6,200 to Cynthia and do any advance now I'm selling to the telephone but a wizard here at $6,200 62 as there is a 3/0 number 309 the that small universe inscribed as well and I start this now at 6,000 I have six five seven with me at $7,000 but he's upfront 7,000 upfront here with me now $7,000 7508 thousand dollar sign in the front now at eight thousand dollars eight five nine thousand year 1095 ten thousand eleven thousand eleven thousand is right at eleven thousand dollars it's against you hung twelve thousand you know Sam 13,000 14,000 absolute no 15,000 you want war 16,000 17000 18,000 No 18,000 Zhen Hong's better on the telephone no chills madam an $18,000 no thank you 18,000 and his house telephone bid at 19,000 I'd seen you sir 19 is on the aisle you want your 9 know you take your head with you sir the stylish last-minute bid at $19,000 thank you sir in nineteen thousand and the palace to 206 thank you very much no matter 310 may climb croissant for them this is a brush pot there we are can him please note this additional provenance on this lock that it is from Marchant in London at 2006 and I can sell this now at twelve thirteen fourteen thousand dollars I have here with me fourteen fifteen and sixteen thousand up front at 16,000 17,000 now at seventeen thousand in advance at seventeen thousand at 17 on the right I'll deny eighteen thousand then the bids on the out 19,000 20,000 on the island $20,000 any move it no it's on the aisle it's against you know at $20,000 anywhere else on the phones at t thousand dollars now Wow at t thousand dollars anymore it's the gentleman made on the aisle at 20,000 know what thank you sir three three six twenty thousand lot on the three 11 another brush spot this one in blue and white and I start this now at 7500 pounds seven dollars sorry $7,000 that used to be inflation but it's not the way the pound is going at the moment $7,500 here with me seven thousand five eight thousand ten thousand with me nine five and nine thousand five bid sir no nine try then in the advance at nine thousand five hundred dollars at 9,500 10,000 11,000 I saw your bid online want to go at 11 it against you online 12,000 now 12,000 anything on laminar at $12,000 anyone take you further it's against you in the room third doesn't Thank You Rebecca in the room now 14,000 fifteen thousand in the room 16,000 sixteen and all right no choice madam see online better at $16,000 one more 17,000 18,000 straight nak you want bar 19 you want Joe 20,000 know what now well at $20,000 22000 are 24 straight back no one says 24 then it's the old man better no one sir no more thank you madam 24,000 that is the old man I'm selling at twenty four thousand dollars twenty four thousand one zero zero six two thank you very much my own under well 33 one two is little dick miracles in when white having it already on this of 12 13 14 is my bit here 14 thousand dollars up front now at 14,000 15,000 then you are war at $15,000 anyone take me further than 15,000 16 thank you sir on my left now and selling at 16,000 gentleman's bid at $16,000 anyone raise this now 17,000 Peter 18,000 you're about 19,000 20,000 so gentleman's bid twenty two thousand twenty four thousand at 24,000 26,000 28,000 thirty thousand thirty two thousand thirty five thousand no thank you though sir 35,000 is to hem it up he further then at $35,000 38,000 Thank You Cynthia somewhat about $38,000 40,000 45,000 forty-eight thousand no he takes his head with you now Cynthia at $48,000 and at $48,000 zenn-la chance Thank You Cynthia 48,000 l 0 0 3 0 1 3 1 3 the seven sages passport again in blue might and I saw this now at 25 36 48,000 I have 30,000 now at 30,000 with me all the way up to 40,000 online thank you very much 40,000 I must go 42 then still with me here at $42,000 but he's here with me and again so online but he's up front with me at $42,000 thumb knock me out at 45,000 then is the almond at $45,000 anyone take it further than 45 so I walk at $45,000 it's the online it it's against you're in the room at $45,000 so I walk at $45,000 no more then no it's the online better at $45,000 thank you very much Sheldon at 45,000 1 0-0 at 7:00 - a lot of a31 for the pair of blue item screens and I start these now at $5,000 here wouldn't he fight yet at $5,000 start with me at $5,000 anyone raise me and 5 thousand dollars five thousand five and a five thousand five six thousand is on the art gentleman's bid six five seven thousand seven five eight thousand eight five nine thousand ninety-five no thank you there's a nine thousand five is with answer on the phone at thousand five hundred dollars any advance then at nine thousand five you bidding Julian you are ten thousand two telephones now eleven thousand and it was better then at $11,000 any advance at eleven thousand said no eleven thousand dollars with Angela then I am Sally Thank You Angelo eleven thousand 0:08 thank you very much no no three one five little rule over us bloom white this one and I can start this now at fifteen thousand here with me I have fifteen sixteen seventeen with at seventeen thousand eighteen thank you sir I'm still 19 20 is yours and I'm out at twenty thousand the aisle bidder at $20,000 and the advance now at twenty thousand it's on the art it's a generative it at any other septa vote on the island I am selling at $20,000 now Wow at $20,000 no no tell events at 20,000 your bid sir thank you very much three three six twenty thousand eleven a three one six the selling blaze bracelet lovely carved design and I started at ten thousand dollars on this at ten on line 12 already online at twelve thousand thirty now fourteen fifteen ladies its again to a line sixteen seventeen a you're bad team once you're twenty thousand twenty two thousand one oh no twenty-two thousand the front then what are still against online at $22,000 it's in the front at $22,000 24,000 telephone 26 thousand twenty eight thousand thirty thousand thirty two is they all my better some are 35 in the room still some are walk 35 then it's the lady's bid against the phone and online it's in the room 38 in a new place some are bar sorry 40,000 so I'm 40 mm I know thank you very much so why are with Cindy on the phone now SWAT are at 42,000 amazona usual so our no pressure $42,000 then with Cynthia on the phone I'm selling now at $42,000 said you very much 42,000 held 0 0 3 1 thank you very much a lot of a 3 1 7 the bomb a sensor in cava red blue and sullen and I have a bit already on this of 10m 12,000 with me thirteen fourteen fifteen thousand all on work 15 16 and I'm out 60,000 lady's bid 17,000 18,000 at the back 19,000 20,000 gentleman's bid twenty two thousand twenty five thousand several places 35 5,000 against 28,000 those bitter 30,000 carry 32,000 back left your bid sir 35 so what 38 