Dark History: Josef Mengele The Angel Of Death: The Conclusion

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel so today is the conclusion of the Joseph Mengele Angel of Death series in our dark history series Joseph Mengele was our first topic for a dark history and I'm so excited that it went over so well with you guys like I said I was nervous because it was new content but you guys are so supportive and you really enjoyed it and I'm glad because history is very interesting and very important and I want to make it relatable to people so that they understand that history is something they can get excited about and learn a lot from and I'm glad that's what we did here today's video he's going to be a long one once I had twenty something plus pages of notes things that I needed to talk about I realized it was gonna be coming along but I'm gonna make it as easily a digestible as possible while still getting you all the information that you need and you want before we get started I do want to talk about our sponsor for this video and it's a new sponsor and I'm so excited about it because it's right up my alley and I think right up so many of your Ally's alleyways basically I think I think you're gonna like it today's sponsor is bright sellers and bright sellers is a monthly wine subscription service that uses a seven question quiz to determine what kind of tastes you have in wine what you like what you don't like and they send you a box of wine every month based on your answers to this quiz each shipment will be unique and personalized to your specific tastes so basically you're gonna get a box of wine every month that you're sure to love now you guys know me I love wine I'm miss Haley and I come from an Italian family my dad's owned a restaurants for my entire life as long as I can remember and I've worked for him and these restaurants for many years I think I worked for him for eight years and I learned a lot about wine in that time and he even let me eventually start dealing with the wine cellars personally and picking the liens and creating the wine list and it was it was really a big responsibility and a big deal because he's a control freak he doesn't like to have hand over that control but he let me do it I like learning about why and I like learning where it comes from what regions it comes from the different notes how it can pair with different food it's fun it's a hobby and it's something I really love but I also like came home and not having to go to a liquor store or grocery stores who purchased this wine so this is actually perfect for me so I have my first six bottle box here I love it they're heavy so I'm just gonna show you the first three but it comes like this basically with the lion in two layers and three bottles in the top layer and three bottles in the bottom layer but my favorite part is they include these cards with them and and I want to use them kind of like pokemon cards I want to collect them and like keep them all together because I think it's really cool on the front it will show you exactly which wine it is and then on the back it'll tell you what it is what year it's from this one's jet bird it's a red blend from Washington's Columbia Valley it shows a diverse array of red and dark fruit notes along with the rumors of baking spices balanced acidity and lingering finish in that it tells you what tastes well flavor profiles cherry blackberry plum baking spices it tells you the amount of alcohol this one has 13.9% tells you the best temperature to serve it at what it pairs well with and it gives you this little this little area with all the stars and you can rate how you liked it so you'll know and then you can go online and read it at bright sellers calm so it would honestly make a super great gift to know honestly I get six bottles of wine in here and I haven't tried any of them so I'm very very excited I got this whistling arrow 2018 Malbec this one I'm super excited about it's called folk and fable and it looks like a red blend with his bourbon barrel-aged I got this Columbia Valley Sunshower Riesling I'm so excited to try this and then I have three more bottles over here but let me show you before we move on my favorite my favorite bottle so this is called the last room and it's a red blend but look at the label I just think it looks so cool there's like a little skull up here it looks like a palace almost with people kind of like walking around there's a moon and then there's just kind of like this one person wearing red kind of like The Handmaid's Tale it looks super cool I can't wait to try it so if you guys are interested in trying bright colors out or even just looking into it if you use the link in the description box price Ellis is gonna give you 50% off your first six of bottle shipment very exciting really good deal check it out in the description box thank you so much bright sellers as you now sponsors keep this channel going and when a sponsor comes along that just fits us so perfectly with your lifestyle and what you're into and what you like and what you need it's pretty perfect it's kismet kismet I haven't used that word a long time let's move on like I said we have a lot to cover today so let's get on to the video so like I said I loved seeing how interest you guys are in this story in history in general I've been getting so many messages from you guys on Instagram and Twitter and in my email just talking about you know history in general and all the different implications I feel like we're a class like a history class and my office door is always open so if you are ever interested or you want to know more you want to share something with me that you don't think I've heard of just please always send it to me email Instagram Twitter whatever it doesn't matter send me a link let's chat about it it's a lot of fun so what we know about mangas movements after he left a shoe it's come mainly from his own autobiography if you can call it that I'm using the term very loosely he wrote this autobiography in in like a third-person kind of thing so it didn't seem as if he was talking about himself but we all knew he was also the mossad had a pretty thick file on Mengele and and he was under surveillance by them for a while so we kind of know about his movements after Auschwitz from a combination of eyewitnesses people he ran into and then the Mossad file and his autobiography directly after leaving Auschwitz Mengele who had a tenday head start on the Russian troops that were headed his way traveled 200 miles northwest to another concentration camp called gross-rosen he didn't stay long there however because the Russians were headed that way to liberate that camp so he kind of had to move again very quickly eight days before Russian troops showed up at gross-rosen he was on the move again heading westward and blending in with a we're mocked unit that was retreating while Mengele was trying to stay off the radar professor von Hirsch where his proud mentor was doing everything in his power to make it seem as if he'd never even known the young doctor he burned and destroyed all of their correspondence and he sent out boxes of notes and samples for safekeeping at another undisclosed location Mengele and his unit settled for two months and chuckling Salvaggio hoping that a miracle would happen and the Russians would lose ground and eventually be defeated but that wasn't the case their troops were advancing at high speed and by May the we're mouth unit that Mengele was hiding in they were retreating again a further west into the Sudetenland where Mengele would come upon a motorized German field hospital and one of the HUD doctors there was someone from Mengele specced dr. Hans Otto Kaler had met and become friends with Mengele when he was working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and he'd actually assisted both Mengele and von verse war with their work when they were doing actual legitimate twin research and even though he was one-eighth Jewish both Mengele and von burgeois were so impressed with his capabilities that they were willing to overlook his genetic impurity Mangala arrived at this mobile field hospital the very same day that the press announced that Adolf Hitler had taken his own life on the evening of April 30th 1945 with the Allied forces making their way to Berlin Hitler who had relocated that past January from his home to an air raid bunker with his senior staff took cyanide and then put a gun to his head this wasn't a bunker like you're picturing in your head cold and damp and uncomfortable Hitler's hideout was decorated with the finest furniture and rare artwork and it offered him every modern luxury that a top-level Nazi could ask for the day before he died he'd married his girlfriend Ava Braun in that bunker and the next day they both took their lives together afterwards it's alleged that his senior staff took their bodies and cremated them now of course I know there's conspiracy theories where Hitler never died and he lived and escaped to South America and all that jazz but for the purposes of this video we're just gonna go ahead and assume that he died in that bunker at his own hand while in hiding Mengele busied himself with denying that Hitler was dead and creating a relationship with a a cute young German and nurse that he met he became so close to this woman that he actually entrusted her with his work from Auschwitz knowing that if he was captured with these documents on his person they would put two and two together and that he'd been a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz he also asked dr. Kaler if he could help out at the mobile field hospital just did he busy and do something that he loved and he could be of service the unit continued to move always trying to stay one step ahead of the Russian forces and on May 18th 1945 at Germany's surrendered and the war was technically over but not for Mengele and the other Nazis Mengele and his unit moved into Saxony or East Germany and this was a tricky sort of area to be because historically both the US and Russia had informally agreed that they wouldn't enter this land but the 15,000 German soldiers that had retreated there were surrounded on all sides by Allied forces Michel has spent about 6 weeks here like hiding out in the forest and he ended up getting separated from his friend Kaler but he wasn't alone for long in the forests of Saxony he befriended another doctor a man named Fritz Ullman an almond became interested in Mengele and his story and later he would claim that he knew Mengele was an SS soldier because every morning at roll call Mengele would give a different name never the same name almost as if he didn't know or remember what his real name was and he just gave a different name every day On June 15th US troops getting tired of waiting for the German soldiers to come out they entered the land and they took 10,000 German soldiers as prisoner of war but Mengele was not one of them he had somehow managed to escape again something he seemed to have become quite good at he and a couple of his buddies and a group of people he was with they snuck away and he talks about this in his autobiography Mengele said quote in the end there was less and less food and the rumors that the Russians would occupy this territory became more numerous so then we decided to act with several vehicles and a sanitation unit we formed a column in with some trickery we succeeded in passing through the Americans we passed their subsequent roadblocks and reached Bavarian territory it's not looking