Dark and Darker how to escape / extract very consistently

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in this video I'm going to be teaching you how to extract from the dungeons in dark and darker now the first thing is if you actually knew how do you extract at all and in order to to do that all you have to do is wait till the Zone starts closing and once it gets to like the second or third to last ring you'll start having what's called Escape portals appear and depending what game mode drawn if you're on the three-man game mode there's also down portals which will take you deeper in the dungeon and it'll actually tell you if you're not in high roller if you're in just normal game mode uh it'll tell you the top right when an escape portal appears and so actually you know they've started appearing and they will look like this big blue stone on the ground and they'll come up out of the ground and you interact with them and then a portal appears and you jump through it and you get out now that's like the basic of how to extract but I'm going to get into more detail in this about how to extract like as far as how to actually get out more consistently either as a solo or as a team player there's Nuance to each one it's not really super simple on how to always get out and get your money and stuff but I'm gonna try to help as much as I can but right now we're in the alpha play test in February so if you're watching this in the future you know it could be different with different game modes and stuff but in the February play test uh the goblin cave is brand new and the Forgotten Castle was the old version if you played the previous play test it's the Forgotten Castle is groups of three and Goblin caves is solo so you would think it's easier to escape as a solo if you go to the goblin cage where it's all solos and from my experience uh that's actually only true in certain scenarios so uh because I know how to extract is not necessarily a simple question because the answer is different depending on what you want because I could tell you right now the easiest way to extract is to play the like as a solo easiest way to extract as a solo is to go to the Forgotten castle and play like a rat and hide in the plague but I know there's a lot of people watching who they go I don't want to play that way so that's why there's a lot of nuance I'm going to try to go through this in a lot of different ways so if you actually want to fight people and win fights and get out as a solo then obviously you're going to go Goblin caves it's actually harder to get out at least in the current iteration of it but uh if you just want to run in and actually fight people and get out as a solo it's gonna be your best bet now if your main goal is to build wealth as a solo uh once you get really good at listening to footsteps and things and getting good at sneaking around forgotten Castle is going to be actually better in a lot of scenarios because it's a lot easier to get around and there's a lot less enemies per room also getting out is going to strongly depend on what class that you are playing as so if you want to get out by playing as a rat it's going to be a lot easier to do that as a rogue or as a cleric or in some cases as a wizard and especially as a ranger it's a ranger Rogue and cleric are the easiest to rat with and then Barbarian Wizard and fighter are going to be the hardest to rat with so keep that in mind if you want to just build wealth by sneaking around and doing stuff now if you want to do it by just fighting people and winning uh biter Barbarian Ranger are all really good for just running straight into people and trying to kill them basically and then Wizard and Rogue you can get by in their own unique play styles for actually fighting so let's start off with the goblin caves to get into more detail about this so Goblin caves it's going to be nothing but solo players starts off with nine solo players and it puts you into this crazy catacomb with goblins and stuff and the trick to extracting more consistently on this one is by being aggressive it is much much much harder to extract on this game mode on the solo game mode Goblin caves it's my much harder if you try to rat in this one for a lot of reasons one is the density of enemies is way way higher so it makes it so you spend way more time killing mobs which is why what you really want to do if you can is clear rooms as fast as possible so that way you have more control of the dungeon because one of the big problems with the goblin cave at least in the current iteration this could change but even change in a few days knowing these developers but uh is that right now at least there's only three Escape portals when I made this video that'll come up throughout the whole dungeon only three will appear and so because of that it's extremely helpful to try to get control of the map as quickly as possible play aggressive and work your way in quickly so because what happens is the big problem right now is this map is multi-layered there's lots of verticality there's first floor second floor and even third floor in some places basically and so what happens is is you'll be down low somewhere and a portal will spawn down low and then uh you'll like you'll be up down low and you'll hear a portal spawn up high and when that happens then uh you're kind of just screwed if you don't have control of the situation like say this room see all these goblins in here if I haven't cleared this and I need to get through this room while there's plague and stuff going on it's extremely unlikely to happen that's why it's very important in Goblin caves to clear as quickly as possible and to get your fights with the other players over with as quickly as possible always better to have control in Goblin caves also if you want to extract and Goblin