back in front 38 is in the front 40,000 so up 42 so I are in the front sois 45 so I walk 48 huh 50,000 152 what are one whoop 55 wombat 58 know what 60 no thank you though 60,000 then is with hung on the phone yo up at $60,000 has better then on the phone 62 Thank You Cynthia you are 65 68,000 70,000 72 r75 do you walk so be eight to my bar mm 80 to 85 88 no I'm not Jawa 90,000 90 to 95 ja wohl 98 Jabba 100,000 show up I'll say five Cynthia no finished 100,000 then thank you very much there Cynthia it's worth hanging on the telephone $100,000 anymore rohan fact on 100,000 won for again thank you very much and thank you Cynthia I'm a free one eight the little people mess up and I saw this now at $30,000 $30,000 here with me anyone take me further thousand dollars so up but it's a front now $30,000 30 2013 5 thousand thirty eight thousand forty thousand so on forty thousand is here no forty thousand then is on my right so up forty two thousand forty five thousand twelve war forty-eight thousand so I'm about 50 Wow 55,000 60,000 no up 65,000 some 70,000 how come in a secondly on my middle I've seen you seventy thousand s in the room 75,000 80,000 yes bow up eighty thousand in the room 85,000 still on the phone ninety thousand is online 95 thousand in the front you saying a hundred have it 95 is in the front what is on no I didn't say hundred ninety-five then is in the room 100,000 Theon my minute it's against you all on the right here 100,000 yes 110 sure eat 120 sure are sure one 120,000 not just my limits online at 120,000 you sure one more 130 she's not Wow 140 sue I'm sorry all night no she takes ahead with you now the online data at 140,000 dollars just a lot any advanced now at 140,000 against you own in the room the midis online fair warning that at 140 that you sure no definite sake of head to you and thank you very much 140,000 one zero zero five five lot free one eye yellow blue ground dragon dish and I have bid on this i'ma started straight in at 80,000 here with me $8 is my absentee bid anyone take it further than $8,000 80,000 is here with me I'm selling at $80,000 to my halfs me to 85 90 thousand ninety thousand up front at 90,000 you bidding sir your 95,000 been 95 at 95 with his left 100,000 thank you mister 110 sure you want 110 it is here with me 110 it's against misko with me on my book at one 110 yes you sir you bet he sir 110 but he's on my book and I'm selling to the absentee bidder at 120 130 still my bid 130 thousand dollars have 130 he's still very miss co1b 150 slim I bid 160 as years and I'm out that's yours name is Curt 160 on the telephone at 160 thousand dollars anywhere else in the room then at 160 it's miss Costello minute anymore thank you Miss Carr 160 well 3 8 thank you very much look I'm a 320 the water margin dish and I thought this now at $5,000 here with me 5 5 6 with me six five up front then at six thousand five is to my absentee bidder then at six five seven now seven thousand seven five at chichen walked at $7,500 at $7,500 any advance now at seven thousand five bids are from with me 8,000 thank you sir and I'm out that's yours now at $8,000 all my left-handed $8,000 anyone take it further than 8,000 are you bidding it's seated now at $8,000 bid seated I'm selling at $8,000 I'm Nate thousand dollars hun at eight thousand it's going to the gentleman seated at $8,000 but Ian eight five thank you sir ooh eight five was in the room at eight thousand five and of you know thousands on the right sorry sir nine thousand almost at nine thousand been his right FCC's in the center nine five gentleman's bid no nine five back with you seated on the left at nine thousand five no more then at nine thousand five on still selling at nine thousand five hundred dollars ten thousand no ahead of you Ted you're too late will you say lemon sir you will thank you eleven thousand is left it's never easy and then we left no shake of head with you now sir Cynthia $11,000 nope she's out with you now sir at $11,000 last chance thank you sir 370 11,000 lot about 321 the new Martin dishes and I have been already on these of five thousand five five six six five then with me at six thousand five and six thousand five seven thousand think you said seven five eight thousand gentleman at eight five nine thousand nine five ten thousand eleven thousand twelve you want our thirteen fourteen you want sir for 2015/16 he won't yell still my bid at $16,000 might be then so gets you both bidding in the room 16000 he won't yell at $16,000 any advance on at 16,000 a bit is here with me and I think 1718 I'm sorry he went back nope 18,000 still my absentee bidder at $18,000 the last ounce then you sure one more 19 is your sir you knocked out that's yours 19 he wants y'all with you now at 19 fat plus thank you sir 3 month fee - - that's the wrong picture there we are the Magnificent family that rule allows very life-sized and fabulous painting I have a bit already on this I'm gonna start it at 350 thousand dollars 350 with me 360 380 400 sutram 400 is here with me this one for twenty four fifty four-fifty is my bid this is one for 8,500 washer 500 is mine 550 is yours and I'm out with hang on the phone then at $550,000 can see Rachel and against who carries Hung's bidder 550 600 thousand lady pick your one in the room then your forum at $600,000 650 No thank you very much 650 with Rachel honey you're still going it's Rachel's bit of it six hundred and fifty thousand dollars anymore then seven hundred thousand dollars Tiffany's been a new place seven hundred thousand t-shirt 72 720 I have in the room ahead of you Rachel sorry 720 is in the room to award 750 Peter Sohn 80 780 at 780 s with Rachel against you Tiffany 800,000 I'm sorry with Kari on the telephone but 820 I would say a 20 Rachel's pitter-patter are a 50 Peter Marshall what 880 Rachel's bitter not thousand straight back Peter Joe sure at $900,000 still against you in the front it's all the phones now Peters bitter at 900 Rachel will you go one more how are you going children at nine hundred thousand ninety two I will yes sure sure Arwa 920 Tiffany's better Josh around 950 Peter ahead of you hon 9 1 million if I want I'll say 23rd will carry on in small increments $1,000,000 next increment is 20 Tiffany for you a 105 I will do that yes you say 105 105 running woman in 1 if I eat 1 million 150 ebuy sure Wow want me to do you bar you know a warp 1 million 250 meter have you lost oh man ok 1 million 250 is with Kari now by what diff about by the look of things thank you very much the 1 million 250 it's Kerry's bidder not yours hyung no Rachel not yours Peter 1 million 250 not yours in the room anyone on this side doing anything 1,250,000 I see you Peter I'm waiting usual while hyung are you at 1 million 250 by r1 at 1 million 250 it's