Champion Miller! -- Darkest Dungeon Endless #2 (Hollow, Enigma, Sisters, Thrall)

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this is what I'm gonna go with yeah thanks Elsa I don't know why it told me that I think it's the bots we try this yeah so uh stream laps chat bot just dumped on me so we don't have BOTS commands at the moment plus 5% virtue chance plus 20% stress healing done monster effects minus 10% blight and bleed effect resist nice nice nice nice the bolt stun might be better needed later on okay gotcha thank you buddy talk about luck yeah at this moment to getting this is gonna be a pain we're gonna try the backline bleeds on this with the kale we could use weed out and bypass the stealth - that's not bad I think this is the bigger concern cuz I know what this is gonna do this is gonna come forward and just sing stress all over this group splendorous is the torch now offers the most benefits for you yes lender's is great we get the benefit of virtue chance and stress healing done so we might be able to clean this up we might be able to clean this up [Music] ouch yeah that's kind of lucky we could actually do a crimson dance here in a second and that would hit hit it's not the worst call I didn't get to punish this yet but I was planning to do that with the kale I haven't buff savagery yet either which I need to do I don't really care about the guard so here's the idea yeah in them quick of you can is exactly what I'm thinking Tula Moody yeah so here's the thing phantasmal shots will hit this and decloak it unless it misses putting bleeds on these is kind of nasty I think getting rid of this is a is a key piece getting rid of both of these is kind of key here I really want to buff savagery this thing is gonna punish us it's actually almost dead and if we swap now we get the guaranteed kill we get a little stress he'll the funny thing is we could actually go here there's we have a lot of options right now with the sisters in position - this is why I think the sisters are so optimal in position - because we can crimsoned dance both of these which would kill this we could trespass this which a guaranteed crit which might stress heel we can also haha we doubt is the bypass stealth trespass is bypass guard but this is stealth which is why I can't target the will to fight falters what's up a Lully how are you today buddy we're at plus 210 I think I start to stress heel here I really want to get this hit I really want to hit this with that Beulah 5 and 5 is 10 this is dead 5 5 10 no hits yet 15-15-15 because we're in splendorous but try this again four to six is the only thing I'm gonna land here this is better but this is dead the ground quakes landed the bleed here so this is actually is going to die as long as it doesn't heal now is a moment to savagery actually having some relaxing League games before my friends nice and Mele plus 25% stress received minus ten accuracy great is the weapon that cuts on its own now we can bypass guard I don't really want to stall on this either it wouldn't be it wouldn't be the worst thing ever to do indomitable this is 10 over 2 so it's still not dead yet you can get a fait go sin this could bleed kill it let's do this once weird to buff 50% melee damage and not hit that doesn't feel right to me 16 yeah don't worry about stalling cuz they'll keep coming right holy crap oh here comes the pain we actually need a swab but we don't necessarily need to swap because we have managed to stress here enough I could stay here once more but I can't do as any sit is any prims and dance here I like that the ghosts become super colorful in these lights yeah actually that's happening for both ghosts here what a spoopy group just go in here because it has a turn case start choose hope I pronounced that Oh better I hope I pronounced that right thank you for the follow welcome [Laughter] we need to get a heel in I need to get more stressing in when I don't have this to pull CEO which is just really so nerve-racking not to take oh it's so nerve-racking not to take to pull CEO here but I'm doing that because we're up to - to 210 stress yeah brush fish here we go do we go front line six over two so if we miss this this is dead the next turn so we go front line shuffle okay it doesn't have flowery ornaments but it's blobby that's true this is at least dead now I need to move this back canakkale do anything from position forward not really so we actually have to do a move back what are we doing in this position we've swapped sisters we stopped the stress ram we get a stress heal then we blight and mark here I honestly think riposte has a lot more value in endless than we think it does because it's essentially a battle buff you get two you just have a better chance that you're returning spike damage right like it's really tempting to heal here we could backline crush this - this is gonna bleed out then thrall hits this the only concern is that the thrall doesn't have accuracy in this which it should so we got a 10 stress heel and a heel on that 95% chance hello so feels good Fago siz good flight all three is good this is dead selfie