Darkest Dungeon Mods: How to play The Seraph!

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hey everybody and welcome to another darkest dungeon mod overview my name is element 5 and today we're taking a look at the Seraph marvin say owes serif class is definitely a lot of fun it is his fourth modded class and completed and enabled the sayo special the group we used a livestream event using only his 4 modded classes to move through the crimson court killing every individual boss in a single run only and in respect to his other three classes she really does fit the final role of that ragtag group of weirdos you have the falconer a powerful ranged damage and mark oriented class and then you have the Gorgon Lamia which we covered in an earlier video stress healer and healer that also goes snake form and then of course following that was the thrall the Barbarian a slave front liner that hits super hard and acts like a leper in many cases really powerful riposte and so finally we get the Seraph which is basically the position to in that group front liner that is a little bit flexible in position in position 3 as well but brings guard and a little bit of stress and marks energy to the co special but you know in general you will hear a lot of modders talk about the desire to create more support classes and the in the DD modding community because is we're basically left with the Vestal an occultist for the most part as healers in the base game roster so you see a lot of support classes it's a rare that we actually see other guard oriented modded classes and so in that respect the Seraph is really a breath of fresh air just to have a very well-rounded really well polished and beautifully designed frontline guard oriented class that really works around buffing her own prot buffing torch a little bit of stun and a lot of marks energy which is very unique to her and it works in a very interesting way now as you would expect the Seraph is a religious character and she really synergizes with other religious characters very well and the word serif translates roughly to the burning one and a serif is an angelic being associated with light ardor and purity and for the most part that is definitely what the Seraph is that is how she's designed she is sort of paladin fanatic mark oriented hybrid and according to her description inhabited by a celestial being the Seraph is the hand of light and smites foes with cleansing fire she will unleash merciless judgment upon those marked as corrupt and protect allies with her impenetrable shield even as the seraphs wounds grow more severe her power does not waver instead she is strengthened by pain allowing her to unleash immeasurable divine might upon her foes the serfs weakness lies in her broken body in fanatical faith the Seraph is nothing without her blessed Armour and any foe that can bypass her sturdy defense will quickly end the seraphs life such as the seraphs nature that those around her find her to be an unsettling and menacing ally her unfeeling actions and zealous commands may cause many allies to question whether this iron maiden is truly what she says she is and with the rest of Marvins characters we get another really beautiful backstory custom comic strip here that sort of explains a little bit of where she came from and according to Marvin the Seraph was captured by an enemy faction and deemed a witch so was burned at the stake and that's what we can see here obviously is the the crowd that captured her sari gathered around the stake watching the glow of the flames then we see a more close-up shot of the Seraph attached to the stake as the flames begin to grow around her the group continues to watch as the flames continue to grow and then finally consume her until in a sudden flash of divine intervention the seraphs fire is put out and she is freed the group jumps back in shock they see the Seraph surrounded by holy light the fire completely put out her body smoking we see this really nice frame here at the very end the the scarred and burned Seraph cracking just a little bit of a smile freed from the freed from the smoking pyre transformed as the Seraph with indefatigable purpose now marvin told me that she's actually inspired by you know the idea of a pallet in a holy night and she does feel like that but I think just based on this backstory and and this comic strip and the way that of a lot of her abilities look and work her attitude I get a lot of the fanatic in this especially just the sort of PTSD that comes from you know her being burned at the stake here it really feels like this is a character that while definitely you know a holy night and and plays and feels like a holy night is also heavily influenced by the sort of fanaticism of the fanatic character that came with the Crimson Court DLC the imagery around that the zealot tree that comes with that and maybe even to some degree the flagellant as well so Before we jump into how she works and how each of her abilities break down let's just take a brief look at her base stats here at level 1 at apprentice her max HP is 26 which is pretty average I mean she has no dodge no prompt she's actually kind of slow she starts with a base speed of 2 and we have quick reflexes here which helps that a little bit on this particular character but zero accuracy 2% crit and a 4 to 8 damage range which really makes her look for the most part underwhelming she doesn't feel like she has the potential for a lot of output or you know she doesn't start with proc so she doesn't really look that particularly strong as a guard class no dodge either but what's misleading about this actually is the fact that her guard ability will buff her prot considerably and you can kind of stack that and that really ramps up as you level this up and get to later game and her attacks really synergized with mark and you'll see this as we go over her attacks here plus a hundred and fifty percent damage versus marked so that's where a lot of her output is going to come from is the fact that