carries with her hammers up 1 million I'm a 3d buy such as well worth the wait we'll say 50 carry eat by Szechuan at 3 1 million 3 hundred thousand dollars are you have you looked into scary are you out you're still there it's good to know $1,300,000 eat bye sighs Wow hammers up now carry no drop line he's still going hammers up I'll do this again $1,300,000 Europe Peter this is your Zed eat bison 1,300,000 Della's lunch - aw thank you Peter 1 million 3 2000 to 0 thank you all very much for your patience ladies gentlemen remove lock on to not 3:23 the little cup with school and grapevine and I can sell this out $5,000 which M back onto $5,000 here with me hm and does anyone raise this now five thousand five five six thousand Lynch bid six thousand at six thousand dollars in the front now at six thousand into a liner see five seven thousand seven five twelve thousand are 13,000 Peter you want from you still getting that him thirteen thousand no fit you know what no this is better than a 15 thousand you know what at $15,000 any advance now $15,000 thank you for this 15 hello - - thank you very much look 324 this the I have 6,000 here with me $6,000 on my book - the absentee bid 11 at $6,000 anyone take it further than $6,000 it with me yep it's the absentee bidder at $6,000 any more at six thousand six five thank you 7,000 still night $7,000 seven five eight thousand still my bit up at $8,000 at $8,000 minutes here with me at $8,000 eight five is online the man out at eight thousand five said there you bidding at eight thousand five at eight thousand five nine thousand thank you $9,000 it against you online the minis on the telephone with India at nine thousand nine five your name it up and dust at $10,000 Cynthia's van at $10,000 any advance now at $10,000 guess your line can't you all in the room it's on the telephone with it here at that goes with 11,000 that was right with the hammer 11,000 online I need to ask you to bid a little quicker online please but I just caught you 11,000 12,000 at 12,000 are you sure online this time just waiting that little longer at $12,000 its Cynthia spinner then on the phone last chance now and $11,000 Cynthia this is yours 12000 0 0 3 0 thank you very much well number 325 the photo with dear and I thought this 12:30 14000 I have 14,000 dollars up front with me at fourteen fifteen thousand then at 15,000 wrong $18,000 any advance at fifteen at $15,000 but he's up front at $15,000 anyone take it at fifteen thousand dollars here with me then at $15,000 no not had $15,000 it's a felony now at $15,000 last us but number three 2600 antiques box and color and I thought this now at $2,000 only two thousand to two to four to six all with me to six then two thousand six and two thousand six two thousand eight and two thousand eight three thousand lady's bid at 3,000 in the front I'm selling dollars sangeun at $3,000 your bid man that's yours 331 well done three thousand dollars well 327 the middle spoke and I felt this now at their four thousand dollars I have four to five eight with me at four thousand eight five thousand five five then at five thousand five well at $5,500 at 5,500 in the advance now at five thousand five six thousand thank you very much ladies bid at 6,000 dollars 6,000 on my right six thousand five seven thousand teach at seven thousand 5/8 thousand budget eight five nine thousand Joe Joe 9,000 and it's in the room with the lady nachos online at $9,000 9005 10,000 he won 10,000 now in the room 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 sorry 15,000 and it's online at 15,000 dollars gets you in the room at $15,000 thank you very much one zero zero one four fifteen thousand eight hexagonal brush spot and six thousand five hundred six our six thousand five here with me at 6500 ollars and six thousand five videos here with me seven thousand three on my medicine thousand five in the front damn eight thousand a five p thousand five that he's in the front nine thousand nine in the front then at nine thousand five ten thousand eleven thousand at 11,000 12,000 jutted thirteen thousand it's against your online still abilities in the room at $13,000 no you're out ladies it at $13,000 need must know at third to the front and I'm selling Thank You metal-free wait 13,000 not three to nine the relief decoration visors are cut a lot spectacular piece there's how you can start it at fifty thousand dollars I have with me fifty thousand up front here with me anyone take take me further than at fifty thousand dollars fifty - thank you ladies bit 52 in the front 55 now 55 yes sixty thousand good sixty-five seventy thousand she champ seventy thousand then he's near a me teach em at $70,000 I'm sailing now in the front $70,000 anyone raise it now at seventy thousand dollars aren't you buddy the lady's bid now and I'm selling so fast it's you're on war eighty thousand power at 80,000 85,000 yes 90,000 joab 95 thousand 100,000 sure 1:10 GE so see you okay 115 see you want war sharra 120 yes sure yes 125 or 130 she said Wow just about walk 135 I'm 40 145 sure so I'll walk sure what 150 okay thank you very much 150 with you hyung sure what at 150,000 dollars sure one at 150,000 dollars 155 so yes 165 she do I walk should see what 170 she won't walk it's only 5 it's about what 181 walk 185 190 said your one 200,000 oh this is 210 200,000 to 10 as you know thank you very much sir 210 then with you hung actually one at two hundred and ten thousand dollars hammers up you talk two hundred and ten thousand dollars how should you up Thank You hyung 210 1 3 1 4 again l 0 0 1 4 Oh 330 the molded quad regular valves with the three gods for sensing and I can start this at two thirty four thousand thirty two five eight with me $40,000 40,000 40,000 dollars but it mean out forty thousand so up at 2040 2045 thousand here with me still 45 thousand against you there forty five thousand dollars so what it's not yours note at $45,000 so one at $45,000 any advance now at 45 at $45,000 in me no more $1,000 it's against you all at $45,000 felony at 45,000 it's against you all that last forty five thousand not got a 331 the brain guilt dish and I can start this now at three thousand five three thirty five thousand five five thousand eight 6065 they would meet 7075 all up from it at seven thousand five you take me further than seven thousand five hundred others at 7,500 up front with meaning at 7,500 at $7,500 8030 it's in the room at $8,000 you've been hit up in the front that at $8,000 that's yet at 8,000 I'm selling then I would $8,000 8500 10 9000 9000 is here can we get the numbers up leaves 9,000 thank you nine thousand five this 10,000 11,000 no 11,000 Tony's Peters bidder on the phone at $11,000 any more than at $11,000 Peter that's yours in a thousand l 0 0 1 2 thanks very much