good for the US army of old I gotta say it's not looking good and this would not be the last time that they let Mengele slip through their fingers a few days later he and his unit were captured and they replaced in a US appeal w camp where he was able to reunite with both of his old friends fritz Ullman and Kaler he was also able to witness with his own eyes the German nurse that he'd given his files to get released from this POWs camp so he at least felt safe that you know she and his notes were out and on the move and every reliable piece of evidence points to the fact that while at this POWs camp Mengele gave the United States his real name because he didn't have any other identification at that point a name that had already been brought up by survivors of Auschwitz several times and a name that had been added to the first central registry of war criminals and security suspects unfortunately Mengele was a common name in Germany and he didn't have that blood type tattoo the one that told the u.s. you were a member of the SS bomb Angola he didn't know how disorganized the whole thing was he didn't realize that these wanted lists had been circulated but hadn't made it to all the POWs camps yet he was sure that any day he was gonna be discovered and he started getting depressed and he would whine about it to his friend fritz Ullman now Fritz Ullman had been a neurologist and he he kind of talked to Mengele about his deep depression and what was causing it and Mengele told him his secret he told him who he was what he had done and why he was so anxious and scared and you know Fritz Allman apparently he felt some sort of loyalty to his fellow Nazi and fellow doctor so Fritz Allman he didn't turn Mengele in he did the exact opposite actually in reality he managed to somehow get two copies of his own identification papers I'm not sure how he did this I know if he bribed somebody or if he just told the people running the POWs camp that he'd lost his first set so they'd give him another set but he gave this second set to Mengele and just like that Josef Mengele became Fritz Hallman he just altered the identification and the last name a little bit to make it look different from omens and and he had a new identity Mengele was released in August of 1944 and he walked to a nearby town where a man that he knew lived this man's name was Burt Miller and he'd been a schoolmate of mangas and he was also a practicing veterinarian Mengele took refuge in the home of his childhood friend and he told Miller and his wife that he was being persecuted falsely and you know he was just being attacked and there is all these lies and propaganda being made up about him he told them he was innocent they shouldn't believe what they heard about him but mangle his most important request from Miller was that he contact mangas family in Gunzburg to let them know that he was okay and where he was but before that could happen on the very same day that Mengele showed up at Albert Miller's house American troops showed up at Miller's house and they took him away for questioning about his part in the Nazi regime during World War two now they weren't there for Mengele they didn't even know that Mengele was there he hid in a closet in the background the whole time but the arrest of his friend really spooked Mengele he had no way of knowing what the Americans knew about him and he also had no way of knowing what his friend Albert Miller would say now in the custody of the United States would he turn Mengele in in an effort to get himself off the hook by offering the Americans a bigger target so in the middle of the night Mengele slipped away and he was on the run again and the Millers actually never did give up Mangala they were you know pretty diehard loyal Nazis they were loyal to Mengele so they didn't give his name up and in fact mrs. Miller actually did end up writing that letter to Mengele family in Gunzburg to let them know that he was okay even though he escaped like a thief in the night Michael had been decided that his next step had to be taking a dangerous three-week journey to get his notes from his nurse friend he literally went into the Russian zone to find her to get these notes because they were that important to him he found her he got his stuff and then he headed to Munich where he hid out in the apartment of a friend for three weeks and he also met and talked with the brother-in-law of Fritz Allman and this brother-in-law of almond gave Mengele an idea of where he might hide out more safely and more permanently the farms of Germany were in desperate need of manual labor so many young men had been killed during the war and there weren't enough people to plant and tend to the crops in the fields now fritz almonds brother-in-law we don't know his real name but he's identified in mangas autobiography as a man named violent so from now on when I talk about Fritz almonds brother-in-law I'll use the name violent but that is most likely not his real name so violent told Mangala that he should go to these areas and these farms and just ask around and see if anybody needed an extra hand on their farm he could seek employment in an isolated area where there weren't a lot of people around to keep his head down do his work and and wait for the the dust to settle I guess he finally did find a place just like this the farm of the Fisher family now the Fisher's grew potato when we and George Fisher the farmer when when Mengele came up and asked for a job he wasn't too sure you know about this guy he didn't know who he was he didn't know if he knew what he was doing or if he'd ever firmed before Mengele claimed to be a war refugee who was just trying to make ends meet and so George Fisher gave him one task one job to complete and that way he could get an idea of what kind of abilities Mengele had George Fisher told Mengele to sort potatoes so basically he'd have a huge pile of potatoes and Mengele would be responsible for sorting through and figuring out which ones were suitable for human consumption and which ones would just get thrown away or fed to the farm animals now if this sounds kind of ironic that's that's because it is this selection process was right in mangas wheelhouse and he did such a great job sorting these potatoes that the farmer offered him a full-time position there and he was allowed to live in the home of the Fisher's the Fisher's became quite fond of Mengele especially the children now we know that Mangal has always had some sort of weird special relationship with children he seems to be a very cruel person who doesn't mind hurting them but also likes playing with them and brushing their hair and kissing them on their cheeks and throwing them up and down and dancing with them it's very very dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde but the children just always seemed to gravitate towards Mengele he kept the family entertained by singing he put on these little shows and do different characters and different voices and the whole family just got a kick out of it mr. Fisher said he was very obliging he worked hard and he never acted as if any job was beneath him he was always very cheerful and he'd go about his chores on the farm with a little pep in his step always whistling jauntily even so even though they liked him even though he seemed very friendly and fine they weren't buying that he was a war refugee his Bavarian accent was pretty obvious and he had a habit of constantly washing his hands before and after every task like a doctor scrubbing in and his hands weren't calloused or rough like the hands of a soldier would be they did suspect that he was a high-profile Nazi in hiding but they still allowed him to live on their farm and work there and play with their children to each their own I'm not gonna judge anybody's parenting here at first Mengele did receive visits from his family and his wife Irene even though they had to be few and far between because the Mengele family and Irene were kind of all under surveillance but he also got visits from violent almonds brother-in-law who lived nearby and things at this point were very low-profile for him he was just an average guy working you know a blue-collar manual laborer job whistling a jaunty tune as he did it and by the time the end of 1946 arrived Mengele felt for some reason that maybe a little bit of the heat was off of him and he used his forged papers from fritz Ullman to visit his wife Irene and his young son Rolfe now when violent all-men's brother-in-law found out he was furious he was like this is my brother-in-law's identification you're traveling on forged papers and if you're caught it's gonna lead right to him you can't do this this is ridiculous and Mengele Mangala did not like being told that he was doing something wrong or you know basically being chastised for wanting to visit his wife and son so he was like well I don't need your stupid brothers papers and I don't need this identification I don't need you and he ripped up the papers the identification papers right in front of Island in a sort of like spoiled brat kind of move I'm sure he did everything besides stomp his feet and say you're not my daddy and this was really stupid of him because that identification at least offered him some kind of anonymity some kind of protection no he didn't have anything but he is a man of great Eagle and pride so it can't say I'm surprised well mangle is trying to stay off the map the Mengele family and Irene and günzburg are basically pretending that he's dead I have no doubt that every single one of them knew that the accusations against Josef Mengele were true but they protected him and I am pretty sure they did it more for themselves for the reputation of the Mengele family they removed all photos of him from the house so the Allies wouldn't be able to figure out what he looked like Irene behaved and dressed like a widow and they even had a funeral service for him in goons Berg and US officials were actually staying in Germany at this time used the Mengele mansion as a sort of base for some time they were preparing to bring these high-level Nazis to trial and they actually had a pretty good relationship with Mengele s-- family and at this time the mangle is removing the pictures of joseph from the house and all this covering up they're trying to do it really didn't matter because the US and really anybody any of the Allied forces hadn't put two and two together that the Mengele they were hearing about from the mouths of Auschwitz survivors was the same Mengele of the family that they were living in the house of at that point the Nuremberg trials were set to begin in November of 1945 in the first order of business was to put those on trial that had initially ordered the death camps to be built but as many Nazis as they found twice as many escaped the country and capture over the next two years twelve Nazi leaders were tried and sentenced to death and seven others were given jail time with sentences ranging from ten years to life and of course Mangal is keeping an eye on the trials in Nuremberg writing in his journal about what a joke it was he said they weren't real trials they weren't legitimate they weren't fair it was just a publicity stunt on the behalf of America to make Germans look bad forced them down as they've been forced down by the US and the Allied powers so many other times before if only he knew how many people were letting his name escape from their lips including Rudolf Hess the former head of Auschwitz maybe mangle a newer or maybe he guessed and