Dark and Darker Parrying the Falchion from Both PoVs | A Longsword Parry Guide

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hey welcome back everyone today's video is going to be a par guide for the falion again just like we did with the fing ax recently showing both point of views from the defensive side and the attacker's view while doing all three attacks from the falion at the head the Torso the legs and I also want to show you guys how the desync can affect it and the timing we trying to react to dragging attacks from the falan right one of the probably the biggest thing that we need to deal with is realizing that you can't react to it really you need to anticipate the attack where it's going to aim how they're going to drag it so we grab nightshine to come help us like usual thank you nightshine and had him start dragging attacks on us you can see how we're trying to react to it and despite trying to react to it we're really not even close you can see the falion pass through our sword on our screen because it's already hit on his right so this happened a couple times we tried to anticipate it instead right aiming off screen for the drag well ahead of his attack animation starting and then from this point I tried to walk it back trying to react to seeing the hand move for the first attack before trying to adjust for the par drag right uh it was the the timing's tight you can see how tight the timing is and you can see how the timing is even tighter when he adjust the hit on the left side and kind of almost I guess accelerates it right in essence so we went through this a few times trying to see me anticipate it trying to see how tight I could get the timing with reacting to the hand movement but really you have to anticipate the attack coming you have to know what he's going to do so you need to bait out with a poke see if he's going to try and drag on his first attack on you or if he's going for head shots and you got to go with the flow in the fight try and lead them into something you can anticipate and open up a Perry repost trade all right this next section is Nan and I attacking different spots on the body with the various attacks the first second and third on the falion you can see how I'm adjusting in different spots and then eventually nightshine will adjust on the head as well to start trying to hit in different places all right because that changes up the way that the Falin interacts with the long sword you can see here the dsync 7even eight frames or so is what I think it was when I clicked through it that the defender has to anticipate ahead of time you guys know that we just talked about DN you can see here how he adjusts to the back of the head and like I said by adjusting here changes the position of the falion with the long sword and he can hit us despite it blocking all the other spots on the head this is something to be aware of that even though you might be in a spot that blocks a falion attack perfectly in the right side when he's aiming at the right side the front of your face it might still hit you if he changes and adjust back right now there's not that much we can do about this except try and find you know the most reliable spot to block as much as those body parts as we can through using nightshine smacking us right this section I pushed in to try and block repair the sour spot you can see how once he hits the long sword it sticks through our head if a weapon strikes the long sword Parry first it will not deal damage to your body after it can only work vice versa to deal damage so if the weapon strikes a limb or your body first and then hits your long sword while you're in the Parry position you'll take damage you'll Parry simultaneously right that's why you can die with the dsync and still Parry while you're literally in the death animation right because as long as the weapon hits the body first it will deal the damage but if it hits a long sword first it can deal no damage right here you can see how the falan hilt doesn't have a hit box all right you cannot Parry the falion hilt like you can on some some other weapons it seems like we tested a few more times outside of this I could not manage to do it I have no idea I have no idea if it's supposed to be able to but it seems not the second attack like we might have thought lines up really well with the long sword Perry the angles again you can see how it hits the long sword first the falan still would have struck us it does no damage because it cannot after striking the long sword first so this section is just night shineing swinging adjusting trying to hit different spots on the head just to show you guys how well I mooved my position how it's very difficult for the second attack to actually hit a head shot right you can just kind of aim off to the side above the head or at the head through the Torso and very often you'll catch every one of them the third attack is actually really in the Fan's favor I think the way it lines up and because of of the angle especially that it comes in at you can hit a jump attack very easily you can drag off to the left and if the long sword's a little too low it's easy to catch a head shot you can Crouch under it and drag it over to catch limbs or body shots the best thing we can do when trying to Parry the third attack is aim high protect your head as best you can you can see here the hillt goes right through you can see it on the other screen how it goes above the sword and that's what I mean it's very easy to get above with the second attack or the third attack Crouch aim high I think is probably the best bet you can see here how we adjust and I'm trying to aim way higher right and this helps protect a lot more of the attacks like you can't just attack overhead from close space or even far away you'll have to crouch or you'll have to drag with the falion to get