she synergizes with mark classes and is really kind of dependent on marks energy to do really big damage in terms of her resistances she has a 40% base resistance at apprentice low blight and disease regular deathblow we have we do have clutter here which is buffing her her bleed resist here but nothing really that interesting galo trapezes a decent movers just I suppose cheese for the most part just feels sort of underwhelming until you get her into combat and start really using her synergistically with other characters so let's just jump in and take a look at her first ability here which is vindicate vindicate is basically her bread and butter attack in most cases and it is usable only in position 1 or 2 and it will target enemies in position one or two is a melee attack with a base accuracy of 80 and it does a hundred and fifty percent damage versus marked but then this catch down here and you're gonna find that this is really universal to a lot of her abilities consumes the mark so if you attack something without a mark she's gonna do for the most part fairly underwhelming damage but if you attack something that is marked she's actually gonna hit it pretty hard and she can crit really hard using her her primary abilities against mark targets but because it comes with the mark consumption you know the fact that it takes the mark away from the enemy target is something fairly unique to her is not something we typically see in the DD sphere and that really forces you to think about when you're gonna use this so we'll talk about that as we move forward but just keep in mind that every time you use her abilities which capitalize on mark damage you're also removing the mark from the enemy so next in her kit thin is RAF RAF is a ranged attack that can be used in position one two or three and it will target any enemy in any position it has an accuracy base of 90 minus 50% damage modifier minus 4% crit modifier and it comes with complete prot negation it has armor-piercing it buffs the torch +4 and it does 200% damage versus marked and again consumes the mark so again the theme here is the underwhelming damage unless there's a mark on the target but if it does hit that marked target in this case it has prata negation and 200 damage versus the mark again taking away the mark once you land the blow as the fiend Falls a faint hope blossoms so next in in her kit is vengeance vengeance is in my opinion probably her most interesting ability and this is where she earned at least in my twitch community the nickname lazer waifu vengeance is a melee attack that you can use in any position and it will target any enemy in any position but the catch here is that you can only use it if you're below 33% hit points so you can kind of think of this there's a little bit of flagellant influence here if she gets below 33% HP this opens up and it can do pretty good damage it has an accuracy base 95 damage modifier plus 33% and a crit modifier plus 9% it raises the torch +10 it does a hundred and fifty percent damage versus marked again consumes the mark from the target but also activates repost and then prevents her from being guarded and breaks any guards that are already on her so a vengeance is a really interesting ability it is one of those things that is for the most part not very practical and really situational and definitely has a broader application when you go into later game where damage is gonna be a bigger deal you're relying on guard more often and you can guarantee that she's going to be getting hit hard and becoming close to 50% or 30% HP more often so next in inter kit is viscid Vistage in position one or two it targets both enemies in rank one or two is a melee attack with accuracy based 100 damage modifier - a hundred percent this is not supposed to do any damage and it has a 100 percent chance to stun at level 1 this is the this is the real catch though other companions in your party are gonna take on a horror of 1 over 6 so you know this is a really cool concept in my mind what this is is the Seraph removing her faceplate removing that mask in horrifying the frontline enemies so much that they become stunned this feels in a lot of respects mechanically like the Hellions Jaap ability but it's meant to be more punishing than the op it's meant to come with rather than debuffs it's meant to really be something that weighs on the rest of your group because you know let's face it Yop is a very very powerful billion before color of madness and probably still in color of madness you know the stun meta is a thing and so marvin wanted to make sure that this was an ability that felt punishing to use and then it's typically what Marvin's fairly good at as I said about his thrall class is really putting you in a spot where you're you're not feeling like this is a guaranteed powerful ability in general I feel like a 1 over 6 horror is really not that big a deal and she has a way of sort of reducing the impact of this which we'll see in her next ability but a very very interesting stun and not something that I typically take most of the time but definitely useful the abyss returns even the boldest days so finally we come to her guard ability which is intervention intervention can be used in any rank and it can be used on any companion in the party not herself obviously it is a guard Ally and it also clears horror so if so this is really meant to synergize then with visages under Gris you could use her stun and then the next round you could guard an ally and remove the one over six horror that you've put on one of your companions for using Vistage it also comes with self plus 15% prot at level 1 minus 10% stress damage received when guarding and clears horror on self as well as marks self so some really interesting trade-offs here this is a powerful guard ability and this you know the the 15% prot buff that you get here will scale up as you level this ability up in and you can actually stack this you can guard one character you know the first round you can ramp up the amount