speculated that his time of peace and anonymity was coming to an end because by the fall of 1948 Mancala wasn't feeling safe or comfortable pretending to be a farmer anymore and he decided he needed to get out of the country altogether Argentina was the most obvious choice because the country at that time held many Nazi sympathizers and Mengele 's father Karl had business connections there which would help get his son set up upon arrival Josef Mengele spent three years with the Fisher's three years playing farmer and hanging out with the kids he played Santa Claus for the kids at Christmas and for that time he'd had a degree of peace and a feeling of safety neither of which he deserved but life was moving on without him the Nuremberg trials were picking up steam his mother well berga had died in 1946 after being ill for some time and now his father Karl and the family business were under scrutiny from the Allied forces because they kind of figured out that Karl Mengele and sons had helped the Nazis before and during World War two karl Mengele and his youngest son would actually be placed in separate POWs camps for a while so before Mengele left Germany he returned to Gunzburg to visit with his family and irene and his son rolf and what he wanted to do was he wanted to bring irene and Ralf with him when he left for Argentina but Irene was like no man that is not gonna happen in fact I want a divorce according to Rolf Irene had never liked the whole cloak-and-dagger routine the secret meetings having a husband who was a wanted war criminal and couldn't be home with his family she wanted a more traditional arrangement add to that Ralf claims that his father was insanely jealous and when he would visit his parents would always fight Mengele would tell I read to stay home stop going out with friends he wanted to make sure she hadn't moved on she wasn't seeing anybody else he wanted to make sure that essentially he was the most important person to her she wasn't the most important person to him Ralph wasn't the most important person to him he was the most important person to him so everybody else's lives had to be put on hold while he just went on the run and hid out for years so Irene was like I want a divorce you're going to South America as a single man I care what you do I'm gonna find a husband that you know wants to take care of me and my son and is around and and she did she did eventually go on to remarry and Ralph claims that he considered this man his stuff father his real father because he was so young when his mother remarried this is the man that raised him and the divorce would be finalized in 1954 with the help of mangas lawyer because Mengele would not come back to Germany so basically he would just sign the papers send them to the lawyer the lawyer handled it the divorce was finalized and not that being married or being a father had ever stopped Mengele from having his separate relationships on the side but now he's pretty much free to do whatever he wanted but he had always done whatever he wanted he was well known for developing relationships with other young women including her mug Ruiz a female SS guard at Auschwitz who had been nicknamed the beautiful angel or the blond angel by the inmates but not because she was sweet but because she was evil and savage but she was gorgeous and had this angel face now her mo Greece herself has a story and it's an interesting one and if you remember from the Moors Murders videos Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were huge Nazi fans and and she actually would dress up like Emma because she knew that Ian Brady was like in love and had a crush on this woman so she'd pretend to be this Nazi woman SS guard to turn her boyfriend on if you guys haven't seen the Moors Murders videos I'll link them here I'll put like a card or something but very very interesting well like I said emma has her own story super interesting can't really get into it that deep in this video but she was tried and put to death at the age of 22 for her war crimes she was a vicious savage horrible woman the stories that the ash what's prisoners told about Emma were almost unbelievable when Emma was executed she was the youngest woman to die judicially under British law in the 20th century she was not tried at Nuremberg but she was tried at the sight of the older Bergen Belsen camp which was being run by the UK so Mangler travelled to South America in July of 1949 with a financial help in support of his family and he had his notes and his specimens from Auschwitz talked safely in his suitcase now at this point Mengele had been mentioned more than once in the Nuremberg trials and his name was showing up on wanted lists in more and more countries he had to pass through Germany Austria and Italy first before he made it safely in South America but he had five accomplices set up and waiting along his journey to help him and provide him with more money or different identification and he basically had to hike through the mountains at one point to get over the border into Italy once there he hid among thousands of refugees in Genoa Italy before boarding the North King which was a boat and setting sail six weeks later he docked in Buenos Aires by this time South America especially Brazil Chile and Argentina they'd become a safe haven for Nazis German prosecutors who later examined a secret files from these countries discovered that as many as 9,000 Nazi officers and collaborators had escaped Europe and settled in South America by far the most popular place for these criminals to label was Argentina a very Pro German place at that time Argentina had hundreds of thousands of German immigrants living in the country and because of that they always kept a very friendly relationship with Germany and after World War Two argentina's President Juan Peron ordered that ratlines be established through ports in Spain and Italy these were essentially escape routes for Nazi war criminals to travel along escaping punishment or retribution so Juan Peron was a fascist himself and these ratlines were an underground railroad of sorts for war criminals for Nazis to get safely out of the countries they were being hunted in and get to countries that they would be given amnesty in one Peron used a fascist so he was like on board with everything that Hitler was saying and it wasn't necessarily the fact that he was just so pro Nazi or so Pro Hitler that he let these escaped Nazis come to his country it was mainly because he was interested in recruiting them to work for Argentina to help improve the country's standards in science and military and I guess as an American I can't really say too much about that because that's exactly what the US and the Soviet Union did during the Cold War they recruited Nazis to come and work for their nuclear programs and their military programs I guess it was just what people were doing at that time seas would travel with forged Red Cross passports that featured an Argentine tourist stamp so they were rarely questioned or stopped in five thousand out of the roughly nine thousand that escaped prosecution to run to South America ended up in Argentina Mengele was one of them and he arrived to an already established Nazi friend group in Buenos Aires Mengele in Argentina became how much Gregor and it was really for a time as if his whole past hadn't happened he fell into a pretty easy and happy life in Argentina as if he'd been living there forever the first few days he checked into a hotel but after that he rented a house from a Nazi sympathizer and he lived there for a few years before renting an apartment in 1953 that was in when a serie is like in the city center he was 42 now at this point with a clean slate a whole new identity no kids no wife no baggage and he also had quite a bit of money at his disposal since he was in constant contact with his family back in Gunzburg his days were usually spent at the ABC Cafe my niece heiress I'll throw back to his youthful days in Gunzburg when he would hang out at the cafes with his friend and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and chat about girls and skirts that's what they called girls back then skirts during the 1950's this cafe was the meeting place it was the place to be for Argentina's Nazi population and Mengele would meet many other high-level Nazis there and they'd all become friends they'd gather at the cafe for beer some traditional German food and talk about the good old days I guess with his family's money Mengele invested in several businesses including a carpentry business and he was doing great and this really set him apart from many other Nazis who were on the run at that time most of them arrived in South America completely broke and they had to like work they had to take jobs work 9:00 to 5:00 you know just like a normal person would but Mengele was getting money from his family he was also getting money from his investments and properties and you know he was financially very well-off and very stable for a time however there was a little bit of family business that they needed his help with mangal his younger brother Karl jr. had in 1949 and he left behind a widow a woman named Martha and their son Karl as well now Karl senior was really concerned about this new widow status for his daughter-in-law he was concerned because Martha had stock and a stake in the company business and if she married incorrectly or she married remarried to a man that the Mengele family didn't approve of that could cause some conflict once again this was not a concern for Martha who lost her husband or her young son who lost his father but a concern for the family business and the family reputation and that typically seemed to be the driving force for many decisions made concerning the Mengele 's sort of the way hitler valued the whole of Germany over the one or the few the manglers valued how the family looked to the outside they had to be strong as a unit and put forth a united front even if it meant the sacrifice of an individual or two that were in the company so Karl senior Mengele father he got word to Mengele about his brother's death and he had a strange request he was like why don't you marry Martha so we can just keep it all on the family okay like you need a wife she needs a husband it makes sense it works it's not weird at all he wanted Mangala to marry his brother's widow to keep the family pure and strong and a meeting was arranged so that Martha and Mengele could you know meet and you know hang out and see if they hit it off even though one matter if they hit it off or not cuz the marriage was gonna happen anyways right but Mengele would have to go back to Europe in order to meet his his future bride and this would pose a problem for him because he'd had torn up his legitimate papers the fritz Ullman papers so he would definitely need some sort of passport in order to complete this trip in 1956 he went to the West German Embassy in Argentina and requested a copy of his birth certificate he's a real birth certificate bearing his actual name and even though he was a wanted man on the list of Nazi war criminals that were being hunted they gave it to him and then he used that birth certificate to apply and receive an Argentinian residents permit and then he used that permit procure an argentinian passport with his real name on it in February of 1956 he traveled from Argentina to Switzerland using the name josef mengele there he and his family vacationed at a ski resort where he was able to meet Martha and her son and his own son Rolf