Dark and Darker - Best Rogue Perks and Skills (Solo & Group!)

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hey there dark and darker fans and welcome back to the channel today we're going to talk about the Rogue and their best perks and skills for both solo and group gameplay let's start with solo poison weapon at level 1 is your best perk by far it applies so much extra damage for free then it cannot be overstated at how good it is you're hitting for 14 damage at level one poison weapon adds four more so you're adding about 30 more damage for a single perk that is insane take it this is going to help you get through most of your PVE encounters and PVP honestly essentially the quicker that you can kill things the less likely they are to hit you back and in this game your health is your most important asset so taking something like additional damage actually helps preserve your health so poison weapon great pickup your second perk when you hit Level five is likely going to be stealth although this might not be the case in a hundred percent of the situations most Rogues are going to be running hide at this point so Addie and stealth is it is just so important to make your invisibility this much better otherwise you should just be running stealth potions or invisibility potions being able to move while invisible is so good for setting up ambushes or running away in the case of ambushes you hear someone coming you hit your invisibility button real quick and then they come towards you but maybe not right next to you being able to take those 10 steps will get you into position to make a very good opening on a player who has absolutely no idea that you are there and then in the other case when you're running away from someone and they know exactly where you are if you hit hide and you don't move they're gonna come up and start stabbing or striking the area where they saw you hide well with stealth you aren't going to be in that spot you're going to be 10 Paces away in a different corner or out in the middle of the room where they might not expect to ever have a rogue hiding so stealth is a must pick for your second perk for your third perk as a solo and for your fourth honestly this is much more open to your personal play style however there are some perks that are much better than others we'll cover those here Ambush is one of them upon leaving your stealth 50 additional weapon damage is it is good it's not a ton because remember your dagger does like 14 damage well adding 50 on top of that it does 21. okay it is good uh but there are arguments to be made for something like back attack where you're always doing 30 more damage from behind a Target however this does not it's not going to be good against PVE because PVE will always be facing you as a solo Rogue so you're never going to be hitting them from behind back attack maybe not as good dagger Mastery always doing 10 more damage I feel this one it's probably not as good as something like Ambush but if you were to take it because you like it I think that is completely reasonable however if you're gonna go dagger Mastery I think you might as well go Joker 10 more damage of you know a 20 damage weapon that's two more damage well jokester gives you two pers plus two to all attributes that include strength and for each strength you're doing one more damage well you might as well just take Joker and get the the movement speed the will you know all of those extra things that you get from having plus two to all stats thrust is a decent one because you're just doing more damage again and those would be the ones I would stick with is thrust dagger Mastery jokester back attack or Ambush as a solo Rogue there is some argument to be made for lock picking I think it's actually a very fun mastery and I enjoy taking it is it a good Mastery well if your goal is to get in and get Loot and be unseen and get out yeah then go for it but otherwise you're going to want to do more damage if you're ambushing people for PVP there is an argument to be made for double jump as well however that's very map specific if you plan on doing the goblin caves or howling Crips I probably wouldn't take it but if you're going to the ruins there's some great places where double jump is gonna make you feel like a complete boss for skills as a solo I think you just stick with rupture and hide for probably all the way up until Level 20. caltrops Cutthroat smoke pot tumbling they're just not good enough they just don't do the things that rupture and hide do these are very good abilities stick with them the only thing you might change is weak point attack when your gear gets good enough weak point attack will do or it will be more effective than rupture at doing damage rupture just does its 20 damage and that does 20 damage whether you're fighting someone who's ungeared or geared when they're geared 20 damage isn't as much right and that's why weak point attack is better at that point because it scales with your weapon damage so if you're fighting someone who is geared hopefully you're geared as well weak point attack is better at dealing with geared people then rupture is so you'll eventually want to trade that out once you hit Level 20 and have some good gear to back up the ability for group gameplay it is actually quite similar you're always going to start with the poison weapon perk because it just adds so much damage and it's going to help your your group run through the dungeon quicker as you were taking down PVE and it's going to help you in those PVP encounters massively you're probably still going to take stealth because you know honestly if you're just not taking stealth in a group it's because you don't plan on really using hide and if you're not using hide why are you in the group as a rogue you should probably just be a fighter because you're going to be tankier you're going to be hitting harder you're going to be able to be much more useful to the group as a rogue who it can hide you can be useful because you can bait other teams into you and they think it's a team of two they rush in oops it's a team of three and their wizard is already dead or their Bard's dead or the cleric now has a rogue jumping on them and can't heal so use the rogue's advantages and even though it doesn't seem like it's a great pickup for a group Rogue stealth still is I think quite necessary and then the final two perk slots You're Gonna Fill out with more or less the same ones that you would as a solo Rogue being able to do good damage I think is the Rogue strength in a party so make sure you take the additional damage perks block pick might actually be even better in a group because it gives you access to a lot of loot especially if you plan on going through the red portals and going down to Hell lock picking becomes very lucrative and your group's gonna love you for that [Music] as far as skills go I think the same applies for groups you're going to stick with hide and rupture until weak point attack becomes a better choice and does more than 20 damage and that'll be about the time you start getting greens blues and your level 20. well that's the perks and skills run down for any of the other perks and skills that we didn't really go over it's because they're not worth it do not take trap detection do not take shadowrunner do not take pickpocket some of these are good if for me mean like if you're a pickpocket and your Shadow Runner like that's a cool combo if someone discovers you and you need to get away quickly yeah that'll work but that's definitely as a meme it's not for getting into a dungeon with a group or solo and focusing on kills or I mean I guess you would be focusing on loot but I think there's better ways to get better loot other than just pickpocketing all right guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this little rundown don't forget to like And subscribe I appreciate every single one of those thank you very much in advance and good luck out in the dungeon [Music]
Channel: DryF1re
Views: 12,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark, darker, rogue, perk, ability
Id: Nt97pdAdU_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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