was probably necessary I'm worried about getting a skull toss from this if we punch this really hard this yeah this is what I'm worried about yeah even if we punch this really hard this shuffles back this comes forward we doubt would be good I want to reactivate the post now that we have an AoE in here so next turn we swap sisters the AoE does more damage now this is in line to get shellacked yeah don't forget your brother litems thank you buddy appreciate that girl this is a bleed on both of these which is quite nice actually like maybe we maybe we do this too because this is dead a punch here feels right and actually we're at the end of this round right so I should have punished I keep thinking this thing is gonna do a ohi's and so both of these repost is the right call but it's not actually reposted it's just taking only stress about T so that's probably Emily says must where does the skill name for o come from us as it's Latin it means to eat and Fay goes means to swallow nice if you guys aren't aware of this must-reads characters all work on a bunch of symbolism and double entendre so they're actually a really deep more artistic look at the way the way that we live life they're really really cool if you guys saw any of the exclamation guides the videos I did on must classes those who are a ton of fun to do to really delve deeper into what their meanings are oh they're just boobs excuse me Claire sorry yes champion Falls I did that wrong but I think we were out of turns for that buff a place of refuge if only for a fleeting moment this is still the problem I'm having is where I is where I put the sisters we need to switch back in a Diplo Co I think for the moment dual meaning to match dual boobies Thank You Marvin a stranger appears what are you buying what are you selling Mildred Mildred slaw kit keepsake the reaping from skill - a hundred percent damage received plus 40 percent blight resist three speed and 40 percent damage versus the Miller holy crap really uh I guess we tossed these for food that feels really good in a place of recovery charm yes we're all just touched her and she went poof put that on someone you need to protect and kill I think we put the damage well I the actually most damages coming out of our thrall but I think second is is probably between these do put on the big guy says Julie moody yeah I mean we could do that instead of the book of relaxation for sure we're losing a little bit of accuracy in reduction of stress but it's not the worst call tears lost in the dust we just completed an achievement so we didn't use any gore we did try savagery and we didn't get punished by it too bad in that round we're gonna play her I guess a little bit more defensively still as long as her stresses is sort of high and now we have horsies now we have some horsies New River two or three over two but we are at 195 stress-reduction Marva and I gathered you have played this so much now you just know exactly what you go into my my feeling is we probably open with the weed out here and land a blight on this this is a 60% blight resist we could go right into warrior though and crimson dance I'm not against that either we actually have options if we do either because if we open with weed out we can go war your next turn with no stress punished and then crimson dance maybe or get the crit let's weed them out I really kind of want to activate bramble and have her post I just think that would be really useful at the right time like maybe reposts are kind of maybe you insert or posts when you know AOS are coming your way or you have just that moment of breath between a way of sort of this is funky see this is where we don't have anything aggressive with her and landing blights and debuffs here is the right call 23 we only have one more tick over take the stress hit here - do we go for savagery yet or do we get rid of this horse this has a turn so let's crush it [Music] [Music] so now we're going with this stun bill mystic bolt can hit this leaders is sixty damage right so we buff this again everybody gets 5% fraud now we got 160% stunt chance and debuff could actually hit both of these now stunt chances 90% resist versus 160 still resisted but the blight did its job this I think is the moment for savagery except that this still has a turn and we don't have anything aggressive here we're getting plus 10% stress received and minus 10% in receive here yeah 160 versus 90 so we have now used we have two rounds left of punished for using the sister skills but I kind of want to go repose I think maybe we crush this if I swap into warrior and then we go for this I don't know that we actually have with prop 45 I don't know that we actually get to kill this feels like the wrong play to me but I want to try it out I am unstoppable man when the thrall hits hard you feel it you love it four and three at thirty-one not really ready to heal her yet like we kind of need to prep for that much damage she's got the repo stew let's just get her healed up that's a good-ass heal so let's go for delusional exertion I didn't even see my my hit percentage chance there I should