who was brought there as well now Mangala had met Rolf before when he was a baby and very young but the then nine year old had no recollection of these meetings and he didn't know who this man was all he knew is that he was told Mangala was uncle fritz and they all enjoyed a nice dysfunctional family vacation together skiing and having a grand old time after leaving Switzerland Mengele did not return to Argentina right away first he went back to Germany with Martha they went to his hometown of Gunzburg where he visited with some old friends he even took a trip to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute to reconnect with some of his old colleagues there it's just so strange to me it's as if he's just walking around in Germany under his real name going to these very public places as Josef Mengele and nobody's bad E&I none of these people turned him in no one in his hometown called the Allies and they were like hey yo this Nazi war criminals here you need to come get him even though they'd all been instructed to right you know the troops come through and they're like have you seen Josef Mengele and everybody's like no who's just Mengele they're like well if you see him call us and yes I guess that 10 years had passed between the end of the war and manga's returned to Germany when Nazis were still being hunted and put on trial and executed it really speaks to his ego and narcissism that at that point he wasn't even concerned he wasn't worried he thought he was he was bulletproof he returned to Argentina in the spring of 1956 and bolstered by his successful trip under his real name he started going by Josef Mengele in Argentina the following summer after his divorce from Irene had gone through and he was ready to marry Martha he applied for a German passport through the West German Embassy in Argentina now remember he's got an argentinian passport because he's considered an argentinian residence but he does not have a German passport and in order to marry Martha that's what he needed he also wanted to get a loan from the German government in order to make some more investments so obviously he'd need a German passport for that to show that he was at one point a German citizenship or he had dual citizenship with Argentina I'm not sure what his plan was probably he didn't have one on September 11th 1956 his application for a German passport was approved and he was just handed this passport with the name Joseph Mengele on it I'm not sure how he explained to the the West German embassy and Argentina like yeah I arrived in this country under a completely different name but I'm not that person I'm this person and why they wouldn't question him I suspect that they knew he was a Nazi and they helped him anyways that's just my opinion though all speculation don't come for me and like I said this may seem crazy to you and that's because it is it really wasn't as if Germany didn't know who he was or what he'd done it seems like they really just didn't care at this point Germany wasn't really yet on board with the whole bring Nazis to justice thing a decade had passed true but it wasn't long enough to erase the long-standing biases that existed in that country detoxification was an allied initiative to rid Germany and Europe of Nazi ideologies but he was to be fair a pretty weak attempt and there was no way a program like this could run successfully without constant attention and follow-up and the Allies just didn't have the manpower or the time to devote themselves to it for very long in 1946 the Allies handed over the management of this program to Germany sort of a police yourselves kind of thing and Germans just hated the program 10% of the German population had been Nazis which I guess it doesn't seem like a huge number when you look at it that way but this percentage still equated to over 8 million people many of which lived in Germany at that time there was also other organizations that weren't technically called Nazi organizations but they held parallel beliefs such as the German labor front which boasted memberships of 25 million people the amount of brainwashing and propaganda that these people had lived through some for their entire lives it was deep and parasitic simply losing World War two wasn't enough to wash away the Nazi loyalty and sympathizers or to ignore what most people had been told and taught since they were born as I've said previously when Hitler came on the scene he didn't invent anti-semitism he didn't bring it to Germany with him it wasn't a new concept for the people of Germany we can see this anti-jewish sentiment in writings that go back thousands of years Martin Luther a notable figure in the Protestant revolution was a German professor and theologist who wrote in 1553 let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let what ever escaped be covered with sand and mud let them be forced to work and if this avails nothing we shall be compelled to expel them like dogs the reasons for this long-standing anti-semitism in Germany and much of Europe is complex it goes very deep and it's too much to cover in this video but it had a stronghold like I said not only in Germany but in much of Europe many European Jews in the 19th century chose to assimilate and abandoned their beliefs and culture simply to not be attacked or targeted or cast out in 1871 when Germany became a unified people nationalism began to grow rapidly and it got stronger as the years passed and many prolific German writers spoke about the Jews being the cause of every problem in the country and laws were proposed in the middle of the 1800s to limit the education of Jewish people and to prevent them from taking on certain professions thankfully these laws were not passed but it gives you an idea that those in power in Germany had been against the Jews for quite some time they were threatened by their intelligence their wealth their adeptness with Business and Finance and because the Jews were different in their religion and culture most Germans viewed them as other as separate it's a tale as old as time when we as a people don't understand those who are different from us we flock to those who share our same beliefs and our values and instead of trying to understand those who live differently we cast them out due to ignorance and fear and also I think because of feelings of inadequacy that exist in every one of us and it just makes me really sad because it never had to and never has to be that way because although I may not share the same religious beliefs as someone well we have in common far outweighs our differences the desire to work hard and provide for our families the desire to raise our children right to love them to give them everything we didn't have the love of family in life we'll always unite those who are separated if they're willing to put aside their ignorance in their closed mindedness in order to really get to know somebody that they hate for no reason so the point of that is some if not all Germans was still held the old Nazi ideology is the beliefs the anti-semitism therefore they would have no problem with issuing Joseph Mengele a German passport and allowing him to you know marry a German woman and he did Mary Martha and he you know safely traveled back and forth between South America and Germany a few times unbothered and unfollowed by the shadows of his past once back in Argentina Mengele invested in two pharmaceutical companies he wanted to return to his old passion of medicine and research and he rented offices in the city of Buenos Aires with a plate gold plate outside his door that said dr. Josef Mengele just advertising who he was to anyone who wanted to walk by it was really as if he no longer cared if anybody knew who he was or what he done he just didn't care he was like enough time has passed people have forgotten even then with so many years that passed to think about and consider the atrocities he'd performed at Auschwitz he was now shamed he was now sorry and he stuck with the same story that neither he or any of the Nazis did anything wrong and it's been speculated that this this thing with the Nazis when they say they didn't do anything wrong or they were just following orders this is a psychological protective mechanism to prevent them from being crushed under the weight of their guilt and that may be true for some Nazis I don't really feel bad for them they felt guilty and I don't think that it makes them more human or better but I do not think that Josef Mengele suffered under the weight of any guilt I think well it's just my opinion but I think he really enjoyed himself quite a bit at Auschwitz another doctor at Auschwitz recalled Mengele telling him once that he considered himself to be a hero he said that he'd saved the twins lives because if he hadn't stepped in they would have been sent to the gas chambers he said without me they would all be dead and I mean okay I guess in the most black-and-white terms that's true anyone with a brain knows that Mengele was saving these twins from death to justify and meet his own agenda he saved them to study them poke at them prod them hurt them and in many cases murder them it does not make him a hero and as soon as they stop being useful to him he would have no problem signing their death warrants without a second thought now Eva Kor who we've talked about in the other videos and who was at Auschwitz and knew Mengele she answered a question on Quora and the question was what was Joseph Mengele like as a person did the Holocaust survivors perception of him change before and after their captivity I'm gonna read you a little bit of her answer because I think it's important and there's there's something in there that we should talk about so she said although I survived his experiments I never had any in-depth discussions with him the relationship between Mengele and us the twins was a unique and unusual relationship we knew that we were alive because he used us as guinea pigs I couldn't be grateful to him that I was his little puppet and he could do whatever he wanted to me I did not like that position yet I knew I was alive because he wanted to use me as a guinea pig second we knew within a very short time in Auschwitz that he was probably responsible for selecting most of our family members for death than sending them to the gas chambers I understood that I was only alive as long as Josef Mengele wanted me alive unfortunately most of us would be murdered I can say that Mengele did bring in cookies and chocolates to some of the younger children I never received any and it's my understanding that he did not like me and I definitely did not like him what I have also learned about him from other people is that he would give chocolate candy and goodies to the little gypsy twins I heard this in a testimony in Jerusalem from one of the nurses who took care of the gypsy twins he was so fanatic about the little girls being dressed perfectly he would give them stocking type leggings with a seam in the back if the seam wasn't perfectly lined up he would yell at the nurses they had to be picture-perfect he would bring silk pantaloons for the little boys and he liked to play word games with them observe them and ask them questions by October 1944 all the gypsies and the camp were murdered and all the gypsy twins were gassed to death with their parents realizing that this guy had the power of our life and and his hands I couldn't possibly admire him I didn't like what he was doing to me yet I was at his mercy I don't think I ever had such a complicated relationship