Devin AI Software Engineer | End of Software Jobs?

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I own a software Services Company where we have more than 40 human software Engineers working for us when I heard about DAV AI the first AI software engineer I got a bit concerned luckily we have an AI Department also in our company and we work on Industrial AI projects with that background I decided to do some research and in this video I'm going to share my thoughts on whether dein AI will replace software engineering jobs or not if you look at the demo video of Devin AI you will notice that you can give a task to Devin AI just like how a manager gives a task to a software engineer dein will then create a plan to accomplish that task it will then start writing the code if it requires some API information it will go Google it go through some website find that information once again just like how human software Engineers do it then it will run the code if it finds errors then it will add the print race and then eventually it will fix those errors and it will also do deployment they have a couple of other videos where dein is working on a task on a freelancing website upwork and in the other demo Devin AI is implementing a feature request on a GitHub repo here are my initial thoughts after watching all those demo videos their demo looks stunning any software engineer watching this is going to lose their sleep but remember one thing just like any other demo this might be Cherry Picked Devin AI solving upwork task or implementing GitHub enhancement request were actually very basic task in fact I got annoyed by watching their AI train AI video because initially I thought you are building AI model from scratch and training it in reality what it was doing is going to a GitHub repo using the instructions on the readme file it was just running one command now obviously cognition AI is a new company they want to raise funds and become popular so that demo was clearly a marketing gimmick in the future however they can evolve their system so that it can indeed solve complex problems but to predict that future we need to understand the difference between system one thinking and system 2 thinking this concept was introduced by the Nobel Prize winner of the book Thinking Fast and Slow system one thinking is fast and intuitive let's say you are driving a car back to your home you don't have to think much about Direction because it is all in your memory it is fast and intuitive on the other hand if you want to move to a different country with your entire family now you need to think little slowly you need to account for various Factor do some critical thinking before you make a decision open a co-founder Andre karpati in his famous llm video on YouTube talks about system 1 and system 2 where he clearly mention that llms are not capable of doing system two thinking they can do only system one thinking and much of the research in the space of jni is going into this direction where llms can also do system 2 thinking but it is not there yet maybe open AI will release GPT 6 or GPT 10 model which will be able to do that but it's not there yet while llms cannot do system 2 thinking natively what people are trying to do is Implement some techniques so you have llm with system one thinking you combine some techniques with it so that you get a feeling as if you are doing system to thinking there are platforms such as crew Ai and Microsoft autogen these two platforms try to use such techniques to simulate the system to thinking D AI creators have not shared the details of their implementation but it is my guess that their system is one of such multi-agent AI system just like crew Ai and Microsoft autogen now let's answer the burning question will it replace software engineer job software Engineers are sometimes known as SD software development Engineers the answer is yes if you are sde 1.0 the answer is no if you are SD 2.0 SD 1.0 are the software Engineers who are involved in doing system one thinking they get a task or a jira story from their manager where requirements are clearly documented you have a ux markup which says add this button and here is the business logic go f data from this particular database they are basically new as directed kind of employees these people are going to be replaced by Dav AI SD 2.0 on the other hand are involved in a product what I mean by that is they take interest in business requirements they design solution they write Cod they Implement they are involved in the entire cycle when I was at Bloomberg I even used to visit clients and when I'm having conversations with clients I used to get lot of domain understanding so now let's say if Devin has to do it we have to build a robot and put Devin within it in it and D will walk to that client of Bloomberg that robot will talk to that client and gain the domain understanding I think that future is not there yet it may come in the future but it's not going to happen in short term at least the other thing that SD 2.0 are good at is complex computational thinking where you need to think about the scale and throughput of the system and that requires system to thinking which I don't think AI has right now and just to clarify this concept of 1.0 which is due as directed job and 2.0 applies to other jobs as well such as data analyst data Engineers QA automation Engineers Etc to summarize in 2 to 5 years majority of the 1.0 jobs will be replaced by AI there will be some conservative companies who will be hesitant to onboard AI agents such as D AI in that case 1.0 jobs will exist for some time but in long term those jobs will go away for sure 2.0 jobs will continue to exist and these jobs include the sophisticated jobs such as AI engineers and data scientists too government will obviously intervene and they might start some diversity and inclusion programs for example today we have programs such as woman in technology in future you might have human in technology where for every four de in AI engineer you need to have one human AI engineer compulsory just to keep a social order in place longterm which is beyond 5 years it will be a mixed bag of numerous benefits and ches it is becoming very hard to predict the future because Ai and technology in general is evolving very rapidly so no one can say what's going to happen after 5 years but one thing is sure a lot of changes are coming let's conclude this session by discussing what can you do right now I will share three tips number one stay calm and stay informed when a demo like dein AI comes up people just freak out they like oh my God what's going to happen their blood pressure goes high but lot of these videos are marketing material okay they want to increase the valuation of their company and then there are YouTubers who are making all kind of videos and news articles these are all kneejerk reactions majority of these folks do not do research and they just publish an article or a YouTube video to increase the views but hardly anyone gives a good prediction on what the future is going to look like the second tip is focus on core skills such as communication building business equipment Etc these are system to thinking skills which is something AI cannot do right now and the third tip is if you can't live with with the uncertainty that you're going to face in the future then go for some career which requires physical work for example doctor or a nurse here you need to go to a place you know you need to trade a patient Etc or even Carpenter or an electrician some people may argue robots are coming and they will combine robots and Ai and robots will replace the physical work as well but I disagree with that because of two reasons number one the techn technological breakthrough in robotics is not as good as AI so it's going to take some time to build robots which can move around with same efficiency that humans can do and number two there will be a lot of government regulations too just imagine a future where Robert is driving a car or Robert is treating a patient there'll be hell lot of government regulations that companies will have to go through before these things get approved they have been talking about this fully autonomous self-driving cars for so many years and it hasn't happened yet because of the exit two reasons which I mentioned all right so I hope this video give you some meaningful information that you can use to build your career uh please give it a thumbs up if you find it useful and share it with your friends who are worried about AI taking them jobs Etc if you have any questions please post in the comment box [Music] below
Channel: codebasics
Views: 95,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, devin, devin ai, devin ai software engineer, ai software engineer, job risks, ai engineer, software development engineer, sde jobs at risk, sde jobs, jobs risk, ai taking sde jobs, ai, cognition labs, cognition, system thinking
Id: _h9Srjy_dms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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