Data Analyst Roadmap 2024 | Data Analyst Weekly Study Plan | Free Resources to Become Data Analyst

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this is the time of the year where many YouTubers publish road map videos and many of them talk about unrealistic things such as become data analyst in 1 month or get 10 lakh perom job Etc I'm not going to say anything unrealistic just to increase the views of this video following this road map will require 3 to 6 months time period where you have to spend 4 hours in your study every day basically it requires a lot of hard work so if you're looking for a shortcut do not waste your time leave the video right now the road map will cover week by week study plan using free learning resources assignment tracker and lot of checklist which will help you become a data analyst now I say this with lot of confidence because me and the co-creator of this video hammeron we both are hiring managers we interview data analyst candidates in our company's AIC Technologies and code basics in fact hammeron has 7 plus years years of data analytics manager experience in Europe I also have 12 plus years of Industry experience working for Bloomberg USA so whatever we are saying is based on real industry experience talking about upskilling we'll talk about tool skills and also core skills once you have learned all these skills they are not enough you have to learn how to Showcase your work so that you can get an interview call and crack the interview now let's move on to the p PDF file for the road map this is something you can download from the video description below here it says 3 months time period where 1 and a/ half hour goes in tool skills 1 hour in core skills Etc okay now before you start with week number one there is week zero where you need to do proper research to protect yourself from scams if you look at some big influencers like sandip maheswari they are now talking about these scams which are happening in the market where people sell their courses by making false promises many times you will see YouTubers influencers and people who make courses they do not have real industry experience they are just good in talking they are good in making false promises and they are able to sell their courses so if you get caught in these camps it is going to be very bad for you so first do a proper research I have provided some videos in some LinkedIn Post in the LinkedIn post you will see comments from people where they will talk about the scams that uh you know they were victim of uh basically the idea is you learn from a legitimate instructor if the instructor has industry experience that is always good because then they are not teaching you just the theoretical Concepts they can tell you how these concepts are used in the industry so they can make you a industry ready in a true sense X EXC is the most basic and fundamental skill that you need to learn as a data analyst so in week one and two you'll be focusing on that as well as business math and statistics and in terms of core skills you will work on creating a LinkedIn profile now in Excel it's it's a big topic you don't need to learn every single feature of excel you just learn basic formulas some Advanced formulas pivot table basic charting Etc you don't need to learn VBA macros Etc because they are dying down okay you can do the same thing in power query and using other features so you can ignore VBA and macros in terms of learning resources I have this YouTube video where we talk about using business math uh in Excel and in this video we have given data sets we have given all the necessary resources for generating let's say pnl and so on and here we are covering the essential Concepts such as mean medium mode variance standard deviation uh average percentages the 20% Concepts that you will be using 80% of the time they are all covered okay another resource that we have is Google template Library so if you click on this you will go here here you see various templates and if you click on lesson monthly budget it will show you this particular file where you can enter your monthly uh budget numbers so what you have to do is you have to start using this Excel file and then try to understand what kind of formulas are written for example if you look at any cell here for example this one there is a spar line formula then there is if formula here okay you can also customize this file as per your need so you are becoming your own client you using it for real life use cases and you're not only learning it but you're customizing it as per your need there is another file called annual budget you can go through it it is self-explanatory here you can maintain your expenses income Etc now there is a this website called Vortex 42 where they provide these kind of templates but in Excel format xlsx previously we were talking about Google Sheets so you can download any of these templates for example college student budget so if you're a college student use this and try to understand what kind of formula they are using try to customize it for learning Excel I will recommend using chandu's YouTube channel he provides a lot of useful tutorials so if you want to learn any particular Concept in Excel you can go through this now say if you want to spend some money and you want more structured way of learning Excel then I myself have this Excel course where we have covered all the basic concepts plus the uh advanced concepts such as how do you do data transformation using power query in Excel many people are not even aware that you they can use power Query in Excel we have covered some industry projects and so on all the reviews are real by the way so you can check that out while you're learning Excel you have to also learn business math and statistics in that you learn the concept such as arithmetic percentages what is market share what is year over your growth and so on and all of those things we have covered in the video that I just mentioned to you a few seconds ago uh the video is available in both both English and Hindi there is a Khan Academy course also on this topic for example introduction to percentages so you can watch that you can also refer to this website is really good it provides you simple explanations now in terms of your core skills you need to focus on creating a LinkedIn profile now LinkedIn profile is not something you will create after you have learned all the data analy skills Etc it is better if you start working on core skills while you learning the tool skills so that way you can make progress in both the direction in parallel okay you have to create a professional looking LinkedIn profile and for creating a LinkedIn profile we have given a complete checklist so if you again check