have definitely focused on that we have riposte let's not let's in the stress ramp and swap sisters and then let's go forward crimson dance and hit both of these now we have repost as the warrior up front and we got the bleeds in that is really really efficient 160% stun chance 77% chance to hit giving the enigma accuracy at this level I think would have been a smart play that would've been pretty smart landing these stuns mean both of these bleed out which means yeah five which means we crush here and we have a moment to just chill not so long yeah man taking the hollowed here was such a good call this really brings back memories are going through crimson court the first time now we have the cloak in the back we still have repose for two more rounds bleed five I guess we crush Julie Modi says it seems like she needs a shuffle team I don't know I don't actually know that the sisters need a shuffle team because you're doing so much shuffle with them but I think I can Trevor who said it but they said it accurately I think they said it right which is that if you don't have a means of shuffling or into position two or maybe just shuffling her one turn at the right moment with something like doulas advance of the high women then you don't get to benefit from putting her back into a position to blossom or to cribs and dance as often that is kind of the issue that I'm running into be stealth horse with a big muck we can I don't know if we'll hit it a kale cuz I didn't take the gun right that's kind of the issue here this is dead we could crush this and push the horse forward yeah here's the deal we could still stun it we have 160% debuff so we don't have any stunned chance actually yeah I didn't take this is what you guys are talking about is right here phantasmal shot bypasses stealth this I should have probably taken but we're trying the stun build with this without landing it's a percentage chance to get the stun buff is the problem what is he down in a Red Bull I actually kind of want to stay as the sisters as long as I have this reposed and I think we can afford to do so because the stress is pretty low I meant to say the warrior really no repost on that we've lost it at the end of that turn okay so that's a lesson learned this shuffle sucks this needs to come forward cuz she's gonna take forever to move back this this we don't have learnt have trampled so I actually think we go back and then forward that's what we have to do they'll turn this I actually use a turn here so we could go we go forward and then back yeah so we use a turn here 160% stun chance 150% stress right now as the warrior so let's pop back out actually in this case two we could go right back into this I don't mind doing another weed out here weed out if we land a blight here six twelve I love that this says no trespass against the character who uses trespass so maybe we go back to warrior and then hide in a second yeah we're taking some we're taking some damage monstrous size that's a big horse he could buy buyers unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue so here's what we don't really have is an ability to just AOE smother this right because what we own oh we do have illusionary / though let's see if that actually works - 100 % stress right now as this character so we could do more repost we take minimal stress punished Akil is gonna crush both of these I hope [Music] the thrall is so badass he punches horses to death I know that the thrall is loosely modeled after I think it's the mountain from Game of Thrones Marvin doesn't the mountain behead his horse at one point let's see if this actually works I might get punished in I might get punished right now 95 percent 5 to 8 yeah that's a punish this is gonna suck this is gonna suck [Music] okay riposte still got the heels that was a lot actually that was not as bad as I thought it was supposed to be not to clean this way to finish that though and now I am which is kind of cool be quick no reason not to so actually to Lee Mooney the reason not to is this right here we have a really nice - 180 % stress receive rolling so if we can't believe that what does that mean that means that we get we lose a lot of our sustainability because we're gonna have to continually build up her stress management again however that might be okay that might be totally okay because we just get everybody stress down in general get buffs rolling for the next few for the next fight and then we just build this back up yeah that's the only reason not to but let's do it and if we do it uh I don't want to take on all all companions 50% stress received I just don't think that's a smart play rigorous studies is okay the stress healing done and a blight chance done if in scholar is okay to me 50% damage if in warrior 50% bleed chance of work both of these actually seems pretty good just basically spend four points and completely buff the overall efficacy of either sister I think feels pretty good the promise we're gonna take in 30 stress just to do that it would be nice it would be nice to do a punching bag a punching bag on the thrall gives us 25% damage