Career in AI | Which Career Option is the Best for Me?

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we are going through AI boom time period where every single business and industry wants to adopt AI what this means for your personal career is that having AI in your resume is going to benefit you tremendously in coming time I made a video previously where I discussed both Technical and non-technical career options in AI along with skills required for each of these roles in this video I'm going to show you a part PA way to figure out which career option is best for you given your current situation I will show you a decision tree that will help you decide among these seven career roles the first question you need to ask is are you good in coding you might have existing strong coding skills or if you have deeper interest then also it's okay it's not like you need to have the skills right now you either have interest or you already have strong coding skills if the question is yes ask another question are you good at math and statistics again you could be good at math and statistics right now or you have deeper interest to learn the skills so that you can be good after few months if the answer is no to that question go for mlops engineer role because mlops requires strong coding skills but it doesn't require strong math and statistics skills mlops role is similar to Dev op's role in software engineering we discussed this in detail in our previous video where I discussed various career options the skills what each of these roles are doing Etc so again if you not seen that video please watch it now if your interest in skills is higher in math and statistics then ask another question how do you rate your computer engineering skills if it is strong go for AI engineer because AI engineer not only builds a model they are also responsible for deploying a model and integrating that with rest of the technical infrastructure if the answer is no or let's say you have average Computer Engineering skills then go for data scientist when I say computer engineering skills I mean detailed knowledge of data structures algorithm bigo notation distributed computing how to deployer software using rest servers to call apis things like that data scientists do not get involved in those activities too much they build a model and then they give it to software engineer or mlops engineer for the deployment whereas AI engineer they not only build a model they are also responsible for deploying and integrating that with the rest of the system data scientist have little better skills or stronger skills in math and statistics compared to AI engineer they are involved in extracting insights from data so they are sometimes heavy on math side AI engineer also needs to be good in math but not as good as data scientist when a person has become AI engineer they are like a general doctor general physician once a person has become General physician usually what do they do they will become a specialized doctor such as heart doctor or lung doctor similarly if you have specific skills let's say in linguistics or if you have specific skills in computer vision then you can become either NLP engineer or computer vision Engineers these three career roles are kind of similar except that NLP Engineers mainly focus on natural language processing any AI projects related to text whereas computer vision Engineers are focusing on computer vision which is uh images and video but you don't have to do this specialization as a general AI engineer also you get paid well and you can have a rewarding career now all these five roles are technical roles let's talk about non-technical roles which is if you answer no to our first question which is do you have interesting coding there are many people who are like oh coding is not my cup of treay who cares about coding for those folks there are three possible career options number one is AI ethicist let's say if you have some background in regulations and ethics Etc then you can become AI ethicist for any AI project figuring out a risk is very important AI is like nuclear energy it's very risky technology as well and you need to take into account all the laws and regulations for example European Union recently passed strict laws around AI so if you violate that law you will have to pay millions of dollars of fine okay so AI ethicist is a person who reviews any AI project and they give certain approvals they have knowledge of all the regulations by different countries they understand the biases which are created by AI models they understand the use of toxic language Etc and they make sure that all those compliance uh matters are in place the second one is AI product manager let's say if you're working as a software product manager this role might be the best where you have to get KN how of AI you are not doing coding but you need to understand AI as a technology what is the strength what is the weakness things like that and then you can become AI product manager AI product manager is a bridge between technical team which is the team of AI Engineers or data scientist and the business team so in order to become a bridge you have to have good business understanding and some knowhow of technology and if you're a person who likes to travel around who likes to meet people who likes to negotiate and sell things then you can become AI sales representative any existing sales representative doesn't matter which field you are in can transition to this role all you have to do is once again understand the knowhow of AI understand the strength the shortcomings and various dimensions of the technology in general and then you can combine your sales skills with it to become from AI sales representative this is best for the people who don't like to sit in front of computer and work for example my brother although he's a computer engineer he is into sales because he likes to travel he likes to meet different people he likes to understand various pains which are faced by businesses and provide solutions to them so if that kind of activity excites you then you should definitely go for AI sales rep so I hope this video has given you some direction on which career role is best for you if you like the content of this video then please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends who want to build career in AI making this kind of videos folks requires a lot of afford and if you are getting any value then at least you can do that much you can consider that as a fees for this session we are doing this work on YouTube for free and for you liking the video or sharing it with your friends might not be much afford but it's going to mean a lot for us thank you for watching if you have any question Post in the comment box below
Channel: codebasics
Views: 35,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, ai career options, jobs in ai field, how to get job in ai, machine learning, data science jobs, machine learning jobs, ml jobs, ai jobs, ai career selection, career selection guide, ai career selection guide, ml engineer, ai engineer, nlp engineer, ai engineering career, ml engineering career, computer vision career
Id: bA_w1wnpRqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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