Darkest Dungeon Mods: How to play The Thrall!

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hey everybody and welcome to another darkest dungeon mod overview my name is element 5 and tonight we're taking a look at Marvin se owes thrall but Before we jump into it I just want to take a minute to thank you guys for throwing a bunch of constructive criticism my way about this particular how to play modded classes series ever since I jumped into streaming darkest dungeon and focusing on modded content it has been a dream to be able to teach this kind of content to other people who want to play it and to really experience all the amazing talent and ideas that are coming from the incredible darkest dungeon modding community it's also been a dream of mine to have a worthwhile YouTube channel so I think you guys are all of the positive comments constructive criticism the likes and the subscribes in the channel all the things that help a wannabe youtuber like myself out thank you very much what can be said about the thrall that hasn't already been said we're taking a look at Tim time guy ok Tim time guy was the feature thrall in our sayo special run the challenge that Marvin sail put me up to to play his four modded classes through the crimson court in a single run to kill each boss to quote my chat directly through those say no special runs Tim time guy is God the thrall is an absolute beast it is slow it is lumbering immobile in general the thrall is really useful in bleed groups it makes just an amazing frontline class it can hit super super hard some of the biggest crits I've ever delivered and darkest dungeon have come from the fists of the thrall but really that the catch here the trade off to his immense power and damage output is the fact that he is for the most part in mobile stuck in position one or two takes a hell of a long time he's very very very slow as a character usually acting last in a lot of cases and basically all of his power and his damage output his survivability his high HP poll they all come at the cost of pretty significant stress management now what that means is basically it's important to realize that the thrall does not virtue cannot virtue he only has one affliction and that affliction is called ferocious and it is nasty okay just like Marvin say Oh sister's class this is a class where stress is really really important you do not want to piss off the thrall if the thrall hits ferocious it is very likely that he starts beating up your own group members and certainly he has definitely done so to the groups I've had him in so you really need to take care to keep his stress low and there's a couple tricks to doing this and his abilities sort of handle this in some respects but that is the way to visualize the thrall he is a giant super slow hard-hitting beast and you absolutely do not want to bully him or piss him off now based on the description that Marvin wrote here the thrall is a monster of a man the thrall can take a beating and deliver one twice as strong in return the thrall shines best in the thick of combat where he can deliver devastating blows and punish any who try to defy him should the opponent be too far to engage in close combat the thrall can take a moment to hype himself up and charge back into the fray trampling all who stand in his way while the thralls body is unbreakable his mind is fragile should the thrall feel he is threatened he'll quickly become ferocious entering a frenzy where friend and foe blur into one mass and the only priority is self-preservation as with the rest of Marvin's characters we get a beautiful little comic strip here for the backstory and I know a little bit of the influence on this we'll see if you guys can pick this up this is pretty great we get to see in the top left frame here the crowd cheering as the hero enters the arena what appears to be maybe flower petals falling in the air behind him just as the camera pans over to the picture of the thrall and the the rest of the audience booing him combat begins and the two characters begin to duke it out trading blows until finally the hero sinks his weapon into the side of the thrall the hero then walks over to the injured thrall ready to deliver the final blow and instead takes a minute to revel in his celebrity the crowd goes wild just as the thrall grabs the heroes ankle sweeps his leg and crushes his skull horrified the crowd is silenced and then this is my absolute favorite panel here as we see the thrall sitting here like what did you expect what did you want me to do of course I was going to crush this little pipsqueak so if you didn't catch it there are some interesting parallels here are some influences from a specific character from Game of Thrones and a specific battle in Game of Thrones seems to have had some influence here nonetheless the thrall is an absolute barbarian the thrall is also a slave which explains a lot of the binding and the chains and actually one of the town events that triggers that will allow you to get a couple free throws is all about the slave trade though if you happen to ask my twitch community the thrall is actually very misunderstood it's actually quite the scholar in fact we call him the librarian barbarian he's well learned he just has a temper ultimately I tend to think that the thrall is maybe the simplest of Marvins sales classes it is just very it's just very straightforward to what it is it is a frontliner who is really survivable now for the most part he's not going to be able to really reach beyond rank one or two but there are a few tricks that you can do with them and there's some things to think about in respect to his kid let's just take a look at the stats real quick here and you'll see what I'm talking about max HP definitely really high not much dodge no prot no speed and no accuracy you know for the most part decent stats you would expect a high move resist for something that is literally the mountain a decent debuff resist as well as a an interesting stun resist here too and that that actually is an important factor in to one of his more powerful abilities but really what you will feel from