with anybody in a strange way he was our protector and our tormentor because as long as he wanted to salive we stayed alive every single one of us knew that within a few weeks of being at Auschwitz I talked to another former Nazi dr. Hans Muench who knew Mengele in Auschwitz I asked him how he became friends with Mengele he said Eva it was the only way to stay alive he was the only other Nazi in Auschwitz who didn't get drunk after coming back at night from the miseries of the camp at least I could have a conversation with someone so what I found interesting there was obviously Eva's experience with Mengele I found it interesting that she said you know she didn't like him and he didn't really like her and it was kind of just known between the two that they didn't like each other and that was not a very safe position to be in because as she said the only thing keeping them alive was Mengele 'he's small attachment to them i also found it very interesting that dr. Hans Muench said the Mengele was the only other SS officer who didn't drink and this was very common for the the SS officers at the concentration camps after being there they'd have to go and get drunk to forget what they had done and gone through and seen during their day but Mengele did not drink and that that says something to me because a lot of the other Nazis felt like they had to get drunk in order to really get away mentally from what they had been doing but Mengele didn't get drunk because he didn't want to get away from what he did during the day I think he wanted to remember it and relive it in October of 1956 Martha and her son Karl moved to Argentina to to live with Mengele and they bought a really nice house in a pretty upscale neighborhood they were married two years later and everything was going smoothly he had everything he wanted it didn't seem like anyone was hunting him any longer and he felt safe enough to the point where he considered returning to Germany to like live there and take over the family company he didn't think that anybody was coming for him and to be fair at that time they really weren't but we'll talk about that more in a moment because within the next few years at manglers as circumstances would change he'd been practicing Edinson and performing illegal abortions in Ueno seres unfortunately a teenage girl died after being on his table and suffering from an infection and he and other doctors who'd been doing the same thing they were brought in and arrested Mangal is put in front of a judge and it's highly likely that Mangala bribed this Judge to get off the hook it's recorded that he showed up to court with a thick envelope of money in a few hours later he walked out a free man but this experience did give him a reality check some perspective maybe he wasn't bulletproof maybe he wasn't as safe as he felt maybe he'd been playing this whole thing a little fast and loose like I said his name had been brought up several times during the Nuremberg trials but it was kind of like universally understood or believed that that he was dead so he wasn't initially being pursued true prolific Nazi hunters Simon Wiesenthal and Hermann Libyan who are working in Germany to identify war criminals began gathering information on Mengele and building a file and they found the paperwork from his divorce with Irene and not the papers they found a Buenos Aires address the two men put the heat on the West German authorities to put out an arrest warrant for Joseph Mengele and extradite him previously as I said the German government had been pretty complacent with Mengele they even provided him with documentation that cleared him of any wrongdoing or illegal activity but with this new evidence showing he was alive and well they were forced to take their heads out of the sand and they finally gave in and they issued the arrest warrant for him On June 5th 1959 initially Argentina refused to approve the extradition request they said that address he wasn't living there anymore and they didn't know where he was and once again the government both in Germany and Argentina were very Pro Nazi and Argentina had an interest in protecting the Nazis that had fled to their country to use it as a safe haven and since Mengele had friends in high places probably that judge that he bribed he was tipped off to the fact that these Nazi hunters were onto him and had tracked him down to Buenos Aires and they they knew that at least he was in the country of Argentina now they were actively looking for him and he no longer felt safe so he fled Argentina on June 30th the Argentinian government begrudgingly approved the application for extradition but at this point it had been three weeks since they got it on their desks and Mengele was long gone he was living on a farm in Paraguay really close to the argentinian border how the dictator of paraguay it was also a Nazi sympathizer and he was from German descent so Mengele was also safe here and he was actually granted Paraguay a citizenship in November of 1959 under the name Jose Mengele just as in Argentina there was a big German population in Paraguay and that can still be seen today in a lot of the architectural aspects and elements of buildings and such but as Mengele was carving out a little piece of paradise for him to live in his other Nazi brethren we're not doing so well so the Mossad is the National Intelligence Agency of Israel and it was formed in 1949 as you can imagine many of its operatives were extremely motivated to hunt down escaped Nazis and bring them to justice but this was a fairly new agency still growing still figuring things out and although they had created quite a large file on Mengele they didn't always have the manpower or the funds to pursue him in 1959 the Mossad tracked down notorious Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann living as Ricardo Clemente in Buenos Aires where he worked at the mercedes-benz factory after having him under surveillance for a while and seeing that he kept a rather strict routine in his days operatives decided it would be fairly simple to kidnap him after work one night then send him on his way to Israel where he could be tried for his crimes and there was a very public trial that ensued 1 the Mengele certainly would have been aware of the fact that the Mossad had managed to take 8 men off the street in Buenos Aires a city that Mengele had called home for many years Eitan settled him he began to wonder if maybe he'd gotten careless and he'd conducted himself too publicly from that point on Mengele became extremely paranoid and focused on keeping a low profile he no longer went by his real name instead he went by the name Wolfgang a Gerhart the identity of a former Hitler youth member provided to him by hands Rudel a German war pilot during world war ii who became the most decorated serviceman of that war now Rudel had arrived in Argentina and forty-eight and he was the one who had founded that relief organization the the rat trails the Underground Railroad for Nazi war criminals and these networks were set up all over Europe to aid these war criminals in their new lives Rudel actually worked as an arms dealer and military advisor to the Peron regime in Argentina which explains how Mangala always seemed to escape a tough spot and how Rudel was able to supply him with many different aliases Rudel was also close friends of Alfredo Stroessner Paraguay as dictator important and high up connections will always prevail now Paraguay felt a little too close to Argentina so Rudel and another man named William Assassin helped get Mengele out of the country and into Brazil where they introduced him to a Hungarian family living there as Peter hawk peddler a simple Swiss immigrant looking for a quiet country life now William Sasson plays an important role as well so I want to discuss him briefly he was actually Dutch born but when he visited Germany for the 1936 Olympics he developed a great admiration for Adolphe Hitler and his views after the war he fled to Argentina and there he met Adolf Eichmann Josef Mengele and hands Rudel he worked as a part-time journalist part-time arms dealer and even recorded himself talking with Eichmann about the Nazis part in Hitler's Final Solution transcripts of these recordings would later be sold by assassin to paper's like the New York Times with him just posing as a curious journalist who accidentally ran into the Nazis at a bar in reality Sasson was very active in combating what he considered to be anti-nazi propaganda and assisting war criminals with their escapes so let's talk about the family that Mengele hooked up with in Brazil they would be the first of two families that Mengele would get very close to and spend much of his time with in the years before his death and of course every single one of these people after the fact claimed that they were unwilling participants in harboring Josef Mengele but that's very hard to believe however in the interest of being fair and putting it all on the table to examine let's unpack this family the couple were guida and gazes stammer and Mengele would remain with them for 13 years thirteen years that's an awful long time to harbor a Nazi in your home under duress but I digress he met the stammerer Finley in 1961 and with the money that Mengele had received allegedly from his family he purchased a farm for them in Nova Europa about a hundred and eighty six miles away from Sao Paulo they all lived there together where Mengele once again played the part of a farmer but this time he had gotten a promotion because he was now the farm manager Gaeta stammered claimed later that right off the bat Mengele had some strange habits he avoided being photographed and he was always suspicious of visitors one of the farmhands claimed that Mengele would often go up to the attic with binoculars and just kind of like look around the land with binoculars he liked to walk around the farm often but he was hoyes accompanied by at least 15 dogs we know now that he was more than likely keeping an eye out for Allied forces or Mossad agents who were on his trail mrs. stammer said that the man she knew his Peter spoke Portuguese with a very thick Spanish accent he was well educated and intelligent he loved reading about history and philosophy he liked writing and he also loved listening to classical music like Mozart he told the stammers that he had been in Auschwitz but he'd left when he got typhus and other than saying that he didn't really ever want to talk about World War two by 1962 the stammers and Bengal ax had moved into a bigger farm this time in serra negra once again purchased with his money it was around this time that mrs. stammer picked up a newspaper that had been left there by a produce buyer and in that paper she read a story about a doctor a Nazi doctor who during the Holocaust did terrible things at Auschwitz and this story was accompanied by a black-and-white photo of a young man a smiling handsome young man but something about that picture it really resonated with her she recognized him something about the way his eyes crinkled and the little gap in the front of his teeth she recognized this man in fact he looked very much like the mysterious a Swiss immigrant who was now living in her home according to Gaeta stammer she confronted Mengele picture and she was like is this you and he responded to her I live here with you so you have the right to know that yes unfortunately that is me according to her she asked him to leave and she had her husband contacted the Mengele family pretty much like come