one of my 332 the iron read and go retrieve ours I start this now at $15,000 say with me at 15 Klaus off at $15,000 here with me 15 16 and 16,000 17,000 on at $17,000 any advance now at $17,000 at $17,000 I'm from with me at $17,000 they're all at $17,000 bid is here it's against you all at $17,000 felony 17 that's brought in lot 333 the who form vast 20 veldt and 15 16 17 is on this 18 now nineteen twenty thousand thank you 20,000 22,000 then what are at $22,000 at $22,000 any advance now at $22,000 at $22,000 $22,000 no more pass not 334 the ffs with buddhas lions and i start this now at 22 25 28 thousand dollars here with me $28,000 28 now them about at 28,000 30,000 now so i'm at $30,000 anyone take you further than $30,000 at $30,000 sour any advance now at $30,000 so Wow 30,000 30,000 got three thirty-five hundred boys cup and I can stop this now at $4,000 for two I have four thousand two here with me at $4,200 anyone take further than since you are at four thousand five four thousand eight at four thousand eight at four thousand eight to ten pop I saw you online as well at four thousand eight and it runs out four thousand eight against you right against your life five thousand Rachel's bitter which M at five thousand five thousand five it Stu telephone snout and 5500 war five thousand five at five thousand five feet is better than not yours Rachel's six thousand yet six thousand five six thousand five seven thousand she champ seven thousand five teacher wall no 7005 then Peter still of ammeter at $7,500 $8,000 back in the room at $8,000 sorry did it eight-five watch a war 9,000 judge its against you Pete up nine thousand dollars 95 to attend war nope nine thousand five then with Peter other telefono chosen back it's nine thousand five okay well thank you Peter I'm 95 well zero zero one two thank you very much what did he think up come who won this and I have a five nine nine five with me already made at nine thousand five up front then it's nine thousand five hundred others I'm from with me anyone take you further than nine thousand five ten thousand I see you sir thank you $10,000 is on the aisle it's the gentleman's bid at $10,000 it's the aisle mitt up at ten thousand you being here at 10,000 11,000 12,000 you are 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 you been team at 18,000 lady's been in the front against you sir 18,000 19,000 you can see better aplomb 22000 yeah once there are no absolute 24 Thank You $4,000 nope lady's bid against you sir still at $24,000 it's in the front I'm selling now at 24,000 thank you madam 24,000 what was the paddle number 352 thank you very much not gonna 337 this the ruler balls and I can start this now at $15,000 15,000 feet and fifths more a thousand dollars anyone anyone stop me going at $15,000 here with me at $15,000 the bid is here with me at $15,000 will you take it further hunt 16 is yours now and I'm selling at $16,000 - honks telephone bidder at $16,000 any advance now at $16,000 even look at $16,000 on the toe toe now with Hank and I'm selling at 16,000 thank you hon 16,000 one fall again thank you very much L 0 0 1 4 not 338 the little Bob dish or Loeb dish with the Cobra and blue peony I can start this now at five thousand five six thousand hear me six five seven thousand up front then it's seven thousand dollars to my absentee bidder at $7,000 anyone take me further than seven thousand dollars I'm selling out my absentee bid at seven thousand five Cynthia finna then and I'm out at seven thousand five anyone take you further seven thousand five to Cynthia's telephone bidder seven thousand five thousand thank you sir I would love it there is champagne in that it looks like a toast eight thousand that is a gentleman's bid eight thousand five no eight thousand five then we sit here on the telephone not jule sir at $8,500 thank you said the earth 39 the mallet Chivas and I start this now at ten eleven twelve thousand dollars here with me twelve at 13,000 at thirteen thousand dollars at $13,000 but he's here with me at thirteen anyone raise it at the fourteen thank you sir gentlemen at $14,000 back of the room then at $14,000 maybe 15,000 16,000 now 16 is still far left at $16,000 anywhere else then at $18,000 then with you now sir 16,000 you Manuel thank you very much sir 317 not on a freefall zero it'll stand up with landscape in boom white and $2,000 stuffs this here with me 2000 2002 are at 2002 are any advance now at 2000 to 2004 Peter Thiel's I'm out it's I'm selling now at 2004 anyone raise that 2006 2008 that's your bar will you say three no 2008 then with Peter on the telephone I'm selling them at $2,800 no more 3000 she will and to 3200 sorry $3,200 nachos on the phone with Peter at $3,200 thank you be there 3 2 l 0 0 1 2 1 / 3 41 a little Chilean bottle in bloom white once again and $5,000 South's it's now $5,000 would ya at $5,000 at $5,000 here with me anyone who runs this fight right thank you so generous bid is on my left at 6065 no 65 is on my left then at $6,500 any advance now at $6,500 against you back the bid is on my left at $6,500 and I'm selling thank you sir paddle 399 6,500 no 342 the excitable Dragon Ball and I thought this at $5,000 here with me five thousand five five six thousand still with meat six thousand at six thousand dollars against you there 6065 online thank you very much six thousand five C online better then at $6,500 I'm selling six thousand five seven thousand on the telephone with Julian Tellis so not yours online the bid is on the telephone at $7,000 and I can sell at $7,000 anymore then seven thousand seven thousand five for the lady some thousand five then in the front you're still going seven thousand five it's in the front with a lady eight hasn't Padgham no she takes that with you now Julian on the telephone at $8,000 8030 lien l oo four five thank you very much lot 343 the and I saw this now at twelve thirteen fourteen thousand dollars here with me he won fourteen fifteen thousand he won war and fifteen thousand dollars at $15,000 $15,000 anyone raise this at fifteen thousand only and fifteen thousand dollars you want war no advance at fifteen thousand dollars here with me that at fifteen thousand it's against you all at fifteen thousand dollars not 344 the little dose I cup and I start this now at 8,500 with me eight thousand five and eight thousand five hundred nine thousand nine thousand five at 9500 aughts at $9,500 $9,500 he with me then mm thank you sir $10,000 bid he's all mad 11,000 12,000 still left no 12,000 is with you sir at $12,000 any advance now at $12,000 the bid is on my left and I'm selling at $12,000 thank you sir three two - lot number 345 the comma red bowl with cashier mark appeared and I can start this now at $30,000 I have 30 to 35 for the $8,000 