Dark and Darker Longsword Masterclass | Longsword vs Flanged Mace Duo Perspective

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hey welcome back everyone today's video is going to be a Duo perspective on the flly the mace versus the long sword like we do I haven't put one of these out in a little while I haven't put out anything in a little while cut a cold I think kind of sounding pretty sick here so we're persevering we'll get back on the horse here though let's take a look at the flang mace we'll probably go through all the other weapons probably the Morning Star next since we done at the same time as this one but uh we'll go through all the weapons I think the two perspectives is actually really beneficial it helps it it really helps seeing how your weapon lines up in different positions against the people attacking you so we'll go over the first attack second attack third attack jump attacks dragging and crou attacks I noticed something with the dragging that seemed to I thought was going to be more impactful but what it really turns out to be I think is just the fact that the flang mace doesn't seem to have a physical HP box from about halfway down you know the the physical hit box on the weapon seems to be about the upper third actually which is kind of wonky it lends to taking damage when you're too close to the FL mace right which man I've done a lot I've been like oh I'll just push into him and catch the lower half of the half of the of the weapon no don't do that bad dishonor be a good long sword bro and properly space all right you need to make make sure that you're aiming high enough to catch the upper one/ thir or you need to be spaced far enough back so that when it's Reaching Forward you're catching that upper one/ thir all right which was a little surprising but it's no worries is what it is I thought it was decn at first it's not decent at all there's just no physicalized hit box on the lower half of the weapon which is just fine you can see the first hit there which was very consistent super easy jump attacks you can aim very high up you can react to them pretty well now with desync changes that they added or the fix they added in hot fix 31 you can on the attacker side manipulate it pretty well because of how long the lingering hitbox is so in an actual combat scenario don't be surprised if a gamer is going to reach around that long sword but you can aim just straight up very easily above their head while they're jumping and you can react to it as well which is nice the second attack insanely consistent as you know the way the weapons line up it's just it's it's way it's not way too it's just how it is it's incredibly favorable to the long sword if you can bait out the first attack and walk into Perry range to try and get the second one it's your best bet in 99 out of 100 scenarios all right focus on that focus on taking and pairing that second attack if you need to if you're struggling with anything the second attack jump attacks just as consistent as the first first one you can react to it very well still It lines up incredibly well still just like you just like it was before so definitely still beneficial to try and take that attack even in jumping attacks the third attack is where I thought there was issues maybe with dragging or desync I think what it really amounts to is the fact that the way the long sword points at an angle in your uh Parry position it just tends to look like you're going to be able to Parry it but it goes under that half mark of the flame mace and doesn't register right doesn't register the physical part of the flang ma but then you see Parts like this right there that's your that's your Parry that's your upper 1/3 I think that one went under technically but it's it's it's pretty consistent if you have the right spacing but you can see how especially with this third attack how prone it is to going right through up in the left there on the right side image you can see it that's about halfway up goes right through that's why I think it's about the upper one/ thir or so the weapon but if you space you're good spacing spacing key per usual with the long sword bacing key the uh third attack if you're the cleric Bros out there the third attack is your play if you're worried about getting parried aim low go Crouch attacks drag around right to left with your two attacks try and catch arms and then when you get to your third attack on the Chain hit him with a jump attack Barrel stuff him you'll win the trade you have a faster recover recover y so you'll be able to deal damage get back into a blocking position to try and block the thrust from the long sword bro if they start trading if they're a per Gremlin anyways you're just going to out skill them with drags okay but your third attack is your best chance of getting through long sword from flang mace and for long sword Bros it's your biggest weakness is trying to Parry that third attack so if you miss the first two and you see the third coming out maybe trade maybe trade a poke maybe trade a little DPS trade and go from there we did some more testing of the first jump attack just in case I was trying to find a static spot to Parry at every level of attack there isn't one like there is with the Falin you can aim off the belt on the left to cover your head to about your your thighs on the character model depending on how close they are but just couldn't find one so here we were testing drags dragging first attack still consistent for pairing aiming in a certain spot reacting to it as well hot fix 31 was seriously I I cannot praise IR Mason off I don't I don't really care about any of their balance changes or lack thereof during this preseason pre-wipe because God damn did they fix this game in many ways by bringing in this either desync or interpolation whatever the hell it's called it was an amazing fix so they still get another pass for a couple more Patches from me but you can see here the third attack the value of it we jumping attacks it works pretty well we got it around it very often and it's it's it's your best chance it's your best chance clerks you need body stuff just body stuff hit them with the jump attacks with your throat attack more than anything else the Crouch attacks you can see here pretty wonky you would think but because of the vertical nature of the mace you end up catching the long sword in a lot of different places off your screen and you have no idea that it's happening Crouch attacks not very good unless you're dragging as well like you can see how the leg is over there to the right side of the uh of the clerics perspective on the right of the screen if you can push in stuff to the right aim off screen and drag that's your best bet with the mace against long sword it's very in the long sword's favor not going to lie mace players you need to be dragging you need to be dragging right to left not left to right either drag right to left and it'll be a lot you you'll find a lot more success fighting the long sword Bros by doing that okay that's about all I got we'll get into uh some of the some more of the weapons here I haven't been playing very much since the since the leaderboard ended the Dual grind was fun we had a lot of fun fights in Duo so I'm glad they're going to probably hopefully keep it around but uh we'll see we'll do the morning start next probably give me some uh comments or some uh requests down in the comments about which weapons to do next I know I want to be Quarter Staff as well but I'll catch you guys next time good luck in the dungeon have fun in Crips stay safe and take care made me run all the way over here for nothing
Channel: Oggieson
Views: 1,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker longsword, dark and darker longsword block, dark and darker longsword parry, dark and darker parry, dark and darker blocking, dark and darker fighter guide, dark and darker longsword guide, dark and darker, dark and darker how to parry, dark and darker solo fighter, dark and darker longsword pvp, dark and darker dsync, dark and darker dsync fixed, dark and darker duos, dark and darker hr duos, dark and darker longsword duos, dark and darker demigod
Id: 7g2ivgK8384
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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