get your boy it wasn't long before the real Wolfgang Gerhardt showed up on the stammers doorstep with a german man named hans settle meyer in tow Sam Amira was a longtime friend of Mengele Xand he also worked at the Mengele family factory in goons burg now the stammers claimed that they didn't turn Mangala in or send him away because they were being threatened by Wolfgang and Hans when these two men showed up they basically had a conversation that said uh I guess you could turn him in but we can't guarantee the safety of you or your children and they also alluded to the fact that since the stammers had been harboring Mangala for so many years they too would be put under the microscope of suspicion and could be considered accomplices so allegedly since the stammers were threatened they allowed Mengele to stay for thirteen years for thirteen years but after his true identity was revealed Ikeda stammered claims that Mengele became a different person he kind of changed he became more abrasive more aggressive he was rude to her family he was overbearing in short with the farm workers and he would intrude on the stammers of family business as if he had the right to make decisions or have a say in what they what they chose to do as a family for the most part he was kind to their two sons but allegedly he made some statements about how he believed the boys are kind of like wild and out of control and that the stammers should be using a firmer hand with them and take a more authoritarian approach in 1969 the stammers and Mengele moved again this time closer to South Paulo and there's two reasons for that one all three of them wanted to be closer to the city probably because they were sick of just seeing each other over on that isolated farm also Mengele he liked to keep moving he didn't want to stay in any one place too long like the shark he was he felt that if he stopped moving he would die and he was right to feel this way because at this point the Mossad was hot on his trail once again Gaeta stammered claims that at this point in this new location Mengele changed once again he became very quiet pensive moody you never knew which side of him you were gonna get he would get up and go about his work on the farm but he wouldn't speak a word to anybody there was no more whistling as he went about his work he'd also go on long walks that would last for hours other days he would be his old cheerful friendly self but that could change at any minute and he could become agitated and cranky now it is worth noting that there was a salacious rumor that Gaeta stammered and josef mengele were having an affair after she discovered his true identity now her husband he traveled a lot for work so he was often out of the country and some employees of the farm noticed that the lady of the house was very affectionate with Mengele to the point where it just kind of became understood amongst them all but the two are having an affair perhaps this is why the stammers parted way with Mengele in 1974 if you ask mrs. stammer she claims that they just couldn't go on living such a horrible person but it certainly does seem suspicious that it would take somebody 12 or 13 years to finally come to terms with that and later afterwards mr. and mrs. stammer would divorce and live separately so you do the math mrs. stammer also did say years later that she couldn't believe that Josef Mengele had done all the things he was accused of doing and since her family was being threatened by his buddies she said yes she did protect him and she doesn't feel guilty or bad about doing it because she was being threatened and that kind of tells you all you need to know about the stammers I guess I believe that they were Nazi sympathizers if not Nazis themselves I believe that they pretty much knew who he was right from the get-go maybe not exactly who he was but when they found out pretty early on they didn't make him leave they didn't done they didn't tell him to leave I don't believe that they ever told him to leave because there was other people he could have been moved to but he stayed with them for over a decade Josef Mengele was on his own again for the first time in a long time both the stammers and Mengele moved to são Paulo but separately and he actually rented a bungalow from the stammers that they owned one they purchased most likely with his family's money and there is evidence that Mengele really care for being alone Martha and her son had moved back to Germany years before and at this point Mengele was living with a couple house maids one of which he actually developed kind of a relationship with and he would beg her to sit next to him and watch his favorite soap operas or the ABC show Disneyland which he really loved which if you think about it it actually it makes complete sense that he would he would like something like that now this housemate claims that the two of them fell in love she loved him he loved her but he refused to marry her most likely because he was already married Tom Martha his brother's wife but he refused to marry her so she kind of like ended up moving out and marrying somebody else which he was not happy about it because he ranted about it in his journal later yeah no telephone he got no mail to his residence and he didn't have a bank account in the past he had traveled freely between South America and Germany but since arriving in Brazil he stayed put he was very very paranoid and he slept away they'd gone by his bed and a neighbor reported that for the most part Mengele was friendly but he could sometimes get cranky and he said very rude things about black people but this neighbor never heard him mention anything derogatory about Jewish people he kept a journal which he wrote in often daily I would say and in this journal he mostly brought about how he didn't feel bad about anything he did he didn't feel guilty he wrote about how the maid that he fell in love with had beautiful hands and how he was just insane with jealousy because she'd left him and married someone else another maid that tended to Mangala did mentioned that he seemed to show some cracks in his composure he had a hard time sleeping at night and he'd often stay up all night reading and writing he progressively came to be in worse and worse moods and he often seem frustrated or distracted and a lot of this could have been his age and his failing health his health had started failing in 1972 and he was prone to migraine headaches rheumatism and extreme swelling in his left leg he had high blood pressure and in 1976 he was treated at a hospital for a stroke it seemed that he was so anxious and on edge all of the time he had developed a nervous habit of chewing the ends of his moustache which led to a ball of hair developing in his intestines and creating a blockage that he had never treated Wolfgang Gerhardt wrote to him in 1974 suggesting that he'd go and get his stomach pains looked at at a European hospital before he was too old or too sick to travel but Mengele was terrified to leave Brazil not only that but it seems that at this time for him the money ran out now I don't know whether his family stopped sending him money or if they had only sent him a set amount of money and he'd spent it all on bribes and Bank farms but he pretty much didn't have any money and he wrote about this in his journal how he was broke but he wasn't completely without friends and companionship he was introduced to another family the both sirits Lysa lot and wolf Rambo sart were from Austria and they knew the stammer so they'd met mangle a few years prior because of their past relationships with the stammers and with Mengele the couple knew exactly who he was and when he moved to South Paulo they spent quite a bit of time together Mengele would spend much of his time with this family who had small children these children called him uncle he built a small boat with them he took them fishing it really would seem as if Mengele did not like being alone and this is illustrated in the way he would attach himself to an already established family unit he'd come in and be Santa Claus or bring the kids fishing he'd be the cool uncle almost in the exact same way he behaved with the twins at Auschwitz in my opinion I still don't think he liked kids all that much I think he believed he should project an image of a man who liked kids and who was liked by them in return almost as if wordlessly saying hey good people like kids kids like good people therefore I am a good person I think he was just manipulating these people so that they cannot possibly look at this older happy man playing with children laughing and frolicking around and picture him as someone who would do the things he'd been accused of doing and sure enough Wolfram Bossert years later would say he believed most of the accusations were lies and the Mengele was his friend now in 1977 Ralph Mangala traveled to Brazil to visit with his father it was the first time he had seen him in 21 years this would be the second and last time Ralph would see the man who was biologically his father but who he had only ever met twice in his life now Roth claimed that after Mangala had his stroke hans battle meyer had you know called ralph and he was like you know you should go and visit your dad it'd be nice it would make him feel better maybe there's not gonna be many more opportunities to do that and ralph said that when he saw his father he was surprised by how old and frail he looked how broken he seemed he also said that Mengele seemed very touched and proud to see Ralph and talk with him he began to tear up a little bit and as a grown man with new perspective on life and the world Ralph was interested in asking his father exactly what happened at Auschwitz but he didn't do it right away he waited a couple of days to hang out and be with his dad before he kind of brought that subject up when he did bring it up Mengele exploded he was just so stunned so insulted how could you think I could ever do something like this how could you believe all these lies in propaganda my own son my own flesh and blood believes that I would do something like this and then Ralph brought up the selection process and he was like well this is kind of a known fact and you took part of it you've admitted to that so what do you have to say for yourself and Mengele explained it away by defaulting to the good old Nazi excuse I was just following orders he even told his son like he'd told the the other doctor at Auschwitz Hans Muench and I actually saved people I helped people there so Ralph doesn't agree with what his father did he's openly spoken out against it but he said that he just truly couldn't turn him in it was his father and even though Mengele hadn't been much of a father the parent-child relationship can be a little complex and sometimes very toxic some children of high-profile Nazis never admitted to what their fathers they denied it until the very end but Rafa at least face the fact that his father was most likely downplaying his role at Auschwitz most likely he had done these things and he just didn't want to admit to it Ralph was horrified disgusted but he just still couldn't turn his father in especially seeing him now as this old feeble man pretty much the most non-threatening person you could ever see he just felt like let me let him live his life out whatever's left of it before we go on let's go back in time but and I want to talk about the Mossad hunt for Mengele because there's a really interesting story there and it's all gonna tie in at the end so in 1960 shortly