all with me at $38,000 semi map at $38,000 the minis here with me now at $38,000 anyone raise me at $38,000 confront now at 38,000 you bidding Cynthia 38,000 don't have anyone on $38,000 and the minis here with me not to do not laram at $38,000 anyone raise this then at $38,000 fair warning at 38,000 last chance no at 38,000 Cynthia's out at $38,000 30 that's past lot number far a 346 which is the lovely SIM card with the intact covering up and I can start this now at 85,000 I have with me at $85,000 $85,000 at 90,000 95,000 100,000 then show up $100,000 $100,000 3-1 at 110,000 120 are at $120,000 Carrie's been a sharp at 120 it's carries better now a $20,000 I'm selling at $120,000 sure I want to carry still have a bidder any votes at $120,000 I'm setting now sharra 1 120 thank you Carrie l 0 0 2 6 thank you very much Gary 347 the family their blocks and I can sell these now at $4,000 4042 now four thousand two and four thousand two hundred others four thousand five thank you Sarah four thousand five seated on my left four thousand five four thousand eight on the phone five Jen five five six thousand six five seven thousand seven five eight thousand bats yeah eight five no eight thousand five is Hanna's bid at eight thousand five hundred nine thousand gentleman's bit when you say nine thousand five minutes it's with the gentleman at 9,000 9,000 five Hannah ten thousand you are against with 11,000 don't eat here are twelve no $12,000 with PETA then honey you still going no she shakes her head at $12,000 it's Peters telomere meter at $12 thank you 12,000 it's 1/2 again L 0 0 1 2 how about number 348 the yeah family met bottle no stay with me 5,000 it's $5,000 but he's up front now five thousand or five thousand five cities house at $6,000 yeah $6,000 and you advance now at six thousand dollars you say six five yeah well thank you very much Peter bit at six thousand five when you say seven man 7,000 ggm thousand five no 7005 with Peter then on the telephone I'm selling now at $7,500 you sure $7,500 with Peter on the phone at seven thousand five seven thousand five thanks Peter l 0 0 1 2 again what's 349 the festivals with deaf I can sum this now at 18 $18,000 $18,000 $19,000 you want Joe at $19,000 the videos up fronting against you all at $19,000 anyone races at $19,000 it's here with me at $19,000 no more then at $19,000 fair warning at 19,000 paths lock number 350 the large Union bars then infamy valves tale of conn-young City and I can start this now at $65,000 here with me $65,000 at 65,000 only at $65,000 anyone raise that at $65,000 at $65,000 only the biddies here with me at 65 anyone say 7 at $65,000 its upfront with me now at $65,000 no one raised that and $65,000 it's against you all at $65,000 no more then it means him no give me 70 at $65,000 then it's against you all now at $65,000 past 65 no 351 the very nice box with dragons the pen box and I start this now at 12 13 14 I have with me $15,000 up front with me at $15,000 up front now at $15,000 anyone raise me at $15,000 are you betting Rachel 15,000 is here at fifteen sixteen thousand is yours now and I'm out sixteen thousand is Rachel's bidder at $16,000 any of our 10 teens the unlimited go on cheap eighteen thousand carry you unbox against your line it's on the telephone with Kerry nineteen thousand Rachel it's now between the phones 20 thousand twenty two thousand online twenty four thousand Rachel's bitter 26 back with you carry out of your mind it's Kerry's bit at $26,000 carries me the nachos Rachel nachos online at $26,000 with you carry 28,000 back online 33 so up at $30,000 you're it yes against you all night Rachel's gone at $30,000 and lush arts the bid is on the phone with Carrie Thank You Carrie l 0 0 5 - thank you Carrie lot number 352 the three friends brush that I haven't already here with me at $10,000 at $10,000 it is upfront at $10,000 anyone raise me at $10,000 minis here with me it's my absolutely at ten eleven thousand sorry madam you same 12 12 no 12,000 with the lady at $12,000 the bid is right at 12,000 nine out on my right now at 12,000 again she left as well anyway it's at 12,000 80 at $12,000 thank you madam three to seven twelve thousand not 353 the little brush rest and I can start the sound $4,000 4,000 4,000 - to JR at 4,000 - so check her at 4,000 - anyone racist now four thousand to four thousand five four thousand eight City I'm Bob at $4,800 anymore and $4,800 not 350 for their little stand infamy that and three thousand dollars on this 3 2 3 3 - here with me at 3,000 - when you raise that three five thank you sir and I'm out on my right now at three thousand five I'm selling at three thousand five four thousand four thousand - Jen was bid four thousand to four thousand five finish so Jim four thousand eight such a pop five thousand which n five thousand five weekend war six thousand gentleman's bid no chip take five Oh Jim war on the phone with Phyllis against you all on the left here $6,500 do so later seven thousand G chem seven thousand five no we're finished said seven thousand five you still going Peter eight thousand bats yeah hey five no no my $8,500 thousand five against two all anyone take it further than eight thousand Phyllis zero three six thank you not 356 this is the wonderful large Santo glaze bowl against finished type and I have $50,000 to start this now $50,000 what at $50,000 55,000 one more at $55,000 here with me then at $55,000 anyone taking further one more at $55,000 at $55,000 like the one in Beijing no at $55,000 one more here with me then at $55,000 no more it's against a wall at 55,000 55 that's past well 357 another very nice surf I mean I realize I can start this now at that $12,000 here with me twelve thirteen with me thirteen fourteen thirteen thousand at fifteen thousand were you bidding 715 it's against you sixteen thousand on the left of the aisle at sixteen thousand at $16,000 even Peter said past and selling at $17,000 against you in the room evening speed has been enough $17,000 $18,000 on 19,000 feet under 20,000 20 yes 22,000 24,000 that one thirty twenty eight thousand thirty thousand thirty two so are no thank you so 35,000 with Peter on the telephone then at $35,000 against your in the room 35,000 l 0 0 1 - thank you very much not 358 a little stem Bowl and cover or offering edition cover so this our $2,000 now Jen mm mm - yeah are at $2,200 at 2000 to 2004 thank you sir 2004 in the room 2004 you been gadding mm okay no did that Nate that's about don't empower 3000 sense yeah in the room still 3,000 to 3,500 sent him but still against you online as well at $3,800 sent him up at three thousand eight on my left so fast Sid yeah no sorry sir 4,000 then he's on the aisle in the center at $4,000 suit yeah thank you madam 4,000 I don't remember madam 3 