caves unless you're a ranger or a wizard I would stay away from those guys those are goblin Mages and they have this insane homing attack that's extremely difficult almost impossible to dodge for most players so generally if you see one of those that room's just a no-go unless you're a ranged class like again a ranger or you could even do it potentially as a cleric if you have the uh skill um not judgment but the other one the one that does like massive aod damage to all Undead although Donald might not count is Undead so that actually might not work but uh yeah be aware of that if you want extracting Goblin caves definitely avoid them unless you can kill them from a range because there's way too powerful to deal with all right so regardless of whether you're playing on um the solo dungeon or you're playing on the three-man dungeon you're going to want to watch the minimap at the bottom right and you're going to want to try to get towards the circle whenever you reasonably can but do keep in mind that going out into the Zone in dark and darker at least in the current iterations is not all that dangerous actually so if you need to and you have the HP to spare don't be afraid to just go deeper into the zone uh it's really not a big deal so definitely make decisions according to what's going on and get learning how to do that is something that you'll just need experience with and you'll get better with the more that you play the game another big tip for extracting consistently is try to get towards the center of the map a little bit early and the big reason for this is what happens near the end a lot of times if you sneak in is you'll have trouble finding portals but if you're in the zone when it gets about this small if you see the bottom right the mini map if you're not this small if you're already in the zone you may be actually hear a portal come up it's a very obvious like Stone grinding noise and the last major tip for getting out of goblin caves is just learning the maps once you learn all the maps you'll know where everything is so if you hear one come above you and you're like oh no the Portal's above me if you know the map you'll know how to get there and that's really one of the biggest things for Goblin caves because there's so much verticality if you hear one uh come up and you don't know how to get up to it then it's game over there's no way you're gonna get out that at that point all right so here's what a skateboarder looks like since I'm already in the zone it just popped up right in my face and uh yeah you can see the top right one person Escape portal up here this is the second one to appear and now I can get out of here successful Escape first try actually like I said it's important to try to you can play out of the zone and you don't even play in the plague but once there's only like two circles left or so two or three circles you really want to try to get into the zone so you can be the you can hear when the portals come up and you can secure them especially in gobble caves control of the goblin caves is massive for extracting consistently now let's take a look at the Forgotten Castle now this is where we have two choices either you're playing with a team or you're entering this as a solo so the way this goes is if you're playing as a team you the the absolute best way to play it if you're good enough is like how the goblin caves was if you're playing with three people or with two other people I guess uh you want to you know secure the zone you want to have control you want to clear the rooms fast you want to be aggressive and you want to have just have control as a three-man uh it's a lot harder to sneak through the plague the three unless you're like three clerics or something anyway but if you're playing as a solo then it'll be different so I don't even explain the three-man strategy for extracting consistently in the Forgotten Castle because I basically it's the exact same thing I just showed you in Goblin caves but now let's go to the ground Castle as a solo so as a solo uh if you want to just fight people you have to get insanely good at the game to be able to consistently kill three mans by yourself and get out so realistically if you're going to the Forgotten Castle to get Loot and extract as a solo it's better to play as a rat and so if you don't play as a rat it's better just to play Goblin caves assuming they keep that game mode and have everything balanced the way it is right on this play test all right so the Forgotten Castle uh so generally like I said if you want to wrap the best class is cleric Rogue and Ranger those are the best followed Maybe by like the fighter or something just because the fighter can use a bow and that that's that's nice uh and then wizard probably after that and barbarian's not really good for sneaking around ratting all that much no self-heal or anything so in this map if you want to extract consistently as a solo it's two ways to do it if you're playing as a rogue uh you can just run and do whatever you want because you can hide and that's really useful get really good at being sneaky you can run and hide you're playing as a cleric or a ranger then you want to play on the fringes of the map like where the zone is and you want to not be afraid to enter the Zone maybe if you have money you know bring a couple potions or something and then uh just take Zone damage and come in whenever you need to come in and don't worry too much about it the Zone doesn't hit super hard unless they change it dramatically um so yeah then you'll just on the Forgotten Castle you're just going to uh loot up you're gonna see the mini map at the bottom right because of where it is I'm actually if it's what I would probably do is I'll loot this room and as a solo you're going to always be listening make sure you have sound up have