one companion suffers quarter stress 25 stress taken and 25 HP so this was changed and nerfed a bit so that these values are a little bit more painful because it's a time cost too we could also go for Dominus and go - 45 stress and bring this down which is kind of important here suicide attacks come with a bunch of stress attached if they're not reposted the effect isn't get it thank you Marvin so we definitely learned a lesson there for sure esoteric arcanist 50 percent stun chance bleed chance and minus 50 healing skills this is really good if we're gonna play the build that I'm planning on the party gets max 15 HP and heals 15% HP for for cost is not awful there i think the only really worthwhile camp skill to plan the holo at the moment is Ori er but we don't need to we don't need to reduce her stress we can't get rid of her 60% stress received we don't need to do eggs Ito's so I think it's gonna be maybe four and two and three let's move forward blazing 20% damage versus marked 20% debuff chance of reality well Kauai we're doing okay I'm just I'm really trying to feel out exactly how each of these characters brings their utility and right now it's weird it's weird with her being either in position one and stuck in position one and not having a way to put her back into two for the sisters I'm I'm trying to figure out how I sustained enough with the holo and before I get her stress buffer ramped up so that's a piece of this also like I can blossom to open this which is not bad I don't want to take diseases and [ __ ] out of here I should be aggressive here and crush these but like I can blossom here 16 stress he'll plus they get overtime is not bad here comes a disease oh my god I just called it I called it we should have gone right into crimson dance Black Plague aha you don't f around with maggots you don't do it and now these are dead must as manageable oh god I hope so managable 5 & 7 5 & 7 so if we yell okay the prot did not get the kill this is the sad thing too is I want to crimsoned dance now but this is already dead so the better call I think is that we just attacked this 8 to 14 with the armor of yours yeah we got runs on the heat Queens yeah it's weird having two sisters with runs all leave Britney Alone that's the thing you need to pull CEO early off so you can build this ramp up funny says these names yeah what's up Kanye yeah these names three years vision the end approaches here comes the marks I need to swap out a sister I need to kill these dago's this is dead we can not see through this cloak I need to kill this dog I should have just rushed this dog but not this has never turned this is never these guys have turns so we'd out back here's the right ball [Music] getting a little bit high on the stress that would have been really nice to nail I don't know when to get savagery and until things calm down this is almost dead this is dead 74 percent chance to hit either of these that's how you put a dog down anyone else try to hover their mouse over the twitch feed to see the stats on things yeah unfortunately they just have not developed an extension for that like they do with a lot of card games and stuff like that it would be amazing if Red Hook developed something like that it's a really good call maybe what we do is we move back and then we go blossom for the last term let this crush crush yeah I think this might be a move back her man musk I'm loving the hollow right now it is it is so much fun to play 74% chance yes hello and we're marked this is one thing we don't have in this group is guard we could crimson dance both of these that's not the worst call mark is not a bad call either should buy the Enigma Co em trinket if you can yeah I think it's pretty powerful right riposte getting what a post it would be nice and we still haven't worked in savagery yet guys we're almost done with this so I I just don't know when to throw down savagery it should be at the very beginning we're gonna set the sisters up here to be shellacked in a second here it comes yeah tree branches about to smash [Music] 26 out of 39 maybe we heal here this scares me having repost against this would be great to his tree branch triggered by Marx I can't remember I think definitely these guys trigger on Mars six and eight this is really why I want riposte here so here's what we do we go over to post now then she comes forward now I got to go forward now I have to go forward now so that she can come forward and then this is in a good position but she can only move back once we can fluff the food here for fraught and then I can move but I can't I don't have another ability unfortunately wolfsie and thank you so much for the host welcome everybody we are right in the middle of a semi intense wave of endless mode with modded classes thank you for the host appreciate it I believe they made it so Giants Giants target marked that's what my thought was we're kind of getting crushed here moving forward does it make sense to me this is dead to bleed really concerned about putting this in a front-line position again so we could swap but the thing is in this position I don't have