3 1 is it that is awesome just yet not 359 the pair of better world reticulated doubles I can solve this now at $4,000 stay with me 4,000 give me four thousand four thousand - yeah at 4,200 ollars at four thousand two and four thousand two hundred dollars anyone raises now at four thousand two at four thousand - I don't see the bid four thousand five Thank You Hannah four thousand five on the aisle four thousand eight simba no at $4,800 at four thousand eight but not yours madam on the aisle at four thousand eight at the Mac not against you of the back there four thousand eight it still chamber at $4,800 past four thousand eight nine fasted bow-window myself there's a $4,000 four thousand to four thousand two so Jen are at $4,200 any advance now $4,200 against all in the room four thousand five thank you sir I must give four eight you say five you will five thousand is yours now and I'm at five thousand dollars then is on my left and I'm selling at $5,000 we at $5,000 thank you sir 298 five thousand got five sixty one the romance of the Western chamber blue and white oh and I can start this now at fifteen thousand dollars fifteen sixteen seventeen thousand dollars at seventeen eighteen thousand nineteen thousand here at eighteen thousand dollars at $19,000 well anyone raise this now at $19,000 against you all at $19,000 no advance at $19,000 then family 19,000 bust clock 362 the otai longevity dish and I can start this now at $3,000 3 to 5 with me three thousand five upfront that been a thousand five three eight at three thousand eight hundred four thousand in the front four thousand two so Jen her bid is right at four thousand four thousand five you're one behind the other that's why four thousand five you but he said four thousand eight five thousand five thousand five six thousand six five seven thousand seven five no seven thousand five is slightly near me she's a more eight thousand it doesn't find watching war 9010 9005 ten thousand you want you might eat in a No eleven thousand still on the right aisle at $11,000 any advance now 11,000 12,000 13,000 huh 14 15 16 17 18 you are bad No 18 is your first one but at $18,000 any advance now at $18,000 the bid is left right with at 18,000 thank you sir 390 18,000 not 363 the salmon glazed Malabar sand I can start this now at $9,000 which I have already on my book at nine thousand nine five ten eleven up front at $11,000 anyone take me further than $11,000 at $11,000 here with me then at $11,000 any advance now at $11,000 against the that's 11 thank you very much Cynthia and person I'm out it's almost over now at $12,000 with Cynthia 13,000 thank you sir 14,000 14,000 dollars in now 14,000 is your Cynthia at 14,000 you want full 14,000 3:0 thank you very much not 364 this is a nice sir like bowling couple weave cranes and I saw this now at $12,000 twelve with me 12,000 13,000 then here on South at $13,000 anyone raised me now at 13 14 than 15,000 was had a bit left at $15,000 60,000 thousand then the videos of the phone with Rachel 16,000 17,000 18,000 nope 8,000 still on the phone with Rachel at $18,000 $19,000 it's against you both 22 is here 24000 Rachel 26 Neil yes 28 yeah my bad 30,000 so I still get some admits the to telephone 30,000 so Wow you'll repeat up gives you Rachel 30,000 is Peters bitter Sawa thousand dollars no chance 32 just intern in the room 32,000 35 so my war now 35,000 NP days yours at $35,000 I'm selling 38 we're not done yet some about 40 doesn't swap nope swap with me - then swap at $40,000 it's Peters tell of a minute Thank You me about 40,000 l 0 0 1 2 no 365 the and I saw this at $5,000 here with me at $5,000 at five thousand dollars five thousand five thousand five six thousand yep and $6,000 anyone raise me at six thousand dollars at $6,000 minis here with me how are you bidding at six thousand dollars 65 is yours and I'm out 6500 her at $6,500 any of us that's 7,000 she's yet seven thousand five two thousand five not yours measurements with on the telephone she's table wall at 7500 others no more so she takes ahead $7,500 Thank You hyung seven thousand five l 0 0 1 4 lot 365 sorry 366 this the next of the Ruhr vs. it's the Dragon Boat Festival felt this now at $12,000 here with me 12,000 13,000 here on some 14,000 15,000 standing 16,000 here on the O 16,000 in the front against you online it's in the front at sixteen seventeen thousand several places 18,000 19,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 no 34,000 then is in the front with the ladies still against you online no answer at $24 you've been in Julian at 24,000 it's the lazy bit 26 hours anyone know 38,000 at 28,000 no he shakes his head with you madam then against the world for the left the bit with the lady on my right at $28,000 thank you madam bad all three sin T I think is it 28,000 oh I'm sorry 350 to my memory is wrong lot number through - sorry 367 is the remarkable both sides Aden yeah with the ocean bark country mark appeared and I can start this now at 280 that's Ari $250,000 to 50 to 60 I have 260 now at 260 no one under 260 to 280 Wow at $280,000 anyone raise me now at 280 thousand dollars Irish mob up at two hundred and eighty thousand dollars I mean he's here with me at 280 in the advance end at two hundred and eighty thousand dollars Irish mob at 218 anymore then at two hundred and eighty thousand dollars but he's here with me at two hundred and eighteen thousand dollars no at 280 any advance now at 208 300,000 then and 300,000 at 300,000 now any advance then at 300,000 Sasha WA at 300,000 any advance now at 300,000 three 320,000 with a lady it's in front not Jill's back at 320,000 abilities here such are WA now three hundred and twenty thousand dollars then it's in the front anymore at 320 star one I am selling at three hundred and twenty thousand dollars Sasha are out no more with you madam thank you paddle three five three thank you very much 320,000 what number 368 this is the southern ground and I start this now at 8,500 ollars eight thousand five at $8,500 at $8,500 any advance now at 8,500 five hundred dollars any more then it's against you all at eight thousand five level at eight thousand five thousand five lot number 369 this is about a blue grandma's with all the Immortals and I can start this now at six thousand dollars here with me six thousand at six thousand six thousand five think you said gentlemen at six five seven thousand seven five eight thousand eight five nine thousand nine five ten thousand twelve thousand 13,000 now thank you so there 13,000 is left you buddy in disguise 13,000 14,000 you unfill 15,000 lady's bid 16,000 Cynthia 17,000 even see 18,000 19,000 20,000 22000 24000 yes 36,000 28,000 no thank you though 28,000 is with Cynthia at $28,000 any of us are at 28 dollars with iPhones against