around it but you can see how high up we're aiming we're looking at the ceiling substantially right so but that's that's probably the best way to at least reliably Parry the head shot with the third attack aim high take the limb shots if they Crouch or aim low trade to poke after you can see torso here torso is very easy you're just aiming off to the left about a full character model uh this actually ends up protecting your head and when I watch this back later in the video I'll show you a spot I had Rdio hop on and help me look through or work through trying to find a spot for aiming that might block a lot more of our attacks from the Falin across the body from top to bottom so stick around I'll show you that later on in the video I think they're in here they go elsewhere I think they're literally in [Laughter] here leave him alone leave him alone this guy's just aiming for my feet the whole time cl's dead I close it on this dude there's one [Laughter] more keep CL I'm driving him nuts I can tell he left that's funny just minding our business man the section here is still just the same we were doing where we left off before we got interrupted with the fight blocking torso hits and then blocking some leg hits you can see how he's aiming lower on the Torso I tightened up our position closer to the body it works pretty good for blocking the Torso uh this is nice to know because a lot of people when they drag they'll won't drag straight to your feet they'll just drag low for your torso that happens often I mean you can see the G the toe Gremlins you'll tell when they're actually aiming at your feet but a lot of people will just adjust right to the lower midsection and this is a decent spot to Parry you're right off the center of probably what the chest literally the Torso of the Warlock right here your enemy and then a character model to the left and it was very consistent leg attacks you're aiming almost off screen you guys need and down at the floor right you can see here how it passes through I'm not sure if this is just server I'm not sure if this is the weapon didn't reset completely right from the recovery animation but I don't know what to say about it guys I think it's just going to happen and it's unavoidable for us as long sword players sometimes you just got to roll the punches and you got to take the hits that get through the Parry even though you're in the right spot we continued attacking the legs when we jump jumped into another round I adjust tight I trying to keep swinging at various spots on the lower torso the the upper legs I guess I should saying that lower torso you can see again here how the long sword goes right through this might be the fact that the Fan's wider at the end and catches the arm ahead of the um sour spot the thinner part of the blade catching the long sword don't quote me on it I don't know what's going on honestly it could still just be server could be recovery could be a lot of things we switch to the second attack low since this something that often happens if they if a player misses or thinks that you're pairing and they want to adjust you can see how he can aim to the right foot well our left foot and hit it pretty pretty reliably I had to adjust a little tighter you got the Crosshair off the left leg the right leg on your screen and this blocks that left attack pretty consistently now this is what I was talking about when I mentioned radio helping us earlier trying to find a spot that was consistent that parried a lot of the position on the the bot now this is just a quick playback of us swinging swinging and Swinging trying to find a spot that's pretty consistent and you can see how he hits Us in the head once the very tip the limb shots are okay there's nothing wrong with taking a limb shot the trade up on a repost trade but as we went through the motions I dialed into a spot kind of around here that I thought was pretty good it covers the majority of your head leaving open only the very tip uh we went through this for quite a while and then we found another spot even and tested it again with radio kind of Shifting around and shuffling a bit but I also tried to put a little closer to the body to try and dial in to find a more consistent position to protect more of our body right at this point unless they're literally stuffing us which they shouldn't be because you should also be moving while they're moving using this spot off the belt aiming about keep about half the enemy character model on the screen if you can or just their arm even their attacking on you can reliably protect almost all of your body it seems like from maybe under an inch from the tip of your head downward so this was super beneficial to learn from doing the editing and I wanted to make sure I shared it with you guys give this a try out in your matches and see how it works for you that's about all I got for you guys today hopefully this helps you dial in on par Andy fions a little better that weapon is running rampant right now it's damn good you know how it is but I'll catch you guys next time let me know if this is helpful and let me know which weapon you want to see it for next good luck in the dungeon guys take care and be safe and
Channel: Oggieson
Views: 5,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker longsword, dark and darker longsword block, dark and darker longsword parry, dark and darker parry, dark and darker blocking, dark and darker blocking guide, dark and darker parry guide, dark and darker longsword fighter, dark and darker blocking tips, dark and darker parrying tips, dark and darker longsword guide, dark and darker how to block, dark and darker how to parry, dark and darker parrying falchion, dark and darker how to parry falchion
Id: KV-aweJaAJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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