blossom right 9 to 17 this would be a better call I'm not exactly sure of why that would be a better call but I think riposte might have been the best call actually yeah riposte was the better call yeah riposte was the way to do that sir [Music] if we sink a bleed in here we're in a good spot we're gonna get kills just from screaming here okay Oh Island [Music] and hello I couldn't click it well maybe it was already clicked click thank you that was punishing as it should be we could actually heal self that's not the worst call right now that'll give us a moment to say goes here I think that's right I pray that's probably right call five over three and we have the recovery charm she's coming all the way back up to full health with that but generous bestow life thank you buddy you've got this sisters thank you for the bribe its life appreciate the game it's love it you got this sisters thanks man win the hell guys win do IPOP savagery I should do it right off the bat and then I should be managing any sort of pieces of it afterward that's all I need to be doing like and I could be more aggressive right now - but I like experimenting with blossom stress feel because it's really effective we have a lot of really effective sustain here could do it for next flight yeah we could do it this round here probably cuz red 14 so eight twenty so this has a tournament a term this is gonna pop all the way back up to full health savagery before teleport right that's what I'm thinking too well here comes a repost though yep of victory perhaps the turning point away we go hello peanut bye-bye a blast some shelters a much for that of reality looks to be enough for all nice I'll take that he'll I think this works now but here's the difference guys we're now up to minus 120 stress received with voxi so we can actually get out of this and go for aggression now right we don't have to worry so much about stressing her and if we really need to we could actually blossom her for some stress he'll so the fact that we've used around to ramped up her stress received buff is AAA okay that is damn good to me 'if I've Miller Fadem fade him for the win oh yeah feed him are you guys kidding me are we going on Miller now if we're going on Miller suddenly then I need to rethink this because it's probably gonna be like that which is scary for me to let go of a ghost given its efficacy at the moment so Fadem is a big-ass nuke we don't lose any torch we're not gonna kill it with the nuke so I want to have to pull CEO kale says takes stun if we take stun a kale I think we let go of phantasmal shot and we go like I did I guess exertion quiet says I think Miller's now okay thanks guys it really is a peanut says to Lee Moody uh Julie Moody when we do darkest dungeon 3 there are the little white blood cell things that teleports you everywhere and I'm pretty sure we nickname those peanut so that's that's where that comes from make sure you can hit the back line right well I mean we can do that with the mystic bolt we could do it with exertion we can hit we can clean a frontline if we need to here so this is buff bleeds and this is buff stuns basically is the way to play that but we let go of our heal and we let go of our D cloak which is kind of scary to me this will absolutely hit a backline but we're gonna use it once and then I don't have a means of distressing the group with this particular build yeah teleporting boy for endless harvest is a yeah it is more football I think you're right that's a good call qui I think we're gonna take savagery and actually see if we get use out of it we do have the 25% damage from our punching bag still yeah remove shot four bolts you're saying go mystic bolt and bleed with both of these a kill that's what you're saying buddy let me just double-check that that's the case I'm willing to try it freedom is gonna be an interesting call you guys we feed them is is I mean feedom is amazing but it punishes you for +55 stress gain and then plus 50% stress received so you need to build this up first and then you need to be able to de-stress yourself afterward and you kind of lose the capacity to do it again at minus 200 stress use Phantom 3 times it's not actually that simple I have Twilight Dreamer on this that is true you have Twilight Dreamer so we don't need to get around it if we have bolt okay gotcha thanks guys it is joyful familiar site of mud rain and ruin ah he says lo5 POG when actually we're I think about 15 sub points away from another emote ah he so that is that is maybe when okay so the question is how the hell do we take this thing I we've killed this before - 20 % proc for three rounds I guess we go for the mark the start I don't know that the repost is the right ball light resist 80% we could go right into a nebula right into a Fadem here this is not the worst ball is a 95% chant this is the thing guys look at right above my finger eight to 41 damage okay eight to 41 damage 95 guaranteed percent chance to hit a 33% chance to crit it will land this will land a 12 over to blight but it will put her at 89 stress that is the scariest part about this we beat him