you all in the room at 28,000 Thank You Cynthia l 0 0 3 0 thank you very much Cynthia number 370 the pair of big houses Selden grant and I consult these now at $25,000 25 26 I have $26,000 $28,000 now I'm up at $28,000 here with me at $28,000 anyone raise me now 30,000 thank you huh at 30,000 I'm selling at $30,000 so Wow at $30,000 any advance now at $30,000 I'm selling at $30,000 - fair warning at 30,000 30,000 thank you hung one for again L 0 0 1 for not number 371 the grating but and seven thousand five eight thousand eight five here with me at $8,500 and it wasn't five hundred dollars up front we meet nine thousand thank you sir at 9,000 9,000 on at thousand five ten thousand Wow 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 seven 16,000 17,000 lady's bid you want cheap it's against you season percent had no against your line maybe these 17,000 or my right now you won t at $17,000 I'm selling now at $17,000 to you madam - 8 8 thank you very much 17,000 block 372 very sweet little tummy that box and color here and I thought this at $5,000 here we meet 5000 will Chen five thousand five thousand five six thousand thank you sir gentleman at 6000 no Jim at six thousand dollars at six thousand dollars then at six thousand five G chem seven thousand five eight thousand but eight thousand five nine thousand Joe Jenn 9005 ten thousand you want 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 fifteen thousand no he shakes his head fifteen thousand with Caroline on the telephone then you want war at $15,000 Thank You Caroline fifteen thousand to seven thank you very much current l 0 0 to 7 log about 373 the butterfly rule avars and again from event i start this now at three thousand dollars only three thousand three two now at three thousand two at three thousand to thirty five thirty thousand five gentleman's bid three so check our hands bidder 4,000 to city are at $4,200 any advance now 4,000 to search at four thousand five new place four thousand eight no 4008 stay with you hug at $4,800 its honks telephone minute Thank You hyung 4008 l01 for again hold on the 374 the little wood side dish with cop and I thought there's a $3,000 here with me three thousand thirty thousand two since you are at $3,200 at three thousand 235 Matt three thousand five 3/8 since you're back at $3,800 at $3,800 any advance at 4000 lady's bid then at 4000 against you further back the bid is in the front search yet at $4,000 any advance now at $4,000 it's with you madam at $4,000 us know yours better than three three one four thousand what Numair 375 the little cuz nothing lobe dish and I can start this now at four thousand dollars he would need four thousand four thousand to four thousand five four thousand eight all online at 4800 will you say fact five is the latest bid in the room at five thousand five thousand five or not C on my bit at $5,500 well no yes six thousand you Jim in the room at $6,000 not yours online them it is in the room at $6,000 Learjet at six that dollars yes six thousand 6000 thank you look number 376 the dish with the empty city stratagem and I said this now at ten thousand dollars ten thousand ten eleven at $11,000 you want e at $11,000 at $11,000 it's against you at eleven thousand dollars no one taking further at $11,000 then it's against you all you saw pass Ilham thousand lot number 377 the runo and I can solve this now at twelve thousand thirteen fourteen thousand here with me I had 14,000 15,000 16,000 even leo 16,000 gentleman's bid 17,000 18,000 I've seen you 19,000 20,000 go up 22 24 36 no standing $26,000 any advance now 26,000 losing in a bit 26,000 your bid sir 28,000 no at $28,000 on the telephone now with Ruiz at $28,000 no chills both in the room 28,000 now at bar at $28,000 will you Louise five five thank you very much $28,000 get over 378 is the little chess box in color and I have been on this already of 4,000 to 508 five thousand to five thousand dollars and five thousand dollars anyone take it further then at five thousand it's mighty none selling five thousand five Angela I'm out then at five thousand five six thousand C 5 7,000 some far it hasn't eight-five nine dozen nine five 10,000 yes LM fast you might eat 12,000 no 12,000 that is with hung on the vent at $12,000 13 doesn't he want some he wants to 1450 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 Noah twenty two thousand twenty four thousand twenty six thousand pretty eight thousand thirty thousand so Wow 32,000 33 you've been such a good sport all the way through 33,000 someone's out 34 someone sir no thanks 34900 on the telephone someone sir at $34,000 thank you I'm 34 l 0 1 4 once again what number 379 the one-year old teapot and it's graduated spherical that's look very circle to me $5,000 starts this at $5,000 here with me at 5,000 5,000 fire crews Tina at five thousand five on the tofo now at five thousand five six thousand six five at six thousand five seven thousand seven thousand five eight thousand eight thousand then Jules eight thousand five nine thousand Christina can we keep up these its nine thousand nine thousand five ten thousand we up ten thousand nine is Christina spitter I do understand a little bit a $10,000 Christina's bidders against you for this against you madam at ten dollars I'm selling that thank you Christina ten thousand to three L zero zero two three thank you very much no I'm a free eighty little fella trimmed first dish and I said there's a $3,000 here with me three to three thousand two at $3,200 at $3,200 anyone raise me now at three thousand to three thousand five thousand five gentleman's been far away on my left at three thousand five and I can sell at $3,500 no one raised that three thousand eight know with Chulan at $3,800 any more then at 3800 that's with u-238 there's a 2:9 thank you very much 381 this the red and blue decorated dish with fishes I can solve this now at seven thousand five eight thousand I have eight five with me at eight thousand five eight thousand five hundred dollars here with me there at eight thousand five now thank you sir and as dollars gentleman's bid at nine thousand anyone take me further nine thousand five ten eleven thousand you might eat on my left hand at 11,000 12,000 he won thirteen thousand one forty fifty sixty seventy me when she 18 you want about eighteen thousand with you now sir at eighteen nineteen thousand twenty hats and I know that look twenty thousand dollars thirty two thousand twenty four thousand twenty six thousand twenty eight thousand thirty thousand thirty two thousand thirty five thousand no five thousand you were right thirty-five thousand dollars on the phone with Peter at thirty five thirty eight thousand in a new place summer but at thirty eight thousand forty thousand so uh forty to forty five so