the stats of playing this class is the damage output the max HP and the slowness of the class now before we take a look at his his abilities you know one thing I would just say about the thrall is that I definitely think the thrall is fine and pretty much any dungeon and in a lot of different groups really shines when you have bosses that have multiple turns and you can really lean on his repost definitely works very very well with bleed groups you can just see that by the color of the kit here we have to bleed abilities up here you also get bleed with riposte so that's worthwhile to consider so def more powerful more useful typically in the Warrens in the crimson court in the Weald where bleed is is definitely more powerful worth considering having a stress healer in your group if you're going to be playing with it and then of course things like ruminate or minus 10% stress Healing received definitely kind of a no-no for this class you really definitely worth not taking things like ruminator if you can get away from it this one I think just got ruminator from the last run we did with it but definitely keep an eye out for nervous and other stress oriented quirks on the thrall now in terms of looking at the thralls overall abilities and kit I mean I really think that you can do pretty much most of everything with just this ok and we'll go over each of these individually like we always do however this is just interesting to point out that I think that basically this is the primary kit and then you have you have some specialty stuff back here so that's the way I think about it ok if you're looking to just jump in to using the thrall you can do fine to just take these and in fact when we just start the game and this character comes off the stagecoach usually if it has some assortment of these I feel good enough to go so taking a look at the first ability then let's take a look at maem maem is usable in position 1 or 2 and will hit enemies in position 1 or 2 it is a melee attack as you would expect it has an accuracy base 80 a 1.0 crit modifier a 110 percent chance at level 2 to land a bleed for 1 / 3 and as of recently a knock-back 1 this didn't used to have knocked back 1 but Marvin said that he felt like he wanted the thrall to have a means of shuffling the backline forward so because you can use MAME to hit Rank 2 this is actually for the most part kind of a convenient way to shuffle rank 3 up to Rank 1 & 2 and then actually deliver a blow there which has got a nice in general though main my think is the bread-and-butter attack that you're gonna use most of the time it lands a bleed it can hit really hard and it's a lot of fun begone fiend so next then in his kit is Gor Gor is really interesting and it's sort of in my mind kind of a special attack because it hits super hard but it only hits Rank 1 you can only use it in Rank 1 which kind of seats the thrall as basically being dependent in Rank 1 most of the time you can definitely play him and Rank 2 but if you want to get the full use of Gore you've got to be able to have him up in Rank 1 okay and essentially it's a headbutt using the blade on his helmet so that is partly why you can only hit rank 1 because obviously you don't have much range it is a melee attack with an accuracy based 80 damage modifier 25 percent and a crypt modifier of 6 percent as a 120 percent chance at level 2 to stun the enemy a 110 percent chance to bleed the enemy for 3 over 3 which is considerably more damage than just MAME which is a 1 over 3 bleed and then the interesting part you have a 120 percent chance to stun self as well as minus 20% stun resist so gore is not necessarily a finishing move okay but by the fact that you have a chance to stun yourself and the other enemy this can be sort of problematic if not used at the right time now it is totally feasible to equip the thrall or get something like steady quirks or trinkets to buff the thralls stun resist and then get more uses out of gore and actually be punished by it less in fact you can get the thralls face guard trinket I believe which has like a 25% stun resist inherent in it so there's definitely a way to get more value out of gore but in general this ability hits really really hard and if you really need to land a stun or a big bleed or both it's worth the risk next then is indomitable indomitable can be used in any position and and that is actually quite quite nice because if by chance your party should be shuffled and he is out of position at least you have something that you can do it is a self heel 1hb and a stress heel - six at level two buff self for 11% deathblow resist and - 12 percent stress damage received now this ability used to be used to be quite different actually it used to have the deathblow resist in there and and it used to heal significantly we used to be able to get 20 to 40 self heal crits out of this when things were going well overall I think it's a really smart change that Marvin made to make this more of a stress heal it does give you it does for you up a little bit more opportunity to use this class without certain stress healers or on different in different groups and an endless mode and it is definitely a worthwhile way to keep his stress down and should you need to debuff again going from 67 to 78 percent deathblow resist is is not is not tiny in any respect and this thing should be hard to kill next then is animosity now animosity is the thralls repost ability and it is definitely very unique this thing is super powerful it is a ranged attack that you can only use in a position 1 or 2 and it targets the entire enemy team as an accuracy base 105 8 - 95 percent damage modifier - 7 % crit modifier what it does is it marks self it D buffs self for 25% damage received it will activate repost and it reduces repost damage by 60% and a - 40 % bleed skill chance so as with most repost abilities you're gonna get the most efficacy out of it whenever you get up against brigands or something that's gonna a ie or bosses that have multiple turns or especially bosses that like the baron in crimson court have multiple turns and do AOE hits animosity is the bee's knees