headset on whatever and listen for other noises and if you hear other players you want to stop what you're doing and just wait and ideally as a solo in order to escape more often in a three-man you know forgotten Castle mode is to turn off torches and stuff so that way if they do come into the area that you're in they they won't actually see you also keep in mind if you have potions on your belt they'll glow in the dark so that's actually relevant when trying to be sneaky uh in this kind of scenario but generally when you're playing as a solo and forgotten castle like I said uh you'll always want to be the one that hears them and not the opposite if they hear you it's an aggressive three man they'll come hunting for you till they find you so always always always be sneaky be stealthy take your time play slow and uh move in when you actually need to and you know you could even do things at in this mode if you want to extract more often like right now what I could do is I could uh get in a position where um I could like well this is a kind of weird one but if I Rangers can't break boxes if I wasn't a ranger I'd break all these boxes and then I would just hide like back in the corner and if they came in they'd see all the stuff broken and open and maybe they wouldn't notice me but ideally they won't even come in here and I'll just hang out like right here or another thing you can do is this door opens over this way and I could hang out here but this door is kind of close to the wall so you know but it's just be sneaky guys it's just be sneaky don't get caught don't be seen uh you can kind of peek through little like gaps like this and stuff listen for things and come in slowly take your time be careful and eventually work your way in now in this particular case I'm playing as a rain a rogue so I can kind of just do whatever I want here because I can just hide and I'll de-aggro enemies so I'm actually gonna go peek over into here it looks like nobody's been in here you can close doors behind you to separate yourself from enemies foreign that's supposed to break the door that he did that but it I think it just graphical glitched there but yeah so you can go in as a rogue and then I could just like go here and hide and they'll all just de-aggro and I'll just hang out you know rogue's easiest one for beginners to just do what I'm doing here uh clerics is a lot more about playing in the plague and listening like intensely but yeah so we just hang out back here and we can honestly if I want to I could just clear this room depending on what class I am and just loot everything and then just keep working my way in another big thing in order to extract more consistently is learning all the enemies all their attack patterns how to fight every enemy and consistently beat them learning that is really going to help you there's tricks for every single enemy and hopefully at some point I'll have time to actually make a full guide for that and then you'll be able to show you how to beat every single enemy in the game without taking damage although there are some cases where that's not exactly easy or possible depending on what class you are and what it is you're trying to kill but there's always a strategy for every enemy that at least like there's some kind of strategy for every enemy that at least with terrain advantages and things you can you force certain things so here we got the Zone finally coming in so on this particular map the way this is playing out now is uh I can actually stay in this room and be safe from Zone damage so I'm just gonna stay in here and I'm going to clear some of these mobs if I can also mob can hurt each other so they all just damage themselves make that easier but yeah so now I'm just gonna hang out here listen for other people and try not to get snuck up on and be the one sneaking up on other people and looting things and collecting money like I've already got over 100 gold worth of wealth from those throwing knives and things and I could just dive into the plague now and get a little bit more loot which I I probably will do here in a sec all right so you see our first three-man portal has already appeared don't forget you can peek through these greats in order to see what's going on in the Next Room has it been cleared or not it looks like that door on the far end has been opened so somebody has been through here so I'm going to show you a way you can beat these skeleton archers which will make it a little bit easier to extract there's actually a different a few different ways you can do it one is you can stand away and then wait for them to shoot and then go in for a stab and then wait till they shoot and then walk sideways and they'll actually from a distance they won't hit you which is really hard to do in this tight hallway or you can also hang around a corner and then come out and stab at them that's like those the film The Arch is gonna be the biggest pain in the butt for you if you're a melee class all right so uh one thing you got to do is be a little proactive if you don't hear anyone and try to clear when you can so that way you don't get in crunch time later on and then have nowhere to go basically but right here we have an escape portal but we have a skeleton Mage guarding it which is very awkward to deal with uh as a rogue in particular I don't really have much I can do what I could do in this scenario is I could just jump down and try to open the portal before he kills me with two Fireballs which I actually think I would get away with to be honest with you but uh I'm gonna try this to do I'm just gonna not do that for the sake of this video but I'm pretty sure I could get away with that actually I could just jump down as a ranger or you could just cheat and shoot through the wall like that I was gonna say he's gonna shoot himself