I'm walk 48 so I'm about 50,000 55,000 at $55,000 Cynthia's better then no penis out will use until then on the phone at $55,000 anymore then at 55 as there's a 3-1 thank you very much well 382 this the large charge waved the flower basket and I start it now at $10,000 here with me ten eleven thousand eleven twelve Thank You twelve thirteen thousand nine is go at 13,000 one can see that $13,000 $14,000 $14,000 hung still her better than at $14,000 anyone raise that now at 14,000 you in Cynthia on the telephone with hung and I'm selling at $14,000 15 dozen Cynthia's better than 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 at $20,000 Hong's made up 22,000 22000 and his Cynthia's villa at 22 know he shakes his head 20 mm Thank You Cynthia 22 is that the same as last L 0 0 3 1 it is thank you very much lot number took 383 this grown grape bloom white bowl and I have a bit on this I started straight in that 18 19 thousand here with me 19 20 thousand dollars at 20 22 thousand carry that's yours and you knock me out at 22,000 carries telephone better than at 22 24 26 28 I'm about 30,000 so 32,000 some are 35,000 some are walk nope with you Gary at $35,000 against you in the room it's 35 somewhat $35,000 35,000 1 8 thank you very much what 84 mouths blue mana I said this now at seven thousand five eight thousand I have eight five with me at eight thousand five nine thousand then nine thousand five and nine thousand five thirty more at nine thousand five ten thousand online thank you very much to the only bidder at ten thousand you knocked me out it's the only turn out at 10,000 11,000 Rachel on the telephone at $11,000 $12,000 on the telephone against your line 14,000 in the room even through 51 War 1601 level yes 17 you want you give my BA 15 you want nineteen twenty thousand 22,000 24,000 now what's the in the rumen $24,000 no answer at 24,000 new out Rachel no more with you now sir $24,000 then what's that thank you fried anyone 24,000 find anyone not 385 the person cellular I start this now at 17 18 thousand dollars here with me at $18,000 my bap and $18,000 anyone raise me 18 19 Thank You 20,000 and I'm is go at $20,000 it's 20,000 not yours them at 20,000 go up at $20,000 and the advance now at $20,000 a minute see with me at $20,000 there one at $20,000 no more than 20,000 jewel bus print mm not 3d6 the last of the family ruler buzzes and I start this at $6,000 here with me six six five six thousand five hundred dollars at six thousand five anyone take it further seven thousand Thank You seven thousand seven those private on its game teach n walk at $7,500 8050 bats yep at $8,000 Ben is here with me now at $8,000 any advance at $8,000 8005 but Jim walk eight thousand five then in the room back in wall ready five hundred others nine thousand yen 9005 no with you no sir at nine thousand five hundred dollars flowing then at nine thousand five thank you sir paddle three to eight thank you very much your patience paid off in the end not 387 the romance of the three kingdoms sorry I thought that was lost remember this is this one remember the Three Kingdoms and I have bids on this and started at $20,000 22 then with me 22 24 Absa Dean is 26 28 30 thousand thirty thousand dollars so you Minter at $30,000 on my left now at 30,000 anyone raise it thirty to thirty-five I must go 38 some about thirty eight thousand forty thousand so Ali I've seen you online I'll come in a second 14 is in the room against you sir no 40,000 in his right in the room against you online I'm at follow them it is in the room now was ahead of your line at $40,000 not just on the phone Tiffany humidity at 40,000 swap at $40,000 nope you're shaking your head Cynthia you in know at $40,000 in your bid sir at 40,000 Julianne emitting at $40,000 any advance now at $14,000 you minion Julian you are 42 so I are 42,000 at 42 then Julian spinner at $42,000 any more at 42,000 so our Thank You Julian that's yours did you just say the number didn't hear it don't live for five thank you thank you very much you did not 388 the little Buddha stir every mole and I sell this at $4,000 sit with me four to five with me four thousand five one thousand eight such an pop at $4,800 any advance now at $4,800 any more then at $4,800 5,000 ladies paid thank you at $5,000 at $5,000 any more than $5,000 you ain't beat up by thousand five whichever 6,000 6005 no 6005 then Peter is yours on the telephone at 6,500 us thank you yeah six five zero zero one two thank you very much lot 389 little floor bowl in the ming style i start this now at 7500 ollars 7500 on stay with me at $7,500 the midis here with me at seven thousand five winning anyone raise me now at $7,500 at $7,500 it's against you all seven thousand five G Jen TJ wall seven thousand five plus lot number 389 sorry 390 is the little wood hot notice and I have been on this all over the place I can start it straight in at four thousand to five eight five thousand five thousand five always me five thousand find all my absentee bits five thousand five 6065 7005 and sorry send that 5005 eight thousand five 9005 ten thousand thank you so eleven thousand twelve is yours NASA and I'm out twelve thousand is right in the are against you left of the aisle still at twelve thousand dollars back of the room then it's the gentleman's bid at 12,000 13,000 one more sir five hundred thirteen thousand five which means I'll say 14 for you madam no fourteen thirteen thousand five then is winter gentleman back of the room at thirteen thousand five and what thirteen thousand five thank you sir - - OH - thirteen thousand five hundred what 391 which is the math lot of this organization ladies an gentlemen the blue and white bars I can solve this now $4,000 $4,000 4002 sir Jenner at $4,200 at $4,200 anyone raises now at 4,000 - you're not gonna be me with this one I'm at 4,000 - at 4,000 - suchan are at 4,000 - any advance out so yeah at 4,200 ollars no more then what all those do ladies and gentleman thank you very much indeed I hope you have enough time to grab a little bit of lunch before the session next session starts which is that two o'clock correct two o'clock restart thank you [Music]
Channel: Peter Combs
Views: 36,893
Rating: 4.9152942 out of 5
Keywords: fine art, fine chinese art, auction, chinese art, chinese art auction, japanese art auction, japanese art, art news, auction news, asian art, auction results, chinese porcelain, chinese paintings, chinese bronze, jade, asian art auction news, asian art values, chinese art values, auction houses, online auctions, internet auctions, authenticating chinese porcelain, art
Id: J7iXFIVCcis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 54sec (6414 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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