video description you will be able to download this LinkedIn checklist where you are given all the instructions such as how do you create personalized LinkedIn URL okay you can create using this option and when you have created it just TI tick mark this okay tick mark this as you keep on checking this boxes your profile will keep on getting better and better as a motivation I want to refer you to this interview uh where a bcom person got five data analyst job offers Arijit sadu was that person and he had a bcom degree and despite that he got five data analy job offers uh in big companies like B of America anen young and so on so you can get lot of useful career Insight related tips from this particular video now we have given you the assignment so you can open assignment tracker which we have built in a tool called notion so if you click on this link you will get this particular page you can just create a duplicate okay and if you don't have an account on notion notion is by the way free tool it helps you track your assignments uh you can create a free account okay and after the free account is created uh when you click on duplicate it will copy the template that I have given you to your personal space so I'm going to let's say add it to my private space here and it will create the duplicate copy so when the copy is created that copy is your own copy now here you can track your assignments so for example for the week one and two we have all these assignments right so create a professional looking link LinkedIn profile so if you click on open you will be able to open the page you will have more details but once that task is complete you can say done okay this is done then if you have used your LinkedIn checklist then okay this is done and as a result what will happen is in the grid that is above your progress will change so here see I have 33.3% progress you see weend one to 33.3% progress so this way you can track the progress for your 12 weeks study plan and it will be better if you can create a group with your friends let's say your friends also wants to learn data analyst okay you will create a group and then you can have weekly meeting and you can hold each other accountable you can check each other's progress that way you will have motivation you will be thrilled to do this study it's like going to gym if you go to gym alone it's not going to be fun but if you go with bunch of friends it's it's always fun now the quick Insight here is that only 60 among 100 aspirants will continue further you can be one of them if you're are disciplined and committed for a data analyst knowing one bi tool is a must you can learn either powerbi or Tableau which are popular bi tools or say if you're learning powerbi you need to learn how you can connect powerbi with different data sources how you can do data transformation in power query and all of these topics in terms of your free learning resources you can use sales inside powerbi project now in this project we are not only going over powerbi Basics but we are teaching you how you can execute a data analytics project using powerbi in the industry if you look at the views and read the comments you will get an idea on the quality of this particular playlist and this playlist has helped many people get a job it is totally free data set everything is available on YouTube we have other guided projects too for example in this project we invited abishek who is a manager in oo rooms he's a revenue manager in oo rooms which is a big hospitality company in India and here he gave the requirements from the hospitality industry standpoint and we built a powerbi dashboard the other project is N2 and T20 cricket data analytics where we downloaded T20 World Cup cricket data from ESPN CC info we actually did web scraping okay so we covered web scraping then we covered data cleaning and transformation using pandas and then dashboard building in powerbi the other project is HR analytics I'm sitting in attick office which is a software and data analytics company and we invited HR of this company uh to give the requirements on the insights dashboard that she wanted to build and we buil this dashboard so all of these projects are real life projects we are not using any toy data sets here now one may have confusion whether they should learn powerbi or Tableau if you ask me I will always say powerbi because as per Gardner's research powerbi is consistently ranked as number one bi tool and the adoption of powerbi is increasing see Microsoft has a deep penetration in the industry so for them it is easy to sell powerbi therefore I believe learning powerbi makes sense table is also a good tool so if you have strong reason you can definitely learn that for table also we have given a few videos here for learning powerbi you can use all of these YouTube channels which we have mentioned here if you are interested in uh learning in a very structured uh way then we have a powerbi course as well on COD basics. talking about soft skills on LinkedIn you need to start following some prominent data influencers for example hamon Vell writes nice LinkedIn post here he talked about what is domain what is functions and how these things help you in your data analytics career so when you're reading this post when you're following these data influencers you not only get to learn things but you can also engage let's say if you have a question you can ask a question and maybe ham will respond now folks when you engage in LinkedIn post make sure you write meaningful comments see these are generic comments which no one will engage to but if you write a meaningful comment then there will be many people who will engage and you'll ask me that okay if naven wrote this comment and if 11 people liked it what's the big deal well these 11 people some of them might be data analytics manager they might be hiring or there could be a data analyst working in the industry now when they like your command you are living a good impression on their brein brain so if you keep on doing this again and again then that person will build a good repo okay and if they are hiring in their team uh you can ask them for a referral or maybe they'll reach out to you and you can get a job so engaging on LinkedIn is definitely valuable now moving to core skills you need to build some strong business fundamentals for this you can follow some business case study YouTube channels for example think school they have this case study on how am be the competition during covid and this person talks about data analytics variety of numbers and also he gives business understanding so by watching these videos by understanding this business case studies you are making your business fundamental stronger now in the video description