but uh things can get a little buggy sometimes all right well either way I could Escape now if I wanted to because now I can just jump down there and I could use the skate portal just like the other map it's important to learn the map and the changes with each play test so that you can more easily navigate the map so well I could just get out now uh just for the sake of learning you can see right now where the zone is say these portals were not here and I didn't have a way out I would have to do something else now so what I would do is I would try to work my way towards the center one way or another so I can go this way and try to find a way to fight the skeleton archer or I could go the other way and try to get through the other room so in this case I'm going to fight the skeleton archer which is a really scary idea because that's a red one but as a rogue it's a little bit easier because I'm so fast if you're oh God there's a guy all right well there's another player I think it was a rogue so now I'm in a weird spot so yeah so if you're in the scenario you'd be in big trouble now so I don't know that I'd necessarily want to fight that guy so I would go this way and I would try to head around this way there he was now we're going to go this way I'm going to leave this door open and I'm going to run through here I don't know if there's spikes in here or not so I'm going to crouch walk and now I'm already almost in the zone again gotta know your rooms and this one if you go in the center a bunch of mummies spawn so you definitely don't want to go up to that big chest oh a mummy spawn so it's probably good if I clear this so that way he doesn't just come up behind me when I'm trying to sneak around so we got another Blue Portal so you see if you can just maintain Zone presence without being getting too aggressive without getting spotted then you get a lot of options in order to get out of the solos that's why in my opinion this map is actually easier to escape as a solo if you're willing to play like a rat then like your chances of Escape are very very high and it's really not that dangerous then so I'm going to open this and this will be a good example so now I grab a bunch of stuff real fast I guess someone already spawned all these mummies all right so we got a big bunch of loot jump through the portal and we're out again first try on both these runs so yeah if you follow those tips and stuff even though there's three mans out there it's really not that big of a deal like you just gotta play safe you gotta be sneaky you gotta listen keep your uh you know ears open keep your eyes open peek through doorways and stuff and just don't get caught off guard and uh it's really not that hard once you play the game enough so then I'd get back I'd look at all this stuff and uh let's see how much money that is from that run so we'll go over to the armor and we'll just sell all the random gear we got we also sell oil lanterns while the oil lanterns are worth a ton of money if you didn't know I can't even sell it all right now because I can't unequip them put these on and then seems kind of buggy right now but sell those make a deal and then go to the collector and sell all the jewelry that we got okay and then right there that was 215 gold on that run so easy it's that easy guys in order to make much money or maybe I had something from the last run in my inventory I didn't put it away I don't remember actually no I put it away yeah so it's 215 in one run so yeah if you needed to know how to extract or have you know better odds extract how to extract more consistently or just what the portal looks like if you want to know how to go down it's the exact same thing but they're red portals um but yeah so that is how to extract or Escape more often more frequently those are tips that I have for you in the different game modes different ways uh so if you watch the whole video straight through hopefully it helped you out and now you better idea of how to escape and also this video helped you out and you want to help me um all you have to do is you can just go to my steam page for art gallery simulator this is game I'm making and just wish list it it's free to wish list it for me and it'll just notify you whenever I release it in March or I might delay till April it's a good game where you get around art gallery and uh you start slums upgrade you get you know upgrade your store move things around you know buy art sell or eventually you get an art museum and stuff that's the goal for the game uh and yeah if that sounds interesting wishlist or if you just want to help me out wishlist it you don't have to buy it later it just helps the algorithms if you wishlist my game I'll link this in description of this video below the first paragraph but there you have it guys that's my tips I've played like over a hundred hours if not over 200 hours of this game you know the play test already I literally know life for the play tests so uh hopefully my knowledge helps you out and hopefully now you'll be able to extract more consistently and build wealth more easily in dark and darker
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 58,355
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Keywords: dark and darker, dark and darker escape, dark and darker how to escape, dark and darker how to extract, dark and darker extract, dark and darker leave dungeon, dark and darker how to escape as a group, dark and darker how to extract as a group, dark and darker extract portal, dark and darker how to exit, ark and darker escape portal, dark and darker escape guide, dark and darker extraction points, dark and darker extract as team, dark and darker escape portal location, best, fun
Id: wUoW3PaK_JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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