after Germany had put out that arrest warrant for Mengele the Mossad received a tip from Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and this led them to wilheim assassin our old friend who is sometimes referred to as a former Nazi but I think he was just a self-serving Nazi probably a Nazi sympathizer until the very end so will Haim Sasson who's got all this information from hanging out with the Nazis in Argentina and interviewing Eichmann so he could sell it he lets the Mossad note that Mengele is alive and well that he's found a group of like-minded people and they're all pretty much living the high life now this was of course after Mengele had already left Argentina and went into hiding choosing a more off-the-grid life instead of putting his name on a golden plate the Mossad began surveillance staking out homes and businesses of known Nazi collaborators and they saw a man who looked like Josef Mengele outside of firms he owned by a Nazi sympathizer using a network of spies they were able to find a farm that they suspected Mengele was being hidden at near Sao Paulo while there an operative insisted that he saw a group of men and one of them was Josef Mengele so he called his boss all excited he's ready to go in and take Josef Mengele but he was told to stand down Easter Horrell the head of the Mossad at that time had learned that very same day that Israel's biggest threat to their biggest enemy Egypt was recruiting Nazi scientists to help build missiles and that became Israel's a top priority six months later another man took over for her Elle as the head of the agency a man named Muir a meet and he ordered that the Mossad needed to stop chasing after ghosts and focus on national security he said the agency could deal with Nazis but only if it became necessary and it didn't get in the way of other operations now many of the members of the Mossad will Holocaust survivors many had lost family and friends in the concentration camps so it was a hard sell for them when they were told to focus on something else as you can imagine but orders are orders and the Mengele situation was put on the back burner until 1968 when they got some fresh Intel then Mangala was in fact being harbored by the very same people the Mossad had put under surveillance years ago on a farm outside of Sao Paulo now I'm pretty sure at this point they're referring to the stammers the operatives requested permission to kidnap someone from the farm and torture him for information now this kind of excitement and eagerness to kidnap and torture someone it concerned the the superiors back in Israel and all of them ordered to go back home and once again nothing happened Palestine was Israel's main concern now and Mangala slipped down the list of priorities which he's lucky for because the Mossad doesn't mess around and over the next ten years various things would pop up for Israel that prevented them from giving their focus back to Mengele then in 1977 a change in leadership in Israel provided the Mossad with the freedom to once again pursue the Nazis Mena can begin had just become Prime Minister and he met with the head of the agency to make it clear that he didn't feel they were doing enough to catch Nazis and that bringing these criminals to justice was just as important as other threats to the country the head of the Mossad disagreed with the Prime Minister a little bit he said there was more pressing concerns that would affect Israel today and tomorrow and that the Holocaust was horrible but it was in the past now Prime Minister began was adamant though it wasn't about the past him if these people were still out there roaming free spreading their poisonous beliefs no Jewish person could ever feel safe because as we saw with Hitler it just takes one man to send shockwaves through the world India and they agreed that they would slowly start going after the Nazis again but they would start with Joseph Mengele in July of 1977 the Prime Minister sent a message to the Mossad it's on we're going after them again and if you can't capture them and bring them back kill them but it had been so many years since the Mossad had gathered intel on Mengele and he was basically lost to the wind in 1982 a plan was even conceived they were going to kidnap the 12 year-old son of hands Rudel and use him as leverage threatening to kill him unless Rudel gave them the location of Mengele however Hans Rudel died before they could carry that plan out which is probably lucky for his 12 year old son so they were based we back at square one and in that same year 1982 the Mossad went to goons Berg and they had all these secret agents there and they tapped Ralph's mangas phones both at home and at his workplace he was a lawyer they even set up recording devices at his home in office as well they knew that Ralph Mengele and his father Josef Mengele shared the same birthday so they were hoping that Joseph would call Rafa Rafa would call Joseph so that they could say happy birthday to each other but there was no call from Mengele to say happy birthday to his son because there was no longer a Joseph Mengele while the Mossad was tapping phones and considering a kidnapping Joseph Mengele had been dead for a few years on May 31st 1985 the police raided the günzburg home of Hans settle Meyer and they discovered tons of letters from Mengele from the families he stayed with they found a coded address book they found all sorts of things which battle Meyer was really pissed about and he was surprised because he said his wife was stupid she was supposed to throw those things away and she just kept the letters and basically screwed them both one of the letters was from Mangal as old friends Liza laughed and wolfram and it contained a photocopied death certificate basically every one of the mangas had received a copy and an effort to let them know the Mengele was gone On February 5th 1979 Josef Mengele had traveled to the seaside town of bertioga to vacation with the Bozarth family two days later on February 7th while he was taking a swim in the ocean he had a heart attack and he drowned mrs. Bostock remembered spotting him out in the water and she said quote his head was half out of the water and it was clear that he was struggling desperately his eyes were fixed and staring and he looked determined to swim back but as determined as he was he did not make it back the man who had held so much control over others lives and deaths had no control over how his own ended and I have to say I'm glad I hope he suffered I hope he was scared I hope he considered the possibility that if there was a hell he was on his way there double certs buried him under wolfgang at gerhard's name next to gerhard's mother in a small cemetery and the outskirts of são Paulo they notified his family and friends in Germany and then they stopped talking about it until the press showed up years later wanting to know about the man who had been their close friend for the better part of a decade and then all Wolfram could talk about was how much money he was gonna make selling his story now the South Paulo police questioned the bose arts and they were able to determine the location of the gravesite and now understand at this point there was a lot of people out there who didn't believe josef mengele was actually dead even though it was being reported that he allegedly was they thought this was just another red herring set up by the Mengele family to distract everybody look over here while Mengele escapes to another country people were coming forward with stories and sightings of having the seen Mengele there's a female dentist who said she treated him for a toothache months after his alleged death when she was asked for proof she claimed she'd destroyed the records and of course the Mengele family they weren't very forthcoming they never had been in 1985 Mengele and Sons was being a run by a nephew of Carl Mengele and they were poignant about 85 million dollars a year in sales revenue the company and the family denied ever having provided Mengele with money while he was on the run which a hundred percent and don't believe Martha mangle his wife his second wife is she she left Germany she moved to Italy Murano she refused to talk to anybody or give interviews but she did publicly say that she believed not one word that was said against her husband that he hadn't done any of it it was all lies in propaganda it's worth noting the location she moved to in North Italy Murano it was a mainly german-speaking area of the South Tyrol region I'm not gonna say that Murano today is anti-semitic because I don't know I don't know anybody who lives there and I've never been there I do know that Mengele and Sons had a branch there and historically it would seem that this this area was the perfect place for a Nazi sympathizer or a Nazi fugitive to to live in like the 50s and 60s maybe going forward I don't know if anybody lives there and knows anything about it let me know the body believing to have belonged to the Nazi doctor was exhumed on June 6th 1985 and his bones were laid out as public display to all those who crowded around to watch eleven scientists from different countries examined his bones to determine if it really was him and not all of them were convinced on the death certificate the coroner had placed the Victor ages 53 but Mengele at that time would have been 68 and like I said there was all these people coming forward saying they've seen him they talked to him the same kind of thing we have with Hitler now where people claim that he escaped to South America and he didn't die in that bunker this went on for a few years until DNA technology improved and they were able to prove without a doubt that this body was indeed 100% Joseph Mengele his family never collected his bones and Andry buried him not his son not his wife nobody from the Mengele family ever ever went and got him and for 30 years his bones sat in a drawer at the South Pole illegal medical institute then a pathologist at the Institute had a great idea this man's name is Daniel Romero Munez and I would like to shake his hand he said why don't we use mangle as a skeleton as a learning tool a teaching tool so now this man Joseph Mengele who had turned human beings into experiments science projects who everybody that he looked at became a specimen to him he was now a specimen his contribution as a medical skeleton for students to learn it's probably the best thing and the most that he could have ever done for science and research because all of his actual research and work that he did when he was alive is absolute garbage and clown science now I do want to briefly address a Brazilian town that people believe was infiltrated by Mengele and used in some secret undercover experiment that he was doing and it's very it's very interesting story and I've been messaged by a ton of you sending me links about it asking me about it asked me what I think about it telling me what you think about it do I want to go over it and you know we can discuss how much legitimacy there is to it so there's a small town in southern Brazil and it's called Candido go die and in a 2009 article and The Telegraph a claim was made that Joseph Mengele had visited this town several times in the 1960s at first posing as a veterinarian and helping sick animals but eventually offering a medical care to women all of a sudden everyone started giving birth to twins the average incidence of being pregnant with twins is typically one in eighty but this small town it seems like one out of every five pregnancies was