it is exactly what you're looking for a hard-hitting repost that just destroys things it's also important to notice - that because you're taking the - 40 % bleed skill chance and - 60 % repost damage what that means is definitely do not use this ability more than once in a row you know give it a couple turns let the repost fall off and then use it again because if you if you cycle this then essentially you're going to be doing no repost bleed or damage continually onslaught destroy them so we've really covered them that sort of the basic abilities in the thrall that are that are all very powerful and have a lot of utility and great output and now we're gonna move into sort of the the back end here the back end traits the the specialty stuff and that starts with savagery yes savagery can only be used once for battle it buffs self at level two for 35% melee damage to all melee skills okay also debuff self for 25% stress damage received and a very punishing -10 accuracy so the idea here is you're about to go into the swine king or you're about to take this into a boss you get into the boss fight and the first thing you do is you pop savagery it's the only time you can use it throughout the whole battle and now for the rest of the battle you get 35% damage but you're also taking 25% more stress and having a harder time hitting things so this is again where accuracy is really important for this class because if you're gonna hit something hard you better hit it and this is this is one of those things I recently took the thrall into a round of endless mode and really really tried to see if savagery was worth while it has definitely proven to be worthwhile in shorter fights and in in certain boss fights but in something like endless mode to debuff yourself for 25% extra stress damage and minus-10 accuracy that can be really punishing and the thrall hits really hard already most of the time so it's hard to make sense of if savagery is really worth it and I think that's what makes it a very very good skill that is what marvin does very well with his classes is he makes you really think about is this an ability that is worth it and there's something that I should do and it's hard at times to figure that out so Bravo Marvin this thing has been a lot of fun and sometimes very very punishing so next in his specialty abilities is trample trample is only useful is only usable in rank for sau most of the time you sit the thrall in Rank 1 or Rank 2 preferably Rank 1 so that you can use Gore right but should you want to you can actually start the the thrall in rank 4 and open with trample trample is a forward 3 melee ability that hits all front 3 enemies in Assen accuracy base 80 - 33 percent damage modifier - 1 % crit modifier knock back - so it will knock the frontline to the back shuffling the backline forward and then clear all corpses if for some reason you're about to camp and you don't for example have prevent nighttime ambush or you're gonna go into the Sham blur any situation where your group is going to be shuffled it is worth thinking about equipping trample just in case your group should be shuffled and the thrall start in position for this can also be useful in certain bosses that like the countess for example just shuffle things around because the thrall is so in mobile it is nice to have just one ability that allows you to get back into position so last but not least then in the thralls kit is tremors tremors can be used in any position and it actually targets a random enemy in any position it is a random ranged targeting ability you do not control who it focuses it is an accuracy based 100a damage modifier - 75 % - 3 crit modifier it is a 120 percent chance to stun and a shuffle single so another way to think about the tremors is to just visualize it as this okay you are this giant beast and you slam the ground super hard and that tremor knocks one of the enemies off-balance moving them forward or back and potentially stunning them that is what tremors does it is it is effective especially as a backup ability should you be shuffled out of position or if you just really need to reach a back line or land a stun because it is a random target it means it will target any enemy that is still alive it will not target corpses and in fact in pitch-black dungeon this ability was patched to clear corpses because you really rely on that npvd but it is useful in fact a lot of times if I don't want to take gore I probably will take something like this so that I have riposte I have the ability to calm him down or heal him off a desk store I'm still hitting super super hard but then if for any reason I get shuffled or if I want to just land a stun or maybe I'm not playing in position 1 and I can't use gore then the definitely tremors is a really really nice way to go it's not the best stun in the world but it is a nice you can definitely get yourself in trouble - shuffling the wrong enemy into the wrong position but it is nice to have now in terms of his camping kit the thrall only has four unique abilities I think the idea here being that the thrall doesn't heal other people he doesn't de-stress other people for the most part he doesn't have any interest in the sort of general camping abilities he's not gonna have talked anybody he's not gonna wound care them he just comes with all of his own baggage and that starts with chain the Beast chain the Beast is a time cost - it is a self only plus forty five stress in all companions - twenty-five stress so you're asking yourself why would I use this ability and the answer is because you have zero stress taken on the thrall but the rest of the group is pretty stressed out you could then take a risk and chain the Beast and cool down the rest of the group wrap them up in chains and take on forty five then you just move forward and you continue to stress helium and only have to stress he'll one target as you move forward so that's one thing you could do but it is typically not something we use when we camp and it is risky the next thing is Dominus Dominus gets a little bit more play it's a little bit more practical Dominus is essentially the