of prot that she takes on and this makes her very powerful as a guard tank late-game so then we come to another one of her fairly interesting utilities which is cauterize cauterize can be used in any position can be used on herself it is a cure bleed primarily because you are cauterizing a wound essentially you're also bringing the light up so it's a torch a torch plus three it buffs the target for significant bleed resist but d buffs the target from - to speed and plus stress damage received for a couple rounds so cauterize you know is not one of the most practical abilities I find that really this is something that I will for the most part use in the Cove as a really great utility the fact that it has that much bleed resist is super nice I don't you know it's a little bit punishing to reduce the speed and increase the stress damage taken but the fact that you can remove just outright remove a bleed you know say you get pinched by a Crabby in the cove on veteran or champion level and you've got just a huge huge bleed d-o-t on you to just completely remove that is why cure is powerful that is a huge damage prevention so you know definitely something to take in consideration especially if you're moving into the cove so finally last inter kit is brand this is her marking utility brand can be used in any rank and it can target any enemy in position one two or three it is a ranged attack with an accuracy based 95 eight minus sixty percent damage modifier and - six percent crit modifier it bypasses stealth beast else to target marks the target debuffs their speed by one at level one with a hundred percent base chance and buffs the torch just a little bit so brand was actually nerfed fairly recently and I think right right at the turn of colour of madness expansion and I think for the most part this nerf was really in the fact that you used to be able to target ranked four with this and it used to do more damage so the nerf is really to make to make Raph less overshadowed by this ability for the most part people weren't using wrath very much because you could get away with so much damage and utility by spamming brand or just constantly marking things but you know Marvin really wanted people to appreciate and and and utilize Wrath more often so now we have a much healthier relationship between the two rush disadvantage give them no quarter so now that we have a detailed look at what each ability does let's just talk about practical builds and groups energy and that kind of stuff I mean in general this is a class that because it has guard utility makes her really valuable as I said later game or in any of those certain boss fights where guard is important there's just not a lot of classes in darkest dungeon that come with guard utility and if you're a veteran of darkest tones and you find that you know it is one of those things that as you get to late-game becomes more and more necessary because your characters can just be crit now in general I think about taking a kit that looks something like this I think this is a very practical kit then you can use with her at least until late game or in certain circumstances I mean this gives you her melee attack in position 1 or 2 her ranged attack in position 1 through 3 and then you also have your guard and in stress buff if you really need it but then you also have your ability to mark things and really synergize with mark groups so then again when it comes to vengeance vengeance is a lot of fun it is just a cool thing to see it's a fun thing to see happen it is kind of an interesting event where you know you really see her spread her wings and just blast something with holy energy the fact that it is so flexible to be able to reach any rank is really cool it does a lot of damage it activates for repose these this is you know a lot of output and utility coming out of this one ability and it's just completely limited by the fact that you have to be low health so again it's one of those things where it is not always the easiest thing to take along but if I'm going into a boss fight or if I'm going to be at the champion level and going up a grant against you know difficult high damage groups with frequency then it is probably worth equipping so that you have a nice counter attack to something that is just hitting you very very hard and then finally you know the the last thing to really take into consideration with this class is just how mark dependent she is the fact that you have you know basically all of her major damage output really being accentuated by hitting a marked target but also consuming that mark means that you're really forced to think about when to use it right am I going to be attacking something and hoping for that critical hit that that killing blow or am I taking a risk here and removing the mark with a mediocre hit and now I've completely slowed the group's damage down because I have to land another mark so that is kind of the interesting and fun thing about her is that as long as you have the marks energy there you can see her just crush things but also hit in a very under underwhelming way and there's a gamble in actually taking a swing at something that is marked if you're not gonna kill it now in terms of the seraphs camping utility her camping she has four unique camping abilities and these have really seen a lot of changes as of late and especially with color of madness and they tend to really revolve around really synergizing with other religious characters and not synergizing so much with non-religious characters and the best example of that right off the bat is Divine Being Divine Being is a time cost to all companions if religious - 20 % stress damage for for battles but if not religious + 10 % stress damage for for battles and when it comes to discerning which characters are religious in which or not it's just important to realize that in the vanilla game there are basically three primary religious characters and then you've got the the added flagellant with the dlc so you have the Vestal