resulting in twins which is actually insane if you think about it and many of these twins were born with blonde hair and blue eyes so you see where I'm going with this right it's theorized that Mengele came to this town started helping women medically and either injected them with something or had figured out a way to create twins he figured out a way to make a pregnancy a twin pregnancy and he basically just used this town as his Aryan baby Factory now it is worth noting that this town is predominantly German so usually people will be like oh my god Brazil and then all of these kids are being born with blonde hair and blue eyes definitely it's got mangle all over it but it's not as if there was native Brazilian people living in this town they were German immigrants so the coloring of the babies would be less impressive and interesting than the actual fact that so many people were giving birth to twins it's also worth noting that there was apparently a high rate of inbreeding going on in this town so just keep that in mind now in 2011 this whole Mengele connection was disproved using DNA it seemed as if there was a specific gene in that population that occurred more in the mothers of twins and it was also discovered that the twin epidemic began as early as the 1930s far before Mengele ever stepped foot in Brazil it's believed that a small number of families living in this small Brazilian town brought the gene with them when they immigrated so overall the connection with Mengele is completely null and void although that would be super cool but come on I think I think we'd be giving him too much credit here he wasn't that smart and it was his life's work to figure out how to make a pregnancy a twin pregnancy like that's all he wanted to do and if he'd figured out how to do that he would been shouting it from the rooftops at least he would have found a way to get word to von Vera so von Hirsch would do something with it and you know he didn't do anything with it and we still to this day don't understand why some women give birth to one baby and some women give birth to more babies I mean we understand how it happens but we don't you know you know what I mean if Mengele had cracked the code he figured out it's this huge scientific breakthrough he would have told everybody at least he would have written about it in his man journal so typically I would want to talk about the psychology of Joseph Mengele the Nazi doctors in general and in Robert J Lifton's book the Nazi doctors he does a very good job with doing that he talks about doubling he talks about the Auschwitz self he talks about the selection being turned into a ritual which made it easier for the Nazi doctors to do it because it was just what they did and part of their lives and they were able to separate what they were doing at Auschwitz from who they believed they really were he talks about the Faustian bargain which is incredibly interesting it's a psychological concept or term I guess where basically if somebody will make a pact a deal with the devil if you will and they'll trade something that's of extreme moral and spiritual importance to them for some material gain like money or power or knowledge even though I don't know how knowledge is a material gain but I feel like knowledge is probably a good thing to have he talks about psychic numbing and how these Nazis essentially had to split themselves into and turn their brains off so that they wouldn't be crushed under the skills and and it's all very interesting and applicable I think in some ways we could also talk about Stanley Milgram's obedience study which I want to make a whole video on anyway so we'll save that for then but um what what I personally believe is that all of the psychological concept doubling psychic numbing the L shoe itself I don't think that they apply to Josef Mengele and they may apply to some Nazi officers or you know some people who participated in the Holocaust who had to legitimately tear themselves apart in order to continue living that way but I don't think that they apply to Josef Mengele I think he loved it and I think he thrived in Auschwitz and I think that um maybe he was just super good at compartmentalizing but I don't think he felt that ever I don't think he felt bad ever I don't think he thought that he did anything wrong in fact I I think he would have gone on doing it for many more years even if he didn't have to and and really he didn't have to right he didn't have to do those things to the people in the concentration camps he didn't have to do these studies that was all him and Vaughn Bush where it wasn't like Hitler or Eichmann or Rudolf Hess was like Oh while you're here at Auschwitz we really need you to torture these children he was supposed to do the selections he was supposed to you know be the legitimate face of the camp so that what they were doing there could be medically sanctioned but he didn't have to go that extra mile he didn't have to do those experiments he wasn't ordered to do it he did it because he wanted to so I don't think any of those psychological concepts really applied to him I think he was a psychopath I think he was completely devoid of a soul of a heart and he was just really good at making himself likable to people and that's how he survived so many years after the war he survived by having connections he survived by the embedded anti-semitism that was still in Germany and in South America at that time he survived with gracious donations from his family and most likely other Nazi sympathizers he survived because he had a friend who was in tight with the Argentinian government and in the end people say Oh Mangala got what he deserved you know he he was he died alone and sad and broke in in Brazil he drowned in the ocean and honestly like that's great I'm glad he drowned but he did not get what he deserved he should have been forced to sit on trial and hear all the things that he did and have the whole world hear the things he did and he should run forced to look into the face of those he had hurt so that they they could get some closure by telling him off and then he deserved to be tortured painfully and slowly maybe for a couple of years before they finally ended his miserable life that's just my opinion though I hate this person I hate this man and I I don't I think that there's there's a lot of literature out there even these books that I read where I feel like they're trying to make you feel bad for Mangala or they're trying to have you put yourself in his position and I often do that with most all other cases but I just could not do it I felt no paying a pity for him I felt no sadness or empathy for him at any point ever I just hate him and overall he lived a pretty good life if you think about it for somebody who murdered thousands of people he lived a pretty good life in a pretty long life I just think it's so weird because he was supposed to be a doctor but he had all these health problems and he never like got help or even helped himself with the health problems but regardless that's going to be it that closes out the Mengele chapter Angel of Death our first Dark history's series I can't wait to see what's gonna be next I've got some other great stuff coming for you guys I've got some coffee crimes coming this week and I do want to give a quick shout out to my my December patreon birthdays because I am the worst person ever my brain doesn't work right a lot of the times and I swore that I shouted out my December patrons last month but I didn't I looked and I didn't I didn't do it but before we get into that let me remind you that if you're interested in our sponsor for this video Brite sellers check out the link in the description box check it out see if you like it take the quiz see what pops up and you'll get 50% off of your first box of 6 of battles of lovely beautiful wine ok so my lovely patreon guys paid RIANZ keep this channel going I was just telling them the other day especially in the first quarter January February March absence is worse than it usually is everything I put up it gets demonetized and I really rely on my sponsors and my patrons to continue bringing you guys content so they are essential to this channel essentials the lifeblood if you will so I'm gonna give a couple shoutouts to those my patrons who had birthdays in December I love birthdays so we have Kelly Cheyenne whose birthday was on December 16th Anna Eisenhart whose birthday was December 2nd Sara Rudolph whose birthday was December 19th Jessi Hendrickson whose birthday was December 29th Hanna Redmond whose birthday was on December 12th and now Prince Lou from South Africa and her birthday was on December 5th heatherlindsay birthday was on December 10th Kelly Osbert a was on December 9th Gentry Ragsdale's birthday was on Christmas Eve 12:24 all-girl I'm so sorry Eve Shaw's birthday was on also the 24th oh my goodness Bella's birthday is on the 3rd of January and I still feel like she gets screwed with the Christmas birthday thing being so close together I can't even imagine all right Cassie's birthday was on December 2nd Savannah Nash was born on December 25th right on Christmas is even worse oh my god can you guys let me know how you handle that and if anybody out there has like at 24th or 25th of December birthday let me know how you made it work for you or your parents made it work for you when you were a kid a cashy's birthday is on December 15th the Stephanie just Stephanie Stephanie's birthday was on the 13th of December Kaylee Dixon's birthday was on December 29th sarah mallow Babak milo Babak do you guys just want me to do birthdays because you want to hear me mispronounce names his sarah mallow Babak her birthday was on 12 to December 12th and Brie's birthday was on December 15th Rebecca Fowler's birthday is on 12 26 still very close to Christmas Sahay Leos birthday was on December 3rd if I pronounce your name wrong please correct me I want to be sleuth says it's her mom's birthday and Christmas Eve we lost her two years ago they were turning 70 this year lots of kisses to you that's it I can't even imagine how hard that was Susan fracaso Lopez's birthday was on December 18th Britney John's birthday was on December 18th danielle Oban John's birthday was December 11th Rebecca Thornton was December 26 the good old British Boxing Day and Magdalena Brookes birthday was on December 4th she turned 21 oh my goodness that's so awesome I remember turning 21 I like these birthday shout outs because everybody has like a special story to share and sometimes it's a sad story about you know celebrating your mother's birthday even though you lost her and sometimes it's a happy exciting story about turning 21 so you know it kind of is the same thing with life like in our life happy things happen and sad things happen and we have to talk about both of them and we have to experience and live through both of those things good and bad I love my patrons so so much I love all my subscribers and all you guys out there watching so so much thank you very very much for sticking with me for supporting me for being here with me stay kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music] petite girls considers getting used
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 221,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephanie harlowe, history, dark history, josef mengele
Id: dj_tTSyaNDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 13sec (5353 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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