opposite of chain the Beast is a time cost to self only - forty-five stress all companions plus ten stress with an extra coin flip for an extra ten stress so really these two are sort of opposites of each other in the respect that chain the Beast is about calming the group down at the cost of stressing the thrall out and Dominus is about stressing the group out and and calming this the thrall down Dominus actually gets a decent amount of play in my groups because you just it's it's such an easy way to keep the thrall you know basically fifty percent lower on stress and for the most part if other characters get close to praça de san going affliction to virtue it's not that big a deal whereas again with a thrall you're only gonna hit ferocious and things are just gonna go bad most of the time so what follows that is unbreakable body unbreakable bodies a time cost for it is a very forgiving heal South 25% HP it adds 10% bleed blight and disease resistant for the next four battles and it removes mortality debuffs so if you're tanking super hard and the thrall gets taken to death's door or it just really needs to get its health up before you move into the boss fight unbreakable body's a nice way to do that to buff its resistances and just make this a much stronger frontline tank so less than in the thralls camping kit is absolutely my favorite of his camping abilities and the most interesting punching bag punching bag is a time cost to self only 25% damage for the next four battles at the cost of hitting another companion for 25% of their HP and adding 25 stress so exactly like it sounds you're about to go into say the swine king you're camping right before you go in there to kill this boss and you want to ramp up the thralls damage an easy way to do that is to punching bag somebody else in the group buff your self 25% damage and then you know take 25% damage away from another group member and give them a quarter of their stress bar it is a very interesting trade-off and I think most of the time pays off because the thrall you want it to hit and hit super hard and this is a nice way to make that happen time cost to makes this really really affordable that is also stackable of course with savagery so most of the times when we were doing pitch-black dungeon and we would take on multiple swine Kings in the same run getting a camp in where we could go punching bag and then saving our savagery for when we would go into you know the second or the third swine king fight made this ramped up to significant amounts of melee damage output and would just absolutely make mincemeat of the swine king so a lot of fun coming out a punching bag it is definitely punishing just as is savagery with the D buffs but most of the time worth it so in terms of trinka ting the thrall there are a few different things you could definitely do you could definitely use something like the sturdy face plate the thrall only common 25% stun resist that puts this apprentice thrall up to 85 percent services which is not bad I mean you're gonna be punished by using Gore and cell and self stunning less often so that is definitely a thing you can do my recommendation though is to try and get as much accuracy as you can onto the thrall whenever you can and to try not to add plus stress damage received whenever you can as well I mean one way to do this is to take a focus ring the focus ring recently nerfed but that is at least giving you a decent amount more accuracy without any extra stress added of course the Sun ring was nerfed with color of madness as it should have been and you're only getting five accuracy now plus the 10% stress damage received so it is difficult to do but I think that the the right call in general with trinkets is to try not necessarily to think about just going straight damage output you could definitely do an ancestor scandal and do speed dodge and damage output but you just want to be mindful of the stress you're gonna be taking with these things and if you're not adding accuracy you are absolutely going to feel it at the champion level there's nothing more painful as I said earlier then waiting for your entire round to finish and then finally getting to the thralls turn and having a 60 or 54 or worse percent chance to actually hit anything you've waited this long to just clobber something and now you have a coin flip to hit it that is just that's not great darkest dungeon I sincerely hope you've enjoyed this brief overview of how to play Marvin celos thrall class when it comes to translating ideas into practice Marvin I think has really knocked it out of the park with the thrall the thrall plays exactly like it feels and exactly like it looks like okay it hits super super hard and is very very Sloane for the most part of mobile but as long as you keep it stress low and you remember to give it some accuracy so that it actually hits what it's what its swinging at it's gonna do some amazing things and be a lot of fun to play and don't forget that Marvin also includes a crimson court trinkets mod which you can download for the thrall an immediate thrall town event if you would like to play him as soon as possible there's also the new color of madness trinket pack that Marvin created for his glasses and if you happen to be playing with the districts DLC you can also download Marv amphitheater district which boosts the output and efficacy of the thrall Lamia and of course I have all of this linked in the information below the video please feel free to ask me any questions about the thrall in the comments section below thank you guys again for all the amazing support you have given me on these overview videos really appreciate all the things that you do thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: ElementFive
Views: 162,838
Rating: 4.9380336 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, E5, ElementFive, Darkest Dungeon, DLC, Color of Madness, CoM, The Color of Madness, Mods, Livestream, twitch, Guide, How to, Play, Thrall, MarvinSeo, Marvin, Seo, Strategy, Help
Id: 6NpmpxFVJsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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