you will find a link of a Discord server where we have like around 40,000 members again this Discord server is free so if you're learning powerbi Excel if you have any question you can post the question there and some of the community members will help you okay now when you post a question there is an art that you need to use you can't just uh post a question hey I'm stuck here someone help uh you need to say things little differently you should send a message that look I'm doing my due deligence and all I'm asking is for a direction and I'm not expecting any rade answer so when you learn that art and by the way I'm linking all this LinkedIn post so that you can learn the art of asking asking questions in a right way for motivation we interviewed rohini krishnam morti who was working as a nurse for many years then she had a career break as a mom then she learned data analytics and right now she's working as a data analyst in the industry so by watching this particular interview you will get some solid tips and then here is the assignment folks use this assignment use the notion board that I talked about earlier for example one of the assignment is making making a post on unguided Project here let's say haris made this post where he attached a presentation see uh you are learning data analytics you are presenting insights and you are also uh publishing a video presentation which will help you improve your presentation skills and then people will engage and overall it's going to be very beneficial in terms of your core skills in VI 678 you need to focus on SQL we call SQL a salt of data science it is a must skill for any data analyst now in SQL you don't need to learn everything for example you don't need to learn database creation index triggers Etc that is more for data Engineers DBS and so on here you want to focus on the basics of sqls what is relational database joints and so on in terms of learning resources we have this free YouTube video which is one hour 26 minutes it will teach you all the basics which are needed for a data analyst we have given data set exercise everything so you just watch this video and you will learn the skills you can use other resources W3 School SQL Bard Etc and we have a course on SQL on our website now when it comes to course skills uh in this 3 we time period you want to improve your presentation skills and for this my most favorite video is on YouTube which is how to avoid Death by PowerPoint this person has given amazing insights on how you should build your PowerPoint presentation and how you should improve your presentation skills so please make sure you check it uh next comes the ATS resume ATS stands for application tracking system a resume which is compliant to ATS so that your resume doesn't get filtered automatically now we have made a video on how me and hamon we screen the resumés when we interview in our past experience we have interviewed hundreds of candidates we are interviewing people even right right now so from interviewer standpoint what we look for in the resume we have discussed that your resume should be single page it should use star methodology for project description and so on you'll be able to download a resume checklist U again check video description and all you do is whenever you have your resume let's say your template is simple it is friendly you just check you use this check marks to make your resume proper so when you have checked all these marks your resume will be in a better shape now folks resumés are not dead yet but they're dying because resumes cannot show your live work in order to show live work you need to build something called portfolio website or a project portfolio website for this you can use variety of tools such as no Pro uh link tree you can post your project on GitHub also uh for for code Basics boot camp students we have this portfolio website let me show you that here uh in this website you can give your your background you can also showcase all your project for example this particular project is business insides 360 where you can see the screenshot description and so on not only that you can interact with a live dashboard see this is a live dashboard I can click on it I can click on different visuals different insights so if an interviewer is looking at this particular uh website they will get better understanding of your work when you are in the interview maybe interview can be conducted based on this and this will give you a lot of benefit not only in getting the interview call but during the interview also in cracking the interview these website will become very useful in terms of assignment you need to participate in SQL resume project challenge so on our website codeb I we conduct this free resume project challenge where we give a data set problem statement you work on the project and then you write a LinkedIn post you build a presentation and you showcase your work as if you are presenting against the business stakeholders the Insight at this point is that only 30 among 100 aspirant will continue further and you definitely want to become one of those 30 people week 9 and 10 is all about python and pandas now folks there are some data analyst jobs where they don't require Python and pandas but then there are other jobs where they need this so you can keep this optional but if you have time and if you learn this it's not going to hurt in Python you need to learn all these basic concepts for which we have a YouTube playlist along with the exercises so if you look at these exercises they are having Solutions nice problem statement solution so you learn from YouTube YouTube video you practice on exercises that way you can make your python fundamental stronger in terms of pandas you need to learn only these many topics panda is a vast Library there is so much to learn if you go and start learning everything it will take you a long time therefore just focus on the things which are required by a data analyst role for Panda's playlist we have a YouTube playlist for pandas in which you need to go through only first nine videos talking about project management uh the world is using agile project management methodology in which there are two popular techniques called scrum and Canan and we have free learning resources for them as well you can also leverage chat GPT to handle various areas of your data analytics project such as data collection data cleaning and so on and for all of these areas we have given videos we have given different prompts that you can can use so go through these prompts and learn how you can use AI how you can use chat GPT to make yourself more uh productive how you can become AI enabled data professionals now domain knowledge is super important for a data analyst