before we beat him again Thank You McGinty [Music] [Laughter] all ends as a kale god I hope this is the right call we hit a 12 and we got an 18 over for now she got up to 53 that is an that's an okay place to be but she is plus 50% stress received now [Music] so this is preventing guard skills which is fine for us I don't think we care about that at all however this is guarded so do we bypass guard armour-piercing we're coming into here by the way with Black Plague and the runs just so you guys are aware 24 blight damage over two turns is not inconsistent no that is really good yeah let's buff Brock and then try mystic bolt is just gonna route here but we got the stun end so that this is no longer guarded amazing it feels so slow to go savage are you guys when I can Bob this 441 damage now we get a guaranteed crit here 87% chance to hit didn't land a bleed we did land a bleed here so this is gonna die well actually gonna have 1 hp that's the heal with the stress heal okay Anna keel over time interesting you have lightsaber sounds we don't have any stress resists built-up anymore so if I go right into a feedom we were gonna get a straight 55% plus 50% stress received if you want to if you want to run an aggressive hollow accuracy flight is very recommended yes because she needs to be able to hit and she needs the blight chance I think the right call is this we could heal but I think we need to start building her stress resistant up we have 50 percent stress for the next eight seven rounds if we do a a Oh a yell here we get this kill but I think crushing this is the right call 9 to 18 yeah that's really too bad that that hurt mortality clarified in the signal Oh God landing reposts please win this is not dead yet this is not dead this scares me for the amount of stress damage you can put out and it prevents us from having the ability just punch rank too stress eight hit for that heal really about to break 33 days 33 house left she just said is this the same man portrayed by the locket interesting dr. 53 health again so we need to swap if you're opposed to repost the two characters should immediately duel to the death I love it we're gonna weed out I don't care about my poster at them at the moment yeah let's get more blights on here wearing the locket means a willawaw based Miller will waste to turn sometimes thank you that's pretty rad bolt is 15 to 24 Armour Pierce bleed resisted got a stun the thing that he find rest upon the dirty hair Oh toothless okay so this is what this will serve these will serve us well useful supplies for a harrowing journey the runs in the Black Plague let's loot it with the Black Plague use a key it says to Lee moody really its food and [ __ ] all right it's the only object to use on it gotcha thank you okay let's get out of Fadem let's go back into into support keep building her stress resist and then and then get this group down actually I love food and [ __ ] who doesn't love food and [ __ ] am i right ah nice you guys thank you for your help by the way and coaching me through this first endless run the Miller felt um like I think I'm starting to get the feel of this group what's cool about endless to me is that it really allows you to feel out the ins and outs of the mechanics of a group dynamic right and this is the thing is she is such a key player the hollow is just so amazing I know I call the the the faun muscarine x' masterpiece but the the hollow is so unique in this game and so well done and having her in these kind of playthroughs having her without the torch piece makes her just amazing to channel her abilities and that's a big piece of this yeet king arthur all hitting as hard as it should I'm just having a hard time knowing when we have the moment to get savagery in because it is slow this is a slow class and then to throw down the extra stress taken the - accuracy and then get that extra 25 50 percent damage melee skills the 50% is not insignificant it is just hard when you look at the miller's health pool at 50% and you're like i could actually take that down to 25% if i just hit right now right but i think this might be still the way to go here look at how well we have managed the stress of the sisters or this group these guys don't take on stress if you manage sisters well the rest of the party takes on stress from them swapping that is kind of the lesson here and then I don't know you may give us an interesting wildcard if still getting used to this the bleeds I think have been for the most part good damaged and dependable I think we're gonna swap back out now to something like this this is gonna give us see cloak and bleed bleed frontline hip frontline the heel and stress heel maybe and then and then buff group damage sisters are so unstressed yes they are [Music] you
Channel: ElementFive
Views: 34,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Muscarine, Marvin Seo, Mods, Hollow, Enigma, Sisters, Thrall, Endless, Darkest Dungeon, DD, CoM, HOw to, E5, ElementFive, Stream, Miller, Boss
Id: U4nxwf6csZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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