the leper and the Crusader which are all religious characters and then of course the flagellant which was added with crimson court that's it everything other than that is non-religious for the most part and contrary to popular belief getting certain quirks like god-fearing does not actually change their religiosity one thing to note about divine being also though is that if if say half of your group is religious so you have the Seraph in there and maybe you've grouped her with the flag or you have the Crusader in that group you know 2 out of 4 is not too bad you could actually use herbs and just remove that the plus 10% stress damage received debuff if you really want to the next end in her camping kit is final verdict time cost 3:1 companion that 20% damage and 3 speed but if not religious suffer 25% hit points and plus 15 stress so final verdict is another one of those camp abilities that she has that has seen a lot of change it didn't used to be this valuable and as a time cost three I tend to think this is a pretty good camping ability I mean 20 percent damage and three speed buff really does a body good and and even if you have use this on any non-religious character and they suffer 25% HP and 15 stress that is not that big a blow I mean you get one heel in in the next combat or one stress heel and you're pretty much good to go so I would take the riskier I think at time cost 3 makes this a really reasonable and affordable decent buff to somebody in the group the next we have martyrs offering is a time cost to self only suffer 33% HP damage but one companion gets 15% HP healed if not religious 33 percent HP healed if religious and it removes their mortality debuffs this is a pretty interesting ability the idea here is she is you know sort of laying on him she is self sacrificing her own a third a third of her HP pool to heal another companion in the group and remove their mortality debuffs at time cos - that is also really affordable so if she's pretty healthy and you're doing a good job you know keeping her survivable and her health pool is nice and high but somebody else in the group has taken a mortality debuff they've hit that store or they're just low on HP and you really need to get it up this is this is definitely a worthwhile ability so last but not least in her camping kit then his guardian angel this is her prevent nighttime ambush is a time cost for prevent nighttime ambush all companions if religious 10% prot so you know time costs for for prevent nighttime ambush is fairly standard maybe slightly expensive if it doesn't come with anything else but the idea that you can give 10% prot to religious companions is a nice ad there so I you know I this used to actually be a self prot buff with prevent ambush and I would use this a lot more often just to kind of aid her survivability and give her that prot before the battle even starts but you know it has a little so it feels to me a little bit less valuable than it used to be but if you really need that prevent nighttime ambush and you are actually grouped with religious characters then it is probably a worthy go for now in terms of trinka ting the serif you know there's a lot of flexibility here and as Marvin said to me it really depends on how you want to play her she comes with some interesting trinkets like the radiance sensor which is a minus 20% stress damage if torches hi scouting chance of torches high reduction of party surprised at orchha size so she's playing with the torch and light theme there a little bit she also has the faithful pendant which you get fairly commonly the 50% virtue chance of tortious eyes so there's some of that stuff that is kind of interesting but not really that practical or that useful I definitely don't mind scouting chance and party surprised and reduction of stress damage that is not bad but it depends on how you want to play her you know Marvin suggests that you use something like the book of rage if you want to play her more as a vengeance Seraph getting her you know back down below 33% HP with any frequency and then hitting really really hard with her laser you could also pick up what she has which is called a torturers mask the torturers mask is great at buffing her stun ability it ups her stun percent chance at the cost of virtue chance and bleed resist I believe so that is that is kind of nice if you really want to be getting a lot more value out of visages kind of up to you I mean I think you could go with something like Barristan and you know give her just that flat 25% prot that the cost of 20 stress damage that is a really costly stress damage take but if you think about throwing that flat 25% prod on her just making her a stronger tank remember that intervention also gives her minus 10% stress damage received when guarding at level 1 so you know that will help alleviate a little bit of the stress and and strengthen the overall efficacy of her guard in general I sincerely hope you've enjoyed this brief overview of Marvin se hos serif class as always I will include the link to download her from steam in the information below the video as well as a link to the rest of Marvin se hos mods don't forget that the serif also comes with a town event mod should you want to play her immediately for crimson court trinkets and color of madness trinkets again if you have any questions about how to play the Seraph feel free to ask me in the question below thank you guys so much for all the support that you've given me on these overview videos I really appreciate all the comments likes and subs and all the things that help I want to be youtuber like myself take care and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: ElementFive
Views: 118,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Darkest Dungeon, DD, Color of Madness, The Seraph, Seraph, Marvin Seo, Marvin, MarvineSeo, Mods, Prot, Seo, How to, Guide, Classes, ElementFive, E5, Element Five
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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