career role and for that we have given 15 different learning resources the links are here go and watch them for assignment uh you need to make a LinkedIn project post for example Arian Sharma participated in our resume project challenge then he made this LinkedIn post where he talked about the insights that he generated uh with the powerbi dashboard that he had built now when you are building this presentation and making a video post on LinkedIn you're not only improving your presentation skills but you're getting attention of potential recruiters for example this post got 764 engagement and if let's say this particular person uh clicked on the like button that person might have five other people and let's say if one of those people is a hiring manager your post will show up in their feed so you are getting attention you are getting visibility uh in this LinkedIn Market where many recruiters are also active by the way Aran Sharma got a job because of his resume project participation you can go through his profile and read the post that he made okay so I think in this post he has mentioned how he got a job at uh this particular company uh resume project challenge is something that we conduct every month so if you go to codebasics doio click on resume projects you will be able to participate in these challenges for free there is no charge we give a problem statement and you make uh data analytics project and then in the end you make a nice LinkedIn post just like how Arian did it the Insight at this point is that you are among 20 out of those 100 aspirants if you have come this far all right you are done with your studies and week 11 and 12 is for interview preparation for SQL interview there is a website called Data lemur again free website where you see questions which are asked in different companies for example this question was asked in Twitter here you can read the question practice it and you can run the code to see the results you can then compare your results with the solutions so you need to create a login here and when you click on solution and discussion you will be able to verify your solution Tech tfq channel is also another good resource for SQL interviews and for powerbi interviews learn with gigs is another good YouTube channel here I have given you a link of all unguided projects and these projects are nothing but different resume project challenges that we have been been conducting so you can go through these uh projects and practice them so as you practice more and more your skills will become more stronger for job application also I have given some resources such as how do you use cold emailing for applying for jobs how do you ask for referrals and so on so the assignment for week 11 and 12 is you participate in more resume project challenges and then you make LinkedIn post uh for that okay and you will also work work on all these assignments now if if you are at this stage you are among five or 10 among those 100 people who started so there are many people who will start learning data analyst uh New Year is starting they will take a resolution that I want to become a data analyst but majority of the people give up because nowadays people don't have patience they can't continue with the committed afford but let's say if you come this far then that means you are one of those five person or one of the rare people who are committed and you should should be proud about yourself so far we have talked about using different internet resources for your learning but let's say if you're a person who doesn't want to go through different resources and who want to learn through a single resource in a step by step manner then we have a boot cam so on code Basics you will see uh the data analyst bootcamp which is highly rated you can read all the reviews here if you click on view all you will see the reviews you can click on the LinkedIn uh profile of this particular person uh of course see if if if it is my boot camp obviously it's hard to believe uh that okay whatever I'm saying is true but you can talk to one of these Learners who have taken these courses and they will give you the the honest review about the boot camp now I want to give some tips for Effective learning whenever you are consuming these videos or reading articles that is one small portion the portion where you need to focus more is in digesting implementing and sharing so let's say I watched a video on SQL joints that is just a small portion after you have watched this video with a focus mind try to think about it what did you learn you know close your eyes take note and pen and write down what did you learn and try to digest that information then implement it so try to practice some SQL queries which is using joints so by implementing also your understanding will become solid and also try to share so if you have made a group with your friends for studying data analytics then share your learning with your friends maybe try to help them try to help people on our Discord server talking about Discord server uh we have this partner and group finder Channel where see this person is saying I want to learn data science um Can someone help can someone join me and there there are a couple of people who are showing the interest so this way you can make a group and we want to go back to our gym example if you go to gym alone you're not going to like it but if you go there with bunch of friends you will love it so use the same method here for your learning I recently published a video on how to land a job as a fresher in 2024 and in this video we have shown a job funnel where I have shown how people get filtered at each stage uh in that job funnel so watch this video and we wish you all the best both me and honon we wish you all the best for your Learning Journey this PDF checklist folks everything is available for free in the video description all you need is download it and learn with commitment okay commitment is very important if you have any question Post in the comment box below me and hamon will try to answer as many questions as possible [Music] bye-bye
Channel: codebasics
Views: 254,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn data analyst skills, data analyst skills, how to become a data analyst, how to become data analyst, data analyst for beginners, how to learn data analyst, learn data analyst, data analyst roadmap, complete data analyst roadmap, data analyst guide, data analyst, data analyst course, data analyst full course, learn data analytics, data analyst beginner, data analyst road map, how to be a data analyst, data analyst jobs 2024, data analyst career 2024
Id: bCLBdxfe57o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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